I see a lot of English speaking people here, I would like to explain the title of the song. In French we have this expression, "faire la fête à quelqu'un". If you translate it literally, it would be something like "we're gonna make a party for someone", which sounds positive, but it means something negative. It means you're going to have a fight with that person, and you're going to destroy that person. And I like it because it's exactly what there is in the clip. Some people have suits, they're at a party, but they are here to watch someone be beaten down. So people come to enjoy the party, while people "lui font sa fête", "are making a party" for the man in the middle.
Thank you, it's helpful! :) Now I see what Stromae meant saying he was going to play with 'la fête' in his lesson with red devils. He is a maestro of wordplay technique:))
For those looking for a meaning / interpretation of the video, here it is: The man is shot into life, a literal maze where random obstacles and antagonists appear at every corner. Some are actually random (the boxer dude and the knife thrower), others are named, like the Court Judge (the guy with the huge gavel, the hammer that judges use). Then there's your mother, the woman with the rolling pin (the wooden stick for kneading dough), who can beat you as she might often disagree with your life choices, but still save your life when you need her to (keeps you from falling, and hugs you). There's then the wife, the bride with the white gown who ties you by your feet (the "getting hitched ties you down" metaphor), and beats you, but is also passionate and loving. Then if you chose to run away from all these people, and from that maze, you only end up in a much larger maze, with more obstacles and dangers, and this time you're alone. Hope you like it better now that it's explained. Cheers!
omg I actually understood it from the start but am glad others anderstood it as well ! Actually the first guy is a bank director, it's an allusion to the financial problems one can encounter in life. The other is a street fighter. This is just BRILLIANT, and I am not saying this because it's from my country... I love metaphoric songs like these, when you start to question the lyrics of the songs :D
+Julie Vaugh it is, Brilliant! I love Stromae ever since he started getting known (since Alors on danse), French is almost my first language, so French music is half my Playlist. Thank you so much for the extra details! Cheers!
I thought maybe the boxer guy represented a bully and the knife-throwing guy might be a bad teacher (or good, depends how you wanna see it) since he's sitting on a desk and the guy's right in front of him. I love this vid :)
Stromae isn't just a musician he's a true artist. He puts meanings and emotions into his music and then he know's how to film it out into a video clip that suits the music.
Stromae is the reason I started getting interested in French. I'm heading to college and hopefully succeed at learning the beautiful language. I think that even if there are subtitles, the language that it's sang in, tells a whole different story.
One of the best artists of the decade, he didn't only make good music, he made music that had meaning, that touched every single one of us, with beautifully written lyrics, and a great natural voice. I want more of these kinds of artists in this day and age, or at least I want them to be more popular than the cookie-cutter pop that we're all accustomed to. Music has potential to be greater than it is, and Stromae is full proof of it.
I liked how at 1:45 the woman, who I assume is the mother, seems to be against him but in truth she's always looking out for him and saves him from straying away in his path. I thought that was a wonderfully subtle notion.
idk if im the only one but seeing stromae dressed the way he is in this video gives me chills. he looks like he has so much authority and its so freaking attractive..
Stromae is clearly one of the best artists of the century. First of all his songs are almost all bops and there is so much expression and story in his music
What I love about Stromae is that he makes timeless songs with deep meaning. This song is one of the best. The visuals, the vocals, the melody, everything is just amazing. Stromae is the GOAT
Pour ceux qui n'ont pas compris le clip c'est un peu une métaphore de notre société d'aujourd'hui. Tu fais tout pour t'en sortir, tu y mets corps et âme pour te sortir de la galère et quand tu penses avoir réussi et terminer tout ça, finalement ça continue ( quand il sort du stade ) Après certains diront que c'est pas ça du tout, y a pas de souci, c'est juste que moi je vois ça comme ça
non. Le clip, aux allures de "Battle Royale", met ainsi en scène un homme habillé de la griffe du chanteur (Mosaert), tentant d'échapper à plusieurs personnages qui veulent justement lui faire sa fête.
Quand j'étais plus jeune je trouvais ces chansons pas mauvaises mais je n'aimais pas vraiment les paroles . Maintenant que je comprends le sens je regrette que le meilleur chanteur et compositeur ai mis fin à sa carrière 😐
Saw this live at Madison Square Garden last night and the entire arena lost our minds! Stromae, you are the maestro! Thank you for an incredible night of music and dancing! 🔥
I was there too! It was my girlfriend and I’s Christmas gift to each other. I could never thank her enough for encouraging us to do it, we traveled from Cincinnati just to see this absolute legend
I have an explanation for the concept of this video. The crowds you see in the beginning are people yet to be born, which in this video a guy does get "born" by getting shot out of a ball into the field of life. In the very beginning, the field is simple, but soon he will realize life is a maze filled with obstacles - while Stromae, the court judge, watches over him. He finds out that everyone is gonna get to him, just as some situations really get a hold of you in real life. Once he passes the many obstacles and gets past the closing entrance, he arrives at a bigger and more complex maze - and he'll learn that life is just the first maze he'll have to go through.
+Henry Ngo +Stazz Medouze Your explanation is very clever. And it's spot on on most of it. Just that the Court Judge isn't Stromae, but the guy with the huge gavel (the wooden hammer that judges use). So there was the mother (the one with the rolling pin (the baton used for kneading dough)), who can beat the shit out of you, but saves you when you need it. Then there's the bride, who catches him by his feet (the "getting hitched ties you down" metaphor), then beats you but is still passionate and loving towards you. And I think the ending mean that if you run from all these people, the Judge (representing society? The System?), your parents, your wife, you still end up in a larger maze, alone, with probably a lot more obstacles to come. Cheers!
Even if unintended, I love the "message" of the very last scene. My interpretation of it is that once one leaves the crowd, there's no judgement that matters but your own, although it's the same labyrinth to face as before but without the judgement of society to contend with.
Respects from Russia as well, to tell the truth, that's not too simple to find a people, who will know about the songs of Stromae in our country, cuz its "bruuh, empty and meaningless pop". Oh, haha, what should they say about that? Still empty?
Honestly, I got into French because of STROMAE and I listen to his music EVERYDAY! My family didn’t understand why I was listening to French music until I started to translate it for them and they actually love his music now because he sends such a powerful meaning behind all his music. ❤
This is what I think the video means: The Runner: Symbolizes you, the person, who has been shot out into the world (the arena) and has started life (the maze). I believe that all the people that runner encounters symbolizes all the people in your life, parents, teachers, and even the law. I also believe that the maze symbolizes all the responsibilities towards said people, teachers, parents, etc. And once that runner finally reaches the end, he realizes there is no end. This symbolizes that there is no end to all the responsibilities in life and you just have to deal/live with it.
Also what role I think Stromae plays is, Life itself. As if he controls the whole game, which he does in this whole video. You can see that Stromae walks past all the people the runner encounters. What I think this means that that he is preparing all of them for the runner. What I think this means is that life is not easy. And life is all about the hardships and that life is just a game.
Elianna Mabaet Agree with you 100%. for sure about life and it's troubles. Two parts really show it..1:56 where he is getting his butt kicked by what i'm guessing Represents the wife, weapon is a rolling pin. and he about to get kicked off the edge but she saves him and hugs him. Then starts to beat him down again... Also at 2:17 when he gets kissed. I don't even need to Explain that one very clear to see the meaning behind it.
Someone said once that “you don't just ‘hear’ Stromae when his song is playing on the radio. You listen. And I really think that's true. I have the privilege to speak French fluently, too, and it’s amazing how much nuance can be captured within words that look like something on the surface and turn out to mean something completely different beneath it.
To me, this is a story about life, society and our desire to cheat death. People in the crowd represent souls waiting to be chosen in the lottery of life with the desire to win it. They are not shouting at him, they are shouting for him. The moment he gets chosen and shot out into the field, he has been born, in the seemingly simple world (Green grass all around), but as soon as he "hatches", that starts changing. World is still a green field, proven by the grass on top of the concrete walls built by humanity that represent the labyrinth of life. Searching for his purpose while running through the maze, he firstly encounters problems with his friend, security guard in a party, the figure of law, his mother (which is the only one that gets a chance at killing him, but instead saves him and hugs him) and finally, his wife. He is in a race against time for his own life. Upon starting to think outside the box (climbing the walls of the maze) he finds there is a way for him to escape time, and death itself, live eternally. He manages to do so, getting out of the Arena, the circle of life where people are born to die. The patch of grass outside of the Arena looks promising, but as soon as he gets there, he can see that by cheating death, he has prolonged his life outside of the system, but that the world is still the same - endless ocean of mazes. Because that's what life is, and it is beautiful, but people can make it even better.
Il me manque aussi. Je pense que quand il aura un nouvel album, ses performances seront grandioses (désolé pour les erreurs, j'apprends juste la langue, je viens de Russie)
Moi je vois ce clip de cette manière : Stromae dans ce clip est semblable à une entité toute puissante. Il porte un micro comme un sceptre, représentatif de l'importance de sa parole. C'est lui qui donne le signal au début. Les spectateurs tous habillés pareils (smoking et chapeau-melon) me font penser aux âmes (ou anges, ou peu importe) qui assistent à la vie sur Terre. Quand l'un d'eux est tiré en arrière, puis projeté dans l'arène, cela symbolise la naissance (le cocon représentant le ventre de la mère, le fœtus ou l'ovule). L'homme apparaît dans une sorte de pyjama (qui indique sont état d'enfant). On a l'impression qu'il s'éveille, il regarde autour de lui. L'arène qui était auparavant vide, se forme petit à petit en une sorte de labyrinthe géant et infranchissable, signe de l'apparition petit à petit de nos souci, problèmes, questionnement, limites, droits, lorsque nous sommes enfant. Il se met alors à courir, à la recherche de sa "liberté" pourrait-on dire. Les différents personnages qu'il rencontre représentent donc les principales épreuves auquel il sera soumis. Je n'avais pas trop d'idée pour les 2 premiers, mais Wikipédia à l'air d'avoir la réponse : - Le premier (le boxeur) est donc le rival. C'est celui que l'on voit comme notre "ennemi juré". Celui qui nous faisait tout le temps *chier* à l'école. Celui que l'on hait, et qui cherche sans cesse à nous provoquer (comme dans le clip). - Le deuxième (le lanceur de couteau) est le juge. C'est selon moi celui qui représente la "société" dans laquelle nous vivons. Tous les professeurs de notre école étant enfant, le gouvernement et ses lois, les limites et droits qui nous sont accordés. Si on les franchis on est punis. Le lancé de couteau représentant la lame de la sentence. - Pour le troisième c'est assez incertain. Celui avec le marteau à l'air d'être le représentant de ton supérieur. Ton patron, qui te rabaisse, t'écrase, et te met à sa merci au bout de son marteau. Pour celui là je ne suis as sûr, donc si quelqu'un à une meilleure explication ... - Ensuite pour la quatrième c'est assez évident. C'est la mère avec son rouleau à pâtisserie. Elle n'est pas seulement la mère maternelle, mais elle représente les parents dans leur ensemble. Cherchant à éduquer leur enfant, à le punir pour ses fautes, mais à le protéger également. C'est pour cela qu'après l'avoir mis au bord du gouffre, elle le rattrape et le serre dans ses bras. Ensuite elle le repousse dans le "droit chemin" et le poursuit. - La dernière est également très représentative. C'est la compagne, la copine, l'amoureuse, enfin celle qui partage sa vie sentimentale. La robe de mariée est emblématique. Tout autant que la chaîne qu'elle lui envoie dont le bout est un "anneau". Pas besoin d'expliquer l'image du mariage et de ses contraintes, de l'emprise qu'elle a sur lui, mais sans oublier que c'est par amour (d'ou le baiser qu'elle lui donne). Arrive le moment ou il échappe à ses poursuivants et qu'il sort de l'arène pour se retrouver ... devant un nouveau labyrinthe bien plus imposant. L'image est pour moi celle de l'enfant, qui après être passé par toutes les périodes de l'enfance et l'adolescence, devient adulte et sort du cocon familial pour entrer dans la vie active et faire son chemin tout seul, parmi les épreuves bien plus dures que sont celles de la vie. Stromae reste présent durant tout le clip au sein même du labyrinthe. Sans vouloir y insérer un quelconque avis religieux, cela me fait penser à Dieu qui est sans cesse parmi nous durant toutes nos épreuves. Voilà, c'était un gros pavé pour résumer mon avis. =)
Rectification : - Le troisième personnage (celui avec le marteau) est semble-t-il le "Directeur de Banque" selon le générique à la fin. Le système financier, ou les problèmes d'argent du quotidien. ^^
BadJokR Pour moi le troisième personnage est le juge justement.Il a un marteau comme les juges (mais en plus gros..) et ses manches me font penser a celles des robes de magistrat
@@Аксинья-ж7п дружище не подскажешь о чем? здесь намек на то что "сильные" мира всего устроили нам игру на подобие лабиринта, ибо перемешали все с ног на голову, подменили правду на ложь, ложь и еще раз ложь.. а любая попытка разобраться в одном лабиринте заканчивается и начинается новым лабиринтом. осознавший и вышедший из одного лабиринта попадает в следующий, но не всегда осознает это... и мы заблуждаемся в еще один лабиринт и так до бесконечности? намек на то насколько "глубока кроличья нора"? потому понять что-то внутри лабиринта невозможно, ибо там изначально все по их правилам, а выйти полностью из этой игры пока что наверное никому еще не удавалось, да и вопрос как...
@@whitewarrior8592пофиг, что прошло два года, но я всё равно попытаюсь объяснить. клип не о сильных мира сего, а о жизни и людях на пути человека. некоторые из них (метатель ножей к примеру) - это случайные прохожие, возможно, те, кто появляются в твоей жизни, дают тебе опыт/трудности и исчезают. судьи (человек с молотом) которые выполняют свою работу - судят. мать (женщина со скалкой) с которой ты можешь ругаться/спорить/возникать, но после ссоры она всё ещё остается твоей матерью и безмерно тебя любит (героя в клипе несмотря на всё она спасает от падения и верной смерти). жена (женщина с вуалью и цепями), которая буквально «сбивает с ног», хоть и порой пытается тебя прижучить, но всё равно любит тебя: она страстная и непостоянная (целует и даёт шанс сбежать). весь клип - побег от жизни, людей, последствий. в конце концов главному герою удаётся сбежать в безопасное место (уголок с травой), но он маленький и ничтожный, из него нет выхода, кроме как обратно в странные каменные джунгли - в мир других людей, другую жизнь. но на этот раз он совершенно один.
I think the clip works like this: Stromae is a kind of master, the one who tells you what to do. A kind of King or God of you prefer. The guy is himself. He is thrown at the arena, which probably represents the prison of responsabilities. And the guy is trying to get rid of his responsabilities and go to Liberty. For the characters: *-The Boxer*: He is probably the guy who is stronger than you, you know that guy who will stop you from doing anything, or who does it better than you. He is trying to stop you from doing what you want. *-The Knife-Thrower*: He is probably the provisor or the teacher, and the knifes are bad grades or problems. *-The Judge*: I think the Judge is Law itself. The hammer represents the hammer of the judge, obviously. And the fact that the hammer is really strong probably refers to the fact that the hammer of the judge is quite small, but that sound is stronger than anything in this planet. *-The Woman*: It's probably the parents. No, not the mother, the parents. When she is beating him, she is representing the Father, who doesn't know how to deal with his kid except by beating him. When she catches him and saves him then hugs him, it refers to the Mother who ends up saving you when your Father is beating you. But then, the Mother starts to beat you too, and no parent can save you then. You decide to ask help to: *-The Wife*: She is your Wife. And and the chain refers to the fact that Wedding creates a sort of chain between you and her so you will never leave her. She starts keeping you with her, but with Love, as you can see when she kisses him. At the end, he ends up escaping his responsabilities and gets to Liberty for ever. But then he realizes there is NO liberty in this world. The only thing he got to, is his emotions, the biggest labyrinth of the world. EDIT: Stromae actually has a video that explains it. And that is sooooooooo far from what I actually thought. You can find the video in a channel called "Dapastudio".
Mokujin I think you are taking it too literally. Especially with "The Woman". Yes, I agree it referes to parents and not just mother, but that beating, saving him from fall and then beating him up again, might be just preparing for life, scolding him, saving him and standing beside him when he is down, then just pushing him to be "someone" or just to be useful. "The Wife" might not be just wife or bride that refers to a wedding and so on... just a woman, a lover with whom you have fight, kiss, to whom you have some connection
I think if aliens come to earth and they take one thing to remember us by or one thing to sum up us as humans. Take one of stromae's videos. They are just pure art.
I mean big brein theory, props to you man, but the main theory has much more content, metaphors and meaning to it. The main theory is talking about life and its struggles. But ur theory is talking about fame and its cons (maybe) and the main theory just overides the basic idea of your theory. Anyways, even i couldnt have thought that deep and i like ur theory very much
Life is a game of football (or soccer if you're not British) and you're the ball. Everybody is trying to get you, take control over you and kick you and stuff. The judge will try to (guy with the hammer), your mother will (woman with rolling pin), your wife will (woman in wedding clothes.). Everything is just so confusing and makes you feel lost as if you're in a maze. And once you think you've escaped all of it, it turns out that it's just the way everything is. or it isn't metaphorical and this is a literal video about a guy on a football pitch getting fucked up by cosplayers. Either one fits.
+desa pole Ok not only was that a super accurate and fascinating analysis, but you even added in the humorous sarcastic comment at the end. This is great. And no, it can't be literal, because this is Stromae xD
That's a good idea for another video. His dad is a Tutsi man from Rwanda. Tutsis are believed to have Cushitic ancestry similar to those who live in Ethiopia, Somalia, and parts of Sudan who ruled in Ancient Egypt for a period of time.
@@stephenanderson1594 Tursi are mostly Nilotics mixed with bantu, with very few Cushitic, and Hutu are almost full Bantu, Nilotics tho, are linked to the ancient Nubians.
I was born in Spain but my whole family is from Ecuador. I am a lover of the music of Stromae, he is a complete artist and the most important of this time. I love the versatility and creativity of him that he puts into his songs. Let's say that the first time I met Stromae was for Alors on danse but there I didn't know who sang it and in what language but I still loved this song. Of course, the first time I saw the name Stromae was because of this song that you reacted to Ta fête, that's why I was interested in its visual and musical concept but not as much as I hear it now and discovering that Stromae sang the Hit Alors on Danse every time captivates me more. Now I want to focus more on his music since Stromae is one of my aspirations since I want to learn French because this summer I went to Paris since I always wanted to go (well it's the second time I went) I was amazed by the city that I would return to again and this time know some French (I know that Stromae is Belgian, but the French language is one of the most beautiful languages I have heard, although almost all my life I have been fascinated with French culture such as cinema) and also an inspiration to create music. And it gives me joy that Stromae in his new album mentions Latin American music as his inspiration, especially Andean music, which is one of my favorite genres and from which my father instilled in me to have a taste for music since I grew up not only with Spanish music but also mostly Latin American. I hope you continue to learn about the music of a great like Stromae. Regards 👋 💕 Je suis né en Espagne mais toute ma famille est originaire d'Equateur. Je suis un amoureux de la musique de Stromae, c'est un artiste complet et le plus important de cette époque. J'aime sa versatilité et la créativité qu'il met dans ses chansons. Disons que la première fois que j'ai rencontré Stromae c'était pour Alors on danse mais là je ne savais pas qui la chantait et dans quelle langue mais j'adorais quand même cette chanson. Bien sûr, la première fois que j'ai vu le nom de Stromae c'était à cause de cette chanson que tu as réagi à Ta fête, c'est pour ça que je me suis intéressé à son concept visuel et musical mais pas autant que je l'entends maintenant et en découvrant que Stromae chantait le Hit Alors sur Danse chaque fois m'envoûte plus. Maintenant je veux me concentrer davantage sur sa musique puisque Stromae est une de mes aspirations puisque je veux apprendre le français car cet été je suis allé à Paris puisque j'ai toujours voulu y aller (enfin c'est la deuxième fois J'y suis allé) J'ai été émerveillé par la ville dans laquelle je reviendrais et cette fois je connais un peu le français (je sais que Stromae est belge, mais la langue française est l'une des plus belles langues que j'ai entendues, même si presque tous mes vie, j'ai été fasciné par la culture française comme le cinéma) et aussi une source d'inspiration pour créer de la musique. Et cela me réjouit que Stromae dans son nouvel album mentionne la musique latino-américaine comme son inspiration, en particulier la musique andine, qui est l'un de mes genres préférés et à partir de laquelle mon père m'a inculqué le goût de la musique depuis que j'ai grandi non seulement avec de la musique espagnole mais aussi surtout latino-américaine. J'espère que vous continuerez à en apprendre davantage sur la musique d'un grand comme Stromae. Cordialement 👋 💕
Que de souvenirs... ^^ Il est l'heure, fini l'heure de danser Danse, t'inquiète pas tu vas danser Balance-toi, mais tu vas te faire balancer Défonce-toi, mais tu vas te faire défoncer Tu aimerais faire ta fête Ta mère veut te la faire aussi, ta fête Le juge voudrait te faire ta fête Tout le monde te fera aussi ta fête Tu sors trop, du moins c'est ce qu'ils disent Ils parlent trop, c'est pourquoi tes oreilles sifflent A qui la faute? C'est la faute à autrui, hein? C'est les autres, toi tu n'as qu'une seule envie Tu aimerais faire ta fête Ta mère veut te la faire aussi, ta fête Le juge voudrait te faire ta fête Tout le monde te fera aussi ta fête Tu aimerais faire ta fête Ta mère veut te la faire aussi, ta fête Le juge voudrait te faire ta fête Tout le monde te fera aussi ta fête
The clip give me the impression that the first maze is the one of infant/teen age life, when you feel that you grow up in a enclosed life where everybody see you and you are in the mercy of adults and peers around you (parents, teacher, bullies). Then, as you think the battle is finally over because you're an adult now, you realise that you are just in the beginning of a new, vast and not enclosed maze, still unknown.
In the 3-minute clip, the protagonist is a metaphor of a man trying to escape his responsibilities, but all he achieves is to put it off for a while. Stromae is the master of ceremonies, the machiavellian puppet master who enjoys watching the poor man trying to escape the inevitable.
Stromae's character could be either an allegory for society or alcohol problems. Or maybe both. There's a lot genius in that, imo. Especially since the stade he evades to in the end isn't as structured or as layered as the previous one. It's messy and warped. Kind of like the vision of an alcoholic.
It seems like a man struggling through life. Work, relationships, people who try to stab him in the back, people who weigh him down, society always judging him and the literal maze that he has to go through.....
came here from rainbow six trailer calling sens, really like the sound of the music and came here. Even if I cant understand the lyrics without subtitles I still really enjoy the beat and the overall tone.
Life is tough and filled with battles. In a sense, everyone is an opponent, but it doesn't mean they want to kill you. Like the mother, who saves him! But, even after she saves him, conflict is still there, and always will be everywhere. You can escape to your own place to rest, but life really is an endless maze.
Ok so I know I might be kinda late to this but I have a different theory on this video. I feel like it could also be about the way celebrities are treated in society. Since we see in the beginning how one member of the audience, the "normal" people, is being picked out by chance and then becomes famous by becoming a football player. He is then continuously watched while running through the maze. I think this symbolizes how, when you are famous, people are going to know and see everything about you, the people close to you, and your life just for the sake of drama and entertainment. thx for reading btw
I mean big brein theory, props to you man, but the main theory has much more content, metaphors and meaning to it. The main theory is talking about life and its struggles. But ur theory is talking about fame and its cons (maybe) and the main theory just overides the basic idea of your theory. Anyways, even i couldnt have thought that deep and i like ur theory very much
Stromae looks like he's enjoying watching the game and he's judging some decisions and that has led me to the conclusion that the only person I ever want to judge me is Stromae.
I've seen all the comments about the meaning of this clip, saying that the guy was running to escape from death, trying to find the sense of life etc. Stromae didn't gave any official explanation but you must know that this song is way older than the videoclip. And the videoclip was released (on purpose) right at the beginning of the FIFA world cup in Brasil, which was really controversial due to the disastrous conditions that Brazilians had to deal with and the cost of hosting the world cup. If you watch closely, the guy who was picked up falls as a ball on what is obviously a soccer field (just look at the markings). The walls all around him are the walls of the football stadium where the supporters are yelling at him. The maze that replaces the soccer field and all the ennemies the player has to face probably refer to the circus games in the ancient Rome and to the proverb 'Panem et Circenses' (Bread and Games), which means "give the people what they want to make them forget what's really going on outside". And indeed, once the player finally makes it to get out of the maze, he stands in front of another maze, way bigger, that looks exactly like the Brazilian favelas, showing that once the game is over, everything comes back to what it was. I'm not saying that all your explanations aren't good but I think it isn't a coincidence that he released this videoclip the day Belgium played it's first match at the world cup. He did it of course because this song was the official song of the Belgian team for the world cup 2014 but also to make the supporters think about what's behind the business. Greetings from Brussels!
+Carotte I'm not sure about what you saying, In my opinion, the maze is a huge métaphor of the life, but when it's in the stadium , it's just a sport or a game like football, but when "the human ball" get out of the stadium, he sees that the entire world is just a huge maze, it's not just a game , it's the life. I do not think he wanted to denounce brazil, the maze is just a metaphor of the life, not of the favelas. But what you said is really interesting but it doesn't correspond to the lyrics of the song, so Stromae will not doing something like this, this to much incoherent
Kayla Murray But it's not the good one ^^ He gave an explanation in the lesson with the football player. It's humouristic but he says everything about the clip.
+01Fidjix Not the good one ?!! There isn't a single explanation to this clip, this explanation was wright by someone who probably understand the lyrics way better than you ( notice that you can't translate french to english word by word, so the subtitles are quite imprecise due to the complexity of stromae's lyrics ) and I think it's absolutely not humouristic, it's one of the most coherent explanations ( labyrinth = life is a good too ).
in my linguistics class there was an indian guy who looks like stromae except he had different hairstyle and black eyes oh god he was so attractive if only i was brave enough to talk to him or smth
I think that what is happening, is this could be a resembelance of life of how someone is getting closed in by like a brother, a wife ( the one in the vale ), and the mother ( the one who didn't drop him ) and how someone is trying to run away from that, but once they get away from that little thing they have a whole world to face.
Hana Bee It's for is football(soccer)team,the guys is the ball and evryone wante to shoot him that all. PS:Sorry for my bad English i am not British or American.
Victoire de la Belgique, je pense que cette coupe du Monde est d'autant plus exceptionnel pour les Belges grâce à la participation de Stromae dans cette événement ! :) Perso je suis Français ! :)
I think this video is about someone running away from the problems in his life rather than confronting them only to find out that it has ended him up in an even worse place. Each person that attacks him is someone in his life he ran away from. Boxer = Friends Knife Thrower = Teachers, hence him sitting at a desk Hammer Guy = Father Rolling Pin = Mother Chain = Wife, hence the veil and kiss
i think knife thrower is like the boss in a officine making job for you, but it can be a teacher who give you homeworks. and boxer can be like health or friends
Ne pas aimer une musique c'est une chose. Ne pas aimer une musique et mettre une insulte dans les commentaires c'est autre chose. Vous regardez la vidéo, vous avez votre avis, sa vous plait pas, vous allez voir autre chose. Arrêtez vous là.
Will Horn quem kemi Yasmeen Minute Crazies!! You are saying the same!!!!!!! In English ''e'' is pronounced as in French and Spanish we pronounce ''i''!!!!! lol Mecs!! Vous dites la même chose!! En Anglais ''e'' est prononcé comme en Français et en Espagnol on prononce ''i''!!! xP
This song and video are clearly about life, and in my opinion, the people that appear are the following: First guy-your father.Some people would ask why would he be first and not the mother.Well, keep in mind that when you are born, your mother is exhausted and in most cases, the father takes care of you until the mom is healthy Second guy-represents the school Third guy-represents your job The next lady-your mother And the last woman-your wife
@@senkalemez4348 if you're confused by my comment, don't start being a dick.. ask for me to clarify? I mean, id understand your confusion if there was anything to be confused about lol
This is how I see the video: The arena represents a society, or a system, way too complicated and way too big for that guy who's trapped in it. He tries to get away but he cannot. The audience represents the people living in this society and they love to see him fail etc. The song speak about that too. It's about a guy who wants to be free and to enjoy life and stuff but he keeps being dragged down by people of his society (the court judge, his mother, others etc) But this is my idea of the video, I'm sure they are different ways to see it, but I hope I can help some people to understand it. :)
Crystalitar Yep I'm definitely seeing a football stadium too! I guess it's a little nod for the World Cup since Ta Fête is the "anthem" of the Belgium football team for the tournament.
really? Well then this really shows how much pressure is on the football players. They get hunt down for every action they take on the field. The million options/maze, and the liferoad aside of the games
This individual isn't just a musician, they're now an icon. This sort of imagination is simply spectacular. Some of us can only dream...but dreams...they can become reality.
I see a lot of English speaking people here, I would like to explain the title of the song. In French we have this expression, "faire la fête à quelqu'un". If you translate it literally, it would be something like "we're gonna make a party for someone", which sounds positive, but it means something negative. It means you're going to have a fight with that person, and you're going to destroy that person. And I like it because it's exactly what there is in the clip. Some people have suits, they're at a party, but they are here to watch someone be beaten down. So people come to enjoy the party, while people "lui font sa fête", "are making a party" for the man in the middle.
Thank you, it's helpful! :)
Now I see what Stromae meant saying he was going to play with 'la fête' in his lesson with red devils. He is a maestro of wordplay technique:))
I thought it was something for fate😂😂
Merci beaucoup. Helped a lot
thanks for the explanation :) loveee this song. i love french music because it brings back memories from high school french class.
OH o.o
For those looking for a meaning / interpretation of the video, here it is:
The man is shot into life, a literal maze where random obstacles and antagonists appear at every corner. Some are actually random (the boxer dude and the knife thrower), others are named, like the Court Judge (the guy with the huge gavel, the hammer that judges use). Then there's your mother, the woman with the rolling pin (the wooden stick for kneading dough), who can beat you as she might often disagree with your life choices, but still save your life when you need her to (keeps you from falling, and hugs you). There's then the wife, the bride with the white gown who ties you by your feet (the "getting hitched ties you down" metaphor), and beats you, but is also passionate and loving. Then if you chose to run away from all these people, and from that maze, you only end up in a much larger maze, with more obstacles and dangers, and this time you're alone.
Hope you like it better now that it's explained. Cheers!
omg I actually understood it from the start but am glad others anderstood it as well ! Actually the first guy is a bank director, it's an allusion to the financial problems one can encounter in life. The other is a street fighter.
This is just BRILLIANT, and I am not saying this because it's from my country... I love metaphoric songs like these, when you start to question the lyrics of the songs :D
+Julie Vaugh it is, Brilliant! I love Stromae ever since he started getting known (since Alors on danse), French is almost my first language, so French music is half my Playlist.
Thank you so much for the extra details! Cheers!
also the pattern on the guy's suit is the pattern of the maze
+Grace Larson Nice catch. kinda like he's still trying to figure himself out. You find intellectual people where you find good 😊
I thought maybe the boxer guy represented a bully and the knife-throwing guy might be a bad teacher (or good, depends how you wanna see it) since he's sitting on a desk and the guy's right in front of him. I love this vid :)
Stromae c’est un génie.
Bobo Terra moi aussi
BE FR je ment pas
BE FR voilà
Aussi... c’est le maestro !
Terracid Je sais!?
Stromae isn't just a musician he's a true artist. He puts meanings and emotions into his music and then he know's how to film it out into a video clip that suits the music.
Stromae is this type of musician that does not only have incredible music, but amazing concept videos that make you love the song even more
Jovi VH Rt
true, you can't just listen to his music, the m/v should always be considered
Jovi VH This is no music anymore,this truly is art he's a genius !
Jovi VH you are sooooooooo right,I don’t talk French but because of his songs I want to learn French and sing his songs all the time!!!!!
Stromae is the reason I started getting interested in French. I'm heading to college and hopefully succeed at learning the beautiful language. I think that even if there are subtitles, the language that it's sang in, tells a whole different story.
Alex S yes that's a good belgian singer.
It don't looks the same way in english and french, you will see when you'll be able too understand easely french.
No one cares
Eh baguette.
you’re absolutely right, he plays a lot with words that sound similar and expressions so it’s kinda difficult to translate it to English!
One of the best artists of the decade, he didn't only make good music, he made music that had meaning, that touched every single one of us, with beautifully written lyrics, and a great natural voice. I want more of these kinds of artists in this day and age, or at least I want them to be more popular than the cookie-cutter pop that we're all accustomed to. Music has potential to be greater than it is, and Stromae is full proof of it.
i am with you he is epic
He really is something else.
now it's cookie cutter rap or trap or whatever bullshit they name it.
7 ans d’absence et il revient très en forme, les nouveaux morceaux sont vraiment excellents
Bien dit ses chansons sont en effet excellent
I liked how at 1:45 the woman, who I assume is the mother, seems to be against him but in truth she's always looking out for him and saves him from straying away in his path. I thought that was a wonderfully subtle notion.
Yeah good eye
@@DTux5249 last one is the bride
Then u see the woman dressed in white with a chain chaining him you.can guess what tha is xd
@@replicantMK2 you get it
idk if im the only one but seeing stromae dressed the way he is in this video gives me chills. he looks like he has so much authority and its so freaking attractive..
He just breathes elegance bro
might be because the hat he is wearing is extremely similar to the hat mussolini wore on almost all occasions
this literally perfectly summed up what i’m feelin rn
Lol he’s taken
Sometimes I feel like he’s such a dork and then other times I feel like WoW HeS HoT and I can’t figure it out 😆
Stromae is clearly one of the best artists of the century. First of all his songs are almost all bops and there is so much expression and story in his music
Do you know any other good artists/ songs with the same vibe he has? I’m currently learning French and 24/7 searching for good songs 😌✨
That's what I was thinking too.
@@sarareinhardt3360 Angèle is a really good artist
This Guy is genius!!
@@sarareinhardt3360 maybe Scylla
What I love about Stromae is that he makes timeless songs with deep meaning.
This song is one of the best. The visuals, the vocals, the melody, everything is just amazing.
Stromae is the GOAT
Pour ceux qui n'ont pas compris le clip c'est un peu une métaphore de notre société d'aujourd'hui. Tu fais tout pour t'en sortir, tu y mets corps et âme pour te sortir de la galère et quand tu penses avoir réussi et terminer tout ça, finalement ça continue ( quand il sort du stade )
Après certains diront que c'est pas ça du tout, y a pas de souci, c'est juste que moi je vois ça comme ça
C'est super bien expliqué, merci. Ce clip est génial ! L'idée est extra. Stromae est un artiste hors du commun ! (:
non. Le clip, aux allures de "Battle Royale", met ainsi en scène un homme habillé de la griffe du chanteur (Mosaert), tentant d'échapper à plusieurs personnages qui veulent justement lui faire sa fête.
Super bien dit man!!!
ta vision des choses est excellente :)
Bon bé merci parce que j'avais pas trop compris x)
Peu importe le temps qui passe, ses clips sont toujours aussi bons !!
Quand j'étais plus jeune je trouvais ces chansons pas mauvaises mais je n'aimais pas vraiment les paroles . Maintenant que je comprends le sens je regrette que le meilleur chanteur et compositeur ai mis fin à sa carrière 😐
@@user-cn7ph8je9o non il revient 😉
@@maxjeaugey8327 j'ai vu ça j'espère que c'est vrai
Il arrive
Stromae should make a FIFA World Cup song sometime..
César Alvarez this was actually made for the red devils for the Fifa world cup in Brazil. :)
César Alvarez leave it to shakira
@@user-zr2oq3km3o no
gillian deprez that’s the joke, he did make one
@@gd1996dg No, Ta Fête was used by the Belgian football team in the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Saw this live at Madison Square Garden last night and the entire arena lost our minds! Stromae, you are the maestro! Thank you for an incredible night of music and dancing! 🔥
I was there too! It was my girlfriend and I’s Christmas gift to each other. I could never thank her enough for encouraging us to do it, we traveled from Cincinnati just to see this absolute legend
@@pauliec4784 that’s awesome!
Man I wish we had music like this in America.
Right !!
We do, just need to look for it. :)
+D'mara Martin it goes way too unrecognized
I'm sure its here somewhere
Remember people can only sell what you buy. If you want more of that spend your money accordingly ;-) !
If i ever became a king, This song will be the national anthem to my kingdom
Sultan Alrefaie preach
sorry but you woud have to go up with fifa
maestro Stromae
pownpoes no u wouldnt
Sultan Alrefaie oui
I have an explanation for the concept of this video. The crowds you see in the beginning are people yet to be born, which in this video a guy does get "born" by getting shot out of a ball into the field of life. In the very beginning, the field is simple, but soon he will realize life is a maze filled with obstacles - while Stromae, the court judge, watches over him. He finds out that everyone is gonna get to him, just as some situations really get a hold of you in real life. Once he passes the many obstacles and gets past the closing entrance, he arrives at a bigger and more complex maze - and he'll learn that life is just the first maze he'll have to go through.
Good one!
Good one!
wow great explanation!
+Henry Ngo +Stazz Medouze Your explanation is very clever. And it's spot on on most of it. Just that the Court Judge isn't Stromae, but the guy with the huge gavel (the wooden hammer that judges use).
So there was the mother (the one with the rolling pin (the baton used for kneading dough)), who can beat the shit out of you, but saves you when you need it.
Then there's the bride, who catches him by his feet (the "getting hitched ties you down" metaphor), then beats you but is still passionate and loving towards you.
And I think the ending mean that if you run from all these people, the Judge (representing society? The System?), your parents, your wife, you still end up in a larger maze, alone, with probably a lot more obstacles to come.
Une explication incroyable! good job
Even if unintended, I love the "message" of the very last scene. My interpretation of it is that once one leaves the crowd, there's no judgement that matters but your own, although it's the same labyrinth to face as before but without the judgement of society to contend with.
that's deep man
I think it the end means that after all the fighting for your life you're still alone
Personally, for me, the ending is everyone's out to get you but you dont know when or where they'll be coming from.
@@Vanwisco art is really something
@@IdiawesKara Couldn't agree more🙂
This guy is the definition of genius
alokin112233 course he is
Tokeletes klipp.
Of course
you mean master
When people have absolutely no idea what you are singing about, and they still enjoy your music, then you are doing it right.
I understand what he's saying, but even if i didn't i think i'd still like it
猫 it has subtiles fkg dumbass
猫 butt hurt detected 🙈🙊
Rood Pierre lol wtf he's complimenting the song and rightly so
si tu le dis 😂😂😂
What I like about Stromae is that his songs are not empty. They always have a soul in them. Respect from Russia.
So true! I feel the same way respect from Sweden!
Respects from Russia as well, to tell the truth, that's not too simple to find a people, who will know about the songs of Stromae in our country, cuz its "bruuh, empty and meaningless pop". Oh, haha, what should they say about that? Still empty?
Love to Russia.
Honestly, I got into French because of STROMAE and I listen to his music EVERYDAY! My family didn’t understand why I was listening to French music until I started to translate it for them and they actually love his music now because he sends such a powerful meaning behind all his music. ❤
Same here! ❤
What was your second choice ? German ? Spanish ? And thanks to have study French
@@MaxWST At first I wanted to learn German first, but because of Stromae I decided to move on to French!
@@littestrangefairy Its funny because i'm french and i learn german
This is what I think the video means:
The Runner: Symbolizes you, the person, who has been shot out into the world (the arena) and has started life (the maze).
I believe that all the people that runner encounters symbolizes all the people in your life, parents, teachers, and even the law.
I also believe that the maze symbolizes all the responsibilities towards said people, teachers, parents, etc.
And once that runner finally reaches the end, he realizes there is no end. This symbolizes that there is no end to all the responsibilities in life and you just have to deal/live with it.
Also what role I think Stromae plays is, Life itself. As if he controls the whole game, which he does in this whole video. You can see that Stromae walks past all the people the runner encounters. What I think this means that that he is preparing all of them for the runner. What I think this means is that life is not easy. And life is all about the hardships and that life is just a game.
Elianna Mabaet Agree with you 100%. for sure about life and it's troubles. Two parts really show it..1:56 where he is getting his butt kicked by what i'm guessing Represents the wife, weapon is a rolling pin. and he about to get kicked off the edge but she saves him and hugs him. Then starts to beat him down again... Also at 2:17 when he gets kissed. I don't even need to Explain that one very clear to see the meaning behind it.
galacliva the first lady is his mother with the rolling pin, the second one is his wife.
Tóth Zsolt They look nothing alike, so i didn't see her from a mom point of view. Age too. they both look close to the same age...
galacliva 3:09 in the cast Claudine Sleeswijk is listed as mother.
Someone said once that “you don't just ‘hear’ Stromae when his song is playing on the radio. You listen. And I really think that's true. I have the privilege to speak French fluently, too, and it’s amazing how much nuance can be captured within words that look like something on the surface and turn out to mean something completely different beneath it.
3:12 Win iPhone 12 PRO 🔽
來調味食物煮的時候 1620639372
C pas si profond
Ses chansons sont comme des histoires
To me, this is a story about life, society and our desire to cheat death.
People in the crowd represent souls waiting to be chosen in the lottery of life with the desire to win it. They are not shouting at him, they are shouting for him.
The moment he gets chosen and shot out into the field, he has been born, in the seemingly simple world (Green grass all around), but as soon as he "hatches", that starts changing. World is still a green field, proven by the grass on top of the concrete walls built by humanity that represent the labyrinth of life.
Searching for his purpose while running through the maze, he firstly encounters problems with his friend, security guard in a party, the figure of law, his mother (which is the only one that gets a chance at killing him, but instead saves him and hugs him) and finally, his wife.
He is in a race against time for his own life. Upon starting to think outside the box (climbing the walls of the maze) he finds there is a way for him to escape time, and death itself, live eternally.
He manages to do so, getting out of the Arena, the circle of life where people are born to die. The patch of grass outside of the Arena looks promising, but as soon as he gets there, he can see that by cheating death, he has prolonged his life outside of the system, but that the world is still the same - endless ocean of mazes.
Because that's what life is, and it is beautiful, but people can make it even better.
w..o..w, wish I could articulate a video analysis as good as that.
His mom doesn't want to kill him, she just want to stop him (convince him).
You Martin1 have wrote that on computer xD
Must * :D
Stromae's songs are like good wine; they age well.
On est encore là en (2020) 2021 , on attend ton retour!
Spoilers y en aura pas.
Malheureusement 😐
Oui 😥
I miss Stromae and his "Artsy" take on music.
He's the Maestro.
Il me manque aussi. Je pense que quand il aura un nouvel album, ses performances seront grandioses (désolé pour les erreurs, j'apprends juste la langue, je viens de Russie)
@@tanyaantonova1971 tu as un très bon français
Merci! j'aime vraiment le français, mais je ne peux pas parler :( :(
Franchement tu te débrouille bien à l'ecrit
New album coming soon
Moi je vois ce clip de cette manière :
Stromae dans ce clip est semblable à une entité toute puissante. Il porte un micro comme un sceptre, représentatif de l'importance de sa parole. C'est lui qui donne le signal au début.
Les spectateurs tous habillés pareils (smoking et chapeau-melon) me font penser aux âmes (ou anges, ou peu importe) qui assistent à la vie sur Terre.
Quand l'un d'eux est tiré en arrière, puis projeté dans l'arène, cela symbolise la naissance (le cocon représentant le ventre de la mère, le fœtus ou l'ovule). L'homme apparaît dans une sorte de pyjama (qui indique sont état d'enfant). On a l'impression qu'il s'éveille, il regarde autour de lui.
L'arène qui était auparavant vide, se forme petit à petit en une sorte de labyrinthe géant et infranchissable, signe de l'apparition petit à petit de nos souci, problèmes, questionnement, limites, droits, lorsque nous sommes enfant. Il se met alors à courir, à la recherche de sa "liberté" pourrait-on dire.
Les différents personnages qu'il rencontre représentent donc les principales épreuves auquel il sera soumis. Je n'avais pas trop d'idée pour les 2 premiers, mais Wikipédia à l'air d'avoir la réponse :
- Le premier (le boxeur) est donc le rival. C'est celui que l'on voit comme notre "ennemi juré". Celui qui nous faisait tout le temps *chier* à l'école. Celui que l'on hait, et qui cherche sans cesse à nous provoquer (comme dans le clip).
- Le deuxième (le lanceur de couteau) est le juge. C'est selon moi celui qui représente la "société" dans laquelle nous vivons. Tous les professeurs de notre école étant enfant, le gouvernement et ses lois, les limites et droits qui nous sont accordés. Si on les franchis on est punis. Le lancé de couteau représentant la lame de la sentence.
- Pour le troisième c'est assez incertain. Celui avec le marteau à l'air d'être le représentant de ton supérieur. Ton patron, qui te rabaisse, t'écrase, et te met à sa merci au bout de son marteau. Pour celui là je ne suis as sûr, donc si quelqu'un à une meilleure explication ...
- Ensuite pour la quatrième c'est assez évident. C'est la mère avec son rouleau à pâtisserie. Elle n'est pas seulement la mère maternelle, mais elle représente les parents dans leur ensemble. Cherchant à éduquer leur enfant, à le punir pour ses fautes, mais à le protéger également. C'est pour cela qu'après l'avoir mis au bord du gouffre, elle le rattrape et le serre dans ses bras. Ensuite elle le repousse dans le "droit chemin" et le poursuit.
- La dernière est également très représentative. C'est la compagne, la copine, l'amoureuse, enfin celle qui partage sa vie sentimentale. La robe de mariée est emblématique. Tout autant que la chaîne qu'elle lui envoie dont le bout est un "anneau". Pas besoin d'expliquer l'image du mariage et de ses contraintes, de l'emprise qu'elle a sur lui, mais sans oublier que c'est par amour (d'ou le baiser qu'elle lui donne).
Arrive le moment ou il échappe à ses poursuivants et qu'il sort de l'arène pour se retrouver ... devant un nouveau labyrinthe bien plus imposant. L'image est pour moi celle de l'enfant, qui après être passé par toutes les périodes de l'enfance et l'adolescence, devient adulte et sort du cocon familial pour entrer dans la vie active et faire son chemin tout seul, parmi les épreuves bien plus dures que sont celles de la vie.
Stromae reste présent durant tout le clip au sein même du labyrinthe. Sans vouloir y insérer un quelconque avis religieux, cela me fait penser à Dieu qui est sans cesse parmi nous durant toutes nos épreuves.
Voilà, c'était un gros pavé pour résumer mon avis. =)
Rectification :
- Le troisième personnage (celui avec le marteau) est semble-t-il le "Directeur de Banque" selon le générique à la fin. Le système financier, ou les problèmes d'argent du quotidien. ^^
Tu viens d'éclaircir ma vie...
content de t'avoir aidé =)
BadJokR Pour moi le troisième personnage est le juge justement.Il a un marteau comme les juges (mais en plus gros..) et ses manches me font penser a celles des robes de magistrat
Effectivement ... bonne constatation ;)
Не только песни и клипы,но и пластика Stromae невероятная.
С возвращением,Маэстро!
Ага. А еще смысл его клипов. Если понимать о чем это, становится не по себе.
@@Аксинья-ж7п дружище не подскажешь о чем? здесь намек на то что "сильные" мира всего устроили нам игру на подобие лабиринта, ибо перемешали все с ног на голову, подменили правду на ложь, ложь и еще раз ложь.. а любая попытка разобраться в одном лабиринте заканчивается и начинается новым лабиринтом. осознавший и вышедший из одного лабиринта попадает в следующий, но не всегда осознает это... и мы заблуждаемся в еще один лабиринт и так до бесконечности? намек на то насколько "глубока кроличья нора"? потому понять что-то внутри лабиринта невозможно, ибо там изначально все по их правилам, а выйти полностью из этой игры пока что наверное никому еще не удавалось, да и вопрос как...
@@whitewarrior8592пофиг, что прошло два года, но я всё равно попытаюсь объяснить. клип не о сильных мира сего, а о жизни и людях на пути человека. некоторые из них (метатель ножей к примеру) - это случайные прохожие, возможно, те, кто появляются в твоей жизни, дают тебе опыт/трудности и исчезают. судьи (человек с молотом) которые выполняют свою работу - судят. мать (женщина со скалкой) с которой ты можешь ругаться/спорить/возникать, но после ссоры она всё ещё остается твоей матерью и безмерно тебя любит (героя в клипе несмотря на всё она спасает от падения и верной смерти). жена (женщина с вуалью и цепями), которая буквально «сбивает с ног», хоть и порой пытается тебя прижучить, но всё равно любит тебя: она страстная и непостоянная (целует и даёт шанс сбежать). весь клип - побег от жизни, людей, последствий. в конце концов главному герою удаётся сбежать в безопасное место (уголок с травой), но он маленький и ничтожный, из него нет выхода, кроме как обратно в странные каменные джунгли - в мир других людей, другую жизнь. но на этот раз он совершенно один.
I think the clip works like this:
Stromae is a kind of master, the one who tells you what to do. A kind of King or God of you prefer. The guy is himself. He is thrown at the arena, which probably represents the prison of responsabilities. And the guy is trying to get rid of his responsabilities and go to Liberty. For the characters:
*-The Boxer*: He is probably the guy who is stronger than you, you know that guy who will stop you from doing anything, or who does it better than you. He is trying to stop you from doing what you want.
*-The Knife-Thrower*: He is probably the provisor or the teacher, and the knifes are bad grades or problems.
*-The Judge*: I think the Judge is Law itself. The hammer represents the hammer of the judge, obviously. And the fact that the hammer is really strong probably refers to the fact that the hammer of the judge is quite small, but that sound is stronger than anything in this planet.
*-The Woman*: It's probably the parents. No, not the mother, the parents. When she is beating him, she is representing the Father, who doesn't know how to deal with his kid except by beating him. When she catches him and saves him then hugs him, it refers to the Mother who ends up saving you when your Father is beating you. But then, the Mother starts to beat you too, and no parent can save you then. You decide to ask help to:
*-The Wife*: She is your Wife. And and the chain refers to the fact that Wedding creates a sort of chain between you and her so you will never leave her. She starts keeping you with her, but with Love, as you can see when she kisses him.
At the end, he ends up escaping his responsabilities and gets to Liberty for ever. But then he realizes there is NO liberty in this world. The only thing he got to, is his emotions, the biggest labyrinth of the world.
EDIT: Stromae actually has a video that explains it. And that is sooooooooo far from what I actually thought. You can find the video in a channel called "Dapastudio".
I think this: like to world life .when come world and become up
Mokujin I think you are taking it too literally. Especially with "The Woman". Yes, I agree it referes to parents and not just mother, but that beating, saving him from fall and then beating him up again, might be just preparing for life, scolding him, saving him and standing beside him when he is down, then just pushing him to be "someone" or just to be useful.
"The Wife" might not be just wife or bride that refers to a wedding and so on... just a woman, a lover with whom you have fight, kiss, to whom you have some connection
Mokujin This is the best interpretation I've seen
Nadine Indus Thanks, took me long to find this. Probably watched it 22 times x)
Mokujin I've watched it only slightly less hahaha xP
Old but gold this song!:) Hello from Auderghem
old is gold
6 years is old now? Woah, I'm really getting old too
Hello from Vilvoorde
Hallo van giesbaargen
Hello from Azerbaijan
I think if aliens come to earth and they take one thing to remember us by or one thing to sum up us as humans. Take one of stromae's videos. They are just pure art.
I agree. His degree of creativity and kindness is also the heart of humanity I must add too.
Unless those aliens are The Combine Empire in which I'd make Stromae an honorary member of The Resistance for his music alone
I think it’s stromae that they’re going to get
Te toi
1:06 Ok, this face- Stromae is so elegant and beautiful.
Stromae is life.
j' aime trop tes chansons
Stromae is in life
+aminata la meilleure moi ossi
Stromae is love
on et d accord
Stromae has not once produced a bad song
nor a bad videoclip for his songs
I mean big brein theory, props to you man, but the main theory has much more content, metaphors and meaning to it. The main theory is talking about life and its struggles. But ur theory is talking about fame and its cons (maybe) and the main theory just overides the basic idea of your theory. Anyways, even i couldnt have thought that deep and i like ur theory very much
@UCrfh6cBVjRTc604l0dACURA faq you talkin about
Idk man Je Cours is pretty weak when it comes to lyrics
No Bad. Yes dangerous.
Life is a game of football (or soccer if you're not British) and you're the ball. Everybody is trying to get you, take control over you and kick you and stuff. The judge will try to (guy with the hammer), your mother will (woman with rolling pin), your wife will (woman in wedding clothes.). Everything is just so confusing and makes you feel lost as if you're in a maze. And once you think you've escaped all of it, it turns out that it's just the way everything is.
or it isn't metaphorical and this is a literal video about a guy on a football pitch getting fucked up by cosplayers.
Either one fits.
+desa pole Ok not only was that a super accurate and fascinating analysis, but you even added in the humorous sarcastic comment at the end. This is great. And no, it can't be literal, because this is Stromae xD
+Laurel Shepard 7 ’? Le fait est
The skng is saying the world is out to get you
+desa pole Soccer was a word invented by the British.. funny Brits don't call it that..
redhotmamacassandra well, football would fit more cause... You kick the ball. Somehow in America, football is 70% holding the ball with your hands
La puissance de la scène où il sort de l'arène, mais que l'épreuve ne s'arrête jamais...
It makes me think of the Maze Runner!
me too even thought i think the stories are different.
+Code G.I.R.L
the song is about a guy running from his problem
TR LeBleu Hmm. Yeah I can see that! :D
+Haruka Nanami Yeah it kinda does, XD
oh my god stromae did not disappoint this was amazing
I swear, Stromae is a living Pharaoh
Totally agree! 😆
That's a good idea for another video. His dad is a Tutsi man from Rwanda. Tutsis are believed to have Cushitic ancestry similar to those who live in Ethiopia, Somalia, and parts of Sudan who ruled in Ancient Egypt for a period of time.
@@stephenanderson1594 Tursi are mostly Nilotics mixed with bantu, with very few Cushitic, and Hutu are almost full Bantu, Nilotics tho, are linked to the ancient
Ramsés ll reincarnation
I was born in Spain but my whole family is from Ecuador. I am a lover of the music of Stromae, he is a complete artist and the most important of this time. I love the versatility and creativity of him that he puts into his songs. Let's say that the first time I met Stromae was for Alors on danse but there I didn't know who sang it and in what language but I still loved this song. Of course, the first time I saw the name Stromae was because of this song that you reacted to Ta fête, that's why I was interested in its visual and musical concept but not as much as I hear it now and discovering that Stromae sang the Hit Alors on Danse every time captivates me more. Now I want to focus more on his music since Stromae is one of my aspirations since I want to learn French because this summer I went to Paris since I always wanted to go (well it's the second time I went) I was amazed by the city that I would return to again and this time know some French (I know that Stromae is Belgian, but the French language is one of the most beautiful languages I have heard, although almost all my life I have been fascinated with French culture such as cinema) and also an inspiration to create music. And it gives me joy that Stromae in his new album mentions Latin American music as his inspiration, especially Andean music, which is one of my favorite genres and from which my father instilled in me to have a taste for music since I grew up not only with Spanish music but also mostly Latin American. I hope you continue to learn about the music of a great like Stromae. Regards 👋 💕
Je suis né en Espagne mais toute ma famille est originaire d'Equateur. Je suis un amoureux de la musique de Stromae, c'est un artiste complet et le plus important de cette époque. J'aime sa versatilité et la créativité qu'il met dans ses chansons. Disons que la première fois que j'ai rencontré Stromae c'était pour Alors on danse mais là je ne savais pas qui la chantait et dans quelle langue mais j'adorais quand même cette chanson. Bien sûr, la première fois que j'ai vu le nom de Stromae c'était à cause de cette chanson que tu as réagi à Ta fête, c'est pour ça que je me suis intéressé à son concept visuel et musical mais pas autant que je l'entends maintenant et en découvrant que Stromae chantait le Hit Alors sur Danse chaque fois m'envoûte plus. Maintenant je veux me concentrer davantage sur sa musique puisque Stromae est une de mes aspirations puisque je veux apprendre le français car cet été je suis allé à Paris puisque j'ai toujours voulu y aller (enfin c'est la deuxième fois J'y suis allé) J'ai été émerveillé par la ville dans laquelle je reviendrais et cette fois je connais un peu le français (je sais que Stromae est belge, mais la langue française est l'une des plus belles langues que j'ai entendues, même si presque tous mes vie, j'ai été fasciné par la culture française comme le cinéma) et aussi une source d'inspiration pour créer de la musique. Et cela me réjouit que Stromae dans son nouvel album mentionne la musique latino-américaine comme son inspiration, en particulier la musique andine, qui est l'un de mes genres préférés et à partir de laquelle mon père m'a inculqué le goût de la musique depuis que j'ai grandi non seulement avec de la musique espagnole mais aussi surtout latino-américaine. J'espère que vous continuerez à en apprendre davantage sur la musique d'un grand comme Stromae. Cordialement 👋 💕
J'adore Stromae!
Sweetie -Kun Carmen *
Moi aussi! 😄 Strome est mon artiste préféré de musique!
SunMKTrial ici en egypte nous adorons stromae
Les paroles de ses musiques sont recherchées mine de rien !
Nico R Bah je trouve que c'est anodin mais recherché quand même!
Que de souvenirs... ^^
Il est l'heure, fini l'heure de danser
Danse, t'inquiète pas tu vas danser
Balance-toi, mais tu vas te faire balancer
Défonce-toi, mais tu vas te faire défoncer
Tu aimerais faire ta fête
Ta mère veut te la faire aussi, ta fête
Le juge voudrait te faire ta fête
Tout le monde te fera aussi ta fête
Tu sors trop, du moins c'est ce qu'ils disent
Ils parlent trop, c'est pourquoi tes oreilles sifflent
A qui la faute? C'est la faute à autrui, hein?
C'est les autres, toi tu n'as qu'une seule envie
Tu aimerais faire ta fête
Ta mère veut te la faire aussi, ta fête
Le juge voudrait te faire ta fête
Tout le monde te fera aussi ta fête
Tu aimerais faire ta fête
Ta mère veut te la faire aussi, ta fête
Le juge voudrait te faire ta fête
Tout le monde te fera aussi ta fête
The clip give me the impression that the first maze is the one of infant/teen age life, when you feel that you grow up in a enclosed life where everybody see you and you are in the mercy of adults and peers around you (parents, teacher, bullies).
Then, as you think the battle is finally over because you're an adult now, you realise that you are just in the beginning of a new, vast and not enclosed maze, still unknown.
It make less sense with the bride however. Maybe if we interpret her as a sweetheart
Stromae, tu n'echec jamais mec. Quel spectacle sérieux de paroles et de musique !!!! ❤
Stromae's videos are always pure art.
In the 3-minute clip, the protagonist is a metaphor of a man trying to escape his responsibilities, but all he achieves is to put it off for a while. Stromae is the master of ceremonies, the machiavellian puppet master who enjoys watching the poor man trying to escape the inevitable.
Stromae's character could be either an allegory for society or alcohol problems. Or maybe both. There's a lot genius in that, imo. Especially since the stade he evades to in the end isn't as structured or as layered as the previous one. It's messy and warped. Kind of like the vision of an alcoholic.
he didn't escape HIS OWN responsibilities but he is trying to escape the responsibilities that the society IMPOSE to him like the wedding ...
thanks a lot for this comment
It seems like a man struggling through life. Work, relationships, people who try to stab him in the back, people who weigh him down, society always judging him and the literal maze that he has to go through.....
Thank Sherlock
This guy is Thanos of creativity.
came here from rainbow six trailer calling sens, really like the sound of the music and came here. Even if I cant understand the lyrics without subtitles I still really enjoy the beat and the overall tone.
saw the trailer yesterday as well and it got me really hyped about the song!
Most songs that I listen to only last a few weeks, but Stromae's songs never seem to get old
if you like stromae's songs, search for "batard". this is one of his songs that didn't make it on TV
Life is tough and filled with battles. In a sense, everyone is an opponent, but it doesn't mean they want to kill you. Like the mother, who saves him! But, even after she saves him, conflict is still there, and always will be everywhere. You can escape to your own place to rest, but life really is an endless maze.
Guilherme Purri wow that was beautiful nice job explaining it!
Just that its not endless
E treść
Ok so I know I might be kinda late to this but I have a different theory on this video.
I feel like it could also be about the way celebrities are treated in society. Since we see in the beginning how one member of the audience, the "normal" people, is being picked out by chance and then becomes famous by becoming a football player. He is then continuously watched while running through the maze. I think this symbolizes how, when you are famous, people are going to know and see everything about you, the people close to you, and your life just for the sake of drama and entertainment.
thx for reading btw
Wow this sounds legit
Its never too late for stromae
I mean big brein theory, props to you man, but the main theory has much more content, metaphors and meaning to it. The main theory is talking about life and its struggles. But ur theory is talking about fame and its cons (maybe) and the main theory just overides the basic idea of your theory. Anyways, even i couldnt have thought that deep and i like ur theory very much
@@confusedkoala9687 thanks a lot! ^^
The lyrics have nothing to do with your theory. Do you even understand French?
Quel talent ce mec ! Trop fière de lui 😎🇧🇪😎🇧🇪😎🇧🇪😎
Damn, such artistic ingenuity
ikr? 0,0
Your username, key and Peele 😂😂😂
+anant borkar Yay, finally someone recognized where it's from! Hahaha!!
Stromae is a genius. In so many ways. I love his music and even more, the messages behind the lyrics.
I love how he's just standing around the corner smirking
waoh, le set est merveilleuse! les costumes, les characters, exceptionnelle.
I just wish the FineBros will make a teens react to this... :(
probably they will ask what language is this ahahha they are so lame
Flores Amarillas Well that would make it even better :)
Kim212 same thing that happened with the kpop videos. They just bitch about how they cant speak the language so theres no reason to listen to it
true man
Stromae looks like he's enjoying watching the game and he's judging some decisions and that has led me to the conclusion that the only person I ever want to judge me is Stromae.
Same over here
I've seen all the comments about the meaning of this clip, saying that the guy was running to escape from death, trying to find the sense of life etc. Stromae didn't gave any official explanation but you must know that this song is way older than the videoclip. And the videoclip was released (on purpose) right at the beginning of the FIFA world cup in Brasil, which was really controversial due to the disastrous conditions that Brazilians had to deal with and the cost of hosting the world cup.
If you watch closely, the guy who was picked up falls as a ball on what is obviously a soccer field (just look at the markings). The walls all around him are the walls of the football stadium where the supporters are yelling at him. The maze that replaces the soccer field and all the ennemies the player has to face probably refer to the circus games in the ancient Rome and to the proverb 'Panem et Circenses' (Bread and Games), which means "give the people what they want to make them forget what's really going on outside". And indeed, once the player finally makes it to get out of the maze, he stands in front of another maze, way bigger, that looks exactly like the Brazilian favelas, showing that once the game is over, everything comes back to what it was.
I'm not saying that all your explanations aren't good but I think it isn't a coincidence that he released this videoclip the day Belgium played it's first match at the world cup. He did it of course because this song was the official song of the Belgian team for the world cup 2014 but also to make the supporters think about what's behind the business.
Greetings from Brussels!
Absolutely brilliant! I'm completely agree.
+Carotte I'm not sure about what you saying,
In my opinion, the maze is a huge métaphor of the life, but when it's in the stadium , it's just a sport or a game like football, but when "the human ball" get out of the stadium, he sees that the entire world is just a huge maze, it's not just a game , it's the life. I do not think he wanted to denounce brazil, the maze is just a metaphor of the life, not of the favelas. But what you said is really interesting but it doesn't correspond to the lyrics of the song, so Stromae will not doing something like this, this to much incoherent
+Carotte Juteuse I enjoy this explanation very much actually
Kayla Murray But it's not the good one ^^ He gave an explanation in the lesson with the football player. It's humouristic but he says everything about the clip.
+01Fidjix Not the good one ?!! There isn't a single explanation to this clip, this explanation was wright by someone who probably understand the lyrics way better than you ( notice that you can't translate french to english word by word, so the subtitles are quite imprecise due to the complexity of stromae's lyrics ) and I think it's absolutely not humouristic, it's one of the most coherent explanations ( labyrinth = life is a good too ).
C'est chaud comme il est charismatique dans ce clip
I don’t speak french but REVIENS STROMAE TU NOUS MANQUES !
The word order is actually correct. Yes, the verb manquer is a bit confusing.
@@yeehaw693 no in french its the other way around. I miss you translates to tu me manques
He's back now!!!😀
Y’a beaucoup d’anglais ce qui prouve que c’est un artiste incroyable ❤️
C'est claire mais je trouve sa ouf qu'on continue à aimer cette musique même des années et des années après
Bcp d'anglais écoute du aha Nakamura
@@maximeo7427 mais wtf
@@Fyrhen_ oui
Donc toi tu juges les artistes en fonction du nombre d'anglophones qui écoutent ? Plus lèches bottes tu meurs, c'est vraiment bas de penser comme ça.
Vous êtes un génie monsieur STROMAE. 2019 .Toujours présent
Je suis d'accord
This is a master piece, a song that i can hear every day of my life and dont get bored of it! You are awesome Stromae.
that sinking feeling you get at the end
Boxer: Dad
Woman that saves him: Mom
Judge: Hater or something against you
Bride: Wife
Knife thrower: Boss
I think the "knife thrower" might be throwing pens.
in my linguistics class there was an indian guy who looks like stromae except he had different hairstyle and black eyes oh god he was so attractive if only i was brave enough to talk to him or smth
He gay. They all are.
u must be Arabian
Shake my thorn head? tf
+Stefan de boer Fuck U
I can look like stromae ;)
2021 год. А Строма такой же стильный, красивый и необыкновенно талантливый.
I think that what is happening, is this could be a resembelance of life of how someone is getting closed in by like a brother, a wife ( the one in the vale ), and the mother ( the one who didn't drop him ) and how someone is trying to run away from that, but once they get away from that little thing they have a whole world to face.
+Hana Bee No
Shit e.e than do you know what is happening?
Hana Bee It's for is football(soccer)team,the guys is the ball and evryone wante to shoot him that all.
PS:Sorry for my bad English i am not British or American.
Oh! Thanks, and for someone who doesn't originally speak English, you are doing a great job!
Hana Bee Thank you.
You know you're getting old when your 7 year old introduces you to the latest tunes (but you're still hip because you like it ;-))
Have a nice day !
Stromae manque à la scène ! Un génie ce type ❤ j'adore . Reviens stromae ;)
Le revoilà
Ces ca 🤣🤣🤣
И вот ты прошел испытания первого уровня, любовь, дружба, работа, увидел что все суета, и вот тебе 40 лет и ты готов к новой настоящей жизни😎
Victoire de la Belgique, je pense que cette coupe du Monde est d'autant plus exceptionnel pour les Belges grâce à la participation de Stromae dans cette événement ! :) Perso je suis Français ! :)
c'est un clip de musiques donc on parle pas de foot
Donc pour toi c'est grâce à Stromae si la Belgique est une bonne équipe de foot ?
G pas compris le clip pour une fois
Non mais c'est pas l'hymne de la Belgique pour la coupe du monde ? :)
La belgique allait perdre ^^' Selon moi c'est grace à Stromae que tout les Belges étaient dans les rues hier soir réunit ..
Métaphore: la vie est un labyrinthe
Ico 9 tellement😱
je dirais plus, une fois que tu es sorti de certaines énigmes/problèmes une infinité d'autres se présenteront toujours devant toi au cours de ta vie
Vous devriez écrire un livre les mecs !
Oui la vie c'est une labyrinthe de merde.
c'est vrait
Он будто вне времени, какой-то инопланетный, необычный, эксклюзивный, со своим удивительным миром-это божественно!
stromae .... tu as un artiste ....
Ils est ....magnifique
Ils est...incroyable
Lorenzo Pera bien sur :)
Stromae a tellement la classe dans ce clip.
ouais 😊
I swear when this song came out i told my friends "yo this song reminds me of a world cup song"
All my resoect to stromae his music has emotion and its not empty 😭😭😭😭😭
I think this video is about someone running away from the problems in his life rather than confronting them only to find out that it has ended him up in an even worse place. Each person that attacks him is someone in his life he ran away from.
Boxer = Friends
Knife Thrower = Teachers, hence him sitting at a desk
Hammer Guy = Father
Rolling Pin = Mother
Chain = Wife, hence the veil and kiss
i think knife thrower is like the boss in a officine making job for you, but it can be a teacher who give you homeworks.
and boxer can be like health or friends
ArttTwo Totally, it's open to interpretation
It's written in the credit that the knife is the Bank Director and I think the hammer guy is the judge
yes, like the law
Still, I don't understand about the streetfighter? Why he credited as that?
Ne pas aimer une musique c'est une chose.
Ne pas aimer une musique et mettre une insulte dans les commentaires c'est autre chose.
Vous regardez la vidéo, vous avez votre avis, sa vous plait pas, vous allez voir autre chose.
Arrêtez vous là.
***** Quel poète
***** what ? pk tu lui dis ça ? ce mec doit être l'un des rares seuls sur youtube à être douer de raison et tu l'insulte .....
Ta rien compris +Mr.bear
Haven’t had that many chills in awhile while watching a music video. Makes me proud to speak French
Гениально. И музыка и видеоряд гениальны!!! Stromae лучший в мире исполнитель!!!
Ddddd 2:54
I remember watching this in my 8th grade French class, still one of my favorite songs and music videos
The most intense game of life you will ever play.
And that was only round 1.
I think his name is pronounced Stro- Ma E as in Maestro.
Will Horn nah all of his french fans and himself pronounces it Stro ma e
I'am french and french pronounce stromae éven of we should say only the belgian stromay pronoucing ( sorry fo my very bad english )
Stromae :( stromay :)
Will Horn quem kemi Yasmeen Minute
Crazies!! You are saying the same!!!!!!! In English ''e'' is pronounced as in French and Spanish we pronounce ''i''!!!!! lol
Mecs!! Vous dites la même chose!! En Anglais ''e'' est prononcé comme en Français et en Espagnol on prononce ''i''!!! xP
quem kemi Stromae still pronounces his name Stro ma et in his interviews.
Honestly, Stromae's music makes me question reality.
Canta demais maravilhoso como há anos
Stromae! Please make a latinamerica tour and visit Colombia.
Will be waiting the rest of my life for you.
Ecuador too! That's my dream hahaha.
(Saludos, no conocía latinoamericanos que le gustasen Stromae (: )
Lo sé, la mayoría se gozan Alors on danse pero no saben siquiera que es de Stromae.
Hihihi Stromae went to morocco :p
Me sumo a lo de Colombia :D
I'd say America but I know not that many people would go
His song is more like a musical. It feels like im watching a show not just listening to a good song
This song and video are clearly about life, and in my opinion, the people that appear are the following:
First guy-your father.Some people would ask why would he be first and not the mother.Well, keep in mind that when you are born, your mother is exhausted and in most cases, the father takes care of you until the mom is healthy
Second guy-represents the school
Third guy-represents your job
The next lady-your mother
And the last woman-your wife
Думаю там ещё пресутствуют персонажи военком и судья. А "отца" там не вижу.
I didn't realize I was in love with Stromae until 1:41
Sally Bollywood omg ikrrr
i was earlier on 1:06
I dont speak French, but I can sing this song word for word 🙄
Well, or you*assume* well 😉
Good for you genius 🙄🙄
@@senkalemez4348 who pissed on your cornflakes this morning
Abigail Robson im am just confused by your comment😂 sorry if i seemed rude.. it was unintentional 😭😂
@@senkalemez4348 if you're confused by my comment, don't start being a dick.. ask for me to clarify? I mean, id understand your confusion if there was anything to be confused about lol
This is how I see the video: The arena represents a society, or a system, way too complicated and way too big for that guy who's trapped in it. He tries to get away but he cannot. The audience represents the people living in this society and they love to see him fail etc.
The song speak about that too. It's about a guy who wants to be free and to enjoy life and stuff but he keeps being dragged down by people of his society (the court judge, his mother, others etc)
But this is my idea of the video, I'm sure they are different ways to see it, but I hope I can help some people to understand it. :)
You're right
yeah, sure
well, i see it your way too a bit.. wich i also see as how football can be seen.
Crystalitar Yep I'm definitely seeing a football stadium too! I guess it's a little nod for the World Cup since Ta Fête is the "anthem" of the Belgium football team for the tournament.
really? Well then this really shows how much pressure is on the football players. They get hunt down for every action they take on the field. The million options/maze, and the liferoad aside of the games
This individual isn't just a musician, they're now an icon. This sort of imagination is simply spectacular. Some of us can only dream...but dreams...they can become reality.
The moment when you realize that "stromae" is "mae-stro" backwards, what means "master" in spanish :o I needed to say that
also anagramm of Moseart
@@csocius WOW
That is exactly why his name is Stromae.
@@csocius that guy is spelled Mozart
Stromae is his stage name you know that right?