Ressurecting the Mammoth - Ben Lamm & lEriona Hysolli - GLEX Summit 2022

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Ressurecting the Mammoth
    Ben Lamm - CEO and Founder, Colossal
    Eriona Hysolli - Head of Biological Sciennces, Colossal

Комментарии • 50

  • @rodbihari8799
    @rodbihari8799 Год назад +8

    better idea is to save our elephants and their habitat before we need to resurrect them too.

  • @armyman29340
    @armyman29340 Год назад +1

    What about introductive cloning?

  • @LanceisLawson
    @LanceisLawson 7 месяцев назад +1

    Today the Wolly Mammouth....tomorrow T-Rex. Then we can create new truly intelligent humans.

  • @robin3487
    @robin3487 Год назад +1

    I saw it coming when i was a child. I watched the Pokemon Movie!

  • @joaomanoelalmeida
    @joaomanoelalmeida Год назад

    como vao crona o tigre detes de sabre

  • @avdkmusic
    @avdkmusic Год назад

    Lets get rid of cows and bring back wooly mammoth.. .. ok.. can you say money grift

  • @Kenny-bj2zq
    @Kenny-bj2zq Год назад +6

    I think this is great I am hoping they will be able to do this in my life time

    • @KevinSamuelsKid
      @KevinSamuelsKid Год назад +1

      I heard that first mammoth will be birthed by the end of 2024.

    • @ryanroad1646
      @ryanroad1646 Год назад

      What purpose does it serve?

  • @barbrice721
    @barbrice721 Год назад +3

    Excellent idea. The areas they roamed will be renewed by their existence. The forests and grasslands will benefit.

  • @carlkaufman2429
    @carlkaufman2429 Год назад +1

    If the background music was any louder, I wouldn't be able to hear the speaker at all! I couldn't finish it.

  • @razedbywolves8505
    @razedbywolves8505 Год назад +2

    I've been hoping for a baby mammoth for over a decade!

  • @clarencerulo6493
    @clarencerulo6493 Год назад +1

    I'm just glad they are not doing the TREX.

  • @Justwantahover
    @Justwantahover Год назад +2

    That's a mammoth tusk to achieve!

  • @IbnFarteen
    @IbnFarteen Год назад +1

    Not that interesting. What are the major obstacles?

  • @ShekibaShah820
    @ShekibaShah820 6 месяцев назад

    My only question is why the hell are they not starting to incemenate surrogates bruh what's taking so damn long do it alreadyy

  • @marbanak
    @marbanak Год назад

    Many obstacles ahead. I see decades of funding proposals, being shopped around the world. The only economic payoff will be one or more zoo attractions. And like the Moon Landing, it will be forgotten after the excitement and novelty wears off.

  • @ericschmuecker348
    @ericschmuecker348 Год назад

    Literally and actually. Unnecessary words.

  • @armyman29340
    @armyman29340 Год назад

    Since both mammoths and elephants are social creatures, how well would a newborn mammoth baby be accepted by an elephant herd? Problem. So it one step at a time to build the whole herd gradually.

    • @peopleofearth6250
      @peopleofearth6250 Год назад +1

      Why not grow a whole herd at the same time using ectogenesis?

    • @lilysceeliljeaniemoonlight
      @lilysceeliljeaniemoonlight Год назад

      There have been multiple cases where a non biological nurturing individual from a social herd has "adopted" an orphaned babie and looked after the growth and protection of, then to have the babies accepted socially into the group
      Personally I believe in bringing species back from extinction that are a direct result of human interference. Not from natural climatic events. This seems illogical when we have so many species humanity has reduced to extinction. Elephants are an evolved species of Mammoth, has there been research in to this ?

  • @johnnursall408
    @johnnursall408 Год назад +1


  • @garybronson6357
    @garybronson6357 Год назад +1

    This is the wrong road to go down...

    • @Insectist
      @Insectist Год назад +4


    • @garybronson6357
      @garybronson6357 Год назад

      @@Insectist It boils down to your belief system. Either you believe in God or you do not believe in God. Regardless of "when" these animals died, they are no longer part of the current ecosystem. Every argument that includes bringing them back into the current ecosystem that they are not a part of defies God in the same manner that the Men of Babel defied God by building a "Tower to Heaven."
      That's my take.
      Joshua 24: v15 - And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

    • @Insectist
      @Insectist Год назад +1

      @@garybronson6357 Very Flawed perspective to have IMO. Youre basically saying that because a species has fallen out of its ecological cycle, means theres no benefit to reintroduce them because you're certain thats what GOD intended. That viewpoint is extremely rooted in subjectivity. Lets say all honeybees just somehow died of a disease, do you seriously believe that if we had the ability to bring them back, it would mean we are defying gods will? How do you know its agaisnt God's will? What do you think about people who think they are doing exactly what GOD intended they do? I myself think bringing certain species back is all a part of GOD's plan and the benefits outweigh the cons, especially if the cons are mostly or exclusivley religious based.

    • @garybronson6357
      @garybronson6357 Год назад +2

      @@Insectist To each their own. "We" Humans did not select them out of existence. It was Natural for them to go, as it was for the Cave Bear, Dire Wolves, Saber Tooth Tigers and more with the transitioning from the Ice Age into the current climate model. A whole ecological subset that was prey or food for the mammoth died off as a result of the planetary changes in temperature.
      At some point, you have to draw the line, otherwise some other "well meaning" individual will want to raise all of the "Insects" from the Devonian period. Be Realistic. This is a very dangerous slope.

    • @Insectist
      @Insectist Год назад +8

      @@garybronson6357 I get your point about it potentially going out of hand but I dont think this is the case with the Mammoth especially since they went extinct due to a mix of hunting and climatic shift. Since this is your take, do you also think its wrong to bring back the Tazmanian Tiger?. What about the Dodo?

  • @michaelkay8914
    @michaelkay8914 Год назад +1

    Your braid is beautiful!🌵😻🌵

  • @BearMeat4Dinner
    @BearMeat4Dinner Год назад +2

    Will Colossal make the genes available to anyone who wants some???