Shooting Guard Ja Morant Returns with ChatGPT Apology & Schulz's INSANE Guardians 3 Theory

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @BrilliantIdiotsPod
    @BrilliantIdiotsPod  Год назад +197

    FMK: Rogan, Akaash or CTG. who you got?

    • @Lerkero
      @Lerkero Год назад +15

      1:55:05 - Charla did Aakash dirty. He killed him then called him ugly

    • @Betomustknow
      @Betomustknow Год назад +18

      Rogan tha Podfather

    • @zachjuncker8019
      @zachjuncker8019 Год назад +4

      Rohan all day Shultz my guy Brodie all love to everyone in the crew and who brings this awesome podcast to light. All love brilliant idiots. Also bring wax my guys at least for a special guest

    • @dereomiebi977
      @dereomiebi977 Год назад +2


    • @TyTy9d
      @TyTy9d Год назад +10

      F:CTG- cause he’s thick
      M:Rogan- he’s level headed/stable
      K:Akaash- most boring out of the 3

  • @akoldeng427
    @akoldeng427 Год назад +3005

    If this comment gets 3k likes they gotta bring back WAX KYNG!

  • @AP__
    @AP__ Год назад +76

    Charlamagne is OUT of his mind if he thinks music doesn't influence the mind of a young person and influence their decision making - Along WITH drugs. Music is a powerful phycological implant.

    • @bouddahlovee
      @bouddahlovee Год назад +1

      I look at it as more of a voice than an influence. We’re more alike than we realize and the music is going to reach who it’s meant to reach.

    • @mrhussain9008
      @mrhussain9008 Год назад +3

      ​@@bouddahlovee music imo, is the biggest influence within all forms of entertainment. It started with blues, then Rock n Roll in then hip hop. The artist draw on their experiences, the young fans imitate their favourite artists.

    • @RobinXlone
      @RobinXlone Год назад +6

      music only affects ppl who cant think for themselves and unfortunatley majority of ppl even adults cant think for themselves

    • @crudefredo9148
      @crudefredo9148 Год назад

      Music only influences weak minded people, the average person isnt gonna listen to a song and go do what the song say lmaoo.

  • @benblarney
    @benblarney Год назад +218

    Andrew Schulz just saying mmmm when he doesn't want to be political 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @MoreMsthanthat
      @MoreMsthanthat Год назад +22

      Especially when Charlamagne acts like a naive child

    • @Isvvx
      @Isvvx Год назад +8

      Law 1 in 48 laws of power

    • @MrToosyfa
      @MrToosyfa Год назад +5

      Yall bullied right wing Andy into never giving his political opinion 🙄

    • @benblarney
      @benblarney Год назад +2

      @@MrToosyfa i didn't know he was right leaning. I sounds more like middle right.

    • @pvtclennan
      @pvtclennan Год назад


  • @CramJohnson88
    @CramJohnson88 Год назад +285

    Alex is the GOAT at spewing out horrendously bad takes.

    • @miked8083
      @miked8083 Год назад +38

      On two shows !

    • @kennethwalker-yo1qh
      @kennethwalker-yo1qh Год назад +51

      Alex is the biggest female on flagrant

    • @ConcreteButcher
      @ConcreteButcher Год назад +22

      He’s going to be the Chris (Mr Beast) of Flagrant

    • @ckrampen22
      @ckrampen22 Год назад +10

      Burning man changed him….

    • @hussein3274
      @hussein3274 Год назад +14

      I’m convinced he’s jus playing devils advocate for the pod cuz his takes are just so damn bad. No way he believes that shit

  • @TheLastInferno
    @TheLastInferno Год назад +59

    43:20 Alex is unfortunately right. Dave Chapelle joked about how Kobe Bryant was playing for his life on that court, and Chapelle wasn't wrong; that rape charge evaporated.

    • @LzyArt
      @LzyArt Год назад +4

      He is right, people just aren't listening.

    • @RobinXlone
      @RobinXlone Год назад +2

      exactly. if u think a team is gonna pay someone 200M and then suspend him or punish him for just showing a gun and not even shooting it at anyone ur crazy

    • @BellumAngelus
      @BellumAngelus Год назад +1

      Different times though who knows what might happen now

  • @chrisrez4145
    @chrisrez4145 Год назад +42

    I got arrested at 17 for a stolen gun changed my whole life I’m 23 now been on probation ever since and still got 2 years only place that hired me was Amazon if I had a decent job offer I’d be happy asf idk what else to do this man really throwing away the bag

    • @TEM937
      @TEM937 Год назад +15

      I never got in any trouble, but at 23 I was making 50k a year at a corporation without a degree and barely making it through high school with passing grades. I did everything I could to stay away from friends when I knew they were going out, and doing stuff that could've led to something going on my record. I was doing everything I could to not mess up my career. That's why I really don't like the, "He's 23 and young" argument. You're 23 and staying out of trouble now. I was 23 and made sure not to mess up my nice little income at that time. If I had a chance to make even 1 million a year I'm not doing anything but working and watching Hulu at home. lol

    • @instalootzstore9297
      @instalootzstore9297 Год назад +10

      Alex is low key racist making it seem black men cant be mature enough to manage success at a young age.

    • @tekkadawn6685
      @tekkadawn6685 Год назад +2

      Ninjas gon ninj

    • @niles1492
      @niles1492 Год назад +3

      @@instalootzstore9297 tf how he made it seem black men can't be mature enough, he's talking about Ja and young athletes like him specifically, this has been a pattern, there so many professional athletes out here who aren't mature enough especially with so much money, Ja is that athlete but is a NBA star ( everyone knows he's dumb ... Ja just not mature enough nor smart enough for the league, he should've been but isn't)

    • @ody9931
      @ody9931 Год назад +1

      Punctuation has left the chat 👀🤦

  • @PrinceVegeta2134567
    @PrinceVegeta2134567 Год назад +109

    "That's selfish; your daughters, your wife, ME??"
    Andrew goated 😂😂

  • @byjfghgftf9359
    @byjfghgftf9359 Год назад +29

    Drew is 100% right with the drag shows

    • @ibervillezee9142
      @ibervillezee9142 Год назад +3


    • @byjfghgftf9359
      @byjfghgftf9359 Год назад +3

      @@ibervillezee9142 yuh

    • @brandonscorner9184
      @brandonscorner9184 Год назад +4

      He started off good then he said some stupid shit like people wouldn’t care if a man dressed up like Ariel from the little mermaid to read to kids.

    • @juanp2136
      @juanp2136 Год назад +1


    • @MegaDubrock
      @MegaDubrock Год назад +2

      He was the wrongest. No parent in their right mind allows their kids to do that.

  • @rogerlemus9301
    @rogerlemus9301 Год назад +57

    Charlamagne argues for 20 mins and then just coincides with what Schulz said lol. He just argues to argue sometimes

    • @Captain_Insano_nomercy
      @Captain_Insano_nomercy Год назад +9

      He's literally always been like this lol, glad people catching on

    • @16THESAINT
      @16THESAINT Год назад +11

      Brilliant Idiots everybody lol

    • @jiggaman2892
      @jiggaman2892 Год назад +3

      I’ve been saying this for years, same thing on BC. Schulz a good friend cuz he could roast Charla all episode for these weak ass arguments

  • @rreyy777
    @rreyy777 Год назад +162

    1:27:26 thank you Schulz for giving the exact reaction we all had

    • @xxspike156xx
      @xxspike156xx Год назад +29

      real shit, i was thinking the exact same thing lmao

    • @natiaamoani7846
      @natiaamoani7846 Год назад +5


    • @ShadyRay_24
      @ShadyRay_24 Год назад +26

      Someone’s gotta hit up CPS

    • @Moon-littt
      @Moon-littt Год назад +25

      For real, I immediately went to the comments after that weird shit. They love to hide it under “cultural”

    • @eduardohernandez2368
      @eduardohernandez2368 Год назад +22

      Adult humor and Adult performances are a NO GO for kids.

  • @JoeBlacula
    @JoeBlacula Год назад +78

    Whats amazing to me is how Charlemagne is NEVER wrong about ANYTHING, and has to constantly remind us that he said the exact same thing on The Breakfast Club in EVERY scenario, and at ALL TIMES!!

    • @torilanier
      @torilanier Год назад +1

      So true💯

    • @jasenvorheees282
      @jasenvorheees282 Год назад +7

      He’s a narcissist

    • @embearasedbear3694
      @embearasedbear3694 Год назад +1

      He's wrong almost all the time. Dude said he has no issue with an in a sorority. Dude thinks guns just go off... common.

    • @ThatConcha
      @ThatConcha Год назад +7

      And Mr. Andrew does the same with flagrant

    • @jasenvorheees282
      @jasenvorheees282 Год назад +2

      @@ThatConcha I love how this is your response lmao what a deflection

  • @cobeysalinas7318
    @cobeysalinas7318 Год назад +35

    1:41:24 Andrew picks a booger and wipes it under the seat after staring at it😂😂😂😭

    • @iamroyaltee6217
      @iamroyaltee6217 Год назад +2

      Had to come to the comments to make sure I wasn’t the only one who peeped 🤮

    • @Pattiecake
      @Pattiecake Год назад +1

      This is damn near every podcast! SMH 🤦🏽‍♀️

  • @ryuf2pmobile678
    @ryuf2pmobile678 Год назад +50

    Schulzy's supreme leader cut is craaaaaazy

    • @DaVinciiTaylor
      @DaVinciiTaylor Год назад +6

      Bro got the 1930s new recruit cut

    • @Augmen
      @Augmen Год назад

      The stash makes it even more hilarious.

  • @dentonvisual
    @dentonvisual Год назад +27

    Andrew dressed like an assistant art teacher 🎨

  • @jstro6208
    @jstro6208 Год назад +14

    Charla tried his hardest to talk around it but Schulz was right. Putting money in Kanye’s pocket is still being in business w him even if they don’t want to be.

    • @sharonjo7630
      @sharonjo7630 Год назад +1

      They probably have a contract to fulfill, and it's cheaper to just continue until all inventory is gone.

    • @marybutidk
      @marybutidk Год назад +1

      I agree!

  • @elnino3903
    @elnino3903 Год назад +1

    Succession rant is the goat rant about some shit that doesn’t matter 😂😂😂😂😂😂 pure passion from Schulz lmaoooo ahahahahahah

  • @3moodradio
    @3moodradio Год назад +70

    i love the way Andrew Schulz analyze things, very relatable, he could do stand-ups.

    • @cjmorton8631
      @cjmorton8631 Год назад +1

      He is an comedian

    • @elnino3903
      @elnino3903 Год назад +11

      @@cjmorton8631 🤦🏽‍♂️

    • @armandoperez3272
      @armandoperez3272 Год назад +1

      He's literally a stand up comedian

    • @3moodradio
      @3moodradio Год назад +15

      @@armandoperez3272 maaan, he should release a stand up set for free online so we can see how good he is.

    • @armandoperez3272
      @armandoperez3272 Год назад +3

      @@3moodradio I know man he should release one on youtube where it would be easily accessible through any smart device, PC, or laptop.

  • @Hotteststewpot
    @Hotteststewpot Год назад +8

    Literally almost died at that rogan marry fuck kill joke. Sir I am trying to eat and you almost murdered me having me laughing and chewing Jesus 😂

  • @KratosDaGoat
    @KratosDaGoat Год назад +20

    Whoever this producer is that took his kid to a drag show is total WEIRDO and y'all should let him know

  • @oscarjimenez9644
    @oscarjimenez9644 Год назад +6

    9:35 had me weak as hell, Andrew thought he was slick for a second 😂

  • @RayTheomo
    @RayTheomo Год назад +46

    Alex's random noises make me laugh harder than they should😂

  • @ColderThanU
    @ColderThanU Год назад +77

    Charla called Alex an idiot without calling Alex an idiot is hilarious 🤣😂

    • @MrBarkaro94
      @MrBarkaro94 Год назад +4

      Time stamp?

    • @bigswint9314
      @bigswint9314 Год назад +7

      Yea he been throwing shots the whole time lol

    • @justinwahip
      @justinwahip Год назад +6

      @@MrBarkaro94 38 min mark

    • @MrBarkaro94
      @MrBarkaro94 Год назад +1

      @@justinwahip thank you

    • @USMC1997
      @USMC1997 Год назад +3

      29 minute mark, also. 😂

  • @antoinelove1329
    @antoinelove1329 Год назад +11

    Loved Andrew's takes on Ja Morant.

  • @Jtlovesfood
    @Jtlovesfood Год назад +12

    We learned a lot about Chris this episode smhh

  • @TheEyeOfTaurusAK
    @TheEyeOfTaurusAK Год назад +13

    I know how we can settle this whole “Trans” thing….the Trans people create THEIR OWN groups. For Trans people. They don’t use the Women’s OR Men’s shit-they use the Trans shit. Trans Bathrooms. Trans changing rooms. Trans Saternities (?), Trans Swimming Teams, Wrestling Teams, etc etc. They’ll compete against other Trans people-and the BEST PART is that they can argue amongst THEMSELVES when the realization sets in that the M2F’s are way stronger & faster than the F2M’s.
    I’m sure there’s closets everywhere that can be converted into the very small spaces needed to represent the tiny % that the Trans Community occupies, and then hopefully they’ll shut the hell up about “inclusivity” and they can confuse themselves all they want with all the bizarre narcissistic pronouns that they INSIST they be called (b/c apparently “Trans” isn’t satisfactory enough for them-and hasn’t ever been an option to them, b/c they insist they be called something they’re not a part of but also insist that they be called something slightly different in order to let everyone know that they’ve taken over said group BUT also letting u know that they’re “soooo special & important”-more important than just a regular man/woman 🙄)
    SO GUESS WHAT-we starting a new movement-if they’re Trans, their “pronoun” is now “Trans” and well switch all the Unisex bathrooms for ‘em

  • @kx23753
    @kx23753 Год назад +8

    4:29 Andrew asked what the price of saying the “N” word ? Apparently 200 million if you ask Rogan…

    • @Jellyyboii361
      @Jellyyboii361 Год назад +1

      Rogan the goat

    • @kx23753
      @kx23753 Год назад

      @@Jellyyboii361 Rogan is the Elk

  • @HhsGs-n7e
    @HhsGs-n7e Год назад +31

    Saying Florida does not have a lot of immigrant might be the most ignorant thing Schultz has said.

    • @isaacalvarado2921
      @isaacalvarado2921 Год назад +2

      I agree with that most of the people on the farms are migrant workers constantly traveling to farms all over the state or country

    • @ldinero21
      @ldinero21 Год назад +2

      This podcast is getting worse they ignore facts

    • @emerf8288
      @emerf8288 Год назад +1

      I haven't gotten there yet, but would California and Texas probably have more?

    • @HhsGs-n7e
      @HhsGs-n7e Год назад

      @@emerf8288 no, Texas is used mostly as a pathfinder states , most don’t like settle there because of Texas strict laws and ability to quickly deport, California Probably

  • @merrelmj
    @merrelmj Год назад +5

    Schulz spitting facts on Chris taking kids to drag shows

  • @hgen1900
    @hgen1900 Год назад +22

    They wrote Wax off the show and thought we wouldn't notice

    • @chokemega1
      @chokemega1 Год назад +3

      Can’t shake his hand

    • @cyrick61
      @cyrick61 Год назад +12

      He was never part of the show,more like a guest

    • @antoinelove1329
      @antoinelove1329 Год назад +5

      Charla considers him a "Former Associate"

    • @remywhite4377
      @remywhite4377 Год назад +1

      Y'all do know he has his own shit right?

  • @buddhari65
    @buddhari65 Год назад +8

    I especially love the parts where you guys are looking stuff up online but don't show it on screen. Works really well to leave us OUT OF THE CONVERSATION lol

  • @PocketmonTCG
    @PocketmonTCG Год назад +15

    I think Shulz is sick of hearing Charla define insanity 🤣🤣

  • @KeishaCharmaine
    @KeishaCharmaine Год назад +23

    I wish more ppl would talk about the self sabotage that comes with imposter syndrome or not believing you’re worthy of the blessings you’re receiving. Ja is not “dumb”, I believe he lacks self respect.

    • @readyalways1414
      @readyalways1414 Год назад +3

      You might be right BIG DOGGIE 💯👣

    • @FrancoisDressler
      @FrancoisDressler Год назад +2

      Great point

    • @Shy-Money
      @Shy-Money Год назад

      Self Sabotage. Yes. Imposter Syndrome, Is afforded to someone who is like an overnight star / famous for something out of the blue! J. Morant is not that.

    • @ez6888
      @ez6888 Год назад +4

      He might be dumb as well. Dumb people aren’t all that rare, it’s a lot of em. And some of them are very athletic, like Ja. Some things are just that simple.

    • @HezzyEastside
      @HezzyEastside Год назад

      Yes!! Jon Jones talked about how he would party all training camp for his fights just so if he lost he had an excuse. Self sabotage is a real thing even if you don't consciously know you're doing it.

  • @ennnimero7809
    @ennnimero7809 Год назад +31

    The hate of Charla towards Ye is to the roof. He is now the lawyer of adidas. It’s embarrassing at this point. 🤦🏽‍♂️ Bruh you on some selfhate therapy shit.

    • @donnyj9487
      @donnyj9487 Год назад +3

      He mad because he can't do what Ye decided to do.

    • @THiZZyMcGUiRE
      @THiZZyMcGUiRE Год назад +4

      I mean Ye did threaten to end one of their closest friends. Feel like it's not unwarranted

    • @apitterson17
      @apitterson17 Год назад

      ​@@THiZZyMcGUiRE maannn it has nothin to do with Skeet lo😂 CTG been mad since ye called the breakfast club out for suckin democrat dick

    • @ceekay4649
      @ceekay4649 Год назад +4

      In an old interview, Charlamagne was telling Kanye not to launch a fashion/shoe line, instead stick to music. He was incredibly wrong as Kanye went on to make a fortune (which he then threw away)

  • @EscanorChi
    @EscanorChi Год назад +2

    When the filopian tube joke landed with Charla 😂😂😂

  • @Gfhmike
    @Gfhmike Год назад +21

    They care more about trans women than real ones now adays. Any women that supports that movement is supporting their own demise

  • @sycofya1677
    @sycofya1677 Год назад +14

    Shulz is just naturally hilarious and consistent 🤣 😂

  • @johnbookout3535
    @johnbookout3535 Год назад +32

    Chris's attitude toward kid drag shows is so typical. Pure garbage. Thanks to Schulz for bringing sanity and reason to an INSANE issue. The alphabet gang keeps showing their true motives, when will normal people say enough?

    • @embearasedbear3694
      @embearasedbear3694 Год назад

      Chirs is kinda trash

    • @HiMyNameIsEvvaaannnn
      @HiMyNameIsEvvaaannnn Год назад +2

      I’d be very concerned if anyone shared with me how they bring their kids to drag shows. Idc how normalized they’re trying to make it

  • @biancadistefano7612
    @biancadistefano7612 Год назад +28

    I know this is weird but this show helps me with my mourning sickness 😂

    • @Sandbar-Flamingo
      @Sandbar-Flamingo Год назад +3

      😂 that’s funny. I hope you and your baby are doing well 🤙☀️

    • @She2D0pe
      @She2D0pe Год назад +2

      Course it does if u enjoy the show. It distracts and occupies your mind! That's not weirdb

    • @soniadevlin487
      @soniadevlin487 Год назад +3

      Morning? Or are you sick from grief?

    • @biancadistefano7612
      @biancadistefano7612 Год назад +1

      @@soniadevlin487 both 😆 Jk I'm preggy!

    • @McKeeNJackson
      @McKeeNJackson Год назад

      @@biancadistefano7612 you spelt morning wrong

  • @late_nights_early_mornings
    @late_nights_early_mornings Год назад +7

    Schulz’ FMK response was amazing😂

  • @txbased1752
    @txbased1752 Год назад +10

    Imagine ChatGBT running for president and debating the polititions 😂

    • @2leg1t2qwt5
      @2leg1t2qwt5 Год назад +1

      That would be fire. Instant fact checks, and perfect rebuttals for every argument, backed by facts and logic, and delivered using the best of public speaking theory, psychology, and persuasion tactics. It would create a record number of 'destroys' clips to ever be made. 🤣

  • @Fine_art_aerial
    @Fine_art_aerial Год назад +9

    9:42 Andrew teeing up hoping someone catches it!! True master sometimes

    • @Arcadia6227
      @Arcadia6227 Год назад +1

      The mark of a good comedian. Doesnt matter if you get the dunk as long as the joke still lands.

    • @Fine_art_aerial
      @Fine_art_aerial Год назад

      @@Arcadia6227 Agreed!!

    @SUCCESSFULSTONER Год назад +7

    I feel like everyone is too invested into Ja Morants situation.

  • @TwinDay333
    @TwinDay333 Год назад +6

    @1:41:35 Schulz is shameless lol and puts it under the chair like we all do😂

  • @unodia109
    @unodia109 Год назад +39

    Alex is a 🌽🏀!!!! “The only problem I have is that the girls were misgendering” 🙄 N-That’s a whole MAN!!

    • @Magibatproductions
      @Magibatproductions Год назад

      The whole issue is that that "lady" had a dick lmao

    • @PlutosOcean
      @PlutosOcean Год назад +5

      Right! Women are up there detailing their disturbing encounter with this person and his issue was them calling him a man?? 😒

    • @MegaDubrock
      @MegaDubrock Год назад

      He’s a lame ass for that

    • @drowsygem6703
      @drowsygem6703 Год назад


  • @ryanbooker9697
    @ryanbooker9697 Год назад +1


  • @markofisaiah1449
    @markofisaiah1449 Год назад +5

    Rappers and athletes have not always wanted to be each other. That started with Allen Iverson. Michael Jordan and Pac were both bald but never tried to emulate one another.

  • @Speenzoidotron
    @Speenzoidotron Год назад +1

    Posing with a rifle on a hunting trip is completely different.
    It’s about the purpose and intent. What’s the purpose of the hunting rifle? What’s the intent when using it?
    What’s the purpose or intent of a handgun?
    If the hunter is playing music in the woods about slaughtering deer… shouldn’t the deer not be cool with that?
    Ja is riding around listening to music about killing humans while playing with a tool that kills humans, in the middle of where all the humans live…. It’s completely normal to not want to see that in your environment
    The hunter isn’t a threat to you

  • @ZayBucket
    @ZayBucket Год назад +5

    Turn that light down y'all🤣 Charla head is gleaaaammmminggg

  • @ZiggaBIZ
    @ZiggaBIZ Год назад

    1:39:00 I wish this were true... but it could not be more untrue. When you try to bring up that drag queens don't do sexual things at Drag Queen Story Hour so why are they against it, they just pivot to "But it NORMALIZES drag queens & confuses kids & blah blah blah." the thing they don't like... is the drag part. They don't care about what they are doing cuz just BEING a drag queen is degenerate to them. If u don't think anything is wrong with being gay or a drag queen, and they aren't doing anything sexual around the kids, why do you care about normalizing Drag Queens? And if you think just seeing a Drag Queen would MAKE someone gay, then your implying if you saw a bunch of gay people.... YOU would also become gay. IDK about u, but no matter how many times I see gay people kissing, it doesn't make me gay. Obviously. And the same with gay people; no matter how many times they see straight people kissing (A lot more than we see gay people doing the same) it doesn't make them straight. That's not how it works. That's why the people mad at drag queens reading to kids don't really care about SEXUAL things happening with straight people around kids... constantly. The internet being the obvious example. If they were really ONLY upset at the content, they'd be just as up in arms about children going to weddings & seeing two straight people kissing as they are when two gay people kiss on TV... but they aren't. Its just reactionary BS based in homophobia. I know your trying to empathize with WHY they are being reactionary & homophobic... but it comes off like you agree with them or that u think its understandable to be reactionary & homophobic.

  • @chiefnama790
    @chiefnama790 Год назад +5

    The most braindead argument: "because the Internet is SO much worse than dragshows, don't worry about them"🙄
    How about worrying about ALL sexual content being exposed to our kids. That's such a goofy strawman argument.

  • @brandonscorner9184
    @brandonscorner9184 Год назад +1

    Why are they trying unsexualize Drag Queens, it’s a kink. Why are people expressing their kinks outside of their homes and in children’s schools. This is how you lose the middle.

  • @juanp2136
    @juanp2136 Год назад +7

    Had my comment deleted. I'll say this: Chris and Alex are wrong AF.

  • @hugovite6937
    @hugovite6937 Год назад +1

    Andrew hair cut looks like he got up 2 min into it

  • @Arcadia6227
    @Arcadia6227 Год назад +9

    1:46:39 Charla killed me with the porcelain joke

    • @chewie525
      @chewie525 Год назад +2

      I came looking for this exact time stamp

  • @anansison7237
    @anansison7237 Год назад +2

    Chris saying drag queens in school is ok cause the internet is worse is why the world is falling apart

  • @wordss08
    @wordss08 Год назад +5

    At the good ol 9-5 but this makes it better. shout out to all in a cubicle right now watching this. stay up

  • @Ragnheiour_Olafurdottier111
    @Ragnheiour_Olafurdottier111 Год назад +2

    I love how Andrew tried to make this N word comparison as if it hadn't already happened with MORGAN WALLEN. His sales went through the roof by supporters so he donated the money that he gained from this scandal to black organizations. He also educated himself he did the right thing and truly meant no harm yet still took responsibility as a MAN

  • @vancorona9667
    @vancorona9667 Год назад +5

    So based on this episode, Andrew will definitely be cast in the next season of Succession

    • @elnino3903
      @elnino3903 Год назад +1

      FFS your not wrong 😂

  • @Turtbeatxbukix
    @Turtbeatxbukix Год назад +4

    In my early 20s I was raising a child not clout chasing flashing guns. Just saying the early 20s immaturity thing is bs.

    • @johnwinchester6934
      @johnwinchester6934 Год назад

      Not when society has been teaching and telling children that the bad choices they make are due to collective societal ills and that personal accountability is wrong. We are eliminating standardized testing and AP courses in schools nation wide for concepts like "equitable outcomes" aka everyone succeeds regardless of effort or personal decisions. This is also happening in criminal justice when you see 17 year olds being arrested 28 times for car jackings with 0 consequences.

  • @sherifferuks
    @sherifferuks Год назад +1

    Charla with his best Morris Chestnut look on the thumbnail

  • @shamaryedwards.4321
    @shamaryedwards.4321 Год назад +3

    Schulz needs to watch the show.

  • @BigBearTheKJ
    @BigBearTheKJ Год назад +4

    CTG needs to cool it on betting his mouth 😂😂😂😂.. One day he’ll lose the bet !!!!

  • @kryptonite9804
    @kryptonite9804 Год назад +4

    1:31:35 is Andrew's comedic timing at its best

  • @iwantmoney1239
    @iwantmoney1239 Год назад +1

    Charla saying “this era” and “this generation” gets under my skin. Like athletes and celebrities havent been doing dumb shit and getting in trouble since forever ago🤦🏾‍♂️. Macauly Culkin, Ray Rice, Bobby Lane, Ray Lewis had a MURDER charge, he literally just spoke about Plexico Burress, Laurence Taylor was a crackhead and stayed in trouble, the Dad from Duck Dynasty is like 80 years old. Dont say its just this generation and era lacks discipline. The list of bullshit from people in a similar position ass Ja goes on and on across ALL GENERATIONS

  • @ShadyRay_24
    @ShadyRay_24 Год назад +3

    The fact they accept that drag show shii for kids just a little is very disappointing

  • @kingcapital26
    @kingcapital26 Год назад +1

    Schulz that cut is crazy

  • @yurielcundangan9090
    @yurielcundangan9090 Год назад +3

    Schulz Still recovering from the Nuke last week

  • @SonOfAnders
    @SonOfAnders Год назад +2

    Another great episode, love this podcast! and re what Charlemagne said @~58 min, a case could be made this is exactly how capitalism works. The race for efficiency to beat market prices drives technological innovation, but this also unfortunately leads to job changes and machine replacement. This pattern can be seen all the way back to dawn of Industrial Revolution, which coincided with major shift from mercantile to capitalist economies, where artisan guilds began fighting to curb the growing industries like textile manufacturing, which was starting to use looms, steam engines, to replace hand weaving… but, I could be wrong

  • @byjfghgftf9359
    @byjfghgftf9359 Год назад +12

    “She was fully erect” hahah but it’s a girl right? What’s wrong with this world

    @KING_PHILLIP Год назад +2

    That fallopean tube joke- holy *shit* 😂

  • @phrandomcatvideos
    @phrandomcatvideos Год назад +13

    Ja being the best Shooting Guard, besides basketball.

  • @TheeChronicle
    @TheeChronicle Год назад +1

    47:17 what he say? George soros 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @chaoticdog85
    @chaoticdog85 Год назад +14

    Ayo Schultz is in rare form on his succession rant😂😂😂😂

  • @julicoole
    @julicoole Год назад

    "I think the sun is setting" lmfaoooo

  • @Dyswtric2001
    @Dyswtric2001 Год назад +11

    Alex needs to stop comparing Ja to regular situations and normal Joe Blows. As soon as he was drafted, he is making more money than 99.99% (made that up but I bet it is true) in the world.

    • @Captain_Insano_nomercy
      @Captain_Insano_nomercy Год назад +6

      Alex is the emperor of bad takes

    • @Dyswtric2001
      @Dyswtric2001 Год назад +2


    • @Danny0213
      @Danny0213 Год назад +1

      Nike dropped his shoes after this podcast 😂😂😂😂

  • @trentflitcroft1762
    @trentflitcroft1762 Год назад +1

    Why charmalagne gotta think his opinion is always the right one

  • @viltheegr8334
    @viltheegr8334 Год назад +14

    CTG making excuses not suck 🥩 🥩

  • @onlyme8724
    @onlyme8724 Год назад +1

    These are the best 🧦 ever. IJS

  • @MrMoniebanks
    @MrMoniebanks Год назад +37

    Chris making it seem like we can’t be worried about the internet and drag shows for kids at the same time.

    • @Grinchillah
      @Grinchillah Год назад +10

      Shouldn’t be worried about “drag shows for kids” that’s not what’s happening, maybe read a bit more?

    • @niles1492
      @niles1492 Год назад +6

      drag shows for kids??? I heard there was a kid at a drag show, which is weird as hell but drag show for kids??? when did this happen?

    • @MrMoniebanks
      @MrMoniebanks Год назад +4

      I’m sorry. Perhaps I should have said “kids being allowed to attend drag shows” so simple minded people could focus on the issue at hand which is “kids attending drag shows”

    • @DeShawnMcDonald
      @DeShawnMcDonald Год назад +1

      @Dominique Banks these people don't understand things as simple as man or woman your gonna have to dumb it down for them lol

    • @Grinchillah
      @Grinchillah Год назад +1

      @@DeShawnMcDonald hey, question, how do you tell when to say ma’am or sir when you address people at a grocery store? It probably has something to do with how they look huh?
      Gender is a social thing we kinda made up, why do you think we swaddle baby boys in blue and girls in pink? Do you think blue is more soothing to baby boys or wouldn’t you agree that we made that shit up?
      Sex is biological, gender is purely a social construct and you don’t need to know what’s in someone’s pants. You being transphobic is the same as being homophobic.

  • @cantbelieveit5590
    @cantbelieveit5590 Год назад +2

    Trans reading in schools is just weird shit. No debates. WEIRD SHIT

  • @lilmario0
    @lilmario0 Год назад +3

    Damn Chris seemed like such a sensible man before this episode.😢

  • @rampage1639
    @rampage1639 Год назад +9

    Andrew got friends the nba and was surprised CTG had some too 😂😂💀

  • @IdiaOgala
    @IdiaOgala Год назад +2

    Al gotta stop man… Youngest player in the league is 19. Age can’t be the excuse at this level

  • @kb-hk5co
    @kb-hk5co Год назад +12

    Charlamagne need to stop betting his mouth because he keep losing and moving the goal post

  • @kylereis7794
    @kylereis7794 Год назад +2

    The guy on the pod cast that took his kids to a drag show is a wild boy

  • @NahhIbe
    @NahhIbe Год назад +19

    Y’all are really the reason why I look forward to the week 😂

  • @fabersoul
    @fabersoul Год назад

    59:50 what's with the man spreading bro?

  • @johnny7925
    @johnny7925 Год назад +5

    Still waiting for Alex to have a good take…..

  • @MiguelRodriguez-fq7lu
    @MiguelRodriguez-fq7lu Год назад +1

    A Lannister always pays their debt lmfao

  • @clipsets215
    @clipsets215 Год назад +11

    Charla never wanna hold his end of the bargain 🤦🏽‍♂️

  • @ariesqueen7493
    @ariesqueen7493 Год назад +1

    Alex @9:45 “oh really “😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @JohnSmith-vi7fb
    @JohnSmith-vi7fb Год назад +12

    The only thing I have an issue with when it comes to this “brilliant” podcast, which it definitely is and I watch it religiously, is how obviously biased Chris is on so many topics and refuses to admit when he’s way of thinking on any particular subject is way off the mainstream view of ordinary people! Alex has those tendencies as well but Schulz and Charlemagne call it out most of the time

  • @Ty-Mirrors
    @Ty-Mirrors Год назад +1

    Nike dropped Ja when this podcast was recorded

  • @Cynnscity
    @Cynnscity Год назад +11

    We appreciate and support you anywhere you go CTG ❤

  • @edgarradillo7176
    @edgarradillo7176 Год назад +2

    Charlemagne would’ve hated AI so much if he was this version of himself in that era and he wouldn’t believe it if AL would tell him because this generation can’t know anything

  • @jeffersongarcia4281
    @jeffersongarcia4281 Год назад +6

    Yes 2hrs of these 2 to help with a 12 hour shift

  • @chadstarkey9172
    @chadstarkey9172 Год назад

    Carrying a gun while intoxicated is illegal. Misdemeanor.

  • @Siv-r3q
    @Siv-r3q Год назад +8

    We need one BIG PAUSE.. For this entire episode😂

  • @seankoons2023
    @seankoons2023 Год назад +1

    34:13 Latarian Milton
    “It’s fun to do bad things”