kuv tsis tau hais qhia rau koj tias kuv zoo siab uas kuv tau ntsib koj zoo siab tias koj ua siab ntev tuav kuv txhais tes rau tej sijhawm ua muaj kev phom sij zaum no kuv tsis ntshai taug kev ib leeg zaum no kuv mam li txawj luag ntxhi kuv tsuas xav npau suav mus tag lis tsis quav ntsej yog tias tag kis tsis muaj lawm txawm koj coj tsis tau kuv nrog koj mus yeej muaj hnub wb tau sib ntsib vim nyob rau hauv kuv tus npau suav koj luag ntxhi vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis tsis muaj leej twg yuav zoo npaum li koj kev nyuaj siab koj yeej txaus siab nqa tag nro koj zoo yam li lub hnub tshav ntuj nrig rau kuv kuv lub neej thiaj li tsis tsaus ntuj nti zaum no kuv mam li pom txhua yam zoo zaum no kuv mam li tso koj mus kuv tsuas xav npau suav mus tag lis tsis quav ntsej yog tias tag kis tsis muaj lawm txawm koj coj tsis tau kuv nrog koj mus yeej muaj hnub wb tau sib ntsib vim nyob rau hauv kuv tus npau suav koj luag ntxhi vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis
Started to listen to more Hmong songs after dating my gf & co workers playing them at work. I enjoy listening to whyte shadow & sudden rush songs as well. This song is one of my faves from Maa Vue.
Idk if its just my phone but theres english translation at the bottom. But in conclusion, she said, "I'm so happy I met you. For always being there. I never have to feel alone again. I love your smiles and laughs. Because of you, there's tomorrow"
I listened to this song awhile ago and I was not expecting it to be a sound track of Memoirs of a Haunted Hmong Girl a year later. Honestly breaks my heart even more🤧
Your singing sounds effortless and it doesn’t sound like you are struggling to reach any notes. I don’t always listen to hmong songs but when I do, I’m glad that it’s a good song with a good voice.
kuv tsis tau hais qhia rau koj
tias kuv zoo siab uas kuv tau ntsib koj
zoo siab tias koj ua siab
ntev tuav kuv txhais tes
rau tej sijhawm ua muaj kev phom sij
zaum no kuv tsis ntshai taug kev ib leeg
zaum no kuv mam li txawj luag ntxhi
kuv tsuas xav npau suav mus tag lis
tsis quav ntsej yog tias
tag kis tsis muaj lawm
txawm koj coj tsis tau kuv nrog koj mus
yeej muaj hnub wb tau sib ntsib
vim nyob rau hauv kuv tus npau suav
koj luag ntxhi
vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis
vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis
vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis
vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis
tsis muaj leej twg yuav zoo npaum li koj
kev nyuaj siab
koj yeej txaus siab nqa tag nro
koj zoo yam li lub hnub
tshav ntuj nrig rau kuv
kuv lub neej thiaj li
tsis tsaus ntuj nti
zaum no kuv mam li pom txhua yam zoo
zaum no kuv mam li tso koj mus
kuv tsuas xav npau suav mus tag lis
tsis quav ntsej yog tias
tag kis tsis muaj lawm
txawm koj coj tsis tau kuv nrog koj mus
yeej muaj hnub wb tau sib ntsib
vim nyob rau hauv kuv tus npau suav
koj luag ntxhi
vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis
vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis
vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis
vim muaj koj, muaj tag kis
Please, tell me what language this song is.
This song was in my passing grandma slide show. Every time I miss her, I listen to this song.
Started to listen to more Hmong songs after dating my gf & co workers playing them at work. I enjoy listening to whyte shadow & sudden rush songs as well. This song is one of my faves from Maa Vue.
Beautiful voice. Even though I cannot understand a word, I enjoy listening to it.
Idk if its just my phone but theres english translation at the bottom.
But in conclusion, she said, "I'm so happy I met you. For always being there. I never have to feel alone again. I love your smiles and laughs. Because of you, there's tomorrow"
That's why there is English subtitles. It's a beautiful song indeed 💜
hu tau zoo kawg os leej muam kho siab kawg
I listened to this song awhile ago and I was not expecting it to be a sound track of Memoirs of a Haunted Hmong Girl a year later. Honestly breaks my heart even more🤧
kj hu tau zoo mloog heev li os niam laus the sound really keep deep touch in my heart .
Kuv hlub koj os, vim muaj koj kuv thiaj xav ua neeg nyob. SVj Love TsL
FINALLY!!! Not a remix or cover. Thank you 😊
tuaj koom moog koj hu nkauj hu tau zoo kawg li.
Please put this song on Spotify 🙏🙏 so i can listen to it everyday ❤
U can add this on Spotify by yourself
Hu tau zoo kawg Li 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
It's one of the best song forever🥰🥰🥰🥰
Hu tau kho2 sisb li os nkj hmoob ntxim hl r sb hu r peb mloog nb
Très belle chanson !!!!!
I love this song
Your singing sounds effortless and it doesn’t sound like you are struggling to reach any notes. I don’t always listen to hmong songs but when I do, I’m glad that it’s a good song with a good voice.
Love all your songs sis
Zoo heev li kuv xav hu nkauj nrog na nkauj hmoob pua tau ne
🎉❤ appreciate 🎉,
New friend from Indonesian like
Nyob zoo phooj ywg
niam lauss kuv thov cover koj zaj nkauj puass tau o😢🙏
Alto, jogh pinch🎉, practice 🎉
sib pab OS phooj ywg
caum koj lawm py, sib pab thiab os
Zoo kaws py nias koom koj lawm ho tuaj pab nias koom kuv thiab py sib pab os 👍👍🌟🌟
Kj tau zoo hv li pab kv thiab nb🔔👍💓🙏🙏🙏
please don't wake me up. I'm still dreaming..................
Hi zooheev os khosiab zimxwb
🎉alto best🎉all hih p🎉n.best,
Caum koj lawm pab kuv thiab yom phooj ywg
wow amaxing korean aspirant
Nia 6 kj lm pa nia 6 kv thb o py
Caum Koj lawm Pab koom kuv thb
no no nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
🎉fog, 🎉clear.🎉x-