A number of my Great Grandfathers were Coachmen and later Carmen in both the late Georgian and Victorian periods. One such was a Coachman to a private Household in Marylebone, his family ( Wife and children ) living in the Mews behind the main House for over 30 years. I have often been fascinated to understand their lives and Occupations.
I notice that you don’t use a crupper. There’s a man in the States that works his team in the woods and he also doesn’t use it. How did you arrive at the thought that maybe a crupper isn’t necessary? I always thought that it was a useless piece of harness but I am not an accomplished driver or harness maker by any means. This demonstration has been very useful to me. Thank you.
A number of my Great Grandfathers were Coachmen and later Carmen in both the late Georgian and Victorian periods. One such was a Coachman to a private Household in Marylebone, his family ( Wife and children ) living in the Mews behind the main House for over 30 years. I have often been fascinated to understand their lives and Occupations.
I notice that you don’t use a crupper. There’s a man in the States that works his team in the woods and he also doesn’t use it. How did you arrive at the thought that maybe a crupper isn’t necessary? I always thought that it was a useless piece of harness but I am not an accomplished driver or harness maker by any means. This demonstration has been very useful to me. Thank you.
Ради дневников и книг светом вае что было и звездочку и икону верни в те места карет и плетения а снею мне все нкведомые сочетания к свету помоги
Взмахом кареты и звездочки и иконы ксении останови все лишнее и не твое и сохрани текст
I hate using the whip at the driving because it hurt the horse.
Only if you misuse the whip will it hurt the horse. Its more a directional tool.