You can switch eyes without changing your grip. I don’t recommend switching eyes. Yes less is exposed, but you are switching up your normal, practiced shooting which means you will be a little slower on target. Put your best foot forward, get on the sights quicker, and do the rest of your hiding behind a wall of lead
@@travisgreenough6460 lol nice one depends on calibre and more like 4 or 5. Im not advocating switching hands and eyes at all just pointing out something referring to exposure. Playing paintball (yes its different OK) we switched hands and eyes to minimise exposure so all the enemy saw was the barrel with your eye running over it, no shoulders nothing. Very small target to hit Less is more?
I'm a half-way left-hander, although I shoot right hand strong side. When I switch to left hand, I naturally use my let eye. People are different. Use what works for you.
ALL my pistols were hitting low and left, so I used a vise and a torch and bent all the barrels up and right! That fixed it! Now they don't hit anything!
@@Peter-ff1tp welp, most crimes in new york does not involve guns. Its usually knives. Also, im not sure where you got the statistic about less crimes. I recommend comparing the increase in crime rate in set years to determine crime, for not all cities are the same and there is too much variables to account for when comparing 2 cities from different nations directly. (I'm korean btw. Feel like you cant take away the liberty that was given for centuries with one legislation)
@@Peter-ff1tp did you mean that london has 2/3 as more murders than new york or 2/3 of the murders in new york? These two minor word choices can change the definition quite singificantly.
@@Peter-ff1tp well then David Lee responded correctly when he first answered you. Because you are saying that England had less murders than NY....and he's explaining why that statistic may be. Also, no point in being a dickwad with your condescending response when he wasn't saying anything provocative or negative to you.
Jim, that’s ok brother. The British army are always under funded, under fed and under equipped. But we always pull it out of the bag. Now, where are my battle group sized veterans, ready to take this country back? If we organised, all across the western world, we would send a very cold shiver up those evil f¥cks in power.
I had someone tell me" Firearm training is a waste of time cuz paper targets dont shoot back" He was serious. I wish I said "Would you go to the range if they did?"
I get what he saying. But u need to train. Now yeah if u get in situation where ur life on line ur services or going to as good. But ull be better with training than without. U make the mistakes in training. Not in real world
@@briandavenport8971 precisely the reason i got an m&p to carry instead of a high end sig or cz. Or something even more expensive. I see people carrying $1500-2000 1911s and i just dont get it. You have to constantly think that the gun is going to get confiscated by the cops post-incident, or even stolen. Though the latter is easier to prevent
I always thought the same thing, but my son has made me question this theory. Only logical solution is vaginas are completely immune to the laws of physics and inside exists a black hole void of gravity designed to steal man juices and devour dick tad poles. I brought this theory up with my wifes doctor who disagrees but he kept trying to give my pregnant wife a pabst beer so what does he know?
@@low-budgefudge2164 I may not be a doctor or have one o dem fancy shmancy edumacations but I do know pregnant women ain't supposed to be drinking cheap shitty beer, they supposed to be drinking the good stuff like strong dark stouts, gets more vitamins thata way! P.s. I meant that as in I have a son who was conceived in such a manner, though he is smart for a 2 year old that is not a subject he personally brought up.
So when I got my Glock 26 and put new sights on it I was having a lot of troubleshooting down and right as a left-handed shooter. I was at the range and I asked the guy next to me who "seemed like a pretty good shot" with his G19 if he could see if the sights were off. He picked up my gun and shot rounds into the same hole practically at 10 yards and then did some similar crazy tights groups at 25 yards......Well, I was amazed. He spent the next 60 minutes teaching me trigger control and the effects of anticipation flinching. After an hour he said "normally I charge for that but I see you here a lot putting the time in". I later found out he had been a firearms instructor for 30 years that taught LE Officers. Pretty cool dude! Never know what can happen at the range, both good and bad.
HAha. Had same thing happen to me at LEO academy. We had an FBI instructor helping out. Long story short, he completely obliterated the X with my 6" Colt Trooper. Nope, wasn't the sights.
Old Goat it is the pursuit of greatness and the belief that it can happen at any level. It is the peace and thought that it provides. Golf for some is not about the money, it is about the peace when battling yourself.
how is the running around with 6 guns and a 1000 rounds for each, while sprinting full speed and jumping over walls working out for you? I cant seem to pull that off even with spinach.
There's this weird glitch with my guns. All my magazine loaded ones only reload partially when I reload after each shot, like some rounds are missing. I thought they restocked when I pocketed them????
I think this comes from people being taught to switch shoulders with their rifle when coming around barriers, which is completely and totally different. As John points out, no need with pistols.
Hmm possibly if firing in a dark room to preserve your night vision, and your gun has some exceptional muzzle flash, and you've already identified your target, and they are in a funnelpoint that inhibits them from moving any direction except towards you or directly back, and your on target when you pull the trigger. Better yet just keep your eyes open.
As a firearm instructor for 30 years, I can vouch for these. Well done and presented. Some of the comments below make me laugh. Keep up the good work in giving solid advice.
JUST discovered your videos.... I grew up on a large farm in Alabama, and have shot guns forever, and Sold them professionally for a retailer... but I'm finished teaching my friends/family/etc about guns.... YOUR explanations are somehow so simple and coherent that its EASY to watch you and follow your meaning and explanations. I'll send everyone here from now on! Great video!
As a firearms instructor, I've had students who thought they could forgo potentially killing someone by aiming for an arm or leg instead of upper chest center mass.
BLD Lightpainting I had a friend think that the best thing to do in a self defense situation is to shoot the guy in the leg. I took him to the range and had him shoot a Glock at 10 yards, and he didn’t hit center mass a single time. I asked him how he felt about trying to hit a guy in the leg that is gonna be moving, and he said he changed his logic lol
Even if you hit him in the leg, he'll destroy you in court. A dead man tells no lies. If you're forced to use that degree of force to defend yourself you go for the kill--my CCW instructor pushed that point pretty hard.
In Finland police often shoot people in the leg to defuse a dangerous situation. Large portion of these people survive. Also their hit rate seems pretty good.
@@Proximax9 You don't use deadly force to defuse a dangerous situation, that is what less than lethal devices are for. There may be some rare exceptions to the rule but they are far and few between.
@@phillhuddleston9445 last case I heard was when a man went crazy in a crowded town square and stabbed punch of people. Police decided to react fast and use a fire arm. They shot the guy in leg and he lived to go to jail. Often they use a taser but when it's stuff that requires more rapid response they might use a gun
I know right. Seriously, you won't get arrested for killing a person that's shooting at you. In certain states ( like Alaska ), you can shoot robber even if he doesn't pose life threat. And you can shoot rapist in Alaska too.
Fly Eagles Fly yup, certain crimes, such as armed robbery, kidnapping, sexual assault, and homicide can be met with deadly force without legal repercussions. However, you need to be careful, as you can still potentially be charged for either homicide or manslaughter if someone can prove that the force used was too extensive (magdumping a 30 rounder into a dead assailant’s head) or the situation wasn’t one that warranted deadly force (burglary suspect wasn’t armed, but you shot him because you thought he was). I live in AZ, so I’m not sure about other states’ laws, but just be careful, and don’t be too trigger happy.
@@Corvus__ I know bro I was just messing around playing off obi's line in new hope about them being the most accurate shots in the Galaxy lol my bad not the best at making my jokes obvious
I am an old old instructor specifically 72 years young and I am proud of you for addressing these issues. I heard this BS from so-called firearms experts for years. Stay after these idiots.
@ Matthew Nunley A slice is when you strike the ball with the club face angled away from your body (open) and a hook is when you strike the ball with the club face angled towards your body (closed.) If you're right handed it means the ball flies in a curving trajectory to the right if you slice, and to the left if you hook. Vise-versa if you're left handed. A slice is probably the most common problem in golf swings because it's your wrists and forearms' job to rotate the club through the swing and make sure it is lined up correctly when you strike the ball. It's the rest of your body's job to swing the club. If you worry about hitting the ball as hard as you can, your wrists and forearms don't keep up with the rest of your body, and they don't rotate the club enough on your downswing.
"Keep your guns unloaded at home in a locked safe & your ammo in another room in a locked safe". Edit: This is a mockery of the idea. Do not ever keep your guns away from the ammo, ever.
@mike cafano Tell him you called the police & you are unarmed & mean peace, the intruder will take a moment & see the wrong doing of his actions & stop, sit down & talk about his problems with you til the police arrive to rehabilitate him.
You do want to keep the guns unloaded though. The ammo can be right next to them but do not store guns with ammo loaded, that is a great way to encourage accidents to happen.
@@ShiningDarknes If by that you mean keep a loaded magazine in your handgun but not one in the chamber while you're at home but when away from home always carry one in the chamber? Then, yes.
That doesn't work so well with alot of firearm disciplines. But, self defense is a discipline that is unique. You need those sights to help you know your presentation is going to be putting shots where you want them. Saves alot of ammo. But, practice live fire is a must. TRAIN.
@@thatoneguybones8036 the strings and frets don’t move. But your fingers move across the fretboard and for students who haven’t played that long or are playing on a new guitar aren’t accustomed to the fretboard to have a “feel” of where they are.
"Carry with an empty chamber! You'll have time to rack the slide!" "Make sure to carry a spam can worth of ammo on you! Never know how much you'll need!" "No need to train! Fundamentals fly out the window in a high stress situation!"
heard all of these then spent more than hour each time arguing why those exact "facts" are stupid ... - carrying empty chamber is downright dangerous, starting with forgetting to rack and then click on empty through dropping the gun when trying to rack to having accidental discharge because of broken messed up grip on the gun because you have to rack the slide for weapon to actually become one instead of scary looking paperweight ... - carrying one spare mag is overkill for 99.9% of the time for anyone who is not a cop and needs to pull out a gun, anyone who CCWs more than one spare(and that mostly for malfunction clearing/backup against magazine failure) is probably not right in the head - and the last one classic ... no fundamentals when properly trained to become muscle memory are what saves lives ... the better your body is trained the less your results will be affected by stress and adrenaline.
"Carry with an empty chamber! You'll have time to rack the slide!" Oh FFS I hear that way way too often. Just makes me want to B**ch slap them when they say it.
Asghaad Brief retort on the spare mag if you’ll entertain it: it’s not for extra capacity. It’s to address the most likely malfunction source in a semiauto pistol.
Josh, thats exactly what i sayd up there ... "and that mostly for malfunction clearing/backup against magazine failure" ... a direct quote from my post ...
One time I was shooting skeets and i heard a guy saying to shoot a meter and a half in front of the clay because target shot is so light. I swear to God he didn't hit a single clay that entire afternoon
Riley Thomas, I'm gonna help you out a little. Please bear with me. You were not shooting "skeets". There is no such thing as a skeet. You were shooting clay pigeons. In the vernacular they are clay birds, birds, or clays, or often just "the target". The 3 common games are Skeet, Trap, and Sporting Clays. Now it does stand to reason that in Skeet Shooting, one should be shooting at "Skeets", bit it just ain't so. That's the easy part. At station #4 on a skeet field, 4 feet of lead IS the appropriate amount of lead (roughly). Actually, it's appropriate from any angle, but if the bird is flying strait away (as in Low #7 or hand thrown clays), the eye perceives this as a "dead on" hold. Sounds like B.S., don't it? To help visualize this, hold a 4 foot stick sideways, with a tack in one end to represent the Clay Target, and a pin in the other to represent the shotgun bead. When sideways it appears to be a 4' lead. NOW, turn it so you are looking through the bead (pin head) at the bird (tack). It looks like a dead on hold. If we turn the stick around, Looking from bird to bead, it still looks dead on, even though the bead is 4 feet in front of the bird. Use this to visualize an quartering target (stations 2,3,5,&6), and you'll see that the 3 dimentional 4 foot lead doesn't change, only the way in which your eye perceives it, which is decidedly 2 dimentional.
Nasty Rex lol... coffee hurts when it comes out my nose! I just know how less-than-loving some members of the gun community can be. I remember the 80s, when NOBODY called a magazine a "mag" or "magazine". The entire shooting community called them "clips"...until some high handed range ninja a-hole was faced with an experienced student who could see through his B.S., and so he whipped out the technical term "box magazine" to shame the guy, and to make himself look smarter than the old hand in front of the noobs in his class. It's douchey behavior, and it seems like the only defense is knowledge, soooo.... But myself, I say "Bullet clip" just to watch their nostrils flare!
Kinda reminds me of when we stole Mr. BeNo's door, the XO on the fast attack I was a sonarman on. The Captain made us give it back after a week or so and many futile searches for said door.
When I took my carry class, for the first 50 rounds we were not allowed to use the sights. My instructor was roasting me because all the novices were doing better at point shooting. I tried to argue that point shooting is for fast and erradic shooting, not the 10 second draw sequence they were limiting us to, no faster than that. He said nope you arent going to use your sights. Then when sighted fire came along all my muscle memory paid off, to a consistant 2 inch, 6 shot group at 7 yards. He says "I guess I see why you don't like point shooting" god I was so pissed
@@bobstark4020 he demo'd the speed he wants to see, as in move like you are a sloth drawing his gun. Video your self drawing at half speed, then slow it down 50% he wanted us to be deliberate, which i understand but basically made novices afraid of the thing they were there to become comfortable with
One of the best pieces of advice I ever got with regards to aiming, was to “look through/past the sights with both eyes.” It made it much easier to get rounds faster on target. You don’t have to wait for that one eye to line up with the front sight your concentrating on, then refocusing on the target maybe../ Idk how it works but it does lol
I was taught to keep both eyes open for short to mid range, extreme long range is ok if you only have one target. I just keep them both open regardless......been working on teaching that to one of my friends. Both eyes open; you will see twice as much.
I have been teaching people to shoot for 48 years. The reason why right-handed people shoot low and left is because of bad muscle control in their forearm. When they're squeezing the trigger with the trigger finger they're also lightly squeezing the entire grip and pulling the firearm left and low with their grip. I have them exercise by dry firing firearm by putting both hands on the weapon or even one, doesn't matter, and not letting the firearm move at all while they're squeezing the trigger. When they can master that it doesn't matter whether they yank the trigger jerk the trigger trigger has nothing to do with it because they're holding the firearm firmly while they are manipulating the trigger. I have never heard of that switching hands bullshit. Seems I missed out on a really good laugh.
@@MojoPup when I'm with people and I'm training them to get past that habit I repeat constantly only squeeze the trigger only squeeze the trigger only squeeze the trigger
Recommend those laser light dry fire phone apps like itarget. This is a continuous problem for me that said training rectifies. If the gun doesnt stay straight on target, the laser cartridge will slide down the barrel and hit the floor. Around the 5th time in 10 shots you have to go hands and knees looking for a laser pointer, you get your crap together..
You already touched on one of the most common ones I see. The "my gun is shooting left or right" etc. New shooters are unaware of operator error and automatically blame the gun. Great video.
First time I shot a pistol was an M&P Shield and I put both hands on it fired a couple rounds and the guy goes woah woah it's called a handgun for a reason you hold it with one hand I'm not even making a joke
The entire time he was explaining this he was pointing the gun at me! 5:48 I thought I was gonna shit my pants! He never told me if it was loaded or not, I just assumed it was! No, really though! I have worked with instructors who constantly flag you and don't even know it. I told one instructor that he just pointed the weapon at me multiple time while telling everyone to always keep the barrel aimed at the ground and the only thing you should ever be pointing at is the target down range. When I said that, his response was, "The safety is on, so it's fine" There was a 16yro kid he barely gave any instructions to. He pretty much just loaded the gun and told him "There ya go! It's ready!" Now, in that moment I should've pointed out that they were both facing towards everyone else and not down range like he very half-ass explained, but I just said fuck that! I'm not getting shot while learning how to "properly" use a gun and I walked out. The only safety tips on their wall was "wear ear and eye protection at all times". That's it! I'm from the stix and I know people down there that's never taken a class a day in their life and can teach you how to use a gun better than the professionals can.
@@Schwarzvogel1 , You obviously didn't read the whole thing, but I was making a joke and the simple fact is, it doesn't matter if the slide is back or not you don't point a gun at anything! unless it's a paper target downrange, a mugger or an intruder who just broke into your home.
*some professionals. Fixed it for you, because it's fucking arrogant and a dangerous precident to assume all professionals are just trying to get one over on you, simply because you aren't educated enough to know what they're talking about.
That's one that drives me crazy too. I think the Israelis made it popular a few years ago to carry with an empty chamber. You want your gun to be dangerous at a moment's notice, that's kinda the point.
Just took my LTC in San Antonio a few weeks ago and the man teaching the class said no one should carry a round in the chamber on top of spewing other crazy stuff. I was tempted to walk out.
@@chrisjones6002 Try the old west, just people stuck on the old single action mentality of having the chamber under the hammer empty. It never went away even with autoloaders, there was always Military and Police carrying that way, post WWII it rightfully fell out of favor with more modern auto loaders and safeties. With the Israelis sticking to the traditional condition 3 carry. Some of our US service members still carry their sidearm this way for whatever reason. That said I am keeping a round in front of the firing pin on everything but a pot metal SNS or a fixed firing pin SA revolver. Even my AR isn't kept "cruiser ready" but truly ready to rock. Beyond the time it takes the sound of chambering a round instsntly gives away your location, and the fact that you are armed. No buenos.
In boot camp (good old Navy) they TAUGHT us to switch hands and grips to shoot two-handed dominant (right handed) then switch to two-handed support (left handed). Lots of Beretta Bites on the live fire range from guys with thumbs crossed behind the dove tail.
"It is dangerous to carry chambered". Definitely my 'favorite' because of its potential to screw you. Also a piece: "you get the day shift...loose that flashlight". Or "nah, no need to bring your is going to be a quick patrol".
Atilowski yeah, you have to have one. The way I was taught to use one was counterintuitive and such that it’s hard to find a flashlight these days that works. It requires a switch on the side and the ability to momentarily turn on the flashlight.
Ryarios You'd be surprised how people react if they aren't that experienced and they're hit with a strong light or strobe. When I used to play airsoft you'd see grown men stop dead in their tracks, stunned, like deer in high beams.
How about the fact that, for right-handed golfers, they either slice the ball right or hook it left. There is no slicing left for right-handed golfers, by definition
I love these kinds of channels that you really can't tell what their content is about until you watch it and it turns out to be legit, thank you for the great content.
vincent stearns that’s one I hate that so many people subscribe too. May have been reasonable decades ago when most people breaking and entering might have just been desperate, but I feel the main people who commit home invasions now are actually psychotic, and will use that giveaway to try and hunt you down regardless if they might die in the process.
I don't know I mean I've pointed a gun at a few criminal swine before they seem to have stopped dead in there tracks. Allthough you should actually have your gun loaded and not just rack the shotgun.
Lil hello from Poland. Once i've take a shooting class with SpecForce instructor. He teach us to switch hands and eyes while we using cover. Right side - right hand and eye, left side - left hand and eye. His argument was: this way we minimize our body esposure. A hint: He's a medic in his squad, and he's lefty. Rest of the guys is right handed, so like he said, he's working within squad like righty. So he forced us to adapt, like he did ;)
He has a point, but I think there is a greater point - under fear / stress / time constraints - go with simple and intuitive. Hand and eye confusion is too high a price for the 2 inches you gain from switching eyes. Two handed shooting with a switch accomplishes no reduction in profile though. Don’t trade a dollar to get a dime! I would like to hear his medic advice though.... ;)
John Lovell i don't know if this is comparable - i used to be left handed, then turned to right handed, but i stayed lefthanded for weapons, and i learned how to use right hand for shooting as well, even when my left side feels more natural, and i learned this while playing airsoft, and i still switch hands when cutting corners (left-left, right-right),i also notice that less experiened players don't realize that when they cut left corner right handed, they expose their body before their gun, making an easy target, is it bad when i tell them to try to learn shooting with each hand?
Bought a Sig P320 and it was shooting down and to the left! At 5 yards it was off the target into the dirt. In order to hit the target I had to aim up and to the right (not kidding). Had range master shoot firearm to verify and indeed it was the firearm and not me. Sent firearm to Sig to evaluate and Sig said they couldn't find anything wrong with it. They sent it back and when I received it, the slide assembly and barrel were replaced. Took it to the range and shoots like a champ.
Shaun Ryan of Vigilance Elite said this is how his glock 43x was shooting and he believes it could be the weird finish (edit: actually he may have said the finish just sucks). I wonder what it was in your case. We all know Sig has a real tough time admitting mistakes.
"The cons of firing two berretta's at once is that you can never aim accurately. The good part is, you get to fire two berretta's at once." - CS:GO contractor
I practically died laughing when you pulled that damn door out and demonstrated your point haha!! It was almost as if you telepathically told us “this is the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard...” keep up the great work brother!! Great content!!
As a police officer, the amount of cops I hear say that you'll never use your sights in a real shooting scares the hell out of me. You'll see em if you train to see em. That's how it works. Mind you, these aren't cops that are training to point shoot either. They just don't train.
Front sight press, front sight press. Training, studying the law, we suck at a great deal of things. Some of it is management budget but no excuse for lack of personal commitment
@@The_SmorgMan I was going to say that a LEO who is a bad shot probably only gets in the range time budgeted by the department and no more. But we all should know that they have so much more to do than shoot. Write reports, answer calls, write reports, attend meetings, write more reports...
immikeurnot Glad I'm not alone. They're in a close tie with military guys, who usually brag about how well they qualified with their sidearm. Sad part, these are the guys anti-2a folks hold up as the few people qualified to carry firearms. I've met plenty who were good as well, but they were gun guys before their profession too. It's almost like people who are passionate about something are usually good at it lol
Jamer360 A I’ve spent about 2 hours using guns (only 1 session) and even I can tell that it’s not a good idea. Mind you I had pretty decent accuracy and could hit most targets.
John the kind of guy to have a spare door lying around for demonstration purposes...😁 On a less-comical note, is there any benefit for a right-handed shooter to switch to left two-handed AND left eye around cover? I remember doing a bit of that with the rifle on fire and maneuver courses, but wasn't sure how or if it applied to pistol.
I would say, if you are an assassin trying to keep as concealed as possible, then it might be beneficial to switch eyes to keep your head behind the door more. But otherwise it probably won't matter. I would think it's more beneficial to present more quickly and efficiently the way you always would than worry about the extra inch your head is sticking out. The main reason you do that with rifles is because the length of the rifle encumbers your ability to corner the door. So in that case you would have to present your entire body out from the door with a rifle if you don't swap. But don't take my word for that. I'm not an expert by any means.
@@NobleAIan he said for a right handed shooter to switch to left handed and left eyed for the purpose of cover. Cross eye dominance would be already accounted for in the shooter's standard operation.
I see it commonly with the CAR system because it actually does work in that context. With CAR, the handgun is in-line with the shoulder and the shooter takes a bladed stance, so from the enemy's view the result is exactly the same as if the shooter were holding a carbine. Obviously, if you're using Isosceles and holding the gun extended and in line with your core, switching hands doesn't move the gun. I'm not sure where people got this idea that hand-switching is supposed to be used with Isosceles, but it's obvious that this tip isn't intended for that system.
Yeah, but there you switch shoulders too. So ,with the stock tight against your shoulder, either left or right,. The idea there is to minimize your exposure to a threat while giving your firing hand some stability; you present a smaller profile and retain the fluidity of movement, but with handguns the difference is negligible as has been aptly demonstrated.
First time I have ever seen johns hair anyway but perfect. Normally he takes of a tactical helmet and its perfect, slow mo angels singing like when they open the ark of the covenant, a bright light and BAM perfect luscious locks. Come on bud your slipping. Haha.
Oregon Outback I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there. Hahahahahaha. I’d have a hair do like that too if my lady caught me taking a door down and use it for something.
No joke, the dude that taught my CCW course made everyone do a "tactical roll to cover" i.e., over the shoulder roll into a kneeling platform with a sirt pistol to finish the course. Now, I'd had a number of years of training as a junior cadet with my local police department under the tutelage of the SWAT team's lead sniper, and thankfully had an idea about what a good trainer should be teaching. Scares me to think there's people in that class who had never handled a gun before and probably never sought out more training running around town thinking they're some kind of gun ninja now.
My sister is a gymnast and her friend was working on something like this for a student film at some point. I don't think it was ever completed, but I will ask them about it and see if they can come up with any good ideas LOL
Had a gun shop owner tell me i should “ just carry a 45, cause all you need to do is shoot them in the toe and they are done”. That was probably 15 years ago...still laugh about I didn’t buy anything from that guy. Ha!
John, as usual, is spot on. It becomes obvious when you work dryfire sight alignment from the draw, that it's all about reps till you know when you drive your gun, your sight picture will be aligned when you press out. Like John says, the only way to truly develope that is by working sight alignment, not slop pointshooting, expecting it to get better the more ya do it. That's bass ackwards! 😉
A FBI agent in Denver should have followed that rule when he was dancing, did a back flip, had his pistol drop to the floor and when he went to pick it up, it discharged and shot a guy in the leg. Firearms have discharged when bumped or dropped.
orlock20 False. He pulled the trigger when he went to pick it up. All modern pistols have internal drop safeties. You can load one, toss it around the room until your face turns blue and it will not go off. Also... Don’t drink and do backflips while carrying...
Hi, I am a new one to follow you, from Brasil...(Brazil...rsrs) so sorry for the not american english way to say in América, but I will try to do may best. First of all, thanks for all your tips. And Let me tell you. You are really good teacher! You are good speaker! Congratulation brother! Please keep going! Thanks.
I've just gotten into firearms and watching everything I can. I'm a big golfer. Turns out shooting is exactly like golf, but with bullets! Tons of myths and bad instruction!
Glock nuts always say "train with a glock anyway you'll get used to it". Na ill deal with extra parts from another great platform. Or better Glock frame with Glock internals, like a Nomad Glock frame.
Fergesslich why does race have to come into play???? When Tex shot himself with a Serpa holster, I never thought, “So, that’s why white people .....(fill in the blank here)....” people of all colors do stupid things and give stupid advice. Ok.
YES! Even sounds like him. I kept thinking to myself “this guy really reminds me of someone” but I couldn’t stop also thinking about the info commercial/ used car salesman feel I was getting to figure it out until I read this.
When training my wife, I taught her to use the sights, two handed grip, dominant eye. She was so inconsistent that after 4 weeks, I said forget everything I taught you. Now, I want you to do what you will actually do if you ever have to defend yourself at home. Forget about the sights, pick the gun up off the table, turn and shoot the target as fast as you can. She held the gun chest high, both hands, both eyes open and pulled the trigger. The first mag was 5 of 10 in an 8 inch circle at 15 feet. In three weeks she was putting 9 of10 in a 6 inch circle at 25 feet, in 5 seconds. Maybe it's just natural to point and shoot. We grow up pointing our six-shooter like a gunslinger. Maybe that's the right way to shoot.
With the left handed argument you kept your right eye down the sight had you switched eyes your exposed profile would of been less
You can switch eyes without changing your grip. I don’t recommend switching eyes. Yes less is exposed, but you are switching up your normal, practiced shooting which means you will be a little slower on target. Put your best foot forward, get on the sights quicker, and do the rest of your hiding behind a wall of lead
By one bullets width?
@@travisgreenough6460 lol nice one depends on calibre and more like 4 or 5.
Im not advocating switching hands and eyes at all just pointing out something referring to exposure. Playing paintball (yes its different OK) we switched hands and eyes to minimise exposure so all the enemy saw was the barrel with your eye running over it, no shoulders nothing. Very small target to hit
Less is more?
And if you're right eye dominant then you'd miss each and every time.
I'm a half-way left-hander, although I shoot right hand strong side. When I switch to left hand, I naturally use my let eye. People are different. Use what works for you.
ALL my pistols were hitting low and left, so I used a vise and a torch and bent all the barrels up and right! That fixed it! Now they don't hit anything!
I have bended a silencer up and right and put it to my gun
Gotta overcome your vices.
Don't sell your inventive ideas short.
Those weapons are still good for incoming UFOs!
@@earlgraystoke3883 makeshift small arms anti-aircraft guns? Sounds like a good use!
1) hold gun sideways to improve accuracy
2) push gun forward to push bullets faster
3) grab crotch while firing
FrankieTheWop 4) use reverse psychology and point the gun in the opposite way you want the bullet to go
5) lose the fire fight and scream racism
I wonder how many people are laughing at this but never the video to which this references.
This sounds like most gangster style.
I always grab my crotch when it’s about to fire
I watch your videos every day now! Love from an English Iraq veteran. Oh and my US brothers, NEVER give up your guns. NEVER.
Hows the diversity treating you in england?
Is it your "greatest strength"?
@@Peter-ff1tp welp, most crimes in new york does not involve guns. Its usually knives. Also, im not sure where you got the statistic about less crimes. I recommend comparing the increase in crime rate in set years to determine crime, for not all cities are the same and there is too much variables to account for when comparing 2 cities from different nations directly. (I'm korean btw. Feel like you cant take away the liberty that was given for centuries with one legislation)
@@Peter-ff1tp did you mean that london has 2/3 as more murders than new york or 2/3 of the murders in new york? These two minor word choices can change the definition quite singificantly.
@@Peter-ff1tp well then David Lee responded correctly when he first answered you. Because you are saying that England had less murders than NY....and he's explaining why that statistic may be. Also, no point in being a dickwad with your condescending response when he wasn't saying anything provocative or negative to you.
Jim, that’s ok brother. The British army are always under funded, under fed and under equipped. But we always pull it out of the bag.
Now, where are my battle group sized veterans, ready to take this country back?
If we organised, all across the western world, we would send a very cold shiver up those evil f¥cks in power.
I had someone tell me" Firearm training is a waste of time cuz paper targets dont shoot back"
He was serious.
I wish I said "Would you go to the range if they did?"
Neither do people if you get them good on your first shot.
I get what he saying. But u need to train. Now yeah if u get in situation where ur life on line ur services or going to as good. But ull be better with training than without. U make the mistakes in training. Not in real world
Sounds like a guy that’s never been shot at nor had to shoot at someone. What you should have told him was that he’s a dipshit. Lol
That would actually be awesome if they had paintballs or something.
Almost starting to look like you want to sell me some oxy clean detergent
Mmmmmmm needs a white shirt instead of a black one.
...and if you order within the next 5 minutes!!!
Rest In Peace
worst advice ever.
"You don't need another Gun"
Michael Dingding that’s actually a good advice. Depending on how good u are with a gun. If you are above average that’s a great advice.
yeah i only carry one magazine in my waist pistol and one magazine in my ankle revolver and another mag in my other ankle revolver
I would like this comment, but it has 69 likes so I will leave it out of respect.
Always have two... and don’t carry something that you’ll miss for a couple of years if you’re involved in a shooting.
@@briandavenport8971 precisely the reason i got an m&p to carry instead of a high end sig or cz. Or something even more expensive. I see people carrying $1500-2000 1911s and i just dont get it. You have to constantly think that the gun is going to get confiscated by the cops post-incident, or even stolen. Though the latter is easier to prevent
"trust politicians, they have your best interest at heart" .....
worst advice EVA
Or “give money to the NRA, they have your best interest at heart”... rip bumpstocks
Hivolt Arc 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣✊👊
@@case8987 NRA: Join our organization and donate to help us protect your rights!
Me: but how do you protect our rights?
NRA: Good question
@@xylerkajiyama7544 lol I think the NRA actually prefers us to lose our rights because they think they can profit from it more
I think I can top this. Years ago a friend said we should go watch the movie Ultraviolet. I still don’t want to talk to him.
“.. you can’t get a girl pregnant if she’s on top, you know, because of gravity.”
Facts lol
I always thought the same thing, but my son has made me question this theory. Only logical solution is vaginas are completely immune to the laws of physics and inside exists a black hole void of gravity designed to steal man juices and devour dick tad poles. I brought this theory up with my wifes doctor who disagrees but he kept trying to give my pregnant wife a pabst beer so what does he know?
@@dustinp120 Probably knows more than you and your son...? 😂
@@low-budgefudge2164 I may not be a doctor or have one o dem fancy shmancy edumacations but I do know pregnant women ain't supposed to be drinking cheap shitty beer, they supposed to be drinking the good stuff like strong dark stouts, gets more vitamins thata way! P.s. I meant that as in I have a son who was conceived in such a manner, though he is smart for a 2 year old that is not a subject he personally brought up.
@@dustinp120 hilariousness! People lack a sense of humor nowadays!
So when I got my Glock 26 and put new sights on it I was having a lot of troubleshooting down and right as a left-handed shooter. I was at the range and I asked the guy next to me who "seemed like a pretty good shot" with his G19 if he could see if the sights were off. He picked up my gun and shot rounds into the same hole practically at 10 yards and then did some similar crazy tights groups at 25 yards......Well, I was amazed. He spent the next 60 minutes teaching me trigger control and the effects of anticipation flinching. After an hour he said "normally I charge for that but I see you here a lot putting the time in". I later found out he had been a firearms instructor for 30 years that taught LE Officers. Pretty cool dude! Never know what can happen at the range, both good and bad.
Shooting community is pretty great.
Lucky you, a whole hour of one on one instruction for free. Firearm classes can get pricey and thats with multiple people getting trained as well
Good for you bud!
Want my 27? I hate that thing. I have huge hands and I bought it without holding it and I hate it. I even had all kind of crap done to it.
HAha. Had same thing happen to me at LEO academy. We had an FBI instructor helping out. Long story short, he completely obliterated the X with my 6" Colt Trooper. Nope, wasn't the sights.
When you pull the trigger on a loaded gun and it misfires, immediately look down the muzzle to check for a stuck round.
If you can't clear it out with your finger, try to suck the lodged round out. Only risk is looking a little gay
Your doing it all wrong, shove your fingers down the barrel to clear the jam
Golf is a waste of perfectly good rifle range
😂 true. Good man
Absolutely not! Golf is a great sport!
@David Jenkins exactly
@@starfox1340 Yep hit the little white ball and chase it to the next shot and pay at least $50 or more to play a fair course.
Old Goat it is the pursuit of greatness and the belief that it can happen at any level. It is the peace and thought that it provides. Golf for some is not about the money, it is about the peace when battling yourself.
"I'll show you"
**Walks off with a tool box**
**Comes back with a door**
"A door!"
Was anyone else thinking? Huh. Just just through the door.
Ngl caught me off guard when my man brings in a whole ass door from the left side of the screen tho
He got that Iraqi enemy combatant body armor!
Every time I shoot a round I’ll reload. It’s how I learned on cod and it works
how is the running around with 6 guns and a 1000 rounds for each, while sprinting full speed and jumping over walls working out for you? I cant seem to pull that off even with spinach.
There's this weird glitch with my guns. All my magazine loaded ones only reload partially when I reload after each shot, like some rounds are missing. I thought they restocked when I pocketed them????
@@JohnsonTheSecond god said he would fix the glitch in 2021
@@AccountAccount-qk4kf I hope 2021 brings a better patch. update 2020 is full of bugs and the DLC sucks
Reload after every kill for pure tactical alphaness
I've heard that left hand switch thing so many times in my comments section when I shoot barriers...
To be fair, Ken Hackathorn taught us this in 2013.
Well dude you obviously should just switch to lefty when you have to BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH
I think this comes from people being taught to switch shoulders with their rifle when coming around barriers, which is completely and totally different. As John points out, no need with pistols.
Steven Seagal style
Works better for long guns.
"Close your eyes when you fire your weapon to protect your eyes"
I practice that method while using table saws becuase safety glasses make you look like a nerd
Only a couple hundred years late lol
Coyote Bite 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍
Hmm possibly if firing in a dark room to preserve your night vision, and your gun has some exceptional muzzle flash, and you've already identified your target, and they are in a funnelpoint that inhibits them from moving any direction except towards you or directly back, and your on target when you pull the trigger. Better yet just keep your eyes open.
Yeah if you're shooting a 1800s flintlock
Worst advice ever ..."Just shoot 'em in the leg."
Some guy told me that recently. I just looked at him like he just grew a 2nd head....
What about "22LR is actually MORE lethal because [more words]"
Or like Joe Biden said. Shoot a shotgun in the air.
@@Hansengineering ".22 rides bones and bounces inside the skull"
As a firearm instructor for 30 years, I can vouch for these. Well done and presented. Some of the comments below make me laugh. Keep up the good work in giving solid advice.
JUST discovered your videos.... I grew up on a large farm in Alabama, and have shot guns forever, and Sold them professionally for a retailer... but I'm finished teaching my friends/family/etc about guns.... YOUR explanations are somehow so simple and coherent that its EASY to watch you and follow your meaning and explanations.
I'll send everyone here from now on!
Great video!
“It’s useless and it’s awkward”
Pretty much describes me
Just Aguy I don’t know who you are, but I love you and you have worth.
@@Turtl-ss4lj what a suckup
@ryan rogers Pretty sure he didn't do it because of Jesus. And yeah, like I totally needed to know that I have worth.
As a firearms instructor, I've had students who thought they could forgo potentially killing someone by aiming for an arm or leg instead of upper chest center mass.
BLD Lightpainting I had a friend think that the best thing to do in a self defense situation is to shoot the guy in the leg. I took him to the range and had him shoot a Glock at 10 yards, and he didn’t hit center mass a single time. I asked him how he felt about trying to hit a guy in the leg that is gonna be moving, and he said he changed his logic lol
Even if you hit him in the leg, he'll destroy you in court. A dead man tells no lies. If you're forced to use that degree of force to defend yourself you go for the kill--my CCW instructor pushed that point pretty hard.
In Finland police often shoot people in the leg to defuse a dangerous situation. Large portion of these people survive. Also their hit rate seems pretty good.
@@Proximax9 You don't use deadly force to defuse a dangerous situation, that is what less than lethal devices are for. There may be some rare exceptions to the rule but they are far and few between.
@@phillhuddleston9445 last case I heard was when a man went crazy in a crowded town square and stabbed punch of people. Police decided to react fast and use a fire arm. They shot the guy in leg and he lived to go to jail. Often they use a taser but when it's stuff that requires more rapid response they might use a gun
Worst advice I ever heard: "Don't use a gun it is a liability, Just call the Cops".
Me:"you cant shoot me, i just called the cops"
Criminal:"damnit" **puts down gun and surrenders**
Its only a liability if he lives lol dead men tell no tales and dont charge for disabilities. (Legal logic)
I know right. Seriously, you won't get arrested for killing a person that's shooting at you. In certain states ( like Alaska ), you can shoot robber even if he doesn't pose life threat. And you can shoot rapist in Alaska too.
Fly Eagles Fly yup, certain crimes, such as armed robbery, kidnapping, sexual assault, and homicide can be met with deadly force without legal repercussions. However, you need to be careful, as you can still potentially be charged for either homicide or manslaughter if someone can prove that the force used was too extensive (magdumping a 30 rounder into a dead assailant’s head) or the situation wasn’t one that warranted deadly force (burglary suspect wasn’t armed, but you shot him because you thought he was). I live in AZ, so I’m not sure about other states’ laws, but just be careful, and don’t be too trigger happy.
fkn idiot
Storm troopers need to watch this video
They don't even try to aim up and right.
@@oneparticularlysmartape Good one.
stormtroopers only miss when they're trying to
@@jarkaiacademy It's a running gag in the StarWars community.
@@Corvus__ I know bro I was just messing around playing off obi's line in new hope about them being the most accurate shots in the Galaxy lol my bad not the best at making my jokes obvious
I am an old old instructor specifically 72 years young and I am proud of you for addressing these issues. I heard this BS from so-called firearms experts for years. Stay after these idiots.
*casually bring a door in front of the camera*
You don't have a tactical door?
The mount attachments are a little pricey, but it's well worth it.
tactical anything is worth it
fsmoura Yes! Such as tactical paper and tactical pencils!
"... A door."
Ok... so, this dumb useless video didn't cover range officers getting angry at me throwing my rounds down range with my hand.
What am I doing wrong?
Fuhq Ewe I am guessing you own a high point
Dude your probably not throwing hard enough man
You are probably not using the "spin 3 times" technique
Did you use both hands?
Omg that reminds me of Hot Shots part Deuce 😂😂😂
psst, that's a hook, not a slice. (we may have just identified PART of your golf deficiency) ;)
@drgonzo42 same
Joe Shipley I don’t know anything about golf. Figured I’d ask what a hook and a slice is?? I do love hitting pears with a golf club. They splatter.
As he described, it’s not even a hook... it’s a pull.
@ Matthew Nunley
A slice is when you strike the ball with the club face angled away from your body (open) and a hook is when you strike the ball with the club face angled towards your body (closed.) If you're right handed it means the ball flies in a curving trajectory to the right if you slice, and to the left if you hook. Vise-versa if you're left handed. A slice is probably the most common problem in golf swings because it's your wrists and forearms' job to rotate the club through the swing and make sure it is lined up correctly when you strike the ball. It's the rest of your body's job to swing the club. If you worry about hitting the ball as hard as you can, your wrists and forearms don't keep up with the rest of your body, and they don't rotate the club enough on your downswing.
"Keep your guns unloaded at home in a locked safe & your ammo in another room in a locked safe". Edit: This is a mockery of the idea. Do not ever keep your guns away from the ammo, ever.
@mike cafano Tell him you called the police & you are unarmed & mean peace, the intruder will take a moment & see the wrong doing of his actions & stop, sit down & talk about his problems with you til the police arrive to rehabilitate him.
*if you dont have kids
in chinese military camp they actually do this, to prevent rebellion.
You do want to keep the guns unloaded though. The ammo can be right next to them but do not store guns with ammo loaded, that is a great way to encourage accidents to happen.
@@ShiningDarknes If by that you mean keep a loaded magazine in your handgun but not one in the chamber while you're at home but when away from home always carry one in the chamber? Then, yes.
Dude... man to man in a totally nohomo not gay kind of way.. that’s the most beautiful hair I’ve ever seen.
Yeah that grey/black look is like a go-to for dudes past 40, mostly because it reliably looks good as hell when done to any level of quality.
Google Don Shipley.
Oh thank God you said no homo. Now it's not gay
That's pretty gay
John you know your a pretty solid firearms instructor when you get more comments about your hair than your content! Keep them coming!
I've watched quite a few of your videos. I'm an old former Marine and pistol instructor. You give good advice sir. Keep up the fight. Thank you.
Shooting without aiming is like playing guitar without looking at your hands. Its the goal, but not the way to practice. Great video
until i practice enough
That doesn't work so well with alot of firearm disciplines. But, self defense is a discipline that is unique. You need those sights to help you know your presentation is going to be putting shots where you want them. Saves alot of ammo. But, practice live fire is a must. TRAIN.
Professional guitar player here, stick to guns. (I do both and only look at one)
@@thatoneguybones8036 the strings and frets don’t move. But your fingers move across the fretboard and for students who haven’t played that long or are playing on a new guitar aren’t accustomed to the fretboard to have a “feel” of where they are.
"Carry with an empty chamber! You'll have time to rack the slide!" "Make sure to carry a spam can worth of ammo on you! Never know how much you'll need!" "No need to train! Fundamentals fly out the window in a high stress situation!"
heard all of these then spent more than hour each time arguing why those exact "facts" are stupid ...
- carrying empty chamber is downright dangerous, starting with forgetting to rack and then click on empty through dropping the gun when trying to rack to having accidental discharge because of broken messed up grip on the gun because you have to rack the slide for weapon to actually become one instead of scary looking paperweight ...
- carrying one spare mag is overkill for 99.9% of the time for anyone who is not a cop and needs to pull out a gun, anyone who CCWs more than one spare(and that mostly for malfunction clearing/backup against magazine failure) is probably not right in the head
- and the last one classic ... no fundamentals when properly trained to become muscle memory are what saves lives ... the better your body is trained the less your results will be affected by stress and adrenaline.
"Carry with an empty chamber! You'll have time to rack the slide!" Oh FFS I hear that way way too often. Just makes me want to B**ch slap them when they say it.
Asghaad Brief retort on the spare mag if you’ll entertain it: it’s not for extra capacity. It’s to address the most likely malfunction source in a semiauto pistol.
"But your Glock doesn't have safety" 🙈 my finger is the safety !!
Josh, thats exactly what i sayd up there ... "and that mostly for malfunction clearing/backup against magazine failure" ... a direct quote from my post ...
One time I was shooting skeets and i heard a guy saying to shoot a meter and a half in front of the clay because target shot is so light. I swear to God he didn't hit a single clay that entire afternoon
Riley Thomas, I'm gonna help you out a little. Please bear with me.
You were not shooting "skeets". There is no such thing as a skeet. You were shooting clay pigeons. In the vernacular they are clay birds, birds, or clays, or often just "the target".
The 3 common games are Skeet, Trap, and Sporting Clays. Now it does stand to reason that in Skeet Shooting, one should be shooting at "Skeets", bit it just ain't so.
That's the easy part.
At station #4 on a skeet field, 4 feet of lead IS the appropriate amount of lead (roughly). Actually, it's appropriate from any angle, but if the bird is flying strait away (as in Low #7 or hand thrown clays), the eye perceives this as a "dead on" hold. Sounds like B.S., don't it?
To help visualize this, hold a 4 foot stick sideways, with a tack in one end to represent the Clay Target, and a pin in the other to represent the shotgun bead. When sideways it appears to be a 4' lead.
NOW, turn it so you are looking through the bead (pin head) at the bird (tack). It looks like a dead on hold. If we turn the stick around, Looking from bird to bead, it still looks dead on, even though the bead is 4 feet in front of the bird.
Use this to visualize an quartering target (stations 2,3,5,&6), and you'll see that the 3 dimentional 4 foot lead doesn't change, only the way in which your eye perceives it, which is decidedly 2 dimentional.
@@jacobmccandles1767 0_0 did you drop a knowledge bomb?
Dillon Honore,
I guess maybe. I didn't mean to force feed the poor fellow with a fire hose.
@@jacobmccandles1767 you skeeted all over him, man
Nasty Rex lol... coffee hurts when it comes out my nose!
I just know how less-than-loving some members of the gun community can be. I remember the 80s, when NOBODY called a magazine a "mag" or "magazine". The entire shooting community called them "clips"...until some high handed range ninja a-hole was faced with an experienced student who could see through his B.S., and so he whipped out the technical term "box magazine" to shame the guy, and to make himself look smarter than the old hand in front of the noobs in his class. It's douchey behavior, and it seems like the only defense is knowledge, soooo....
But myself, I say "Bullet clip" just to watch their nostrils flare!
You hook left and slice right. Now all the golfers can have that same deep belly laugh ;o)
Came here to say this
I came here to say that too. Lol:) also don't drop your right shoulder, it's not baseball. Good luck
I don't know. I have some friends who are REALLY bad at golf...I'm pretty sure I've seen them slice it left before. ;D
@@bmbiz I have seen a slice go left but only after it hit a tree 🤷♂️
Opposite if you're left handed...
The up-and-right aiming thing is like adjusting the steering wheel on a misaligned vehicle.
It’s called Kentucky windage and it works.
Does Mrs.Lovell know you stole her Door ??
She does now, thanks to you telling everyone. ;D
You can not open on someone if You dont have a door. Good to have it somewhere clouse.
the mental image this creates made me spit a little coffee out thru my nose, that's hilarious!
Kinda reminds me of when we stole Mr. BeNo's door, the XO on the fast attack I was a sonarman on. The Captain made us give it back after a week or so and many futile searches for said door.
Just happens to have a door laying around lol
When I took my carry class, for the first 50 rounds we were not allowed to use the sights. My instructor was roasting me because all the novices were doing better at point shooting. I tried to argue that point shooting is for fast and erradic shooting, not the 10 second draw sequence they were limiting us to, no faster than that. He said nope you arent going to use your sights. Then when sighted fire came along all my muscle memory paid off, to a consistant 2 inch, 6 shot group at 7 yards. He says "I guess I see why you don't like point shooting" god I was so pissed
Ten second draw? Was the gun disassembled? Lol.
Your “instructor” is a tool. There. I said it.
@Nathaniel Shrock precisely, we had to deliberately sloth slow mow draw
By any chance did you see the instructor shoot???? I am guessing no. Which is not surprising .
@@bobstark4020 he demo'd the speed he wants to see, as in move like you are a sloth drawing his gun. Video your self drawing at half speed, then slow it down 50% he wanted us to be deliberate, which i understand but basically made novices afraid of the thing they were there to become comfortable with
Always look down the barrel for extra bullets.
check the bolt
This fucked me up lollll
Yeah, you might get a free one :)
One of the best pieces of advice I ever got with regards to aiming, was to “look through/past the sights with both eyes.” It made it much easier to get rounds faster on target. You don’t have to wait for that one eye to line up with the front sight your concentrating on, then refocusing on the target maybe../ Idk how it works but it does lol
I was taught to keep both eyes open for short to mid range, extreme long range is ok if you only have one target. I just keep them both open regardless......been working on teaching that to one of my friends. Both eyes open; you will see twice as much.
@@jeremyfredricksen1708 yeah, you kinda have to one eye peep sights for long range
I have been teaching people to shoot for 48 years. The reason why right-handed people shoot low and left is because of bad muscle control in their forearm. When they're squeezing the trigger with the trigger finger they're also lightly squeezing the entire grip and pulling the firearm left and low with their grip. I have them exercise by dry firing firearm by putting both hands on the weapon or even one, doesn't matter, and not letting the firearm move at all while they're squeezing the trigger. When they can master that it doesn't matter whether they yank the trigger jerk the trigger trigger has nothing to do with it because they're holding the firearm firmly while they are manipulating the trigger. I have never heard of that switching hands bullshit. Seems I missed out on a really good laugh.
Agreed. I still have to watch that. Silhouette shooting competitions really helped me get control over it because you have to shoot one handed.
@@MojoPup when I'm with people and I'm training them to get past that habit I repeat constantly only squeeze the trigger only squeeze the trigger only squeeze the trigger
A state patrol friend of mine told me that if the dominant hand gets injured they will switch but that was the only reasoning behind it.
Recommend those laser light dry fire phone apps like itarget. This is a continuous problem for me that said training rectifies. If the gun doesnt stay straight on target, the laser cartridge will slide down the barrel and hit the floor. Around the 5th time in 10 shots you have to go hands and knees looking for a laser pointer, you get your crap together..
Here ya go...видео.htmlвидео.html
What kind of door do you use? Got a link? Thanks for the vid!
That's no door, that's a piece of Combat Ready Assault Particulate
It's a Fortnite tactical door. Just hit L2 and it appears... (guessing, my kid plays Fortnite. Could be R2 and 🔺)
Must be a pain to lug that door around all day when youre carrying.
Speaking as a 52 year old man who has lost a lot of his hair, I have to say damn is that raging head of hair or what.
The sea was angry that day, my friends!
lol maby for you but not to me ive got more hair then he does
I'm 23 and bald. I also have to agree.
I'm 68, still have a full head of hair, although mostly gray. Never was as dark or good looking as John's. Must be my genes.
You already touched on one of the most common ones I see. The "my gun is shooting left or right" etc. New shooters are unaware of operator error and automatically blame the gun. Great video.
John, my Glock identifies as a 1911. Should I respect its pronouns and love it for what it is?
Thanks for all the likes and funny comments, folks!
Jaw reconstruction surgery is a very popular surgery.
My Glock identifies as a flashlight, so I can take it anywhere...
I always wondered what happened to Bruce Jenner's Glock from Keeping Up With The Kardashians!
If you lived with demons, you'd lose your shit too!! lol
@@billz1316 LOL, Joe Rogan.
3:21 Hodor!! Probably the wrong crowd but I laughed :)
I had to go back and listened. Promptly spent 5 minutes laughing my ass off.......thank you!
First time I shot a pistol was an M&P Shield and I put both hands on it fired a couple rounds and the guy goes woah woah it's called a handgun for a reason you hold it with one hand I'm not even making a joke
In that case I am opening up a vote that we change the word handjob to handsjob.
All those in favor?
Sweater Wearing Squirrel You’ve got my vote.
@@sweaterwearingsquirrel9302 aye
I wonder how he would instruct you to hold a rifle.
The entire time he was explaining this he was pointing the gun at me! 5:48 I thought I was gonna shit my pants! He never told me if it was loaded or not, I just assumed it was!
No, really though! I have worked with instructors who constantly flag you and don't even know it. I told one instructor that he just pointed the weapon at me multiple time while telling everyone to always keep the barrel aimed at the ground and the only thing you should ever be pointing at is the target down range. When I said that, his response was, "The safety is on, so it's fine" There was a 16yro kid he barely gave any instructions to. He pretty much just loaded the gun and told him "There ya go! It's ready!" Now, in that moment I should've pointed out that they were both facing towards everyone else and not down range like he very half-ass explained, but I just said fuck that! I'm not getting shot while learning how to "properly" use a gun and I walked out. The only safety tips on their wall was "wear ear and eye protection at all times". That's it! I'm from the stix and I know people down there that's never taken a class a day in their life and can teach you how to use a gun better than the professionals can.
You can't see that the slide is locked back throughout this video?
@@Schwarzvogel1 ,
You obviously didn't read the whole thing, but I was making a joke and the simple fact is, it doesn't matter if the slide is back or not you don't point a gun at anything! unless it's a paper target downrange, a mugger or an intruder who just broke into your home.
*some professionals.
Fixed it for you, because it's fucking arrogant and a dangerous precident to assume all professionals are just trying to get one over on you, simply because you aren't educated enough to know what they're talking about.
@@MiaogisTeas ,
Who the fuck lit the fuse on your tampon?!
"never carry a round in the chamber. It's to dangerous!!"
Yeah I laugh my ass off at people who say that
waldo mcwanw it is too dangerous. It’ll get me killed because I can’t rack the slide fast enough before the butthole raises and shoots me.
That's one that drives me crazy too. I think the Israelis made it popular a few years ago to carry with an empty chamber. You want your gun to be dangerous at a moment's notice, that's kinda the point.
Just took my LTC in San Antonio a few weeks ago and the man teaching the class said no one should carry a round in the chamber on top of spewing other crazy stuff. I was tempted to walk out.
@@chrisjones6002 Try the old west, just people stuck on the old single action mentality of having the chamber under the hammer empty. It never went away even with autoloaders, there was always Military and Police carrying that way, post WWII it rightfully fell out of favor with more modern auto loaders and safeties. With the Israelis sticking to the traditional condition 3 carry. Some of our US service members still carry their sidearm this way for whatever reason.
That said I am keeping a round in front of the firing pin on everything but a pot metal SNS or a fixed firing pin SA revolver. Even my AR isn't kept "cruiser ready" but truly ready to rock. Beyond the time it takes the sound of chambering a round instsntly gives away your location, and the fact that you are armed. No buenos.
In boot camp (good old Navy) they TAUGHT us to switch hands and grips to shoot two-handed dominant (right handed) then switch to two-handed support (left handed). Lots of Beretta Bites on the live fire range from guys with thumbs crossed behind the dove tail.
Same here. I was very disappointed.
I a door you. I'll see myself out.
@@chickensandwich1589 oh hi 4chan.
I did not hit her, it's not true, it's bullshit, I did not hit her. I did not.... Oh hi Mark!
@@chickensandwich1589 Why do I have to be reminded of that
@@chickensandwich1589 hi
Oh hi Mark!
I put your techniques to the test the other day and they really work, especially turning my support arm elbow inward to manage recoil.
"It is dangerous to carry chambered". Definitely my 'favorite' because of its potential to screw you.
Also a piece: "you get the day shift...loose that flashlight". Or "nah, no need to bring your is going to be a quick patrol".
Atilowski keep the flashlight, but personally, I don’t like them mounted on the gun. I think they are bullet magnets...
Ryarios I don't use it mounted, but for LE is definitely a handy resource.
Atilowski yeah, you have to have one. The way I was taught to use one was counterintuitive and such that it’s hard to find a flashlight these days that works. It requires a switch on the side and the ability to momentarily turn on the flashlight.
An FBI in Denver actually wished he had did that after he shot a guy in the leg when he went to pick up his pistol that he dropped while dancing.
Ryarios You'd be surprised how people react if they aren't that experienced and they're hit with a strong light or strobe. When I used to play airsoft you'd see grown men stop dead in their tracks, stunned, like deer in high beams.
"A door."
I laugh at that. Good video bro.
Man of Man that Hairdryer you use is Awsome John . 😂😂. Another great video and Content , have a Blessed Weekend .....👍👍
I saw in a movie how you can curve the bullet and make it shoot around the corner? Is this true?
Yes, but you have to super-elevate your heart rate and find Morgan Freeman
that's the exact second I turned that movie off
I was joking!! I can stop a bullet with my teeth
No, you need to practice with Angelina Jolie. The power of boners always wins
@@JustSumGuy01 cool I'm ready
I think my barrel is loose, its shooting all over the paper!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I've heard versions of that. The funniest one was when the sight really was loose and it was a legitimate gun problem.
My response: "Come back when you've had less coffee and see how it shoots then."
I hate when I watch a video, and there’s nothing I can argue about 🤬
Shawn Jarman
Welcome to the internet.
Yea fuck you
How about the fact that, for right-handed golfers, they either slice the ball right or hook it left. There is no slicing left for right-handed golfers, by definition
I love these kinds of channels that you really can't tell what their content is about until you watch it and it turns out to be legit, thank you for the great content.
All you have to do is rack the shotgun and they'll run scared
vincent stearns that’s one I hate that so many people subscribe too. May have been reasonable decades ago when most people breaking and entering might have just been desperate, but I feel the main people who commit home invasions now are actually psychotic, and will use that giveaway to try and hunt you down regardless if they might die in the process.
This would not work for Barney Fife.
I don't know I mean I've pointed a gun at a few criminal swine before they seem to have stopped dead in there tracks.
Allthough you should actually have your gun loaded and not just rack the shotgun.
@@Nabsolute_ lol.
Yea people seem to think buckshot equalls I don't need to aim for days boi.
Ya...not good advice. Your really just reveling your position and the tactical advantage of surprise
"Aim up and right"
*Can literally hear him internally screaming*
Lil hello from Poland.
Once i've take a shooting class with SpecForce instructor. He teach us to switch hands and eyes while we using cover. Right side - right hand and eye, left side - left hand and eye. His argument was: this way we minimize our body esposure.
A hint: He's a medic in his squad, and he's lefty. Rest of the guys is right handed, so like he said, he's working within squad like righty. So he forced us to adapt, like he did ;)
He has a point, but I think there is a greater point - under fear / stress / time constraints - go with simple and intuitive. Hand and eye confusion is too high a price for the 2 inches you gain from switching eyes. Two handed shooting with a switch accomplishes no reduction in profile though. Don’t trade a dollar to get a dime! I would like to hear his medic advice though.... ;)
John Lovell i don't know if this is comparable - i used to be left handed, then turned to right handed, but i stayed lefthanded for weapons, and i learned how to use right hand for shooting as well, even when my left side feels more natural, and i learned this while playing airsoft, and i still switch hands when cutting corners (left-left, right-right),i also notice that less experiened players don't realize that when they cut left corner right handed, they expose their body before their gun, making an easy target, is it bad when i tell them to try to learn shooting with each hand?
I’m so thankful that this was the first time I heard all of this “advice “. 😂 Thank you for sharing!
Bought a Sig P320 and it was shooting down and to the left! At 5 yards it was off the target into the dirt. In order to hit the target I had to aim up and to the right (not kidding). Had range master shoot firearm to verify and indeed it was the firearm and not me. Sent firearm to Sig to evaluate and Sig said they couldn't find anything wrong with it. They sent it back and when I received it, the slide assembly and barrel were replaced. Took it to the range and shoots like a champ.
holy shit I thought this was a good joke till I read the second half
Shaun Ryan of Vigilance Elite said this is how his glock 43x was shooting and he believes it could be the weird finish (edit: actually he may have said the finish just sucks). I wonder what it was in your case. We all know Sig has a real tough time admitting mistakes.
That's a good way to check though! Asking a more experienced shooter to see if it's you.
"The cons of firing two berretta's at once is that you can never aim accurately. The good part is, you get to fire two berretta's at once."
- CS:GO contractor
I think you mean "B'e'r'r'e't't'a's'"
Mouse wheel firing binds were the best
Ok... what about gator rolling on the ground while getting headshots? Saw it in Lethal Weapon... seems legit
kidmosey he trains at the Mel Gibson school for badassery.
John greetings from Chile!! You just earn a new subscriber!! Thanks for the video!!
"Dont clean your gun, carbone works Like lube!"
Oh god I've seen that before, don't remember who said it though 😂
Firing your weapon keeps the barrel clean. It's the last round that gets it dirty!
I practically died laughing when you pulled that damn door out and demonstrated your point haha!! It was almost as if you telepathically told us “this is the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard...” keep up the great work brother!! Great content!!
As a police officer, the amount of cops I hear say that you'll never use your sights in a real shooting scares the hell out of me. You'll see em if you train to see em. That's how it works. Mind you, these aren't cops that are training to point shoot either. They just don't train.
Some of the most incompetent shooters I've seen on a range have been cops.
Brian - Completely agree. And they can't shoot worth a #$%&, either. 😉
Front sight press, front sight press.
Training, studying the law, we suck at a great deal of things. Some of it is management budget but no excuse for lack of personal commitment
@@The_SmorgMan I was going to say that a LEO who is a bad shot probably only gets in the range time budgeted by the department and no more. But we all should know that they have so much more to do than shoot. Write reports, answer calls, write reports, attend meetings, write more reports...
Glad I'm not alone. They're in a close tie with military guys, who usually brag about how well they qualified with their sidearm. Sad part, these are the guys anti-2a folks hold up as the few people qualified to carry firearms.
I've met plenty who were good as well, but they were gun guys before their profession too. It's almost like people who are passionate about something are usually good at it lol
Great videos as always! So funny, the golf anecdote - My friends always tell me to turn my body right, to take care of the left hook.
Have a good weekend Mr and Mrs Poet.
I can't stop looking at John's hair
"But wait, there's more!"
“Put your finger on the trigger to rest”- some hippie
Jamer360 A I’ve spent about 2 hours using guns (only 1 session) and even I can tell that it’s not a good idea. Mind you I had pretty decent accuracy and could hit most targets.
ConTDM dude it’s a joke
Your channel is my favorite channel. I learn a great deal from your videos and I love the added humor.
John the kind of guy to have a spare door lying around for demonstration purposes...😁
On a less-comical note, is there any benefit for a right-handed shooter to switch to left two-handed AND left eye around cover? I remember doing a bit of that with the rifle on fire and maneuver courses, but wasn't sure how or if it applied to pistol.
let me show you, *drags a door over for demonstration* and I am laughing out loud.
Why of course he just keeps all this stuff stored in his divine beard.
I would say, if you are an assassin trying to keep as concealed as possible, then it might be beneficial to switch eyes to keep your head behind the door more. But otherwise it probably won't matter. I would think it's more beneficial to present more quickly and efficiently the way you always would than worry about the extra inch your head is sticking out. The main reason you do that with rifles is because the length of the rifle encumbers your ability to corner the door. So in that case you would have to present your entire body out from the door with a rifle if you don't swap. But don't take my word for that. I'm not an expert by any means.
Cross eye dominant
@@NobleAIan he said for a right handed shooter to switch to left handed and left eyed for the purpose of cover. Cross eye dominance would be already accounted for in the shooter's standard operation.
The way you can quickly check if the gun is loaded is to pull the trigger while aiming at somone
That's the only way to be sure
Great advice! Thanks for sharing
I've only seen the switch to left advice given when shooting carbines/rifles.
It’s good advice for rifles
I see it commonly with the CAR system because it actually does work in that context. With CAR, the handgun is in-line with the shoulder and the shooter takes a bladed stance, so from the enemy's view the result is exactly the same as if the shooter were holding a carbine. Obviously, if you're using Isosceles and holding the gun extended and in line with your core, switching hands doesn't move the gun. I'm not sure where people got this idea that hand-switching is supposed to be used with Isosceles, but it's obvious that this tip isn't intended for that system.
Yeah, but there you switch shoulders too. So ,with the stock tight against your shoulder, either left or right,. The idea there is to minimize your exposure to a threat while giving your firing hand some stability; you present a smaller profile and retain the fluidity of movement, but with handguns the difference is negligible as has been aptly demonstrated.
Thank you for a serious but fun way to get this info. into our heads. GREAT job!
First time I have ever seen johns hair anyway but perfect. Normally he takes of a tactical helmet and its perfect, slow mo angels singing like when they open the ark of the covenant, a bright light and BAM perfect luscious locks. Come on bud your slipping. Haha.
Hair less than perfect, only because he just finished wrestling that door away from Ms. Poet.
Ok I’m not the only one. That hair was messing with me. LOL good vid though!
@@oregonoutback7779 I was thinking sex hair haha
Maybe he's finally giving up on trying to hide those gray hairs. lol
Oregon Outback I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there. Hahahahahaha. I’d have a hair do like that too if my lady caught me taking a door down and use it for something.
What if your doing a tactical cartwheel..then how would you shoot? 😜 Carry On
No joke, the dude that taught my CCW course made everyone do a "tactical roll to cover" i.e., over the shoulder roll into a kneeling platform with a sirt pistol to finish the course. Now, I'd had a number of years of training as a junior cadet with my local police department under the tutelage of the SWAT team's lead sniper, and thankfully had an idea about what a good trainer should be teaching. Scares me to think there's people in that class who had never handled a gun before and probably never sought out more training running around town thinking they're some kind of gun ninja now.
Austin Morriss That’s to funny, Carry On
With your feet ....obviously 😉.
My sister is a gymnast and her friend was working on something like this for a student film at some point. I don't think it was ever completed, but I will ask them about it and see if they can come up with any good ideas LOL
The Spetsnaz would figure it out I'm sure.
Had a gun shop owner tell me i should “ just carry a 45, cause all you need to do is shoot them in the toe and they are done”. That was probably 15 years ago...still laugh about I didn’t buy anything from that guy. Ha!
I've heard that, too. Where did that myth come from?
John, as usual, is spot on. It becomes obvious when you work dryfire sight alignment from the draw, that it's all about reps till you know when you drive your gun, your sight picture will be aligned when you press out. Like John says, the only way to truly develope that is by working sight alignment, not slop pointshooting, expecting it to get better the more ya do it. That's bass ackwards! 😉
Worst advice ever : "Carry with an empty's safer ."
A FBI agent in Denver should have followed that rule when he was dancing, did a back flip, had his pistol drop to the floor and when he went to pick it up, it discharged and shot a guy in the leg. Firearms have discharged when bumped or dropped.
@@orlock20 That's not from a loaded chamber that's from carrying in a non retention holster. Plus his finger pulled the trigger...
orlock20 well if you carry then you would consider avoid body movement like a GOD DAMN BACKFLIP to prevent situation like this
orlock20 False. He pulled the trigger when he went to pick it up. All modern pistols have internal drop safeties. You can load one, toss it around the room until your face turns blue and it will not go off. Also... Don’t drink and do backflips while carrying...
There is no consensus on this therefore you cant objectively declare either side correct.
This guy kind of reminds me of John Sheppard from Stargate Atlantis
Hi, I am a new one to follow you, from Brasil...(Brazil...rsrs) so sorry for the not american english way to say in América, but I will try to do may best. First of all, thanks for all your tips. And Let me tell you. You are really good teacher! You are good speaker! Congratulation brother! Please keep going! Thanks.
Portuguese, that’s the language we speak around here, we 🙏👏🤙👏👏👏
Your English isn't that bad
Hola mi amigo
That information was very useful. I was doing all of what you said not to do. Thanks i will use these helpful tips on the range.
My favorite advice is that the buffer in an m4 has a light if you shake it lol kills me every time
My instructors: “perfect practice makes perfect.”
I've just gotten into firearms and watching everything I can. I'm a big golfer. Turns out shooting is exactly like golf, but with bullets! Tons of myths and bad instruction!
excellent advice on sight alignment. Practice, practice, practice, then practice some more.
John can you maybe elaborate on 1 eye open shooting vs. Both eye open shooting? My wifes department teches 1 eye and I dont agree
I close both eyes, empty all available magazines, then slowly open one, to see what's left standing.
You just made my day lol...I literally cried I laughed so hard.
Oregon Outback I close both eyes and shoot. I can't seem to get very good at aiming though.. I don't know why..
AlabamaPanther Johnson ….. I aim to please :)
Oregon Outback that's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off
Some of the worst and best advice I’ve heard : “you just need to get a glock” Perfection for many, not for all
Glock grips feel funky to me. I know they are good guns, but if it doesn't feel comfortable to hold, I can't rely on it.
Glock nuts always say "train with a glock anyway you'll get used to it". Na ill deal with extra parts from another great platform. Or better Glock frame with Glock internals, like a Nomad Glock frame.
@@HalcyonVoid same here... if it isn't comfortable to hold I won't shoot it.
I'm on the "ew the triggers are like toy gun triggers" gang. A Beretta was one of the finest crafted tools I ever picked up.
Literally everything I've seen from VODA firearms training
@@Fergesslich oh wow lol
Ha ha ha
Indeed. +1 for you.
Fergesslich why does race have to come into play???? When Tex shot himself with a Serpa holster, I never thought, “So, that’s why white people .....(fill in the blank here)....” people of all colors do stupid things and give stupid advice. Ok.
xxfire07 wooosh
Thank you again for great information.
It's a poor musician that blames his instrument.
As a poor musician, can confirm 😆
@@Diesel257 Don't worry, all musicians are poor.
This dude reminds me of a more sane version of Mac from Super Troopers.
YES! Even sounds like him. I kept thinking to myself “this guy really reminds me of someone” but I couldn’t stop also thinking about the info commercial/ used car salesman feel I was getting to figure it out until I read this.
When training my wife, I taught her to use the sights, two handed grip, dominant eye. She was so inconsistent that after 4 weeks, I said forget everything I taught you. Now, I want you to do what you will actually do if you ever have to defend yourself at home. Forget about the sights, pick the gun up off the table, turn and shoot the target as fast as you can. She held the gun chest high, both hands, both eyes open and pulled the trigger. The first mag was 5 of 10 in an 8 inch circle at 15 feet. In three weeks she was putting 9 of10 in a 6 inch circle at 25 feet, in 5 seconds. Maybe it's just natural to point and shoot. We grow up pointing our six-shooter like a gunslinger. Maybe that's the right way to shoot.
Great video!! Keep up the great work. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.