Whenever 35% (Lv1) of maximum HP is lost, after a brief delay, spawns a Cocoon Cage on friendly units in the surrounding tiles to Theresa which does not have a Cage on them already.
@@shirouemiya2880The placement of Operators doesn’t matter, but the key bindings need to be adjusted depending on the stage In most cases, it works without any issues
Still dissapointed by the fact that there's no phase 3. They could've pulled a whole new mechanic for her phase 3 cause we can manipulate the glowing tiles with a box to prevent them getting everywhere. It'll also be hype as fuck if Broken Sun starts playing
I mean, it's still difficult if you don't carefully read what she would do. I felt some other h 4 stages are easier because I could beat them even I didn't fully understand the gimmick.
The stage spawning Patriot is just so funny to me.
funny enough to make me got mission failed
She's so broken the stage ends before the enemy count is fully cleared...
Also great showcase of Surtr + ReedAlter great combo!
기믹 알아가기 번에 걍 테레시아 주변에 무지성 적폐들로 애워싸서 패가지고 나도모르는 사이에 깨진 최초의 보스인거같음 , 이번 보스는.
(힐리드 2,3스 마작해놨긴한데 3스써도 됨?)
Wheres my H stage damnit
Have you found it? If not you can clear the Adverse difficulty, the H stages should appear after you did
Can you do the vampire boss but with Wishadell and Logos? That stage is harder compared to this 😭
Do you mean the boss in episode 13?
@ Yesh please!
방금 온몸 비틀기로 2시간 만에 깼는데, 이걸 3인으로 하신다고요...
thank you
감사합니다 덕분에 깼어요 파드 최고
감사합니다 덕분에 깼어요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
수르트가 여긴선 유독좋더라구요 먼지 막을 수 있어서 그런가
이제...리드 2스킬을 가지고 있는사람을 찾아볼까.....
Why my H stage still nothing after i clear all stage
Have you done this on adverse difficulty?
마지막 폭딜 넣을때 힐리드 3스랑 2스 차이가 있을까요?? 2스 가진 사람이 많이 없더라구요 😇
대미지 차이가 커요 보조 딜러 넣으면 됩니다
아니 가득채워도 못깨는걸 3인으로😢
Why ur operator cant stun after dealing damage?
Camouflage from her passive
I always got stunned.
1페이즈 체력 절반 정도 남았을 때부터 대미지가 거의 안 들어가지던데 해결 방법 같은 거 있을까요? 지금 위셔델 스펙은 2정 60렙 모듈 3입니다.
구체 반대편에 있는 오퍼레이터의 대미지는 90% 반감되서 들어갑니다. 튼튼한 녀석 세워두고 구체를 지워주시면 됩니다.
1:45 여기서 보면 첫타에는 구체가 있어서 대미지가 반감됬지만 두번째 부터는 구체가 없어서 대미지가 온전히 들어가지요.
@CasualDrunkard 감사합니다... 덕분에 계속 실패하던 거 깼습니다 :) 좋은 하루 보내세요.
때리다 보면 마왕님 1페이즈에서 위셔델 자리에 고치가 생기면서 전투가 다 어그러지는데 뭐가 문제일까요...?
위샤델 잠재가 높아서 그런 거 같은데
35% 까고 스으윽 소리가 들렸을 때 사혼령 퇴각하면 됩니다
plz someone explain theresa's mechanic😢
Whenever 35% (Lv1) of maximum HP is lost, after a brief delay, spawns a Cocoon Cage on friendly units in the surrounding tiles to Theresa which does not have a Cage on them already.
@@pard arigathank dude
u help me so much T_T
와 피 안줄어드는거봐....내가 할수있나..
can you explain why it ends without clear all the enemies?
If you defeat 2 phases of Theresa, the stage should end on itself shortly after
@nguyenhuynhthe1092 ohhh
i do it a bit long so patriot show up
i dont understand, why my operators always get cocoon'd
Reduce HP by 35% and retreat the operators nearby
@pard im so stupid, en doesnt read moment. Should've retreated operator in the 8 tiles around her. Thank you.
0:28 즈음에 힐리드를 죽이는 이유가 뭔가요?
고치 패턴을 빼기 위해서요
@@pard 고치가 저런 방식으로도 빠지는군요 ㄷㄷ 고치 작동 방식을 아직 이해를 못했는데 일단 따라하기라도 해봐야겠네요
I was wondering what's the key he used for the retreat button? I wanna do that kind of fast retreat
Z Speed Up, X Pause, W Retreat, E Skill Use
@pard one more question, do i have to like put the keybind on the skills themselves coz the position may differ when Operators are placed differently
@@shirouemiya2880The placement of Operators doesn’t matter, but the key bindings need to be adjusted depending on the stage
In most cases, it works without any issues
캐릭터들 스펙 낮으면 많이 힘들겠죠..??😭😭
따라하기 개빡세네..
@@可持续发展2 不会中文,但我有翻译器 呵呵
@@pard 没事,我又有了一个在youtube的新朋友
힐리드 대신 넣을만한게 있을까요...
힐리드는 대미지 + 힐을 동시에 챙기려고 넣은 거라
다른 딜러 더 많이 + 힐러 챙기면 됩니다
왜 똑같이 해도 안되지
It isnt. H14-4 is probably the easiest H4 stage after CH7
Still dissapointed by the fact that there's no phase 3. They could've pulled a whole new mechanic for her phase 3 cause we can manipulate the glowing tiles with a box to prevent them getting everywhere. It'll also be hype as fuck if Broken Sun starts playing
ikr? the previous h stage is absolutely banger
Probably to make it more bearable for new players since chapter 14 is available for new players during this event
So easy that Theresa says the game is over because she feels like it
I mean, it's still difficult if you don't carefully read what she would do.
I felt some other h 4 stages are easier because I could beat them even I didn't fully understand the gimmick.
이 영상에선 위셔델이 테레렝 8칸 안에 들어와있는데 속박 안걸리는 이유가 뭔가요??
@ 아 미친 그런 간단한
ㅠㅠㅠ 알려주셔서 감사합니다.ㅠㅠ 8칸 내로 아무도 안 두고 빗투 1스로 녹여먹었는데 ㅋㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅠ 좋은 사실을 알게 되어 기쁩니다
왜 애들 다 안잡아도 끝나는거죠?
그것 또한 하나의 히든 루트?
위샤델 너프좀