MAX Level Ghillie Suit SO GOOD I Got Stepped On! 😮 (Airsoft BB Sniper)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @Jake_Ru55on
    @Jake_Ru55on Год назад +4330

    We need more people like the guys at the end of the video, in the Airsoft community 😂😂. NO Arguments or hating just there to have a good time and meet new people. 👍🏼

    • @airsoftcamman
      @airsoftcamman  Год назад +356

      I agree. These were good guys.

    • @Jake_Ru55on
      @Jake_Ru55on Год назад +31

      @@airsoftcamman Amazing Video as always 🤙🏼

    • @ruvimbalan7713
      @ruvimbalan7713 Год назад +10

      Yes I agree ☝️

    • @welfare_childd5466
      @welfare_childd5466 Год назад +29

      Thets usually how it ends mostly. I rarely ever see freak out or disputes. Everyone’s genuinely nice and tries to help out new players and give them a place of comfort. At least where I’m from they do that

    • @SgtGoodGaming
      @SgtGoodGaming Год назад +11

      I love it when you meet people like this at any field, Its just a game at the end of the day and have some good laughs and make new friends. I love playing Airsoft and its the best hobby for me cause I love meeting new people and having fun, but it also gives me a good workout as well

  • @HobsonRW
    @HobsonRW Год назад +1195

    Loved how at the end, after you'd congratulated them on their game play, the guy that got you pointed out what gave you away. Good sportsmanship all round, the way the game should be played!

    • @Raz0rking
      @Raz0rking Год назад +13

      You can also see him considering to shoot him in the backside and deciding against it.

    • @robinhadley
      @robinhadley Год назад +1

      ​@@Raz0rkingI think he was looked like the weapon jammed.

    • @Pl4ksn0r
      @Pl4ksn0r Год назад +6

      @@robinhadley from that range it would definitely hurt getting an airsoft ball in your ass/upper- lowerback so he went for the “melee” to not harm him.

  • @daveapparently2467
    @daveapparently2467 Год назад +1466

    This video is a perfect example of something that alot of players dont understand... pick your shots! just because someone is in front of you doesnt mean you have to shoot them! let a few get past and lead the enemy team into a false sense of security... literally my main play style right there and it brings out the true salt in so many players 😆

    • @nolansaylor7710
      @nolansaylor7710 Год назад +17

      Yes, butt he had such a funny shot he could've taken to give himself away.

    • @nicolae-alexandruluca7853
      @nicolae-alexandruluca7853 Год назад +28

      Not only that but constantly shooting also makes noise, imagine real ghillied up soldiers with their rifles make far more noise, how many had to stay low and not fire praying to God they don't get spotted through their camo, shit can be extremely stressful cause at any given moment you could be spotted from enemies from the side or rear, this guy had no idea the guy was behind him and poked him, then he jumped from the scare

    • @southpark1you0
      @southpark1you0 Год назад +12

      even when I used to play CoD, id use the stealth perks and just lay there with the enemy bodies. let em all run past, and mow em down, no grass needed.

    • @fat_jesus9668
      @fat_jesus9668 Год назад +3

      Trigger discipline ong

    • @gabrielsoto5677
      @gabrielsoto5677 Год назад

      that is useful but i also like to snipe not with ghillie but just kinda hiding with foilage on me but i like to shoot everyone i see that because it kinda makes them know they are in danger and are going to get shot but if they start to catch on to where i am i stop.

  • @Proccito
    @Proccito Год назад +2308

    Only you can make a boring event of a guy just laying still for no idea how long into an intense "edge of the seat"- 10 minute video, which only brings smiles to the viewers, yourself AND your opponents. Very well done!

      @ISRAELNERDS Год назад +13

      It is not boring...It is camping...

    • @Proccito
      @Proccito Год назад +36

      @@ISRAELNERDS "Camping" is a the objective, but "boring" is subjective. You can't really correct me in that sense.

      @ISRAELNERDS Год назад +3

      @@Proccito I don't think it is incorrect, just rude...

    • @Proccito
      @Proccito Год назад

      @@ISRAELNERDS Your words against mine, see you in court

      @ISRAELNERDS Год назад +1

      @@Proccito Rude people do not go to heaven, enjoy court, I prefer Jesus.

  • @Rawr-a-Saurus
    @Rawr-a-Saurus Год назад +1016

    Small extra tip for everyone using ghillie’s , at the place you will setup your OP/FP , take foliage from that area and mix it in your ghillie, the suit is just a base designed to mix with area foliage to better disappear in the environment

    • @kindcat1963
      @kindcat1963 Год назад +16

      please explain what OP/FP is?

    • @Rawr-a-Saurus
      @Rawr-a-Saurus Год назад +100

      @@kindcat1963 observation post / Fire Position

    • @shanelynch9533
      @shanelynch9533 Год назад

      Scope is a dead fkn give away. Anything straight and black doesn't occur in nature. Get a cape and drape over yourself. Even a shaw would help . If these boys had done any hunting growing up you definitely know it.

    • @CCM1199
      @CCM1199 Год назад +49

      Yeah that green he has on his suit was also giving him away. Im pretty sure if he set it up prior to LD, He wouldve never been found. for you non-military LD is Line of Departure

    • @NorthernCadaver
      @NorthernCadaver Год назад +57

      ​@@CCM1199 the guy said the bottom of his shoe gave him away

    @DW-AIRSOFT Год назад +252

    These are the kind of guys I want to airsoft with, great bunch of guys, no whining or crying just working together to work out where you were. Great video!

  • @tompitkin7351
    @tompitkin7351 Год назад +1047

    We spent ages trying to find you. You kept us all on our toes as always

    • @franshaan7388
      @franshaan7388 Год назад +15

      Bet it was hard to swipe the area!

    • @EcclestoN00
      @EcclestoN00 Год назад +80

      One of you needs to invest in a thermal monocular 😂, absolute best thing I've bought for hunting.

    • @Tommy-sn2dm
      @Tommy-sn2dm Год назад +11

      @@EcclestoN00 that sounds awesome

    • @Synnn.
      @Synnn. Год назад

      @@EcclestoN00get a little thermal scope too light him up real quick😂

    • @cappytan9058
      @cappytan9058 Год назад

      Any tips you got for a starter?

  • @medrichsoftair8246
    @medrichsoftair8246 Год назад +400

    Incredible... finally a field where there are no cheaters or children crying for being eliminated... it's a true rarity!

    • @AJgaming-ce1ln
      @AJgaming-ce1ln Год назад +2

      What do you have against children

    • @AJgaming-ce1ln
      @AJgaming-ce1ln Год назад +2

      What do you have against children

    • @anotherordinaryfellow6935
      @anotherordinaryfellow6935 Год назад +14

      Idk man...Grown Teens/Adults playing Airsoft while a child who has no experience of Combat, Sportsmanship, and Gun Discipline.
      Thinking he'll play like in Cod only to be tagged by Adults on the other side,
      If they cry, well, thats on them really.

    • @Despafrfr
      @Despafrfr Год назад +7

      @@anotherordinaryfellow6935 ive played airsoft around 5 times and in most of them the grown men were the ones not calling hits. ofc theres the occasional kid crying and all

    • @Delphic_Wendigo
      @Delphic_Wendigo Год назад +2

      @@AJgaming-ce1ln Better to have something against children than something for them I say

  • @lyddonmike
    @lyddonmike Год назад +812

    Loved that, good thinking play on both sides. Also, perfect example of why I am always telling people to fully craft their boots 👍🏻

    • @airsoftcamman
      @airsoftcamman  Год назад +154

      I still learn lessons on how to improve my game every game.

    • @lyddonmike
      @lyddonmike Год назад +36

      @@airsoftcamman it's a never ending learning curve 👍🏻

    • @bassimprovjams3772
      @bassimprovjams3772 Год назад +1

      @@airsoftcamman how can a dude in Florida get into this?

    • @GeneralA6
      @GeneralA6 Год назад +2

      this also happened to me, was spotted by my boot. after that, I tried to add some leaves, etc, to the boot, but it would fall during the game. any tips ideas?

    • @lyddonmike
      @lyddonmike Год назад +1

      @@GeneralA6 I ended up covering my boots in brown silicone, then rubbing them in a load of dry dirt and compost to cover them.

  • @BattleCattleSA
    @BattleCattleSA Год назад +392

    9:07 i love the consideration this fellow showed in deciding not to shoot our hero in the butt.

    • @NicoleVanderwyst
      @NicoleVanderwyst Год назад +16

      Made me laugh when you were tapped with another sniper rifle is was so funny when he scared you

    • @NicoleVanderwyst
      @NicoleVanderwyst Год назад +1

      He could see you

    • @NicoleVanderwyst
      @NicoleVanderwyst Год назад


    • @ShadowNova300
      @ShadowNova300 Год назад +15

      @@NicoleVanderwyst Tbh I think he knew the guy was behind him but wasn't sure if he saw him. So rather than move and make the guy 100% see him just don't move as he may not even know ghillie man is there.
      Cause he didn't really seem surprised when he got tapped. More like he was waiting to see what was gonna happen.

    • @ehcanadabuddy
      @ehcanadabuddy 8 месяцев назад +4

      I think his safety was on, and when it didnt fire he changed his mind.

  • @brycehoch2963
    @brycehoch2963 Год назад +6

    Dog this video is literally nothing, BUT how intense it is, and the moment's where you hold your breathe AND also hear this guy exhale after holding his own breathe, awesome

  • @connorclemmons8698
    @connorclemmons8698 Год назад +98

    I may not play the sport, but to get stepped on and not have your position be given away is something amazing.

    • @SourBogBubble
      @SourBogBubble Год назад +8

      there is no amount of rot thatll make a branch feel human.

    • @1022Ping
      @1022Ping Год назад +7

      @@SourBogBubblethe leaves might have cushioned it or he was too focused on something else

  • @bouldy2
    @bouldy2 Год назад +64

    Everything about this was great, The people you shot you didn't target places that would cause pain even tho you could of easily.
    The guys flatout accepting they are out without issue.
    The Guys looking for you and the guy that found you not shooting the crap out of you.
    Honestly that was great.

  • @rainesorrow1986
    @rainesorrow1986 Год назад +31

    Gotta love the sportsmanship of the opponent players. Not only did he find him, but told him what exposed him so he could correct it.

  • @wierdestone_alive4697
    @wierdestone_alive4697 Год назад +44

    Calm , control , trigger discipline, patience. Close to perfect camouflage. Everything was so good

  • @zoey8977
    @zoey8977 Год назад +29

    3:48 that must feel scary and amazing at the same time. Just comes up from behind, doesnt notice you and walks straight past you, not even a meter away

    • @davidmclean-e5k
      @davidmclean-e5k 10 месяцев назад +2

      He did notice him. He was out. You can hear him snitching to his teamate.

  • @MrBrewsk
    @MrBrewsk Год назад +21

    Got a good laugh when you shot the 2 at 7:04 & 7:09, with the guy sitting 5-6 meters to your 3 o'clock and never heard anything. I've been stepped on or had close calls quite a few times in my career. Best one was when I was in Germany, was aggressing a unit and one of their Lt's stopped so she could take a restroom break. I was close enough to smack her on the backside. When we had our debrief, I told her she needed to be more careful about where you do your business. She said there was no way I was that close to her. I walked up to her and whispered into her ear that was a nice butterfly tattoo on your left hip. The expression on her face was awesome. That was pretty cool at the end where he showed you what gave you away. Great video.

  • @shaunpatterson9148
    @shaunpatterson9148 Год назад +18

    the guy you hit at 4:45 , is the type of player i hope to be, calls his hit and says nice shot, what a lad.

  • @TehMafiaTV
    @TehMafiaTV Год назад +9

    9:08 - 9:09 is the exact moment of realization; can even see his eyes figuring out your position just from seeing a glimpse of your foot.
    This was an awesome one

  • @TheEechavez03
    @TheEechavez03 Год назад +16

    I love that he helped you out and let you know that there was a spot on your shoe that was giving you away! Love the airsoft community!

  • @claudio6636
    @claudio6636 Год назад +97

    In going to say, I'm so thankful that i found your channel, because you actually bring nice content, you're a good sportsman, and you're NOT being an absolute narcissistic moron as other airsoft sniping based content creators.

    • @1022Ping
      @1022Ping Год назад

      Calling out mustang 😂

  • @Ghostmod01
    @Ghostmod01 Год назад +32

    This video was great the fact you got stepped on and almost stepped on 2x more without being seen just goes to show how effective a suit like that can be. Great video was fun to watch.

    • @1Flyingfist
      @1Flyingfist Год назад +2

      Do the guys realise that some people will have the suits on? That chunky guy was walking very nonchalantly.
      I'd be moving like it's predator if I ever did this. Or I'd need one of those fishing optics or something.
      But I get hay-fever, so I can't 😕

    • @hereandnow3156
      @hereandnow3156 Год назад

      ​@@1Flyingfist I doubt they know there is a ghillie on the field prior to spotting him. They're probably aware there could be but it would be hard to always prepare for one without knowing for sure he's there.

  • @ethandoyle4522
    @ethandoyle4522 Год назад +9

    The amount of humility and dignity this kind of sportsmanship takes is crazy. Also one of the most incredible yet hilarious videos I’ve ever watched 😂

  • @aakesson1
    @aakesson1 Год назад +18

    I'm not an airsoft player of any sort and I'm not really sure why this video got recommended but I loved it! Especially the end. What a lovely group it must be to play with! Keep it up!

  • @meemoshobbies9511
    @meemoshobbies9511 Год назад +12

    That was a great game day, I'm the guy you shot @1:41 btw.
    Got to say that I will be glad to get my own gear soon

  • @darkflames9
    @darkflames9 Год назад +11

    1:10 My man went straight for the family jewels ☠️☠️☠️

  • @crazysob83
    @crazysob83 Год назад +17

    It was SUCH a good group of lads, was my first time playing at that game and it was amazing fun and everyone was so helpful and friendly.

  • @Gadrius
    @Gadrius Год назад +10

    I love seeing good sportsmanship like this .. not only were they cool about it but also let you know where you needed to improve.

  • @vordet8261
    @vordet8261 Год назад +9

    I really like this type of low cut, no commentary content! Nice work

  • @qaaris4280
    @qaaris4280 Год назад +2

    I'm not really into airsoft content, but I really enjoyed seeing you take each shot calmly and carefully, and the end where everybody was chill was just perfect.

  • @warwolveairsoft
    @warwolveairsoft Год назад +14

    This has to be my now number one most favorite gameplay footage to watch, I was literally holding my breath at one point. Thank you for sharing this with the rest of us. 👍

  • @josephreagan9545
    @josephreagan9545 Год назад +1

    Videos like these make me realize just how screwed I will be during civil war 2/ ww3.
    No going out in a blaze of glory or seeing my life flash before my eyes.
    I will be trekking through a forest thinking I am being really clever and then..bam...darkness. ...and that's it.
    I'll die just like an extra in a movie. won't even know what hit me.
    suddenly I'll be standing before God wondering where everything went wrong.

  • @Stryzekn
    @Stryzekn Год назад +2

    I love the Sportsmanship of the guy who found you, not just point blanking you and giving you a tap instead. its good to see.

    • @forgotten.mystery.
      @forgotten.mystery. Месяц назад

      @Stryzekn it's airsoft him doing that wouldn't have been a problem unless he decided to Mag dump.
      Tell me you know nothing about airsoft without telling me you know nothing about airsoft any louder please.

  • @KrITIK4L
    @KrITIK4L Год назад +139

    I mean... yep, i do miss the NGRS videos... but this? this is just an amazing content right here, and the fair play displayed by all players on the video restores a little bit of faith in airsoft players :D

    • @airsoftcamman
      @airsoftcamman  Год назад +27

      The NGRS is still ready to come out to play one day. 👍

  • @ftrider1768
    @ftrider1768 Год назад +40

    The power of a good ghillie suit along with accurate shots, awesome 👌

  • @mattiemathis9549
    @mattiemathis9549 Год назад +1

    Found this from the short. I really appreciate how all the participants immediately signaled when they got hit. I’ve seen so many videos of jerks who don’t play fair and it has actually prevented me from trying it out.
    Great sportsmanship all around!!
    Great shooting and I guess I’ll watch more of your videos…❤

  • @cynopol2933
    @cynopol2933 Год назад +24

    Amazing video, felt the tension the whole way through. Love the sportsmanship of the player who found you. Told you what gave you away so you could be that much better next time.

  • @dragon-talon
    @dragon-talon Год назад +2

    Great sportsmanship! I love seeing it when people act chivalrously on the field like that!!!! I also like how everyone relaxed and laughed in the moment, so great!

  • @reactivereplays5666
    @reactivereplays5666 Год назад +14

    What an incredible video! All those woods and not only do plenty walk RIGHT past you... This guy LITTERALLY losers his footing stepping on you and continues past without a second thought ( yeah this is our zone; no enemies here for SURE!).
    Meanwhile, you are lighting his teammates up left and right. RIGHT from behind his back lol....
    Edit... LOVE the ending. All the lads on the other side, "I FOUND EM E IS RIGHT ERE! The cheeky bastard!" Smiles and high fives all around! That's awesome man!

  • @PyjamaRex
    @PyjamaRex Год назад +10

    Wholesome moment. Would have been a blast to see you after the game go talk to the one who stepped on you just to tell him :P
    Keep up the good work!

  • @Vangienator
    @Vangienator Год назад +3

    This was one of the best airsoft videos I have watched so far. An the guy who found you was really considering shoot or just tap... Glad he chose the latter, I know how a BB can hurt from short distance

  • @Aartwood
    @Aartwood Год назад +5

    What a brilliant watch! Such sportsmanship and laughter at the end. Loved it!

  • @docdawson
    @docdawson Год назад +17

    Amazing skills. Also how often they call "hit" so fast is amazing. I love such player.

  • @joshgnzlez116
    @joshgnzlez116 Год назад +4

    That was epic !! Taking shots while enemy was a 10ft away! It was tense! Love the video!

  • @English.Andy1
    @English.Andy1 Год назад +3

    Proper game play for once. No abuse, everyone calling their shots. Brilliant

  • @andyoconnor2117
    @andyoconnor2117 Год назад +14

    Love it! Well played. Don't think I could be that patient.

  • @jakebale3537
    @jakebale3537 Год назад +32

    Great game play! The patience you showed and target selection, crazy! Trying sniping for the first time this weekend any tips for someone who’s play style has always been fast and up front!?

    • @airsoftcamman
      @airsoftcamman  Год назад +23

      Slow movements and don’t be so quick to take out the first person you see.

    • @stevestrohacker8436
      @stevestrohacker8436 Год назад +3

      Breath, slow your heart rate, relax, and confidence you chose a good blind to shoot from. Use the other commenter's points as well and have fun. I used to shoot paintball and simply loved the sport. Play by attrition as well. Use that advantage.

  • @AngryBullAirsoft
    @AngryBullAirsoft Год назад +6

    It's crazy when the video where you're not shooting is just as gripping as when you are. Brilliant from everyone in this vid.

  • @lockonstratos7787
    @lockonstratos7787 Год назад +8

    Imagine having a friend further back to cover you and a 3rd to cover him and a 4th.
    A 4 man sniper team can run a game like this

  • @super_gaming214
    @super_gaming214 Год назад +1

    The fact that they went all laughing and friendly you know they are amazing teammates

  • @MattieD
    @MattieD Год назад +7

    I've never been to an airsoft event like this, but now I really want to. That was one of the coolest things I've seen. You guys make it look like so much fun!

  • @R3d1100f
    @R3d1100f 3 месяца назад

    the honesty and integrity of the players in this video is exemplary.

  • @stevestrohacker8436
    @stevestrohacker8436 Год назад +21

    I can imagine some of the players thinking, "Where the hell did that shot come from? There are no people in that direction."
    I loved playing defense and getting the opponents from behind. Kinda messes with their strategy.

  • @Goldenking_2005
    @Goldenking_2005 Год назад +6

    5:27 bro sounds like an npc who is just alerted during a stealth mission😂

    • @aurelliatri
      @aurelliatri 4 месяца назад +1

      "There's a sniper out there somewhere"

  • @anon3748
    @anon3748 Год назад +4

    The dude that found you is the vibe, even let you know what gave you away.

  • @entropyarcade
    @entropyarcade Год назад +1

    I like that the fellow who found you also let you know what gave you away: Good Sportsmanship!

  • @Kaiimei
    @Kaiimei Год назад +3

    At 5:27 I would have cried laughing if after he said "There's a sniper out there somewhere" you shot them both and got up, shooting as you went, much to their shock at the sudden reveal. That would have been, while suicidal, absolutely glorious.

  • @TheLastArbiter
    @TheLastArbiter Год назад +1

    DAMN that was INTENSE!! 😂I love that they’re talking about you and don’t know that you’re right on them, or they’re on you lol. Like a movie, like that scene from Shooter

  • @mmerpremm
    @mmerpremm Год назад +26

    Normally I don't lay in dry areas with a suit covered in greenery, but I'm no expert and I don't know what the entirety of the surrounding area looks like. Also it looks like it worked seeing as you were stepped on 😂 You did a great job covering yourself in the surrounding dry plants to add an amazing blend of brown and green to stay hidden in better. 10/10

    • @norsia1946
      @norsia1946 Год назад +4

      It baffles me how no one noticed him. you'd think he'd stick out. I'm surprised no one saw the reflection of his scope or his gun when they got close.

    • @christopherlail8694
      @christopherlail8694 Год назад

      ​@Norsia Something I had to teach myself when I was younger was how to spot animals before they spot me. You don't ever look for the animal. Cause if you do you'll never see it first. You look for what is out of place or shouldn't be there. Then it basically pops right out in your face.

    • @curtisridge2506
      @curtisridge2506 Год назад +1

      @@christopherlail8694 yep, it does well at breaking his outline, but the colors, while believable, are off. Especially for the area he set up in, but as you said, if your looking for him, and not what doesn't belong, you will miss him all day.

  • @Overlycomplicatedswede
    @Overlycomplicatedswede Месяц назад

    I love how you all laughed and just continued on with no dumb arguments or fights because you got hit
    Also impressive how still you can sit when a group of 6 opponents is basically in reaching distance of you

  • @christopherweber9464
    @christopherweber9464 Год назад +5

    This was outstanding ... You are cool, calm and collected. I would hate to be on the wrong end of your scope.

  • @silly_ghillie
    @silly_ghillie Год назад +1

    Very suspenseful. Need to start wearing my Ghillie trousers again.

  • @hellsniper4418
    @hellsniper4418 Год назад +5

    A true sniper, what a bloody legend

  • @A.M.O.Adventures
    @A.M.O.Adventures Год назад +2

    "There is a SNIPER out there somewhere"... 🤣 ...Next lvl work brother!...Geep up the great vids. 🤘

  • @freedomisthegoal1
    @freedomisthegoal1 Год назад +3

    9:14 bro did not let the intrusive thoughts win

  • @Kaiimei
    @Kaiimei Год назад

    I literally giggled and whispered "Oh my god" with my hands over my mouth when that guy walked past, that was like the Call of Duty 4 Pripyat mission, someone walking RIGHT PAST YOU and just not seeing you.

  • @ChrisxStyleZ
    @ChrisxStyleZ Год назад +11

    6:14 is when he gets stepped on

    • @happycroatian
      @happycroatian 5 месяцев назад +1

      tysm,you saved me 9min of watching🙏🙏

    • @stevengreen-o3k
      @stevengreen-o3k 4 месяца назад +1

      Omfg thanks so much that helped me alot

  • @cixtos
    @cixtos Год назад +2

    Love the reaction your opponents had! They’ll be telling that story for a while 🍻

  • @Freethorpe
    @Freethorpe Год назад +4

    Played against you the game in this video I was the first person that almost stepped stepped on you. I had a green hood on and a black coat and vest. Love the content as well

    @FOXGREEN Год назад +1

    That was very engaging man. So simple but so so well done 👌

  • @WineOnTheDime
    @WineOnTheDime Год назад +4

    First, it was really cool how they didn't just blast you when they found you. Second, it was also really cool how he told you that he discovered you from the writing on the bottom of your boot.

  • @Crymble
    @Crymble Год назад +1

    Also love how he didnt shoot you close range. I dont know if everyone would act like that but that was sportsmanship :)

  • @maniac6655
    @maniac6655 Год назад +3

    The awareness of their surroundings is just amazing 🤣

  • @reviero4272
    @reviero4272 Год назад

    The "ouch" is a bit late 🤣 part of the camouflage, can't let anyone know even the pain should be unseen 🤣🤣🤣 great game.

  • @ambushthesniper5729
    @ambushthesniper5729 Год назад +4

    Well played way to keep your cool like always CamMan. Look forward to the next video that drops cheers.

  • @TreyVaswal
    @TreyVaswal 9 месяцев назад

    The sportsmanship of these players is outstanding!

  • @galaxity5146
    @galaxity5146 Год назад +4

    Love you’re content keep it up man💪🏽

  • @masonbartelt9959
    @masonbartelt9959 Год назад +2

    its wonderful to see a ghillie player not shooting people in the unprotected areas or face just because they can

  • @oscarfraley1587
    @oscarfraley1587 Год назад +3

    Thanks for the most interesting videos u are the best air soft player ever god job

  • @jakeherring2417
    @jakeherring2417 Год назад

    One of the best airsoft videos I’ve seen, it was so intense specially with that humming noise in the background 😂

  • @ShadowSniperUK
    @ShadowSniperUK Год назад +3

    That was the most intense vid of yours ever. Fucking loved that.

  • @vinnieg.6746
    @vinnieg.6746 Год назад +1

    "Ouch" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'll bet it did. That was some fantastic stealth mate! Keep it up. Can't wait for the next video.👍

  • @jasongordon7937
    @jasongordon7937 Год назад +4

    In an alternate universe, he didn't tap you because of the "bang bang" rule to kill you but rather to ask you, "Are you kicking mustang?"

  • @DBSTH0R
    @DBSTH0R Год назад

    4:26 "I'm your Huckleberry!" :D
    Great gameplay, enjoyed it!

  • @lilmemer2227
    @lilmemer2227 Год назад +4

    Love your content!

  • @michieldemeyere6819
    @michieldemeyere6819 Год назад +6

    Okay that the ghillie suit hid you very well but how did the guys walking past you not even see your gun

  • @ManiaAirsoft
    @ManiaAirsoft Год назад +2

    This was one of the best sniping videos that I have seen in a very long time. Well done bro on a quality video….

  • @Vault_OfWealth
    @Vault_OfWealth Год назад +3

    3:55 okay, i know he is wearing ghillie, but bro please... weapon sticking out... please man

  • @Kazerioth
    @Kazerioth Год назад +1

    That's some good sportsmanship and critique, telling you how he caught yah so you can make it even better.

  • @Shirva33
    @Shirva33 Год назад +5

    I get the sniper is in a ghillie suite, but his rifle looks very visible to me. How did the people who walked by or on him not see it?

    • @notarussian5589
      @notarussian5589 Год назад

      The painting of it helps it blend in, as well he has a type of wrap to disrupt the silhouette. And people walking past him are coming from behind, so his body blocks it. And no one was looking closely for a rifle on the ground

    • @Shirva33
      @Shirva33 Год назад

      @@notarussian5589 ok. Thx for explaining

  • @tiaremccarrison4805
    @tiaremccarrison4805 Год назад

    So many chaos in the back,then theirs the lone wolf in action pribs trying not to die of laughter😂😂

  • @DrWatson4
    @DrWatson4 Год назад +3

    Imma be honest I have no idea how that first guy didn’t see the people shaped green mass among the dead brown bushes and leaves or see the large gun on the ground

    • @clarkstone439
      @clarkstone439 Год назад

      I agree with you on the gun, that needed some leaves or something, but not in the way of the cameras or scope.
      however, regarding the person-shaped green blotch on the ground, i noticed that too. However, if you look, there are other green splotches as well. He would benefit from putting some sticks on him after he lays down, though.

  • @diamondtron01
    @diamondtron01 Год назад

    I felt that moment when the first guy walked past you. I was playing Gundam Battle Operation 2 once as the Gundam Pixie, which is a stealth unit. I was on a city map in a back alley road on the edge of the map. I saw an enemy pop up on my radar so I went prone in the shadows. Both of them walked right past me.
    The second guy who hit you, I would've had a pistol under the rifle for close range hits.
    The guy who found you, were it me, I would've just said to you (Obi Wan) "Hello there")

  • @thefirsttrillionaire2925
    @thefirsttrillionaire2925 Год назад

    5:27 My man on full Tom Clancy mode! 😂 Sam Fisher approves!

  • @NightmarePB
    @NightmarePB Год назад +1

    WOW! Well done good sir!

  • @symonlibera7011
    @symonlibera7011 26 дней назад

    Ending was way too wholesome. Great to see that.

  • @keiichan713
    @keiichan713 Год назад

    when that guy scream "YOU CHEEKY BASTARD" LMFAO loved it, such a fun vibe

  • @tosvamigaming
    @tosvamigaming Год назад +1

    Loved the slow and stealthy elims. Keep up bro!

  • @martinjeffries8435
    @martinjeffries8435 Год назад

    That was fun to watch. Brought a big smile at the end. Thanks Camman.

  • @renegadetla9331
    @renegadetla9331 9 месяцев назад

    It’s nice when people appreciate a good play and a good game, rather than only wanting to win ❤🎉