I Found The Most Touching, Racist Movie Ever 🥺 First Time Watching Gran Torino

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 167

  • @t.j.payeur5331
    @t.j.payeur5331 17 часов назад +5

    I'm a carpenter. 50 years. I went and fixed my neighbors front porch entryway for free because I was sick of watching it fall apart...

  • @angusrocks939
    @angusrocks939 День назад +11

    no work was done on Walt's house. he had "toad" working on neighbors houses. thus "why don't you go over and........ i'm tired of looking at it!" Walt was giving back to the community through Tao.

  • @joeyrossetti13
    @joeyrossetti13 День назад +11

    yea those blacks were racist but Eastwood fixed them

  • @jeanb.5405
    @jeanb.5405 День назад +8

    He sees Tao treat the elderly woman across the street with respect and help her with groceries and realizes he is not a bad person after all and yet his own family sucks, they want to put him in a home, and they just want his house and stuff so when he builds a relationship with the neighbors who are grateful for his standing up for them, he treats them like family in return. His language is awful but his heart is good.

  • @boomeister2
    @boomeister2 2 дня назад +17

    Tao wasn't working on Walt's house. Walt's house didn't need any work. Walt had Tao working on the neighbor's house across the street so he wouldn't have to look at it in disrepair from his front porch! 😆

  • @danielott135
    @danielott135 2 дня назад +14

    I always find it interesting that Walt’s true confession was the one on the stairway with Tao , and he finally got it out like his wife wanted but he could only do it after he knew Tao was willing to fight

  • @dougearnest7590
    @dougearnest7590 День назад +14

    Walt wasn't "racist" - Walt was a grumpy old man who had good reasons to be grumpy. His next door neighbors could have been Scots-Irish from Appalachia and he wouldn't have reacted that much differently, he would have just used different words.

  • @evelynne2846
    @evelynne2846 2 дня назад +11

    This is an outstanding movie. Shows you don't need extreme amounts of money to produce an outstanding movie. Loved your appreciation of this movie. Thank you.

  • @WakeMeSoon
    @WakeMeSoon 2 дня назад +5

    It was nice to see someone who actually does some research when they don't know something. That is a pet peeve of mine, when people who have the world at their fingertips (internet) but are too lazy to put in the few seconds/minutes to find answers to their own questions.

    • @jbizzle7616
      @jbizzle7616 День назад +3

      Yup. There’s never been a time in history where knowledge is more accessible yet people refuse to use the technology as such. We got computers in our pockets! Use these things!!

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  День назад +3

      You said it best. The answer is seriously at our finger tips, nothing embarrassing about educating yourself about something you didn't know =D

  • @darcieturner5423
    @darcieturner5423 3 дня назад +7

    I rented this movie at first to check it out and bought it immediately afterwards bc its such a beautiful gem.
    *sidenote...the white kid getting heckled by the brown boys in this movie..is actually clint eastwoods son in real life.
    If you havent yet watched the movie The Accountant, I highly suggest you do. One of the most underrated movies and rare gems ive seen thus far xo

    • @thepotionfairy6289
      @thepotionfairy6289 3 дня назад +1

      Wow, that's really interesting. I've watched this movie millions of times and never noticed the resemblance 😅

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  3 дня назад +3

      Oh snap!! No idea. Now that's cool to know for the next time I watch it

  • @odemusvonkilhausen
    @odemusvonkilhausen День назад +3

    You're not talking to a camera. You're talking to us. The camera is simply the conduit that connects us.

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  День назад

      I know buddy, I just be trippin and enjoying my own company 😂😂

  • @sickturret3587
    @sickturret3587 3 дня назад +33

    dude, you must have worked a lot to edit out the best parts of this movie. good job not showing them.

    • @e.jamesshepard7183
      @e.jamesshepard7183 3 дня назад +9

      Not only that, the edits cut off sentences and words mid word.

    • @sickturret3587
      @sickturret3587 3 дня назад

      he probably thinks it would attract more people to his paid channel, instead of watching the original movie lol. someone needs a marketing 101 class.

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  3 дня назад +7

      Any time buddy.

    • @T-Nah
      @T-Nah 2 дня назад +6

      I read this and truly hoped you were just trolling... 😢nope
      The ignorance of his arrogant reply, shows how much we matter. (Wants his dad's war medals too?) Entitled brat 🤷🏾‍♀️

    • @JasonRule-1
      @JasonRule-1 День назад +4

      ​@@CampCrystalCharlieI loved your reaction, your spirit, and your heart! ❤️ I almost subscribed but I realized that there was some truth to that guy's comment about the edits, so I knew that it would be really tough, almost impossible to follow your reactions without already having seen the movie. Maybe try something different with the way you edit it. I'd really like to be able to come back and feel like I'm watching a movie with you. It's just kind of tough without knowing what's going on.

  • @dianebrown8046
    @dianebrown8046 3 дня назад +7

    ❤❤❤ 65yr old woman ( white) had a Dad who was a Walt when I was little heard racial slurs to different races all the time...GREAT Thing..Dad changed..so much so that when his brother ( unreal racist until dying day) disowned his daughter ( cousin Donna)when she married Asian from Nepal ( she did tours up Mt Everest, he was a Sherpa,fell in love married 3 years later) told family to disown her too..Dad didn't..his Brother never talked to him again..his loss...Dad accepted them and we had Best times and Holidays after...Dad died 2020..Donna's husband Phurba gave one of the most memorable speeches after funeral at reception after...left room in tears ❤❤❤ this movie & LOVE the reaction so far will watch rest now...But Thanks, hope you don't mind Old Lady's Long Overshare..Will watch rest of reaction now ❤😢😊❤😢😢❤❤😊

  • @marta-201
    @marta-201 День назад +2

    great video i loved ur appreciation of this movie , also i just saw the last mrballen video before this one and it dawned on me you didn't do a mrballen vid in a min , idk if u said u stopping or not but look at the vid even in ur personal time it was fire haha

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  День назад

      Whew! I do miss those Mrballen vids. I still listen to all his podcast episodes though. I'll have to check out his recent video since you said it's fire

  • @Anti_wokeness
    @Anti_wokeness День назад +3

    I've seen reactions from you before but I don't remember you being such a mess. I love it. Subscribing.

  • @NewYorkFloridaMan
    @NewYorkFloridaMan 2 дня назад +7

    I like this channel, but the edits got this reaction jumping around like a cowboy is shooting at its feet and telling it to dance.

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  2 дня назад +3

      I'll have to definitely let the editor know to ease up a bit

  • @burnttoaster6313
    @burnttoaster6313 2 дня назад +3

    Zipper head has a kinda grotesque connotation. It’s what armored tank units called “those” that ended up underneath tank tracks.

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  2 дня назад

      Ooooooh didn't know that neither

    • @davisworth5114
      @davisworth5114 День назад +1

      I was in the 2nd Armored Division and you don't know what you're talking about, OK?

  • @itsallconspiracy2035
    @itsallconspiracy2035 День назад +1

    Love this reaction bro 😂
    Food for thought, Hidalgo (2004) is an incredible piece and no one has done it yet.. id be dope to see your patron reaction at least.
    Again rad video 😎🤙👍

  • @dennisamerika8222
    @dennisamerika8222 День назад +1

    One of my most favorite movies. Clint Eastwood is a real OG!

  • @toddpatrick8254
    @toddpatrick8254 День назад +2

    Great Review. It really is a touching story! Glad you enjoyed the film.

  • @ClaireRedfieldKennedy-ld2lx
    @ClaireRedfieldKennedy-ld2lx 2 дня назад +2

    26:44 You're learning all new types of racial slurs today like "mic" for Irish. In America it's considered a friendly slang as so many Americans are of Irish descent. However in the UK it really is a nasty term because the British truly mean it as an offensive insult as traditionally they look down on the Irish for being Catholic.

  • @dreadassembly4087
    @dreadassembly4087 15 часов назад

    I'm 52. Wisdom comes with age. Sometimes grumpy old men can point out the bullshit.

  • @Tampahop
    @Tampahop 2 дня назад +3

    So don't give up on us grumpy old men. 😉

  • @andibay3736
    @andibay3736 3 дня назад +6

    I love that you’re laid-back and roll with the punches. People are so sensitive and uptight anymore that they’re no fun to be around.

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  3 дня назад +4

      Ayeeee glad you enjoyed =D
      And yeah I agree, people cry about everything these days

    • @EclecticPotpourri
      @EclecticPotpourri 3 дня назад

      what is this sensitivity, u mean calling people spic, zipper head and other old slurs are not socially acceptable. Please be more confident in your racism. The KKK would be embarrassed by this.

  • @willwilliamson9580
    @willwilliamson9580 2 дня назад +4

    hate to burst your uneducated bubble but this is not the most racist movie ever that is a pretty typical thing for dumb people to say nowadays though

    • @SuperChad1313
      @SuperChad1313 15 часов назад

      There is always one in the crowd.

    • @willwilliamson9580
      @willwilliamson9580 14 часов назад

      @@SuperChad1313 are you actually so ignorant that you think it's the most racist movie ever?

    • @SuperChad1313
      @SuperChad1313 14 часов назад

      @@willwilliamson9580 ...i dont, but here you are, making a worthless point. Good job.

  • @PrinceofPain-wv1lo
    @PrinceofPain-wv1lo 2 дня назад +3

    Prosperity breeds weak offspring

    • @SuperChad1313
      @SuperChad1313 15 часов назад

      you are projecting your insecurities.

    • @PrinceofPain-wv1lo
      @PrinceofPain-wv1lo 9 часов назад

      @SuperChad1313 Unfortunately I'm spittin pure facts

  • @ErcCo-m6f
    @ErcCo-m6f 16 часов назад

    Even with them edits I cried man tears. Movie always gets me brother.

  • @stevelafarga3296
    @stevelafarga3296 2 дня назад +2

    6:00 lol omg

  • @420__Momentum-s4p
    @420__Momentum-s4p 3 дня назад +11

    This was a Great Movie Glad you reacted too it. i hope ignorant people that read this watch the movie before judging it. Thank U. Also what's up Charlie

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  3 дня назад +1

      Ayyyeee what's been good 420

    • @EclecticPotpourri
      @EclecticPotpourri 3 дня назад

      what ignorant people? Maybe some people don't want to watch "Dewight man saves the day while using slurs". Babes watch Birth of a nation, seems like u would be a fan of the KKK as it is anti-woke aka pro slurs
      I wish people who love slurs online had hair on their chest in real life. Online racist are so kool-aid in the veins coded.

  • @Anaj-us4eo
    @Anaj-us4eo 2 дня назад +2

    This is my first time watching your channel. A very good reaction. What intrigued me the most was that you needed to look up some of the racial slurs, showing some improvement in that area.

  • @chrisbell9075
    @chrisbell9075 3 дня назад +1

    I love this movie, bruhh.. I'm so glad you watched this.. It resonates w/ u long after it's over & the story at the center of it is really beautiful when u step back & look at it.. True friendship & love from complete opposites who really weren't so opposite in the end.. I watch it every chance I get & every time I see a reactor react to it just to watch their reactions from start to finish to experience those same warm feelings I felt that 1st watch through.. Truly a 🔥 one, fa sho.. Keep killin it, Charlie.. Be easy, Big Homie..✌🏻

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  2 дня назад +1

      Ayyeee appreciate you, Chris. Yeah this one is amazing. We got to see two worlds learn from one another

  • @loisrogers9042
    @loisrogers9042 День назад +1

    So emotional! Lots of lessons learned. Tough ones.

  • @EnglishRalph
    @EnglishRalph День назад +1

    1. Something you said early on made me break away and quickly watch “Ali G - Police Academy” (if you haven’t seen it…). 2. How do you kill a circus? Go for the juggler!

  • @ichigen511
    @ichigen511 12 часов назад

    Great movie. Great reaction. Liked and you got a new subscriber here. Good luck with your channel brother!

  • @PrinceofPain-wv1lo
    @PrinceofPain-wv1lo 2 дня назад +2

    Dig it*.. The film west shot in Highland Park Michigan..Basically Detroit

  • @ErcCo-m6f
    @ErcCo-m6f 17 часов назад

    You got me with that light bill line.

  • @timothyhedrick5295
    @timothyhedrick5295 2 дня назад +6

    I've always found this a super touching movie. So much applies to differences today. So many people are racist simply because of a lack of exposure to others and their cultures. It's getting better, just so slowly. Never fails to get me.

    • @WakeMeSoon
      @WakeMeSoon 2 дня назад

      yeah, and many people have no clue of how racial slurs come about, their origin, the history behind it, people prefer to be deaf, dumb, and blind to sooo much in life.

    • @davisworth5114
      @davisworth5114 День назад

      The US is the most diverse country in the world and the least racist. Black people are much more racist than whites, and my black friends have no problem admitting that.

  • @davisworth5114
    @davisworth5114 День назад +3

    Walt was far from a racist, he was a decorated combat infantryman with severe PTSD. He had the heart of a lion. I only responded to this because it came up on my feed, you know very little about people, we are defined by what we do, not what we say, learn a lesson. Leaving out the shooting where he gives his life for his neighbors is inexcusable. Nevertheless, even though you missed most of the jokes, I'll give you a thumbs up because you have a good personality.

  • @MugwormCorner
    @MugwormCorner 17 часов назад

    Another lesson there: Pay a bit less attention to what people say and a bit more to what they do.

  • @cbogolo
    @cbogolo 12 часов назад

    Damn I have that same cloud water thing you have in the background. First time I have seen someone else have one. Lol

  • @hitmixhyepock9405
    @hitmixhyepock9405 19 часов назад +3

    Its not racism....its stereotypes. Because stereotypes have a basis in fact.

    • @drew2fast489
      @drew2fast489 10 часов назад

      Stereotypes are intentional caricatures and exaggerations of the truth. In this case, racism. Gtf0

  • @revivalofnutrient
    @revivalofnutrient 5 часов назад

    Why would your dad give you his medal dawg? He earned those cmon now.

  • @BigBass-xf5yi
    @BigBass-xf5yi День назад +1

    Good Stuff Buddy.
    This movie had the mother of character arcs 👍🏻

  • @patticriss2238
    @patticriss2238 3 дня назад +4

    I’m 69. Not as old as Clint there, but old enough to have seen plenty. Most of the folks I know that are older than I, just see so much change. Think about the last 100. More changes than any time in history. Technology. They feel lost and left behind. For me, it’s just people. Don’t like them and don’t need their company. I love technology.
    I live in Oklahoma in a sea of red hates and hate. I just stay home.
    Change is hard no matter how old we are.

    • @matthewzimmerman5064
      @matthewzimmerman5064 3 дня назад +1

      You see things differently than lots of others. Just listen and open your eyes and communicate. I lived in Kansas for 10 years of my military career and I’m going to tell you that my friends growing up were just nice to everyone. In the military if you didn’t get picked on you weren’t liked. Anything you were sensitive about was joked about toward you. Now if anyone outside your group or just civilians said the same thing to you, everyone of those military members would be throwing hands. It’s like a sibling, I can talk crap but if anyone else does, it’s on! So maybe it’s not what you think and you should socialize more.

    • @patticriss2238
      @patticriss2238 2 дня назад

      @ I’ve owned several businesses. Traveled the country barrel racing and taking kids and grandkids barrel racing. I’ve socialized. ALOT. Don’t need to anymore. I’m ready to do what I want with folks I choose ( very few), and my horses. I’m good. But I appreciate your concern.

  • @nicholasmessina6406
    @nicholasmessina6406 13 часов назад

    Not racist, based

  • @antoniocunha8772
    @antoniocunha8772 2 дня назад +1


  • @Tonyrayyt
    @Tonyrayyt 2 дня назад +1

    That is Clint Eastwoods son, in the role of white friend trying to be down with it.

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  День назад +1

      yooo someone actually just told me that in the comments.

  • @zowiefenderblast4602
    @zowiefenderblast4602 13 часов назад

    When a loved one passes it is customary for family/friends to cook for the fam while grieving. It's a good movie to describe a different age that grew up on 3 TV channels. It would be great if the TV was truthful especially to those who still watch the box and trust what it says. Best to look at both sides of a disagreement and think. We can't be right all the time, but we can be more informed and non aggressive twords our fellow humans.

  • @TheRealSasukeUzumaki
    @TheRealSasukeUzumaki 2 дня назад +2

    This movie HIT when I first saw it

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  2 дня назад

      My guy!! Yeah this was great I can see why this one is a classic

  • @danrumble74
    @danrumble74 13 часов назад

    Hey Player, I'm from Flint too
    New Subscriber

  • @alleyezonme2909
    @alleyezonme2909 3 дня назад +3

    Thank you one of my fave movies

  • @UncleCharlie111x2
    @UncleCharlie111x2 11 часов назад

    He will love this movie! Here we go!

  • @EL_Duderino68
    @EL_Duderino68 3 дня назад +1

    Great reaction man.

  • @laceypriest8379
    @laceypriest8379 3 дня назад +4

    Your videos are dope AF! Thanks for the content

  • @drew2fast489
    @drew2fast489 10 часов назад

    I'm glad you said it was racist because it is. Clint is. But these fragile wite boys in the comment section are gonna go full wite victim-mode on you for pointing it out😂

  • @doubleexoticokay
    @doubleexoticokay 3 дня назад +1

    very well done, man

  • @dumy187
    @dumy187 3 дня назад +3

    "Mick" is a racial slur against the Irish. A bunch of their family names start with "Mc" ("McDonald," for instance). I've always assumed that this where the slur comes from. The Irish couldn't care less about that slur, though. There was a Fox show called "The Mick," for instance, and that's in something like 2015.

    • @dianebrown8046
      @dianebrown8046 3 дня назад +2

      LMAO, knew slur Mick for Irish since kid ( 65yr old now) my Dad was Lucky no cancel culture now..he used racial slurs for years.all races, countries and religions..reminds of time I was in Grade school..Dad had friend over for dinner..he called friend a Stupid Polack, his friend called him a Dumb Swede ( Swedish) back 😂😂Dad like Walt changed...made me proud 😊

  • @realchilldude1271
    @realchilldude1271 14 часов назад

    Cool mushroom lamp, can you slow down the drip to minimum or is it stuck at that speed? The slower the trippier man. lol Just hide that shit if you do mushrooms lol

  • @toddnesbitt3113
    @toddnesbitt3113 10 часов назад

    Kinda actually got the point

  • @WakeMeSoon
    @WakeMeSoon 2 дня назад +1

    great movie, a decent reaction, but crappy editing.

  • @jumbigrub
    @jumbigrub 3 дня назад +1

    Hey man I missed your MrBallen reactions, are you done with those or are you doing them on a different channel now?

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  3 дня назад +1

      I want to so bad but I just never made a new channel for it yet

    • @jumbigrub
      @jumbigrub 2 дня назад

      @@CampCrystalCharlieyou should! Obviously if you feel like it though, you do you , but I’m sure a lot of us have found you through the MrBallen/MrNightmare reactions and would love to see it again even if it’s not as consistent

  • @kingjellybean9795
    @kingjellybean9795 20 часов назад

    Bootleg? Sounds about right

  • @benguensche
    @benguensche 16 часов назад

    damn i didn't know kaepernick did movie reactions

  • @88997799
    @88997799 7 часов назад

    You could slam five egg rolls? They’re Korean not Chinese.😂
    Unless they all look alike?

  • @nebidiaswift5200
    @nebidiaswift5200 3 дня назад +2

    Love that you watched the credit song

  • @kingjellybean9795
    @kingjellybean9795 20 часов назад

    Watch his westerns...

  • @tavonkacey5201
    @tavonkacey5201 3 дня назад +3

    One of my favorite movies all time 💯🙏🏾

  • @michaelxmas2869
    @michaelxmas2869 3 дня назад +2

    Lol that 1970s ‘armored edition’ freezer

  • @lucianoa31
    @lucianoa31 3 дня назад +2

    Million Dollar Baby, you will love 😊

  • @stupid1537
    @stupid1537 3 дня назад +4

    Great movie and thanks for reacting to it but you're editing sucks you left out all the best parts of the movie

  • @EclecticPotpourri
    @EclecticPotpourri 3 дня назад +1


  • @SCUZZI87
    @SCUZZI87 День назад

    You should react to “American History X”!

  • @kevinehle6637
    @kevinehle6637 3 дня назад +2

    One of all-time favorite movies. ❤

  • @barryscott8041
    @barryscott8041 2 дня назад +5

    Just dropping by....I won't watch your video because of the "Title".

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  2 дня назад +2


    • @Born2DoubleUp
      @Born2DoubleUp 2 дня назад +1


    • @FingrBlastr69
      @FingrBlastr69 День назад +1

      Your comment has me baffled. The movie is touching as hell and the main character IS a racist. Where's the lie?
      Also, why is did you put the word "Title" in quotes like that? Are you implying that it wasn't really a title? There is no reason for that.
      Next time you make a comment to specifically celebrate your own ignorance, try not to sound stupid at the same time.

    • @Born2DoubleUp
      @Born2DoubleUp День назад

      @@FingrBlastr69 Karen's gonna Karen 😂

    • @barryscott8041
      @barryscott8041 День назад

      @@FingrBlastr69 Okay buddy.... "The Most Racist Movie Ever"-----I didn't make that up.

  • @OnA.QueeN1
    @OnA.QueeN1 2 дня назад

    Please watch Wrong Turn

  • @williamjones6031
    @williamjones6031 3 дня назад +1

    One of the best character development movies ever.🤩
    You "That's how I like my racists".🤣 exit drink

  • @problemmchildd5768
    @problemmchildd5768 3 дня назад +2

    The old guy in this movie ( Clint Eastwood ) wrote and produced this movie

  • @Trel1738
    @Trel1738 3 дня назад +3

    Good movie

  • @アキコ2003
    @アキコ2003 День назад

    Oof, this is a trasg reaction video

  • @daytonchris8351
    @daytonchris8351 3 дня назад +1

    at this point i think we're all living in a black mirror episode. and the sad thing is it's not even a good episode but a lame one. lol
    i didn't see many but this is my favorite clint eastwood movie. i like walt as a character and i think you're right about how he's been through so much that he's just annoyed and frustrated at everything, and how time keeps changing and the old ways are disappearing.
    like he's not religious, or maybe he used to be but lost his faith, but he's disappointed in his grandchildren not respecting the practices of church, religion, and even their own grandmother's funeral. i felt like he was thinking "even though i don't believe in this stuff and dislike it, if you're going to do it then do it the proper way". i find myself thinking that way too sometimes about people too that claim to have certain beliefs, mindsets or careers but do things by the book. but it's not just that, now his all american reality is changing too. his neighborhood is full of foreigners now, and his doctor and everyone at his clinic too. i don't think he ever adjusted to that version of america that he's living in.
    and then he's being offered religious and life advice from a priest that's way younger than him. it's one thing to be lectured by a person that's trying to get you to believe in something you don't want to that's older than you, but then he's a person that hasn't even experienced most of the things that walt has. jobs, i think he was in the military, marriage, love, it must be annoying to experience that. but one day most people are going to go through it when they get old like walt. having a college professor that's younger than you grading your papers, having a pastor younger than you that's trying to preach to you about your salvation, or having a boss that's younger than you that's telling you what to do.
    lol i learned so many racial insults from this movie. but what he called those dudes that were picking on toad's sister is an old one. i think it's been around since the 50's. in back to the future when they locked marty in the trunk of the car they called the driver that. i think it's because we scare people because of our color? i don't know. lol
    but i liked how even though he checked the dudes messing with toad's sister, he still had more respect for them than the dude that she was with that was trying to be down. lol
    and the jugular vein is a vein in your neck, so yeah it's a saying, but walt actually meant it literally because his barber was shaving around that area, saying it as a joke that he didn't know how to shave. lol

  • @dianebrown8046
    @dianebrown8046 3 дня назад +3

    OK Watched whole reaction...one of Best I've seen..I'm 65yr old..my Dad was a Walt..racist..LUCKILY Dad changed like Walt 👍

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  3 дня назад +2

      Hahahaha glad he changed but yeah, people were different back then.

    • @dianebrown8046
      @dianebrown8046 2 дня назад

      @CampCrystalCharlie Yep, tell me about it, Actually got my 1st taste of what you might call "reverse " racism in 1976,freshman year college Penn State...dated guy from Jamaica..his 3 sisters came to visit..1st thing I heard, 1sister blurted out " the bitch is white, This is the girl you were talking about??"..Will admit I didn't tell my parents I was going out with Black Jamaican called Malcom...didn't have to..we broke up after sisters called his parents...was in room when his Dad called..Things have gotten a bit better..But Lots are still the same & it's sad...we're all Human beings and bleed red,no matter skin color, religion or politics 😉

    • @davisworth5114
      @davisworth5114 День назад +1

      Lady, racism is what you DO, not what you SAY!

  • @randomscontent.
    @randomscontent. 3 дня назад +1

    Nah the most racist touching movie is mud bound

  • @michaelhoward142
    @michaelhoward142 2 дня назад

    Great movie. Great reaction. Class.

  • @stevesheroan4131
    @stevesheroan4131 3 дня назад +1

    Another banger. I’m sure you won’t, but don’t let the entitled whiners complaining about your edit bother you. I love how people complain about free content that you spend your time and energy on, when they could just go to a different reaction channel if their feelings are so hurt. Spoiled losers.

    • @CampCrystalCharlie
      @CampCrystalCharlie  2 дня назад +1

      Steve, only if you know how much agree with you. Trust me, it won't get to me.

    • @davisworth5114
      @davisworth5114 День назад

      I won't subscribe or watch your channel again because you are intolerant of those who are critical of you, you left out many of the best parts of the movie.

    • @stevesheroan4131
      @stevesheroan4131 День назад

      @ Case in point.

  • @671oneblood
    @671oneblood 3 дня назад

    Theyre in Detroit

  • @penni11
    @penni11 20 часов назад

    YOU the racist