🔵250120🔵I Want to Start a New Chapter in My Life
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- #easywriting #ebs영어 #마스터유진 #세리나 #영어 #영어공부 #영어영작 #영어회화 #초중급영어
I Want to Start a New Chapter in My Life
♡ 핵심 표현
as 형용사 + as I am : 나만큼 ~한
》상태가 동급임을 표현하는 패턴임
뒤에 나오는 '주어 + be 동사' 는 목적어로 바꿀 수 있음
예) as I am = as me
※ as 형용사 + as 목적어 : (목적어) 만큼이나 (형용사)한 - 24.05.28 주요표현
I hope he is as happy as I am.
Are you as ready as I am for the party?
I am sure you are not as tired as I am.
♡ 핵심 단어
lately 최근 들어 ( have p.p. / have been ~ing 시제와 잘 어울림 )
joy 기쁨
thought 생각
hubby 남편
journey 여정
motherhood 어머니임, 모성
♡ 주요 표현
1. such 형용사 명사 : 엄청 (형용사)한 (명사) ※24.05.09 핵심표현
》such 는 '그런' 이라는 뜻도 되고, 이렇게 강조해 주는 역할을 하는 '엄청나게' 란 뜻도 됨
It was such an important decision.
This is such a critical moment.
2. feel 형용사 : ~한 기분이다 ※24.12.27 핵심표현 ※24.12.27 주요표현
》like 를 추가해 feel like something 이라고 쓰면, 그것이 된 것 같은 기분이란 말이 됨
※ feel like 명사 : ~가 된 기분이다 - 23.12.29 핵심표현
I feel so good!
I felt extremely tired after the party.
3. feel the same way : 같은 생각이다 ※21.02.09 주요표현
》같은 감정임을 강조하기 위해 종종 뒤에 를 추가하기도 함
I hope you feel the same way (too).
If you feel the same way, we are destiny.
♡ 어순 영작
Lately, I've been thinking about a new chapter in my life: becoming a mom.
※ have been ~ing : ~해 오고 있다 - 24.11.21 주요표현
It's such a big decision, but I've never felt more sure.
( more sure 더 확실한 )
I'm so excited about all the love, challenges, and joy that come with it.
※ A come + with B : A에는 B가 딸려 온다 - 22.07.07 주요표현
I'm going to go home and share my thoughts with my hubby tonight.
( share 공유하다 )
I hope he feels the same way and is just as excited as I am about this new journey. #motherhood
( just 딱 )
※ I hope + 평서문. : ~이면 좋겠어. - 24.02.02 주요표현
☆ 이런! 느낌
I'm hungry. I hope you feel the same way, too.
I'm starving.