I think you might really like Bloodborne, Rahdo. The theme might be a bit much for Jen, but otherwise it's a great co-op with multi use cards and a lot of tension, the game can feel pretty tough at times. Something he didn't mention is enemies draw from a deck of six cards to determine what they do (3 basics, 2 specials, 1 ability) and the deck only gets reshuffled after you draw the final card, so there are points where you know 100% what the enemy is going to do. Deck building is really fun because you always replace cards so your deck always stays the same size, but since you have to discard a card to take any action you get these great tense moments where you have to try and figure out which one of your cards you want to use to move and which to save to actually fight with.
Thanks for this August! It definitely looks incredible and your explanation of the mechanics (which btw is 10x better than how i described it), has me way more excited for the game!
Amusing list to get combat systems from a non-confrontational gamer. For me I would probably have 5 or so that work really well for particular games and 5 that are more generally usuable systems> Maria taking hidden values as in columbia block games or stratego but mixing it with a deck of cards and each zone of the board tying into a suit. Mimics warfare from the time in terms of unpredictable supply and swingy nature....and mechanically it is really fun Wallenstein - I love cube towers and the memory element is quite nice in terms of balancing and also the basic attrition (1 loss for each side and winner has the difference) is solid. Again captures the feel of combat with the right levels of predictability/unpredictability Sekigehara - A unique system capturing the conflict where cards matching clans simulates supply, loyalty etc and there are cards you can play to switch allignment of factions mid battle - captures the history whilst giving memorable and interesting game moments Magic has quite a convoluted battle system but with each player being able to play cards to put some creatures in at flash speed, or play a combat trick or throw a fireball - but the declare attackers, defenders choose who blocks who (if any) creates interestingly clogged board states. Lord of the Rings LCG - the monster deck works really well in that at combat each monster gets a card placed face down on it triggering some unknown effect. It might put an additional monster in play, it might increase attack, it might auto-kill an attacking player but it is unpredictable and interesting. More general mechanics - simultaneous card play e.g. bloodrage where it could be a value added onto a base attack, could be a bluff or could be a game effect the flips the combat on its head., Simple capture (e.g. Quartermaster general, you attack a piece it is removed unless a prepared action is triggered, or more obviously chess), exploding dice always fun, particuarly when its a bucket load of dice so happens a bit more often, simple attrition (remove an attacker for each defender) and the columbia block system works great e.g. in Triumph and Tragedy. That would be my 10.
For me it's Middle-Earth Quest. Of course, the theme and scope helps, but the fact that the combat cards are multi-use is the best part. They are used for combat - which is an interesting, rock-paper-scissors, combo-based combat, they are used for travelling across the map and they also represent your health pool. Once you run out of cards in your deck, you're knocked out and that comes with a great penalty. For who hasn't played it, Rahdo has a runthrough of the game.
wow, there is something that has gotten broken with this video, because the sound used to be there. and you can tell because the CC transcript for the video still has the final conversation transcription. thanks for the heads up, i'll point it out to yotuube that something is broken. in the meantime, here's what we said to wrap things up: okay um yeah cool and yeah 1:48:26 all gone yeah like but my like breath my breath of like board games that i've played i 1:48:31 think are like here versus you so it's a very limited poll to choose from 1:48:38 yeah well no it was you did come up with an excellent list that i'm sure a lot of people will agree 1:48:43 with whereas i came up with a really weird esoteric list that probably two-thirds of the games no one's ever even heard of quite frankly oh but i like that though 1:48:49 it's different yeah yeah yeah um and yeah and yours was like i mean you know some of the the biggest 1:48:54 best examples of this style of gameplay from you know some of the most popular designers around so it's an excellent 1:49:00 contrast in gaming styles and folks that was it and if you're paying all the attention through you got to see 1:49:05 a little bit of tim's work him does amazing beautiful stuff because he is literally 1:49:11 he has a smoke he has a fog machine that he uses in his videos who does that it's 1:49:17 incredible and you do a lot of videos that actually talk about your technique and and how to photograph better i mean 1:49:22 that's how i really actually found about you because when i was coming here and i was trying to upgrade i was like oh there's like a lot of really good tips here 1:49:29 and like oh my god he works so hard at this i will never do all of this but this is really amazing all the love and attention he puts in 1:49:35 and that is it top 10 20. there were no overlaps at all 20 1:49:40 great examples of combats and board games the 20 best 20 best the 20 best tim said it so it 1:49:47 must be true um and uh that's it folks thanks so much for watching have a very nice day talk to you later so long 1:49:54 bye bye
28:12 I still think you are wrong about DoE, Richard. While the game does involve PvP, the battle mechanism for PvP are EXACTLY the same as the battle mechanism for Player vs. Monster. The only difference is that the monsters have their stats on their card, whereas the player vs. player is based on the faction. Question: So if the game only had player vs. monster - where the only combat occurred when a monster is in an adjacent realm, in which the monster would come into the same realm as the player and trigger a battle - but there was no player vs. player combat (even though it is still a competitive game - in which only 1 player can be declared the winning; side note: it would be interesting if a monster could win the game), then would you be likely to try the game? Do you think it could work for you in that case? Again, the ONLY difference between Player vs. Monster and PvP (besides the stats) is who you are fighting. The battles occur in the exact same way - roll the dice and whoever rolls the highest number wins. If there is a tie, then you see who rolled the 2nd highest number, etc.
This actually could be a really cool topic to cover - Top 10 games i would love to play but i wont because of care bear syndrome :) think about it Rahdo ;)
i found it off a google image search, here's a similar search: www.google.com/search?tbs=simg:CAQSpwIJ1qN9pCCh81camwILELCMpwgaOgo4CAQSFIoWuxP1O-0GugzDKuwggAukJ-0UGhrps1eWvHqjAz9-fgRJ6l73pT6PYf1Pq1HAIiAFMAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgTj4zJQDAsQne3BCRq7AQonChNmaWN0aW9uYWwgY2hhcmFjdGVy2qWI9gMMCgovbS8wMmg3bGt0Ch0KCmNnIGFydHdvcmvapYj2AwsKCS9tLzAydHgxawoeCgthY3Rpb24gZ2FtZdqliPYDCwoJL20vMDI1enpjCigKFWFjdGlvbi1hZHZlbnR1cmUgZ2FtZdqliPYDCwoJL20vMDJudGZqCicKE3N0cmF0ZWd5IHZpZGVvIGdhbWXapYj2AwwKCi9tLzAzaGZfcm0M,isz:m&sxsrf=APq-WBsHlQolwQDIb7ATZi2M-xVjV31cNQ:1648879654040&q=epic+medieval+battle+art&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjotbmw2_T2AhVxOX0KHZC0Ad8Q2A4oA3oECAEQNg&biw=1536&bih=722&dpr=1.25#imgrc=_NEwd_WXge253M :)
There's no Moonlight yet either Hero or Ally in Macvel Champions. You can search for the cards here "marvelcdb.com/search". The next expansions will be focused in Guardians of Galaxy.
I would compare Legend of Korra to Baseball Highlights 2045 in its back and forth. You play out your attacks and defend against the attacks your opponent made on their last turn. Any of their attacks that weren't prevented then resolve. Then your opponent gets to attack/defend and so on. It's also a deck builder like Baseball Highlights.
I did not know Tim before, I will check his videos; it was nice to see the different approach to combat games. However, I expected a bit different video, as this was more like "my top 10 games with combat". In this list, the combat systems were similar or even identical (card based, dice roll, tower dice fall), not 10 different one, as I thought it would be, based on the title.
if i were doing my top10 games with combat, it would be a very different list, because there are certainly games out that that i think are AMAZING but don't have particularly inspired combat systems (legenda of andor, space hulk death angel, shadowrun crossfire, maracaibo, aeon's end, etc.)
@@rahdo :) Yes, I thought Shadowrun would be your top 1. Thanks for all the videos! If there is a new board game on the market, first I check if have already made a review for it, and see it. You are doing a great job! I feel happy, that you took your time answering me. Wish you and your wife all the best!
The bidding system was not well described, though: Basically, all players with at least one force in the province are involved in a sequence of auction "items": Seppuku (sacrificing your own pieces for honor), then kidnapping (removing an enemy piece which later will be traded back for a point), then who gets to count ronin for strength, and then finally for who gets to write the stories for the dead (for points). Except if both players involved are allies there is no combat. For all of that, honor is the tie-breaker.
As a former game developer I am surprised, that you are not familiar with bloodborne, and the dark souls saga . Have you moved completely away fro video games?
I have rarely seen two top10 list so different. It's super refreshing! Different tastes make for interesting discussions.
I agree. It's nice to see Tim on board RRT.
Thank you Francois! So happy to be here~
Yes yes yes! Good to see Tim on board: great things are afoot at RRT...
hahah YES!! We're so pumped to show you what we have in store!
I think you might really like Bloodborne, Rahdo. The theme might be a bit much for Jen, but otherwise it's a great co-op with multi use cards and a lot of tension, the game can feel pretty tough at times. Something he didn't mention is enemies draw from a deck of six cards to determine what they do (3 basics, 2 specials, 1 ability) and the deck only gets reshuffled after you draw the final card, so there are points where you know 100% what the enemy is going to do. Deck building is really fun because you always replace cards so your deck always stays the same size, but since you have to discard a card to take any action you get these great tense moments where you have to try and figure out which one of your cards you want to use to move and which to save to actually fight with.
it does look impressive!
Thanks for this August! It definitely looks incredible and your explanation of the mechanics (which btw is 10x better than how i described it), has me way more excited for the game!
At the moment Tim said Blodbourne has no dice resolution, you could see Rahdo's face light up :)
Great video, thank you! Love Tim's productions.
« He’s got a fog machine!! » hahaha I agree very artistic picture on Tim’s video :-)
Please forgive the dog and invite again Tim!
Great list Rhado. Gloomhaven and Marvel Champions are some of my favourite games. Thanks!
Really excited to see Tim joining RRT! Two of my favorites joining forces!
Totally agree on Jaws of the Lion. Such a great warm-up/intro/etc...bite-sized :)
Amusing list to get combat systems from a non-confrontational gamer.
For me I would probably have 5 or so that work really well for particular games and 5 that are more generally usuable systems>
Maria taking hidden values as in columbia block games or stratego but mixing it with a deck of cards and each zone of the board tying into a suit. Mimics warfare from the time in terms of unpredictable supply and swingy nature....and mechanically it is really fun
Wallenstein - I love cube towers and the memory element is quite nice in terms of balancing and also the basic attrition (1 loss for each side and winner has the difference) is solid. Again captures the feel of combat with the right levels of predictability/unpredictability
Sekigehara - A unique system capturing the conflict where cards matching clans simulates supply, loyalty etc and there are cards you can play to switch allignment of factions mid battle - captures the history whilst giving memorable and interesting game moments
Magic has quite a convoluted battle system but with each player being able to play cards to put some creatures in at flash speed, or play a combat trick or throw a fireball - but the declare attackers, defenders choose who blocks who (if any) creates interestingly clogged board states.
Lord of the Rings LCG - the monster deck works really well in that at combat each monster gets a card placed face down on it triggering some unknown effect. It might put an additional monster in play, it might increase attack, it might auto-kill an attacking player but it is unpredictable and interesting.
More general mechanics - simultaneous card play e.g. bloodrage where it could be a value added onto a base attack, could be a bluff or could be a game effect the flips the combat on its head., Simple capture (e.g. Quartermaster general, you attack a piece it is removed unless a prepared action is triggered, or more obviously chess), exploding dice always fun, particuarly when its a bucket load of dice so happens a bit more often, simple attrition (remove an attacker for each defender) and the columbia block system works great e.g. in Triumph and Tragedy. That would be my 10.
great list!
For me it's Middle-Earth Quest. Of course, the theme and scope helps, but the fact that the combat cards are multi-use is the best part. They are used for combat - which is an interesting, rock-paper-scissors, combo-based combat, they are used for travelling across the map and they also represent your health pool. Once you run out of cards in your deck, you're knocked out and that comes with a great penalty.
For who hasn't played it, Rahdo has a runthrough of the game.
that is a good one!
looool...."punch kick, its all in your mind" wonder how many people caught that reference? 😂
if you want to test me, i'm sure you'll find
that only oldsters like us got it :)
I expected Olympos to be on your list Rahdo, I really like the non aggressive back and forth it uses to simulate combat in that 😊
I love this a lot!
Yay for Tim!
Audio off at end? Good list. Lots of variety and interesting mechanics
wow, there is something that has gotten broken with this video, because the sound used to be there. and you can tell because the CC transcript for the video still has the final conversation transcription. thanks for the heads up, i'll point it out to yotuube that something is broken. in the meantime, here's what we said to wrap things up:
okay um yeah cool and yeah
all gone yeah like but my like breath my breath of like board games that i've played i
think are like here versus you so it's a very limited poll to choose from
yeah well no it was you did come up with an excellent list that i'm sure a lot of people will agree
with whereas i came up with a really weird esoteric list that probably two-thirds of the games no one's ever even heard of quite frankly oh but i like that though
it's different yeah yeah yeah um and yeah and yours was like i mean you know some of the the biggest
best examples of this style of gameplay from you know some of the most popular designers around so it's an excellent
contrast in gaming styles and folks that was it and if you're paying all the attention through you got to see
a little bit of tim's work him does amazing beautiful stuff because he is literally
he has a smoke he has a fog machine that he uses in his videos who does that it's
incredible and you do a lot of videos that actually talk about your technique and and how to photograph better i mean
that's how i really actually found about you because when i was coming here and i was trying to upgrade i was like oh there's like a lot of really good tips here
and like oh my god he works so hard at this i will never do all of this but this is really amazing all the love and attention he puts in
and that is it top 10 20. there were no overlaps at all 20
great examples of combats and board games the 20 best 20 best the 20 best tim said it so it
must be true um and uh that's it folks thanks so much for watching have a very nice day talk to you later so long
bye bye
28:12 I still think you are wrong about DoE, Richard. While the game does involve PvP, the battle mechanism for PvP are EXACTLY the same as the battle mechanism for Player vs. Monster. The only difference is that the monsters have their stats on their card, whereas the player vs. player is based on the faction.
Question: So if the game only had player vs. monster - where the only combat occurred when a monster is in an adjacent realm, in which the monster would come into the same realm as the player and trigger a battle - but there was no player vs. player combat (even though it is still a competitive game - in which only 1 player can be declared the winning; side note: it would be interesting if a monster could win the game), then would you be likely to try the game? Do you think it could work for you in that case?
Again, the ONLY difference between Player vs. Monster and PvP (besides the stats) is who you are fighting. The battles occur in the exact same way - roll the dice and whoever rolls the highest number wins. If there is a tie, then you see who rolled the 2nd highest number, etc.
Welcome to the channel Tim!
Welcome on board Tim!!
1:34:32 Gloomhaven! It has got to be Gloomhaven!
(it's gloomhaven!) :)
Missed Cry Havoc, one of the coolest combat systems (you can take prisoners)
Agreed. One of the most interesting battle mechanics.
No "Forbiden Stars" ? ;(
not my bag unfortunately. can't speak for tim though :)
This actually could be a really cool topic to cover - Top 10 games i would love to play but i wont because of care bear syndrome :) think about it Rahdo ;)
care bear syndrome?
this one is sort of along the lines of what you're suggesting: ruclips.net/video/MlAjaabfHqQ/видео.html :)
Gloomhaven is my #1 as well.
Forbidden Stars has the best combat system I've seen. Sekigahara also works great. And so do A Few Acres of Snow / Hands in the Sea.
Maria, w1815, Titan, quartermaster General, up Front, magic realm, gunslinger, epic Duels, disk Wars, button men, heroclix, star fleet battle manual, fletcher Pratt
I love Stygian Society.
How do I find that thumbnail picture!
i found it off a google image search, here's a similar search: www.google.com/search?tbs=simg:CAQSpwIJ1qN9pCCh81camwILELCMpwgaOgo4CAQSFIoWuxP1O-0GugzDKuwggAukJ-0UGhrps1eWvHqjAz9-fgRJ6l73pT6PYf1Pq1HAIiAFMAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgTj4zJQDAsQne3BCRq7AQonChNmaWN0aW9uYWwgY2hhcmFjdGVy2qWI9gMMCgovbS8wMmg3bGt0Ch0KCmNnIGFydHdvcmvapYj2AwsKCS9tLzAydHgxawoeCgthY3Rpb24gZ2FtZdqliPYDCwoJL20vMDI1enpjCigKFWFjdGlvbi1hZHZlbnR1cmUgZ2FtZdqliPYDCwoJL20vMDJudGZqCicKE3N0cmF0ZWd5IHZpZGVvIGdhbWXapYj2AwwKCi9tLzAzaGZfcm0M,isz:m&sxsrf=APq-WBsHlQolwQDIb7ATZi2M-xVjV31cNQ:1648879654040&q=epic+medieval+battle+art&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjotbmw2_T2AhVxOX0KHZC0Ad8Q2A4oA3oECAEQNg&biw=1536&bih=722&dpr=1.25#imgrc=_NEwd_WXge253M :)
@@rahdo thankyouuuuu
They added co-op And a solo mode if you ever want to try Arcadia Quest Rhado! 😉
interesting... :)
There's no Moonlight yet either Hero or Ally in Macvel Champions. You can search for the cards here "marvelcdb.com/search". The next expansions will be focused in Guardians of Galaxy.
well, he is an ally, but only in the taskmaster scenario of the red skull expansion, but that's something :)
I would compare Legend of Korra to Baseball Highlights 2045 in its back and forth. You play out your attacks and defend against the attacks your opponent made on their last turn. Any of their attacks that weren't prevented then resolve. Then your opponent gets to attack/defend and so on. It's also a deck builder like Baseball Highlights.
Great video.
I did not know Tim before, I will check his videos; it was nice to see the different approach to combat games. However, I expected a bit different video, as this was more like "my top 10 games with combat". In this list, the combat systems were similar or even identical (card based, dice roll, tower dice fall), not 10 different one, as I thought it would be, based on the title.
if i were doing my top10 games with combat, it would be a very different list, because there are certainly games out that that i think are AMAZING but don't have particularly inspired combat systems (legenda of andor, space hulk death angel, shadowrun crossfire, maracaibo, aeon's end, etc.)
@@rahdo :) Yes, I thought Shadowrun would be your top 1. Thanks for all the videos! If there is a new board game on the market, first I check if have already made a review for it, and see it. You are doing a great job! I feel happy, that you took your time answering me. Wish you and your wife all the best!
Rahdo's knowledge of Rising Sun is legendary
well tim helped improve it surely :)
The bidding system was not well described, though: Basically, all players with at least one force in the province are involved in a sequence of auction "items": Seppuku (sacrificing your own pieces for honor), then kidnapping (removing an enemy piece which later will be traded back for a point), then who gets to count ronin for strength, and then finally for who gets to write the stories for the dead (for points). Except if both players involved are allies there is no combat.
For all of that, honor is the tie-breaker.
Nice parappa the rapper reference in there
don't get cocky, it's gonna get rocky!
As a former game developer I am surprised, that you are not familiar with bloodborne, and the dark souls saga . Have you moved completely away fro video games?
Best combat system is in forbidden stars
Totally agree
Haha, i thought Shadowrun Crossfire instead of Gloomhaven. Duh 🤦🏻♂️
i thought about including crossfire, but as much as i love the game, the combat itself is not particuarily amazing
@@rahdo yes, i agree . that damage level tracker is great and not many games features that but the tracker alone is not exciting enough.
Not a Mention of historical wargames, interesting.....