30 MIN MORNING PILATES || Full Body Workout

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @_ale_7367
    @_ale_7367 3 года назад +664

    "it's not only for the body but for the soul too" so true, every time you say "and ten more" my soul leaves my body and goes for a walk away from my struggle😂

    • @anaparada5903
      @anaparada5903 3 года назад +7

      I feel the same way, those ten more are a struggle but since we are already inspired keep them coming😂

    • @Tinesj63
      @Tinesj63 3 года назад


  • @MoveWithNicole
    @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад +239

    For those of you following the March Calendar, Welcome to Week 3! I hope you have been enjoying the calendar so far and that you enjoy this new Morning Pilates Workout! Sending you lots of love. 💗

  • @mariellerivera4302
    @mariellerivera4302 3 года назад +152

    This was the best Pilates flow of my life.

  • @hannalikespoost
    @hannalikespoost 2 года назад +6

    I realized like, 3 weeks ago that I wasn't being as healthy as I could be and I wasn't taking time to take care of my body and my mind. A woman I look up to on tiktok said she does pilates every day and I thought, "Well, surely I can do that, too!" And Nicole was the first instructor I found on RUclips.
    I. Was. Hooked.
    I struggled with home workouts because I would get bored, or it would be so hard I'd collapse and lose confidence, or it would move soooo slow. Nicole offers encouragement right when I need it, reminds me there's not much longer left right as I think "Oh gosh, I can't do this" and I power through and feel proud I finished the set! It's getting in touch with my body and my health at a speed that's perfect for me. I haven't face-planted (yet) and lost confidence, but boy am I proud at the end of a video and sore the next morning!
    I've done her workouts about 30mins-1hr 4x a week the past three weeks and already notice a difference. I'm sleeping better. I'm more energized. Clothes that were tight on me are now LOOSE (slightly, but hey, it's noticeable!)
    Thank you Nicole for your inspiring and quality workouts that you give us FOR FREE! I can't recommend you enough!

  • @bevdeptula289
    @bevdeptula289 3 года назад +37

    This is one of my favorites of yours, Nicole, but get so much out of all your workouts I’ve tried. I’m 70 years old and sometimes have to make modifications but not very often. I have to be more gentle with my body now and your workouts are gentle yet intense and incorporate every part of the body which is so important. I can get a thorough workout without jeopardizing my joints or hurting myself in any way. And I still sweat up a storm! Your voice is very calming and I appreciate you mirroring and calling “right” and “left” correct for the viewer. It’s good that you narrate so you can concentrate on each role as you are doing it. I’ve tried many workouts on RUclips since the pandemic started and yours is the best I’ve found. I’ll certainly stay with it!

  • @lauriejavier1554
    @lauriejavier1554 3 года назад +23

    I am hooked. Your classes feel so good, they are just the right amount of time and you are lovely to listen to and to do pilates with. Thank you for making your classes available.

  • @milaogallatoledo
    @milaogallatoledo 3 года назад +244

    I was feeling a little bit down, and this workout literally changed everything. I'm recovering from a surgery and quemo therapy, and you give me such a nice, calm and positive energy every time I do one of your workouts (or at least I try, 'cause Ive lost all my strength... hahahah). I just wanted to say thank you

    • @sofiasoto9540
      @sofiasoto9540 3 года назад +7

      Wish you a speedy recovery ❤️

    • @Indorm
      @Indorm 3 года назад +3

      Hope you're perfectly well soon. 🙏

    • @milaogallatoledo
      @milaogallatoledo 3 года назад

      @@sofiasoto9540 Thank you so much ❤️

    • @milaogallatoledo
      @milaogallatoledo 3 года назад

      @@Indorm You're too kind!! Thank you so much ❤️

    • @tanyasahai
      @tanyasahai 3 года назад +1

      Wishing you a super speedy recovery. Take care 🤗

  • @nickyvillars6391
    @nickyvillars6391 3 года назад +37

    Unbelievable, I suffer from hypermobility and a right hip dysplasia. Pilates keeps my muscles strong enough to keep control of my joints. However, yesterday my hip was 'clunky' and I inevitably ended up with a trapped nerve. The side plank with knee in front and the pigeon were my saviours. Thankyou so much. I was miserable before this workout. I'm so happy now. I shall go and enjoy my pain free day! 😁😁😁

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад +4

      I'm so happy that it helped!! Sending you lots of love ❤

  • @EvanthiaJKourakos
    @EvanthiaJKourakos 3 года назад +91

    I literally just woke up to do one of your morning workouts and here we are! Cheers Nicole!

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад +3

      Yay! Perfect timing. I hope you enjoy it ❤

  • @cristincampbell382
    @cristincampbell382 2 года назад +14

    I am so thankful to have found you Nicole. I suffer from upper back pain but love to exercise daily. I found that traditional cardio and exercise routines left my back feeling sore and tight, even with stretching. I didn't want to give up so I searched and found you. Now I am exercising in ways that doesn't aggrevate my body. After just one month of daily practice I feel stronger both physically and mentally. Thank you.

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  2 года назад

      Aw thank you so much Cristin! I am so happy that you are enjoying the classes and that you are already feeling stronger! That means the world to me. Sending you lots of love. ❤️

  • @solsalas
    @solsalas 3 года назад +39

    I don’t know what I would do without your workouts,they’ve literally changed my life. Thank you so much for your time and work.❤️

  • @kaylagardner6622
    @kaylagardner6622 3 года назад +3

    it's very difficult to find classic pilates videos on youtube that are both challenging and maintain the slow and steady pace unique to original practice of this modality. Nicole's videos hit this on the nail. I recently ended my subscription to a pilates video service to save some money and I feel like Nicole's videos might be even more effective than those of the subscription. I am delighted to find videos of such quality and that have a calming and centering atmosphere. thank you Nicole for providing these videos, especially during this time where we have limited access to resources!

  • @samanthavillaflores3887
    @samanthavillaflores3887 2 года назад +6

    I used to have an unbearable back pain because of my scoliosis, I was diagnosed with it back when I was thirteen and now that I’m twenty, I’ve still been suffering from the pain. However, since the last two weeks ago, I started following your pilates at-home workouts, I started noticing that the pain has lessened and now it’s safe to say that I no longer experience pain in my back. I feel so relaxed whenever I do your workouts. Thank you for this. ❤️

  • @einavgottesman162
    @einavgottesman162 3 года назад +8

    Im so thankfull for finding a special person as you during this difficult year, keeping me strong and calmed

  • @SheinaRaye
    @SheinaRaye 3 года назад +61

    Your videos are so perfectly paced, with enough different exercises in short bursts that I don’t feel overwhelmed and tricks me into doing more haha. Thank you!,

  • @scoldilox
    @scoldilox 3 года назад +17

    Nicole! 3 months ago this was a challenging work out for me but now after being consistent with you almost every day, I totally rocked it and was able to get through each position! It was still a great work out tho don’t get me wrong , I just feel so happy that my body is getting stronger. Thank you so much 💖💖💖

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад +5

      Yas girl!!! I'm so proud of you and you should be so proud of yourself! 🥰💪🏽 Keep up the amazing work and sending you lots of love ❤

    • @scoldilox
      @scoldilox 3 года назад +1

      @@MoveWithNicole thanks so much love!

  • @gwenchase97
    @gwenchase97 3 года назад +10

    Wow I love this, just intense enough to wake you up but not as much to make you regret waking up.

  • @EvermoreOriginal
    @EvermoreOriginal 7 месяцев назад +2

    Think I just found one of my favorite practices ever! Thank you, Nicole.

  • @jbuzzell2
    @jbuzzell2 3 года назад +7

    I discovered you a few weeks ago. You’re my absolute favorite! I love your voice recording and that you don’t talk while you’re doing the exercises. I never realized how distracting that is! I think you’re the only instructor/exercise where I don’t watch the clock! I had back surgery a year ago and my back feels so much better since I’ve been doing your gentle but challenging workouts! Thank you, Nicole! 💕

  • @nataliamitrojovich2724
    @nataliamitrojovich2724 2 года назад +1

    The best way of starting every day is with your classes Nicole!! Thank you so much 🥰

  • @eleonorasantaiti5809
    @eleonorasantaiti5809 3 года назад +15

    I started a few days ago to follow the page and your workouts. They are hard and tiring at first but the feeling I get when I'm done is fantastic. Thanks, Nicole! Greetings from Italy!

  • @buckeyekiwi4041
    @buckeyekiwi4041 29 дней назад

    Thank you for an amazing gentle but challenging morning workout. This was perfect in my recovery from a severe sprained ankle. Thank you!

  • @TheKaiGuide
    @TheKaiGuide 3 года назад +10

    Honestly, no better way to start the day especially when you're feeling sluggish!

  • @saschao7966
    @saschao7966 2 года назад +2

    I absolutely adore these more gentle workouts of yours. I am recovering from cancer treatment and i've found it very hard to find a workout which make me stronger without depleting my energy at the same time. Yours are truly for the body and soul. You give me energy and peaceful motivation for the day ahead of me. I am truly grateful!!!

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  2 года назад +1

      Aw I am so happy to hear that, especially during this time. I hope you are recovering well and feeling stronger every day. Sending you so much love! ❤️

    • @saschao7966
      @saschao7966 2 года назад

      @@MoveWithNicole Thank you so much Nicole! I am still doing your gentle workouts every morning and I am slowly feeling stronger. With you I am starting my day at peace and with energy. Cannot truly express how important your workouts are for me!!

  • @unikitty6189
    @unikitty6189 3 года назад +6

    I loved this, especially those new moves! Always keeping it fresh, challenging and engaging! Thank you!

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад

      Thank you so much! So happy you enjoyed it.❤

  • @kieulinh3016
    @kieulinh3016 5 месяцев назад

    This morning I am tired and just wanted to get my body move. While I was following this exercise, I kept asking in my head when it would finish. I could not do it 70-100% like other times but I am glad that I give my body a try and that I am not pursuing the perfection. Thank you Nicole for arranging the exercise, your calm voice and the great community that you have built.

  • @CauRossana
    @CauRossana 3 года назад +5

    Super beautiful workout! I loved your fusion of pilates and yoga. Thank you for sharing.

  • @koreamanse343
    @koreamanse343 Месяц назад

    Nicole, you are helping me get through menopause… I deeply appreciate you and your videos that are helping me overcome! ❤

  • @ThePieceOfSky
    @ThePieceOfSky 3 года назад +13

    Perfect morning workout! been looking forward for something just like this after I woke up! Thank you, Nicole!

  • @dp1748
    @dp1748 3 года назад +2

    Thank you so much for this 30 min. of joy and inner peace. you are an inspiration. shalom.

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад

      Aw it is my pleasure! So happy you enjoyed it. ❤️

  • @hosoekjung2349
    @hosoekjung2349 3 года назад +4

    So perfect. Literally I can feel the flow of blood. It's the most wonderful Pilates workout I've tried. Thank you ❤️❤️

  • @dolphyblack6755
    @dolphyblack6755 2 года назад +1


    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  2 года назад

      Thank you so much for your kind support. It means the world to me. ❤️

  • @celinecorre6766
    @celinecorre6766 3 года назад +4

    I was feeling a bit down, this workout cheered me up so well 😊 thank you nicole for the constant quality of your videos. Greetings from France ❤

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад

      Aw I'm so happy to hear that! I hope you have a beautiful day ahead and keep smiling!😊❤

  • @effiefrench38
    @effiefrench38 2 года назад

    The benefits from all of your classes are invaluable;I especially enjoyed this one today!! Thank YOU.

  • @anastasiaanastasiadou934
    @anastasiaanastasiadou934 3 года назад +8

    Such an amazing instructor! You honestly made my day

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад

      Aw you are so sweet! I'm so happy you enjoyed it.❤

  • @karishmakocharekar3052
    @karishmakocharekar3052 9 месяцев назад +2

    Her workouts are really shaping me a lot...

  • @silviaever8224
    @silviaever8224 3 года назад +4

    Today I only slept 4 hours and this workout really helped to make me feel energyzed 💪🏼👏

  • @elenasam8888
    @elenasam8888 11 месяцев назад

    These moves are the best! It's challenging and in the same time change at perfect time right before you would give yourself a break to a soothing and challenging new move ❤ Thank you Nicole!

  • @narminhuseynli5272
    @narminhuseynli5272 3 года назад +5

    Nicole, I am impressed how effective movements you choose each time

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад +2

      Aw thank you so much Narmin.😊 I'm so happy you are enjoying the classes. I will definitely create more beginner classes for you! I might create a subscription plan in the future, we shall see! Thank you so much for your beautiful support and sending you lots of love ❤

    • @narminhuseynli5272
      @narminhuseynli5272 3 года назад

      @@MoveWithNicole Yay, great news!!! Thank you tons! Then I'll be hanging around your channel throughout lockdown :))

  • @annabellavita1849
    @annabellavita1849 2 года назад

    Dear Nicole, thanks every morning for your wonderful exercises. The day beginns much better with your nice voice and postive words.

  • @ovidiuschley3346
    @ovidiuschley3346 3 года назад +3

    Excelent full body workout , and the excercises are so great and efective . Thank you for sharing this great video !👍🏆🥇👏👏👏☘️🌷

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад +1

      Thank you! I'm so happy you like it ❤

  • @michelekennedy2929
    @michelekennedy2929 Год назад +1

    Your workouts are the best way I know to greet the day! So much positive energy for the body and soul. Thank you so much!

  • @Indorm
    @Indorm 3 года назад +5

    Christian who wanted an alternative to yoga. Thank you, this was beautiful. We can see the ballet training.

    • @CS-nw9si
      @CS-nw9si 3 года назад +1


    • @Indorm
      @Indorm 3 года назад

      @@CS-nw9si Cringe for what?

  • @sarahjohnson9117
    @sarahjohnson9117 2 года назад

    I love all your classes Nicole. Your instructions are very clear. Most enjoyable. Thank you

  • @annanovikova5571
    @annanovikova5571 3 года назад +4

    I love all the videos, but that one is my favorite now😍 Thank you for easy gentle moves and beautiful curves on my body😁

  • @michelekennedy2929
    @michelekennedy2929 2 года назад

    Good morning Nicole!!! I love, love, love this full body workout. Truly wonderful for the body and soul. Thank you so much! I really appreciate you.

  • @michelekennedy2929
    @michelekennedy2929 2 года назад

    You are so right.....good for the body and soul. I can't thank you enough for the positive impact your workouts have on me. Thank you and have a beautiful day!

  • @elletrex
    @elletrex 9 месяцев назад

    I don’t do Pilates often, and I liked this workout today. Good to change things up and I like the way you teach the class. You are calming in your instruction and make it very easy to follow. Great way to start the day

  • @sharshojaian8979
    @sharshojaian8979 3 года назад +2

    I was SO incredibly fatigued from my anemia this morning, and this completely changed my energy. Thank you Nicole🙏🏼💓

  • @ildikojones7073
    @ildikojones7073 2 года назад +1

    I can attest to the fact that this morning flow is also an evening flow! I just took this class (almost 7pm for me) and, after feeling somewhat sluggish all day, I’m feeling terrific. Nicole, my hip joints in particular thank you! I’m feeling wonderfully loose and flexible. Thank you! 😘

  • @michelekennedy2929
    @michelekennedy2929 2 года назад

    I love, love, love this wonderful morning workout. I come back to the richness of this workout again and again. Thank you for sharing these awesome workouts. Such a beautiful, positive way to start the day! I thank you!!!

  • @kellilofgren5845
    @kellilofgren5845 3 года назад

    I'm uplifted by the fact that there are beautiful souls in the world like YOU!!!

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад

      Aww that makes me smile so much! Thank you for being one of those beautiful souls.❤

  • @sophie_elisabeth
    @sophie_elisabeth Год назад

    So much blessing for you dear Nicole. Thank you so much for Moving with YOU💝

  • @anetezimermandefaingold4692
    @anetezimermandefaingold4692 3 года назад

    I am very grateful to have found your videos. Brings me relief, in the difficulties we are facing with the pandemic in Brazil, apart from the homesickness I feel for my children who live in NSW (tks God).

  • @roxanneperez1139
    @roxanneperez1139 3 года назад +1

    Im a little behind but this was amazing!! Thank you for always pointing out the importance of thanking ourselves for the workout it is such a good reminder for me!!!

  • @julesandpearls
    @julesandpearls 3 года назад +1

    Keeping up with Nicole for over 11 weeks and have been loving each and every class! Thank you, Nicole for another great video!

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад +1

      Aw thank you lovely! That makes me so happy ❤😊

  • @emilythesongbird2306
    @emilythesongbird2306 3 года назад +1

    What a beautiful way to start the day! So grateful to you for this self loving practice. You presence is a gift to so many. Enjoy this miraculous day!

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад +1

      Thank you so much! So happy you enjoyed it. Sending you lots of love ❤

  • @debrabachelder70
    @debrabachelder70 3 года назад

    Thank you so much. I have some old injuries and severe OA but I can still modify the poses I need to and get a great satisfying workout. Many thanks again. So appreciate your tone and concise instructions.

  • @גלחכמון-ר9ש
    @גלחכמון-ר9ש Год назад

    I love your workouts so much!!!
    been doing them for over a year, It's just perfect for me.
    Thank you Nicole!! ♥

  • @karkamanes
    @karkamanes 14 дней назад

    I lo..lo...looo...loved this workout! Thank you Nicole! I love how you combine pilates with yoga! You are the best coach ever❤

  • @DivinelyFeminine5
    @DivinelyFeminine5 9 месяцев назад

    Every time I'm working out with you I vow to never again. Then I find myself coming back to a new practice cause I love the way you allow me to challenge my body. Thank you so much.

  • @lianahrynewich5246
    @lianahrynewich5246 2 года назад +1

    Hi Nicole, I so appreciate the relaxed pace of your pilates workouts. We really get the full benefit of then lengthening. Thank you for the well-being that you spread :)

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  2 года назад +1

      Thank you so much Liana! I'm so happy that you are enjoying the classes. Lots of love. ❤️

  • @janetdiaz3463
    @janetdiaz3463 Год назад

    I do enjoy your morning Pilates sessions. It gets my day going for sure. Thanks Nicole.

  • @vickihiggins181
    @vickihiggins181 Год назад

    So glad I’ve found you! Your classes offer the perfect blend of strength, alignment and stretch. Love how you use yoga poses at the end. Having trouble how to Super Thanks you… but will join RUclips again to do so if I have to. Thank you🙏

  • @debmayo9068
    @debmayo9068 3 года назад +1

    You have such a calming voice and the right amount of commentary as we do the workout. I always enjoy them. thank you :)

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад +2

      Thank you so much Deb. So happy you enjoy the classes ❤

  • @chichifabara4892
    @chichifabara4892 8 месяцев назад

    I’ve never been so happy working out❤ it’s been years of trying everything, but this makes my soul happy not just my body.

  • @ildikojones7073
    @ildikojones7073 3 года назад

    Hi Nicole, I took your new Monday Morning Pilates class on Monday morning but I did not find the time until now to tell you how much I enjoyed it. Thank you very much. It was a perfect way to start the workweek.

  • @helenalexander4528
    @helenalexander4528 Год назад

    Thank you Nicole for all your lovely videos, so relaxing but challenging at the same time. I love that you have varied lengths of session so you can be gentle on your body when you need to. 🙏

  • @КаринаОвчинникова-б4у

    Your classes are amazing! Thank you for your work!
    I'm becoming stronger with your classes

  • @daniagonzalez3315
    @daniagonzalez3315 3 года назад

    Today I came home feeling overwhelmed after a hard day at work and I was searching for a relaxed but powerful workout... this was it. I've been working out with you for almost a year now and I couldn't be more grateful! I have finally, not only made it a habit, but also I've found lots of strength in my body. Thank you so much

  • @rebeccarobertson960
    @rebeccarobertson960 3 года назад +1

    I love all of your work outs, i have been doing them throughout lockdown, every day i feel different so i just pick a pilates work out that suits, i always find a great work out that helps me through my day
    Nicole, you are a treasure x

  • @kerinegan7041
    @kerinegan7041 2 года назад

    this made my day. almost cried at the very end! every one of your classes makes me feel so good. thank you!

  • @joannemears7212
    @joannemears7212 Год назад

    Thank you Nicole, I feel stretched and ready for the day ahead, I’ll be tuning in again. Your voice is so calming and your instructions are so clear 😊

  • @michelekennedy2929
    @michelekennedy2929 2 года назад

    I love this morning routine! One of my favorites. Thank you so much! Enjoy your day!

  • @lucykim4122
    @lucykim4122 3 года назад

    I have become a big fan of you!! I can not only repair my health, but also be a happy person after following your videos!!

  • @mandybarrett6875
    @mandybarrett6875 3 года назад

    Love how you make the basic pilates more interesting with your own versions. LOVE your pilates!

  • @katerinaevangelista237
    @katerinaevangelista237 3 года назад

    I just wanted to give you thanks and praise. Thank you for the amazing burns and for looking so beautiful and sounding like an angel! I love working out with you every morning. You’re absolutely you favorite work out guru!

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад

      Aw thank you so much Katerina! That means the world to me! Sending you lots of love. 😊❤️

  • @sherry.simburger
    @sherry.simburger Год назад

    Thank you so much for these intense little workouts! I wake up to them every day.

  • @kennethmontoya6731
    @kennethmontoya6731 10 месяцев назад

    Thanks Nicole I love repeating this practice really energizing and loosen up my body u are appreciated thanks for your time and hard work see you tomorrow evening have a wonderful day 😊

  • @ColorMakesMeHappy.
    @ColorMakesMeHappy. 3 года назад

    Thanku again Nicole! I would love to see more of these gentle Pilates. You are a wonderful teacher. Thanku for sharing your gift with all of us❤️🌹👏🏻

  • @megangepford7760
    @megangepford7760 3 года назад +1

    Just what I needed…not too intense but very strengthening! My lower back was hurting and not now!! Love your detailed alignment cues!!💕

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад

      Yay so happy it was just what you needed and that it helped with your back. Lots of love to you.❤️

  • @jackiecoulson6355
    @jackiecoulson6355 3 года назад +1

    Enjoyed your latest workout Nicole. I have been doing your workouts a couple of times a week though our latest Covid lockdown in UK. Your instructions are very clear and your voice very calming, thank you so much.

  • @karenshifferd2631
    @karenshifferd2631 2 года назад +2

    I revisited this workout - loved all the exercises and the stretches throughout. I am a morning exerciser and would love to see more like these. Thank you for sharing!

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  2 года назад +1

      So happy you loved this one! More to come! 💗

  • @michelekennedy2929
    @michelekennedy2929 2 года назад

    I really love this morning pilates workout - It fells good for the body and soul. Thank you for a beautiful way to start the day!

  • @michelekennedy2929
    @michelekennedy2929 2 года назад

    This pilates workout is lovely! Exactly what I needed this morning. Thank you for all your amazing workouts. They really help me start the day energized and with a positive outlook on the day! Thank you!

  • @maililgurl
    @maililgurl 3 года назад

    I am grateful to find your Pilates videos. I loved all the exercises. Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @hollyjones6760
    @hollyjones6760 2 года назад

    Thanks for all your classes Nicole. Every one is so good.
    Would you consider designing an evening class Pilates/yoga gentle mix, 20-30 minutes, for when we’ve had a full day but would like your calming teachings to coast toward a good nights rest?
    With gratitude from Austin, Texas.

  • @jeanneroux-cote7137
    @jeanneroux-cote7137 2 года назад

    I enjoy your videos so much ! Your calm and joyful energy makes me happy everyday I do your workouts. Thank you so much

  • @crissyphillips3291
    @crissyphillips3291 3 года назад

    Thank you Nicole. This was wonderful. I like your transitions and your instruction. Even when I am looking downward, I understood where to go next. Thank you for being mindful of that.

  • @AmeliaDiMarco-i7w
    @AmeliaDiMarco-i7w Год назад

    Wonderful. As usual. Thank you, Nicole, for offering your classes.

  • @moniquecozza3888
    @moniquecozza3888 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for this wonderful practice to start my beautiful day Nicole!

  • @prittloxx
    @prittloxx 3 года назад

    Morning Nicole! My spirits were down when I woke up but did this work out and I feel so much better!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful spirit with us! I appreciate you!!!

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад

      Aw I'm so happy you are feeling better after this! Keep smiling and I hope you have a beautiful day ahead.❤❤

  • @burcugursu4298
    @burcugursu4298 3 года назад +1

    Thank you so much Nicole . That is my favourite.

  • @adelineserra8573
    @adelineserra8573 10 месяцев назад

    For me it s Your best Morning pilates class! Thank you so much Nicole!

  • @angeliqueeyrolles2610
    @angeliqueeyrolles2610 3 месяца назад

    So cool. Thanks Nicole for this lessons. I really enjoy, it is relaxing and my body has shaped so well since I practice. I love it.

  • @erzsebetkurilla2330
    @erzsebetkurilla2330 2 года назад

    Nicole you are the best! I truely enjoyed this particular session with the special stretches incorporated into the routine. My hip feels so much better!

  • @KareenaOberoi
    @KareenaOberoi Год назад

    My mind became blank and all I could focus on was your voice, trailing off into the inner recesses of my body into bliss. Thank you! ❤️

  • @michelekennedy2929
    @michelekennedy2929 2 года назад

    This workout was exactly what I needed this morning.Truly good for the body and soul. Thank you so much.Have a wonderful day!

  • @claudiaguidi5689
    @claudiaguidi5689 3 года назад

    Woke up this morning to this nice surprise of a new relaxing routine! Your workouts have been just perfect during this quarantine! I was developing back issues and headaches from bad posture, and your routines have helped me get better and just make me feel so light and happy!

  • @karenknox7311
    @karenknox7311 3 года назад

    I love your workouts Nicole! You create such a wonderful balance of aching muscles and gentle body relaxing. Thank you, I really appreciate your classes x

    • @MoveWithNicole
      @MoveWithNicole  3 года назад

      Aw thank you! So happy you love them ❤️