In-depth Jungle discussions on Solo-Q&Competitive w/ Cloud9 Wiggily
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
This video is extremely long and covers an extremely wide range of topics all pertaining to the jungle. The Jungler who joins me in this video is NA Season 7's Rank 1 player and current Cloud9 professional Jungler Wiggily.
2:40 - Introduction
3:48 - CS Counting
5:15 - Rubberbanding
12:20 - Jungle/Lane Interactions in the West
14:15 - Rubberbanding Effects
15:08 - Rubberbanding Jungle Strategy
19:04 - Jungle Style Without Rubberbanding
20:51 - Season 8 Jungle Prediction
26:48 - Predator
29:35 - Electrocute
32:07 - Dark Harvest
34:29 - Press the Attack
37:26 - Lethal Tempo
38:30 - Fleet Footwork
41:15 - Precision Tree + Discussion
44:44 - Domination Tree + Discussion
50:20 - Guardian
50:40 - Aftershock/Grasp
51:25 - Resolve Tree
54:20 - Keystones
55:12 - Inspiration Tree + Discussion
1:03:20 - Summon Aery
1:04:35 - Arcane Comet
1:05:42 - Phase Rush
1:06:12 - Socery Tree + Discussion
1:12:20 - Jungle Picks in NA
1:15:10 - Jungle Picks in KR
1:25:20 - Elise
1:28:52 - Ping
Tier Lists:
1:32:00 - Soloq Tier List Start
2:39:12 - Soloq Tier List End
2:39:30 - Competitive Tier List Start
3:15:40 - Competitive Tier List End
Twitter Questions:
3:16:00 - How to track the enemy jungler without wards now where the camps all count as 4?
3:24:35 - How to figure out your gank priority?
3:29:50 - Game knowledge that's associated with jungling in general
3:32:00 - Snowballing advantage
3:39:00 - Conclusion
Follow Wiggily:
/ lol_wiggily
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Coaching Skype: Coaching is not available at this time
Business E-mail: Nicholas.a.decesare at gmail dot com - Игры
In-depth is an understatement.
Mom, can i watch just one more video before going to sleep?
Thank you for uploading this, I was gonna waste a lot of time looking for the discussion in your twitch broadcasts.
Gonna listen to this while listening to music while mowing my lawn while the concert near my residence is going on.
Over 3 hours of LS PogChamp
Hey LS. Will there be a In Depth Toplane guide? I somstime struggle to play my role and I want to improve.
Listening to this while working, thanks for the video.
when youve been through so much content that you revel in a 3 hr LS quality video c: . thank you youtube based gods
The amount of Wiggily using like made me go crazy listening to this o.O
Hey LS, your NKEY-K5 RGB has 카일 switches, right?
Can you tell me which Cherry MX or Razer switch is comparable to that?
For the people that are interested -> 카일 (Kailh) switches are basically the same as Cherry MX. His NKEY-K5 has Kailh blue switches -> Cherry MX Blue.
Now one thing comes to my mind. I've heard that clicky switches are less effective in gaming than linear switches -> Kailh/Cherry Red cause the keystroke is a straight downward drop with no tactile bump or click leaf. If you're looking for a responsive switch with no hysteresis to help with effectiveness when performing rapid, repeated keystrokes then the Reds are the way to go. Blue/Clicky switches are optimal for typing but LS seems to be used to it..
I hope that was helpful and understandable since english isn't my first language.
I also heard that there are difficulties with doubletapping with the blue switch.
Imagine being cc'd / in stasis and you want to insta-flash.
LS, please tell me about your experience.
The timestamps were a great help to get through this huge video but I got way more from the video watching it in 2x speed because otherwise with slow talking people I lose concentration too fast... :O
My hopes for a in-depth Support discussion are slowly dying
Uuuhm. Might u do one for mid aswell? (:
DerBesteNoob TLDR your jungling sucks, watch this full so your jungling sucks less
So, the main reason LS doesn't talk nearly as much about lanes as he does about JG is because LS likes to make really long videos, and its far more difficult for him to get lengthy content out of lanes than it is with JG. This isn't to say that any of the roles in the game are necessarily less important or require less skill than JG, but there's much more complexity and mechanical scrutiny involved in the role. Furthermore, you can learn plenty about most lanes and what goes into them by watching LS' coaching videos with players in those roles, and by watching pro players. There's much less unseen aspects of the lanes that need to be explained to someone that can't see them than there is for the jungle.
shiiiiiiiiiit, now i have to listen to this while playing doki doki simulator? goddamnit LS
pls dont remind me of that game :(((((((((
i just love the fact that the background says "The city to tilt, thoughts on desteroying the western mentality"
@ 7:36
LS, do you believe that Jungle should be 1 way or the other? The problem with catchup exp wasnt explicitly ganking jungler getting rewarded, but junglers get shit on lvl 1-4, having multiple deaths and reaching lvl9 at the same time as the 7/0 jungler. Catchup exp still exists for junglers who gank with kill exp share increasing, so getting lanes ahead is rewarded.
Not sure if you go into this detail, but what about increasing the exp from jungle camps. Many games have the jungler at the same level as the support, even when the jungler is carrying.
I think your point is that the jungle role before was much more knowledge based(counting cs, understanding lane matchups and exploiting positioning/2v2 advantages) and 'better' players could exploit these advantages. But don't you think jungle was a little overtuned towards tanks and mechanics not rewarded at all. As in, how much better(mechanically and game knowledge sense) does a Nidalee player have to be in order to consistently beat(out contribute to a victory) a Sejuani player?
Seen this guys Lee Sin, trying to get on a competitve level, and Wiggily and Mike Yeung are great to learn from
you should do this type of jungle video more often. ive been climbing ever since i watched it and took notes. thanks you
I'd love to see more videos like this one about other roles (I vote for support)
Please don't take this wrong, but I think it's a waste of time to decide whether a champ is + or -.
I think u kinda forgot about LirA when u were talking about outstanding nidalee players
I don't know if LS reads his comments, but do you think predator with shyvana could be good? Or is the domination tree just that terrible for her.
You need the attack speed from precision and sorcery gives you enough movement speed with celerity and waterwalking. So domination is generally not ideal for shyvana because your clear would be pretty slow until you get some attack speed.
ghost poro is so good, just you waittttt (maybe not on jungler's but its so insane for level 1 tracking the jungler)
Also pretty sure fleet footwork TF is extremely powerful.
A month later, still convinced it's quite good. You can float a card over your head, auto a minion in lane, lock in gold card immediately after, run up and stun the enemy laner, wildcard them and run away. it's free harass and sustain and while your average damage per trade goes down, you are also taking way less harass back and gaining hp constantly, and in the late game it let's you chase people down for big stuns. It's super, super underrated.
LS, what do u think about guardian on nunu and ivern? i think its a really overlooked keystone. especially on these two champions. (guardian procs off nunu w)
Joe he said like 10 times in this video alone that its terrible
LS, can you talk about the current top lane meta and the lack of a role for bruisers in this game?
ah so it was LS x Wiggily that spawned pranking and not just LS, nice to know the next time i prank someone with my Fiora jungle
Hey LS are you going to be creating a tier list anytime soon:)?
LS, I know you advocate for Annie midlane and Garen toplane when people want to learn the basic, core game mechanics. Who would you recommend as someone who wants to learn ADC better? I really enjoy playing Jhin. Would he work?
He says Ashe and Miss Fortune for adcs
isn't MF the most basic ADC? I'm a d5 idiot who mains support but I do MF just fine . You only need mana management for Q and position for R and that's about it
Yes exactly, he reccomends the more basic champions so when you are playing the game you can focus on things such cs or watching your mini map rather than mechanics.
Never play Jhin. MF is the same as Annie-Garen
Jhin is not really a good way to get good at afc because he is so doffetent from other adcs. Primarily skill shot and execution based amd not as auto focused means you cant just transition the skillset you gain from playing,I him to most other adcs. Ashe would be good to learn for begginners also in solo Q even behind your ult still makes you useful
--Jungle CS display change is aimed towards viewers of competitive play. It was a change made to make the game more appealing to all forms of streaming. I think it's a smart idea, if you consider the context.
"In depth jungle" 12hours ago
-mmmmmmmm 😍😍
In-depth would be lovely on mid as well, love this video or atleast a competitive champ list, what do you recommend?
daily reminder that the balance team is from NA
I think it's fair to consider Rush as one of the best Nidalee players in NA. 100%
i will listen to this while programming
Can you do something similar for toplane?I saw hashinshins video with wicked and ireliacarriesu and mostly agreed with them but I know you don't so I wanna know what you think.
HlebHD if you agree with them think u have other things to worry about unless you are really low rank in which case its understandable that u agree eith hashinshin
Depending on what you mean really low rank I might be..D5 eune Darius main but I play a lot of bruisers.I see a lot of problems with tanks and a lot of the champions that hashinshin wicked ICU Fogged and weeknd have.I think Hashinshin is overexagerating but he makes a lot of good points right now.Right now toplane is all about matchups and the champions you pick.It has always been kinda like that but never to an extend where you need either a lot of jungle pressure or the right matchup to win the early game.That's why I want a video from LS about toplane.Since he does not agree with hash and the others what does he think?
A lot of people don't understand this game consists of micro and macro. They believe micro is everything and everything else isn't unimportant. That's why discussions on macro topics like this one are hard to understand for lower elo players, because the things discussed here don't look important to them.
Because at low elo there is neither and micro is infinitely easier to learn.
Additionally, when most people see Faker's insane outplay>kill, they think its all because of Faker's mechanics only, not realizing that why it happened in the first place was his cs/exp lead, his knowledge of the enemy jungler's current position, his understanding of the match up. If macro conditions were not good (for example enemy jungler was around and his jungler was away or if Faker was behind) then he would probably not go for that 1v1 all in because that would be simply not smart.
I'm sorry, but micro is not "infinitely easy to learn". A smurfing high elo player can destroy low diamonds by pure mechanics alone, without even needing perfect rotations or other proper map play. Even LS said you can get to diamond purely through improving your micro.
I disagree. Diamond mechanics is pretty strong. The reason why challenger players can easily shit on diamonds lies beyond mechanics, it's rather macro things like understanding recall timing, wave manipulation, not dying to ganks because of good map awareness and jungle understanding and ofc post-lane rotation and so on and on.
As a diamond 5 player, my personal experience has been the opposite of what you described. From time to time, as it is bound to happen, I get to play with or against smurfs, and sure, they do buy more control wards and they do have smarter map movements, but you can physically feel the difference in how cleanly they move, execute plays, and position (and yes, I do count being good at positioning as micro, not as decision making, as it is time restricted). To give an example I've personally had to face (was a challenger twitch streamer smurfing in D5), the scariest part about a challenger Sivir is not her ability to track and predict your jungler's pathing, or her proper back timings and wave manipulation, though all of those are relevant as well. The scariest part was her ability to perfectly predict/react with Spell Shield and QSS.
Yes, challengers have WAY better macro than diamonds, and that matters a lot, but there is also a large mechanical gap that you are not acknowledging.
Starts at 2:45
Can you do a similar video, but with top laners, maybe with Quas, top lane is a weird lane right now in my opinion.
Anyway great video.
Question, auto attack on or off? I'm really lost here, I play master yi, rengar, twisted fate, talon, and draven the most. I feel like my biggest problem is that my CS always sucks, I don't know if it has anything to do with having auto attack on. I have played with auto attack on for most of my time playing this game, only turning it off when autofilled to support. Any suggestions?
I'm bronze 1 in promos to silver btw, I haven't played much ranked since I am too scared to just tilt and go back down to bronze 5 haha. I know it sounds dumb since it is still bronze but yeah...
Eleos it’s better if you’re good at farming to have it off. I play with it on in the jungle as it doesn’t matter if i drop the minions too low too quickly. As an adc don’t auto attack unless you want too. So the answer is no unless you’re awful at farming (if you’re bronze your focus should be dying less and csing well) I’m low plat currently, and don’t be scared of promos, it’s bronze, you can get out if you have a decent team
Turn it off for every champion and FYI if you are in bronze, there are probably larger problems than your CS score
If you want to climb i would advise you to play only 2 roles pref top mid and not jungle yet as learning lanes is VERY important. If you want to climb easily play 2 champs on main role and one on offrole. An example would be annie and liss or morg mid then malp and if hes taken or banned play ur main mid champ top. This is just if u want to get good and climb fast not having fun (if u enjoy annie malph then u will ofc have fun aswell as winning alot is quite fun). I would also advise you watch ls video on mid for low elo players (multiple times is best so you understand everything) Remember to focus on urself and no blame ur team and i reaaaalllyyyy recomend /mute all because you will tilt less and filter out unecesdsry things. Another good thing people often forget is to actually turn on their brain when playing. With that i mean you should activly think about what ur doing and whats going on instead of just going autopilot.
Good luck climbing!!
uh 1 do what you like, as long as you have good mouse control it doesn't matter. 2 if you cs sucks it sucks. nothing to do with auto aa on or off. my suggestion is to farm and actually play ranked. if you go on bronze 5, it's gonna be so much more easier, right?
scaling teamcomp champs like nocturne shyvana? is noc a good scaling champion?
Preseason seems sooo long... S8 will be great tho Ayoo!
It wasn't.
I just want to know if Spellbook swap Nunu Flash/Smite > Ghost/Cleanse > Flash/Smite troll ever materialized as a result of this.
short correction here: somehow " saintvicious best jungler na LUL " got changed into " introduction " in the timestamps in the description
Hexflash is OP on Rengar tbh. I think it allows pretty unfair midlane gank and unexpected kills/lane ganks. 1000 range point and click gapcloser sound good.
If he believes that a gank intensive play style in the jungle role is better for the health of the game, what's his opinion on farm junglers, should something be done to them, what?
I mean he takes shyvana out of the whole jungler thing. So he must have some bad oppinion about farm junglers
I know it's a lot more complex than this but I think there should not be a way to win a game without interacting with Laners, dg
Enzo Rossi There really isn't a way to win the game without interacting with the laners because the objective(nexus) is literally the endpoint of the lanes. I'm going to assume that you mean that junglers should have to interact with laners during the laning phase.
Farm junglers clear camps very fast and can do a full clear and have time for 1 gank or invade before backing before the camps start respawing again. They don't get off anywhere as many ganks as other types of junglers but they still get off ganks.
They shouldn't just be in their own jungle the whole laning phase. However, I don't think that a farm playstyle is unhealthy if they are invading or have some ganks.
Demolish is good, if you're able to kill the enemy laner with yours and push. It's a free tower, I do it all the time
xin zaho is the best jungler in the game. ofc some moibility stuff etc to deal with but hes just teh best solo duo since season 3 hands down. all the other top teirs have been because of famous people who didn't realize xin was the best
Could you do a video like this for the support role. I would really appreciate it.
mark wilson janna
no mention of the kench jungle?
Please bring back the coaching videos!
why was ketchup xp so good to begin with?
You can spam gank without any consequences
Press the Attack is a lot better for twitch overall because it makes the psn damage deal 12% more damage AND his E will as well (cuz you almost never use it before using 3+ autos anyway. Lethal Tempo is maybe better in teamfights where he's ulting the whole enemy team and his autos kill them, but that's most likely not going to be the case.
Stefán Guðjónsson Lethal Tempo is useless on him since R maxes his attack speed which is already op and exceeding the cap is meh. Rather take extra dmg
Gonna listen to this while playing skyrim
91 Detail actually doing the same thing
Such a good idea
91 Detail eu4
Coup de grâce is properly pronounced in French as [kud ɡʁas] (2 syllables, not 3). In English it is often pronounced [ku də ɡɹa], which is the pronunciation of coup de gras, "blow of fat" in French. The plural is coups de grâce ("blows of mercy"), pronounced the same as the singular form.
Just a friendly pronunciation snob giving info to the internet that it never asked for.
A tier list where tristana and jayce jungle are more valued than Vi. Please tell me what's wrong with Vi?
Sarosusiel she falls out very easily mid and late game. She either go all in or she's useless 😳 She can also only focus 1 person and yes while she has that aoe passive on E its kinda meh
The one in the tank tree that gave mr and armour was never taken. Tenacity just flat better
PTA Fiora was ungodly during this time but no one used it lmao. Hardcore pubstomp, she'd dash in and quickly pop it and a vital, then walk out freely and the enemy is mentally assblasted by what just happened. Can't even lock her down on her escape or engage if she's good with riposte lmao. Rinse and repeat
rammus -> pants are dragon
LS, how can you call ghost poro bad since ivern can make the dumb thing last infintely until you re apply it. if the poro isnt in brush it cant be scared out of brush. its dumb with ivern in the game.
How can you call ghost poro good when your only argument for it is a bug on a champ that isn't played much.
cmck oh, i didnt mean to say its "good" in a general sense but i dont think its a bug, just a massive oversight on riots part and hilariously troll
What's rubber banding?
if graves shouldnt go dark harvest,what should he go?
Electrocute and full lethality is the only way to play graves in higher elo in my experience
omg a high elo jayce jungle i wanna see gameplay of that
bronze 2 to gold 5 this season
Wow thats alot of progress, what rank are u now?
that was on a smurf sorry to tear your dreams up. Im only gold 2 but i hardly play and hvnt played in 5 months.
LS talks a lot about how EU and NA players don’t know how to move around the map. Is there any videos where LS goes into more detail about this? Maybe a guide?
Why is jungle cs counting gone? What did I miss?
riot has an intense desire to remove math based jungle outplay mechanics. Lmao
DandyAnnieTime They made all camps worth 4 cs, so you can no longer count cs
they changed it to every camp = 4 cs in the counter when u press tab so u can tell which onje they did anymore just how many they did overall
Ah I see, lame.
@LS , I'd like to see a video maybe short discussion on your view on Leagues future as a game. Esp on points such as its current direction of more games faster. Which seems its following the Command and Conquer, and Starcraft 2 models basically, sadly both those games not doing so hot... seems faster matchs but more and decreased value of player skill and strat kinda killed one, and has the other changing business models to recruit players because it lost so many.... I mean both did the same things upped damage, decreased match time, and simplified the game so it took less skill and was more apm than skill based. Hrm... sounds kinda like what League just did.... granted its a moba and they are RTS games.
To me seems changes like that decreases competitve value and increases casual. Which is a whole different market, than league has used to sustain its self over the years. One last thing, with the roughly 1/3d decrease in match time... kinda indirectly nerfs the catch up mechanic. Can a highly aggressive bot lane Ezreal with Kle and what ever would have best syngery bee stopped from snowballing the game if they get first turret and rotate mid. Not sure who the support would be, but late game Ez vs early mid champs and weak bot doesn't sound good.
Is this a video where LS isn't completely trashing LeeSin and rating him S+? What world am I living in?
Celestial body is played on almost everyone in the botlane.
Demolish secondary on tank jax jungle?
jeff stevenson font of life is better cause it heals ure allies demolish is for tank splitters like Nasus Yorick Garen Etc.
Can any1 tell me what LS main position is
*Fill player
he mainyl plays mid/jungle but tbh ive seen him play pretty much everything but adc
fill he got many games on jgl and top tho
damn, feels bad. no shaco~
I was so tilted everytime when they said "hmm are we missing any jungler?" and then they start mentioning off meta stuff like jayce and maokai instead of shaco -_-
I think Shaco is actually really,gross. The new runes did a lot and the celebrity amd,waterwalking concept would be,great for shaco
Wiggily Leaks omg I'm done
what is rubberbanding anyways?
Dươn Lê when u are lower level than a jungle monster you get bonus exp for killing it
Watch discription
Name of the book please
Akshay Mhapankar The Audacity to Tilt by Nick DeCeare. Thoughts on destroying the Western Mentality.
I don't really understand the mentality of doing the tier list just for the highest elo. If the whole point of your content is to educate the most people possible, isn't this kind of irrelevant to most of the player base? I'm sure some of the picks translate, but it's hard to tell which ones are safe to pick and evaluate as excellent in, say, gold or plat vs. challenger.
Yeah cause these are educational videos for people who have a good base udnerstanding. this isnt for low elo mate :D
I’d say he is much less about “education as many people as possible” and more about “raising the ceiling of league play”
He was putting out tier lists for every mmr for a while. Probably wants to focus on the stuff he cares about.
we're aiming for high elo dumbass
because everything works in low elo because the skill gap is so wide. so why bother talking about what works in low elo when literally everything can?
please do one for mid
Hey im new here, can anyone tell me what is rubberbanding
And what is green ward
¿What is Rubberbanding?
Alberto Garavito Camargo jungle camps have level, if you are below that level you get bonus exp for killing it.
I think Guardian might be the best Keystone for Ivern.
janderson9413 Aery is. 🤤 + Shielding
Why do so many junglers sound like xj9
I think a lot of the "worse" runes are way too generic, they have little to no champion synergy. Dark Harvest is like the same on every champion unlike Electrocute which you actually have to do 3 spells/attacks for.
Similarly Arcane Comet and Aery do pretty much the same thing but Aery did it better pre nerf(probably still does), Comet is another straight up dmg rune that is just pretty boring and underwhelming.
I hope that at the end of preseason riot sorts out some of the gimmicky garbage like minion dematerializer, ghost poro and half the inspiration tree. It would be great to see them reworked or replaced by better things since no one would want runes that just take up space but arent seeing play at all
I have a question. How do you play around people that are just bad? Now don't get me wrong I know people have bad games. But I have seen people throw games because they try to solo push after they have been inting their lane all game. On top of this, they are not getting anything out of it. It is not like they are following the Trick2g strats either they are just happily inting. Now don't get me wrong I am not the best but I have tried to learn every role and try to improve my cs and macro play. You can even roast my But sometimes I just feel hopeless even though I most of the time win my lane. The bot lane is feeding or their jungle ganks and yours is dicking off doing god knows what even though theirs has like 8 kills and twice the cs. Do I count those games as a loss for me say if you go 18/3? Loss game because your team gets caught out constantly and you can't pressure any lane because their team moves as 5. Is it better to try and pressure the lane or do your try and team fight with a team that legit can't do anything.
Joseph Manibusan holy shit my good sir your W/L ratio is horrendous 😫 have your tried playing basic champion to get better understanding of the basic? I don't think Talon can solo carry in silver tbh,
Apple of Idunn it's horrendous because I started playing like 50 champs. My win rate on talon. Was 60% of 209 games. Playing talon is not why my win rate is bad lol. This question is not about climbing. I can do that. What I want to know is how does one use the lead they get. When their other lanes are feeding their asses off. I throw 80% of games because of this problem.
Their team is making the same mistakes as your team, but aren't punished. As a snowballing assassin you can take over the game easily. Just ping more and lead your team. Try to go for solo picks since with that lead you can 1v2
Thank you so much I will keep that in mind!
52:40 whos that guy??
You guys said you don't know why NA doesn't play Nidalee but didn't talk about her at all. I think that is a pretty good reason. Also I feel so attacked that you guys keep calling my favorite junglers bad aside from Nidalee in Korea. Blue Kayn for life
Love what you do man. Straight up no BS league gangsta. Let's Skype;D
I think Aftershock its self would be great for all these Blitz players that keep taking grasp. It just annoys the hell out of me to see them spec into resolve but not take aftershock. The keystone is clearly made for them as it can be proc'd so easy by them. Kinda like a rammus taking grasp your like wtf why? I think people clearly undervalue the keystone. Even a champion like pantheon in theory could run it, as the exstra hp and armror and magic resist might help the ones that i see dive and die constantly.
Jarad Shaw I take shock Every time.supports taking grasp is so moronic
they never mention shaco ;-;
Unknown yes, they did , said he was bad
Cody Adkins where? give me a timestamp
Unknown towards the end of soloq tier list
Cody Adkins popcorn75479 they never mention it or i can't find it. I watched entire solo q tier list segment and i haven't heard his name.
listen more carefully then
2:06:00 look at clock poggers
You couldve named it jungle leaks with c9 wiggileaks.....
Udyr D makes my heart sink.... also where is skarnur =) ?Seek help tier. I know they are both terrible and my heart is miserable for this.
@3:12:45 That's Mercy
Why is Gordon Ramsay recommended as one of my "Next Videos" ?
Connecticut ping is about 40-60, not 20..
OdysseyZZGaming that’s probably true I get like 25 in Kentucky with the “best” internet you can buy in my area
i would love to hear that 5h Kha zix talk... yes hes my main xD
For the first 2 topics about jungle play style and nunu/ivern i find them hilarious. I agree that the jungle play style should be around getting laners ahead and ganking, BUT, unfortunately the majority of the player's playing the game arent korean, lcs, high challenger players. At the end of the day we play to win games and yes improve if we want to. But the reality is this : i gank three times my top panth against nasus. I burn both of his summoners and give him a kill and an assist...still losses his lane mid pantheon....against when u tell me how wrong is darkharvest/self focus carry play style with those players i just lmao. I thing hilarious the fact that before the season 7 ends i had to play brainless tanks with knights vow and locket and pray to god for my bot lane/janna-ardent abuser to carry me and not feed within my first clear, and i find also hilarious that this play style is the correct one for gold elo and this kind of play style makes me better jungler-player. At the matter-joke ivern-nunu not having a proper key stone i have to say only this: ivern is a utility, support/jungler. The few things that he needs is hp and mana for clearing camps and his support items to support his carries. Imo guardian at the resolve tree is perfect for him. Aery is fine too. Nunu is a very special jungler, objective-counter jungling focused and he fits the annoying frontline tank purpose in a team. Predator is just great. A competitive keystone could be grasp or spellbook too.
i had to skim through the comments praying someone told LS that guardian is good on ivern:) on another note, u dont come to LS's channel for help to climb in gold, this channel is purely "perfect play" focused imo
katarinã i m just enjoying to learn stuff about lol that i cant figure it out at my own, i dont expect ls content or anyones else make me climb out of certain elo.
LS vids aren't focused around your average silver elo shitfest, you don't need any kind of macro to get out of silver, there are talking about high elo and competetive, where it does matter. Your comment is so fucking pathetic that I actually pity the gold elo players who have to play with you.
I like your commentary, i think it's fine to expose your doubts and complains about solo queue because, in the end of the day, we all watch ls content in order to discover or build, at least, a new mind set or gain more knowledge about the game. But also i would say, on the panth-nasus's example, that you made a mistake and the mistake, for me, is very clear: you don't need to spend time and resources on making nasus's lane phase worst than it is. If you burn a flash to burn his flash it's not worth because his lane phase is supose to be bad and not having your flash puts you beahind early if it not translates into a kill (now i think even if you kill him, he'll just buy armor and outscale you both pretty hard if you're ad). The correct mind set, in my opinion, would be put your ad carry ahead and invite panth to help you, as you guys can swap top and bot and put nasus on a hard time against ranged dps. Pantheon will never beat nasus in lane if nasus just wants to farm under his tower. There's no counterplay against nasus if you don't deny him exp/resources by freezing the lane and wave controlling.
Andreas Tefas Do you know why you're stuck in Gold? Are you actually saying you know more about this game as a hardstuck Gold player than this KR D1 professional coach?
And now we know why Na got the most toxic junglers 1 the laners tilts them since they cant use leads which leads to nr 2 the junglers turns into players who think they should 1v9 every game.
my biggest issue is what the do when teammates keep getting caught. my last game for instance, it was a free win, we had about a 5k gold lead at 25 minutes, then our malphite gets caught in their jg despite pinging back 20000 times, they get baron, seconds he revives he does the same thing, they end. the game before was the same issue, we were winning but my teammates just kept doing stupid shit and getting caught. i would like the chalk it up to bad luck and im all the aware that its pretty normal in this game, especially at low gold since everyone thinks they are gods for making it out of silver. i can win the early game for my team about 90% of games but i dont know what to do mid game/late game when teammates dont listen because they think they know better.
Travis Brazil It's an issue of mindset. The mindset for climbing in low Elo should be "I don't belong here so I am better than my teammates. They are trash." But trash players make trash decisions. Assuming there was no banter between teammates involved you just need to play around that Malphite and get your team to do so aswell. At a certain time of the game some tank players feel invulnerable and able to tank 4 or 5 people. So if you use him as bait you can clean up the fight. Same goes for overextended laners that are immune to back pings (like 20 mins into the game, when towers are down). You know for sure that they are gonna get ganked, so either get a huge advantage on the map (as in the opponents can't get much out of that death) or rush and ping your team over to help and make it a 1 for 1. The enemies most likely will make the same mistake of overstaying