I’ve heard from both native and non-native Korean speakers that Moonbyul’s annunciation and pronunciation are really good, like perfect plus she can speak crazy fast while doing difficult word play and rhymes, so excellent rapper. However, I do assume that Hwasa’s might be a little under annunciated because her speaking voice is and host on tv shows sometimes mention it she has a very relaxed way of speaking.
Hwasa says so herself that enunciation is something she wants to work on. I think it’s on the Korean tv show that shows the making of “don’t” by loco and hwasa where she mentions it.
True, like I'm half korean and I'm always amazed on how Moonbyul can rap those verses without sounding like shes just randomly spouting words. Hwasa, can rap as well but her pronunciation can be indeed relax and in fast part it will sound weird. But they still slays, QUEENS
You ladies should react to their Medley on Dingo's Killing Voice. 💚 It's their most recent medley this year and their voice is just amazing (I mean its Mamamoo our Vocal Queens)
Hahah in the moment they did that "weird" dance, they were actually reproducing the original dance moves of when that song was released on the 80's, paying a tribute to the original singer :)
Best way to Introduce MAMAMOO to your friend is by watching INTRODUCING MAMAMOO BY PURPLE HAWKE. All information about each members are their. (And it was a latest introduction.) Please react to it 😁 Anyways, new moo Subscriber here! 😁😘
this was such a nice reaction i can tell your friend enjoyed it, please show her more mamamoo and also show her mamamoo guide by purple hawke so she can know about their personalities and more, looking forward for future vids thanks for reacting.
I'm gonna be honest. Nowadays, when you look into those people who still say this, a lot of hwasa antis are actually girls. Kinda sad, if you think about it. It really do be women tearing other women down smh
@@2ndKidd it is really sad when women do that to other women :( But one time I encountered a middle aged man commenting on an article about top kpop girl group members and he said “would’ve been better without that fugly Hwasa”. His profile photo was him with his very young daughter. I hope his daughter never encounters someone like his dad in the future :(
I love this performance so much. The first song I listened from them was also an Immortal Song's performance. Since that has been 5 years already. They recently did a live performance at "killing voice" on Dingo. It was like a medley of some of their title tracks since debut. It was incredible. It made me remember the amazing singers they are. I highly recommend it if you haven't watched it yet💕🤗
I’ve only been a fan since August, but I’m in so deep already! I saw their Dingo performance and it was AMAZING! I know I can always expect great performances, but they still blow me away every time.
@@theCheebz right? They always blow me away even after years of following their work. I'm always shocked at how their live performances are even better than the recorded version of their songs.
Mamamoo, with their latest performance of 'Meeting/Encounter' last year, are now at a total of 14 performances for Immortal Songs 2 appearances.. Also.. talk about setting a high bar for ur friend when this is the first thing she experiences as someone not familiar with kpop.. Was quite enjoyable to watch.. keep it up!!
Hi Cheebz and Rachel! You guys are amazing, love the chemistry. This is a quality mamamoo content reaction i was looking for! 😍 Subscribed, gonna wait for more future reactions. Your channel deserve more subs tho!
Great first vid! Enjoyed the little edits here and there, and ya'll have a fun energy. As a Moo, yourself, I'm sure you already your own list of videos in mind that you wanna introduce Rachel to, but I'm especially looking forward to her reactions to Dingo Killing Voice (of course, live MMM is best MMM), the 4S4C eras, and other IS2 performances (namely "Backwoods" and "Delilah", seeing as how they weren't in the Medley). Oh, and while she obviously has you to guide her on her way to eventual fully-fledged Moo-dom, it's always fun to watch "Introducing Mamamoo" again through fresh new eyes. Anyways, hope ya'll continue to make regular content, cause I had a smile on my face the whole time while watching; nothing more wholesome than cautiously introducing your friend to something you love and having them embrace it so warmly!
I don't understand. Is this the first video? because it's really good. To be honest, I came for Mamamoo but just the first 30 seconds I fell in love with you two. Subscribed with notifications on. Haaa...entertained.
One of the reasons I'm into Mamamoo is because they pronounce their words clearly when they sing and that's a big plus for me, especially when listening to a language I'm not familiar with and it inspires me to learn more of it. Oh and your interactions with each other are so cute 😂😂😂😂
I'm going to subscribe and watch your every step down this Radish hole! Please do watch their music videos with subs because the messages of their songs are just....
This was a rather emotional reaction video: There is nothing greater than sharing something that you love so dearly (Mamamoo of course) with someone who actually instantly gets it.
omaaaaayyyyyyygawd, it was so fun watching you two, im only watch video reaction about mamamoo, n let me say not many reactioners can hooked me from the beginning to end, make me want to watch their other mamamoo's reaction videos. especially female reactioners i didnt even found my fav yet. but seeing you genuinely love mamamoo and want your besties to know them is heart warming. i wish i can do the same with besties! oh! i love how Rachel so open and willing to learn about mamammoo, lets drag her into this mamamoo's cult woooohoooooooo
dude you guys seem so genuine and like you're having so much fun! i watch a fair few reaction videos and do a lot of skipping through intros and stuff even when i like the people who are reacting, it takes me ages to trust that i'll be invested enough in what they're saying to watch right from the beginning but you guys seem so nice and honest and interesting i watched all the way through without even thinking about it, i'm so looking forward to any more videos you make!
@@theCheebz [pls react tp their recent live meddly of their top songs on " killin verse on dingo" its best showcase of their vocals: ruclips.net/video/WvkTcNQsxzc/видео.html&ab_channel=%EB%94%A9%EA%B3%A0%EB%AE%A4%EC%A7%81%2Fdingomusic
@@theCheebz 😂😂 We all die with that performance at MAMA hope we can put MMM in the 10th place of WW fan choice this year. I like youre reactions girls keep having fun and enjoy MMM music.
I found this just now, so bear that in mind if this sounds out of place. I saw a live concert they did for their world tour, and Solar kept doing her power belting for hours.
I just found your channel and I love your reactions, I just saw that this is your first Video and it is amazing with great edits! You just got yourself a new Subscriber, I can't wait for you guys to react to more of Mamamoo such as more Music Videos, B - Sides, Live Performances, Covers, Dance Practices, Moments, and of course Ships! I also can't wait for you guys to react to more Groups and Soloists such as Blackpink, Red Velvet, Twice, (G) I-DLE, Dreamcatcher, Loona, Momoland, GFriend, Sunmi, IU, and many more as well! I can't wait for more Content from you guys and I hope that you both are doing well and staying safe and healthy! P.S. If you ever need any good Videos I can totally help you out with that if you need it!
'Be normal Be Normal' I see what you did there 😏😏 But omg I love this video so much! Subscribed. Hope you guys can check out Dingo Live Medley like others have asked! Its worth the song spoilers because its just so good 🔥😍
Hwasa was literally dragged by kpop stans and antis for the way she looks, not just that instructor. It was so hard for Mamamoo before and after they debuted. Literally everyone told them they didn’t fit into the Korean beauty standards and that they were gonna be a failure - Solar discussed this in an interview.
I'm with Rachel. I don't like K-pop either because it's loud. I used to like BIGBANG in 2000s, though, but it's because their style's westernized back then. MAMAMOO is the only K-pop group that makes me stay. The day we lose them will be the day I quit K-pop forever. They're irreplaceable in my heart. I don't want that day to come but it's indeed approaching us. 😭🌊
Kind of cheating starting off with Mamamoo's Immortal Songs Medley. You're starting her off at the top and everything else is going to be a disappointment. Should have started off with some average group and built up to this.
Thank you so much for reacting to this video MooMoo! 🫰🏻❤️💙💛🤍
I’ve heard from both native and non-native Korean speakers that Moonbyul’s annunciation and pronunciation are really good, like perfect plus she can speak crazy fast while doing difficult word play and rhymes, so excellent rapper. However, I do assume that Hwasa’s might be a little under annunciated because her speaking voice is and host on tv shows sometimes mention it she has a very relaxed way of speaking.
Hwasa says so herself that enunciation is something she wants to work on. I think it’s on the Korean tv show that shows the making of “don’t” by loco and hwasa where she mentions it.
True, like I'm half korean and I'm always amazed on how Moonbyul can rap those verses without sounding like shes just randomly spouting words. Hwasa, can rap as well but her pronunciation can be indeed relax and in fast part it will sound weird. But they still slays, QUEENS
This was so entertaining pls more of mamamoo!!
10:34 finally! This is the first time I see someone pointing out that Solar's high note
Ikr and im glad that im not the only one realized her high note
I'm soooo happy!! 🤗 the camera sorta cuts out/back in both the original and in this concert it's a crime
You ladies should react to their Medley on Dingo's Killing Voice. 💚
It's their most recent medley this year and their voice is just amazing (I mean its Mamamoo our Vocal Queens)
Hahah in the moment they did that "weird" dance, they were actually reproducing the original dance moves of when that song was released on the 80's, paying a tribute to the original singer :)
Ah, I didn’t know this. That makes so much more sense now. Thank you!
Best way to Introduce MAMAMOO to your friend is by watching INTRODUCING MAMAMOO BY PURPLE HAWKE. All information about each members are their. (And it was a latest introduction.) Please react to it 😁
Anyways, new moo Subscriber here! 😁😘
Yesss please ❤️
Y e s
this was such a nice reaction i can tell your friend enjoyed it, please show her more mamamoo and also show her mamamoo guide by purple hawke so she can know about their personalities and more, looking forward for future vids thanks for reacting.
MORE MAMAMOO!!! This was so fun to do ❤️ thank you for asking me to do this 🤩
I don't understand either. Why those brainless guys said Hwasa was ugly. In spite of her stunning beauty
Because they are brainless ;D
I'm gonna be honest. Nowadays, when you look into those people who still say this, a lot of hwasa antis are actually girls. Kinda sad, if you think about it. It really do be women tearing other women down smh
@@2ndKidd it is really sad when women do that to other women :( But one time I encountered a middle aged man commenting on an article about top kpop girl group members and he said “would’ve been better without that fugly Hwasa”. His profile photo was him with his very young daughter. I hope his daughter never encounters someone like his dad in the future :(
@@2ndKidd and they’re mostly children too lol we can’t deny that Hwasa is not your typical idol, but she is so beautiful and in her own lane.
Thanks for introducing Mamamoo to your friend. This means a lot to us (Moo Moos).
OMG please show your friend Moonbyul's vocal abilities! I stan Mamamoo as a group, but Moonbyul is my ultimate girl bias.
Omg. Thanks for love MAMAMOO. te mando besos y abrazos 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Ted talk on why mamamoo should be popular in the US 😁👌
Awesome job of introducing her. I loved this reaction. Can’t wait for you to do more with Rachel
I love this performance so much. The first song I listened from them was also an Immortal Song's performance. Since that has been 5 years already.
They recently did a live performance at "killing voice" on Dingo. It was like a medley of some of their title tracks since debut. It was incredible. It made me remember the amazing singers they are. I highly recommend it if you haven't watched it yet💕🤗
I’ve only been a fan since August, but I’m in so deep already! I saw their Dingo performance and it was AMAZING! I know I can always expect great performances, but they still blow me away every time.
@@theCheebz right? They always blow me away even after years of following their work. I'm always shocked at how their live performances are even better than the recorded version of their songs.
Mamamoo, with their latest performance of 'Meeting/Encounter' last year, are now at a total of 14 performances for Immortal Songs 2 appearances..
Also.. talk about setting a high bar for ur friend when this is the first thing she experiences as someone not familiar with kpop..
Was quite enjoyable to watch.. keep it up!!
i wish you would react to their mvs and performances more
Don’t worry. 😉 We’re just getting started.
Pls react to Mamamoo Killing voice on Dingo
Kudos from Lubbock for an entertaining reaction to entertaining performers!
Please show Rachel their other Immortal song melodies - "The Way To Sampo" is amazing and "Delilah" Is just as outstanding.
Hi Cheebz and Rachel! You guys are amazing, love the chemistry. This is a quality mamamoo content reaction i was looking for! 😍 Subscribed, gonna wait for more future reactions. Your channel deserve more subs tho!
Wow wow wow! Thank you so much! ❤️
YT recommended your channel to me. Hoping to see more MMM reactions from your channel. 🤭
Definitely need more of yall.
Solar is always singing everybody´s parts XD
Great first vid! Enjoyed the little edits here and there, and ya'll have a fun energy.
As a Moo, yourself, I'm sure you already your own list of videos in mind that you wanna introduce Rachel to, but I'm especially looking forward to her reactions to Dingo Killing Voice (of course, live MMM is best MMM), the 4S4C eras, and other IS2 performances (namely "Backwoods" and "Delilah", seeing as how they weren't in the Medley).
Oh, and while she obviously has you to guide her on her way to eventual fully-fledged Moo-dom, it's always fun to watch "Introducing Mamamoo" again through fresh new eyes.
Anyways, hope ya'll continue to make regular content, cause I had a smile on my face the whole time while watching; nothing more wholesome than cautiously introducing your friend to something you love and having them embrace it so warmly!
You guys are cool! I like your vibes and the way you interact with each other.
Mamamoo reinas vocales for ever !!! Saludos desde Chile 🇨🇱
I don't understand. Is this the first video? because it's really good. To be honest, I came for Mamamoo but just the first 30 seconds I fell in love with you two. Subscribed with notifications on. Haaa...entertained.
One of the reasons I'm into Mamamoo is because they pronounce their words clearly when they sing and that's a big plus for me, especially when listening to a language I'm not familiar with and it inspires me to learn more of it. Oh and your interactions with each other are so cute 😂😂😂😂
You should react to their MVs chronologicaly so you can also see and react to their growth as artists.
Yay for more Mamamoo contents💚
Exactly me introducing Mamamoo to my friends who are very strict on vocal performances.
I'm going to subscribe and watch your every step down this Radish hole! Please do watch their music videos with subs because the messages of their songs are just....
This was a rather emotional reaction video: There is nothing greater than sharing something that you love so dearly (Mamamoo of course) with someone who actually instantly gets it.
i love Mamamoo and i love your channel.
omaaaaayyyyyyygawd, it was so fun watching you two, im only watch video reaction about mamamoo, n let me say not many reactioners can hooked me from the beginning to end, make me want to watch their other mamamoo's reaction videos. especially female reactioners i didnt even found my fav yet. but seeing you genuinely love mamamoo and want your besties to know them is heart warming. i wish i can do the same with besties! oh! i love how Rachel so open and willing to learn about mamammoo, lets drag her into this mamamoo's cult woooohoooooooo
Thank you! Rachel's awesome! I'm so thankful she was able to do this video with me.
You are so cute and did great comments. I loved your reaction!!!!
Please continue to react to Mamamoo
Hwasa is my favorite. I love her personality so much as well as her voice.
React to MAMAMOO Killing voice next time. I love your reactions 💚💚💚
dude you guys seem so genuine and like you're having so much fun! i watch a fair few reaction videos and do a lot of skipping through intros and stuff even when i like the people who are reacting, it takes me ages to trust that i'll be invested enough in what they're saying to watch right from the beginning but you guys seem so nice and honest and interesting i watched all the way through without even thinking about it, i'm so looking forward to any more videos you make!
Thank you so much!
This video was really good😁,love from mexico🇲🇽
have to show her Mamamoo at MAMA 2018
Omg, she would die!
@@theCheebz 😂😂😂 The first time we all died watching this performance ... I keep dying every time I watch this performance
@@theCheebz [pls react tp their recent live meddly of their top songs on " killin verse on dingo" its best showcase of their vocals: ruclips.net/video/WvkTcNQsxzc/видео.html&ab_channel=%EB%94%A9%EA%B3%A0%EB%AE%A4%EC%A7%81%2Fdingomusic
@@theCheebz 😂😂 We all die with that performance at MAMA hope we can put MMM in the 10th place of WW fan choice this year. I like youre reactions girls keep having fun and enjoy MMM music.
I love thatttt, please react to more mamamoo stuff, I recommend you to watch the introduction to mamamoo by purple hawke, I would love to see that
Moonbyul 🤒 power 😎🙉🌋🌋🌋🌋🤟🤟🤟🖤
Honestly Mamamoo's Immortal Songs medley is like a "try not to fall inlove with mamamoo" challenge 😎😎
Please react to their 2018 mama performance it's so iconic
This is only midway into their 4hr live concert. Solar is just warming up at this moment 😄
Thankyouuu for this!!! Oh and i hope u can react to dingo mamamoo live medley more latest. Please react that with her!!! Hahahaha anw take care
Hwasa our Queen of Queens
I found this just now, so bear that in mind if this sounds out of place. I saw a live concert they did for their world tour, and Solar kept doing her power belting for hours.
new subscriber here and a mamamoo fan wish you luck with your channel
As a moomoo ,girl, we relate to u on so many levels..
Here are ALL 14 Performances from IMMORTAL SONGS
I just found your channel and I love your reactions, I just saw that this is your first Video and it is amazing with great edits! You just got yourself a new Subscriber, I can't wait for you guys to react to more of Mamamoo such as more Music Videos, B - Sides, Live Performances, Covers, Dance Practices, Moments, and of course Ships! I also can't wait for you guys to react to more Groups and Soloists such as Blackpink, Red Velvet, Twice, (G) I-DLE, Dreamcatcher, Loona, Momoland, GFriend, Sunmi, IU, and many more as well! I can't wait for more Content from you guys and I hope that you both are doing well and staying safe and healthy!
P.S. If you ever need any good Videos I can totally help you out with that if you need it!
i also fell in love moonbyul while watching and I failed to hide it:)
ALSO I hyperventilated 10:49 queen hwasa slay me
YES I LOVE THIS 😍 subcribed!
'Be normal Be Normal' I see what you did there 😏😏
But omg I love this video so much! Subscribed. Hope you guys can check out Dingo Live Medley like others have asked! Its worth the song spoilers because its just so good 🔥😍
18:30 She might be thinking of "Land of 1000 Dances"' by William Pickett.
Or "Here Comes The Hotstepper" by Ini Kamoze if she's into 90s hip-hop. 🤣
LMAO @ "Thank you, Jesus."
Pleaseeee React to Killing Voice on Dingo Mamamoo
You should react to the 2019 immortal songs medley too! Even though wheeins voice cracks lol but it’s super cute😂
More mamamoo pliss
Please please react to Dingo Killing Voice. I like you and your friend's chemistry.
As far as i know MAMAMOO was invited 14 times and won 3 times :)
Hwasa was literally dragged by kpop stans and antis for the way she looks, not just that instructor. It was so hard for Mamamoo before and after they debuted. Literally everyone told them they didn’t fit into the Korean beauty standards and that they were gonna be a failure - Solar discussed this in an interview.
I'm with Rachel. I don't like K-pop
either because it's loud. I used to
like BIGBANG in 2000s, though, but it's
because their style's westernized back
then. MAMAMOO is the only K-pop
group that makes me stay. The day
we lose them will be the day I quit K-pop
forever. They're irreplaceable in my
heart. I don't want that day to come
but it's indeed approaching us. 😭🌊
Pls more mamamoo
I love how i feel like im a friend having casual conversations with them lmao
That Steve Harvey clip took me out please 😂😭
"...enunciation is optional...". 😂😂😂
: I- UHM...
That was like a solid 10 seconds of silence I can't even-
we waiting for more mmm reacation kkkkkkk
Mamamoo concerts are on average 3 hours long :3
dont forget they just 2 time lips sync because the sound in that even has problem😉...mostly they singing live..😎😎
I'm the 69th subscriber :)))
Please react to MAMAMOO at MAMA 2018
Please react to their Dingo live hits medley.
Also react on Dingo medley.
"Mamamoo mamma mía"
The worst of all is that in the votations to choose the fandom's name mamma mía was an option.
OML be normal xD
Sadly there are no other groups that compare to Mamamoo
Be normal be normal
Kind of cheating starting off with Mamamoo's Immortal Songs Medley. You're starting her off at the top and everything else is going to be a disappointment. Should have started off with some average group and built up to this.