What Happens If You Bring A Korok To The WRONG Buddy?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 235

  • @GG7311_YT
    @GG7311_YT Год назад +488

    Once i was helping a korok on the sky island. It’s the one where you have to put him in a Minecart to ride across the gap. I forgot that you can attach koroks to things, so he kinda fell off the sky islands and landed all the way down in Hyrule. WITHOUT DESPAWNING. So yeah I couldn’t help him but hopefully if I go back now I can help him.

  • @tobiaskoran6787
    @tobiaskoran6787 Год назад +365

    Ok but like we still don't know what happens when you bring a korok to the wrong buddy

    • @jbradley166
      @jbradley166 Год назад +59

      I decided to test that out so I found one and looked for another and I found the other and they don’t do anything they just say “I need to reach my friend!”

    • @Holdens_Hideout
      @Holdens_Hideout Год назад +27

      ​@@jbradley166Your comment was kinda hard to understand so here's a revised version for me to make fun of you with:
      I decided to test it out so I activated two korok- reaching quests and brought the korok from one quest to the other quest's campfire and nothing happened. They just kept saying "I need to reach my friend!"

    • @venti2569
      @venti2569 Год назад +35

      @@Holdens_Hideout”this comment is wordy and hard to read, but with grammarl-“

    • @Holdens_Hideout
      @Holdens_Hideout Год назад +15

      @@venti2569 alright, I kinda deserved that one.

    • @venti2569
      @venti2569 Год назад +5

      @@Holdens_Hideout Loll im sorry i had to

  • @Sabagegah
    @Sabagegah Год назад +262

    What if you talked to another Korok who needed to reach his friend while Koroknapping the first one?

    • @keygremlin
      @keygremlin Год назад +97

      yeah, they didnt even properly test the thing in the thumbnail

    • @MBZ901
      @MBZ901 Год назад +9

      let's see if we can attach two koroks together

    • @jabzilla21
      @jabzilla21 Год назад +24

      @@MBZ901 You can attach two koroks together. Also someone made a floor of their car out of nothing but koroks. Put wheels and koroks together. It worked.

    • @Fr34ksh0w_C1rcu5
      @Fr34ksh0w_C1rcu5 Год назад +6

      They just both tell you that they need to find their friend in the little text bubble over their heads

    • @keygremlin
      @keygremlin Год назад +10

      @@Fr34ksh0w_C1rcu5 yeah and then their other friend appears, letting you bring the other korok to them

  • @cyanthehedgehog777
    @cyanthehedgehog777 Год назад +13

    4:11 i love how naydra is chillin in the background like "what is he doing??"

  • @JafoTHEgreat
    @JafoTHEgreat Год назад +21

    Those bokoblins getting that korok:
    Boko1:Honey, our uber eats is here?!
    Boko2: i didnt order a salad!!
    ⭐⬛⬛⬛⬛ !

    • @ThatCG
      @ThatCG Год назад


  • @majuuorthrus3340
    @majuuorthrus3340 Год назад

    Watching the horse bit like "Malanya's gonna be SO MAD."

  • @bobturpin7611
    @bobturpin7611 Год назад +19

    what happens when you take the wrong crystal to the shrine? though you will need both shrine quest active.

    • @JR-kj2px
      @JR-kj2px Год назад +5

      Not possible, the crystal will despawn if it's too far away from its shrine

  • @dwaynejackson551
    @dwaynejackson551 Год назад +67

    The stabilizer thing is good to know. Might put it on a flying machine to keep it in the air while I shoot stuff.

  • @freakishtech2310
    @freakishtech2310 Год назад +7

    After picking up the first korok to bring to the wrong friend. You need to find another korok with a bag and talk to him to make the second koroks friend appear. Their friends don't spawn until you talk to the korok with the bag. It's possible to spawn their friends with multiple koroks with bags next to each other nearby.

  • @kannakant7827
    @kannakant7827 Год назад +108

    Took a break from videos for a while to avoid spoilers but I'm glad you guys are still up to hilarious shenanigans. 😂

    • @The8asement
      @The8asement  Год назад +15

      Smart move but welcome back!!

  • @jhhwild
    @jhhwild Год назад +25

    You should have talked to the other Korok to make his buddy spawn then took the other one there. But maybe the cut scene where the Korok shows you the plume of smoke would make the other one disappear so you can only do one at a time

  • @mastercyclone9053
    @mastercyclone9053 Год назад +1

    4:11 TeamRocket's Blasing off again!!:

  • @finnbob7412
    @finnbob7412 Год назад +2

    I just downloaded this yesterday and I use to watch you years ago

  • @Uneke
    @Uneke Год назад +7

    I’ve been wondering what happens if you break the rubble covering the mural, in front of Zelda at the beginning lol

    • @bthebumblebee33
      @bthebumblebee33 Год назад

      I don’t even think it’s possible to break. Maybe with insane glitches??

    • @Uneke
      @Uneke Год назад

      @@bthebumblebee33 the unbreakable master sword, it is. If you drop a weapon fused to a rock

  • @danas62
    @danas62 Год назад +2

    Never thought to try a catapult to get a Korok to his buddy.....

  • @TheRealBatabii
    @TheRealBatabii Год назад +31

    Why didn't you talk to the other korok first to get the one to spawn? Or bring both at the same time

    • @jvnebugged
      @jvnebugged Год назад +1

      i thought the same thing

  • @somerandomkickball
    @somerandomkickball Год назад


  • @Link98745
    @Link98745 Год назад

    Cats got nothing on Link.
    Cats: I have 9 Lives...
    Link: I have infinite you stupid fur balls!

  • @Corne22
    @Corne22 Год назад +2

    Using 4 rockets doesn't give any benefits over using just 1 for your plane, you could save some zoanite by not having to build those

  • @dylangamesandmore4295
    @dylangamesandmore4295 Год назад +21

    Ooh hilarious video The Basement

  • @creatirv
    @creatirv Год назад +9

    Just attach one rocket to you wing, there is no difference on how many you put together, the thrust distance will always be the same.

  • @Drachenbauer
    @Drachenbauer Год назад

    for korok to wrong friend experiment try this:
    First bring him to the backpack-korok, that wants to go to your choosen destination and talk to that one to activate his friend, than bring the first one there.

  • @Harrahi
    @Harrahi Год назад +2

    clicked for the thumbnail
    stayed for the torture

  • @JJw.1.
    @JJw.1. Год назад +10

    This korok abuse is too 😢

  • @Satoru_Gojo_0001
    @Satoru_Gojo_0001 Год назад +1

    Ah yes! Korok Abuse! My favourite!

  • @mikuenjoyerXD
    @mikuenjoyerXD Год назад +1

    Oh my god the Link in the thumbnail is killing me 🤣

  • @planetboxsaturnia3686
    @planetboxsaturnia3686 Год назад

    Found this from recommended and didn’t realize this was a two-person channel, I legit thought the same guy had layered his voice over the video twice for nearly a minute

  • @justyourfriendlyneighborho903
    @justyourfriendlyneighborho903 Год назад +4

    Try bringing a shrine crystal to the wrong shrine

  • @DuskyDawn
    @DuskyDawn Год назад +3

    It may be a bit tight but what if you activate a rocket on a towing harness and then mount the horse? I tried recalling the harness and it did nothing until I climbed on and only then it pulled him backwards

  • @famlrnamemssng
    @famlrnamemssng Год назад

    i love the part where you brought the korok to the wrong buddy

  • @CountDigression
    @CountDigression Год назад +1

    I came here for the answer the question you asked in the title... I MUST have MISSED it... Where is it? When is it? 🙃

  • @Kram1032
    @Kram1032 Год назад +14

    what happens if you have *both* koroks with you so the buddy *is* around, and *then* attempt to bring them to the wrong buddy?

  • @winterrain1947
    @winterrain1947 Год назад

    I keep wondering why those keese are there at that point in the game like that?
    Could they be for the game to learn if the player knows what to do?
    Could the game be setting a difficulty level based on how easily you're able to kill those three Keese?

    • @topaz_sword
      @topaz_sword Год назад

      I would guess it's just a tutorial in combat.

    • @winterrain1947
      @winterrain1947 Год назад

      @@topaz_sword *shrug* yer probably right.

  • @AlanACarlson
    @AlanACarlson Год назад +2

    I literally screamed at my computer, "you should have talked to the other korok to make his friend appear!!" How could you seriously not think of that???
    Make a new video and do it again and do it RIGHT this time!!!

    • @waffler-yz3gw
      @waffler-yz3gw Год назад +1

      its not that deep bro

    • @AlanACarlson
      @AlanACarlson Год назад +1

      @@waffler-yz3gw Yeah but when something is half done and posted as click bait then I'm not satisfied.

  • @laurensmith2485
    @laurensmith2485 Год назад

    The Mario sunshine background music LMAO

  • @MintyyMangos
    @MintyyMangos Год назад +2

    I wonder what happens when you try to autobuild a korok

    • @BrBill
      @BrBill Год назад

      Been wondering this for weeks

    • @kaylabowen6429
      @kaylabowen6429 Год назад

      just the backpack gets built, i wanted to make a statue of one but it didnt work

    • @BrBill
      @BrBill Год назад

      @@kaylabowen6429 At least it's useful to autobuild a rocket to a newly found Korok's backpack

  • @xthriteenx
    @xthriteenx Год назад +1

    I Wonder what would’ve happened if you talked to the right korok so his friend is there then take the wrong one

  • @LazerFrog_
    @LazerFrog_ Год назад +2


  • @Camellia_theRaccoon
    @Camellia_theRaccoon Год назад +1

    What if you put the horse in a box, and THEN add a rocket.

  • @icedevil3795
    @icedevil3795 Год назад +8

    you can get up to 40 hearts now! but Nintendo still make you choose between full stamina or full hearts. theres 152 shrines and the reward is awesome, ive spent 3 days getting all the shrines

    • @chrismeulen8108
      @chrismeulen8108 Год назад

      you clearly don't have a life if it took you less than a month to get all the shrines, i'm still only about halfway on the shrines.
      then again, i don't use any guides to find them....

  • @ajvYT
    @ajvYT Год назад

    5:57 you seriously have to try to get this one

  • @mangosarethebestfr
    @mangosarethebestfr Год назад +1

    Uh, link the kidnapper... I think that's why it's "the basement"..

  • @DaellusKnights
    @DaellusKnights Год назад +1

    Guys, you missed an excellent experiment with the physics engine... When you had the stabilizers sticking out over the egde doing the gyroscope thing, you really should have tried standing on the end sticking out! 😁😂

  • @chloenorton8613
    @chloenorton8613 Год назад +24

    I never thought about this but its such a cool idea! I wonder how they'll react

  • @sarahtonen4873
    @sarahtonen4873 Год назад

    Christian Kirbo would not approve of kidnapping a Korok

  • @miguelweycoelho2276
    @miguelweycoelho2276 Год назад +5

    Why does everyone just abuse korok’s in this game they don’t deserve it 😢 😂😂

    • @The8asement
      @The8asement  Год назад +2

      because it's hilarious :D

    • @Existing_person5
      @Existing_person5 Год назад +1

      ​@@The8asement hey why not throw them into the depths? That's fun >:)

    • @MidnightWings11
      @MidnightWings11 Год назад

      I didn't think of that! Imma try that 😜

    • @Lord_Doodle
      @Lord_Doodle Год назад

      I crucified 3 of them to the same cross then threw them into the forest of time chasm

    • @lugiamastero13
      @lugiamastero13 Год назад

      Realistically I think they got tortured in this game because of Hestu's gift in Botw

  • @V0ltzEditz
    @V0ltzEditz Год назад +2

    I’m betting there is gonna be soo many glitches with the double floaty stabilizer..

  • @Frizzly007
    @Frizzly007 Год назад

    You could have stopped at the other starting korok then bring the wrong one. And put some butter on the bottom of the tank when you drive down the chasm. 😂

  • @gannonkendrick9343
    @gannonkendrick9343 Год назад +2

    You didn't even answer the question you posed as the video title.
    That's the definition of clickbait.

    • @The8asement
      @The8asement  Год назад

      Wrong. We brought him, and he wasn't there.

  • @minecraftmeteor5255
    @minecraftmeteor5255 Год назад

    the reason the first rocket didnt work is because you attached it wrong! if the green stuff is where the fire thing is on the rocket it wont launch (i suck at explaining stuff idk if this makes sense)

  • @shuaishuaiji4205
    @shuaishuaiji4205 Год назад +1

    what if you fuse a korog to a weapon

  • @blakerenimu9033
    @blakerenimu9033 Год назад

    Ah so you have to be touching the machine when it falls! I dropped an airbike down a hole and tried following it just to see it despawn mid way :(

  • @madmantv704
    @madmantv704 Год назад

    I wonder if anyone will try to catch one of the skeleton horses in the depths, and get it to the surface to check in at a stable lol

    • @The8asement
      @The8asement  Год назад +4

      Oh interesting idea!!!!

    • @serapheid3669
      @serapheid3669 Год назад +4

      Sadly, you still can’t register the stalhorses. There’s a few that spawn at night around the Sanidin Park Ruins near Satori Mountain so you can bring them to a stable, but sadly it’s the same result from BotW. Though it would be cool to see if you can try and bring one to the surface

    • @madmantv704
      @madmantv704 Год назад

      @@serapheid3669 sad days lol

    • @serapheid3669
      @serapheid3669 Год назад +1

      @@madmantv704 yep, i was just really disappointed I couldn’t keep my skely horse :(

  • @KSTV10019
    @KSTV10019 Год назад +1

    I didn’t realize this video was from you guys but I got really happy when i did

  • @AndreaHaynes-ne9zn
    @AndreaHaynes-ne9zn 11 месяцев назад

    I once brought a moral to my house in the game.

  • @Mr.wigglerhehe24
    @Mr.wigglerhehe24 Год назад

    You guys always make me laugh

  • @HeidiVanSambeek
    @HeidiVanSambeek Год назад

    I need to see the catapult accept with rockets attached to it so the koroks get more air time

  • @Allanpogi34
    @Allanpogi34 Год назад

    The smiles freaks me out😅

  • @Sora-Mi
    @Sora-Mi Год назад

    For your korok catapult you actually made it, I just use a cooking pot and call it a day

  • @mariejackson3212
    @mariejackson3212 Год назад

    Haha, I had a good laugh watching this! Thanks!

  • @stuff2227
    @stuff2227 Год назад

    6:20 you do have 30 already and could in botw. you can get 40 in totk

  • @StrangeChickandPuppo
    @StrangeChickandPuppo Год назад

    What if you made a platform of like, 4 stabilizers stuck bottom to side, in a square, and then jumped onto it as it fell (maybe making it rise up with hand, and then reversing it so it would go off an edge) ..would it fall slow the entire time all the way down from a sky area? would it gradually pick up enough speed to fall faster than you? If you made it all the way down, would you take fall damage? Maybe you could make a cage on top so you could get inside and it would trap you inside to make you fall as fast as it did

  • @TheDancer-ok9jl
    @TheDancer-ok9jl Год назад +4

    The more rockets you add you don’t go faster it goes the same speed as one rocket

    • @The8asement
      @The8asement  Год назад +2

      lol yeah, we learned that later.

  • @jcwzolo
    @jcwzolo Год назад +3

    What happens if you bring them to the wrong friends? They learn bad habbits thats what 😅

  • @ZeldaFan-
    @ZeldaFan- Год назад

    I am so glad you guys are back to play the new game

  • @donnalemke8948
    @donnalemke8948 Год назад

    Can you break the master sword on the rocks blocking the murals at the beginning

  • @YungBubbleWrap
    @YungBubbleWrap Год назад

    5:11 is if peta owned totk
    He cant kill the animals

  • @Mr-that-guy-99
    @Mr-that-guy-99 Год назад +4

    Me and my brother got a korok from duelling peaks stable to the sky limit it took almost a day

  • @josephbenjamin6426
    @josephbenjamin6426 Год назад

    Soooo… we STILL don’t know about the Korock thing

  • @Decopunk1927
    @Decopunk1927 Год назад

    Multiple stabilizers stabilize at the average vector.

  • @og-nesley3885
    @og-nesley3885 Год назад

    This video should have an NSFW. 😂The stabilizers are touching butts. Not to mention the korok murder.

  • @KnightTimeLuigi13
    @KnightTimeLuigi13 Год назад

    That thumbnail.....😂😂😂😂

  • @dukeofsomething129
    @dukeofsomething129 Год назад

    The thumbnail is a nightmare fuel ._.

  • @zachtwilightwindwaker596
    @zachtwilightwindwaker596 Год назад

    I have a feeling this won't work. I have seen someone do something like this with an orb in Breath of the Wild and that didn't work either.
    You should have tried talking to the other Korok to get it to appear and than take the different Korok to it.
    I wonder if someone made a human catapult?
    I thought the stabilizer would bounce.
    Try a tank that will be hard to fall out of.

  • @valkyriealpha
    @valkyriealpha Год назад +1

    What happens when you lose focus midtask, less appealing of a title.

  • @ALittleGhostInWonderland
    @ALittleGhostInWonderland Год назад

    once I made a korok log sandwich and used it as a raft of sorts

  • @pixilmon
    @pixilmon Год назад +1

    Would auto build work with korok attatched

  • @Superkid33
    @Superkid33 Год назад +1

    3:36 What an epic villain line

  • @Unfunniestvesselonearth
    @Unfunniestvesselonearth Год назад

    But what happens when you bring a korok to the wrong buddy?

  • @HeartlandHunny
    @HeartlandHunny Год назад +1

    These are some good scientific results, gentlemen. We have learned much today. Primarily that Koroks make excellent Guinea pigs. I fear the day they rise up and ally with the Cuccos to seek their revenge. It’s inevitable at this point.

    • @The8asement
      @The8asement  Год назад +1

      hahaha! KOROKS REVENGE!

    • @Lord_Doodle
      @Lord_Doodle Год назад

      But that woman kakariko already got cuccos

  • @samsungintelinside
    @samsungintelinside Год назад

    Want happens when you the crystal to the wrong shrine

  • @peta4635
    @peta4635 8 месяцев назад

    when two bottums come together... . cute

  • @juliawozniczko2441
    @juliawozniczko2441 Год назад

    What if you fuse a korok to a sword or smth? and what if you ultrahand a korok to somthing, save the build and then use autobuild

  • @dreamimgflowerd976
    @dreamimgflowerd976 Год назад

    Nice Korok bullying, my fav past time in Totk

  • @seankins7173
    @seankins7173 Год назад

    What if you ride the two stabilizers down from a high point?

  • @ViEdits00
    @ViEdits00 Год назад +5

    I love you guys!!! So funny and wow that Korok went high! 😆

    • @MidnightWings11
      @MidnightWings11 Год назад +1

      It practically hit Naydra! Has anyone ever ridden on the back of a dragon through the depths? I have, it was AWESOME

    • @Lord_Doodle
      @Lord_Doodle Год назад

      I have on drinall

    • @MidnightWings11
      @MidnightWings11 Год назад

      @@Lord_Doodle do you mean dinral the fire dragon

    • @Lord_Doodle
      @Lord_Doodle Год назад


  • @AlanJohn-r2h
    @AlanJohn-r2h Год назад

    drop double stabiliser from a sky island

  • @ThatCG
    @ThatCG Год назад

    I love you guys XD

  • @exeratis
    @exeratis Год назад

    I'm watching this in look forest

  • @patrickfarrell7963
    @patrickfarrell7963 Год назад

    I am inspired activate two separate chorox's and take them to the wrong friends.

  • @z-dawggog53
    @z-dawggog53 Год назад

    When link dies zelda is just like welp guess I need a new knight at least getting the master sword for him will be easy

  • @Ashersakovich9851
    @Ashersakovich9851 Год назад

    Guess what I tried throwing in the water but came back when I came back?? My name is Asher

  • @Fostero7
    @Fostero7 Год назад +1

    Are you guys going to make more ragdoll videos?

  • @Superkid33
    @Superkid33 Год назад +3

    Pretend to be a horror movie director/actor and go around different monsters and make some overly dramatic (yet hilarious) storyline
    Or just pretend to be a director of some random movie and act like the monsters are terrible actors

  • @charliechute4722
    @charliechute4722 Год назад

    it spun because u didn't put them on right

  • @Phoenix_Trite
    @Phoenix_Trite Год назад

    What if you fuse a korok to a weapon

  • @LysolPionex
    @LysolPionex Год назад

    But what if you talked to the second korok first

  • @legendofme152
    @legendofme152 Год назад

    5:00 the hero of hyrule at his finest

  • @matthewsantiago2267
    @matthewsantiago2267 Год назад

    1:42 You can also use a hover bike and don’t have to worry about it breaking

  • @joshisanL
    @joshisanL Год назад

    The thumbnail 😭😭💀💀💀