I used to work at a 7/11. The number of tickets thrown away that wete actually winners would astound you. Homeless people would go through the discarded ones and scan them to see if someone may have overlooked something. Always scan your ticket before you throw it out.
I used to work at a 7/11. The number of tickets thrown away that wete actually winners would astound you. Homeless people would go through the discarded ones and scan them to see if someone may have overlooked something. Always scan your ticket before you throw it out.
I always enjoyed your videos. Been watching for years!!
No way! Ike! You're doing scratch tickets again? I never thought I'd see a lottery video from you again.
nice card. we have not had a poker ticket here in many years, i have missed those
hello sir are you buying Powerball lottery ticket for upcoming draw
Thought you won $150k for a second, next time
I have a ticket but don’t know if I win anything because I can’t play poker
send me photos of Powerball lottery tickets after buying
hello sir can you send me Powerball lottery tickets of previous draw
well you tried