This series has been the perfect description of the League experience. 4 players that played the game for years, but also look like they know nothing of the game and can't help the noob dude asking for directions.
In my experience playing with teams that average silver to Grandmasters elo, it is not common at all even for people that can climb solo Q to know how to be a good teammate and communicate properly in organized teamplay settings
@@CJprodz it means I’ve played things like 5v5 ranked, flex, and norms with 5 man people in voice comms with a lot of different skill levels/ranks and people being good at communicating properly and strategizing is extremely rare To me it doesn’t even look like most of them are actually being serious to want to win besides Soda because the other higher ranked players should be controlling the macro of the team better
@@ryryjagoat9494 I dont think they are good enough to be "controlling macro". Im 99% sure that all of them log on league, mindlessly play a few games, then log back off. There is no analyzing of games, watching replays or trying to get a better understanding of the game.
Bruh it was absolutely the right play to not go for that fight for Soda at the start lmao it's the kind of situation in solo queue where you get spam pinged for "not helping" when its 100 % the right play
@@mintjuliper9689 Him and NMP are both low rank, and just because you're higher rank in comparison doesn't mean you're automatically correct in every situation. This is a prime example... lol
i never said it makes you automatically correct I SAID that people who were higher elo then him were telling him he could have fought and won. because of his lack of awareness he lost the fight for them. and if you are higher elo that does mean you have a higher knowledge of the game then someone below your rank and should listen.
LOL. I need to go watch the full stream of this or something. Saw it on my recs on Emiru's channel. This is the dream team. Will they win? That wasn't the question.
This series has been the perfect description of the League experience. 4 players that played the game for years, but also look like they know nothing of the game and can't help the noob dude asking for directions.
In my experience playing with teams that average silver to Grandmasters elo, it is not common at all even for people that can climb solo Q to know how to be a good teammate and communicate properly in organized teamplay settings
@@CJprodz it means I’ve played things like 5v5 ranked, flex, and norms with 5 man people in voice comms with a lot of different skill levels/ranks and people being good at communicating properly and strategizing is extremely rare
To me it doesn’t even look like most of them are actually being serious to want to win besides Soda because the other higher ranked players should be controlling the macro of the team better
@@ryryjagoat9494 I dont think they are good enough to be "controlling macro".
Im 99% sure that all of them log on league, mindlessly play a few games, then log back off. There is no analyzing of games, watching replays or trying to get a better understanding of the game.
Vei is a real keeper and couple defender, that every gay man wish to have.
when she's not constantly gaslighting she sounds pretty chill
@@aboutblank2270 she's consistently being tsundere and this is ok.
@@STARGUN8687 sorry, i don't understand the weeb talk
i love that dynamic of vkey and soda flaming each other when they are on their own and then when there's other people they protect each other, so cute
Nick: Soda why are you here with low HP?
Nick: Soda why werent you there?
Bruh it was absolutely the right play to not go for that fight for Soda at the start lmao it's the kind of situation in solo queue where you get spam pinged for "not helping" when its 100 % the right play
No he's just bad.
@@LordCantinflas Ye chance is awful but that was a terrible fight to take
if it was the right play why were people who were higher elo then him saying that he could do it.
@@mintjuliper9689 Him and NMP are both low rank, and just because you're higher rank in comparison doesn't mean you're automatically correct in every situation. This is a prime example... lol
i never said it makes you automatically correct I SAID that people who were higher elo then him were telling him he could have fought and won. because of his lack of awareness he lost the fight for them. and if you are higher elo that does mean you have a higher knowledge of the game then someone below your rank and should listen.
This really how it be playing with friends on this ass game 😂
Blind leading the blind
Nick flaming can’t be serious XD
Full bleeds PYAH
Ha this pains me to watch, they do NOT need to coin flip a fight over a gromp, how are they making Soda the bad guy here?
Well he could have been just recalled then fought with his team
Moore Run
LOL. I need to go watch the full stream of this or something. Saw it on my recs on Emiru's channel. This is the dream team. Will they win? That wasn't the question.
It seems they don't have team synergy.
@@MrJayfreeable That's the point! The point is definitely not to win! This is not the team for winning. It is content I would watch though.
@@nathanfee9644 true, i agree
is that 54k riot points? Crazy
nick playing seraphine lol
Nick was carrying tho
D: gasp
That’s a bannable offense, delete that Ai jpeg thing
huh when did nick play league
lacari coping and deflecting thats hes 1/8 in a lobby like this lmao
Yea but he’s got a point that soda always does give up whenever he’s the one behind
Vei, what you did was wrong! You should apologise to Chance and Nick!
She’s hella toxic
I like the part when Emi asked if they were being griefed. It seemed like she also had more to say.
Lacari is boosted lol 😂 they really don’t get it how tf does anyone lose to sett on illaoi and the jungle is Diana that’s a free lane bro
Nick might be the best player/gamer in here
NGL Veis kind of a Karen
Chat what champ is soda playing
Klein Prairie
Nick was wrong. Soda was playing smart.
No you're wrong. Gladiator is never wrong.
Pfff, typical League moment (I never played League)
I wish this was Dota.
soda is soy a
soda gey soda ga y so da gaeeeeh sss oo o da gaaa yeee