Inventing Freedom: How the English-Speaking Peoples Made the Modern World

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024

Комментарии • 189

  • @arvidalexatsinch1163
    @arvidalexatsinch1163 4 года назад +9

    All native English speakers have an immense amount of tradition and culture to be proud for, whether you are British, Rhodesian, Australian or American.

  • @NoGodsNoMasters1885
    @NoGodsNoMasters1885 8 лет назад +14

    As Americans, we should be proud that Great Britain has been our friend and ally for all of these years. We owe quite a lot to their history and culture. My one concern about America is that we've allowed special interests to dictate policies, and this has pushed up prices far above affordability.

  • @uk1988tb303
    @uk1988tb303 9 лет назад +17

    One of the best politico-sociological speeches I've ever listened to. Inspirational!

  • @a8lg6p
    @a8lg6p 9 лет назад +21

    This book explains and articulates a realization that has been dawning in me over the last year or so: We who live in the Anglosphere are beneficiaries of a tradition of liberty that goes back at least to the Magna Carta. In every corner of the globe, the most prosperous, free, humanitarian, and democratic, as well as the most influential, economically and militarily, is an offshoot of the British Empire. OTOH, most of continental Europe, not to mention the rest of the world, was under some kind of authoritarian (if not totalitarian) dictatorship during my parents' lifetimes. I'm starting to think that it may not be a coincidence.

  • @Monsuco
    @Monsuco 11 лет назад +39

    As ham-fisted as the British Empire was at times, as an American I can help but admire the British for their ability to install this sense of individualism and law throughout the world.
    When I look at the British colony of Barbados and contrast it with the French colony of Haiti it's clear the Brits made the difference.
    When I observe the impact of British colonialism on the United States and Canada and contrast it the the impact of Spanish colonialism on Mexico and with Spanish and Portuguese colonialism on South and Central America, the variable is clearly the British.
    Look at the catastrophe that befell French Vietnam and compare it with the miracles that occurred in British Hong Kong and Singapore.
    British New Zealand and Australia certainly fared better than Dutch Indonesia.
    India and Africa were, admittedly, the two areas where the British proved less effective. Both regions were plagued by tribalism and the Brits never could overcome that. Pakistan broke off of India and largely rejected the British notions of law and liberty in fa. India dabbled in highly bureaucratic social democracy and tribalism but eventually began to shed those ideas and India has started to grow economically as a result.
    In Africa, tribalism pretty much destroyed any hope of progress. South Africa and Kenya sorta progressed but meddled heavily in the economy. Upon gaining independence Zimbabwe attempted to erase any perceived legacy of British imperialism and became one of the world's most violent and backwards nations as a result. Botswana, much more so than most African nations, appears to have largely maintained the British notions about property rights and law and has, to some degree, rejected anti-western and tribalism sentiments and its relatively successful economy is probably a result of that.

    • @Izoupun
      @Izoupun 10 лет назад +2

      What are you, some sort of Uncle Tom, or is it that some of you green pea buffoons have a barbarian caveman complex? Every concept & institution that the British supposedly "invented" was either reversed engineered from the Catholic Church university system (the same university system of today, which it did invent, and is also the reason why any European can write in his respective language in the first place) or the Renaissance which came out of the Church- preserved influence of Greco-Roman antiquity. Britain might have played a role in making freedom & the educated widespread, but it did not invent the concepts of human-international rights or the foundations of science or economy, it just re-branded them and made it relevant to it's own time period. Even America's Founding Fathers admit to the many influences that would shape the Constitution. It just wasn't accessible to a large part of the population before the Renaissance, because Europe was in an extreme state of barbarism and backwardness, thus precipitating the need for a martial law mentality before the early Modern Period. Even then, the American Republic is the true symbol of freedom and laissez-faire (not some Keynesian Anglo-American welfare-warfare police state that talks about prosperity, yet is in a trillion dollars of debt, doesn't even have it's own production-manufacturing sectors and is really a puppet entity controlled by a Zionist financial bureaucracy, which are the true illegal immigrants who produce nothing), if it wasn't, then there would've been no reason for America to free itself (which it was able to do, because the French & Spanish military defeated the British) from the Divine Right of Kings and highly centralized bureaucracy that plagued(s) Britain. Finally, the French, Spanish & Portuguese did not settle the Americas in mass hoards like the Germans & Scots-Irish (Anglo-Americans are actually a minority) and they eventually would garner more interest in selling off land if they could, rather than cultivating what was already a terrain not arable in the degree that North America is. The point is industriousness has a lot to with the land you occupy, not biology, only the feeble-minded ignoramus thinks that way.

    • @Monsuco
      @Monsuco 10 лет назад +2

      Sorry, you lost me at Zionist conspiracy. I have a tendency to tune out anti-semites..

    • @Izoupun
      @Izoupun 10 лет назад +2

      Exactly, nickle and dime, feeble-minded rhetoric that says you're either too stupid or cowardly to face facts, since I even have to explain that you obviously can't decipher (again) between biology and philosophy. Zionism is a lifestyle, not an ethnic group and is based out of the non-semitic Khazarian people usurping the name of good, common Jews, so how can it be anti-semitic? Even dignified (real Abrahamic-like paleo-Hebrews) Jews themselves are anti-Zionist and are vigilant about the evidence, because Zionism is straight out the Jewish history. Read Rockefeller books, research the evidence, stop being a Stockholm syndrome manipulated dumbass.

    • @Izoupun
      @Izoupun 10 лет назад

      That should all be an established given by now. The issue at hand is how you support this so-called Semitic Zionist realm whose elitist leaders sponsor wholesale exterminations of non-Jewish types of Semitic civilians (many of whom are Christian) who also live in the region, in order to propagate what they call a Jewish state, with Ashkenazi elements even going as far as to look down on their Sephardic Jewish counterparts. It's ludicrous to whole segments of the voting class in America (including Jews) how their nation's military & financial resources are being used for this belligerence while they get their own tax money loaned back to them at interest & so-called tax cuts are re-directed torwards this genocide.
      I'm not concerned about the plurality of responsible, considerate Hebrew CIVILIAN people(s) and those that they've proselytized who draw inspiration from the ideal & reality of a reanimated kingdom or republic of Israel for the sincere purpose of their safety and defense. Maybe that's their personal method of displaying that this is their way of preserving Jacob's name or reuniting the ten tribes (nine, Simeon was actually located within Judah, like it was some independent state within another state of the Holy Roman Empire) with Judah & Benjamin (and the Levites, who are now extinct). Or that they want to make up for the mistakes of Jehu & Solomon. That's their business. What I know is that the bible is infallible and that all divine scripture is based on objectivity and evidence, not just the Torah or something like the Talmud (although the seven Noahide laws in the Talmud are a prime example of universal moral code pertaining to public relations & civic virtue for all people, regardless of language or religion. The bible itself mentions "a mass conversion of Jews" in the end of days. Even so, even in the Talmud, one of the Three Oaths states that the Jews are sworn not to go up from Exile to the Land of Israel en masse).
      I'm pinpointing a Sabbatean and/ or Zionist ECONOMIC minority elite that have proven to infiltrate every institution of global society, from entertainment (pornography is a Zionist industry) to science; state to church, but most importantly, economics. These people have ancient zealotry and tradition that now encompass/ distort their belief system. They are in the mold of: 1. Cain and Nimrod's empire 2. Babylon, or the Tower of Babel (possibly the attempt to escape another deluge through human means, or the attempt to invade & usurp Heaven.) 3. The Israelites that opposed Moses in the desert until their encampment was swallowed up by the earth. 4. The Israelites in the northern kingdom that continued to build their economy and government around the golden calf originally fabricated by Aaron until the captivity of 722 B.C. 5. Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus in the name of financial interests 6. The Jews who went along with liberating Barrabas over Christ 7. The New Testament's warning of people who claim to be Jews, but are of "the Synagogue of Satan". 8. The Zionist elite who consciously believe that they need to promote evil in this world in order to bring about God's wrath faster, for their own benefit. 9. Those who wish to settle a score with Gentiles over being expelled from Israel, carrying out this vendetta through world financial monopolization. The "Amalekites" or "Goyim" as they have been quoted as calling the rest of the world. 9. The atheist materialist Communist Bolshevik movement that was responsible for the murder of whole communities of Christians. Prominent Jewish-American leader Rabbi Stephen Wise once infamously stated, "Some call it Marxism, I call it Judaism." 10. The Israeli military personnel who attacked the U.S.S. Liberty in June of 1967, with many sources of evidence demonstrating that the Israeli soldiers knew very well it was an American ship. 11. Khazarian "Jews" are not ethnically the paleo-Hebrews of the bible, therefore they themselves hold no ancestral claim to the land. 12. Some of these things are what Benjamin Franklin was roughly referring to in his archive about this topic, although I would look to Jefferson before him as an impartial, spiritual influence.
      Reasonably it's expected that all people are not going to agree on the bible right at this specific faze of history. I'm referencing it, because it's also a part of Jewish history. Again, the bible mentions that "there will be a mass conversion of the Jews" at the end of days, which seems to indicate that God will judge those who have lived by Providence & the rule of law that is "written in every man's soul" objectively & mercifully. What is important is that all archaological, scientific & historical evidence arguably favors creation & micro-evolution while darwinism continues to remain a theory, only supported by the power of state and it's bubble currency, which is the responsibility of individuals to learn for themselves in an information age if they really believe in the Renaissance or the Enlightenment. Ultimately the true Israel is the New Covenant between Christ (the tearing of the temple veil after the Crucifixion signifying the Old Covenant being fulfilled), who is the realization of the line of David through the resurrected God-Man, and the Church, the twelve disciples being the spiritual manifestation of the twelve tribes incorporating the Gentile world.
      How ironic that you would defend Zionism like family and portray yourself as if you have the mindset that all those who claim to be Jewish are somehow impervious to containing a by-product of agenda-driven elitist fanaticism whose proponents would be willing to sell anyone out. Much of the Old Testament is written to amplify the moral lessons of both the corruptions and the pinnacles of both Israel & Judah. Would they depend on materialism, or God? What about now? Will the vigilance of the Old Testament be used for bad or for good, and will it be used instead to extract the influence of Dathan & Abiram, Aaron's golden calf, Baal, Babylon, Sodom & Gomorrah or Solomon's wives, like some sort of Jezebel renaissance? It's part of their history as well. Yet you're willing to recognize the corruption in the EU seamlessly when the citizens within the EU have nothing to do with what it's statist bureaucracy is doing anymore than the citizens of Britain are. There's a reason why sound money philosophies that changed the scope of perception while still being able to maintain a perspective of economics as a whole have names like "Austrian economics" & "laissez-faire".

    • @Monsuco
      @Monsuco 10 лет назад


  • @winnington6923
    @winnington6923 8 лет назад +20

    We need this guy as our PM

  • @jonlanier_
    @jonlanier_ 9 лет назад +36

    This guy needs to be the UK's next Prime Minister.

    • @davidhall674
      @davidhall674 9 лет назад +8

      Amen to that! If he makes it, I might just move there. Too bad he can't be America's next President!

    • @jonlanier_
      @jonlanier_ 9 лет назад +5

      David Hall Can you imagine him as PM and someone like Walker or Rand Paul as President? We'd have another Thatcher/Reagan relationship and a new dawn of relations.

    • @jasoncha1973facup
      @jasoncha1973facup 5 лет назад

      He wouldn't get the votes.

    • @hillbill79
      @hillbill79 5 лет назад +2

      @@jonlanier_ 4 years on, Its Trump and Boris Johnson. Bet you never saw that one coming. Seems like there will be a good relationship with those two.

  • @richardepoulinjr
    @richardepoulinjr 10 лет назад +12

    Great speech filled with history, optimism, and spirit of conservatism! We need more people just like him and if there was way to infect the current generation with his knowledge we would be much better off!

    • @a8lg6p
      @a8lg6p 9 лет назад

      ***** So you prefer Arab colonialism? Or indigenous dictatorship?

  • @wynnjames2797
    @wynnjames2797 3 года назад +1

    This guy for president!!! I never thought I would vote for a Limey but this guy seems to have a more clear understanding of our own nation's Constitution than anyone else
    Than anyone else in this nation that is bereft of patriotism

  • @MrBoywonder1985
    @MrBoywonder1985 11 лет назад +11

    This guy is awesome. What a fantastic speech!

    • @sanusiebarrie7225
      @sanusiebarrie7225 3 года назад

      Hum really how about the genocides in Africa India Australia New Zealand America all by the English speaking world

  • @ArmenSur
    @ArmenSur 8 лет назад +22

    Brilliant speaker

  • @reverendsharptoon3089
    @reverendsharptoon3089 10 лет назад +11

    Hannan = Genius

  • @crawford2871
    @crawford2871 5 лет назад +6

    To be an English-speaking fly on the wall when Hannan met Rees-Mogg.

  • @cavendish009
    @cavendish009 6 лет назад +4

    This is absolutely right but we, in Britain, do not live by this rule any longer. No-one is sacked for wrongdoing any longer; they are above our law and never have to face justice. IT MUST END. Our democracy is broken.

    • @Kentucky_Blue
      @Kentucky_Blue 4 года назад

      I'm surprised how complicit your courts and law enforcement have been - Tommy Robinson for example. It's one thing to turn a blind eye to certain activities if they fit some political agenda. It's another thing when your own citizens are having crimes committed against them because of those political agendas. People's civil rights are being violated.

  • @Valhalla88888
    @Valhalla88888 Год назад +1

    Great speach I'm quite sure his Scottish mother or his Ulster Scots parents would be so proud, Scotland and England have created a world of laws, divinity, invention, discovery these two countries united under King James 6th of Scotland and 1st of England God bless the King 🇬🇧

  • @seanettles657
    @seanettles657 7 лет назад +2

    I LOVE Daniel Hannan.

  • @luccolpaert1815
    @luccolpaert1815 6 лет назад +3

    The judicial and political systems of the UK and the US are based on the principles on the French Revolution. I agree that the English speaking peoples helped to make the modern world but one should not forget the renaissance, French Revolution, Freud on individualism, Nietzsche on freedom and Einstein.

  • @EdTowel-ww7yh
    @EdTowel-ww7yh 8 лет назад +2

    I'm going to be buying and reading all of his books.

    • @Jesus420.69
      @Jesus420.69 8 лет назад +5

      I recommend 'how we invented freedom and why it matters' first.

  • @thattimestampguy
    @thattimestampguy 3 года назад +1

    1:43 Who is the speaker, Daniel Hannan?
    4:16 Daniel Hannan Introduces Himself
    - His family was attacked by several people
    6:59 The New World: Spain vs England (vs France)
    8:32 _We Take Things For Granted_
    9:45 Polio
    12:27 The Same
    14:22 English Freedoms
    16:04 Higher Values. Complete Equality
    19:21 The Law

  • @Wyrdtimes
    @Wyrdtimes 11 лет назад +9

    These days in England we don't even have the freedom to be English in any meaningful way. England where parliamentary democracy was founded is now one of the few nations on earth without it's own parliament. No wonder support for English independence is rising.

    • @Izoupun
      @Izoupun 10 лет назад

      You seriously need to exchange your remedial, Anglo-centric presumptions for a well-versed and objective view of history. Parliament was a universal development throughout Christian Europe. It was just referred to by different names other than "Parliament" in the Continent, obviously, because they spoke different languages (with English being the easiest to learn). Each empire (which were all complacent & considered cutting edge in relativity to it's time period) arose in Europe, because each one was reverse-engineering technology & influence from elder empire(s), thus having more pronounced philosophical & historical resources to utilize with each new emanation, which eventually made it possible to make our freedoms & education widely accessible (not necessarily outright invented, all inventions are quasi-inventions based on influence or circumstance), which was not possible before the Renaissance/ Early Modern Era, because Europe was in a state of barbarism & backwardness, thus precipitating the need for martial law. However, the foundations of our modern science & economy, the concepts of human & international rights, the influence of Roman-Greco Antiquity were all originally being preserved by the Catholic Church and was being taught in the university system that the Church invented that is still today's modern university system (not to mention there was no written language in Europe before the University system). Even the Founding Fathers of America admit their many influences, dating back to the Medo-Persian ruler Cyrus the Great. You need to listen to more Americans like InfoWars Alex Jones and Liberty School's Tom Woods who discuss Providence, accountability, empathy & real economics/ history. Some "wankers" (mostly fringy lemmings who scurry in the face of public accountability, because they know they would be ridiculed for clinging to their primordial & obsolete imperialist, social darwinist science fiction, which is ultimately nothing but a Zionist tool to justify controlling the world's Central Banks, including England's.) You should also learn that industriousness is very much based on whether the land is any good (as well as economy). Germany & America did the same thing England did in this regard, and of course, molded & polished it to it's respective circumstance & time period. Imagine arid regions trying to have an industrial revolution to the degree of said nations. Only a neanderthal would think that has anything to do with biology.

  • @ancylostomiasis
    @ancylostomiasis 10 лет назад +2

    No you are not inventing freedom, you are inventing history.

    • @finalfrontier001
      @finalfrontier001 10 лет назад +4

      Ah shit! a French Frog right here. They are still mad their is not French 1st world nation other than France.

    • @UlsterOrange
      @UlsterOrange 9 лет назад

      finalfrontier001 Catholic British Eurofederalist.

    • @IM-dy8wo
      @IM-dy8wo 9 лет назад +1

      +finalfrontier001 At a stretch you have Quebec in Canada which is part of the francosphere and is 1st world.

    • @finalfrontier001
      @finalfrontier001 9 лет назад

      Illimitable Man
      Quebec was named by British man called Doncaster. The queen granted your language to be spoken and the British built Montreal from little village from 1756 to 1973.
      Quebec is first world cuz of the English man.

  • @wynnjames2797
    @wynnjames2797 3 года назад

    The most important thing I gathered from this strong argument is we should stop loaning the government money so that they can simply waste it on things that do not represent its own constituents

  • @robertlund9820
    @robertlund9820 9 лет назад +14

    Ralf Raph dosnt know his history . magna Carta was the first shackling of executive power . The French revolutin was 150 years after the English civil war when king Charles the first was beheaded in London . we played with a " republic" for a few years but thankfully the visionary Oliver Cromwell refused the crown and We resetablished the constitutional monarchy which exists to this day . The French revolution came late to the party but ,in typical French way , made the most noise .

  • @jwh0122
    @jwh0122 6 месяцев назад

    12:39 authoritarian regimes on Eurasia in 1941
    16:01 materialistic, religious pluralism, individualism
    17:18 isolation of English-speaking countries -> no standing army
    19:04 common law
    25:31 nationality by values, not blood or ancestry
    27:13 a government of laws, not of men
    50:16 Bermuda, Singapore, HK

  • @OdysseusIthaca
    @OdysseusIthaca 6 лет назад

    The only bad thing about this guy's talented presentation, is that a Brit has forgotten more about the Founders and the American Revolution than I'll ever know.

  • @willboudreau1187
    @willboudreau1187 Год назад

    His video is all the more apt in 2023, after the freedoms we've had stolen in 2022.

  • @tamarabradshaw4799
    @tamarabradshaw4799 5 лет назад +1

    I like his optimism. There are too many trying to spread doom and gloom in the US.

  • @HamzaHGreen
    @HamzaHGreen 10 лет назад +3

    Awesome speech !

  • @MrRobertbyers
    @MrRobertbyers 7 лет назад +1

    The English people were more moral and intellectual then other men based on a curve.
    This based on puritan/Evangelical percentage in the population on a curve.
    Therefore God is simply blessing the people of the true faith.
    The true faith was the salt of the earth.

  • @pn2543
    @pn2543 Год назад

    excellent speech, a sorely needed apologia for colonialism

  • @Tridhos
    @Tridhos 8 лет назад +2

    Hannan is quite right the UK may indeed see power cuts as we no longer control our own power generation. It was sold off by Thatcher and her successors to the French.

    • @Tridhos
      @Tridhos 8 лет назад

      ***** Yes I agree the unions were terrible. However imagine if Scargill had known the damage he could have done had he been a banker and not a trade unionists.
      Nine years after the financial crash which started in the USA under a right wing president we are still seeing the affects of that debacle, just look at your bank book.
      Oh and before you blame Brown who was not exactly my cup of tea in fact I thought Blair should have sacked him, the financial crisis in 2007 was in the Private sector not the public apart from Greece, It was a banking and financial sector disaster. Also note at the time Brown was being told by both Osborne and Cameron that he was too heavy handed with regulations and should employ a lighter touch.
      I agree that Trade Unions at that time were in the wrong and needed to be brought under control but they did nowhere near the damage to the UK economy that was done by the financial sector a lot of which was found to be illegal.
      Note also several trade unionists ended up in front of the courts for disobeying the law, perhaps you can tell me which bankers were penalized. In fact we saw the opposite, many walked away from the disasters they were responsible for with lottery type compensation packages.

    • @thomstone1970
      @thomstone1970 8 лет назад

      and a purse string controlling left-wing Congress?

  • @moratgurgeh
    @moratgurgeh 7 лет назад +2

    If you turn a wheel 360 degrees it ends up in the same position.

  • @mikaveekoo
    @mikaveekoo 6 лет назад +4

    He is a true reincarnation of a colonial officer, this mr. Hannan...

  • @tuck-brainwks-eutent-hidva1098
    @tuck-brainwks-eutent-hidva1098 5 лет назад +1

    50:00 -- "If you get the structures right, the liberty and the happiness will follow." Agreed. (As usual -- MP Hannan is a fave-rave of mine 😉!) However, are there places/cultures where "the tyranny of the [political/cultural/environmental] status quo" is entrenched enough that the "structures" are nearly impossible to "get right" -- or establish in a meaningfully rooted (i.e., indigenous-adopted) way?
    I'm thinking of the obstacles evident in Afghanistan (the outward reality of practical decentralization combined with an ancient inner cultural cohesion) & extremist "Islamist" [= Islamic supremacy] -held territories/-run states (rigid existing structures with little room for dissent or openness to change)...?

  • @perseuswong6864
    @perseuswong6864 9 лет назад +5

    The English did not invent the idea of representative rule, Checks and Balances (i.e., Republican form of government).
    Nor did they originate a legal system in favor of individual liberty, property rights and due process. That credit goes to the 4th century BC Romans. The initial author of the Magna Carta, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was informed by his education in Latin and general knowledge of Roman law and history. The Magna Carta was not a declaration of universal individual property rights or representative rule. It was a contract between the nobles and the monarch.
    Prior to the Republic, the Roman nobles already had a similar arrangement with their monarch during the time of the Tarquin dynasty. The Republic came about because that system didn't work out.
    The idea of Liberty was first explored by the Greeks as a philosophy and later adapted and instituted by Republican Rome. It was the Romans who gave us the legal demarcations of "Res Publica" and "Res Privatae"; Public Sphere and Individual Sphere. It was they who invented the system of Separation of Powers between the Magistrates, Senate and Popular Assembly.
    It was they who extended the inviolable rights of Roman Citizenship to their distant provinces like Britannia.
    Long after the dissolution of its Constitution, Rome's Republican law remained a subject of study by medieval, renaissance and enlightenment scholars.
    While the English gave the world a language that facilitates global commerce and international cooperation. It is to the Greeks and Romans that we (and the British) ultimately owe the framework of modern representative rule.
    Hannan's heart is in the right place. But let's not rewrite history.

    • @pullnshoot25
      @pullnshoot25 8 лет назад +1

      +Perseus Wong What is sad is seeing the state of affairs in Greece.

    • @Gracchi
      @Gracchi 8 лет назад

      True guy is wise, but he misses the natural law underlying common law,
      or maybe he does it on purpose.
      common law v cannon law.

    • @perseuswong6864
      @perseuswong6864 8 лет назад +2

      “Slaves, women and children were owned and had no rights at all and could be put to death at will. You have an idealised view of ancient history.”
      Please explain how judicial process and civil rights for slaves, women and children in 10th and 11th century England was superior to the secular legal system established by the late Roman Republic.
      I was making the point that our modern legal system or notions of liberty evolved from a distant point in history while the title of this video suggests that it is the English who "invented" the concept of Freedom. (See the Title).
      The idea and word 'Liberty' has its roots in Greek and Latin. This is a fact and not an attempt to idealized the ancient world.

    • @vccancerkill5047
      @vccancerkill5047 8 лет назад +1

      No but that's no the point it was in the anglosphere that those ideas reached their pinnacle. Same can be said for the free market enterprise system, it was actually founded in the northern Italian states, matured throughout main land Europe and then perfected in England before absolutely flourishing in the New whole thanks to America. Read a book freak

    • @vccancerkill5047
      @vccancerkill5047 8 лет назад

      +Perseus Wong and for the record you yet to do a quarter of the research this man has done, but I might be wrong you could know more than him in which case it begs the question what the hell are you doing commenting on yt videos go write your own book.

  • @kirkbowyer3249
    @kirkbowyer3249 4 года назад


  • @JustaGuy-pm9ub
    @JustaGuy-pm9ub 5 лет назад

    Love Heritage Foundation. 💘.

  • @alikalik4032
    @alikalik4032 9 лет назад +1

    i totally agree with what he said about india

  • @martynjames5963
    @martynjames5963 9 лет назад


  • @gingerbaker4390
    @gingerbaker4390 2 года назад +1

    I think Daniel fails to explain the anomally of Ireland being the only western anglosphere type country, using violence and terrorism as a political means.

  • @CO8848_2
    @CO8848_2 8 лет назад

    Can it be said any better? "If America ceases to be a polity based on the elevation of the individual, then it ceases to be American".

  • @sriram5459
    @sriram5459 7 лет назад +6

    It's amazing how this little island has influenced the whole fucking world. The entire world ,in one way or the other , has been influenced by Britain. The earth shattering scientific advancements of the "The Royal Society", industrial revolution(this very internet/youtube has its roots in industrial revolution) , engineering, navigation, exploration, a whole history from Shakespeare to Brunel, from Orwell to Tolkein, Cook to the BBC, the Beatles to Led Zepplin . Had Britain been endowed with more land and population , she would still be the most powerful nation she was once was.The world would have been a better place if the power hadn't shifted from London to Washington .D.C. after WW2. But, that's the order of the nature, isn't it? A TIGRESS doesn't have to whelp out 16 offspring like a pig .BRITAIN IS A TIGER IN THIS ORDER OF NATURE.
    Nonetheless , even today , look at the soft power of Britain--music,arts, books, tv, movies, literature. Shakespeare and the Beetles are two of the biggest cultural exports in the history of the world. British comedy is highly influential, and British tv shows hold their own against American shows.Harry Potter, Sherlock, Bond, good God.. the list is endless.
    The King's college has produced more Nobel laureates than the country France! and to think that all this from this small island!
    Contrast French ,Portuguese, Danish colonies with the British colonies. The British colonies are far more "civilized" and leaps and bonds ahead of the other European colonies. I am from India from our "primary" school education to the Parliament, from municipal corporations to the supreme court everything was borrowed from the British. A lot of times we credit Western civilization when really it's the English speaking world.Had the British allowed to reign over India for much longer period of time, they would completely cured this country of idolatry and deep superstitions.Fucking Second world war throw a monkey wrench into this plan.England went bankrupt they couldn't hold the colonies any longer. Fuck you Hitler! Indians, my fellow country men often yap about atrocities of the empire but they conveniently forget that if not for the British they (all Indians) would have spend their entire life touching cow's ass (as Macaulay--the man who introduced English/scientific education to India, said in the English parliament in mid 19th century). From Gandhi to Nehru these so called Indian leaders were given English education and they did their higher studies in England.

  • @kimsatlong1343
    @kimsatlong1343 10 лет назад +2

    great mind

  • @zincfinger9467
    @zincfinger9467 10 лет назад +1

    I've just started to watch this. Unbelievable!
    Anyone watching this please look up Noam Chomsky for an alternative explanation to just about everything this man says.

    • @a8lg6p
      @a8lg6p 9 лет назад +11

      Done that. In high school, and college. But now I'm an adult, and I've continued to learn about the world in the previous decade. By all means, seek out different points of view. But keep in mind... When you discover some exciting new idea that seems to make sense of everything... Realize that you are actually just like everyone else. And that there are many competing narratives that can sound equally compelling. Then you'll be at a good place to START thinking seriously about these kinds of issues.

    • @bighands69
      @bighands69 9 лет назад +5

      Noam Chomsky is a socialist.
      He supported the Khmer Rouge. How could you even use him for this.

    • @wasabimanic
      @wasabimanic 9 лет назад

      bighands69 Recently Chomsky has found himself at odds with the trad hard left, like Nick Cohen ( author of " What's Left?) They are appalled at the Lefts "sympathy with anti Jewish demonstrations. In Britain hordes of far left filth marched alongside radical Islamists holding banners claiming ---- "We're ALL Hezbollah now" But YES he is still otherwise deluded.

    • @wasabimanic
      @wasabimanic 9 лет назад

      wasabimanic Clarification He (Chomsky) and Cohen are appalled by the hard left

    • @bighands69
      @bighands69 9 лет назад +1

      The left tend to fight among them self anyway. That is how they operate.

  • @leonwilliam2028
    @leonwilliam2028 7 лет назад +1

    anglosphere aliance for life

  • @tamarabradshaw4799
    @tamarabradshaw4799 5 лет назад

    I'm glad that we now say In God We Trust rather than God save the Queen.

  • @LoPaz199
    @LoPaz199 5 лет назад +1

    The answer is the Queen

  • @xxCCBBxx
    @xxCCBBxx 10 лет назад

    Great insight, but he is wrong on two accounts regarding the so-called "Rand Paul" view being non-conservative, and completely opposed to intervention. First, he doesn't take into account the historical foreign policy positions of the Republican Party. Second, he obviously has failed to watch Rand Paul's foreign policy speech at the Heritage Foundation...

  • @doctorbritain9632
    @doctorbritain9632 8 лет назад +15

    Britain needs to look west to the USA not east and south to Europe. It is with the USA we share common heritage. It is with the USA we share common values. In fact our political system needs to move towards the smaller government idea that the original founders of the USA put in place. The USA system is the natural evolution of democracy that failed to take place in the UK. Instead we have looked towards Europe with a federal system that will wipe out our political and legal heritage in a generation. I would rather we were part of the US than part of Europe.

    • @agentsmith2438
      @agentsmith2438 8 лет назад +5

      All the Anglosphere nations share the same ideology and similar culture.

    • @PsychosisFire
      @PsychosisFire 8 лет назад +1

      Privatised healthcare, privatised police force and prison services, the death penalty, poor education rankings, high gun crime and murder rate, racial tensions, obesity, suicide... nah, you're alright. I'll stick with Western Europe, thanks.

    • @agentsmith2438
      @agentsmith2438 8 лет назад +2

      PsychosisFire Continental European countries have always ended up with collectivist authoritarian regimes one way or another. Never happens in the Anglosphere we must be doing something right.

    • @johnkim8259
      @johnkim8259 7 лет назад +1

      Bruno TaTa did you read Adios America? You are on point. If we closed our borders, regressively repeal all anchor babies, and work on assimilating the rest of our immigrant population to believe in the english/American values, then I guarantee our world will start looking like 1950's America than the multicultural hell hole we see today. the immigrants coming from medieval backwards cultures are bringing down our average, otherwise we would be having top score across the board. I'm an Asian but we are the most assimilated group and thus the model immigrant. We are an example of bringing in immigrants that share American Values. It is sad that as an Asian, I'm more American than the communists that roam our country. I love this country, and desperately want it to go back to our values.

    • @mikaveekoo
      @mikaveekoo 6 лет назад

      Agent Smith Is that ideology called colonialism?

  • @DahirXashi-er1mz
    @DahirXashi-er1mz 9 месяцев назад

    If you don't know what to do with Canada, you're going to decide what you're paying for and how much you're paying for it.

  • @renebarendse2864
    @renebarendse2864 8 лет назад

    "The prejudice of Englishmen, in favour of their own government by
    king, lords and commons, arises as much or more from national pride
    than reason. Individuals are undoubtedly safer in England than in
    some other countries, but the will of the king is as much the law of
    the land in Britain as in France, with this difference, that instead
    of proceeding directly from his mouth, it is handed to the people
    under the more formidable shape of an act of parliament.
    An inquiry into the constitutional errors in the English form of
    government is at this time highly necessary, for as we are never in
    a proper condition of doing justice to others, while we continue
    under the influence of some leading partiality, so neither are we
    capable of doing it to ourselves while we remain fettered by any
    obstinate prejudice. And as a man, who is attached to a prostitute,
    is unfitted to choose or judge of a wife, so any prepossession in
    favour of a rotten constitution of government will disable us from
    discerning a good one."
    Thomas Paine, 1776.

    • @blazednlovinit
      @blazednlovinit 7 лет назад

      Mr. Paine sounds like he didn't know much about the English civil war.

  • @GodGuy8
    @GodGuy8 2 года назад

    The origins of the Whig ideology is almost mythological at this point. I feel like it was created by the secret society’s of England who didn’t like the monarchy and they needed a political party for the common people to get behind. This is still continuing today with a lot of republican presidents being members of secret societies like the bohemian grove. We trace our political views all the way to the oldest declaration of freedom written by the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah chapter 58 verse 6 who heard from god quoting god as saying “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
    to loose the chains of injustice
    and untie the cords of the yoke,
    to set the oppressed free
    and break every yoke?”
    It is no coincidence that the anglosphere is highly free and a light to the world even with the tarnish of occultism in our history, as we are the Biblical “Tarshish and the young lions there of”
    In the end times the bible mentions in Ezekiel 38 verse 13 “Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and all her villages e will say to you, “Have you come to plunder? Have you gathered your hordes to loot, to carry off silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods and to seize much plunder?”
    Sheba and dedan are clearly Arab locations and in modern times the Arabs are becoming very liberal and western leaning compared to the other Muslim countries. Tarshish is where Jonah was fleeing to, a place that the Bible says has tin which was found in Cornwall and some place in India. It makes sense that Tarshish is the modern day anglosphere and in the end times we will lose a war against the antichrist or just protest what he ends up doing.

    • @GodGuy8
      @GodGuy8 Год назад

      @@djb1273 we Christian’s have the oldest known declaration of freedom get over it!!!

  • @ralfrath699
    @ralfrath699 9 лет назад

    The Anglossphere has his roots in Germanic tribes - and was not Germany that has destroyed the Roman empire in the teurtoburg forrest battle? Germanic people were brutal and bloddy people - they had invented and droped the atomic bomb they have made two world wars - So what does the Anglosphere expect from the world??

  • @ralfrath699
    @ralfrath699 9 лет назад

    But you should not forget the slave holder past of the Anglosphere that fear many people outside of the Angloshere even today!
    Yes - indeed the Anglosphere today has a tradition of liberty - but what was the first step to liberty? The french revolution!
    So today many people fear the Anglosphere because of the angloshpere people who have only hearts of darkness but they can even not give only a sign of humanity, solidarty or good will and peace - and this is what the world of today needs!!

    • @steveu235
      @steveu235 9 лет назад +7

      +Ralf Rath In which past societies did we not have slavery??? The Romans had slaves, Egypt had slaves, The slaves from Africa were sold into slavery by other Africans who themselves owned slaves! people are so foolish, slaves aren't a product of White or Anglo's they are the product of humanity.

    • @ralfrath699
      @ralfrath699 8 лет назад

      Magna Carta - Bill of rights and Slavery?

    • @ralfrath699
      @ralfrath699 8 лет назад

      Yes - this is exact the point! Magna Carta, Bill of Rights and Slavery - how this!

    • @doctorbritain9632
      @doctorbritain9632 8 лет назад

      American war of independence came before French revolution. Britain abolished slavery first. Not sure what your point is here.

    • @ralfrath699
      @ralfrath699 8 лет назад +1

      Yes - and this was the reason why Britain fought with USA?
      People in a colony are not free people - Britain abolished nothing!

    @CHRISDABAHIA 4 года назад

    Four minutes to introduce him....😱

  • @tc9634
    @tc9634 3 года назад

    This has been debunked thoroughly by Chomsy, Knowing Better, Rationality Rules, Hitchens, heck even the "Is Success Luck or Hard Work?" video by Veritasium is relevant!

  • @farrenyellow6599
    @farrenyellow6599 4 года назад +2

    Instead of the European Union the anglosphere should start the Anglo Union! Lol

  • @poetmaggie1
    @poetmaggie1 5 лет назад

    Modern is the wrong word, the present world or society is more accurate as we don’t differ except in the number and types of our toys from our ancestors.

  • @harryleenorton
    @harryleenorton 3 года назад

    😂😂😂 People think this guy is clever, this guy is a walking joke amongst intellectuals, Daniel Hannan is one of the best examples of how talking shite in a posh accent is a passport to success in the UK.

  • @SempiternalScientist
    @SempiternalScientist 10 лет назад


    • @mengelmoesNL
      @mengelmoesNL 10 лет назад +2

      What a witty comment (not). How does loving ones country equate to needing to love Europe?

  • @hectorgarcia6098
    @hectorgarcia6098 4 года назад


  • @HappyMerchant
    @HappyMerchant 7 лет назад +1

    No mention to the spanish Imperio, the french impère or the german reich. The ETERNAL ANGLO is really pathetic.

  • @cristobalito1966
    @cristobalito1966 10 лет назад +2

    What an arrogant, irritating, conceited English politician!

  • @tag10uk
    @tag10uk 3 года назад

    Hannan is a very dangerous loon.

  • @arpitakodagu9854
    @arpitakodagu9854 5 лет назад

    Dan Hannan tries a little too hard to pander to Americans in my opinion.