aww thanks!! and i feel you i use to not care when i watched cash stuffings but once i actually started cash stuffing myself, its a sensory thinggg i swear hahah
New subscriber her! I’ve been 3’months cashtuffing and I couldn’t be happier. I have benn also on youtuve journey for 3 months and I reached 978 subbies and 5K hours, I still can’t believe it. !! Thank you for your video and letting us learn from you also. Lovely cashtuffing! Your placeholders are beautiful, I also design mines. Greetings from Barcelona! 🌸
Trying to decide on which high yield savings account I should go with because I’ve seen examples but which ones do you all like and why? I’m starting one soon because I like that it accrues interest ❤ love your vids girl.
ive only ever had two! i like ally because you can split your savings into different buckets. however for the highest interest, i used to find smaller banks that offer 5.25% apy and higher. the only thing i dislike is that they dont have an app so its not as accessible or convenient
I love your videos. I think I might be the only one who doesn't worry about whether a bill looks nicer 😂
aww thanks!! and i feel you i use to not care when i watched cash stuffings but once i actually started cash stuffing myself, its a sensory thinggg i swear hahah
Your blank and white binder is adorable
You forgot to write down the $200 going back to the bank for health
yes also the travel If I am not mistaken
New subscriber her! I’ve been 3’months cashtuffing and I couldn’t be happier. I have benn also on youtuve journey for 3 months and I reached 978 subbies and 5K hours, I still can’t believe it. !! Thank you for your video and letting us learn from you also. Lovely cashtuffing! Your placeholders are beautiful, I also design mines. Greetings from Barcelona! 🌸
Yayyyy. This was soo satisfying to watch 😍😍🥹 I also love crispy bills haha. Your placeholders are so gorgeous and great quality! Love them so much 💎
thanks so much!! so glad you love the golden dollar bills 💕🥹
That was such a satisfying video, I absolutely love cash condensing and yours are always so fun! 💎💙
thank you i absolutely love reading your comments 🤧
@@TheGoldenDollarOfficial you’re the sweetest oh my god ❤️ I’m always looking forward to when you post
New supporter here from budgeting community to support you on your journey
Great video 🤍 Maybe think about creating $300 placeholders as well so the $100’s don’t become so bulky! ✨
thank you!! i hear you ❤️
I love your setup! Simple but very pretty❤, New Subbie 👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾
welcome 🤍 thanks for watching
Trying to decide on which high yield savings account I should go with because I’ve seen examples but which ones do you all like and why? I’m starting one soon because I like that it accrues interest ❤ love your vids girl.
ive only ever had two! i like ally because you can split your savings into different buckets. however for the highest interest, i used to find smaller banks that offer 5.25% apy and higher. the only thing i dislike is that they dont have an app so its not as accessible or convenient
great condensing video ❤
Great condensing 💎
thank you ☺️🤍
Awesome condensing ❤
Soooo satisfying to watch 🤤🩷💸
Girl I am the same with picking the nicest bills to keep in my envelopes 😂✨
thank you!! and yes always the pretty bills 💸
Great cash condensing
this was soooo satisfying ✨✨🫶🏼
thank you 💗
Nice cash condensing 😊
Love these videos ❤❤❤
its my fav to film 😉
💎 Great video
That was fun 💎
New Subscriber here!!!! Awesome video!!
welcome 🤍🤍🤍
you forgot to write down the $200 for both holiday and health 💎
thank you for flagging!! i caught that after 🤍
thanks for always watching ☺️♥️
💎 💵💎