  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • Thank you for watching me, a humble American, react to bad Australian driving dash cams! This was fun. I'm sure some of you can drive. Thanks for watching and subscribing!

Комментарии • 600

  • @jamiemctainsh3267
    @jamiemctainsh3267 2 года назад +186

    Looks to me mostly like good Aussie drivers avoiding accidents with people who drive like they are used to driving on the other side of the road. And some tradies.

    • @themoviehobbit355
      @themoviehobbit355 2 года назад +13

      Yeah us tradies are bad I can admit my bad my bad

    • @gaiapurpure
      @gaiapurpure 2 года назад +11

      Yep. Chuck in some people in a bit of a hurry, and you’ve pretty much nailed the mix.
      Also, some things to know about driving in Australia:
      1. Two solid lines down the middle of the road means traffic on either side of the lines is going in opposite directions. You are not allowed to cross those lines under any circumstances.
      2. The entire process of getting a full driver’s license in Australia varies a little bit from state to state, but will take a few years from start to finish and will consist of a learner phase, and at least one provisional phase before you get your full license.

    • @ohnonomorenames
      @ohnonomorenames 2 года назад +4

      Also even if you are heavy on the melanin mostly the cops here are just going to ask to see your license. In the states they'll often want to check your blood type.

    • @spookycake
      @spookycake Год назад +6

      Mostly the bad drivers are people that have come from another country surprisingly. We have lots of them so makes sense

    • @ohnonomorenames
      @ohnonomorenames Год назад

      @@shadowkyber2510 It was a morbid joke about how Australian cops will pull you over if you look to dark but US cops will shoot you for the same reason. Checking your blood type was a dark reference to being shot.
      I hope this now stands as an explanation of a joke about people being killed.
      The killing of a joke by over expiation.

  • @petehenderson5794
    @petehenderson5794 2 года назад +161

    I was an interstate truckdriver in Australia for 30 years. I have seen the worst drivers we have but let's be real about this, I've seen America's worst drivers and its pretty much on par with us if not worse

    • @danielsimpson6885
      @danielsimpson6885 2 года назад +16

      America avoids bullets, Aussies avoid Kangaroos.

    • @joshuabreslin83
      @joshuabreslin83 2 года назад +5

      I've done a few trips to the states including driving from NYC to LA and i can say hands down the US have worse drivers, literally everyone are on their phones, only thing they have in their favour is their roads are 10 times better than ours

    • @drcl7429
      @drcl7429 2 года назад +2

      American driving standards are poor in comparison to western Europe but I think a lot of the problems they have are caused by lack of Maintenance. Their seem to have incredibly poor stopping distances and control during braking, so either their their tyres are bald, brakes worn or they don't have ABS.

    • @keithprice475
      @keithprice475 2 года назад +5

      @@danielsimpson6885 No doubt! Which would you rather? There is no homicidal maniac behind the kangaroo...

    • @Lolliegoth
      @Lolliegoth 2 года назад +1

      @@keithprice475 Driven in Canberra?....

  • @grandmothergoose
    @grandmothergoose 2 года назад +53

    There's stereotypes of drivers in Australia for good reason. The stereotypes are:
    1. Steering wheel attendants. People driving large trucks that don't really know how to drive large trucks, usually due to a combination of lack of experience, arrogance, and a Dunning Kruger effect. Rarely cause accidents but when they do it's always very messy, and they almost never cause more than one because one is usually enough to loose their licence.
    2. Tourists. People that get distracted looking at things rather than pay attention to what they're doing "oh look, it's a kanga...crash". Usually only cause minor accidents, but they're quite common.
    3. School Mums. The stereotype comes from stressed out tired Mums driving kids to and from school, the kids start misbehaving in the back seat so the mother turns around to look at their kids to scold them instead of looking where they're going. Any driver can't hold a conversation without making direct eye contact with, or is very easily distracted by, their passengers is a School Mum. Usually only cause minor accidents, but it's horribly common.
    4. Old Men In Hats. Anyone that is concentrating so much on where they're going they forget they're not the only person on the road and neglect to look for traffic and fail to give way, but they're usually travelling slowly. Causes a lot of near misses and an occasional minor accident, but scares the hell out of everyone else on the road regularly.
    5. Caravaners. City drivers on holiday that don't have a lot of experience with towing anything least of long distance driving. Mostly only a danger to themselves as the locals know better than to get anywhere near them, they can cause some very messy accidents. No one wants to do a dance of death with a Caravaner on a remote outback road at 110kms/hr.
    6. Bad Tradies. Always driving a ute, large 4WD, or van, this is the tradesman impatiently trying to get to their next job yesterday, they'll run red lights, drive over traffic islands, on the wrong side of the road, off-road, and overtake dangerously out of pure impatience because they're in too much of a hurry to give a damn about road rules and anyone's safety. Causes a lot of near misses, but when a collision does happen it tends to be a bad one.
    7. Hoons. Most commonly young men on Provisional licences, hoons are almost always behind the wheel of a V6 or V8 car, they'll drive fast and do burnouts at intersections because they think it makes them awesome in their own lunch hour. They cause two types of accidents. The first and most common is when they lose control and stuff up their own car without hurting anyone. The second type is rare but always a disaster, when they crash at high speed, causing death and/or serious injury to themselves or someone else.
    8. Phone addicts. People that are so addicted to socialising that they can't put their phone down whilst driving, because reading a text message or social media post is more important to them than getting anywhere safely. Most commonly cause rear-end accidents of various severities depending on the speed limit of the road they happen to be on at the time.
    9. Cyclists. The stereotype of cyclists causing accidents is a nation-wide joke, if you look at comments on D.C.O.A videos you'll see a lot of jokes about cyclists causing the accident even when there wasn't a cyclist present. Sadly the stereotype does have some validity, but it's usually not professional cyclists that cause the problems, more commonly it's people riding a bike because they never got or lost their driver's licence.

    • @dezignateddriva
      @dezignateddriva 2 года назад +1


    • @aussieguy3689
      @aussieguy3689 2 года назад +6

      Professional bike riders are normally the problem they like to ride side by side sometimes 4 bikes wide on the road in traffic ! Now if that doesn't cause accidents i don't know what would , And kangaroo crash fatalities are more common then you think last month alone in my area they were responsible for multiple serious crashes and 2 deaths !
      Also young women seem to spend more time looking at their phone and friends than the actual road while driving

    • @bleukreuz
      @bleukreuz 2 года назад

      I just automatically assume everyone in sports car or modified car, with obnoxiously loud exhaust pipe and/or very loud club music are an asshole that desperately needs to have their car keyed

    • @loner844
      @loner844 Год назад

      oh yeah, kangaroo crashes. I’ve seen plenty of kangaroo remains on the side of country roads. other animals are also in danger near country roads, like tassie devils. I heard of that at a zoo once. you gotta stay cautious of animals.

    • @ruthscrossstitchandquilts
      @ruthscrossstitchandquilts Год назад +5

      You forgot the slow vehicle mentality, I am a school bus driver and the amount of people that must get in front of the bus at any cost is unbelievable. The safety of 28 children is my responsibility twice a day and the space I leave between my bus and the car in front is my stopping distance not a space for a car to squeeze in.

  • @keithprice475
    @keithprice475 2 года назад +52

    My impression from driving for decades in Australia and driving and being driven around Colorado and California at different times is that on average US drivers seem more aggressive, impatient and impulsive. Many drivers in San Francisco, for instance, are intolerant of anyone in front of them who is driving more slowly, as I not infrequently did when I wasn't sure of the correct turn. They use their horns WAY more than we do - in Australia if you get tooted it generally means that they think you have done something stupid or are taking an unreasonable time. My sense of the US is that it more often means 'You are in my way and I object to any inconvenience!'

    • @keithprice475
      @keithprice475 Год назад +7

      Oh, and if you want bad driving, check out India! I was driven around India and was frankly boggled by what I saw. Many Indian drivers treat road rules as mild suggestions. I have been asked if my driver was good and I replied that he must have been, as we never hit anything! But I can tell you that we came oh so close on numerous occasions. Huge diesel trucks and busses overtaking whenever they damn well felt like it regardless of what was coming and the narrowness of the road was perhaps the worst of it, but there was lots more...

    • @camthesaxman3387
      @camthesaxman3387 Год назад +3

      I saw Mark Rober's video where they infiltrated a scam call center in India, and just that footage appalled me at how bad Indian drivers are. I thought we had it bad in America, but India takes the cake.

    • @XaviRonaldo0
      @XaviRonaldo0 Год назад +1

      Americans are so entitled. We here in Australia understand the world doesn't revolve around us.

    • @mebeme007
      @mebeme007 8 месяцев назад

      Are you serious?
      From my experience of driving around Melbourne for the last 30+ years, I think many drivers are driving around thinking they're the only ones on the road and stuff everyone else who gets in their way.
      People who just change lanes without indicating, people who love changing lanes so often just to get 1 or 2 car lengths ahead, far too many people who love to tailgate (especially on the freeways), people who putt along doing 10-20 kms under the limit, people who just back out of parking spots and don't look to see if any other cars are coming... I could go on and on.
      Almost every time I have to drive anywhere, I find myself saying, "I swear some people drive around with their heads up their own butts, not giving a stuff about anyone else on OUR roads."
      I can't speak from experience about Americans or any other parts of Australia, but I'm pretty sure the same thing goes on all over Australia, too. Far too many selfish, ignorant and arrogant people on our roads, and it only gets worse year after year.

    • @XaviRonaldo0
      @XaviRonaldo0 8 месяцев назад

      @@mebeme007 I was speaking in a more general sense how Americans think the world revolves around the USA...
      I agree with most of what you said though. Just yesterday I was behind someone doing 50 in a 70 zone. I went around them only to then catch a red light. What did they do? Get in front of my truck again. After we turned left a bit further up they were still doing 50 in a now 60 zone! Like WTF was even the point of getting in front of me again!?

  • @mainlyfine
    @mainlyfine 2 года назад +7

    Dash Cam Owners is Australians' favorite you tube channel. We're addicted to it

  • @stuartbeer1418
    @stuartbeer1418 2 года назад +55

    Hey Ryan, glad you found Dashcam Owners Australia. They livestream on Twitch every Sunday night, and every Sunday night I sit there screaming at the bad drivers. We are not all bad drivers. You should pay attention to the verbal responses of the drivers, you will discover us Ausssies can’t help but drop the F bomb when shit happens. You also get a good look at our countryside, Urbana and suburban streetscapes.

    • @marktaylor3802
      @marktaylor3802 2 года назад +2

      Don't forget the C Or FN' C.

    • @allthegoodnameshavebeentak6585
      @allthegoodnameshavebeentak6585 2 года назад +2

      @@marktaylor3802 or a string that would make sailors blush

    • @eloise-mae.varga7693
      @eloise-mae.varga7693 2 года назад +2

      I totally agree with you mate us Aussies love that word. We use that language all the time.

    • @mebeme007
      @mebeme007 8 месяцев назад

      That is one of the things I love about watching Dashcams Australia, is for the colourful language we Aussies use.
      And it makes me feel good, knowing that I'm not the only one who uses such language also. 🤣
      I don't go right off as much as some drivers do. I mean some really scream their heads off and I find myself telling them to calm down, even though they can't hear me. 😄
      But when I'm out driving and come across a bad driver, I do like to casually say things like, you f-in idiot, dipsh*t, moron, dumb c..., and sometimes say they need to hand their licence in if they're REALLY bad.
      I can always tell when I'm watching the dashcam of an Aussie, because their responses usually start with WTF are you doing... and then it's either, you idiot, you f-wit, or the most common one I hear on Dashcams Australia is, you d-head. 🤣🤣🤣

  • @cherylmccloud8709
    @cherylmccloud8709 2 года назад +24

    Eeermm, only thing I can say having travelled to more than 40+ countries? (& actually lived in 8 countries for lengthy time)- ALSO driven in the USA! Where even your "freeways" are what we would call "car parks" & dare not accidentally look sideways at bad tempered Mad Dogs or sleaze bags without unintentionally inviting an argument or unwanted attention😵😳😉😅😜 *advise perhaps people should experience the outside world before judging & forming opinions👍😂. AUSTRALIA safest in the world to drive (from my own experience) & possibly 90% at least polite which is RARE in the world .😉 Ryan you truly do have some odd "American produced " videos about Australia😉 but love watching them nonetheless !!!!!! Keep it up mate! Coz lotsa fun & you see how much we enjoy your channel & your reactions!👌 ❤💯....

    • @kellythomas1933
      @kellythomas1933 3 месяца назад +1

      Tourists on our roads are probably our greatest hazards, us Aussies know how to deal with each other lol

  • @beckyluvstoscrapnsew
    @beckyluvstoscrapnsew Год назад +4

    That last one wasn’t on purpose, he pulled over because he shit himself , he was so close to rolling his little toy car lol😂

  • @jogould1045
    @jogould1045 2 года назад +34

    LMAO hey as an Aussie i am a pretty good driver but even i have pulled off some pretty amazing maneuvers to avoid an accident or two in my time. We have some absolute idiots on our roads 😎

    • @MrTripleXXX
      @MrTripleXXX Год назад +1

      Yeah like the idiots in their Ford or Holden V8 who do burnouts and tailgate or speed like crazy. Like well done buddy, you have a V8. Are they trying to compensate or what?
      I've had V8's trying to race me from red lights and my car is 6 cylinder. Like come on dude, this isn't a fair race lol.

  • @Reneesillycar74
    @Reneesillycar74 2 года назад +18

    I’ve got to agree with a few other comments. I see a whole lot of drivers doing a great job of avoiding crappy drivers.
    I’ve travelled overseas a lot & I think we Aussies need to realise there’s so much worse elsewhere. Not to say we don’t have our share but seriously you have to check out other countries’ dash cams. Puts it all into perspective.

    • @laureah21
      @laureah21 2 года назад +4

      I agree. Don’t think we are the worst my colleague who is Indian said when he goes to visit family in India he can’t relax for a second driving there as not many rules. Said it’s really stressful

    • @its_Today_
      @its_Today_ 2 года назад +2

      @@laureah21 There’s road rules in India? Since when?? Laughing here but still valid.
      That said, all relative, ie Vietnam’s worse, far out..

    • @keithprice475
      @keithprice475 2 года назад +2

      @@its_Today_ Actually, yes there are, but they are routinely ignored! It's almost a national trait there to ignore rules if they happen to be inconvenient. I saw numerous instances when I was there. And if Vietnam is worse than India I never want to go there!

  • @lillibitjohnson7293
    @lillibitjohnson7293 2 года назад +9

    Teaching my kids to drive, they thought I didn’t trust them because I was always telling them to lol around them, in front , behind and to the sides, all the time. I had to explain to them that it was their responsibility to keep and eye on their surroundings to avoid idiots on the road. I trusted their driving, did not trust another vehicle on the road ever

    • @lillibitjohnson7293
      @lillibitjohnson7293 2 года назад +1

      * look not lol

    • @Jutta_KG
      @Jutta_KG 2 года назад +3

      @@lillibitjohnson7293 I have been preparing my teens who can soon get their Learner's permit about this, you got to look at what others are doing, vital part of driving - can never assume another driver is going to do the right thing and also sometimes crap just happens that you need to be ready to avoid.

    • @marissabishop1833
      @marissabishop1833 Год назад +4

      My daughter has her learner's now and we tell her that every single driver, including her, has the potential to do something stupid. She needs to be aware of what is going on around her so that she can react appropriately to the stupid if/when it happens.

  • @wdazza
    @wdazza 2 года назад +13

    To be honest this does happen occasionally but most of the time trips are incident free. That bit where you said the driver timed the green light perfectly, there was a red arrow light pointing right which means you cannot turn right because the traffic on the other side of the road have a green light.

  • @jackleentoop7693
    @jackleentoop7693 2 года назад +8

    Rule 1 in Australia, do not take off from the lights as soon as they turn green. There are a lot of red light runners.

    • @Jutta_KG
      @Jutta_KG 2 года назад +2

      Yep, I treat it as a give-away and check first when the light goes green.

  • @PBMS123
    @PBMS123 2 года назад +17

    14:50 there's still a red right turn arrow, so he didn't predict shit, he just ran a red, while turning from the wrong lane

    • @mebeme007
      @mebeme007 8 месяцев назад

      I think Ryan realised that at the last second, before it went onto the next clip from Dashcams Aust.

    • @lexmole
      @lexmole 4 дня назад

      Well, I do not know the rules in Australia, but here a green light (just a dot) means green for everyone. But drivers who want to turn left (hence, in Australia right since it is the opposite) have to yield. The green arrow on a traffic light means that one has the right of way to the indicated direction. If straight and right were to be strictly separated, there needed to be a straight arrow and a right-turn arrow on two different traffic lights.
      However, even in this case, the driver were still not allowed to drive since he had to give way to oncoming traffic...

    • @PBMS123
      @PBMS123 4 дня назад

      @@lexmole If there's a red right turn light, that means no right turn, regardless of whether theres a dot. The red takes precedent and cancels anything. That should be obvious right? There doesn't need to be a straight arrow....
      Turning is separated using an arrow, red or green. There is no "right of way" concept in Australia. We have a give way concept only. Meaning you're requireed to give way to traffic, but no traffic ever has a "right of way". Right red turn means no turn, surely that makes sense.

  • @jimr4354
    @jimr4354 2 года назад +3

    The country road with the broken line, it's known it's a 2 way as there's no other road nearby. It's a notification that it's legal to pass but when there's a solid white line on the left side of this in the line of travel, it means it's not legal to overtake which plenty did here. Some ridiculously past many cars. Unbelievable!
    The car that you said timed it beautifully to turn right when the light turned green, actually turned against a red turn right arrow. Why all of the cars had just stopped there (in the right lane).
    The small car that lost control was driven by a P or Provisional license driver. 1 that has just gained their license, 2 types P1 and P2 with different conditions lasting 3 years.

  • @tarshnottrash1483
    @tarshnottrash1483 2 года назад +3

    Even better than an education into some of our worst drivers these videos are the perfect education to Aussie swearing and reaction to total knobs 😂😂

  • @zwieseler
    @zwieseler 2 года назад +4

    At 2:00 the white dash line means you are allowed to overtake. That is a country road, not a dual carriageway. The Truckee kind of blew it trying to pass the caravan.
    Double white lines means overtaking is not allowed.

  • @darclands
    @darclands 2 года назад +5

    That last one.. reminds me of the time my passenger decided to see what would have if they pulled the handbrake on.. I wasnt impressed..

  • @RandomStuff-he7lu
    @RandomStuff-he7lu 2 года назад +3

    I'll point out that the fatality rate for car accidents is twice as high in the US as Australia's.

    • @macdac9861
      @macdac9861 2 года назад +1

      Nearly 5x more like

    • @Kayenne54
      @Kayenne54 2 года назад

      Yes, but their population is over 350 million. Ours is around 25 million. So statistically, doesn't that mean we have more numb nuts per driving population? Usually driving tradie trucks...

    • @macman1469
      @macman1469 2 года назад +2

      @@Kayenne54 that is a per capita statistic .

    • @Kayenne54
      @Kayenne54 2 года назад

      @@macman1469 Interesting. What would be the solution to this issue, do you think?

    • @macman1469
      @macman1469 2 года назад +1

      @@Kayenne54 bus ticket ? I think we probably spend more on infrastructure, per capita, giving us better road surfaces which in turn makes driving more predictable. But theres probably a heap of little reasons which add to it .

  • @fmr2505
    @fmr2505 2 года назад +1

    I love how exactly as the bin fell off, the song said: “oh the misery”

  • @aaronf1078
    @aaronf1078 2 года назад +4

    15:02 this guy is clearly a confused American/Canadian the accent is a giveaway😂

    • @XaviRonaldo0
      @XaviRonaldo0 Год назад

      That area of Sydney has very confusing roads. Very easy to take a wrong turn.

  • @riccardocoletta2398
    @riccardocoletta2398 22 дня назад

    "I just don't understand how someone like that can even be driving around. How did he make it through life that far. How is he not dead". You killed me!

  • @Kayenne54
    @Kayenne54 2 года назад +10

    1:36 I can't watch these without putting on my brakes my study. Hitting pause before the collision sadly doesn't always prevent it either. 7:59 it's WORSE out in regional/country areas. People wearing hats going way over the limit. Bad things happen to everyone in places like this.

    • @aussieguy3689
      @aussieguy3689 2 года назад +1

      There are way more accidents in built up areas like a city pedestrians everywhere bicycles and people from the big cities are very bad drivers, Road sign's mean nothing to them and they can't control a car doing anymore than 60/kmh . 🤦🤷

    • @Kayenne54
      @Kayenne54 2 года назад

      @@aussieguy3689 I think the fatality rate is higher where the speed is set higher. More bingles in built up areas. Especially parking lots.

  • @geoffreyrose1620
    @geoffreyrose1620 2 года назад +26

    As a taxi driver of 33 years I can tell you most people are decent drivers. A good thing to do is look who is driving and 8 times out of 10 it's an Asian driver.

    • @zybch
      @zybch 2 года назад

      I spent a while in India a few years back. I guess its the fatalistic mindset their religions give them (if its your time, its your time) but I've never felt so unsafe on the road. They're all maniacs who think sounding the horn constantly will protect them from any sort of accident.

    • @SoMuchFacepalm
      @SoMuchFacepalm 2 года назад +1

      Different standards=different results. Whoda thunkit?

    • @bleukreuz
      @bleukreuz 2 года назад +2

      Unfortunately in my experience, a lot of taxi drivers are bad. I'm speaking from experience as both a passenger of the taxi and as outside observer driving my own car. I find that they frequently speed (even when I didn't ask them to hurry), run a red light, and changing lane very often (again I didn't ask them to rush), and some of them can't be bothered to indicate when turning... Sydney taxis btw

    • @geoffreyrose1620
      @geoffreyrose1620 2 года назад +1

      @@MHH44491 I'm not racist , I'm married to an Asian .

    • @matnels277
      @matnels277 2 года назад +5

      @@MHH44491 it's not racist if it's true.

  • @gregmccallum3124
    @gregmccallum3124 2 года назад +1

    As for the lines on the road at 1:50, Double white lines, no over taking allowed in either direction. One solid line and one dashed line, cars can overtake only from the dashed side. And single dashed lines, vehicles can overtake from either side, as long as safe to do so.

  • @MMAACC2014
    @MMAACC2014 2 года назад +3

    I love that you're moving around as if by doing so YOU can help the driver miss the car🤣

  • @guystevens5429
    @guystevens5429 2 года назад +1

    Funny thing is that mercedes van tried to push in on the hoddle/punt road section and was forced onto the tollway - good luck getting off before richmond jerk! Also, that has to be one of the the worst roads in Melbourne during peak hour.

  • @teags1991
    @teags1991 2 года назад +1

    “I don’t think that a lane?” 😂😂😂 no it isn’t, it’s an emergency lane hahaha

  • @meghanvidler9147
    @meghanvidler9147 2 года назад +5

    Oh I love these videos. We have some bad drivers yes but probably no worse than other places. In the cities it is usually down to impatience with lights and traffic and in the country it’s down to the long boring roads and exhaustion and your beloved kangaroos who love to jump out at cars, particularly around dusk. Then there are the lovely gentle natured men like my husband who grow freaking horns when they climb behind a wheel - although he is not as bad as any in these videos. One great thing about Australia, you are less likely to get a gun pulled on you in a road rage incident although those do happen.

    • @keithprice475
      @keithprice475 2 года назад +1

      MUCH less likely, I would think!

    • @aussieguy3689
      @aussieguy3689 2 года назад +1

      @@keithprice475 # Gun laws save lives
      And this is coming from a licensed shooter and hunter !

    • @keithprice475
      @keithprice475 2 года назад

      @@aussieguy3689 I am in furious agreement.

  • @razorwhipqueen8972
    @razorwhipqueen8972 Год назад +1

    Quick summary of lane lines in Aus:
    Dotted/broken lines generally mean dual lanes or overtaking lanes. If it's a two-way road and the lines are broken, it means you can overtake there when it's safe.
    Solid lines mean you cannot overtake, at any point.
    Left line broken, right line solid means that the left-hand side of the road can overtake, but not those driving on the right. Same goes for the opposite
    Two solid lines means the same as a single solid line.

  • @allycook3926
    @allycook3926 2 года назад +2

    This is mainly in the big east coast cities of Sydney and Melbourne. Oh, and crazy Queensland ❤️🐨

  • @christalhastie2174
    @christalhastie2174 2 года назад +1

    As an Australian I didn’t even recognise that ambulance at first I think they look different in every state

    • @rallymum5246
      @rallymum5246 2 года назад

      Yes they are different in every state. I'm actually wondering why they were going against traffic conditions without lights at the very least and sirens. Or arevmy eyes just really old on a small screen.

  • @allycook3926
    @allycook3926 2 года назад +2

    The last one was going too fast and probably hit an oil patch or had crap tyres. When we get rain sometimes it isn’t heavy enough to wash the oil away and just makes puddles. A valuable lesson that thankfully no one was hurt in.❤️🐨

  • @Aussiedoll1
    @Aussiedoll1 2 года назад +1

    Lmao spent most of the time looking at the road signs to determine where they came from 😂🤣…. I LOL’d when I saw one for Brisbane

    • @hungryb4dinner
      @hungryb4dinner 2 года назад +1

      hahaha I always recognise the sunnybank roads

  • @Psyciandra
    @Psyciandra 2 года назад +3

    We have a lot of entitled drongos in Australia, but I promise you, I have seen way worse after moving to the US 😆 although it seems drivers in AUS have only gotten stupider since I moved 😑

  • @jenniferreinikka8640
    @jenniferreinikka8640 2 года назад +6

    Probem in the big cities and that is where a lot of that happens, we have too many foreign drivers and they are useless. having said that you might want to watch some american dash cam stuff, thats deadly.

  • @philipyoung1634
    @philipyoung1634 2 года назад +6

    Hi Ryan. I guess every country has bad drivers but statistically Australia is a very safe place to drive. This
    is partly due to our anti speeding laws and anti drink driving laws. For example , in the USA you can drive with a BAC of 0.08% but here in Australia it is 0.05%. If you were caught with 0.08% here you would would be in serious trouble. You can be randomly alcohol - and drug - tested any time of the day or night,
    certainly here in Victoria. The law is very strictly enforced - and good I say.
    The broken white line in the middle of the road can be confusing to non Australians. In Australia, unless you are driving on a dual carriageway with multiple lanes in each direction, and normally
    separated with a median strip or concrete barrier, then the broken white line in the middle of the road means that traffic will be travelling in both directions. You must keep left unless you want to overtake when safe to do so.
    Driving on the other side of the road is not as bad as you think it will be be. I drove from Portland Maine to Boston and ended up in one piece. You just have to be careful turning left or right to make sure that you don't end up on the wrong side of the road!
    For a change of pace, watch Norman Gunston interviews Sally Struthers. You will be introduced to quirky Australian comedy/humour. Nothing like American or British humour.

    • @mebeme007
      @mebeme007 8 месяцев назад

      I wouldn't say that our laws on drink driving, speeding, etc are that strict.
      Most drivers just keep copping fines, perhaps even lose their licence.
      And then many don't even bother to pay their fines. Or they pay their fines but also carry on like babies, ranting about "revenue raising".
      Plus, you would be surprised how many people are out there driving when they shouldn't be.
      They either don't have a licence in the first place or they have been suspended from driving or had it taken away entirely, but they STILL keep on driving regardless.
      It takes multiple incidents of breaking the same law repeatedly, before the judges even bother to finally give them a mere few months in gaol.
      Then there are those who flout the laws proudly, who speed all the time, are often drunk &/or high when they're driving, then they sadly kill someone or several people.
      And then those people get a mere suspended sentence. All because we're supposed to feel sorry for them having had a bad childhood, have drug and alcohol addictions and so on.
      Some people complain and say that our laws are too tough.
      I say that our laws are not tough enough.
      And until you have lost someone or several family members to a selfish, stupid driver on our roads, you will not understand where people like me are coming from, in wanting much tougher punishments for speeding, drunk and drugged drivers.

  • @abigailcollins8443
    @abigailcollins8443 2 года назад +1

    A dashed lane is just a divider that means you CAN pass over it to overtake etc. so it can divide oncoming traffic but if clear you can use the oncoming lane to overtake a slower vehicle. If you haven't see some drivers THIS bad in America, you haven't watched American dash cam drivers lol.

  • @hexmark4879
    @hexmark4879 2 года назад +1

    I,ve been doing traffic control for 12 years and have pretty much seen it all including a woman coming at me eating a bowl of cereal.

    • @Jutta_KG
      @Jutta_KG 2 года назад +1

      I've seen people eating. cereal in the car or putting make up on while driving on the way to work, absolutely insane!

  • @lillibitjohnson7293
    @lillibitjohnson7293 2 года назад +1

    I’m lying in bed watching and still pumping the brakes lol

  • @aksujay8255
    @aksujay8255 Год назад

    6:31 can we appreciate the good ol' Rammstein: Engel playing in the truck.

  • @KarenFuchsbichler
    @KarenFuchsbichler 2 года назад +1

    On open roads, a dotted white line in the middle means its a dual carriageway with overtaking.

  • @indiedetective
    @indiedetective 2 года назад +1

    Dashcam Australia has Best Of Reactions videos which are well worth the watch, hilarious.

  • @jennimcdonald7115
    @jennimcdonald7115 2 года назад +8

    Once you become accustomed to the fact that bad drivers can not be avoided, you just go about & stay on high alert for the retards that manage to hold on to their licences. I've lived in all three places, the city the suburbs & the country areas & I've personally found they do exist everywhere but like I said you just get into your car & stay on high alert until you exit that car, or truck. I've held my licence for 43 years & only been in 3 accidents none of which I was at fault. #1 truck wiped out the side of my car while I was parked correctly in a lane way in a suburban town. #2 truck ran into the back of same car while I was stopped in peak hour traffic at the top of a rise with a mile of red tail lights in front. #3 a kangaroo jumped out from bushland on the outskirts of an outer Sydney western suburb & smashed the front left quarter of same car. Each time has been repaired & only had to pay an excess for the roo. He had no insurance. I also followed up on the roo & his led was broken but was fully rehabilated by a 'wires' volunteer. I felt really bad for him. So long story short my poor car has been in 3 insidences & is only 6 years old & never had any accidents in any of the 6 other cars I've owned in 43 years. Drive with all your senses turned on & youll be ok. Usually. Lol #1 fan in Oz 🫂🇭🇲😘💜

  • @ashleybeechey5197
    @ashleybeechey5197 2 года назад +2

    I find myself concerned hat I know most of these areas, and yet I haven’t seen this yet

    • @Kayenne54
      @Kayenne54 2 года назад +1

      Thinking statistics? Me too. Some of these drivers were very .... restrained....

  • @Aussie565
    @Aussie565 3 дня назад

    What I notice while watching bad drivers in any country is the ENTITLEMENT!!!
    “The rules don’t apply to me
    I’m in a hurry
    Get out of my way
    I’m more important than anybody else “

  • @badmarshmallow9211
    @badmarshmallow9211 2 года назад +4

    Based on my experience living in Australia, the general public can be boiled down to three categories. Really toxic, really nice/friendly or antisocial.

  • @kelliewhyte_85
    @kelliewhyte_85 Год назад

    LOL so I drive from my place on the South Coast of NSW to Sydney very often.
    About 4 months into having my driver's licence, I actually hit a truck on the motorway.
    It was only a light collision, and when me and the truck driver pulled over to assess the situation, he actually let me walk away with no report to insurance of anything.
    I was very grateful for that.

  • @bpurt6213
    @bpurt6213 2 года назад +1

    hey Ryan the third clip you just played is 2 min from my house haha. there is so many dash cam clips of that roundabout and your pretty much gonna see at least 1 clip off the central coast on any compilation

  • @allangoodger969
    @allangoodger969 2 года назад +3

    One suggestion if you want to see the complete opposite would be to check out our road trains. Road trains and Cattle Station by GrizzlyNbear Overland

  • @wayneclarke1270
    @wayneclarke1270 2 года назад +3

    Hi Ryan if you walk in Australia remember look the opposite 😀 way than you would in America when crossing the road America tourists get hit buy cars often

  • @Frankies-noot
    @Frankies-noot Год назад

    8:00 reminds me of one of our road safety driving ads. Those (especially TAC stuff) or even work safety ads can be either gruesome or just so sad but I wish there was more on TV nowadays cause it's definitely needed

  • @KC-tx3ko
    @KC-tx3ko 2 года назад +4

    I’d recommend Dash Cam Owners Australia’s best of reaction videos, particularly number 2.

    • @grandmothergoose
      @grandmothergoose 2 года назад +1

      I second this. Though their intro and outro compilation is amazing.

  • @hausofelijahx
    @hausofelijahx 2 года назад +1

    This was good. Crazy thing about this is that none of the footage showed WA roads, it’s all Eastern States drivers based on plates/roads/landmarks.

  • @bron.plknghrne7896
    @bron.plknghrne7896 2 года назад +11

    Since covid people have forgotten how to drive even the authorities say so.😳

    • @michaelmayo9048
      @michaelmayo9048 2 года назад +2

      I don't think they knew how to drive before covid...

    • @its_Today_
      @its_Today_ 2 года назад

      Both of these comments, abso-frigging-lutely

  • @smallcocksammy
    @smallcocksammy 2 года назад +1

    2:21 that truck was trying to overtake the car but saw another car come but it didn’t have enough room to switch lanes back so he went off the road

  • @p2cezz983
    @p2cezz983 2 года назад +2

    Hey Ryan, here is the information you have been waiting for......Aussie internet speed in Brissy (Brisbane) in the house is (7.05pm) 92.7/38.3, but if you really want speed try using your mobile phone (Telstra) which is 520/25.....all the reason, along with the promise of Tim Tams and Vegemite, for you and your family to visit Aus. And not all drivers are that bad. P.S how can I get some Vegemite to you?? Seeya

  • @littlecatfeet9064
    @littlecatfeet9064 2 года назад +2

    I’m surprised at how bad our drivers are supposed to be. Australia is so strict about the rules of getting a licence/waiting period to get an Open Licence, speeding, drink driving, not letting police or ambulance vehicles through, overtaking, even failing to stop completely at a stop sign (the only thing I’ve got done for). Plus there are speeding cameras everywhere. Surely we’re not as bad as Russia or even the US?

  • @razorblade136
    @razorblade136 2 года назад

    When we immigrated from Canada, I was shocked at the aggressive drivers in Aus!! I was turning right at lights, & a dufus tried to do a u turn!!! They couldn’t make it & started backing up right into my car!!! I had to honk & flash lights to make them stop!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

  • @locosdownunder7750
    @locosdownunder7750 6 месяцев назад

    From Aussie land here. I don't have dashcam footage of it, but last year in November, some idiot rear-ended the car that my mum, little brother and I were in, blamed it on us and then took off like nothing happened. I managed to record a video of them driving off. The police haven't gotten back yet though which is quite upsetting.

  • @dezignateddriva
    @dezignateddriva 2 года назад +1

    12:33 - why did he stop?
    There was an exit, and they wanted to get off. Good luck everyone else.
    12:39 - To be 'fair', the exit signs aren't always posted before the exit, but literally after the lanes diverge. But then, you should really just drive safe and continue straight until the next opportunity.

  • @stanleywiggins5047
    @stanleywiggins5047 2 года назад +3

    P.S. the only legal time you can cross over a solid line is when turning into a driveway (private residence or commercial)
    Crossing over double solid to over take is highly illegal & possibly suicidal.

    • @PBMS123
      @PBMS123 2 года назад

      You can to pasa a bicycle in most states.

    • @stanleywiggins5047
      @stanleywiggins5047 2 года назад +1

      Who was passing,? The idiot was doing an illegal hook turn at a T intersection in NSW. And knocked me off the bike. Plain and simple

    • @PBMS123
      @PBMS123 2 года назад +1

      @@stanleywiggins5047 what? I'm literally just responding to your
      /"the only legal time you can cross over a solid line is when turning into a driveway (private residence or commercial) Crossing over double solid to over take is highly illegal"/ statement.
      That you can pass a bicycle over single, and double solid lines in many states legally.
      You never mentioned a specific clip, I don't know who you are, so I've no idea why you are talking about a hook turn, when you never mentioned it.

    • @stanleywiggins5047
      @stanleywiggins5047 2 года назад

      Confusion, I got to stop looking at comments on my comments.
      Then I won't get confused.
      Or just stop posting comments in an attempt to share some of my 64 years of life in OZ. With someone from overseas.

    • @PBMS123
      @PBMS123 2 года назад

      @@stanleywiggins5047 I'm Australian.
      But do you get what Im saying at least.

  • @whatwhatinthewhat4400
    @whatwhatinthewhat4400 2 года назад +1

    2:15 white dash lanes mean you can over take, and that is what the guy on the left seems to be attempting but obviously didnt look far enough a head to make sure they had space to over take.

  • @KirstyM100
    @KirstyM100 2 года назад

    That perfectly timed ute at 14:35 predicted the green BUT the turning right signal was still red so he narrowly missed getting hit by the oncoming traffic he just pulled across in front of.

  • @joandsarah77
    @joandsarah77 2 года назад +3

    I sub to this and Scott's cameras, we have some terrible drivers here.

  • @ollieottergaming
    @ollieottergaming 2 года назад

    2:38 that oh the misery part was at the perfect time

  • @leeannmiddleton8719
    @leeannmiddleton8719 2 месяца назад

    In Australia you must stop and give way to all emergency vehicles They all have flashing lights and very loud sirens that change to a woop woop siren as they are coming to an intersection/traffic lights. You can hear them coming for miles so technically you can either stop or get outta the way before they get near you. Fines are enforced here for no compliance.

  • @jenraphael3538
    @jenraphael3538 Год назад

    I'm an Aussie living in Victoria. I can't handle the city so I moved further away to the Mornington Peninsula which is about 80 to 90 kilometres from the city. I live in a bayside suburb. It was quiet at first but now I notice some people think they don't have to use their indicators. 3 times I've nearly been run over by old ladies at zebra crossings. I started to walk across and they didn't see me and I've had to jump back to save myself. Phew lots of near misses and I'm far away from the city.😢

  • @bleukreuz
    @bleukreuz 2 года назад

    16:40 that dog in the driver's lap though

  • @clivegilbertson6542
    @clivegilbertson6542 2 года назад

    So glad that you enjoyed that video...for clarification the last idiot is a young inexperienced driver, There is a "green 'P' plate on the back the car. Here when you get your licence for 1 year you are on a "Provisional" licence with red "P's" then a further 2 years with fewer restrictions on green "P's" The idea is to prevent idiots like that doing exactly that! Cheers!

  • @atticusgrebe
    @atticusgrebe 2 года назад +2

    Its all true Ryan lol. I live in regional Victoria and I have to say I think the drivers are way worse here! It's like no rules apply, it's Mad Max all year long

  • @person2463
    @person2463 2 года назад

    Re dominos. Started in Brisbane,Qld, Sylvio's.... Ad was "bring Sylvio's to your door"

  • @btchplz5352
    @btchplz5352 Год назад

    In Australia(mostly rural areas) the roads like that are 1 way each way. Along thes roads they will have unbroken lines where you can overtake on the opposite side of the road, if safe to do so. Then you will get one side unbroken and the other not unbroken that means only the unbroken side can over take, likewise for the opposite directions, if it’s double unbRoken you can’t cross it. Also the music for the clip at 2:40 is perfect😂

  • @Creamy_Dog
    @Creamy_Dog 2 года назад

    The clip at 3:34, I used to live there! It's in Sunnybank. There's always a crash or some incident, because most people there are from Asian countrys, which have pretty bad road laws. Nearly got run over when walking out of school, by some dude speeding through a red light.

  • @koalastrats
    @koalastrats Год назад

    We were driving down the road in way out rural Australia and this one place has a really long driveway that is visible to the road and the road is visible to it the whole way down. We see the car speeding down the driveway and even though we slow down and flash lights it still ploughs down straight out in front off us and almost hits us. We had to swerve onto the wrong side of the road to avoid it.

  • @conorchristmas6844
    @conorchristmas6844 Год назад

    The ambulance in the intersection gives me PTSD. I was travelling towards a green light as normal when the person in front of me slams on their breaks. The reason was there was an ambulance stopped at the red light to the right of my view. No lights on or sirens just waiting. But the person slammed on the break thinking they had right of way at all times. Almost killed 4 people. Lucky the ambulance was there and not busy.

  • @katherineschmidt2075
    @katherineschmidt2075 2 года назад

    Yes something happened with the truck carrying the cars on it. The van in front cut him off, the truck went into the barrier protecting the concrete overpass where the truck stopped. Nearly took the whole front of the truck off. The other one, where the 2 cut across in front of stopped at traffic lights, she in the tan car most probably had an incident with the 1st car and decided to chase him for it. Common actually for that one.

  • @carolegeoghegan6978
    @carolegeoghegan6978 2 года назад +1

    We tend to blame country people in the city for dodgy driving. Also the use of the word’arvo’ is mostly used after the word ‘this’. Cheers Carole in tropical Darwin.

  • @Markstubation01
    @Markstubation01 2 года назад +1

    14:46 the guy over took another car in the turning lane only to run a red turning light

  • @strawberrymoonphased
    @strawberrymoonphased Год назад

    15:09 Love the guy who admitted he was wrong XD Thankfully all turned out ok.

  • @CBProducz
    @CBProducz Год назад

    14:55 we have our own lights to turn and that light is still red if u can see it 😂😂

  • @Renegadeine
    @Renegadeine 2 года назад +1

    Oh, I need to get a dashcam. Some days it’s amazing I get to work in one piece.

  • @mitchul
    @mitchul Год назад

    9:31 - not only did they both run a red light, there's a "no right turn" sign above the signal on the other side of the intersection. So two laws broken in the one maneuver.

  • @scottburns4458
    @scottburns4458 2 года назад +1

    Honestly it didn’t seem to be that bad until the last decade and its like people no longer care about road rules or anyone else on the road but themselves

  • @scottywilliams2476
    @scottywilliams2476 2 года назад

    sadly most of these would be stolen cars. MASSIVE problem with youth stealing cars where i am in Toowoomba the last 6 or so months. as young as 12/13 braking into houses during the night & stealing car keys :o. and not just toyotas, literally a Mustang was stolen from my neighbour 2 nights ago :/

  • @themoviehobbit355
    @themoviehobbit355 2 года назад +1

    Adelaide drivers are so bad here. I warned my mate coming from Queensland. He Wasn’t even driving for half a day and I got a call at work from him telling me all about it haha. I said I told you man. I said just stay in the lines and if they hit you there in the wrong 😂

  • @sharongoodsell9341
    @sharongoodsell9341 Год назад

    When you said oh my god , I say that's understatement, raised in the city. I'm 63 good driver , couldn't pay me to drive in Sydney, ridiculous, dangerous

  • @turtlegirl399
    @turtlegirl399 2 года назад

    Aussie here and I can say where I live there are bad drivers and I have nearly been hit several times crossing a road even when the light is green is a gamble

  • @jenniferrobinson4277
    @jenniferrobinson4277 11 месяцев назад

    You need to remember that this country is almost the size of America with 1/10 the population.
    The road surface is slick in the wet and everywhere is miles away. I've been driving for 54 years and never seen that many bumps.

  • @joshssnakecatching
    @joshssnakecatching Год назад

    holy shit! that first clip is where i get my work clothing from, hahahahh!

  • @privatenexus5764
    @privatenexus5764 4 месяца назад

    2:18 A white broken lane means you can overtake. But b efore and after, keep to the left lane.
    8:20 Double yellow unbroken, NO overtaking
    14:47 actually he failed. The turn right was red. Go straight was green.

  • @DecayPlaysTv
    @DecayPlaysTv 2 года назад +1

    G'day mate,
    Just wanted to give you a heads up about the pronunciation of ARVO,
    draw out the a and then drop the r and say the vo together
    As for the driving, it's worse when it rains, most people here forget HOW to drive when it rains....(ex taxi driver me)
    Decay, Melbourne Australia

  • @fpsgamekill
    @fpsgamekill 2 месяца назад

    14:30 aussie here want to say it was a lane for going straight and the right turn light was red

  • @KirstyM100
    @KirstyM100 2 года назад

    A brief lesson on our roads: line differences.
    Dotted line down the middle of a single carriage way (most streets/roads) mean one lane is going one way, the other lane the other and the dotted means that it's safe to overtake a vehicle in front of you provided nothing is coming in the oncoming traffic. Double lines means it's not safe and is illegal - they will usually be before corners or stretches of road where a lot of accidents have occurred.
    In duel carriage ways (2 or more lanes for a single direction) the dotted lines highlight the lane and when its safe to overtake. It will become a solid line when there is an exit which means cars from other lanes shouldn't cross.
    Thank you for your time. Next lesson we will cover diver incompetence.

  • @madenabyss6981
    @madenabyss6981 2 года назад +5

    Love dash cams Australia the police compilations r gold

    • @grandmothergoose
      @grandmothergoose 2 года назад +1

      My favourites are the best of reactions compilations.

  • @terrifryday3641
    @terrifryday3641 2 года назад +1

    Enjoy your reactions mate! Keep it up 🙂

  • @sarahmcleod2673
    @sarahmcleod2673 2 года назад

    Too many different road rules on the Main Land, but when we have wet slippery roads, you can see some real fun down in Tas too

  • @retajansevanvuuren5173
    @retajansevanvuuren5173 Год назад

    dash lines means you can pass the vehicle in front of you at any time it is safe in either two-way lanes or one-way lines. Solid lines means you are not allowed to pass even if it is safe. In South Africa.

  • @muddymaker3721
    @muddymaker3721 2 года назад +1

    We have a very high population of Asian drivers in Australia and they make for interesting driving here. The rest of the bad drivers are just either hoons or shitheads. And of course then you have the impatient “you should be going the posted speed limit” folks. It really is a mixed bag🙂

  • @EmHarley1979
    @EmHarley1979 Год назад

    Not all of us drive that bad 🤣Also no it can be like that EVERYWHERE. I live in rural Victoria and some drivers are just nuts. Not only a double white line that was also a road works site with temporary traffic lights cause only one lane is in use. Odds are he stopped in the middle of the road cause his turn off was over to the left and he spotted it last minute. Predicted the green light but there was a red arrow meaning no turning. Sometimes it's not even safe to walk with drivers mounting the curbs and driving on footpaths.