Another card to keep in mind is the dressrosa Luffy that can attack twice. There is a card coming out in op10 that allows it to banish 2 per successful attack. And it is currently less than $5.
Where would be the best place for a new player to get a case of booster boxes? I was thinking about getting a case of op09 when it drops but I’m not sure what the best strategy would be to get into the game
If you actually want to buy a whole Case (including 12 Booster boxes) I would say usual strategy is to preorder at a decent price AND trusted Shop that will Not cancel your Order. Open it as soon as it arrives and move everything you don't want to keep asap except the Cards you believe in beeing underpriced. Buying after price drop can be decent If you want to hold a couple of meta staples (usually SRs and decent alt arts which are actually played or good enough to be played in the future)
If they Goal is tonget into playing the game you can Test any Deck in the TCG Simulator Check what you like and then get the Cards you need on TCG Player or cardmarket depending on where you living
Another card to keep in mind is the dressrosa Luffy that can attack twice. There is a card coming out in op10 that allows it to banish 2 per successful attack. And it is currently less than $5.
Yoooo finding these in my bulk! Thanks
Can anyone recommend a trusted seller on TCG Player ? Want to pre order a case of 09
Did you say the Japanese listings were fake?
They're not real sales with regard to the TCG market
Yep! Like Fullmetal said. They’re not listings for English cards. They’re for Japanese (or other languages). It distorts the listing price.
Where would be the best place for a new player to get a case of booster boxes? I was thinking about getting a case of op09 when it drops but I’m not sure what the best strategy would be to get into the game
Go to your LGS
Local game store would be best. Look up a pre-release tournament in your local area to get 6 packs of op09.
If you actually want to buy a whole Case (including 12 Booster boxes) I would say usual strategy is to preorder at a decent price AND trusted Shop that will Not cancel your Order. Open it as soon as it arrives and move everything you don't want to keep asap except the Cards you believe in beeing underpriced. Buying after price drop can be decent If you want to hold a couple of meta staples (usually SRs and decent alt arts which are actually played or good enough to be played in the future)
All in all buying singles after price drop is probably the Most decent Money wise but also the Most boring ;)
If they Goal is tonget into playing the game you can Test any Deck in the TCG Simulator Check what you like and then get the Cards you need on TCG Player or cardmarket depending on where you living