스터디용으로 책을 샀다가 스터디가 파토나고 혼자 공부를 하게 되었는데요. 구성이 정말 알차고 머릿속으로 자연스럽게 문장을 생각할 수 있게 되었습니다. 주1회 회화를 하고 있는데 책에 있는 표현들을 사용하려고 노력하다보니 더 좋더라고요. 정말 정말 구성이 좋은 책이고, 혜자스러운 책입니다. 시작한지 한달 지났지만 보장합니당❤ 3회 복습, 전체 복습도 있어서 어떻게 이렇게 강의를 짜셨나 존경스러워요. 정말 감사합니다!🥰
DAY 32 15:41 1. I had to stay up all night cramming for the finals. 2. Now it’s party time. Live it up. 3. Is it OK if I invite someone to the party? 4. As long as it’s not Henry. He’s such a party pooper. 5. OK. We might as well keep it a secret from him. 6. Come on! Let’s get a move on! stay up all night : 밤을 지새우다 cram : 벼락치기 하다, 억지로 욱여넣다 Live it up : 신나게 즐기다 Is it OK if s+v : s+v해도 괜찮을까? invite to+장소 : 장소로 초대하다 (It’s Okay) as long as s+v : s+v하기만 한다면 괜찮다 party pooper (=wet blanket) : 불청객, 분위기를 망치는 사람 might as well +v : 차라리 or 어쩔 수 없이 v하는 게 낫겠다 keep it a secret (= keep it to yourself) : 비밀로 하다 Come on : (재촉할 때 사용) 어서 get a move on (= hurry up) : 서두르다
I had to stay up all night cramming for the finals. Now -is- it’s party time. Live it up. Is it OK if I invite someone to the party? As long as it’s not Henry. He _’s_ such a party pooper. OK. We might as well keep it a secret from him. Come on, Let’s get a move on.
A: I had to stay up all night cramming for the finals. B:Now it's party time. Live it up. A: Is it OK if I invite someone to the party? B: As long as it's not Henry. He's such a party pooper A: OK. We might as well keep it a secret from him. B: Come on! Let's get a move on!
출석합니다. Day 32. 1 I had to stay up all night cramming for the finals. 2.Now it's party time. Live it up. 3.Is it OK if I invite someone to the party? 4.As long as it's not Henry. He's such a party pooper. 5.OK. We might as well keep it secret from him 6.Come on, Let's get a move on!
I had to stay up all night cramming for the finals. Now, it's a party time. Live it up. Is it OK if I invite someone to the party? As long as it's not Henry. He's such a party pooper. Come on! Let's get a move on!
2022.6.16. I had to stay up all night cramming for the finals. Now it's party time. Live it up. Is it ok if I invite someone to the party? As long as it's not Henry. He's such a party pooper. Ok. We might as well keep it a secrete from him. Come on! Lets get a move on. 코치님 고맙습니다
* 미니 다이어로그 연습하기 :
* 영어회화100일의기적 전체 복습
스터디용으로 책을 샀다가 스터디가 파토나고 혼자 공부를 하게 되었는데요. 구성이 정말 알차고 머릿속으로 자연스럽게 문장을 생각할 수 있게 되었습니다. 주1회 회화를 하고 있는데 책에 있는 표현들을 사용하려고 노력하다보니 더 좋더라고요. 정말 정말 구성이 좋은 책이고, 혜자스러운 책입니다. 시작한지 한달 지났지만 보장합니당❤ 3회 복습, 전체 복습도 있어서 어떻게 이렇게 강의를 짜셨나 존경스러워요. 정말 감사합니다!🥰
24.12.16 32일차 완료
DAY 32 15:41
1. I had to stay up all night cramming for the finals.
2. Now it’s party time. Live it up.
3. Is it OK if I invite someone to the party?
4. As long as it’s not Henry. He’s such a party pooper.
5. OK. We might as well keep it a secret from him.
6. Come on! Let’s get a move on!
stay up all night : 밤을 지새우다
cram : 벼락치기 하다, 억지로 욱여넣다
Live it up : 신나게 즐기다
Is it OK if s+v : s+v해도 괜찮을까?
invite to+장소 : 장소로 초대하다
(It’s Okay) as long as s+v : s+v하기만 한다면 괜찮다
party pooper (=wet blanket) : 불청객, 분위기를 망치는 사람
might as well +v : 차라리 or 어쩔 수 없이 v하는 게 낫겠다
keep it a secret (= keep it to yourself) : 비밀로 하다
Come on : (재촉할 때 사용) 어서
get a move on (= hurry up) : 서두르다
I had to stay up all night cramming for the finals.
Now -is- it’s party time. Live it up.
Is it OK if I invite someone to the party?
As long as it’s not Henry. He _’s_ such a party pooper.
OK. We might as well keep it a secret from him.
Come on, Let’s get a move on.
1. 기말고사 때문에 벼락치기 하느라 밤샜어.
2. 이제 파티 할 때야. 맘껏 즐기자고.
3. 다른 사람을 초대해도 괜찮을까?
4. 헨리만 아니면 돼. 분위기 깨는 녀석이야.
5. 좋아 그럼 비밀로 하는게 낫겠다.
6. 자! 어서 서둘러야지!
24.12.16 32일차!
감사감사 드립니다
열심히 따라하고 있습니다 감사합니다~~😄
영어 공부하는데 정말 많은 도움이 됩니다.. 감사합니다.
반복청취하며 듣고 따라하고...감사합니다~^^
2. Now it's a party time. Live it up.
책 구입해서 공부하고 있는데 너무 도움되는 온라인 스터디에요^^고맙습니다!
오늘도 감사합니다:-)
오늘도 열공!
230617토요일 31일차 갑니다.
2회차 완료.
Day32 3회차
1. I had to stay up all night cramming for the finals.
32일 차!
암기 완료입니다^^
32일차 완료 !
day32 완료 23.04.28
A: I had to stay up all night cramming for the finals.
B:Now it's party time. Live it up.
A: Is it OK if I invite someone to the party?
B: As long as it's not Henry. He's such a party pooper
A: OK. We might as well keep it a secret from him.
B: Come on! Let's get a move on!
6. Come on. Let's get a move on.
Day 32.
1 I had to stay up all night cramming for the finals.
2.Now it's party time. Live it up.
3.Is it OK if I invite someone to the party?
4.As long as it's not Henry. He's such a party pooper.
5.OK. We might as well keep it secret from him
6.Come on, Let's get a move on!
I had to stay up all night cramming for the finals.
Now, it's a party time. Live it up.
Is it OK if I invite someone to the party?
As long as it's not Henry. He's such a party pooper.
Come on! Let's get a move on!
32일차 완료.
32일차~ 재밌습니다.
I had to stay up all night cramming for the finals.
Now it's party time. Live it up.
Is it ok if I invite someone to the party?
As long as it's not Henry. He's such a party pooper.
Ok. We might as well keep it a secrete from him.
Come on! Lets get a move on.
코치님 고맙습니다
4. As long as it's not Henry. He's such a party pooper.
이제 32강이네요. 오늘도 OK.
2:51 13:07
2019년 7월 28일 일요일 완료♥
5. OK. We might as well keep it a secret from him.
12:49 복습
아자 아자 32일
3. Is it ok if I invite someone to the party?
32 06092020
(23395/201752 ; 12 %)_ 32 day_19.11.19 완료
200119 완료여!