[Seiyuu]Nobuhiko Okamoto, Daiki Yamashita and Kouki Uchiyana [Horimiya]

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 38

  • @bazhonka
    @bazhonka 3 года назад +345

    bakugou bullying deku in every universe 🤣

  • @_ray_4
    @_ray_4 4 года назад +231

    Nobu is one of those voice actors that gets super defensive over his characters 😂😂😂 and I love him for it! ❤️

  • @kiarraanne2396
    @kiarraanne2396 4 года назад +151

    Noya-san asking tsuki to praise him hahaha

  • @_ray_4
    @_ray_4 4 года назад +309

    Bakugo, stop bullying Deku for 5 seconds challenge

  • @kei_027
    @kei_027 4 года назад +97

    I suddenly remember that Noragami event where FukuJun also did this😂

  • @konz-onlyuploadaboutnobu157
    @konz-onlyuploadaboutnobu157  4 года назад +99

    Nobu always said
    Ucchi is always in background,doesn't talk much.
    so I talk(or ask something) to him in the event(or a show) .
    To let him talk.

    • @sfyzh
      @sfyzh 4 года назад +1

      kon *z -only upload about nobu what

    • @sr7283
      @sr7283 4 года назад +2

      That sentence is really confusing and it barely made sense. Can you rephrase it so we can help with your question?

    • @konz-onlyuploadaboutnobu157
      @konz-onlyuploadaboutnobu157  4 года назад +2

      Thank you. I changed the sentence, now.
      I hope It's right…

    • @starryeyed6659
      @starryeyed6659 3 года назад +13

      maybe you mean Nobu noticed Ucchi being quiet in these kind of events, so he'll try to interact with Ucchi so he's more engaged?

  • @jmsantos1317
    @jmsantos1317 3 года назад +53

    at first glance with the cast you'd think this is BNHA with Uchiyama Kouki being mentioned and shown on the screen, then seeing Okamoto Nobuhiko and Yamashita Daiki-- holy crap. I didn't check the cast that much so I didn't recognize Nobu and Daiki so I was a bit stunned. It only reminds me just how good these pros are

    • @SerpentHashiraObanaiIguro
      @SerpentHashiraObanaiIguro Год назад +1

      All 3 were in JoJo as well. Yamashita and Okamoto voiced Narancia and Ghiaccio respectively in Part 5 and ASBR (succeeding Yuko Sanpei and Tatsuhisa Suzuki from previous games), while Uchiyama voiced Ikuro/Baoh in both versions of ASB.

  • @大野萌歌
    @大野萌歌 Год назад +9


  • @bubbleberry7777
    @bubbleberry7777 4 года назад +64

    i wonder if he gonna use his usui voice for sengoku. i cant wait for his appearance on episode 2. also his chemistry with daiki is so fun to watch, as expected from being deku and kacchan 🤣, they have grown close

  • @neutonjohnbersabal7094
    @neutonjohnbersabal7094 3 года назад +51

    Bakugo, Deku, and Shigaraki Tomura. Also Tsukki and Noya-san

  • @LaBichu_
    @LaBichu_ 2 месяца назад +1

    Nobu and Daiki are the cutest duo 😂❤

  • @excrim2
    @excrim2 2 года назад +22

    Nobuhiko, Kouki and Daiki in the same video 😍😍😍
    Nobuhiko and Kouki are my 2 favorites seiyuu but I really love the bond between Daiki and his senpai Nobuhiko 🥰😁

  • @kiruazoldycku7630
    @kiruazoldycku7630 3 года назад +55

    What the hell Okamoto is 34 and daiki is 31 they look 15 to 17

  • @_ray_4
    @_ray_4 4 года назад +25

    Uchi give me a compliment! Hahahah 😂
    The loml asking the other loml to praise him PERFECT!
    Nobu, Uchi AND FukuJun! Seems like a dream come true!

  • @Lorelorgar
    @Lorelorgar 3 года назад +16

    I love Nobu soooo much! He is so funny and loud, I can't 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💜💜💜💜💜

  • @harisa09
    @harisa09 3 года назад +8

    0:48 Ucchi! Give me a compliment! Aw xD

  • @aobaevergreen1147
    @aobaevergreen1147 4 года назад +13

    They are all so cute especially uchii

  • @zeinabibrahim
    @zeinabibrahim 4 года назад +16

    Ucchi, please compliment me, how cute, love you nobu 😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️

  • @和実ゆい
    @和実ゆい 2 года назад +8


  • @shikiynah07
    @shikiynah07 Год назад +4

    Love Daiki and Nobu's dynamics 😁🥰 Also, long haired and ikemen voice FukuJun is 😍

  • @purplestarlight4ever
    @purplestarlight4ever 4 года назад +16

    Thank you so much for subbing this!! 🙏 I’ve been wanting to watch the Horimiya specials, especially the one with Nobu-san, but all of them are region locked 😭 This makes me even more excited to hear him voice Sengoku~

  • @amanto4406
    @amanto4406 2 года назад +2

    Lmaooo fukujun in the thumbnail!!

  • @andreaysabelcigaranquispe257
    @andreaysabelcigaranquispe257 2 года назад +6

    Bakugo asking Shigaraki praises

  • @cheesecakecoffee5161
    @cheesecakecoffee5161 4 года назад +7

    Finally u back !
    I missed youuuu !

  • @dominique4524
    @dominique4524 4 года назад +9

    Bc it'll take long to wait for BNHA season 5, I will watch Hormiya

  • @nadaal9965
    @nadaal9965 2 года назад +3

    Okamoto ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

  • @Kagsmilksupply
    @Kagsmilksupply 4 года назад +5

    He is so cute kzhabaka

  • @saiyidahnajihah1633
    @saiyidahnajihah1633 3 года назад +3

    the bless reunion mha seiyuu in horimiya😂😂

  • @035ghinayatulmayyadah5
    @035ghinayatulmayyadah5 4 года назад +1

    Akhirnya uplod video lagi~~~~
    Thanks kon*z san~~~

  • @shikiynah07
    @shikiynah07 Год назад +3

    3 anime crossovers lmao bnha x horimiya x jojo 😂

  • @e_shima
    @e_shima 2 года назад +1

    Where can I know the full event with eng sub?🥺

  • @-_-....._---_
    @-_-....._---_ 4 года назад +2

    Where can I watch this? >_