ترجمة القطعه : Everyone was born free and equal in dignity and rights. They all have the gift of mind and conscience so they have to treat each other with sense of brotherhood and respect. All humans have to enjoy their rights and freedoms which included in the announcement, without any discrimination as discrimination cause of racism, color, gender, language, religion, political opinion, any other opinion or even for their national or social origin or their wealth , birth or any other status , without any differentiation between men and women .
الترجمة The translation: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with mind and conscience, and they should treat each other in a spirit of brotherhood. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration without any discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, national or social origin, property, place of birth or other status, without differentiating between men and woman. ارجو الفوز من اعماق قلبي لاني فعلا محتاجة لهذا التدريب. وشكرا جزيلا لهذا الفيديو الرائع.🌼
@@Liam-10 والله انا لسه مبتدئة لو حضرتك مبتدء مثلي لسه مشوارنا طويل هو حضرتك دارس لغات اية ؟؟ علشان حضرتك تبقي مترجم اللي أعرفة ان حضرتك تكون متقن اللغات كويس جدا وكمان الحاسوب ويكون عندك خبرة دة اللي بسمعه لو عرفت جديد هبلغلك ان شاء الله ولو حضرتك عرفت بلغني برضوا وشكرا
افضل الترجمة من لايستوحشها من نقلت اليه ولا يصفها بالتحريف من نقلت عنه وهذا يلزم ان يكن المترجم ذو باع واطلاع واسع بثقافات الناقل والمنقول اليه وتراكيب لسانهما ومجاز الالفاظ والحقيقي منها ويزد على ذلك مصطلحات كل فن من الفنون وضرب من العلوم لمن اراد ان يتخصص في ترجمة علم بذاته دون الترجمة العامة ولا يأتى كل هذا في ليلة وضحاها بل يأتى بالمدوامة على الدرس والسهر في طلب العلم
بصراحة قناةحضرتك يا استاذ عمر بستفاااااد من حضرتك جدا جدا وحضرتك محترف الله اكبر انت من ضمن اكبر قنوات اللغة الانجليزية وبدعي لحضرتك دايما وان شاء الله هتوصل الي ال ١٠٠ مليييييون بجد تستاهلها بجدارة ربنا يعليك حضرتك شخصية محترمة جدا ربنا يحفظك يارب ياريت تكلمنا عن العمل كمترجمة في الشركات العالمية والشركات الاجنبية العادي والعربية والمصرية ؟؟؟ وتوجد فين ؟؟؟ وبتشترط كام لغة ؟؟؟وهل تشترط كمبيوتر ولا لا ؟؟ وكمان تكلمنا عن الترجمة الفورية ياريت وجزاك الله خيرا واية الوظائف الاخري اللي بتشترط لغات
ترجمة القطعه: all people are born with equal rights and dignity and they were gifted mind and Conscience and they have to treat each other with brotherhood. every human being have the right to enjoy all the righs and freedom that were mintioned in their post. without any discrimination like race or color or sex or language or religion or his openion in politics or any other openion or by his nationality .or his social life or his welth or his birth or any other situation without any discrimination between men or women
أتمنى أني أكون وفقت في الترجمة، وتحياتي لكم يا مبدعين ❤ Everyone is born to be freely equal in dignity and rights, and has been gifted a brain and a conscience which would make them treat each other with a sense of fraternity. For every human being there is always a merit to enjoy all his own rights and freedoms that included in this statement, without any apartheid due to a race, color, gender, language, religion or even a political opinion or another opinion. Or for his/ her patriot or social origins or fortune or birth or any other position, without any discrimination between men and women.
The translation: Every single human was born free, equal in their dignity and rights, also they endowed the brain and conscience. So they have to respect each other In a fraternal spirit. Every human being has the right to enjoy his rights and everything mentioned in his paragraph. Without any discrimination. such as, racism for color, language, gender,religion and political opinions or even any belief or the Wealth. Each one of us Man or woman has the right to live without segregation .
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and they have endowed with a mind and a conscience . And they have to treat each other with a spirit of brotherhood / forgiveness. Every human being has the right to enjoy all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration ، without any discrimination Such as discrimination based on race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or any other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or any other status ,Without any differentiation between men and women. أول واحد مترجم المقال واتمنى اخد الكورس حقيقى 😀😍
@@hisham_alsabahy The word "freedom" can be pluralized, and it's mentioned clearly in that form in the American bill of rights, besides, you can find that in any accredited dictionary
فيديو جه في وقته كنت حابب اعرف عن مجال الترجمة جداً في الوقت ده بس استفسار : بعد كورس الترجمة يمكن ان اعمل كمترجم للكتب ؟! وهل يمكن ان اعمل كمترجم ( علي الانترنت او للكتب ) في اي سن ( حتي لو كنت صغير ) ؟؟ وشكرا لكم
الترجمة : People are born free, equal in dignity and rights, and they are endowed with reason and conscience and must act towards each other in a spirit of brotherhood. For each human the right to enjoy all rights and freedoms set out in this declaration, without any discrimination on grounds of race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, national or social origin, wealth, birth, or any other condition, without any distinction between men and women.
Everyone is born free and equal in rights and dignity ,they were gifted with mind and conscience and they have to treat each other with the spirit of brotherhood. Every human being has the right to enjoy all their rights and freedom Mentioned in this announcement,without any discrimination such as racism , colour,gender,language,religion ,political opinion or any other opinion,ethnicity,social class,wealth,birth or any other condition ، without any differentiation between men and women
ترجمة الجزئية: People are all born free and equivalent to each others in dignity and also rights, Actually they were talented with the gift of intellect and conscience and they must treat each others with the soul of brotherhood. Every human has the right to enjoy his whole rights and freedom stated within this announcement with no discrimination whether it's due to their ethnicity, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion, besides any other opinion, national or social roots, wealth, birth, or any situation other than these, without any differentiation between men and women. أتمنى ان شخص بعمر الواحدة والعشرين مثلي يقدر يعملها وياخد الكورس وينجح أكثر في حياته وشكرًا لحضرتكم على عرضكم الرائع..
يجماعه بخصوص دبلومة ال AUC في الترجمة وكدا أياً كان التخصص في التراجم الي بيقدموها هيا عبارة عن ١٠ مواد اول ٤ بيكونوا ال foundation ودول في كل التراجم الي بيقدموها وللأسف ال ٦ الباقين لازم تكون متخرج الي هما مواد التخصص يعني .. سعر كل مادة ١٢٠٠ جنيه وبتقعد شهر ونص المادة الواحدة .. ولازم تكون level 12 بعد مبتعمل تحديد مستوي في الجينرال من 16 .. حبيت اوضح يعني علشان لو حد ناوي ياخذ خطوة المعلمومات دي اليومين دول علشان انا بظبط لسا علشان اخد الدبلومه دي .. بالتوفيق 🌸
All people are born free and equal in dignity and rights and they have been given a mind and conscience and they have to deal with brotherly soul together. For each person, having all rights and freedoms in this advertisement without any type of discrimination such as racism ,colour, sex ,language, religion , political thought, any thought else, home origin, wealth, birth or other differences without any differences between men and women. حبيت اشارك بس ي جماعة لو فيه حاجه غلط حد يقول
All People are born free, equal in dignity and rights and have been given a mind and a conscious and have to treat each other with brotherhood. Every human being has the right to enjoy every right and freedom in this advert. Without any segregation of race or color or language or religion or politics or any other. Without differentiating between men and women
Every body born free with the equal dignity and right ,and they got mind and soul ,and they should treat each other like brother's. All right's and freedom's featured in this declaration are guaranteed for every human without any racism or sexism. استاذ احمد متمكن جدا👁 فاهم هو بيعمل ايه وكيف يعلمه للناس 👁. انا خريج ثانوي من زماااااااان بس عايز ابقى مترجم🌹
Everyone was born free equal in dignity and rights and they had given a brains and conscience and they have to treat each other with the spirit of brotherhood . Everyhuman had the right to enjoy all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without any difference like Discrimination because of the element or the colour or gender or the language or the religion or Political opinion or any opinion,or national origin or social or wealth or birth or any other position, without any difference between men and women. I tried my best Iam in 10 grade Thanks
Everyone has born free and equal in dignity ,and rights they are given mind and conscience ,they have to treat each other by the spirit of brotherhood . Everyone has the right to enjoy all rights and freedoms in this adversiting without any racism beacuse color,sex or language or religion or political opinion or any other opinions or ethnicity or social class or wealth or birth or any other case Without any distinction between men and women
ترجمة القطعة : All people are born free and equal in dignity and rights and they are given a mind and conscience. And they should treat each other with kindness. Every person has the right to enjoy all of the rights and freedoms mentioned in this ad. Without any differentiation like the differentiation of race, Color, gender, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, national origins, social origins, finance, birth or any other aspect without any seperation between men and women.
"All people are born free. Equal in dignity and rights and they have been given a mind and conscious so they must traet each other with a brotherly soul. Every human being has the right to to have all available rights and freedoms in this advertisement without any discrimination such as discrimination because of race, color, gender, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, or national or social origin , wealth, place of birth or any other status, without any differentiation between men and women" I hope you like my translation. I really love your effort guys keep going 💪💙
السلام عليكم اخ عمر اسمي عبد السلام وانا من العراق انا اعمل في مجال الترجة مع شركة بريطانية منذ 4 اعوام دخلت الشركة وكانت لغتي ركيكة ولكن بعد اعوام تحسنت لغتي جيدآ عن ما كنت سابقآ ولكن ايضآ احس بآنني ليس جيدآ كفاية مع العلم تعلمت اللغة من الافلام والاغاني ولله الحمد انصحني كيف اطور نفسي
everybody is born free & equal in dignity.they are gifted with a mind and conscience and they should treat each other with the spirit of brotherhood. each human has the right to enjoy all th =e rights & freedoms mentioned in this Declaration without any discrimination due to race,color,sex,language,religion,political or any other opinion,national or social origin,wealth,birth or even any other status. there shouldn't be any discrimination between men and women
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and Conscience and should treat each other in a spirit of brotherhood. However, man has the right to enjoy all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration without any discrimination such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion. National or social origin, wealth, birth or other status without any distinction between men and women
ترجمة الفقرة : All human beings are born free, equal in dignity and rights and are endowed with an intelligent mind and conscience, and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, without distinction between men and women
قولولي يا شباب
انهو دَخلة فيديو احلى؟ انا ولا مورا؟ 😂😆
الاتنين أحلى من بعض 😌😌♥♥
دَخلتك طبعا يا معلم واحنا نقدر نقول غير كدة 😂😂
عمر 🤣🤣🤣🤣
مستر عمر طبعا ..سوري يا كيميا بقي دا عمنا 😂😆
انتوا الإتنين قمرر
ما أجمل المصريين أينما كانوا.
I love you Egypt.
Greeting to from Yemen.
مين كان فاكر احمد كيميا محمد صلاح من صوره المقطع 🤣💔
تعالوا هنا
اه وانا كمان افتكرتو محمد صلا😂😂
@@official.omar.abdelrahim اةوالله فعلا انا افتكرتة محمد صلاح
أنا فعلا قولت عم عمر عامل مفاجأة ل (إيڤرى بودضى) وهيستضيف مو صلاح
انا قلت في نفسي قبل أن أشاهد الفديو هذا محمد صلا ح ولا إيه!!!!!!
بداية شهرة عميد الادب طه حسين
كانت بترجمته المقالات الفرنسية الى العربية بطريقة ابداعية
موضوع استضافه شخص اخر في الحلقه موضوع ممتاز. كنت عايز ارشح الفكرة من زمان. شكرا حلقه ممتازه
ترجمة القطعه :
Everyone was born free and equal in dignity and rights. They all have the gift of mind and conscience so they have to treat each other with sense of brotherhood and respect. All humans have to enjoy their rights and freedoms which included in the announcement, without any discrimination as discrimination cause of racism, color, gender, language, religion, political opinion, any other opinion or even for their national or social origin or their wealth , birth or any other status , without any differentiation between men and women .
أظن أن حضرتك كنت تحذف relative clause (which) بم أن حضرتك حذفت verb to be يعني
أما #freedoms which were included # أو# freedoms included #على طول
شكراااااااا على هذا المعلومات القيمة اول يوتيوبر يتكلم عن الترجمة بشكل مفصل وواضح
(لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين)
٢٠١٩/١٢/٣ الثلاثاء ٢:٢١ص (ش.ع)
اول من حكوا على الترجمة ،عربيا
ما شاء الله يعطيكم الصحة😍😍😍😍😍😍
انت شخصية عظيمة جدا ي مستر عمر
بستفاد من حضرتك كتير اووي وشرف لينا والله ان حد بقيمة حضرتك يعلمنا انجلش صح غير كل الهري اللي اتعلمناه زمان
تماماً ..
أرفع لكَ القبعة 👍 "أو كما يقولون"
فيديوا حلو اوى و مهم كنت ديما بسأل نفسى ازاى المترجم دا بيكون كنت عارف ان المترجم الفورى ده شيئ واو حاجه جمده اوى طلع فعلا كده حاجه روعة
ماشاء الله تبارك الله عليكم
نماذج راقية جدا ومشرفة
Wish you the best of luck guys😍
الله انا كان نفسي انك تطلع مع كيميا ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
حقيقي مش عارفة اشكر حضرتك ازاي ع فيديو دة انا بدور فعلا في موضوع ترجمة ❤
محتاج الكورس فعلًا
جزاكم الله خيرًا
الترجمة The translation:
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with mind and conscience, and they should treat each other in a spirit of brotherhood.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration without any discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, national or social origin, property, place of birth or other status, without differentiating between men and woman. ارجو الفوز من اعماق قلبي لاني فعلا محتاجة لهذا التدريب. وشكرا جزيلا لهذا الفيديو الرائع.🌼
حقيقي شكراً الك من القلب عله هاي الحلقه المفيده وخاصاً كيميا وعمر انته إنسان جداً رائع وهواي استفاديت منك متابعتك من العراق
جزاك الله خيرا استاذ عمر بجد كنت محتاجة الحلقة دى قووووى ياريت تكلمنا اكتر عن الترجمة وشروطها للعمل في الشركات
هو حضرتك عاوزة تكونى مترجمه انا برضو عاوز ابقا مترجم لو حضرتك عندك نصايح قولولى
@@Liam-10 والله انا لسه مبتدئة لو حضرتك مبتدء مثلي لسه مشوارنا طويل هو حضرتك دارس لغات اية ؟؟ علشان حضرتك تبقي مترجم اللي أعرفة ان حضرتك تكون متقن اللغات كويس جدا وكمان الحاسوب ويكون عندك خبرة دة اللي بسمعه لو عرفت جديد هبلغلك ان شاء الله ولو حضرتك عرفت بلغني برضوا وشكرا
@@لمحبيالمنوعاتمعشيري انا لسة بدرس انجلش
ولو عرفت هبلغ حضرتك بس هل فى وسيلة تواصل اكلمك بيها؟
مَن مرّ قدرا فليُصلِّ علىٰ النبيٰ ﷺ-
حلقة اكثر من رائعة ♥️ خاصة اني ادرس ترجمة
افضل الترجمة من لايستوحشها من نقلت اليه ولا يصفها بالتحريف من نقلت عنه وهذا يلزم ان يكن المترجم ذو باع واطلاع واسع بثقافات الناقل والمنقول اليه وتراكيب لسانهما ومجاز الالفاظ والحقيقي منها ويزد على ذلك مصطلحات كل فن من الفنون وضرب من العلوم لمن اراد ان يتخصص في ترجمة علم بذاته دون الترجمة العامة
ولا يأتى كل هذا في ليلة وضحاها بل يأتى بالمدوامة على الدرس والسهر في طلب العلم
دخلت الأستاذ عمر عبد الرحيم أفضل wonderful😁😁✌
سكر اوي كيميا ده فكرته محمد صلاح
شكرا جدااا على الفيديو القيم اووي دا♥️♥️♥️
عااااااااااااااااااااااااش جدا ..الفيديو دا مفيد جدا وعلي الرغم من طوله محستش بيه..شكرا مستر عمر
تحياتي أستاذ عمر وأستاذ احمد كيميا متابعكم من السودان
شكرا جزيلا علي هذه المعلومات القيمة اتمني ان أتعلم فن الترجمة و اعمل مترجما....مشكورين..
تقريبا دى آكتر حاجة استفدت منها ع اليوتيوب ❤️❤️
ربنا يبارك لك يا استاذ عمر عبد الرحيم صراحه قناتك مفيده جدا وبتعرف تختار الأشخاص والمواضيع المفيدين لينا
الفيديو أكثر من رائع وفعلا مكنش في ولا فيديو عن الترجمه جزاك الله خير وبجد فيديو مفيد جدا جدا
الفيديو حلو ومفيد جدا شكرا لحضرتك انك بتستضيف ناس فعلا بنستفاد منها 💜✨
عظمة على عظمة
This is one of the best videos you've presented
بصراحة قناةحضرتك يا استاذ عمر بستفاااااد من حضرتك جدا جدا وحضرتك محترف الله اكبر انت من ضمن اكبر قنوات اللغة الانجليزية وبدعي لحضرتك دايما وان شاء الله هتوصل الي ال ١٠٠ مليييييون بجد تستاهلها بجدارة ربنا يعليك حضرتك شخصية محترمة جدا ربنا يحفظك يارب
ياريت تكلمنا عن العمل كمترجمة في الشركات
العالمية والشركات الاجنبية العادي والعربية والمصرية ؟؟؟ وتوجد فين ؟؟؟ وبتشترط كام لغة ؟؟؟وهل تشترط كمبيوتر ولا لا ؟؟ وكمان تكلمنا عن الترجمة الفورية ياريت وجزاك الله خيرا
واية الوظائف الاخري اللي بتشترط لغات
جزاك الله خير فعلا💕💕
ما شاء الله عليكم الاتنين أحسن من بعض
فعلا انا اوقات بقرأ حجات بالانجلش بفهمها بس مش بعرف اعبر عنها بالعربي ؟؟
وشكرا فيديوهاتك رهيبه
I really appreciate this work💝💝
Best wishes☺
ترجمة القطعه:
all people are born with equal rights and dignity and they were gifted mind and Conscience and they have to treat each other with brotherhood. every human being have the right to enjoy all the righs and freedom that were mintioned in their post. without any discrimination like race or color or sex or language or religion or his openion in politics or any other openion or by his nationality .or his social life or his welth or his birth or any other situation without any discrimination between men or women
احلى حلقة كنت محتاج هالمعلومات شكرا شكرا
أتمنى أني أكون وفقت في الترجمة، وتحياتي لكم يا مبدعين ❤
Everyone is born to be freely equal in dignity and rights, and has been gifted a brain and a conscience which would make them treat each other with a sense of fraternity. For every human being there is always a merit to enjoy all his own rights and freedoms that included in this statement, without any apartheid due to a race, color, gender, language, religion or even a political opinion or another opinion. Or for his/ her patriot or social origins or fortune or birth or any other position, without any discrimination between men and women.
بجد الخاتمة بتاعة الفيديو محصلتش حلوه اوى
ماشاء الله تبارك الله
فيديو رائع جدا جدا
ماشاء الله تبارك جزاكم الله خير الجزاء
جزاكم الله خيراً يااارب 😍😍💙💜
The translation:
Every single human was born free, equal in their dignity and rights, also they endowed the brain and conscience. So they have to respect each other In a fraternal spirit.
Every human being has the right to enjoy his rights and everything mentioned in his paragraph.
Without any discrimination. such as, racism for color, language, gender,religion and political opinions or even any belief or the Wealth. Each one of us Man or woman has the right to live without segregation .
ايه الجمال ده
انا عباقي سنه ودخل ترجمه كنت متردده اوى بس لان حبيتتتت يسلو كثير متابعتكم من اليمن
من اليمن اترجم لهم كلمة عباقي تعني تبقى لي !
@@Murad1979 يب عباقي يعني تبئ لي سنه وخوش ع قسم الترجمه لانو عندنا من سنه ثالثه ندخلها
Hello sabrin i am from yemen can we practic english togther?
@@ali-gj1pr Ok why not😍
@@ali-gj1pr thank you I don't need Y number
فيديو فالجون 👌♥️
المصريين ،،،، دمكم عسل
تحية لك من العراق
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and they have endowed with a mind and a conscience .
And they have to treat each other with a spirit of brotherhood / forgiveness.
Every human being has the right to enjoy all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration ، without any discrimination Such as discrimination based on race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or any other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or any other status ,Without any differentiation between men and women.
أول واحد مترجم المقال واتمنى اخد الكورس حقيقى 😀😍
Freedom can't be plural 🙄
@@hisham_alsabahy افتح يا صديقى موقع يوجلش واكتب freedoms وشوف النتايج ...فوق الالفين مرة
@@hisham_alsabahy The word "freedom" can be pluralized, and it's mentioned clearly in that form in the American bill of rights, besides, you can find that in any accredited dictionary
Omar we need Episode about spices please
القناة تجنن لكن يا ليت وانتو تتكلمون تكون هناك كتابة للكلمات عشان نعرف شكلها وشكرا ❤️
فيديو جه في وقته
كنت حابب اعرف عن مجال الترجمة جداً في الوقت ده
بس استفسار : بعد كورس الترجمة يمكن ان اعمل كمترجم للكتب ؟!
وهل يمكن ان اعمل كمترجم ( علي الانترنت او للكتب ) في اي سن ( حتي لو كنت صغير ) ؟؟
وشكرا لكم
كويس آوي إنك عرفت تجيب محمد صلاح عندك في القناه 🤣
هه هههه هههههه
صحيح والله 😃
You are so perfect thank you very much
ما شاء الله محمد صلاح طلع مترجم #فخر_العرب ❤️❤️
مبدددع اخي دائما وابدا
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين ومن تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين 💛😚💛
كميااااااا♥️ وعبد الرحيم ♥️
الترجمة :
People are born free, equal in dignity and rights, and they are endowed with reason and conscience and must act towards each other in a spirit of brotherhood. For each human the right to enjoy all rights and freedoms set out in this declaration, without any discrimination on grounds of race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, national or social origin, wealth, birth, or any other condition, without any distinction between men and women.
Everyone is born free and equal in rights and dignity ,they were gifted with mind and conscience and they have to treat each other with the spirit of brotherhood.
Every human being has the right to enjoy all their rights and freedom Mentioned in this announcement,without any discrimination such as racism , colour,gender,language,religion ,political opinion or any other opinion,ethnicity,social class,wealth,birth or any other condition ، without any differentiation between men and women
just wow
daamn! youre proffessional
@@failure1939 much love
@@topepicstuff8451 thanks
ترجمة الجزئية:
People are all born free and equivalent to each others in dignity and also rights, Actually they were talented with the gift of intellect and conscience and they must treat each others with the soul of brotherhood.
Every human has the right to enjoy his whole rights and freedom stated within this announcement with no discrimination whether it's due to their ethnicity, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion, besides any other opinion, national or social roots, wealth, birth, or any situation other than these, without any differentiation between men and women.
أتمنى ان شخص بعمر الواحدة والعشرين مثلي يقدر يعملها وياخد الكورس وينجح أكثر في حياته وشكرًا لحضرتكم على عرضكم الرائع..
يجماعه بخصوص دبلومة ال AUC في الترجمة وكدا أياً كان التخصص في التراجم الي بيقدموها هيا عبارة عن ١٠ مواد اول ٤ بيكونوا ال foundation ودول في كل التراجم الي بيقدموها وللأسف ال ٦ الباقين لازم تكون متخرج الي هما مواد التخصص يعني .. سعر كل مادة ١٢٠٠ جنيه وبتقعد شهر ونص المادة الواحدة .. ولازم تكون level 12 بعد مبتعمل تحديد مستوي في الجينرال من 16 .. حبيت اوضح يعني علشان لو حد ناوي ياخذ خطوة المعلمومات دي اليومين دول علشان انا بظبط لسا علشان اخد الدبلومه دي .. بالتوفيق 🌸
فيديو جميل ومفيد جدا
شكرا جزيلا
اقسم بالله بحبكم 🥰
جزاكم الله خيرا
لو سمحت يا عمر عاوزين حلقه عن الكلمات اللي زاي homeless ; antihero ; hopeless
لو فهمت قصدي وشكراً
All people are born free and equal in dignity and rights and they have been given a mind and conscience and they have to deal with brotherly soul together.
For each person, having all rights and freedoms in this advertisement without any type of discrimination such as racism ,colour, sex ,language, religion , political thought, any thought else, home origin, wealth, birth or other differences without any differences between men and women.
حبيت اشارك بس ي جماعة لو فيه حاجه غلط حد يقول
اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم
mabsot gdn 2nk get hndst 3enshams❤❤
انا اكتر يا معلم
انا خريج اداب لغة عربية وبقالى شهر فى امريكا ولحد ما كويس فى الانجليش ولسه بستكمل اوراقى ومقيم مع عيلة امريكية ...عاوز نصيحتك عشان اشتغل
ال sat بقا
All People are born free, equal in dignity and rights and have been given a mind and a conscious and have to treat each other with brotherhood.
Every human being has the right to enjoy every right and freedom in this advert. Without any segregation of race or color or language or religion or politics or any other. Without differentiating between men and women
انا الاول لكني انشغلت بالفديو 💪🤣😂
Every body born free with the equal dignity and right ,and they got mind and soul ,and they should treat each other like brother's.
All right's and freedom's featured in this declaration are guaranteed for every human without any racism or sexism.
استاذ احمد متمكن جدا👁 فاهم هو بيعمل ايه وكيف يعلمه للناس 👁.
انا خريج ثانوي من زماااااااان بس عايز ابقى مترجم🌹
Everyone was born free equal in dignity and rights and they had given a brains and conscience and they have to treat each other with the spirit of brotherhood .
Everyhuman had the right to enjoy all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without any difference like Discrimination because of the element or the colour or gender or the language or the religion or Political opinion or any opinion,or national origin or social or wealth or birth or any other position, without any difference between men and women.
I tried my best
Iam in 10 grade
صورة المقطع 😂😂🤦🏻♂️ محمد صلاح
بدنا عن البرمجة
معقوله يبو صلاح صفقات الاحتراف مو كفاية
عشان كذا حولت ترجمة
@El proffesor انت حلو؟؟؟
Everyone has born free and equal in dignity ,and rights they are given mind and conscience ,they have to treat each other by the spirit of brotherhood .
Everyone has the right to enjoy all rights and freedoms in this adversiting without any racism beacuse color,sex or language or religion or political opinion or any other opinions or ethnicity or social class or wealth or birth or any other case
Without any distinction between men and women
صحيح مش أي واحد منيح بالإنجليزي يعرف يترجم..خير دليل إسلام الجيزاوي أكتر شخص بحب أتفرج أعماله المترجمه
بليز. افيدوني عن كورس الترجمة الفري لانسر هل لسه متاح؟؟
فديو راااااااائع يسـّـّّـّلمٌوٌوٌوٌ
احسن كاميرا كاشي يا محمد صلاح
ترجمة القطعة :
All people are born free and equal in dignity and rights and they are given a mind and conscience. And they should treat each other with kindness.
Every person has the right to enjoy all of the rights and freedoms mentioned in this ad. Without any differentiation like the differentiation of race, Color, gender, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, national origins, social origins, finance, birth or any other aspect without any seperation between men and women.
ممكن اقتراحات اماكن تعمل دبلومات ترجمة في الإسكندرية
"All people are born free. Equal in dignity and rights and they have been given a mind and conscious so they must traet each other with a brotherly soul.
Every human being has the right to to have all available rights and freedoms in this advertisement without any discrimination such as discrimination because of race, color, gender, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, or national or social origin , wealth, place of birth or any other status, without any differentiation between men and women"
I hope you like my translation. I really love your effort guys keep going 💪💙
الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان ❤
كيميا صاحبك وهو بيضحك شكله زي محمد صلاح🖤🤙
منور استاذنا الغالي
لايك قبل ما المستر يقول كلمة❤💙
السلام عليكم اخ عمر
اسمي عبد السلام
وانا من العراق
انا اعمل في مجال الترجة
مع شركة بريطانية منذ 4 اعوام
دخلت الشركة وكانت لغتي
ركيكة ولكن بعد اعوام تحسنت لغتي
جيدآ عن ما كنت سابقآ ولكن ايضآ
احس بآنني ليس جيدآ كفاية
مع العلم تعلمت اللغة من الافلام
والاغاني ولله الحمد
انصحني كيف اطور نفسي
اعتذر على تدخلي بس بلا زحمة عليك ممكن سؤال
شنو المطلوب من عندي إذا أريد اشتغل مترجم في اي شركة يعني بالنسبة للدراسة يطلبون شي
لا حبي ميطلبون اي شي المهم تقرة وتكتب انكلش
@@salamimad9907 اشكرك خوية 😇 لأن رديت عليه
تعبتك وياي
Did you choose which one is the winner or no?! Can I translate it now and send it or no?!
Thanks for your efforts 💫
everybody is born free & equal in dignity.they are gifted with a mind and conscience and they should treat each other with the spirit of brotherhood.
each human has the right to enjoy all th =e rights & freedoms mentioned in this Declaration without any discrimination due to race,color,sex,language,religion,political or any other opinion,national or social origin,wealth,birth or even any other status.
there shouldn't be any discrimination between men and women
السلام عليكم. كنت حابه اعرف هل لازال استاذ احمد بيعمل كورسات لراغبي العمل كفري لانسر وفى حالة أنه بيعمل برجاء ارسال التفاصيل ولكم جزيل الشكر 🌷
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and Conscience and should treat each other in a spirit of brotherhood. However, man has the right to enjoy all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration without any discrimination such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion. National or social origin, wealth, birth or other status without any distinction between men and women
ترجمة الفقرة :
All human beings are born free, equal in dignity and rights and are endowed with an intelligent mind and conscience, and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, without distinction between men and women