Script don't work on CC 2017. what should I do? I selected layer and Path>Path, after button "Points Follow Nulls". Nulls created, but there was an error on expressions and it nulls don't move with points pls help ▼
Script don't work on CC 2015. what should I do? I selected layer and Path>Path, after button "Points Follow Nulls". Nulls created, but there was an error on expressions and it nulls don't move with points
cool, thanks
its so cool bro,
I'm super fan gor you 😍
Null follow points. Interesting. Didn't know you could do that. AE is like magic but the "spells" are ridiculous convoluted to learn.
Muito show
Script don't work on CC 2017. what should I do? I selected layer and Path>Path, after button "Points Follow Nulls". Nulls created, but there was an error on expressions and it nulls don't move with points
pls help
where to find null to shape script
Script don't work on CC 2015. what should I do? I selected layer and Path>Path, after button "Points Follow Nulls". Nulls created, but there was an error on expressions and it nulls don't move with points
Hey Dan, Can you send source file of yours, I will have a look and let you know...