God woke me up saying, "IT'S A BATTLE CRY!"

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • God woke me up saying, "IT'S A BATTLE CRY"
    A few mornings ago I woke up hearing "Hebrews 4:1-9." I thought it was just my subconscious, but heard it again a few minutes later, this time: "Hebrews 4:1-9 IS A BATTLE CRY" I read the bible to find out what The Lord was saying and then the NEXT day my dear friends Ty and Hannah were hosting a zoom meeting about prayer and fasting as we all set out to fast together. The words they shared from The Holy Spirit affirmed EXACTLY what the Lord was speaking to my heart about entering the rest of God through faith and obedience, and how we are called to DO BATTLE by ENTERING THE REST, ceasing from our own works, trusting in the Lord Jesus with all our hearts, and not TURNING BACK from Him and His calling in this hour and in these last days. God is saying HEBREWS 4:1-9 is a BATTLECRY, and this word from God is an exhortation to ENTER THE REST through faith. We need to DO BATTLE with the weapons the Lord exemplified for us in His own life and ministry, through FASTING AND PRAYER, and cleaving to The Word of God and to the HOLY SPIRIT Who He sent to be our advocate, The very SPIRIT of God sent to speak to us and comfort us and remind us of all that The Lord said in His earthly ministry.
    It is so important for the community and family of believers in Christ Jesus to ENCOURAGE one another with psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, teaching, exhortation, prophetic utterance and sincere brotherly love.
    Follow Ty & Hannah on Instagram:
    / tyandhannah.firehouse
    Join The FAST:
    Follow me on Instagram:
    / jonny_the_appleseed
    Music licensed through soundstripe: UHUVZXTWVBTD6OS9

Комментарии • 142

  • @casualchatwithamanda5996
    @casualchatwithamanda5996 Год назад +44

    Thank you Jonathan. I have never been a person afraid to talk to strangers , but I look at so many of my brothers and sisters who are living in such fear they are missing the areas of their lives where God is trying to work, but I found myself afraid last night just over the state of the world, but I prayed to God and said I will not be afraid because you have told me not to. I will not fear but pray over my children and their lives. I will stand firm because I know you have created us for such a time as this. Thank you for the encouragement. Praise be to our Heavenly Father who holds us all in the palm of his hand. Who is sovereign over all things. Blessed be his name!

  • @gowest5145
    @gowest5145 Год назад +20

    I fasted decades ago and my prayer was answered just exactly how I prayed it. I was really blown away and it was not an easy prayer request to answer. After that I was sold on fasting. To me prayer isn't really prayer unless I fast with it. Also fasting is wonderul for the body physically too.

  • @stephaniemollova6723
    @stephaniemollova6723 Год назад +34

    God is so merciful,giving us chances everyday .Long suffering with us not wanting anyone to perish but that all come to repentance.

    • @matthewfry4694
      @matthewfry4694 Год назад +1

      I hope the gift 🎁 🙏 is the lord 🙏 grace 🙏 such a great gift

  • @aomine4500
    @aomine4500 Год назад +16

    Keep safe brother our Lord is coming ❤️🕊️👑

  • @xd.3997
    @xd.3997 Год назад +3

    How to get to heaven:
    (Only makes sense if you read the Bible verses too ❤️)
    1- Believe that Jesus is God (John 1:1), (John 1:14) who died on the cross for our sins (2 Cor 5:18), (2 Cor 5:21) and rose again (Acts 3:15), (John 3:18)
    2- Know that you are a sinner in need of a saviour and can’t get to heaven by doing good (Eph 2:8), (Rom 3:23)
    3-Love God with all of your heart and soul and mind and truly love your neighbour as yourself (Matthew 25:32-40), (1 John 3:18-23), (Galatians 5:6)
    God bless ❤️

  • @melindaroth5796
    @melindaroth5796 Год назад +12


  • @Justineelynnn
    @Justineelynnn Год назад +7

    This was conformation for me! O read Hebrews 4 yesterday and was really seeking to know deeper on exactly what rest He was referring to. I have been struggling with my health so much but these words encouraged me so much.
    My faith is everything my testimony is everything.
    Abba is so faithful and I am so thankful for His mercy and His long suffering with His people.
    This walk of faith is hard. I never knew how hard until I really started walking the narrow path.
    May Abba bless you Jonathan and Jilliana! Thank you for your ministry.

  • @Hector012085
    @Hector012085 Год назад +2

    Holy Spirit I repent of my sins and rebellion. I ask to come to my heart again and soften it to your gospel and the will of your spirit. Please help me with my stubbornness and lack of faith and trust in you.

  • @emberreel3577
    @emberreel3577 Год назад +7

    We need to All be ONE in practicing his Will in Following his HOLY DAY OF REST. HEAR the Word and ENTER INTO HIS DAY OF REST. ! THE 7TH DAY! NOT THE 1st! SUNDAY IS THE 1ST DAY OF THE WEEK! SATURDAY IS THE 7TH DAY OF REST

    • @kadi2420
      @kadi2420 Год назад +2

      Amen! I commented this a few minutes ago! The Seventh Day is the Sabbath!❤️👏🏽 Please anyone who may see this understand these verses in this way also!

    • @annemariecumminscummins7
      @annemariecumminscummins7 Год назад

      You might enjoy Paul wilbur Shabbat in your home on Friday evening

    • @annemariecumminscummins7
      @annemariecumminscummins7 Год назад

      As a family they break bread on Friday evening sbd on Sunday they meet with Beleivers in their local Christian assembly.

  • @followeroftheway8454
    @followeroftheway8454 Год назад +8

    Gods blessings to you. Very comforting words from scriptures thank you.

  • @sebastianwehler3218
    @sebastianwehler3218 Год назад +8

    That prayer was so beautiful and legit brother. Thank you so much for all you do, you are saving souls out here, me being one of them. All Glory be to God using you. Every knee shall bow to the Prince of Peace, aka Lord of Lords aka King of Kings aka Jesus Christ. Thank you Jesus for your mercy and for renewing my mind and for cleansing my wicked sinful heart with your blood. I was trapped in a deadly vicious cycle of heavy sin, was deep into drugs and sex, you name it, i've done it, and tried for almost 15 years to break the bondage of sin. What i couldn't do out of my own strength, being lukewarm for all this time, Jesus took away in an instant as soon as i stopped being lukewarm and cried out to God from the deepest depths of my heart. Thank you Lord. My life is changed and my changed life and all the other countless changed lives out there (testimonies etc), are proof that only Jesus saves. Jesus is exactly who he said he was. The way, the truth and the life and nobody comes to the Father except through him. My life is yours, your Will be done, not mine. I will forever be in your debth Jesus. Thank you for your mercy and saving a lost sheep like me. I can't even comprehend his mercy at times. All Glory be to God. In Jesus name i bless all of you who may be reading this. Much love and God bless.

  • @cbb3
    @cbb3 7 месяцев назад +2

    Hi Jonathan, I am a born christian from the Philippines..
    An atheist, who rejected the existence of God. It's a long story, but only through His grace He called me again to share His goodness...
    I am so blessed of what God is doing in your life and I believe that God is leading you to testify and share His saving love for us.
    Will you pray for me and my family..
    Thank you..
    To God be the glory !!!

  • @b80-s9i
    @b80-s9i Год назад +5

    Dude...sooo good! We serve such a mighty, loving & merciful King!! Thank You Jesus👐

  • @jashua2022
    @jashua2022 Год назад +7

    Glory and praise to the holy name of God❤✝

  • @jonahdavison
    @jonahdavison Год назад +7

    This is the word of the Lord to me. Thank you! Last September the Lord told me I was going to cross the Jordan. We made our first step into the river about one week ago! Now we wait…and rest in Him…fully believing Him…fully believing His promises and words. Exactly what I needed to hear tonight!

    • @juliedeane4327
      @juliedeane4327 Год назад

      We need to have the faith of Joshua & Caleb. To know that God has already determined the outcome.

  • @RLJOHN316key
    @RLJOHN316key Год назад +5

    Awesome word, brother. Preach it. Thank you for being sensitive and obedient to the Holy Spirit. I finished reading the book of Hebrews not long ago. And the word "rest" kept resonating in my mind and spirit. What you've shared brother Jonathan has brought more clarity and insight. Praise the Lord!!! May the Lord continue to bless you and yours. Shalom, shalom.

  • @emberreel3577
    @emberreel3577 Год назад +3

    He's talking about the SABBATH DAY!! About keeping it Holy! He says to "REMEMBER the Sabbath and keep it Holy" ! In the mid 300 Era pope Constantine changed the Sabbath practice from Saturday to Sunday. We still follow the ways of the world by not RESTING on the proper day! It's supposed to be from Sundown on Friday to Sundown on Saturday!
    Definition of SIN in the bible...
    1 John 3:4
    Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
    One of the 10 Commandments is to keep the Sabbath Holy! Let's Not transgress his Laws any longer !

    • @emberreel3577
      @emberreel3577 Год назад +2

      Psalm 119:142
      YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS is an everlasting Righteousness and your LAW is the #TRUTH
      Also: Matthew7:22-24
      Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
      23 And then will I profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: depart from me, ye that work Lawlessness!" (Meaning Without the LAW)
      The bible tells us HOW to KNOW him!
      And it's as easy as 1,2,3!
      1st John 2:3
      3 And hereby we do know that we know him, IF WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS.
      ...SO, Let's keep his Commandment to KEEP HIS SABBATH DAY OF REST HOLY.... From Sundown on Friday to Sundown on Saturday!

    • @yahslivingwater3958
      @yahslivingwater3958 Год назад

      EmbeR Reel
      Prophecy 13: Tell Them MY Child, Tell Them for ME!
      Although I rejoice at coming to take MY Children out of this wicked world, to carry MY Bride home in MY arms [ First fruit Rev.14], I weep and I sob for I am torn in half. So many will be left, so many that call themselves MINE and yet MY Spirit is not in them. They will be left to suffer the wrath of Almighty God YAHUVEH! Tell them MY daughter, tell them for ME. Warn them. Many will listen and obey this prophecy. I weep for the churches that are overflowing and people stand in line to get in the churches. Yet MY RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) is not in these churches. [more].
      MY Children serve ME, and put me first in their lives, live holy for ME, and witness for ME, suffer for MY Namesake. MY Children tithe, give offerings to support the work I have commanded other ministers to do, using holy tithes and offerings. [More].
      For this reason I will spare them on the Day of Judgment MY children are not afraid to stand up for holiness. They will speak out against homosexuality, and abortion, pornography, and all manner of sin. Did I not love enough to even warn the Pharisee's? How much more should you? Did I not send Moses to warn the evil Pharaoh? How much more should you? MY Children know I have promised, the same reward this minister receives in Heaven for ministering to the people, bringing souls to ME, praying, teaching, setting captives free in MY Name. Speaking out against unholiness and speaking forth MY prophetic messages.
      The same treasure is laid up for whoever supports, encourages, and prays for these apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers those that set the captives free for MY Glory. They will also receive the same rewards stored up for them in Heaven.
      *I admonish you, sow your seed only into ministries that preach and teach the* entire truth, even if it offends. Pray for these ministers, support them. I am not speaking of man made licenses this world calls spiritual credentials. Many have these and have huge churches also, yet they use them to lead the people astray. Only Almighty God YAHUVEH ordains, not man.
      *You will be held accountable if you are giving tithes and offering money to a* church you know is not preaching the true gospel of YAHUSHUA. If that pastor is teaching error and leading others astray and you are helping him with your tithes and offerings you will feel convicted even as you read this, and you will know I am not pleased. For in doing so you have helped the enemy to cause MY Children defeat.
      I am pleased when you give tithes and offerings to those who daily lay his or her life down for ME. Daily is a servant to the people and ME. Most of the time they are abused, rejected, hated for standing for holiness, and speaking forth MY messages.
      So many of the ministers are carrying the financial burden alone. Where are MY Children I have blessed? Why do you sow seed in hard dry infertile soil? Why aren't you praying and asking where to plant your holy tithes and offerings? Yes, I have exposed Satan's counterfeit who rob ME by stealing holy tithes and offerings and only use them for their own purposes. The wolves in sheep's clothing are being exposed, and they will stand before Almighty God YAHUVEH who they robbed from on Judgment Day! Woe is unto these ministers.
      ...''Why aren't I blessed for my giving ten percent"? I will tell you, because you're sowing seed into hard dry soil that is teaching error and leading others astray into the very bowels of hell. REPENT TODAY! If you're MY child and you're not giving tithes and offerings then you're not obeying ME. Then why do you say you love ME when you're not obeying ME? REPENT TODAY! So I can bless you like the loaves and fishes miracles. So your prayers will get quick answers.
      Some of MY Children I hear now saying, "Oh no, I am not going to give any of MY money to a ministry, I don't believe in tithing" and others will say, "I give to a ministry, I don't like it and I admit I give grudgingly but I do give not much but I do give". Here is MY answer to the first group who call themselves MINE. Check yourself, for if you're not obeying the word of YAHUVEH, how can you say MY RUACH ha KODESH is within you? How can you say you love ME and not obey ME? For those that give sparingly and grudgingly I tell you this, I will also give back to you sparingly and grudgingly.
      For the same measure you give, and the same attitude is the same attitude I give back to you. So you now have your answers. When I don't answer your prayers quickly, you now know why. When it seems as if holes are in your pockets, and the devourer comes and eats your seed so there is not enough to pay your debtors, you now know why. There is a curse upon all finances that do not remember to give the 10% as tithe. An offering is anything above that. When it seems everything that can go wrong in your life is going wrong. You now know why.
      [ Exodus 20 & 34 = Commandments: Thou shall not steal from ME]:
      *You have robbed YAHUVEH! Malachi 3 does not change. The famous ministers* of this world are not always speaking forth truth but instead examine what they are saying, does it line up with the word of YAHUVEH or are they twisting scripture.to line up with the Word of YAHUVEH or to conform to man's image? Your tithes and offerings no matter how great the sacrifice is not holy to ME, if you are sowing into satan's kingdom! And that is what you're doing if you're supporting someone whom teaches error, and teaches man made doctrine, not the Holy Word of YAHUVEH that cannot lie. I am the Word that was made flesh! You are now held accountable for what you did not know, or taught.
      I rejoice over you, MY Children who are rich in faith. Not putting your faith in the riches of this world. You cannot serve two masters. You will hate one and love the other. You cannot serve two worlds, the world of the flesh, and the world of the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those that deny the flesh and live and walk in the RUACH ha KODESH will I spare. Tell them MY child, be MY voice and tell them for ME. To whom YAHUSHUA has given spiritual ears and eyes, with this message will be set free. Tell them MY child, tell them for ME. MY black sheep, no matter how far you have wandered, come back to your only Good Shepherd, come back to ME. [ Continue please!
      May you read its Entirety and be led to Jesus/ YAHUSHUA'S OWN,
      *Revelation 14 International Bride sanctuary without AnyWalls!*
      ( Apostolic, prophetic, Messianic Jewish Pentecost Last Chance Ministry)
      saved Jews & saved Christians..
      [ Bride & Guests ]
      Repent and return to ***ENTIRE TRUTH
      *Hebrew Roots of NEW BLOOD Covenant Doctrine*
      MAY you continue!
      *Prophecy 13: Tell Them MY Child, Tell Them for ME!*
      (Prophecy given 1998~2023)
      ( Not afflicted with Judaism Nor 7th Day Adventist churches)

  • @gowest5145
    @gowest5145 Год назад +5

    Go forth and face every enemy with strength and courage, this is very pleasing to God. Joshua 1:9 did so much in my life. I praise His Holy Name!!!!

  • @kellydangler1711
    @kellydangler1711 Год назад +2

    Please we need a revival in Philadelphia specific the Kensington area :there is a reason so many are sick and hurt there God has a plan for them for us.. Prayers for kids.families.people of Philadelphia

  • @brad2548
    @brad2548 Год назад +2

    I need y'all to please pray for me. God knows. 😭💔 Thank you.

  • @1erinjames
    @1erinjames Год назад +4

    “Today when you hear his voice...
    The Rest spoken of in Hebrews 4 is His Sabbath. The sorrow of Yah is that He made the Sabbath for mankind, but the church disregards it. Therefore they will NEVER receive the Blessings He has for those who keep His Sabbath!! This is really important! The battle cry is a warning. The enemy is coming for those who keep Yah's Sabbath, His Commandments, and the Testimony of Yahusha/Jesus. Yah's Heart is broken as so many who claim to know, love and serve Him, completely disrespect and disregard His Word in this matter. It means so much to Him, and the church spits in it and casts it aside.

    • @CreativeTruth82
      @CreativeTruth82 Год назад +2

      Amen brother!!!

    • @christ_ie3714
      @christ_ie3714 Год назад

      Salvation comes by faith in Jesus.

    • @1erinjames
      @1erinjames Год назад

      @@christ_ie3714 nothing I wrote was regarding Salvation. As it it Written, Salvation is thru Yahusha/Jesus alone. What I clearly wrote about was Blessing. His Word clearly states The Blessings of keeping His Commandments and Way. You are not arguing with me dear one. You are arguing with Scripture, if argument is what your comment was intended to be. Ask Him. He ALWAYS answers the heart that seeks after His Truths ❤ halleluYah!! Hope you have a wonderful night.

  • @jashua2022
    @jashua2022 Год назад +5

    May God bless us all in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

  • @njabulozitha1253
    @njabulozitha1253 Год назад +1

    When the disciples could not cast out the lunatic demoniac:
    Matthew 17:16-17 I brought him to Your disciples, and they could not cure him.” And Jesus answered and said, “You unbelieving and perverted generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring him here to Me."
    It's not they needed to fast for this deliverance to happen but that they needed to fast because of their unbelief and perverseness.
    When the Israelites were taken into captivity into Babylon because they SINNED against God, Daniel (Daniel 9) fasted and prayed everyday until the answer came. It's not that Daniel fasted for 21 days but that the answer came after 21 days.
    When the Jesus was asked why His disciples don't fast, He answered, Mathew 9: How can the friends of the bride chamber fast while the Bridegroom is still with them? When the Bridegroom is taken away from them then they will fast.
    We are called to prayer and fasting everyday until the Lord Jesus returns for us in order to overcome unbelief and perverseness so that we may be made ready to ascend to be with the Lord.
    Beloved, we are supposed to be preparing to meet the Lord, being transformed into the same image from glory to glory until we see Him face to face and to be transformed into the exact image. This we will do if we do what pleases Him, turning away from sin and doing good, praying and fasting daily, seeking the righteousness of God.

  • @kangbarichard3778
    @kangbarichard3778 Год назад +3

    Wow! before I was watching this video I was on my bed thinking about word of God and faith and you said it here. I feel God is sending me the wisdom to walk through hardship in my life

  • @estherkwagala-bs4gh
    @estherkwagala-bs4gh Год назад +2

    I wish you join us on zoom for prayers

  • @trumpetplyrmatt
    @trumpetplyrmatt Год назад +2

    I live how God uses you to explain the mysteries..God bless you brother. By faith I was saved and by faith I will rest in Jesus.

  • @Wamphyri100
    @Wamphyri100 Год назад +1

    God took me downward to hell for doing reiki healing and new age as I praying repenting for doing this as he showed me it was from dark side not him my soul left body dropping down and stopping terrifying experience all I could do was cry out for mercy over and over repenting for mercy over and over repenting for sin asking him not to leave me praying lords prayer constantly then I shouted out I choose you god over you Satan then I came back up. With mercy I am still here. He directed me to close down new age therapy centre as soon as I did accepted Jesus as my saviour repent sin accept he died on cross for me my life is truly blessed now all bad luck is gone from family. Although I always prayed to god I didn't know that if you don't have relationship with Jesus you don't get into his kingdom. Bible 14_6 look at 23 mins in hell by Bill Weise.

  • @ArtMuSing10
    @ArtMuSing10 Год назад +3

    This is the word of the Lord ❣️

  • @IbelongtoJesusChrist
    @IbelongtoJesusChrist Год назад +2

    Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
    📖✝️🙌🏻 thank you God…Heavenly Father thank you for my brother and sister in Christ. Continue to work on me daily Lord, I can’t do this on my own and am weak. But you God are strong 🕊️❤️‍🔥✝️🙏🏻

  • @Ryanjoned163
    @Ryanjoned163 Год назад +3

    Thank you so much for this my brother

  • @Maria-tq8ck
    @Maria-tq8ck Год назад +2

    Hebrews 4:1-9

  • @mariahelenajarvenpaa8834
    @mariahelenajarvenpaa8834 Год назад +2

    Amen. Amen. Amen. YES. We are the same in Christ. Battle cry. God bless you all.

  • @caradonnelly7335
    @caradonnelly7335 Год назад +2

    God has a special place in his heart for evanglists, i am so drawn to them you know it takes spiritual balls and compassion to put God's word out there and try to reach people and make them see make them understand and do it with heart and thought because once someone did that for us, there is no greater service to humanity and to Jesus.

  • @julieharrington9912
    @julieharrington9912 Год назад +1

    Thank you that was really good for me to hear God bless

  • @katrinacharlwood1137
    @katrinacharlwood1137 Год назад +1

    I don’t have instagram or fb. What are fast details?

  • @YeshuaSaves726
    @YeshuaSaves726 Год назад +3

    I really do love Jesus and i can't wait to spend eternity with Him but i feel bad because i am not very good servant.
    I do love Him first and then the rest and i do spread the Gospel but only on internet,in person,i get to feel shy and forget what to even say and i just can't,its so hard. And i tried to fast a few times but i can't endure even 24h,i was gluttonous before, maybe even very and fasting its so difficult for me and it makes things even worse. Not only that i don't fast for 24h but about 12 on average,but when i start eating,i feel like i can't be satisfied and so i end up eating more than average and i don't get anything good from fasting,i just mess up so much.But i know that i really do love Him and when spread Gospel,i spread it with passion and try to even explain stuff as much as i can. I know i am not saved by works but by grace and by having relationship with Him but it hurts my feelings that i don't serve Him to max potential just because of this sinful body that draws me to weakness and sin.
    I can't wait to get rid of it and serve Him to max in Heaven.But for now,i will indeed try to do my best.After all, progress matters,not perfection.

    • @annaarardom3443
      @annaarardom3443 Год назад +5

      Dear brother don't be so hard on your self, I used to think the exact way and still do sometimes but Jesus has delivered me! He told me that it's a journey, and that He's preparing me. And He's doing the same with you, for when you are ready it will be the holyspirit who lead you and let you know whom to speak to and will give you such boldness! I'm also very shy so I totally relate but don't worry, Jesus will fill us both with boldness! The Lion of Juda lives with in us and we will learn how to roar! So just keep on spending time in His presence, let him refine you.He got you, there's a time for everything and when you're ready He will let you know. So don't be so hard on yourself, you're doing an amazing job and Jesus loves you so much and is so proud of you! I've been saved for almost 5 yrs but have been lukewarm, but God is so good! He ecountered me this year and gave me a fresh fire. I felt so bad because of how I spent my 5 yrs not sharing Jesus to ppl but Jesus healed me from all of that and said that He's working on me. So just keep praing for an increas of the Holy Spirit, and just let the Spirit lead you. We can't do anything without the spirit, it is the Spirit who gives ut the words to speak when we witness so don't worry. Just keep on going, Jesus got you! So sorry for this long message, have a blessed day!

    • @YeshuaSaves726
      @YeshuaSaves726 Год назад +2

      @@annaarardom3443 I am perfectionist and i always strive to do the best possible and i know that He loves me no matter what but idk..maybe satan is bashing my shield of faith until i fall down or shield breaks.Satan as a coward,is just looking for the next weakest spot where he will do another blow.And one day i am so happy that i am child of God and i sing and praise and all and then other i feel crushed because of worry that i might not be enough. Although,maybe i progressed fast,i mean i was saved in November but i backslid a couple of times until mid January where i was just going all in. I don't what i say and think,i just know that want His arms wrapped around me as soon as possible and i want to spend eternity with Him. This girl that He sent me to tell me I've been lukewarm recently showed some signs of that she has a crush on me and i asked her does she and she basically said yes and i was happy but then i see that she rarely texts me even tho i text her often.
      Then i got a heartbreak and i was just like that is it,i don't need anybody but Jesus. I have loved to love in my life and i was getting backstabbed one way or another and i can't anymore.Jesus is the only one who wouldn't reject me no matter what and if i can't put my trust and love in Him,then why even live if you won't be loved? I have had too much bad days in my life and i can't wait for it to be over.Love you sister and thanks for encouraging me. I am sorry that this message is all over the place but i have so many thoughts and feelings and i am just everywhere now, broken again...

    • @freya4184
      @freya4184 Год назад

      I used to struggle with fasting too… what helped me was asking for his help. Ask and you shall receive ❤ another way I am able to do it is I make a promise to God beforehand, I feel so much love whenever I do and it keeps me motivated to keep going. You are strong, and always loved unconditionally🙏

  • @tinaschneider6747
    @tinaschneider6747 Год назад +1

    Hallelujah Glory to God in the highest Thank you beautiful vessel and brother in Christ for your obedience in Jesus sweet name Amen 💗

  • @theresacuenca8784
    @theresacuenca8784 Год назад +1

    Our Battle Cry IS, HALLELUJAH, meaning Glory to YAH, WHICH IS A SHORTENED VERSION OF GODS NAME, YEHWEH! HALLELUJAH, GLORY TO THE LAMB, WHO ALONE TAKES AWAY THE SIN OF ALL THE EARTH! We shout it to the battle, letting ALL Heaven & earth know we are United with each other AND the Mighty Armies of Heaven! ARISE, ARMY of The Lord, led by King Jesus we go into the enemies camp & like David, TAKE BACK ALL THE PEOPLE & goods that have been stolen away by the lies of the enemy! The Word says David “RECOVERED ALL” so shall we, under Christ’s Banner of LOVE!

  • @thechanokithan269
    @thechanokithan269 Год назад +2

    Thank you..... I'm blessed 🙏😭

  • @THAFIG2010
    @THAFIG2010 Год назад +1

    Thank you Brother Johnathan, I can't thank you enough for that short sermon 🙌 it reassured the good news today.

  • @rosemary6586
    @rosemary6586 Год назад +2


  • @kidkratoski3778
    @kidkratoski3778 Год назад +1

    Glad i found this channel.

  • @repent_0ne
    @repent_0ne Год назад +1

    Hebrews and James have been reading out to me this season.

  • @kareengangell5791
    @kareengangell5791 Год назад

    I think you would be incredibly blessed to read some of Ellen Gould White's writings - she had the prophetic gift, and was very close to God in her 87 years, til her death in 1915.. She has books online called The Desire of Ages, Steps to Christ, The Great Controversy, Prophets and Kings, Patriarchs and Prophets, among many others. in the 1800's she was the most published author on earth for her lifetime. She has been a blessing to me, and I wanted to share with you, and your readers. thank you for your passion for Christ. God is our rest.

  • @bennymiller3337
    @bennymiller3337 Год назад

    That right brother, halleluyah, so many good and healthy words, but what do you think, or may I ask what God is saying about the seventh day that he blessed the Shabbat day. Friendly reminder: Exo 20:8 KJV Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. and Exo 20:10 KJV But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: and thank you again for your service I am really blessed by you.

  • @anniecole3969
    @anniecole3969 Год назад

    It's here the battle. We have already won! Look what has happened today. Father told me He was bringing Truth. Jesus cut us free! The Holy Spirit brings us comfort. ❤

  • @juliedeane4327
    @juliedeane4327 Год назад

    Amen. Just the other morning I was thinking the same thing. Remembering Joshua & Caleb & Deborah & many other people of faith.
    Deborah led a battle.
    Joshua & Caleb had the faith to take the promise land.
    It is time. We have the victory.
    God has already determined the outcome.

  • @rachaelireland9467
    @rachaelireland9467 Год назад

    Ok...all this was spot on to what God is saying and has been saying to me. I'll be honest...I just wanted my way and to do my own thing and ask the LORD to bless it. If we are not careful...talking mainly to myself right now. We'll miss it. We'll miss Him. He wants to bless but we have to believe and obey. This is a sobering message. We need to tune into the Holy Spirit. I do like fasting whatsoever. Like at all. BUT...fasting is an important tool God uses to cut away things in our life sometimes if we come to Him during it and let Him have our hearts. None of this is easy. Let us not be deceived. But we can cooperate with the Holy Spirit and then God's will is done inside of our minds and hearts.. He'll circumcise our hearts and transform our minds. We all need repentance and a genuine hunger for the Lord and His ways.

  • @christ_ie3714
    @christ_ie3714 Год назад

    Hebrews 4:1-9
    "The Promise of Rest"
    Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it. For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it. For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said:
    “So I swore in My wrath,
    ‘They shall not enter My rest,’ ”
    although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. For He has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day in this way: “And God rested on the seventh day from all His works”; and again in this place: “They shall not enter My rest.”
    Since therefore it remains that some must enter it, and those to whom it was first preached did not enter because of disobedience, again He designates a certain day, saying in David, “Today,” after such a long time, as it has been said:
    “Today, if you will hear His voice,
    Do not harden your hearts.”
    For if Joshua had given them rest, then He would not afterward have spoken of another day.
    There remains therefore a rest for the people of God.

  • @kosmaaldabrowski6032
    @kosmaaldabrowski6032 Год назад +1

    I beg you Jesus... help me please

  • @connietillman5973
    @connietillman5973 Год назад

    Isaiah 48. My. Servant. Jacob has. Been. Reedemed , shout it from the Rooftops

  • @labb592
    @labb592 Год назад +1


  • @NotUrAvrg
    @NotUrAvrg Год назад

    I needed this word. The Lord is doing something and moving in my life even more so in this season.. and I kept being led "this is your season of rest" I found myself learning how to fast

  • @annemariecumminscummins7
    @annemariecumminscummins7 Год назад

    Amen Thankyou Jesus is Our rest and Lord of Shabbat we can enter into his rest and his grace 🙏 ❤️

  • @slaveofYAH
    @slaveofYAH Год назад +1

    That's devastating to hear that statement of not entering God's rest, because only in Him is there true rest! God have mercy!

  • @mccoy2082
    @mccoy2082 Год назад

    THANK YOU BROTHER JONATHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!......... GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @blackbearbear9313
    @blackbearbear9313 Год назад

    Love God this is all that matters ask Jesus for forgiveness repent repent repent God Bless

  • @HealthWellness-fl3kr
    @HealthWellness-fl3kr Год назад

    You say you’ve seen Jesus? Why not have a professional image drawn of Him?

  • @mattjones8892
    @mattjones8892 Год назад

    It was just your conscience telling you to read it's blasphemy to say God did

  • @yeshuahamashiach1645
    @yeshuahamashiach1645 Год назад

    He who believes in the son has eternal life ...but he who does not obey the son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.John 3:36

  • @denisecohenrodrigues8416
    @denisecohenrodrigues8416 Год назад

    the day is sjabbat, the 7de day, that is the massage! a battle for every christian.

  • @tonneleighmiessek-et6ny
    @tonneleighmiessek-et6ny Год назад

    Battle FIELD of the mind. I believe it's the beasts of the field

  • @richardwatson4134
    @richardwatson4134 Год назад

    I love u guys and wish some could understand the amount of damage n pain they have caused..

  • @Maggiegirl1959
    @Maggiegirl1959 Год назад +2


  • @lonia.5283
    @lonia.5283 Год назад +1

    Thank you so much, my brother. Thank you. Amen 💖

  • @matthewfry4694
    @matthewfry4694 Год назад

    God help 🙏 me put down idols 🙏 its so hard not to lie into today s world God help me from idols 🙏 and sin

  • @kohatututai01
    @kohatututai01 Год назад

    the answer i was looking for,Amen bruv be blessed.

  • @joshuadeshaies7266
    @joshuadeshaies7266 Год назад +1

    Hello Jonathan, I was trying to understand Hebrews 4,1-9. I’m not sure I get what those verses mean. I KNOW this is a message from the Lord, also a verse had my name it, Joshua 😊. I luv you guys in Christ very much. I must figure out what those verses mean to me. Hmmm???

    • @christ_ie3714
      @christ_ie3714 Год назад +1

      You should probably read Joshua especially if its standing out to you . Just pray for understanding and guidance from the holy spirit and pick up the Bible! God is always ready and waiting to speak to us thru His word! God bless

  • @maverick6854
    @maverick6854 Год назад

    I wholeheartedly trust the good news preached to me.

  • @ServantOfYHWH
    @ServantOfYHWH Год назад

    I’m bawling. Thank you.

  • @SannaMarin-uw1nu
    @SannaMarin-uw1nu Год назад

    Let's be honest here , God did not wake you up

  • @TLipman1966
    @TLipman1966 Год назад +1

    Amen Amen Amen

  • @TheWay_777
    @TheWay_777 Год назад

    Jonathan.. can you please re paste the link to join Tai and Hannah? I would like to join. And thank you, to God be all the glory, of course.. but as always for your mssgs which always bless me..and thank

    • @TheWay_777
      @TheWay_777 Год назад

      Just the link would be great.. you were gonna drop in the comments I thought, but I was unable to find it.. for Tai and Hannah.

  • @chmilk5042
    @chmilk5042 Год назад +1

    Amen thank you

  • @oregon32nursenurse43
    @oregon32nursenurse43 Год назад

    God gave me 2 rapture dreams in 2020-
    In one dream, there was a young man who was reaching for my hand, saying “Hurry, come on, it’s 11:30, Come on, HURRY”- God gave me Matthew 25:6
    My friend called to say she had a dream of me calling out; “The bridegroom is coming, the bridegroom is coming”🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
    All glory and praise to God Almighty!!!
    Jesus is King of kings and Lord of Lords ✨✨✨✨

  • @belindamiller8623
    @belindamiller8623 Год назад

    Thank you Jonathan, this is the message I needed this day.
    You have a beautiful soul. Please keep teaching and sharing, it is filled with the love of and for God our Father, Jesus Christ , and the Holy Spirit. I feel the Holy Spirit in your message.
    May God Bless you and yours always.

  • @1967John_P
    @1967John_P Год назад

    Great message. I agree with you and we definitely need to seek the Lord and enter His rest and fast to humble ourselves. Just a quick reminder of Revelation 12:11 that you quoted (well 75% quoted) never forget the latter part TO LOVE NOT OUR LIVES EVEN UNTO THE DEATH.

  • @estherkwagala-bs4gh
    @estherkwagala-bs4gh Год назад +1

    Amen be blessed

  • @thecaretaker6015
    @thecaretaker6015 Год назад

    Please pray for the miracle healing of my heart teeth gums esophagus eyes ears and all the organs and parts of my body mind and spirit in Jesus Christ Mighty name I'm healed 🙏 Thank you Lord Jesus Christ 🙏 Thank you Lord God Almighty 🙏 All Glory and Praise Be to God 🙌

  • @Andrewdye23
    @Andrewdye23 Год назад

    Amen come Lord Jesus

  • @tateasweetheart
    @tateasweetheart Год назад

    Thank you Holy Spirit. I am so grateful God thank you !!!❤️❤️❤️

  • @lukegrasso6161
    @lukegrasso6161 Год назад

    This is very powerful. I found a typo in your description towards the end, it says “cleaving” and I think you meant to put clinging. Not to pester you but hope it helps.

  • @hannagrace55
    @hannagrace55 Год назад

    Same happened to me, the battle cry appearing to me at night, this video helped me a lot to understand what it is about. It amazes me that God speaks the same message at the same time to several of His children in the body of CHrist around the world. HalleluJah.

  • @elizabethhartnick9456
    @elizabethhartnick9456 Год назад

    Hallelujah Glory to the Most High what a revelation bless you my brother
    Protect the seed !

  • @MikeHacker
    @MikeHacker Год назад

    Fast the flesh

  • @pedromateo7970
    @pedromateo7970 Год назад

    Where are my

  • @elijah4496
    @elijah4496 Год назад

    Amen! Great word! Stay all faithful until the end to receive the crown of life.

  • @donnaboness7243
    @donnaboness7243 Год назад

    Thank you so much brother…. beautiful word about rest and our battle cry!

  • @DuaneEar
    @DuaneEar Год назад

    Amen 🙏🙌

  • @brad2548
    @brad2548 Год назад


  • @angelicaavilabautista3191
    @angelicaavilabautista3191 Год назад


  • @BiblicalTestimonies
    @BiblicalTestimonies Год назад

    This was encouraging. I hadn't thought about it like that.

  • @dameonnelson3543
    @dameonnelson3543 Год назад

    Yup and his Son will wake you up as well like a thief in the night ☺️🙏

  • @michelleagostini8162
    @michelleagostini8162 Год назад

    Amen a battle cry amen he is so good Jesus our Heavenly Father.

  • @katrinacharlwood1137
    @katrinacharlwood1137 Год назад

    Amen. Fasting is so very powerful…

  • @Preba80
    @Preba80 Год назад

    Amen..may God bless you abundantly brother..

  • @aprboone1
    @aprboone1 Год назад

    I really liked this message , Jon❤️

  • @AnAncient
    @AnAncient Год назад

    Entering his rest is the Gospel

    • @racquelhudson7243
      @racquelhudson7243 Год назад +1

      Yes, because Jesus and all that He's accomplished is our Sabbath Rest!🙌🏽

  • @kadi2420
    @kadi2420 Год назад

    Amen! This is just a testament and further encourages me to say this. We need to come together and acknowledged the original day that God gave us. The Seventh day (Saturday). We cannot put our culture, customs or what may seem normal to us or convenient. I believe that the mark of the Beast will be a Sunday Law pushed onto us in the name of “preserving the earth”. Coming back to keep holy and worship on the day of the Lord. Our lives must align with the Bible and what Jesus did!❤️ I really do love this chapter so so much because as a Seventh Day Adventist it’s really discouraging at times but we will stay strong!

    • @chrisjohn7927
      @chrisjohn7927 Год назад

      Please pray for me . For I am weak and struggle with worry , anxiety and fear. I believe in God and Jesus and have prayed and repented many times but get discouraged when I don't feel God's presence. I have major depression for many years and about a month ago I accepted Jesus as my savior. Thank you,

  • @ericaguilar970
    @ericaguilar970 Год назад

    Please pray for me my name is Jeanette this definitely spoke to me it showed up randomly on my newsfeed. I listen to your songs of your husband and you. I need to forgive my father because the Lord revealed to me why my mom committed suicide and i got so angry I wanted to expose him, but the Lord wants everyone to be saved and not blame each other, but forgive and move on. Lately the Lord has been speaking to me why she couldn't take it anymore. Thank you Sister in Christ for making this video and being obedient to the Lord. When you said you see someone who was in there room with the lights off and a blanket on them i was like WoW Lord you see me. I was in my room just how you described because am cold and was covered listening to your video. The Lord has been speaking to me lately so clearly. His so good. Please help me to do the Lord's will in my life i been so disobedient to the Lord in the past and I want to keep moving forward but my dad doesn't want to let me go.

    • @silviasanchez7619
      @silviasanchez7619 Год назад

      Hi Jeanette - these verses have helped me to forgive...
      Matthew 7:1-2
      “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
      For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
      Blessings 🌷🌿