From what I have read, when the NGE say "Allah" they mean "Arm Leg Leg Arm Head", and when they say "Islam" they mean "I Self Lord And Master". Of course Allah and Islam in the Arabic language have completely different meanings, but I don't think that is the point of it all. I'm not a 5%-er, so I can't speak for them, but it smacks to me as a tactic to take common words and give them deeper meanings so people will reflect upon them and learn something new. I think that is really cool. Peace,
@zipfoolify one of the key practices related to five percent doctrine is 'building,' in which individuals gather to speak on their interpretations of the lessons and philosophize. the 'memorized information' is used as a tool to further explore their own lives and the world at large. building is a central point for adherent five percenters, and in essence it's primary function is to inspire meaningful thought.
The original man is the black man Allah is the original man Islam as a religion like judaism is actualy a structure for those who needed good orderly direction. Islam may be your religion however it is the Black mans nature. i can't stand when arabs or jews act like Islam and judiasm were not given to them by the black man so they would behave themselves. Don't get angry when the black man wakes up to his own identity as God of the universe praise him be thankful
Prophet Muhammad believed in the coming of Mahdi who would achieve things no prophet before him did which is peace on earth while at the same time destroying the devil. The Mahdi knows something others before him did not. So in some aspect prophet Muhammad is not the completion. Perhaps he is the last propet for the east but the Quran says every nation will have a prophet. Surah 10:47 This has no beginning nor ending!
60. And (remember) when Mûsa (Moses) asked for water for his people, We said: "Strike the stone with your stick." Then gushed forth therefrom twelve springs. Each (group of) people knew its own place for water. "Eat and drink of that which Allâh has provided and do not act corruptly, making mischief on the earth."
because god says he so love the world he sent his only begotten sonto save us all whoever accept jesus shall be saved , but whoever shall not accept him shall be condemed
End of the day none of yall really know what your talking about. none of us lived nor witnessed these times past other mens voices and the pages of books or whatever may have you. So no one is in the right mind to tell another person who is wrong or right chill out and seek whatever knowledge best fit your personal walk of life. Be a productive member of society.
Prophet Mohamed ibn Abdullah (peace be up on him) said in his last sermon. Remember one day you will appear before Allah and answer for your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone. People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well therefore, O people, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and the Sunnah (Hadith), and if you follow these you will never go astray.
1 there is no confusion in the quran brother sura 2:241 refers to divorce rights. "241. And for divorced women, maintenance (should be provided) on reasonable (scale). This is a duty on Al-Muttaqûn (the pious - see V.2:2). 242. Thus Allâh makes clear His Ayât (Laws) to you, in order that you may understand" Saul is mentioned in later verses but there is no contradiction.
What about Noah's son? According to Sura 21:76, Noah and his family is saved from the flood, and Sura 37:77 confirms that his seed survived. But Sura 11:42-43 reports that Noah's son drowns.
Why must this cult use the name of ALMIGHTY ALLAH Subhanawa ta' calling themselves Allah! UNBELIEVABLE...Islam is knowledge brothers..not this!
Muslim do not say that the prophets lived in 600AD.The term Islam means peace submission and surrender to the will of god. In Arabic when you put the prefix mu on the front of a word, it means someone who does that action, so a Muslim(mu-Islam)is someone who submits and surrenders to the laws of god. Therefore Noah,Abraham, Moses, Jesus and all the prophets were Muslims. Mohamed was the seal of the prophets who came to clarify the message of all the prophets which was the worship of one god.
@sadi3mo3t He is not talking about the angels he is just talking about himself. In Arabic this WE and US is used to magnify the position of the one talking.
They claim the founder of Islam is a prophet named Muhammad...however Muhammad himself says he is not a prophet and has never personally heard from fact Muhammad who heard voices thought himself it was from evil spirits....his wife encouraged him to change his mind and claim God had spoken to him
my friend, i admire ur passion 4 your particular belief.but how are we 2 honestly know that these events ever actually took place?what makes them so much more different then the folk tales and myths we were taught as children?whos to say these STORIES werent formulated to give humanity something 2 believe in!?please take the time out 2 question everything people tell u not 2. you are NEVER wrong 4 that...
arm leg leg arm head, c'mon that's a perversion of Islam, which is the worship of the one God. A Muslim is one who submits to The Creator and testifies to His Oneness and believes in His messangers (Prophet Muhammad PBUH being the last of them), prays, fasts, gives charity and makes Hajj. We acknowledge the superiority our Creator and Sustainer. To call each other God is about the farthest you can get from Islam.
In Sura 2:241 Muhammad confuses the persons of Saul and Gideon. In Sura 2:55-60 the Israelites were said to be "a scanty band" vastly inferior to the Egyptians. But in Exodus 1:7-10 the Egyptian king said to his people that the Israelites had become "more and mightier than we". The Koran confused the sister of Moses (Miriam) with Mary, the mother of Jesus. In Hebrew, Miriam and Mary are the same names.
Also nobody is safe, or can be saved, you have to work hard in order to accomplish anything, there is no predestination to heaven, The purpose of life is to work hard in order to make it to the paradise. Also you have to know your Lord Allah so you can have a chance of getting to paradise!
It is also clear in the Qur'an that Muhammad and his Allah thought Moses lived at the time as Noah and that Jesus' mother Mary was Moses' and Aaron's sister.
Moses and Aron had a sister called miriam different from maryam mother of Jesus. Yochebed (Jochebed hebrew) was the mother of moses, Aaron and Miriam. Miriam and Her mother help to save Moses same as in the torah. sura 28:11. And she said to his [Musa's (Moses)] sister: "Follow him." So she (his sister) watched him from a far place secretly, while they perceived not.
real muslims look down upon them. I am a black man and saying black man is god is racist allah is the one and only god. basically to be a succesful 5% you have to be black?
No one worship Clarence 13X he is acknowledged for his good work. Secondly, if Allah is the unseen then how can you say if infact that he is or is not manifested in human beings? According to scripture he does appear in the form of man.
OK PEOPLE PEOPLE , IF SOME1 says i dont belive in god keep it for ur self man IM muslim i believe in allah , u belive in jesus its ur choose mate theres a god for all . AMEN
59. But those who did wrong changed the word from that which had been told to them for another, so We sent upon the wrong-doers Rijzan (a punishment) [] from the heaven because of their rebelling against Allâh's Obedience.
this is not islam surah (chapter) 112 of the quran prove without a shodow of a doubt that man is not god. don't let these rappers decieve you. some of these rappere you see in this clip endorse weed,sex and other currupt behavior
57. And We shaded you with clouds and sent down on you Al-Manna [] and the quails, (saying): "Eat of the good lawful things We have provided for you," (but they rebelled). And they did not wrong Us but they wronged themselves.
Right on point my baby now you speak the Truth! If you dont have Jesus you cannot be saved from the Devil. Be Careful of people who uses Philosophies as a tool for religion also. This is how people become brainwashed.
@TheDaDaDuo Are you asking me to list all 99 attributes? The on who gives life, the one who gives death, the provider, the merciful etc! Please google it.
Islam teaches that Hagar was Abraham's first wife..the Torah says Hagar was Sarah's handmaiden, or bondwoman.....Hagar was never Abraham's wife..she was a maid...a servant...who had a child for Abraham because Sarah was barren and couldn't conceive. Eventually Sarah did conceive and Hagar was cast into the desert with Ishmael her son.
What I feel needs to be understood in all human to human communication is the *intention* behind their terminologies and phrases. Simply put, the NGE/5%-ers mean something entirely different when they use the words "Allah" and "Islam" than Muslims. I don't know for certain, but I know that at least some 5%-ers disclaim to be Muslims. With that, one should not judge them for not living up to the dictates of Muslim Theology, when they themselves don't even claim to be Muslims. My 2 cents.
Yup you got it Baby your not blind at all. Even Jay-z when he throws up the Roc sign, He does it in a triangle with his eye looking through it immitating the All-seeing eye thats on the back of the U.S Dollar Bill.
No I really want to know your interpretation of John 14:1-11. I am a linguistic buff and I believe God's words are powerful so I have to know their meanings in order to understand his commands.
@zipfoolify like any belief system, there are those who follow it strictly and those who don't; true practitioners and false. also, to say it grew out of 'low-self esteem in black men' is a gross oversimplification.
If you believe Islam is the Blackman's true religion. You need to know that the religions of Haitian Vodu,Cuban Santeria and Brazilian Candomble are the religions most related to what our west and central African ancestors actually practiced before Islam. If you want to really get "knowlege of self" then study the Yoruba religion. I'am not saying Blacks shouldn't be muslims just have an accurate view of our religious history.
Perhaps that is your explanation however I disagree. Because of the similarities between the Quran Bible and the ancient Egyptian/Kemet text that both of these books are connected to I cant disregard the understanding they had of Allah especially when much of what we have today originated from there. The 99 attributes/Names of Allah are all human ones. The Egyptians recognized God in man. So with all considered I cant seperate the first understanding from its knowledge.
The mother of Mary was Hanna(arabic) or Anne/Anna(Hebrew). same as in the bible It state nowhere in the Quran that Moses lived at the same time as Noah. I sent you a good web site which has a translation of the quran
Exactly..and you know what unites Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Atheists? HIP HOP! It's bigger than religion. Erykah Badu, Cee-Lo, Wu-Tang all represent this culture to the fullest and their music is spiritual to me and I'm not Muslim.
as an ex christian i can honestly say christianity breeds confusion. the loop holes throughout the bible causes a REAL wise man to question the god that the other follwers blindley submit to. if god did create mankind,he should be PROUD that his creations question theyre own existence!
Arab Muslim, Jews and Christians use the word Allah. The word Allah is made up of a two parts Al meaning the(as in the only one) and illah which mean something that is worshiped or god, therefore the word Allah means literally 'the' god as in the only god or the sole deity. The word cannot be ascribed to any other thing. The word also exists in different forms such as the biblical Aramaic Ĕlāhā and hebrew Elohim El, Elah, Alah and in syriaic Alâhâ or ˀĀlōho.
@sinceresunni7 They just say that in a poetical way because since mary is his mother i mean god created us all after al so he's our father. i mean bruh it's not a war between religions, i'm a muslim and i know the qran but i also read the bible to understand some things, jesus is Issa in the Qran and they say good things about him
2. The Quran does not say the Israelites are a scanty band in the verses quoted (see bellow) "55. And (remember) when you said: "O Mûsa (Moses)! We shall never believe in you till we see Allâh plainly." But you were seized with a thunderbolt (lightning) while you were looking. 56. Then We raised you up after your death, so that you might be grateful.
The message of the Messenger is right and exact and no one pays attention to build powers or devils. Not trying to learn the language of our oppressors (Arab) with their distorted version of Islam. We study and build off of our lessons given to us by the Father. Understanding that before Arabic Islam, there were Africans who knowledge their culture and let knowledge be born.
Allah appears in the form of man as it is written in the Torah, the same Torah prophet Muhammad claimed to follow in the Hadith. In the Quran Allah refers to himself as I HE WE and US. These are human characteristics or words used to describe humans. In the Bible Allah says lets us make man in our image after our likeness. Also please remember that Islam doesnt start or stop with prophet Muhammad, he said he came to restore islam meaning peace. Islam is a practice much older than the prophet.
Although many have developed a better sense of self thru these teachings, we fall short cuz the same arabic culture that we look 2 4 this knowledge, is the same culture that is killing our distant brothers & sisters in Darfur
@mkesmoke I have studied that and know about the christian division. Im speaking on the division between all religious sects. I hear all the time from people in the different religions that these people are in the wrong religion and it just goes on and on with different religions.
Allah is He besides Whom there is no god, the Everliving, the Self-subsisting by Whom all subsist; slumber does not overtake Him nor sleep; whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His; who is he that can intercede with Him but by His permission? cont>>>
Romans Chapter 1 verse 3-5 baiscally states that Jesus is from the seed of David. This proves that he was biologically from Joseph but declared to be the son of God through his spirit because he was so righteous.
On the day of Judgement, when Allah[God] descends from Heaven, you will all recognize for he is truly EVERYONE'S God and he is the ONLY God.... And when you ask for forgiveness it will be too late.... 5 percenters are all occult and devil worshipers trying to hide behind a peaceful religion.... Let the truth be known!
frank if u believe in ur heart that u are god,dont allow the belief of others to conflict with that. religons breed seperation and seperation births hate. you ARE god of one self.....
Hold up, are you saying you're the devil's children? if that is, do you think I would argue with that? be whatever you want, that's your right as long as you don't try to hurt my family and my people then you will have a big problem.
Let me break down the true essence of who Allah is: The word Allah derives from the Arabic word iLah, which means deity or Creator, the Strong one, equivalent in english. The tri literal root for the word Allah is Alif, Lam, Ha. Allah is Dhat meaning in Arabic "Allah's personal self or the essence of who and what Allah is, his personal name". Allah is also known as "The Secret One". So no man should be called Allah that name belongs to Allah alone!
58. And (remember) when We said: "Enter this town (Jerusalem) and eat bountifully therein with pleasure and delight wherever you wish, and enter the gate in prostration (or bowing with humility) and say: 'Forgive us,' and We shall forgive you your sins and shall increase (reward) for the good-doers."
@muslimallday 1) they are fighting back (just like the taliban) 2) they only believe in One God 3) malcolm x said it best: Elijah Muhammad is a messenger not a prophet 4) they gave it a name so blacks in america can relate 5) elaborate
Assalamu 'alaikum. Masha'Allah! Well said. I couldn't have said it better! May Allah t'ala guide us all to the Straight Path away from the 5%ers. Ameen!
My 5 percenter brothers, Join the real Islam. Worship the creator of the heavens and the earth. Do not worship his creation. Read the holy Quran, Allah is the creator of the humans, the god of the muslims, the jews, and christians. Do not fall for this trap. Worship the unseen, Clarence 13x was a person that bleeds, cries, begot, and was begotten. Say he is Allah, the one, the only. Allah, the Eternal, the absolute. He begets not,nor is he begotten. and there is none like unto him.
@sinceresunni7 Hey no troubles man it's a discussion and i love when people have different thoughts, you've tought me something and that's always good man I apreciate it
From what I have read, when the NGE say "Allah" they mean "Arm Leg Leg Arm Head", and when they say "Islam" they mean "I Self Lord And Master". Of course Allah and Islam in the Arabic language have completely different meanings, but I don't think that is the point of it all. I'm not a 5%-er, so I can't speak for them, but it smacks to me as a tactic to take common words and give them deeper meanings so people will reflect upon them and learn something new. I think that is really cool. Peace,
Peace to the Gods and Earths!
@zipfoolify one of the key practices related to five percent doctrine is 'building,' in which individuals gather to speak on their interpretations of the lessons and philosophize. the 'memorized information' is used as a tool to further explore their own lives and the world at large. building is a central point for adherent five percenters, and in essence it's primary function is to inspire meaningful thought.
When ALLAH says WE and US in the Quran h is talking about hisself and and the angels only. He is magnificent, and glorious.
The original man is the black man Allah is the original man Islam as a religion like judaism is actualy a structure for those who needed good orderly direction. Islam may be your religion however it is the Black mans nature. i can't stand when arabs or jews act like Islam and judiasm were not given to them by the black man so they would behave themselves. Don't get angry when the black man wakes up to his own identity as God of the universe praise him be thankful
I shall get this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@sadi3mo3t hes not talking about his angels, the word 'we' in Arabic is a superlative respect term for Allaah alone.
Get it from amazon.
Each one teach one... Infinite Intelligence Allah
Prophet Muhammad believed in the coming of Mahdi who would achieve things no prophet before him did which is peace on earth while at the same time destroying the devil. The Mahdi knows something others before him did not. So in some aspect prophet Muhammad is not the completion. Perhaps he is the last propet for the east but the Quran says every nation will have a prophet. Surah 10:47
This has no beginning nor ending!
60. And (remember) when Mûsa (Moses) asked for water for his people, We said: "Strike the stone with your stick." Then gushed forth therefrom twelve springs. Each (group of) people knew its own place for water. "Eat and drink of that which Allâh has provided and do not act corruptly, making mischief on the earth."
because god says he so love the world he sent his only begotten sonto save us all whoever accept jesus shall be saved , but whoever shall not accept him shall be condemed
End of the day none of yall really know what your talking about. none of us lived nor witnessed these times past other mens voices and the pages of books or whatever may have you. So no one is in the right mind to tell another person who is wrong or right chill out and seek whatever knowledge best fit your personal walk of life. Be a productive member of society.
Word-Asalamalikum wa ramatullah wa barakatu akhi!
Prophet Mohamed ibn Abdullah (peace be up on him) said in his last sermon.
Remember one day you will appear before Allah and answer for your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone. People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well therefore, O people, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and the Sunnah (Hadith), and if you follow these you will never go astray.
Peace To The True And Living
Jesus is the Way The Truth & The Life, No one comes to the Father except through me."
1 there is no confusion in the quran brother sura 2:241 refers to divorce rights.
"241. And for divorced women, maintenance (should be provided) on reasonable (scale). This is a duty on Al-Muttaqûn (the pious - see V.2:2).
242. Thus Allâh makes clear His Ayât (Laws) to you, in order that you may understand"
Saul is mentioned in later verses but there is no contradiction.
What about Noah's son? According to Sura 21:76, Noah and his family is saved from the flood, and Sura 37:77 confirms that his seed survived. But Sura 11:42-43 reports that Noah's son drowns.
Im gonna by that book. And i just realized that Lil Wayne is a 5 Percenter. I must say that i am THOROUGHLY intrigued by this.
Why must this cult use the name of ALMIGHTY ALLAH Subhanawa ta' calling themselves Allah! UNBELIEVABLE...Islam is knowledge brothers..not this!
@MuminAzraaq Why is there so much division amongest Islam?? Real Islam?? Who said Sunni muslims are REAL Muslims??
Muslim do not say that the prophets lived in 600AD.The term Islam means peace submission and surrender to the will of god. In Arabic when you put the prefix mu on the front of a word, it means someone who does that action, so a Muslim(mu-Islam)is someone who submits and surrenders to the laws of god. Therefore Noah,Abraham, Moses, Jesus and all the prophets were Muslims. Mohamed was the seal of the prophets who came to clarify the message of all the prophets which was the worship of one god.
He is not talking about the angels he is just talking about himself. In Arabic this WE and US is used to magnify the position of the one talking.
Peace to Allah and Justice !!!! and I dont mean no aribic Allah ... who is the original man?
They claim the founder of Islam is a prophet named Muhammad...however Muhammad himself says he is not a prophet and has never personally heard from fact Muhammad who heard voices thought himself it was from evil spirits....his wife encouraged him to change his mind and claim God had spoken to him
my friend, i admire ur passion 4 your particular belief.but how are we 2 honestly know that these events ever actually took place?what makes them so much more different then the folk tales and myths we were taught as children?whos to say these STORIES werent formulated to give humanity something 2 believe in!?please take the time out 2 question everything people tell u not 2. you are NEVER wrong 4 that...
arm leg leg arm head, c'mon that's a perversion of Islam, which is the worship of the one God. A Muslim is one who submits to The Creator and testifies to His Oneness and believes in His messangers (Prophet Muhammad PBUH being the last of them), prays, fasts, gives charity and makes Hajj. We acknowledge the superiority our Creator and Sustainer. To call each other God is about the farthest you can get from Islam.
@mutantz ان تستطع ان ترد على ما قاله الاخ فاشرح لنا كل معاني كامة "نحن" باللغة العربية و كيف تستعمل في القران الكريم
In Sura 2:241 Muhammad confuses the persons of Saul and Gideon.
In Sura 2:55-60 the Israelites were said to be "a scanty band" vastly inferior to the Egyptians. But in Exodus 1:7-10 the Egyptian king said to his people that the Israelites had become "more and mightier than we".
The Koran confused the sister of Moses (Miriam) with Mary, the mother of Jesus. In Hebrew, Miriam and Mary are the same names.
Also nobody is safe, or can be saved, you have to work hard in order to accomplish anything, there is no predestination to heaven, The purpose of life is to work hard in order to make it to the paradise. Also you have to know your Lord Allah so you can have a chance of getting to paradise!
It is also clear in the Qur'an that Muhammad and his Allah thought Moses lived at the time as Noah and that Jesus' mother Mary was Moses' and Aaron's sister.
Moses and Aron had a sister called miriam different from maryam mother of Jesus. Yochebed (Jochebed hebrew) was the mother of moses, Aaron and Miriam. Miriam and Her mother help to save Moses same as in the torah.
sura 28:11. And she said to his [Musa's (Moses)] sister: "Follow him." So she (his sister) watched him from a far place secretly, while they perceived not.
real muslims look down upon them. I am a black man and saying black man is god is racist allah is the one and only god. basically to be a succesful 5% you have to be black?
No one worship Clarence 13X he is acknowledged for his good work.
Secondly, if Allah is the unseen then how can you say if infact that he is or is not manifested in human beings? According to scripture he does appear in the form of man.
OK PEOPLE PEOPLE , IF SOME1 says i dont belive in god keep it for ur self man
IM muslim i believe in allah , u belive in jesus its ur choose mate
theres a god for all .
59. But those who did wrong changed the word from that which had been told to them for another, so We sent upon the wrong-doers Rijzan (a punishment) [] from the heaven because of their rebelling against Allâh's Obedience.
Erikah Badu had to leave the bible belt where she grew up at and move to Brooklyn she's too deep in knowledge, I feel her.
This also explains why it is strange for someone to call themselves Allah.
this is not islam surah (chapter) 112 of the quran prove without a shodow of a doubt that man is not god. don't let these rappers decieve you. some of these rappere you see in this clip endorse weed,sex and other currupt behavior
57. And We shaded you with clouds and sent down on you Al-Manna [] and the quails, (saying): "Eat of the good lawful things We have provided for you," (but they rebelled). And they did not wrong Us but they wronged themselves.
Right on point my baby now you speak the Truth! If you dont have Jesus you cannot be saved from the Devil. Be Careful of people who uses Philosophies as a tool for religion also. This is how people become brainwashed.
@TheDaDaDuo Are you asking me to list all 99 attributes? The on who gives life, the one who gives death, the provider, the merciful etc! Please google it.
Islam teaches that Hagar was Abraham's first wife..the Torah says Hagar was Sarah's handmaiden, or bondwoman.....Hagar was never Abraham's wife..she was a maid...a servant...who had a child for Abraham because Sarah was barren and couldn't conceive. Eventually Sarah did conceive and Hagar was cast into the desert with Ishmael her son.
What I feel needs to be understood in all human to human communication is the *intention* behind their terminologies and phrases. Simply put, the NGE/5%-ers mean something entirely different when they use the words "Allah" and "Islam" than Muslims. I don't know for certain, but I know that at least some 5%-ers disclaim to be Muslims. With that, one should not judge them for not living up to the dictates of Muslim Theology, when they themselves don't even claim to be Muslims. My 2 cents.
Yup you got it Baby your not blind at all. Even Jay-z when he throws up the Roc sign, He does it in a triangle with his eye looking through it immitating the All-seeing eye thats on the back of the U.S Dollar Bill.
i just asked how i get the book not the shit talk loc can somebody just tell me
No I really want to know your interpretation of John 14:1-11. I am a linguistic buff and I believe God's words are powerful so I have to know their meanings in order to understand his commands.
@zipfoolify like any belief system, there are those who follow it strictly and those who don't; true practitioners and false. also, to say it grew out of 'low-self esteem in black men' is a gross oversimplification.
If you believe Islam is the Blackman's true religion. You need to know that the religions of Haitian Vodu,Cuban Santeria and Brazilian Candomble are the religions most related to what our west and central African ancestors actually practiced before Islam. If you want to really get "knowlege of self" then study the Yoruba religion. I'am not saying Blacks shouldn't be muslims just have an accurate view of our religious history.
What does "through" mean?
Perhaps that is your explanation however I disagree. Because of the similarities between the Quran Bible and the ancient Egyptian/Kemet text that both of these books are connected to I cant disregard the understanding they had of Allah especially when much of what we have today originated from there.
The 99 attributes/Names of Allah are all human ones. The Egyptians recognized God in man. So with all considered I cant seperate the first understanding from its knowledge.
condtradiction where? and why do you have to talk to me with foul language? not necessary son
The mother of Mary was Hanna(arabic) or Anne/Anna(Hebrew). same as in the bible
It state nowhere in the Quran that Moses lived at the same time as Noah. I sent you a good web site which has a translation of the quran
Exactly..and you know what unites Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Atheists? HIP HOP! It's bigger than religion. Erykah Badu, Cee-Lo, Wu-Tang all represent this culture to the fullest and their music is spiritual to me and I'm not Muslim.
i got one question if ur gonna be disrepectful y comment
as an ex christian i can honestly say christianity breeds confusion. the loop holes throughout the bible causes a REAL wise man to question the god that the other follwers blindley submit to. if god did create mankind,he should be PROUD that his creations question theyre own existence!
@MuminAzraaq Why is there so much division amongest Islam??
you are just scared that it MIGHT be TRUE. It's your pride that is messing with you.
Arab Muslim, Jews and Christians use the word Allah. The word Allah is made up of a two parts Al meaning the(as in the only one) and illah which mean something that is worshiped or god, therefore the word Allah means literally 'the' god as in the only god or the sole deity. The word cannot be ascribed to any other thing.
The word also exists in different forms such as the biblical Aramaic Ĕlāhā and hebrew Elohim El, Elah, Alah and in syriaic Alâhâ or ˀĀlōho.
@sinceresunni7 They just say that in a poetical way because since mary is his mother i mean god created us all after al so he's our father. i mean bruh it's not a war between religions, i'm a muslim and i know the qran but i also read the bible to understand some things, jesus is Issa in the Qran and they say good things about him
I am not a 5 percenter! Plus how is Jesus lord or god?
2. The Quran does not say the Israelites are a scanty band in the verses quoted (see bellow)
"55. And (remember) when you said: "O Mûsa (Moses)! We shall never believe in you till we see Allâh plainly." But you were seized with a thunderbolt (lightning) while you were looking.
56. Then We raised you up after your death, so that you might be grateful.
Before Muhammad the Arabs had 365 gods - one for each day of the year. Muhammad picked Allah (the Arab moon god).
forget the book man, i want that t-shirt deck was wearing
the way to where where is jesus jesus is the jewish version of zeus
i'm on the west coast and i cant find this book for shit
The message of the Messenger is right and exact and no one pays attention to build powers or devils. Not trying to learn the language of our oppressors (Arab) with their distorted version of Islam. We study and build off of our lessons given to us by the Father. Understanding that before Arabic Islam, there were Africans who knowledge their culture and let knowledge be born.
Allah appears in the form of man as it is written in the Torah, the same Torah prophet Muhammad claimed to follow in the Hadith. In the Quran Allah refers to himself as I HE WE and US. These are human characteristics or words used to describe humans. In the Bible Allah says lets us make man in our image after our likeness.
Also please remember that Islam doesnt start or stop with prophet Muhammad, he said he came to restore islam meaning peace. Islam is a practice much older than the prophet.
@weirdeyez you were not talking about division between all religious sects. Your only target were the muslims, LOL I'm reading it right now.
Muhammad taught that Mary the mother of Jesus was the sister of Aaron and Moses - who lived 1,500 years earlier.
Although many have developed a better sense of self thru these teachings, we fall short cuz the same arabic culture that we look 2 4 this knowledge, is the same culture that is killing our distant brothers & sisters in Darfur
@mkesmoke I have studied that and know about the christian division. Im speaking on the division between all religious sects. I hear all the time from people in the different religions that these people are in the wrong religion and it just goes on and on with different religions.
Allah is He besides Whom there is no god, the Everliving, the Self-subsisting by Whom all subsist; slumber does not overtake Him nor sleep; whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His; who is he that can intercede with Him but by His permission? cont>>>
Romans Chapter 1 verse 3-5 baiscally states that Jesus is from the seed of David. This proves that he was biologically from Joseph but declared to be the son of God through his spirit because he was so righteous.
On the day of Judgement, when Allah[God] descends from Heaven, you will all recognize for he is truly EVERYONE'S God and he is the ONLY God.... And when you ask for forgiveness it will be too late.... 5 percenters are all occult and devil worshipers trying to hide behind a peaceful religion.... Let the truth be known!
mean about what
@mkesmoke I was speaking on just muslims but you said something about christianity and I spoke on that.
Whay are black folk searching their identity thru an ARABIC RELIGION?
@muslimallday how this is not islam?
frank if u believe in ur heart that u are god,dont allow the belief of others to conflict with that. religons breed seperation and seperation births hate. you ARE god of one self.....
English Yusuf Ali: [72:20]
Say: "I do no more than invoke my Lord, and I join not with Him any (false god)."
Hold up, are you saying you're the devil's children? if that is, do you think I would argue with that? be whatever you want, that's your right as long as you don't try to hurt my family and my people then you will have a big problem.
the got the Allah part right. But added stuff. Plus just because a bunch of rappers endorse a book doesn't make it right. In fact. run the other way.
@mindakhilikaraki Im sorry I dont yet read arabic.
Let me break down the true essence of who Allah is:
The word Allah derives from the Arabic word iLah, which means deity or Creator, the Strong one, equivalent in english. The tri literal root for the word Allah is Alif, Lam, Ha. Allah is Dhat meaning in Arabic "Allah's personal self or the essence of who and what Allah is, his personal name". Allah is also known as "The Secret One".
So no man should be called Allah that name belongs to Allah alone!
58. And (remember) when We said: "Enter this town (Jerusalem) and eat bountifully therein with pleasure and delight wherever you wish, and enter the gate in prostration (or bowing with humility) and say: 'Forgive us,' and We shall forgive you your sins and shall increase (reward) for the good-doers."
@muslimallday 1) they are fighting back (just like the taliban)
2) they only believe in One God
3) malcolm x said it best: Elijah Muhammad is a messenger not a prophet
4) they gave it a name so blacks in america can relate
5) elaborate
Assalamu 'alaikum. Masha'Allah! Well said. I couldn't have said it better! May Allah t'ala guide us all to the Straight Path away from the 5%ers. Ameen!
@newjerusalemchrist Thank you. Finally someone else knows what it is
My 5 percenter brothers,
Join the real Islam. Worship the creator of the heavens and the earth. Do not worship his creation. Read the holy Quran, Allah is the creator of the humans, the god of the muslims, the jews, and christians. Do not fall for this trap. Worship the unseen, Clarence 13x was a person that bleeds, cries, begot, and was begotten.
Say he is Allah, the one, the only. Allah, the Eternal, the absolute. He begets not,nor is he begotten. and there is none like unto him.
@muslimallday it actually is its a different branch of islam
damn Baduh is gorgeous
Continue to debate but none of you guys are getting no where smh.
@sinceresunni7 Hey no troubles man it's a discussion and i love when people have different thoughts, you've tought me something and that's always good man I apreciate it
LOL! I think I might have died if the RZA came on 'BUY THIS BOOK'
Yeah, and the rappers who have as much money as they have. Fuck that, SEND ME A COPY. Money aint as easy to come by as these dr Duess rhyming foos
I guess you don't understand the trinity
I believe Masta Killa is the only true Muslim