Hey would you mind if i used some of you're gameplay for a Sonic Colors review i'm working on? I have no way of recording my own footage at the moment.
@Steph9827 Which part is it exactly? The whole part of the stage where he goes up the tree? Cause i feel like Mazuri wasnt the first sonic level to go up something like that...
top 5 tracks in the game, this is one of them.
i realize it's kind of randomly asking but does anyone know a good website to watch new tv shows online?
@Mason Arturo i use FlixZone. Just search on google for it =)
This stage give me hungry!
AWW, POOR SONIC. He didn't get that 1up at the end. Saaaaadfaec
Hey would you mind if i used some of you're gameplay for a Sonic Colors review i'm working on? I have no way of recording my own footage at the moment.
@Steph9827 Which part is it exactly? The whole part of the stage where he goes up the tree? Cause i feel like Mazuri wasnt the first sonic level to go up something like that...
Sweet diabetes.
Indeed :◇
Insulin not included
@Steph9827 Oh details, details. Come on. You're gonna hate the game, 'cuz they took a part of a level from Unleashed, and copied and pasted it here?
cheeseburger level.
@Steph9827 This whole game, is a way better copy of Unleashed lol
James Heirumaru no I find unleashed way better than colors
@@mikepope6252 Unleash was terrible! The Werhog slowed down the pace of the gameplay.