at first glance with the cast you'd think this is BNHA with Uchiyama Kouki being mentioned and shown on the screen, then seeing Okamoto Nobuhiko and Yamashita Daiki-- holy crap. I didn't check the cast that much so I didn't recognize Nobu and Daiki so I was a bit stunned. It only reminds me just how good these pros are
All 3 were in JoJo as well. Yamashita and Okamoto voiced Narancia and Ghiaccio respectively in Part 5 and ASBR (succeeding Yuko Sanpei and Tatsuhisa Suzuki from previous games), while Uchiyama voiced Ikuro/Baoh in both versions of ASB.
i wonder if he gonna use his usui voice for sengoku. i cant wait for his appearance on episode 2. also his chemistry with daiki is so fun to watch, as expected from being deku and kacchan 🤣, they have grown close
Nobuhiko, Kouki and Daiki in the same video 😍😍😍 Nobuhiko and Kouki are my 2 favorites seiyuu but I really love the bond between Daiki and his senpai Nobuhiko 🥰😁
Thank you so much for subbing this!! 🙏 I’ve been wanting to watch the Horimiya specials, especially the one with Nobu-san, but all of them are region locked 😭 This makes me even more excited to hear him voice Sengoku~
bakugou bullying deku in every universe 🤣
i love that lmaoo
Nobu is one of those voice actors that gets super defensive over his characters 😂😂😂 and I love him for it! ❤️
Noya-san asking tsuki to praise him hahaha
Bakugo, stop bullying Deku for 5 seconds challenge
I suddenly remember that Noragami event where FukuJun also did this😂
Nobu always said
Ucchi is always in background,doesn't talk much.
so I talk(or ask something) to him in the event(or a show) .
To let him talk.
kon *z -only upload about nobu what
That sentence is really confusing and it barely made sense. Can you rephrase it so we can help with your question?
Thank you. I changed the sentence, now.
I hope It's right…
maybe you mean Nobu noticed Ucchi being quiet in these kind of events, so he'll try to interact with Ucchi so he's more engaged?
at first glance with the cast you'd think this is BNHA with Uchiyama Kouki being mentioned and shown on the screen, then seeing Okamoto Nobuhiko and Yamashita Daiki-- holy crap. I didn't check the cast that much so I didn't recognize Nobu and Daiki so I was a bit stunned. It only reminds me just how good these pros are
All 3 were in JoJo as well. Yamashita and Okamoto voiced Narancia and Ghiaccio respectively in Part 5 and ASBR (succeeding Yuko Sanpei and Tatsuhisa Suzuki from previous games), while Uchiyama voiced Ikuro/Baoh in both versions of ASB.
i wonder if he gonna use his usui voice for sengoku. i cant wait for his appearance on episode 2. also his chemistry with daiki is so fun to watch, as expected from being deku and kacchan 🤣, they have grown close
Bakugo, Deku, and Shigaraki Tomura. Also Tsukki and Noya-san
Nobu and Daiki are the cutest duo 😂❤
Nobuhiko, Kouki and Daiki in the same video 😍😍😍
Nobuhiko and Kouki are my 2 favorites seiyuu but I really love the bond between Daiki and his senpai Nobuhiko 🥰😁
What the hell Okamoto is 34 and daiki is 31 they look 15 to 17
Uchi give me a compliment! Hahahah 😂
The loml asking the other loml to praise him PERFECT!
Nobu, Uchi AND FukuJun! Seems like a dream come true!
I love Nobu soooo much! He is so funny and loud, I can't 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💜💜💜💜💜
0:48 Ucchi! Give me a compliment! Aw xD
They are all so cute especially uchii
Ucchi, please compliment me, how cute, love you nobu 😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️
Love Daiki and Nobu's dynamics 😁🥰 Also, long haired and ikemen voice FukuJun is 😍
Thank you so much for subbing this!! 🙏 I’ve been wanting to watch the Horimiya specials, especially the one with Nobu-san, but all of them are region locked 😭 This makes me even more excited to hear him voice Sengoku~
Lmaooo fukujun in the thumbnail!!
Bakugo asking Shigaraki praises
Finally u back !
I missed youuuu !
Bc it'll take long to wait for BNHA season 5, I will watch Hormiya
Okamoto ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
He is so cute kzhabaka
the bless reunion mha seiyuu in horimiya😂😂
Akhirnya uplod video lagi~~~~
Thanks kon*z san~~~
3 anime crossovers lmao bnha x horimiya x jojo 😂
Where can I know the full event with eng sub?🥺
Where can I watch this? >_