Finished watching the archived video! Thank you for the class, Proff I learned a lot. Some of the first parts of the stream really made me realize people in my country did the exact same thing, lol. It was fun and helping me understand not only language but also culture!
Prof, I just joined a new JP team for work. My first time actually using Japanese in work so yeah I get you prof, I freaking hate all this overtly polite expressions because I suck at it. So I have decided to only use masu and desu to bring my blood pressure to a stable level. I try not to over stress myself. Thank goodness I found this stream and saw you felt the same. I’ll do my best to hang in there but if I don’t, I’ll just apply for a team where we just tell people to “F off, you piece of manure before I unalive you” directly instead of “can I please have the honour to invite you to go unalive yourself and may your parental figures come and apply and inflict seriously unappealing and probably illegal actions on you” . Cheer prof.
This is very helpful. I am self learning Japanese and while the language rules aren't that hard, the culture is difficult to understand. Sometimes I wish people can communicate clearly without going in a big circle but exercise the tact. Maybe there would be less social anxiety and depression if we all learned to communicate better.
お疲れ様でした!英語と日本語の違いとか、言葉の真の意味とか色々学びました、とても楽しかった! 配信ありがとうございました! Languages are very difficult and different, but I think I learned a lot in this class, thank you very much, Professor!
英語は「more tea?」(飲むのは自明だから省略)
Expectations: a lot of interesting expressions
Reality : a lot of interesting expressions, with Oliver yelling at his own language
37:27 The North American equivalent is "we are a family". Red flag in any job posting.
1:12:35 怒りによる荒ぶりからのスンッ…からの拳は草
0:02:55 声入り
0:41:27 What's happen!?の勢いの良い動き好き
0:46:43 米→米国←国 オリピコ太郎
1:12:30 中指頑張って立てようとしてるの草
1:16:59 トラウマによる発狂
Finished watching the archived video! Thank you for the class, Proff I learned a lot. Some of the first parts of the stream really made me realize people in my country did the exact same thing, lol. It was fun and helping me understand not only language but also culture!
▶00:03:22 企画説明
∟00:04:03 JP.ver
▶00:06:52 やばい/YABAI
▶00:10:10 やったか?/yata ka?
∟00:11:23 小さい「つ」の概念の話
▶00:14:11 なんでもいい/nan demo ii
▶00:16:31 結構/kekko
▶00:23:15 大丈夫/Daijyoubu
∟00:24:23 全然大丈夫/Zenzen Daijyoubu
▶00:39:38 多(多い)/Ta(Ooi) 少(少ない)/Shou(Sukunai)
∟00:41:28 多少/Tashou
▶00:44:07 米/kome 国/Kuni
∟00:44:32 米国/Beikoku
▶00:59:11 庭には二羽にわとりがいる/Niwa niwa niwa niwatori ga iru
▶01:00:27 一つ/Hitotsu 一個/iko
∟01:01:31 生き物の単位
∟01:04:37 🤷
▶00:26:25 全然勉強してない/Zenzen benkyou shitenai
▶00:27:50 一緒に走ろう/ishoni Hashirou
▶00:32:18 普通の人が好き/Hutsu no hito ga suki
▶00:36:45 アットホームな職場です/At home na shokuba desu
▶00:47:29 ぶぶ漬け食べていかれますか/Bubuzuke tabete ikaremasuka
▶00:49:42 素敵な時計してますね/Suteki na tokei shitemasune
▶00:55:37 善処します/Zensyo shimasu 前向きに検討します/Maemuki ni kentou shimasu
▶01:10:28 面接には自由な服装で起こし下さい/Mensetsu niha jiyu na hukusou de okoshikudasai
▶01:16:58 大変お疲れ様です。(以下略)
∟01:16:59 怒りを思い出し画面から消える🍵
∟01:20:05 即興劇
∟01:20:40 仮病じゃねーか!!
Prof, I just joined a new JP team for work. My first time actually using Japanese in work so yeah I get you prof, I freaking hate all this overtly polite expressions because I suck at it. So I have decided to only use masu and desu to bring my blood pressure to a stable level. I try not to over stress myself. Thank goodness I found this stream and saw you felt the same. I’ll do my best to hang in there but if I don’t, I’ll just apply for a team where we just tell people to “F off, you piece of manure before I unalive you” directly instead of “can I please have the honour to invite you to go unalive yourself and may your parental figures come and apply and inflict seriously unappealing and probably illegal actions on you” . Cheer prof.
This is very helpful. I am self learning Japanese and while the language rules aren't that hard, the culture is difficult to understand. Sometimes I wish people can communicate clearly without going in a big circle but exercise the tact. Maybe there would be less social anxiety and depression if we all learned to communicate better.
Prof, thank you so much for this stream. I learn a lot. Why can't you be my professor in college. LOL
Thanks you for streaming sensei! Keep healthy LOL
Start スタート 0:02:55 / short 0:55:38
0:03:19 👋
- Frustrating jp class!(0:04:03 日本語)
0:04:45 sensei wanna go home and drink🥃
- 0:05:11 it's not drinking stream.
0:06:31 タイトルが違う話
En:prof teaching frustrating japanese
■やばい *oh no* 0:06:51
- yabai
- easy,common jp
- 0:08:26 it means omg or pog
■やったか? *Did we do it?* 0:10:06
- yata ka?
- 0:11:28 yattakaは日本式
■なんでもいい *Any thing's fine* 0:24:20
- nan demo ii
0:14:13 we gonna start 簡単なやつ(easy one).
- 0:14:42 when someone ask you about dinner..
- 0:15:17 LMAO
■結構 *nice,fine* 0:16:33
- けっこう
- kekko
- 0:22:21 英語だと「結構です、"要りません"」まで言う
■全然大丈夫 *Completely ok, all right* 0:24:23
- ぜんぜん だいじょうぶ
- zenzen daijoubu
- 0:20:59 大丈夫(だいじょうぶ/daijoubu) is worst.
- 0:24:25 if he gets isekaied, he'll say daijoubu.
■全然勉強してない *I haven't studied at all* 0:27:09
- ぜんぜん べんきょう してない
- zenzen benkyou shitenai
■一緒に走ろう *Let's run together* 0:27:50
- いっしょに はしろう
- isshoni hashirou
- 0:29:11「THIS GUY!!!」
0:29:37 Kotoka Torahime
- 0:30:11 question to kotoka
- 0:30:48 yabe👀
■普通の人が好き *I like normal person* 0:32:18
- ふつう の ひと が すき
- hutsu no hito ga suki
■優しい人が好き *I like kind person* 0:33:51
- やさしい ひと が すき
- yasashii hito ga suki
- 0:33:56 sensei suffering from trauma LOL
■アットホームな職場です! 0:36:46
*This's an office where you feel like at home*
- アットホーム な しょくば です!
- At Home na shokuba desu!
0:37:43 sensei..?
■多い *a lot* 0:39:48
- おお い(くんよみ)、た(おんよみ)
- oo i(kun-yomi),ya(on-yomi)
■少ない *few/little* 0:39:58
- すく ない(くんよみ)、しょう(おんよみ)
- suku nai(kun-yomi),shou(on-yomi)
■多少 *few* 0:41:27
- たしょう
- tashou
0:41:34 moved well 元気いっぱい
■米国 *America* 0:44:32
- べいこく
- beikoku
■ぶぶ漬け食べていかれますか?(京都限定) 0:47:39
*Would you like to stay for a Buzuzuke?* (Kyoto slang)
- ぶふづけ たべて いかれ ますか?
- bubuzuke tabete ikare masuka?
0:48:09 true meaning is...
■素敵な時計してますね(京都限定) 0:49:43
*You have a wonderful watch* (Kyoto slang)
- すてき な とけい してますね
- suteki na tokei shitemasune.
0:49:52 cursed sensei tskr
■ *Your music has been improving!* 0:52:12
= turn it down.
■風邪引いてますか? *did you catch cold?* 0:53:28
- かぜ ひいてますか?
- kaze hiitemasuka?
■善処します *I'll try my best* 0:55:38
- ぜんしょ します
- zensho shimasu
■前向きに検討します *I'll try my best*
- まえむき に けんとう します
- maemuki ni kentou shimasu
0:57:41 He hates it, but he uses it.
- 0:58:34 suffering from trauma②
- 0:58:51 young(29y/o)
■庭には二羽鶏が居る 0:59:18
*There's 2 chicken in the yard* (tongue twister)
- にわ には にわ にわとり が いる
- niwa niwa niwa niwatori ga iru
■助数詞 *Manage word* 1:00:22
■面接には自由な服装でお越しください 1:10:29
*There's no dress code so plz wear any thing for the job interview*
- めんせつ に は じゆう な ふくそう で おこし ください
- mensetsu ni wa jiyuu na hukusou de okoshi kudasai
- 1:11:11 suffering from trauma③
1:12:56 He -sometimes- always loses himself.
1:15:38 *faq u* !!!
■大変お疲れ様です。昨日の夜から体調がいまいち本調子ではなく、今朝目が覚め熱を測ったところ、風邪を引いたようで熱が38度ありました。大変申し訳ございませんが本日お休みさせていただけますとうれしく思います。何卒よろしくお願いいたします。はい、ありがとうございます。失礼します。 1:16:59
*Sorry boss, I have a feaver so i need day off*
1:17:10 poor sensei patpat
1:18:54 Oliver Evans' worker voice tskr
- 1:20:06 take2
- 1:21:08 English ver.
■締め *closing words*
1:26:35 研究のしがいのある言語!
1:26:54 Closing words
Lmao this was such a fun stream of a side I haven’t seen Prof yet😂
Languages are very difficult and different, but I think I learned a lot in this class, thank you very much, Professor!
Lmao 多少 in Chinese is "how much" further adding to my confusion
自分用ここすき 1:11:22 1:15:38 1:16:58
4:00 すでに咽せてる笑
4:15 にっぽんご にも笑いましたw
1:24:10 文化、優しさの始まりだったはずなのに、苦しめられてる現代