Amazing! I just built 10 of these generators! But the secret is to plug the eletric motor in the neighbor house outlet. My power plant now delivers 100Kw constantly and i signed a deal with my neighbor to sell him back some energy. Just ordered a super yacht and soon i will retire.
I would take that idiot question as just that. You would more than likely still think the earth is round, gravity is a given, the sun is 92 million miles away and Dinosaurs gave man oil. Just to help you out. Take any brand non refined oil, look at it under a microscope. What do you see or not see. One would see the oil yes, of course. However, ole chap, you will not find any particles of Dinosaurs in it. Oil is a reproducing substance that the Earth makes. A never ending supply. Lets look at the given in the video. Light Bulbs say 100 watts each, 300 watts total. Two balasts with there rating defined and shown to you. Plus the values of a small electric motor on 110v, {120v@60HZ Motor}. Given your week reply as to the unproven variable of the motor is laughable. Any with 1/2 a brain can tell that this motor displayed in the video is not going to be any more than what I stated above. Even without the displayed value of the motor output and usage in volts. Does not allow the unknown variable of the true numbers of the motor values to disqualify that the amount of energy being produced is that of the designated figures of the current equipment being used minus the small, very small motor. In closing, as I would say to my Students. Proof the obvious, how much energy is the motor not taking. There you will find the answer you and so many like you disparately need to prove that which is right in ones face. Man did not get to ware he is being 100% skeptical.
So I'm guessing you never show what the green and red wire from the motor are connected to because you don't want us to see its plugged into the wall or a battery source???
There is no reason to question what tge green and red wire connected to we all know the motor was driven by electric sources either battery voltage or house current no problem with that part the question should be what amount of load can be added before the Ballast burnt out because as soon as you increase load the motor going start backing down and eventually burnt out the ballast what the guy did was just make a generator using a motor to power the generator producing magnetic field current.
If the demonstrated system were really proof of the use of free energy, the power supplied to drive the motor that drives the improvised generator had to be measured, as well as the power taken from the generator. Only when the output power was demonstrably higher than the one for the motor drive could the use of free energy be considered. Measurement with a voltmeter and the lighting of light bulbs alone is not sufficient proof if it is not known what power is needed to drive the motorcycle. Overall, the whole video is just a practical demonstration of the electricity generator principle.
Wenn die Ausgansleistung 10 KW betragen soll, muss die Eingangsleistung mindestens auch 10 KW und mehr betragen. Dieser Spielzeugmoter leistet jedoch höchstens 10 W. Auf der 220 V Seite würden ( Glühlampen) bei 10 KW mindestens 45A fließen. Wenn der Motor mit 12 V betrieben wird, wäre der Strom 825 A ! ( unter vereinfachten Gleichstrom-Berechnungen). Bei Wechselstrom wäre der Strom noch größer ... (Cos. Phi usw.) Der Wirkungsgrad noch garnicht eingerechnet!
یہ تو ہماری پاس بے شمار موجود ہیں۔ آپ نے تو کمال کر دکھایا۔ اب میں ایسے بے شمار جنیریٹر تیار کرکے نہ صرف خود استعمال کروں گا۔ بلکہ انہیں بیچ کر قیمتی زر مبادلہ بھی کماؤں گا۔ اس کے علاؤہ انہیں اپنے چینل پر بھی اپلوڈ کروں گا۔
Selling them might become dangerous. The design is most probably patented already. And if not, The energy barons will most likely attempt to stop you. Hundreds have died or disappeared in the last 70 years.
I only have one question for you. Where did you connect the engine with the red and green wire? If it was in the electrical network at home with a source for 12v, then you are exchanging 6 for half a dozen, that is, you are consuming energy to feed the motor that will generate the same that you are spending.
its not a fake as far as i can see, the generator thats he's talking starts from the armature with magnets, he just need a kinetic energy ( in this case the spinning of the armature) to generate power. Just imagine it like this, take off motor that and replace it with a water turbine or a wind propeler for the armature to spin.
yes the motor is powered electrical supply through that red and green wires, but take of the motor with red and green wires and replace it with turbines, the generator starts from there. He just put a motor to for the representation.
Free Energy? It exists! Most definitely. I ran a wire from my air conditioner to my neighbour’s meter box while he was holidaying in Bali; and, voila, free energy.
10kW would be a 45 amp output. That requires 8 gauge wires , which are 3.2 mm thick not counting the insulation. 10kW would melt the wiring Those bulbs are probably 40 watts each, so only 120 Watts were shown. It's only free energy if the energy out is more than the energy in. A power meter on the in vs the out would solve that question.
How could this be free energy?! Only if you steal the direct current on the green-red wire pair!!! This whole con-humbug is a lie; this system is nothing more than a mechanical inverter with poor efficiency. I don't understand why RUclips doesn't ban such lying scams.
What a wonderful free allergy machine! It's just awesome. We are in enegy crises. Why didn't you show it before? I'm sure your machines will change the whole world energy crises story.
Here's the thing the department of energy of the u.s. has decided that perpetual motion machines are an impossible thing to have so they are dismissed immediately and they will shut you down if you try to take it commercial, yeah suits will show up, what a world we live in in the USA yes we're free , not
How can it be free if you have to run a motor to power it? And isn't it amazing that a junk-built generator just happens to generate 220 volts? Finally, let's see it powering a 10 kW load, not a small lamp.
Вот у меня один знакомый, тоже учёный, у него три класса образования, так он десятку за полчаса так нарисует, не отличишь от настоящей. Савелий Крамаров. Here I have a friend, also a scientist, he has three classes of education, so he will draw a ten in half an hour, you can't tell it from the real one. Savely Kramarov
Я закончил университет, инженер электрик, в энергетике 50 лет и занимался автоматизацией технологических процессов на тепловых и гидроэлектростанциях, а так же электроподстанциях, просто я с молодости любил физику и математику, эти предметы меня научили понимать, что электроэнергия ниоткуда не появится в трансформаторах тем более, если вы даже их поставите сто штук хоть параллельно хоть вертикально хоть параллелепипедом!!!
Вы наверное не помните (хотя и сейчас это иногда встречается), что на некоторых велосипедах ставили динамо, которое от движения крутило ротор и вырабатывало (точно уже не помню) где-то 6 Вольт. Потом были фонарики, которые от постоянного сжатия рычага на ручке, вырабатывал питание для 3 В лампочки. То есть, есть способы выработки энергии, вольтажа. Но мощности в таких штуках нет вообще. Есть много разных современных генераторов по выработке электричества. Есть мощные даже. Но они питаются горючкой. А из ничего и ничего только можно получить. Здесь эксперимент для детей, как используя электричество можно получить электричество.
You use motor to rotate the magnetic rotor which cutting of the magnetic flux from the magnet, but the question where did you get the power for the motor to rotate? battery or Electrical outlet? So therefore this is not Free Energy but rather an energy conversion originally energy provided by source of that motor rotations. The Magnet and the ROTOR serves as Generator. Much better you do is use the energy from flowing of water from the river to rotate the rotor and remove that electric motor, that's can be called an "FREE ENERGY".
Yes, this is a common scam. To get 220 V, you need to power the engine from a 220 V outlet. Since there is not enough battery for a day of operation of this designer. Or connect a generator to charge the battery, which in turn will require 220 V power. In addition, this toy will not pull anything serious. Fun for kids doing physics.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.It can only be converted from one form to another. Here the motor used is externally powered, then how it is free energy?
you are very good, thank you for helping many people have generators, the cost is low, but scientists don't know, you have made the laws of physics ineffective, your project must be granted a prize noben
Physics 8.01 @ MIT, basic entry level physics, first day of class, first thing professor drilled into us was that there is no free lunch, ie: you can not get something from nothing. There is an external power supply that is not being shown.
Good you have built an alternator with recovered parts, in a very simple way, although it is very inefficient in an emergency it could be useful for charging batteries, perhaps dragged by a jet of pressurized water or a hydraulic wheel, it remains ineffective and with two ballst from 20W to the maximum do 30W by combing it to the rotation shaft of the magnets 100W, write 10GW is more spectacular!😁
with 0.1mm diameter wire in such coils, it is only possible to get 220Wt on 10KVАС but in this 20wt inductances - there is closet loop magnetic core chain in it, so coils are magnetically short-circuited for outer external magnetic field flux - no any "generation type" sensitivity will happens, and moving magnets near such "ferromagnetic material iron environment submerged coil" - useless work, only iron core heating possible - like in microw-v oven
Das finde ich sehr interessant, aber für den richtigen wow Effekt müsste man den Antriebsmotor von der Stromquelle zum Start abschalten lassen können und dann über diese Stromquelle des selbstgebauten Stromgenerator laufen lassen, dann wäre dies fast 100% freie Energie, müsste ja locker reichen für den eigen Motor im betrieb zu halten und paar Glühbirnen oder?
Только за заявленную мощность, люди которые контролируют энергоресурсы приговорят изобретателя, как покусившегося на монополию, в лучшем случае в стационар психлечебницы
Free energy my arse. Creative project sure, but electricty doesn't come free (and you spin that little motor with what?). Moreover 220 V out of 9 or so V doesn't make it efficient either. I can do that with a center tap transformer, 2 diodes, 2 resistors and 2 mosfets. Hell, you can even make 15KV with a flyback, one resistor and a tranny. If you can make input Ia > output Ia, then you can come back and claim something, else keep your stuff as fun projects. Oh and the hidden connections are well hidden under the sockets, you'd be better off as a magician mate.
Power source to the motor not shown. i've been watching your video for sometime now, anytime you make the generator you don't show the power that is driving the motor. what if someone is trying to learn, how can he do it?
Claro!! Dónde está la energía libre, si hay que alimentar el motorcito eléctrico?? Y tres bombillas de 100 W suman 10.000 Watios? QUÉ ENGAÑO MAS ESTÚPIDO!!!
Что за глупые вопросы ?, там дураку понятно, что моторчик от шуруповерта никак не сможет работать от 220v только от 12v или 24v ?. Других вариантов, просто нет ?.
@@s_the_first the generated voltage is AC the small motor is a DC motor. doesn't work with AC. other thinks: these ballasts are 20W and 0.37Amps.(optimal) you newer take out from them 10kW output power. it's a simple (in DC onlybut not so far from AC calculation): P=UxI P=power in Watt U=voltage in Volt I=Amperes calculate please: how much is the generated volts? (of course, isn't 230 volts!!! ) how many amps need to 10000 watts output energy??? next: the induced voltage depends from speed of magnets (or speed of loops, coils) long of coils and more... the long of coils are'nt enough for it.. this system not enough for a glim-light, not for any lights...
@@norbertbenyak7125 no shit it's AC!!! but an AC-DC converter or some batteries will take care of that. I agree on the ballast ratings. HOWEVER, the ballast are not being used in the conventional way. Hot electricity is not being passed through the ballasts, only a rotating magnetic field so the numbers on the box mean nothing. I did say else where on the thread tho that I doubt the output is 10kW. But I won't discount it til i've built it myself and tested. When you begin to experiment out of the box with this stuff you'll see that the "ratings" on these components do not tell the full story. It's common for similar systems to produce 10kW from a repurposed 1.2 or 2.4kW alternator.
@@s_the_first you don't know some basic knowledges what is the minimum request to generate electricity and how much will be it... a simple physical law: the output energy ALWAYS smaller than input energy... if you use a 5 watts power small electric motor, you never generate or take out higher power like 10 kW!!! the best electric machine is the transformer, it has about 97-98% efficiency, all other machines have lower efficiency... one more question and i'll leave: if this system works, ( same as other "free energy" and bla-bla systems) why don't use these all industrial factory??? don't tell me: this is a secret system and they don't know it!!!!
Dos reactancias en paralelo,no generan nada.En la naturaleza,nada se crea ni se destruye,solo se transforma"Principio de conservacion de la masa o Ley de Lavoisier
It really works, that is an authentic fuckt. I used identical setup and getting 74921 Megga Watts of free energy. The only condition is that the plywood must be 7/16" thick. If you use 1/2 inch plywood you will get 5429 of kiloWatt extra heat
I have been using this revolutionary technology for more than 22 years now and our whole village including an iron foundry is connected to it. Conclusion: Millions saved in electricity costs!
Donde conectas el cable rojo y verde, no se ve en el vídeo, se supone que a una pila, de cuanto es la pila y cuanto dura la pila para encender las 3 bombillas, por que igual sale más caro las pilas que la luz que gastas
Very greatful to have seen this video. Often people say to have a life without happiness. When I saw this video I was very happy ... I cant remember to have laughed more the last months. That little motor an 10KW-Generator. I guess it is a cheap 12V motor as you can buy for 3 oder 4 Euros/Dollars. And the magnets ... very impressiv. But to small ... a to great distance to the coils ... so that vdeo is really very funny and a great fake. Congratulations!
Ja, alles gut erklärt, aber wo kommt das rote und grüne Kabel her, das am Motor befestigt wurde. Sollte das ein Strom Kabel sein??????, und wieviel Volt.????? Können Sie mir eine Kurze Antwort geben.??? DANKE
Put a 10,000w nickel-plating resistor, to see it catch fire, and the power installation in the house, but to produce this lying project, because you can't do anything big, a big lie out of nothing.😄😁
Ahahahahahahahahhaha!!!!oh lord,i m having a lot of fun watching this.......people don t doubt of anything!Indian people are very creative and funny.....and hot glue will save us!!!
It would be free if the other ends of the wires going to the motor were plugged into the three outlet connector shown but then, that wouldn't work, would it . . .
To the output of a DC power supply for driving the small DC motor. This power supply have to be supply by an AC power source like the AC outlets you have in a house in America which is of 120Vac or if you are from Europe than the AC outlets are of 220Vac.
No matter what is running the motor, how did you manage to get 10 Kw out of 2- 20 watt lamp ballasts? At home, I run an inverter from a 12 volt battery, and plug a battery charger into the inverter to charge the battery.
To fully appreciate your claims about this setup been able to generate 10KW of power to the loads (for example using 3 heaters that can generate 3KW each for the load for a total of 9KW). What real power output can you have with 3 heaters of 3KW each as the total load to prove that this setup can supply at least 9KW of energy to the 3 heaters with 3 amp meters showing the related current for each of them and the related AC voltage supplied to each of them as well. If this setup really works than it must maintain a steady 230Vac for each of the heaters use at the same time and have at least an AC current of at least 13.04A for each of them for having around 9KW of energy delivered to the 3 heaters (representing the total load). Could you provide at least an other video that is showing that it can supply really 9KW of energy at the same time for 3x 3KW heaters for proving that this generator can really delivered 9KW of energy to a load like described here ?
@@mrwanalyasjeen4904 I sincerely would like to read your comments but I don't understand it. Which language are you using or where are you from ? Thanks in advance for your kind reply.
At 220 volts 10 KW, your circuit wires would have to handle 45 amps. Those little wires you used are probably rated somewhere in the 16 amp range. Something’s not right here.
Um better the digital tester to do these tests. The electric brush motor ......... much better than counterweights and additional magnets. However the 'idea is interesting!!! :)
ماهوه مصدر الطاقه التي تم تشغيل الماطور الصغير الذي قام بلدوران غيرمعروف اهيه بطاريه ام تيار كهربائي خارجي فالمصدر الطرف الخارجي مجهول . لكم كل الاحترام فكره جيده
Please show the battery that is driving the DC motor. Why you are hiding the source of energy to DC motor. Please keep in mind, there are people who can not be taken for granted.
На зелёный и красный подаётся питание 12v которые крутят мотор мотор крутит всю ту дрибидень с магнитами и якобы там дросселя магнитное поле и они выдают 220 v. но это так не работает мне так кажется
@@XxxXxx-gw3bw Пишут, что пробовали и работает. НО. Я очень сомневаюсь, что там мощность есть. Напряжение можно получить, но мощность таким способом не получишь. К примеру чайник не вытянет мощность из такого пропеллера, и попросту не закипит.
Super! Aus 20 W in rot/grün Kabeln wurden nach kleinem Umweg über den Generator dann in der Steckdose 10 W erzeugter Strom. Wenn man das skaliert, könnte man auch aus 2 GigaWatt Input einen Output von satten 1 GigaWatt machen! Das Modell sollte man mal den Grünen in der Bundesregierung vorstellen. Da hat das Potential! Ein Kabel, mit dem man mit gutem Gewissen 10 KiloWatt anschließt, hat bei anderen Leuten einen Querschnitt, der sich deutlich von diesem dünnen Klingeldraht hier unterscheidet.
Да это обычный развод. Чтобы получить 220 В, надо моторчик запитывать от розетки 220 В. Так как никакого аккумулятора не хватит на сутки работы этого конструктора. Или подключать генератор для зарядки аккумулятора, который в свою очередь потребует питание 220 В. К тому же, эта игрушка ничего серьезного не потянет. Цацка для детей занимающихся физикой.
The drive motor was definitely connected to a battery for that is dc motor this a nice demo , if the ac output can be used to recharge the battery via battery charger used for can batteries . Presto ac power you have but not 10kw the ballast coils were so small it might burn if loaded with a 600watts drill .
Energy In = Energy Out + Losses! We never see the ends of the wires go to from the motor. You didn't check the magnet polarity and masking tape would be useless holding them in place as you tried to draw 45 amps!
He used normal battery like AA to turn the motor. But you can try to use lithium battery and charge it from the same source if there is enough energy produced by a dynamo. He lights up 3 bulbs but what if you also charge lithium batter which you will use to turn little motor?
Amazing! I just built 10 of these generators! But the secret is to plug the eletric motor in the neighbor house outlet. My power plant now delivers 100Kw constantly and i signed a deal with my neighbor to sell him back some energy. Just ordered a super yacht and soon i will retire.
love it
Ses kesecegim
Stop the cap
Source of supply of energy to the motor running the generator is not being shown. How do you prove that 10 KW is being generated by lighting 3 bulbs?
I would take that idiot question as just that. You would more than likely still think the earth is round, gravity is a given, the sun is 92 million miles away and Dinosaurs gave man oil. Just to help you out. Take any brand non refined oil, look at it under a microscope. What do you see or not see. One would see the oil yes, of course. However, ole chap, you will not find any particles of Dinosaurs in it. Oil is a reproducing substance that the Earth makes. A never ending supply.
Lets look at the given in the video. Light Bulbs say 100 watts each, 300 watts total. Two balasts with there rating defined and shown to you. Plus the values of a small electric motor on 110v, {120v@60HZ Motor}. Given your week reply as to the unproven variable of the motor is laughable. Any with 1/2 a brain can tell that this motor displayed in the video is not going to be any more than what I stated above. Even without the displayed value of the motor output and usage in volts. Does not allow the unknown variable of the true numbers of the motor values to disqualify that the amount of energy being produced is that of the designated figures of the current equipment being used minus the small, very small motor. In closing, as I would say to my Students. Proof the obvious, how much energy is the motor not taking. There you will find the answer you and so many like you disparately need to prove that which is right in ones face. Man did not get to ware he is being 100% skeptical.
I agree with you.
So I'm guessing you never show what the green and red wire from the motor are connected to because you don't want us to see its plugged into the wall or a battery source???
Подключён к собакам, которые вращают генератор
... exactly the same question came up to me 🤪
There is no reason to question what tge green and red wire connected to we all know the motor was driven by electric sources either battery voltage or house current no problem with that part the question should be what amount of load can be added before the Ballast burnt out because as soon as you increase load the motor going start backing down and eventually burnt out the ballast what the guy did was just make a generator using a motor to power the generator producing magnetic field current.
If the demonstrated system were really proof of the use of free energy, the power supplied to drive the motor that drives the improvised generator had to be measured, as well as the power taken from the generator. Only when the output power was demonstrably higher than the one for the motor drive could the use of free energy be considered. Measurement with a voltmeter and the lighting of light bulbs alone is not sufficient proof if it is not known what power is needed to drive the motorcycle. Overall, the whole video is just a practical demonstration of the electricity generator principle.
I agree with you
the motor is in dc while the output is in 240 volts alternating ...
Wenn die Ausgansleistung 10 KW betragen soll, muss die Eingangsleistung mindestens auch 10 KW und mehr betragen. Dieser Spielzeugmoter leistet jedoch höchstens 10 W.
Auf der 220 V Seite würden ( Glühlampen) bei 10 KW mindestens 45A fließen. Wenn der Motor mit 12 V betrieben wird, wäre der Strom 825 A ! ( unter vereinfachten Gleichstrom-Berechnungen). Bei Wechselstrom wäre der Strom noch größer ... (Cos. Phi usw.) Der Wirkungsgrad noch garnicht eingerechnet!
We know this much, we can also modify his work. But i like your criticism
@@2bertoldo il motore a 12 volt è alimentato a parte con un trasformatore 220 volt ac a 12 volt cc
یہ تو ہماری پاس بے شمار موجود ہیں۔ آپ نے تو کمال کر دکھایا۔ اب میں ایسے بے شمار جنیریٹر تیار کرکے نہ صرف خود استعمال کروں گا۔ بلکہ انہیں بیچ کر قیمتی زر مبادلہ بھی کماؤں گا۔ اس کے علاؤہ انہیں اپنے چینل پر بھی اپلوڈ کروں گا۔
Selling them might become dangerous. The design is most probably patented already. And if not, The energy barons will most likely attempt to stop you. Hundreds have died or disappeared in the last 70 years.
I only have one question for you. Where did you connect the engine with the red and green wire? If it was in the electrical network at home with a source for 12v, then you are exchanging 6 for half a dozen, that is, you are consuming energy to feed the motor that will generate the same that you are spending.
Eso me pregunto yo, tramposo
There is no loop to prove the generator is powering itself!!
its not a fake as far as i can see, the generator thats he's talking starts from the armature with magnets, he just need a kinetic energy ( in this case the spinning of the armature) to generate power. Just imagine it like this, take off motor that and replace it with a water turbine or a wind propeler for the armature to spin.
yes the motor is powered electrical supply through that red and green wires, but take of the motor with red and green wires and replace it with turbines, the generator starts from there. He just put a motor to for the representation.
You used DC voltage to move the motor .So it is not free off power
if you can start turning the motor as dc voltage turns
then connect the power source to the output of the system as the lamb it must be free :D
Imagining a secuit is connect to that extention so when the battery move the rutor u can switch to the extentio n which is a DC charger
Free Energy? It exists! Most definitely. I ran a wire from my air conditioner to my neighbour’s meter box while he was holidaying in Bali; and, voila, free energy.
Ha ha ha ha.......
10kW would be a 45 amp output. That requires 8 gauge wires , which are 3.2 mm thick not counting the insulation. 10kW would melt the wiring
Those bulbs are probably 40 watts each, so only 120 Watts were shown.
It's only free energy if the energy out is more than the energy in. A power meter on the in vs the out would solve that question.
such bulbs show nothing about supplying power level, when video recorded - always bright enough
How could this be free energy?!
Only if you steal the direct current on the green-red wire pair!!!
This whole con-humbug is a lie; this system is nothing more than a mechanical inverter with poor efficiency.
I don't understand why RUclips doesn't ban such lying scams.
Why aren't you showing the other end of the Green and red wire that you conected to the motor? 🤔 Free power maybe not so free!
أظن السلكان موصولان إلى بطارية 12 فولت
Very strange only 3 lights with 10kw energy
سبقتني في ما كنت اريد ان اقوله
( يخفي طرفي الاسلاك في يديه )
He is using electricity to create electricity this so dumb
Ilyen baromsàgèrt kàr filmet csinàlni!
You did it well, but where does the end of the cables going to the motor go?
itu juga pertanyaan saya ,tapi saya punya jawabannya bahwa ujung kabel itulah energi bantuannya
A una batería?
After all that, you have not shown where the input to that little motor comes from. Where is the other end of these red and green wires?
It's connected to a battery. There's NO FREE ENERGY in this video AT ALL.
What a wonderful free allergy machine! It's just awesome. We are in enegy crises. Why didn't you show it before? I'm sure your machines will change the whole world energy crises story.
Here's the thing the department of energy of the u.s. has decided that perpetual motion machines are an impossible thing to have so they are dismissed immediately and they will shut you down if you try to take it commercial, yeah suits will show up, what a world we live in in the USA yes we're free , not
First a lot of wasted glue. Secondly, you cannot pull 10000 watts on number 18 wire.
10kW at 220V that's 45.5A through each of the two fluorescent lamp ballasts 22.75A. Are they cooled with liquid nitrogen? 🤔😂🤣
What are those white components called?
@@amyrobinleonard7363 lamp choke (german: Lampendrossel)
@@amyrobinleonard7363 Son reactancias para Tubos fluorescentes.
He got what he wanted.
1.5 million views!
Yes exactly
انت مذهل ذكي فهمت خدعته
الخيوط الاخضر والاحمر اين نهايتها يامخادع
How can it be free if you have to run a motor to power it? And isn't it amazing that a junk-built generator just happens to generate 220 volts? Finally, let's see it powering a 10 kW load, not a small lamp.
Stop showing this utter crap
Yes that's what I was thinking why you never show this with some higher consumption devices, say a fan or iron
Вот у меня один знакомый, тоже учёный, у него три класса образования, так он десятку за полчаса так нарисует, не отличишь от настоящей. Савелий Крамаров.
Here I have a friend, also a scientist, he has three classes of education, so he will draw a ten in half an hour, you can't tell it from the real one. Savely Kramarov
Я закончил университет, инженер электрик, в энергетике 50 лет и занимался автоматизацией технологических процессов на тепловых и гидроэлектростанциях, а так же электроподстанциях, просто я с молодости любил физику и математику, эти предметы меня научили понимать, что электроэнергия ниоткуда не появится в трансформаторах тем более, если вы даже их поставите сто штук хоть параллельно хоть вертикально хоть параллелепипедом!!!
Вы наверное не помните (хотя и сейчас это иногда встречается), что на некоторых велосипедах ставили динамо, которое от движения крутило ротор и вырабатывало (точно уже не помню) где-то 6 Вольт.
Потом были фонарики, которые от постоянного сжатия рычага на ручке, вырабатывал питание для 3 В лампочки.
То есть, есть способы выработки энергии, вольтажа. Но мощности в таких штуках нет вообще.
Есть много разных современных генераторов по выработке электричества. Есть мощные даже.
Но они питаются горючкой. А из ничего и ничего только можно получить.
Здесь эксперимент для детей, как используя электричество можно получить электричество.
You use motor to rotate the magnetic rotor which cutting of the magnetic flux from the magnet, but the question where did you get the power for the motor to rotate? battery or Electrical outlet? So therefore this is not Free Energy but rather an energy conversion originally energy provided by source of that motor rotations. The Magnet and the ROTOR serves as Generator. Much better you do is use the energy from flowing of water from the river to rotate the rotor and remove that electric motor, that's can be called an "FREE ENERGY".
Yes, this is a common scam. To get 220 V, you need to power the engine from a 220 V outlet. Since there is not enough battery for a day of operation of this designer. Or connect a generator to charge the battery, which in turn will require 220 V power.
In addition, this toy will not pull anything serious. Fun for kids doing physics.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.It can only be converted from one form to another. Here the motor used is externally powered, then how it is free energy?
Que produce más que la que consume?
you are very good, thank you for helping many people have generators, the cost is low, but scientists don't know, you have made the laws of physics ineffective, your project must be granted a prize noben
What is powering the drive motor, be transparent and honest with your demonstrations, please.
Plugged into a wall outlet
How do you get 10kw from two 20w chock? are you kidding us?
Physics 8.01 @ MIT, basic entry level physics, first day of class, first thing professor drilled into us was that there is no free lunch, ie: you can not get something from nothing. There is an external power supply that is not being shown.
What is the source of your motor? Is it 9 vollts dc battery? Or you don’t want to be coppied?
Good you have built an alternator with recovered parts, in a very simple way, although it is very inefficient in an emergency it could be useful for charging batteries, perhaps dragged by a jet of pressurized water or a hydraulic wheel, it remains ineffective and with two ballst from 20W to the maximum do 30W by combing it to the rotation shaft of the magnets 100W, write 10GW is more spectacular!😁
with 0.1mm diameter wire in such coils, it is only possible to get 220Wt on 10KVАС
but in this 20wt inductances - there is closet loop magnetic core chain in it, so coils are magnetically short-circuited for outer external magnetic field flux - no any "generation type" sensitivity will happens, and moving magnets near such "ferromagnetic material iron environment submerged coil" - useless work, only iron core heating possible - like in microw-v oven
@@IamJiva NO
@@winterburan > NO (Rated as useless message)
IamJiva > 2NO + Na2SO3 -> N2O^ +...
(Rated as funny!)
Тоже пол дня расматриваю и читаю биркиии😂😅😊😂😅😊
Where did you connect the color green and red wires?😃
Accu 12 volt
Das finde ich sehr interessant, aber für den richtigen wow Effekt müsste man den Antriebsmotor von der Stromquelle zum Start abschalten lassen können und dann über diese Stromquelle des selbstgebauten Stromgenerator laufen lassen, dann wäre dies fast 100% freie Energie, müsste ja locker reichen für den eigen Motor im betrieb zu halten und paar Glühbirnen oder?
Только за заявленную мощность, люди которые контролируют энергоресурсы приговорят изобретателя, как покусившегося на монополию, в лучшем случае в стационар психлечебницы
Да.На дросселях наПИСАно 20 w (20 вт) ,если там что то возбудится ну это типа электрошокера,ёбом токнет ⚡🖐🔨
люди понимающие просто смеются на то ,что есть лохи которым зто интересно повторить!
Да, игрушка для детей, которые начали изучать физику.
220 volts => 10.000 watts (10kw) = +/- 40 amp ! ================> cable = 6mm²/section
Free energy my arse. Creative project sure, but electricty doesn't come free (and you spin that little motor with what?). Moreover 220 V out of 9 or so V doesn't make it efficient either. I can do that with a center tap transformer, 2 diodes, 2 resistors and 2 mosfets. Hell, you can even make 15KV with a flyback, one resistor and a tranny. If you can make input Ia > output Ia, then you can come back and claim something, else keep your stuff as fun projects. Oh and the hidden connections are well hidden under the sockets, you'd be better off as a magician mate.
bitan je broj pregleda i komentara ....
Power source to the motor not shown. i've been watching your video for sometime now, anytime you make the generator you don't show the power that is driving the motor. what if someone is trying to learn, how can he do it?
You've been adding to his revenue by watching his bullshit.
Try a higher consumption to show us that it produces electricity as you say 10KW for us to see. Thank you very much.
Yes. Even my PC takes only 250 watts. So he should power 40 computers to prove that it produces 10'000 watts ;)
Le seul but de ces mensonges techniques est d'avoir le plus de vue. Et ça marche vraiment bien !
Pourquoi vous ne montrez pas la pile qui fait tourner le moteur ?
It is top secret 😁😁😁
so what is at the end of the red and green wires you soldered on?
Ohh eso es secreto de estado.
Connect a 10kw electric motor to the output instead of 3 light bulbs and hide the battery of the electric drive motor.
Sensible request
Its means tutorial video get generator can operated because get input batterie
This nucleus tutorial videos , Generator can operated because get input electric battery
The three laws in simple terms.
1. You can't win.
2. You can't even break even... Unless it's an extremely cold day.
3. It can't get that cold.
Dude, you need to know a little about electrical engineering. I'll tell you a secret, 3 light bulbs, it's not like 10 kW
Claro!! Dónde está la energía libre, si hay que alimentar el motorcito eléctrico?? Y tres bombillas de 100 W suman 10.000 Watios? QUÉ ENGAÑO MAS ESTÚPIDO!!!
@@paulinoperez5145 جميل جدا ولاكن مصدر التيار الى الفاتورة كهربه ولا بطاريه دة مش واضح في التصوير الرجاء الرد
خر خودتی
Why not show the energy source of input?
я х
Что за глупые вопросы ?, там дураку понятно, что моторчик от шуруповерта никак не сможет работать от 220v только от 12v или 24v ?. Других вариантов, просто нет ?.
The bulb he using is rec hargeable, I've got the same bulb he using it, I bought in eBay,
!he use 12v battery to run the motor
Where did you get the power scourse to power the motor ?????.
What is the green wire and the blue wire connected to. If its free power. Just asking????.
Fine cute. What size of battery started it?
Other thing: this energy isn't free: you use a low voltage electric motor to rotate armature from power source, wich isn't free.
it is if you power the drive motor with the generated electricity
@@s_the_first the generated voltage is AC the small motor is a DC motor. doesn't work with AC. other thinks: these ballasts are 20W and 0.37Amps.(optimal) you newer take out from them 10kW output power. it's a simple (in DC onlybut not so far from AC calculation): P=UxI P=power in Watt U=voltage in Volt I=Amperes calculate please: how much is the generated volts? (of course, isn't 230 volts!!! ) how many amps need to 10000 watts output energy??? next: the induced voltage depends from speed of magnets (or speed of loops, coils) long of coils and more... the long of coils are'nt enough for it.. this system not enough for a glim-light, not for any lights...
@@norbertbenyak7125 no shit it's AC!!! but an AC-DC converter or some batteries will take care of that. I agree on the ballast ratings. HOWEVER, the ballast are not being used in the conventional way. Hot electricity is not being passed through the ballasts, only a rotating magnetic field so the numbers on the box mean nothing. I did say else where on the thread tho that I doubt the output is 10kW. But I won't discount it til i've built it myself and tested. When you begin to experiment out of the box with this stuff you'll see that the "ratings" on these components do not tell the full story. It's common for similar systems to produce 10kW from a repurposed 1.2 or 2.4kW alternator.
@@s_the_first you don't know some basic knowledges what is the minimum request to generate electricity and how much will be it... a simple physical law: the output energy ALWAYS smaller than input energy... if you use a 5 watts power small electric motor, you never generate or take out higher power like 10 kW!!!
the best electric machine is the transformer, it has about 97-98% efficiency, all other machines have lower efficiency...
one more question and i'll leave: if this system works, ( same as other "free energy" and bla-bla systems) why don't use these all industrial factory??? don't tell me: this is a secret system and they don't know it!!!!
@@norbertbenyak7125 smh.
Dos reactancias en paralelo,no generan nada.En la naturaleza,nada se crea ni se destruye,solo se transforma"Principio de conservacion de la masa o Ley de Lavoisier
Can I use this contraption to set up a cement factory with 1000 employees?
Que mil? por lo menos 5000 empleados.
@@mantoniooc2734 tú querer enganar a mi.Nunca poder 4000 trabahadores passar.
@@josegarcia9757 Jajajaja solo bromeaba, yo ser Cuervo Ingenuo.
@@mantoniooc2734 Ok,yo no indian persona,yo nesecito una hartá aprender.
Very good sharing👍
The last two cables, green and red, what are they connected with? :D
with 220v
It really works, that is an authentic fuckt. I used identical setup and getting 74921 Megga Watts of free energy. The only condition is that the plywood must be 7/16" thick. If you use 1/2 inch plywood you will get 5429 of kiloWatt extra heat
Ever notice that in all his videos, the board is located in the same place. That way he only had to drill one hole in the table.
Not so! Even the hot glue by my take is not good enough to handle the ruggedity of the contraption
Да факт что это обман. Не может такая схема зажечь эти лампы... Таких блогеров на просторе интернета очень много 😂
Utter clickbait rubbish. It’s actually wasting energy through inefficiency. Also no possible way those wires are capable of carrying 10Kw.
Энергия в данном устройстве вырабатывается посредством перемешивания эфира магнитами.:)
Не, работать не будет, магниты надо тоже на клей посадить!
Лучше на пластилин.
I have been using this revolutionary technology for more than 22 years now and our whole village including an iron foundry is connected to it. Conclusion: Millions saved in electricity costs!
Donde conectas el cable rojo y verde, no se ve en el vídeo, se supone que a una pila, de cuanto es la pila y cuanto dura la pila para encender las 3 bombillas, por que igual sale más caro las pilas que la luz que gastas
No te das cuenta que el video es más falso FALSO que dentadura de madera 😁😬😂 jajaja
@@pedroaguirre2743 por eso le digo lo de la pila, que le tome el pelo a otro
Very greatful to have seen this video. Often people say to have a life without happiness. When I saw this video I was very happy ... I cant remember to have laughed more the last months. That little motor an 10KW-Generator. I guess it is a cheap 12V motor as you can buy for 3 oder 4 Euros/Dollars. And the magnets ... very impressiv. But to small ... a to great distance to the coils ... so that vdeo is really very funny and a great fake. Congratulations!
Pokaż te dwa kable od silniczka gdzie niżej są podłączone?
Σημασία έχει πόσες προβολές πέτυχε.
Ja, alles gut erklärt, aber wo kommt das rote und grüne Kabel her, das am Motor befestigt wurde. Sollte das ein Strom Kabel sein??????, und wieviel Volt.?????
Können Sie mir eine Kurze Antwort geben.??? DANKE
Comment est alimenté le moteur ?
Où sont les 10kw avec 2 transfos de tubes fluos de 40w ?
3333+3333+3333= 10000 w :)
Put a 10,000w nickel-plating resistor, to see it catch fire, and the power installation in the house, but to produce this lying project, because you can't do anything big, a big lie out of nothing.😄😁
Ahahahahahahahahhaha!!!!oh lord,i m having a lot of fun watching this.......people don t doubt of anything!Indian people are very creative and funny.....and hot glue will save us!!!
Is it not possible to get a channel where people do not bull shit
It would be free if the other ends of the wires going to the motor were plugged into the three outlet connector shown but then, that wouldn't work, would it . . .
Es un motor chico de 12v?
Where does the red and green wire come from?
To the output of a DC power supply for driving the small DC motor. This power supply have to be supply by an AC power source like the AC outlets you have in a house in America which is of 120Vac or if you are from Europe than the AC outlets are of 220Vac.
No matter what is running the motor, how did you manage to get 10 Kw out of 2- 20 watt lamp ballasts?
At home, I run an inverter from a 12 volt battery, and plug a battery charger into the inverter to charge the battery.
how many hours do you get while running the inverter
@@chinedumnzerem : it depends on the amp-hr of the battery. Big batteries last longer.
you can say free energy if you feed the motor with an 220v adapter to 12v so you can have free energy.
Nice idea. But How do you recharge the battery that runs the motor
Would be good to use rechargeable batteries as suggested in earlier post
To fully appreciate your claims about this setup been able to generate 10KW of power to the loads (for example using 3 heaters that can generate 3KW each for the load for a total of 9KW). What real power output can you have with 3 heaters of 3KW each as the total load to prove that this setup can supply at least 9KW of energy to the 3 heaters with 3 amp meters showing the related current for each of them and the related AC voltage supplied to each of them as well. If this setup really works than it must maintain a steady 230Vac for each of the heaters use at the same time and have at least an AC current of at least 13.04A for each of them for having around 9KW of energy delivered to the 3 heaters (representing the total load). Could you provide at least an other video that is showing that it can supply really 9KW of energy at the same time for 3x 3KW heaters for proving that this generator can really delivered 9KW of energy to a load like described here ?
السلكين اللى وإثبات على الدينمو من اين ياتي لم يضهرنهايتهم هل وإثبات بكهرباء ولا بطاريه
@@mrwanalyasjeen4904 I sincerely would like to read your comments but I don't understand it. Which language are you using or where are you from ? Thanks in advance for your kind reply.
@@alsetpsm1373 ارجوالترجمه الى اللغه العربيه
What is the point of listing the unit as 10kw ? Why not show the correct kW output and be honest ? No way the unit will produce 10kw. Fake news !
@@mrwanalyasjeen4904 Still don't understrand what you are replying ... Can you translate it in english please ?
Waar gaat de roden en groene draad naar toe die het moortje aandrijven?
From where gets the e- Motor ist Energy?
What about the source of red and green wipe?
Спасибо, было смешно!
Да это детский конструктор для школы.
Етож розвод?
К чему он двигатель подключил!?
электровилки 220v с двумя штырями в простонародье папа а значит нужно то куда воткуть в простонародье маму ближайшее это ноздри вот ответ 🤣🤣🤣
I have 10 of them in some drawer, and i think i will soon built a 50 KW generator for me and my building, thanks.
ساختی؟ الان ۷ ماه گذشته از نظر که نوشتی
Охирги силарнинг кук ва кизил симларнинг учи бирбирига уланганини кулингиз билан туб олибсиз бошка энергияга улаб айлантиряпсиз агвр уланган симингизни айлантирганингиздан сунг узиб курсатганингизда биз вечний двигател ясабсиз даб сизга рахмат дердик бу ускунангиз оддий генератор веч.генератор эмас
@@ebi8164 i'm missing hotglue, sorry
Really it will work I tried so many times but failed any body reply
because this idiot has a power supplying the motor other then his alledged source
is it lie.
Those blue wires would burn long before they reached 500watts.You will never get 10 000 watts from 2 florescent ballasts.
Если помощнее мотор применить и на гвоздях скрепить всё (вместо термоклея), то 100 кW выдаст!😆
Может у него в розетке
Катушка а под столом индуктивная печка..
Андерсон ещё тот.
@@СанекПогорелов-л5й скарее всего, да и именно по этому лампочки спиральные, почему не одной светодиодной нет ?
Tajna je u rupi na stolu ,genijalan izum ravan Tesli i Edisonu.
А если подсоединить дроселя последовательно, то можно сразу варить тройкой электроды.
Тройку пробовал.не тянет .только пятеру
At 220 volts 10 KW, your circuit wires would have to handle 45 amps. Those little wires you used are probably rated somewhere in the 16 amp range. Something’s not right here.
Everything is not right here ...
Idon't understand if the red wire and the green wire of the electric motor ils connected or disconnected. Thank you for tour answer.
Required to have a power supply?
What do you use to move the motor?
Um better the digital tester to do these tests. The electric brush motor ......... much better than counterweights and additional magnets. However the 'idea is interesting!!! :)
все спрятан под доску!
по этому не поднимает доску, крутит немного на лево и на право😉
Фанера довольно толстая.....
ماهوه مصدر الطاقه التي تم تشغيل الماطور الصغير الذي قام بلدوران غيرمعروف اهيه بطاريه ام تيار كهربائي خارجي فالمصدر الطرف الخارجي مجهول .
لكم كل الاحترام فكره جيده
Connect at least a TV for clarity, or a washing machine
Подключи хотя бы телевизор для наглядности, или стиральную машину
Please show the battery that is driving the DC motor. Why you are hiding the source of energy to DC motor.
Please keep in mind, there are people who can not be taken for granted.
Здравствуйте Ирина Теренс но куда идут два провода зельоный и красный непонятно.
На зелёный и красный подаётся питание 12v которые крутят мотор мотор крутит всю ту дрибидень с магнитами и якобы там дросселя магнитное поле и они выдают 220 v. но это так не работает мне так кажется
Пишут, что пробовали и работает. НО. Я очень сомневаюсь, что там мощность есть. Напряжение можно получить, но мощность таким способом не получишь. К примеру чайник не вытянет мощность из такого пропеллера, и попросту не закипит.
Verdade energia que depende de outra energia não vale de nada não e energia livre kkkk e só mais um like pelo esforço kkkkkkk
Kiedy wreszcie zaczniecie pisać prawidłowo symbol napięcia jako V, a nie v oraz moc kW, a nie kw. Takie to trudne dla ludzi zajmujących się techniką?
Super! Aus 20 W in rot/grün Kabeln wurden nach kleinem Umweg über den Generator dann in der Steckdose 10 W erzeugter Strom. Wenn man das skaliert, könnte man auch aus 2 GigaWatt Input einen Output von satten 1 GigaWatt machen! Das Modell sollte man mal den Grünen in der Bundesregierung vorstellen. Da hat das Potential!
Ein Kabel, mit dem man mit gutem Gewissen 10 KiloWatt anschließt, hat bei anderen Leuten einen Querschnitt, der sich deutlich von diesem dünnen Klingeldraht hier unterscheidet.
Надо трансформатор или вибродвигатель использовать. Дроссель мне кажется не совсем подходит
это наёбка
Да это обычный развод. Чтобы получить 220 В, надо моторчик запитывать от розетки 220 В. Так как никакого аккумулятора не хватит на сутки работы этого конструктора. Или подключать генератор для зарядки аккумулятора, который в свою очередь потребует питание 220 В.
К тому же, эта игрушка ничего серьезного не потянет. Цацка для детей занимающихся физикой.
@@konstantinkiev5964 да это понятно. Но если уж проводить эксперименты, то более грамотно
ايه الاي عملته ماهوا انتى موصل الفاتورة بتيار كهربائي
Why don't you show what the power source is to the motor ,and do you use hot glue for everything?
For what green and red cabel is need? Its necesery for free energy????
Как только увидел термопистолет,понял. Это будет супер изобретение
Yes, the secret is in the glue gun. And with a bigger glue gun, you could definitely get MW.
@@vinceabreu 🤣
The drive motor was definitely connected to a battery for that is dc motor this a nice demo , if the ac output can be used to recharge the battery via battery charger used for can batteries .
Presto ac power you have but not 10kw the ballast coils were so small it might burn if loaded with a 600watts drill .
ممكن أعرف السلكين الأحمر والأخضر الواصلين للموتور بهم مصدر تيار أم لا ؟
ليه معرفنا مصدر الطاقه لي واصلين ومنين جاين ...
Energy In = Energy Out + Losses! We never see the ends of the wires go to from the motor. You didn't check the magnet polarity and masking tape would be useless holding them in place as you tried to draw 45 amps!
He used normal battery like AA to turn the motor. But you can try to use lithium battery and charge it from the same source if there is enough energy produced by a dynamo. He lights up 3 bulbs but what if you also charge lithium batter which you will use to turn little motor?
Son 3 bombillas de 40W? El funcionamiento del motor es con batería o está enchufado a la red?