What should Communists do about the war in Ukraine?

  • Опубликовано: 7 мар 2024
  • [Recorded in November 2023]
    With NATO staring down the barrel of an embarrassing defeat in Ukraine, the western imperialists' boastful jingoism has turned into its opposite.
    While some on the so-called 'left' continue to call for support for Zelensky's gang - thereby betraying the interests of workers everywhere - the Communists have taken a principled, internationalist position since day one.
    In this talk from last year's Revolution Festival, Hamid Alizadeh outlines the only way to fight imperialism and war: proletarian internationalism and socialist revolution.
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Комментарии • 107

  • @afaqahmed5393
    @afaqahmed5393 3 месяца назад +54

    No war but class war
    Workers of the world Unite
    From Pakistan section of imt

  • @NoMastersNoMistress
    @NoMastersNoMistress 3 месяца назад +21

    That's one of the best break downs of a complex situation I've heard in the last year.

  • @SvalbardSleeperDistrict
    @SvalbardSleeperDistrict 3 месяца назад +12

    I discovered your channel the other day and watched several videos. They were all interesting, and one in particular - on how Marx became a communist - was particularly enjoyable. But on this topic, I cannot agree.
    1) There are not only Russia and NATO in this equation - there is also the nation of Ukraine. This tendency among some people on the left to treat Ukraine like an empty territory that should not be allowed to be anything more than a neutral buffer region between empires is a betrayal of the positions the left has taken with regards to other "third" countries. Cuba was mentioned in this talk - well, Cuba was defended for its links with the Soviet Union during Cold War by the left, was it not? Had it been another imperialist state that had assisted Cuba against the CIA and overall American intervention - perhaps with the goal of wrestling it away from the US for own benefit - and had Cuban revolutionaries decided to use that assistance as a tactical weapon against the more immediate threat to their very existence, would the left have been expected to not support it, and throw the country to American imperialism? What about the Irish links with the Nazis during WWII? Do we not accept that the Irish republicans had the right to make that uneasy choice for the cause of their liberation from British imperialist torture - even if we personally would not have made that tactical alliance? If so, then we cannot point to NATO and what interests it serves, and make a decision on whether the sovereignty and self-determination of the Ukrainian people should be supported solely based on that. If we are to support the likes of Venezuela, Bolivia and so on from US regional imperialism, then we are to support the likes of Ukraine in its defence from the regional imperial state next to it. Sometimes your goals coincide with the current interests of someone like NATO you don't otherwise approve of - that's the complexity of life and politics.
    2) The choice people in states like Ukraine make is not simply between Russian capitalists and NATO - economic choices are not the only choices being made there. Constant Russian efforts to influence societies around it around its own values and visions of the regional imperial sphere it wants to rebuild around itself go far beyond. I live in the other country that Russia has partially occupied, and the social and political forces that are pro-Russian here are representatives of the absolute most regressive ideologies of hard conservatism, reaction, intolerance to minorities and so on. Even if it wasn't for the three-century-long history of bloody Russian destabilisations, invasions, occupations and annexations of countries around it, from Finland to Georgia, working-class people in these states have more than enough reasons not to want to be part of the sphere of radical corruption, reactionary politics, mass censorship, repression of minorities and identity groups. They have experienced enough not to want to be subjected to the Kremlin's interest of moulding these societies around its Tsarist Imperial vision of an anti-liberal, anti-Western religious and conservative cultural sphere, where people in these countries are simply "lesser brothers" and buffer zones to be used for Russia's own "security" and in service of ideologies of the likes of Dugin and others. The Western leftist view is sorely lacking in incorporating these elements into its decision-making on what its position should be on this war - the very valid leftist critique of Western-centric patronising views of the rest of the world can be turned around and directed at that part of the left itself with regards to its position on these countries and their people. When someone is subjected to aggression, it's them who should be deciding what should be happening to address that aggression - not people sitting thousands of kilometres away in comfy chairs and playing armchair geopolitics with their ideological purity games where they are not the ones facing immediate consequences.
    Yes, NATO in general has been a force for everything the left generally stands against. Yes, the US intervention in Ukraine since 2014 has been an example of imperial games for own interest. No, that does not mean we throw a state where its citizens have for decades made their choice of where they want to be oriented towards, to Russia. These people do not want the reality of life under the likes of Putin and Lukashenko - total corruption, mass censorship, political repressions, young people being thrown in jail for protesting, journalists being tortured and killed, rampant cultural sexism, misogyny, homophobia and transphobia, etc, etc. By telling them the left throughout the world should abandon them to that fate because their survival is currently being supported by an alliance that the left does not like is wrong on all levels, and contrary to the left's own history of supporting national self-determination struggles against regional empires.

    • @CaptPeon
      @CaptPeon 3 месяца назад +5

      Good points. I struggle with this issue in particular. A league of unified nations COULD be a good thing... if it served and represented the people... unfortunately, none of the players in this war do. Instead it's an imperialist invasion of a sovereign state being opposed by the world's biggest threat and meddler.
      It's true that the US (NATO) violated pacts made with Russia and thus "goaded" Russia into attacking... but what about the interests of Ukraine? I agree that this is a proxy war but imperialism by ANYONE should not be tolerated. So, should the US support Ukraine in this war? I think so... at the same time, we should all be honest about the situation and the motivations of every side... As an American, it is a farce that the US is the world's "peace keeper/ police" even if I'd like to see Putin end the assault.
      I do see the value of having the USSR counter US hegemony and very much approve of USSR's aid to Cuba... but Cuba should never have been invaded or continually sanctioned bt the US either.
      Before the invasion started, NATO should have had extensive talks about the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO. I'm sure that deals could have been made that would have benefited both Russia and Ukraine that would have precluded invasion. The problem is that any country is demonized by another.
      War, genocide, and violent revolution could all be avoided with true democracy throughout every institution. But, for example, even the ICJ and the EU can't hold Israel responsible for their genocide so what can we do now about Russia's invasion? I think a majority of Leftists oppose Russia's aggression but the point is (and I believe is the sentiment of the presenter) that the principle should be consistently held for every nation. ESPECIALLY the US (given our vast military power and global distribution).
      Tldr: the USSR was right to intervene in Cuba's autonomy (they didn't threaten ANYONE but US corporate interests) but Russia is the aggressor here. The Leftist stance is to stand in solidarity with the PEOPLE. Countries instigate war, people want to live.

    • @SvalbardSleeperDistrict
      @SvalbardSleeperDistrict 3 месяца назад +2

      @@CaptPeon Pretty much agree with everything. The only thing I would add is, as long as the global order is based on capitalist competition, all the global institutions that are supposed to prevent these things will fail to do so, and unjust invasions will keep happening. But as both you and I noted, that does not mean we decide no nation is worth supporting when being brutalised as long as they are supported by someone we don't like.

    • @riceyboy47
      @riceyboy47 Месяц назад

      Absolutely agree with this. Vladimir Putin is no friend of any leftist besides the purely consequential fact that he also opposes Western hegemony to further his own imperialist ambitions. The only ideological factor driving the Russian state besides power for power's sake is a nasty brand of hypermasculine white supremacy that dehumanizes gay and trans people as well as minorities. People understandably point out the existence of far-right groups in Ukraine and even use this to frame Putin as being righteous in his goals, however these same people have the blinkers on when it comes to noticing the notable presence of Nazi ideology and fascist groups within Russia, take for example Dmitry Utkin, one of the leaders of the Wagner Group who openly sports Nazi tattoos(quoted as such by Al Jazeera, an outlet that has no reason to be kind to the West atm). As you said, Putin literally quotes Alexander Dugin, a prominent Russian fascist of his time who supported the Nazi invasion of the USSR. Putin does admire Stalin but only I suspect out of admiration for the latter's ability to consolidate absolute power, he tries to conflate the war in Ukraine with the Great Patriotic War and by extension the Soviet Union for political reasons but when the Wagner mutiny happened was literally telling the Russian people 'not to make the same mistakes as 1917', he is just as fond of Peter the Great, an autocratic king of the Tsarist regime under which the conditions for the 1917 revolution were created through its oppressive misery. Putin's ideology is defined by what keeps him in absolute power, nothing more, nothing less. The Ukrainian regime is far from perfect however it is clear the Ukrainian people(as well as the majority of Eastern Europe) have absolutely no desire to be subjected to Russian rule again, we can't talk about the liberation of workers worldwide but then be willing to simply brush Eastern Europe under the carpet due to political convenience. Western hegemony in all its disgusting hypocrisy absolutely has to end, but that needs to come from within, not a neo-fascist imperialist state trying to brutalise and subjugate its way towards its ambitions

  • @dannydenison6253
    @dannydenison6253 2 месяца назад +3

    No war but class war

  • @strobuskine24
    @strobuskine24 3 месяца назад +6

    The trouble with all communists is that they look at the peoples of the former Russian Empire exclusively through Russian eyes. This is especially true for people with Islamic roots. At least learn something from history not based on Moscow sources.

    • @SvalbardSleeperDistrict
      @SvalbardSleeperDistrict 3 месяца назад +5

      Don't put all of us communists in that category - I typed a long reply to this video arguing against it, and I know other communists who do not agree with this position. It's a specific weak point of Western communists who are ironically taking up very Western-centric positions on states like Ukraine by turning them into buffer zones and denying their people the right of self-determination.

    • @Polit_Burro
      @Polit_Burro 3 месяца назад +5

      the trouble with all anticommunists in the west is that they assume there were not indigenous communists from the various ethnic groups within the former Tsarist empire.
      Ths is especially true for Americans, who have no understnding whatsover of Russian history, or the history of Communism in Russia.

    • @sportsfisher9677
      @sportsfisher9677 5 дней назад

      ​@@SvalbardSleeperDistrict Communism does NOT have self-determination.

    • @SvalbardSleeperDistrict
      @SvalbardSleeperDistrict 5 дней назад

      @@sportsfisher9677 Way to tell everyone you have no clue what the things you are posting about are. Each to their own kink of telling on themselves though, I don't shame.

    • @sportsfisher9677
      @sportsfisher9677 5 дней назад

      ​@@Polit_Burrohey do you not realize Slavs, Balts, and Fino-Ugric are also Indigenous people???!!!
      This person of Fino-Urgic, & Balto-Slavic heritage is very aware of how many millions of my peoples were Murdered and oppressed by Racist Supremacist Anti-religious bigoted Soviet Marxists !!!!

  • @dinnerwithfranklin2451
    @dinnerwithfranklin2451 3 месяца назад +4

    Interesting talk, thank you very much.

  • @noureddinzi6630
    @noureddinzi6630 3 месяца назад +3

    Bravo Hamid! Excellent leadoff !

  • @zekesmith4274
    @zekesmith4274 Месяц назад +2

    Good analysis. Does the RCP have a leader?

    • @revolutionarycommunists
      @revolutionarycommunists  Месяц назад +5

      Thank you! We have a collective leadership elected by our membership. But we also have leading theoreticians like Alan Woods, Rob Sewell, Fred Weston, for example.

  • @SaddamHusein792
    @SaddamHusein792 3 месяца назад +11

    Guy, I see your ideas are pretty appealing ( I am not a communist though) however communicating your ideas in more concise way might be the way to draw greater attention to the channel. Best wishes!

    • @MB2.0
      @MB2.0 3 месяца назад +7

      I love this format ngl 😭😭😭😭 they should just promote it with shorts

  • @joaomachado1775
    @joaomachado1775 18 дней назад +1

    How can you say with a straight face that "in a war its never really important who fired the first shot" at 7:13?
    Im completely at awe that such a stupid statement could ever be spoken let alone actually published.

  • @dziadsmolarz8574
    @dziadsmolarz8574 3 месяца назад +8

    im ukrainian and i mostly agree with what u said but i think u underestimate russian imperialist influence in my country

    • @pitpalac
      @pitpalac 3 месяца назад +2

      i think u underestimate or overestimate (it depends on your views) the imperialist influences of Poland, Hungary, Romania and Turkey in your country, all these capitalist nightmare states coordinated by bigger imperialist influences.
      This type of 'youtube' communists are hiding after the cherry trees while picking up their favorite cherries of marxist ideas.
      i have more empathy, respect and compassion for the palestinian, congolese, sudanese and Yemen peoples than for ucrainean people in their struggle against imperialism. The african and west asian struggle and resistance against imperialism is more consistent and real, for me as a biased communist.

  • @KarlMarx-yn7qu
    @KarlMarx-yn7qu 3 месяца назад +13

    Good talk comrade!
    Fabian Lehr
    Class Struggle Song English Subtitles by eddy.
    Greetings from Germany.

    • @ellengran6814
      @ellengran6814 3 месяца назад +2

      I would add it's also useful to take a listen to Iain McGilchrist . He has written books about the two human brain hemispheres = how we human works He argues the West needs to kind of call down its dominante left hemisphere (which rules over right side body). He talks about left hemisphere and it's lack of wisdom, lack of able to see the big picture, lack of emphaty.

  • @davisoneill
    @davisoneill Месяц назад

    I firmly believe that the Soviet Union will be re-established - so it's necessary to keep the Ukraine out of the Anglo-Saxon Empire.

  • @kippgoeden
    @kippgoeden 3 месяца назад +2

  • @c0ntag10n
    @c0ntag10n 3 месяца назад +1

    26:40 is where the title question begins to be addressed

    • @toomanycharacter
      @toomanycharacter 3 месяца назад

      Nope, 06:21

    • @c0ntag10n
      @c0ntag10n 3 месяца назад

      @@toomanycharacter clearly, one of us watched the whole video, and the other one didn't

    • @lococomrade3488
      @lococomrade3488 3 месяца назад

      @c0ntag10n Just because you watched the entire thing doesn't mean you paid attention very well.
      Plenty of failures and drop-outs go to class and ait through entire lectures.
      You're 20 Mins late to the convo, and you think you're the one who watched dutifully...
      Yeouch. Typical Lib pedestal.

    • @cheniche8118
      @cheniche8118 3 месяца назад +1

      Trotskyist talk. You guys have serious problems with understanding theory of imperialism. From the point of view you represent everyone nation that has capitalism is imperialist state. That is wrong. Russia and China are not imperialist countries. Russia is not fighting for its imperialist interests in Ukraine. It is national liberation struggle of Russian people if you will. It is leading by capitalist ruling class, but as there’s no socialist government, so let bourgeois do the job.

    • @lococomrade3488
      @lococomrade3488 3 месяца назад +1

      @cheniche8118 Bullshit Putin isn't an Imperialist. He very clearly is and has been a tyrannical Imperialist Nationalist.
      How old are you?!?
      Tell us more about Crimea if you think Putin isn't an Imperialist.
      Did you forget? Or too young to know?
      Trot is better than Stalin.
      Cry about it.

  • @theodore8178
    @theodore8178 3 месяца назад +3

    Ukrainians are my brothers. Dont even want to see banderite nazis under the meat grinder. Rus was forced y they have been very gentle to the Ukrainians. I share the chalice with Ukrainians Arabs y Russians here in U.S. we are all so horrified. Watching it from the outside in the U.S. last year during lent i over heard so many Russian and Ukrainians crying before our priest and matushka. Many were off to visit Rus and Ukraine. One of pur parish priests and a deacon left with the. The sentiment was mourning for Ukrainian y Russians in our Multinational Orthodox parish. The rector/ head priest of of our parish said that we are all to blame as norteamericanos. Saw my Matushka: our priests wife hugging and comforting both the Russians and Ukranians in our parish as they went off to see their relatives in rus and ukraine. 3 priests and 4 deacons at my parish. Last pascha we had 2 priests & 1 deacon serving the mysteries. The rest went off to Rus & Ukraine with our priests & deacons.... there are more griks & arabs and Cypriots at my local parish than Russians or Ukrainians. Ufff.

    • @CaptPeon
      @CaptPeon 3 месяца назад +1

      That's beautiful that the focus of your parish is solidarity, love, and empathy. It's tragic that our "leaders" are such tyrants! As an American, I am all but powerless to end these senseless tragedies but we find strength through solidarity! ✊🏽

  • @strobuskine24
    @strobuskine24 3 месяца назад

    By the way, Putin sees Stalin as a greatest ruler of Russia.

    • @Polit_Burro
      @Polit_Burro 3 месяца назад +2

      I am not saying you're necessarily wrong, but it may be that this is in the context of the 2nd world war. Stalin was supposedly the savior of the nation then, despite the (little known today) fact that for the first two weeks of the German invasion of the USSR, Stalin remained incommunicado, only addressing the Russian nation on July 3, 1941, two weeks after the invasion. He (Stalin) had fallen into a fit of depression and was seriously considering suicide, and was only dissuaded from the decision by his cronies, who convinced him that he was the only possible person who could save the USSR at that point. They were probably right, as he had managed to destroy anyone else with a backbone who might have challenged him for power in peacetime, but the fact that the people of the USSR defeated German imperialism has more to do with the fighting spirit and sacifices of the Russian/Soviet peoples than it does with Stalin's leadership. He couldn't have done more to weaken Russia if he had been a German agent. His destruction of the Russian officer corps nearly spelled doom for the USSR and for the slavic peoples west (edit - east, I mean) of the Oder river.

    • @GenerationX1984
      @GenerationX1984 4 дня назад

      Yeah right. Putin aligns himself the Russian Orthodox Church. Stalin tried to ban religion. They couldn't be more different.

  • @strobuskine24
    @strobuskine24 3 месяца назад +4

    Sitting here in Kyiv, I am happy to be a proxy for "American" imperialism. For 340 years of Moscow rule, we are fed up with Russian imperialism. Look at yesterday's elections in the Russian Federation. This is a huge step back from democracy. And not in the direction of communism.

    • @fallenswan1670
      @fallenswan1670 3 месяца назад +1

      "This is a huge step back from democracy". Does "democracy" means for you system where people hate their leaders? Is USA for you "democracy"? Since they hate Biden, they hated Trump, they hated Obama, they hated Bush... And since in Russia, majority of population feel positive about their leader, that is dictatorship? Right?
      Plot twist: Democracy means rule of ordinary people (excluding slaves and rich people). In democracy people won't vote leaders, they are randomly picked from population with lottery. In democracy people vote about politics. (I am not convinced that democracy is good system, but that is different debate). There been not single democracy in the world for two thousand years. These systems are oligarchies, where people vote leaders, and then those leaders do as they please. (This was used in ancient Rome, very cruel imperium which killed, enslaved and conquered mediterraenian region)
      If I would been Russian, I would not voted Putin, and I often criticise him and many of his clumsy politics. But I also recognise that majority of Russians has reason to like him, because of him their living conditions been improved. While in Ukraine, ...tell me why people like Stepan Pandera get statues there? Because Ukraine is so good "democracy"? Because Ukraine is "getting in the direction of communism"? Independent Ukraine been completely failed state whole short history they had. Living standards been declining whole time, economy weakening, rich become rich, and others poorer... When Ukraine became independent nation, it had both, very strong agriculture and industry. Lot of educated people. Everything what need to build successful nation. And it been whole the time failed state.

    • @mgrmaxi821
      @mgrmaxi821 2 месяца назад

      Nato is using You to make Rusia they next Yugoslavia. Ucraine is not figthing for Freedom: it was sold to IMF and Blackrock. I don t support Putin or the war , but to be a puppet of Nato wil destroy You. Rusia is an Empire, not imperialist country. They figth for security not for land ( they already have a Lot). Stay safe.

  • @theodore8178
    @theodore8178 3 месяца назад +4

    Is joke & outrage: western imperialism & "democracy. Not a marxist but i sympathize. I want a rationally planned economy that works for the good of the people above profits. Im a defensive realist in my mind and in my heart an internationalist. Don't see Rus as reactionary in the marxist sense here. See it as self-defense and see Rus as a stabilizing force in eurasia and the near east

    • @CaptPeon
      @CaptPeon 3 месяца назад

      "People before profits" and "internationalist" makes you sound very much like a communist... is it just Marx that you disagree with?

    • @theodore8178
      @theodore8178 3 месяца назад +1

      @CaptPeon I am a non marxist communist. Not a Maoist or Lenninist either. My thought is, however, influenced by marx Mao & Lenin. I disagree with Marx's materialism dialectics and determinism. Imo, marx didn't take an absolutist view of those issues and allowed for what we'd call emergent properties on my reading of his work. Still have disagreements in metaphyics. Oddly, as an easterner, i prefer the analytic approach to philosophy... a lot of training in logic & linguistics & discrete maths... communist? Obviously. Religious? Obviously. Logical contradiction? No. Opposing dialectics? No. Not on my world view. Plan a mission trip to Cuba El Salvador & Nicaragua. Plan to become a citizen of Nicaragua. Is Nicaragua communist? Is Nicaragua Christian? Yes & Yes. Find myself in political allignment with MLs & Maoists while i have disagremments on free will & ontology.. No problem these days. I think communist thought has evolved beyond Marx, especially if you look @ communism in our current world's reality

    • @theodore8178
      @theodore8178 3 месяца назад

      @CaptPeon Might say many things that would make shitlibs think im an authoritarian (shoes on the other foot) & i get along with economically right paleocons, and they know my economic & geopolitical views are communist... but orthodox Xristian if you are going to be consistent... it entails internationism, the rejection of globalism, an economy that puts human needs first alongside conservative mores, & rejection of materialism & determinism...

    • @theodore8178
      @theodore8178 3 месяца назад +1

      @CaptPeon Marx, imo made the best critique of capitalism to date. His solution? Nah, I think it ignores human free will, real or imagined, & our ingrained spirituality. I disagree with Marx? Sure, on some points on other points, i disagree with Marx on others, i agree.. Peace be with you. We live in tough times for the politically aware with religion or without....

    • @CaptPeon
      @CaptPeon 3 месяца назад

      @@theodore8178 thanks for the sincere response, comrade! I agree that Marx's critique of capitalism was the foundational. While I do agree with Marx on dialectical materialism and economic determinism (I actually read Hegel before Marx and dialectics blew my mind) I certainly think that his ideas have been substantially expanded on and that no theory or philosophy should be taken as dogma. We certainly shouldn't let disagreements undermine our solidarity in improving the world for everyone.
      Best of luck to you!

  • @catherineannemccloskey-ros9500
    @catherineannemccloskey-ros9500 3 месяца назад +8

    One Capitalist country is Imperialist and one currently isn't. Russia has one overseas military base. The U.S. has more than 800. A defeat for NATO and the E.U. is a blow to Imperialism. As Communists, what we should do is work to cut off aid to Ukraine in the hope that the Ukrainian Army would mutiny as soldiers in France, Germany, and Russia did at the end of WWI. Zelensky and the oligarchs that support him could be deported to Israel and Nazi elements could be sent to North America where many fleeing Nazis have found safe haven.

    • @johnwebster5005
      @johnwebster5005 3 месяца назад +3


    • @SvalbardSleeperDistrict
      @SvalbardSleeperDistrict 3 месяца назад +2

      Ask people in states around Russia who have experienced bloody Kremlin politics against them over the past three centuries how it's not imperialist because your very convenient definition of that term hinges on the number of military bases (which Russia has far more than one, by the way) a state has positioned somewhere in comparison to another state's. In general, maybe talk more to people in those states before making these ridiculous grand armchair statements about their fates without their participation. You are only harming the cause of communism by doing what you are doing right now.

    • @catherineannemccloskey-ros9500
      @catherineannemccloskey-ros9500 3 месяца назад +2

      @@SvalbardSleeperDistrict Comrade, you couldn't be wronger. Russia has planned military bases in South West Asia and Eastern Africa, but right now, Russia has one military base in Syria and numerous bases near its border. Even if all the planned bases were completed, they would not be close to the more than 800 military bases that America has, or the 17 the British have,, or the 13 the French have. You seem to be equating the Russian Federation with the Soviet Union. They are not equivalent or even similar. We need to put nationalist emotions aside. Western multinational Capitalists are by far the greatest threat to humanity and thus must be the enemy of all true Communists. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Russian_military_bases_abroad

    • @catherineannemccloskey-ros9500
      @catherineannemccloskey-ros9500 3 месяца назад


    • @catherineannemccloskey-ros9500
      @catherineannemccloskey-ros9500 3 месяца назад


  • @strobuskine24
    @strobuskine24 3 месяца назад +2

    I looked at your site. It's fun. You're trotskists... In nowadays Russia Trotsky is supposed as main villain of hole World.

    • @martinpage4425
      @martinpage4425 3 месяца назад +3

      But not amongst our Comrades in Russia 😁✊

    • @numbersix8919
      @numbersix8919 2 месяца назад

      @@martinpage4425 I wonder how the Communist Party of the Russian Federation would reply to that.

    • @neizvestniydrug
      @neizvestniydrug 2 месяца назад

      Yes, trots are the most danger to a revolution, it sounds very close to Marxism, but it’s not, it’s very hard to tell it apart.
      From Russia with wish of luck

    • @GenerationX1984
      @GenerationX1984 4 дня назад

      The HOLE world
      Learn to speak English better

  • @theodore8178
    @theodore8178 3 месяца назад +3

    Why are the and cina y rus political systems so bad? why do you speak so negatively about them? Why call them regimes? Why on earth talk that way if you are against imperialism? Your fingers arent on the pulse of ordinary Russians. The ordinary Russsian loves Putin but has complaints against him: he is not opposed to the west enough and wants peace with the weatern imperialists. Your task and method seems ignorant of the Russian midset and putins goal. Oh the Ukrainians are losing now? You are cant be serious. The Ukrainians were losing from day 1. US Capitalist control is done. How on earth do you think they are the superior superpower. If you knew anything about china's & russ's military military power vs that of the US its a joke. They could destroy the west in a second

    • @agehek
      @agehek 3 месяца назад

      Because they are "true communists" they attack other communist groups in the UK even all they are good for is vandalising towns with their ugly stickers 😂😂😂😂 can't even think of anything new just reusing old soviet pictures the far left is truly bankrupt in it's originality

    • @danangelakov7247
      @danangelakov7247 3 месяца назад +1

      Russia today is NOT communist in any sense. Especially since Gorbachev onward. Russia today (not in 1950) is a neoliberal imperialist state.

    • @Polit_Burro
      @Polit_Burro 3 месяца назад +1

      There are competing imperialists. Just because NATO is the top, and nastiest of the imperialists doesn't mean the other imperialists are not imperialists with imperial ambitions also. One can recognize the nature of the NATO aggression against Russia, and the resulting psychological reaction of the Russian people to rally around a "strong-man" who promises to save their nation-state in a time of crisis. I don't disapprove of the Russian government, but I am saying that, without NATO aggression, Putin may not have lasted so long.
      Varoufakis put it best when he noted the symbiotic relationship between the US/NATO and Putin - they need each other to justify their own existence - just as the Cold War 1.0 developed a situation in which both sides "needed" the other to continue.
      If you are in the USA you can find a comedy film from the early-to-mid 1990s by the film-maker Michael Moore (before he became an insufferable douchebag) which is very hilarious, and addresses in a way, this issue of interdependence. It is called "Canadian Bacon", and one of the funniest scenes takes place in the US oval office, as the US leaders try to convince the leaders of the new, non-communist Russia, to resume the Cold War.
      My description can't possibly do justice to this hilarious comic scene, so I highly recommend any who happen to read this post (if any do at all thanks to cen soar ship), to find and watch that film.
      Thank you for raeding this.

  • @airworker8
    @airworker8 3 месяца назад


  • @c0ntag10n
    @c0ntag10n 3 месяца назад +5

    I think this was an interesting presentation and Hamid did a pretty good job, but it definitely falls apart at the end. And I don't agree with his conclusion.
    First, I want to point out that the title question is only briefly touched on. The only answers I heard were 1) draw out and clarify the class contradictions and 2) oppose our own ruling class. These are not helpful because knowing "what" to do is not really useful without knowing "how" to do it. It's like saying "the way you win a war is by having your army defeat theirs". That much is obvious. The devil is in the details, as the expression goes.
    Second, Hamid tries to paint Russia and China as "imperialist" by saying they support some bad people in Libya and Sudan. I admit I don't know much about it, but the word "support" is carrying a lot of weight here. Who supports them, China or Russia? Or both? Russia and China are very different and he does them a disservice by lumping them together. In what way do they "support" those regimes that Hamid claims are bad? Does China send them money? Weapons? Troops? Intelligence? He claims that Russia has no problem supporting the Zionist entity that calls itself Israel, but also claims that Russia supports Iran (which is true, as far as I know). I think most people know that Iran and the Zionist entity are enemies, so is Russia playing both sides? Would Iran tolerate Russia as an ally if it were indeed supporting the Zionist entity? Doesn't really add up. Russia also aids the Syrian al-Assad government against western-backed terrorists. The Zionist entity currently occupies land that belongs to Syria. Would Syria permit Russia to have troops on its territory if Russia were also supporting the Zionist entity? Doesn't pass the smell test, to me.
    And finally, Hamid mentions destroying capitalism to get to socialism. Here, Hamid forgets history and Marx. Feudalism was not "destroyed" in the hundreds of years it took to transition from a feudalism-dominant society to a capitalist-dominant one. Similarly, capitalism will not be "destroyed" in the transition from a capitalist-dominant society to a socialist-dominant one. It will be a slow transition, as more socialist projects become ascendant and capitalist projects wane. Marx tells us capitalism is needed to get to socialism. Undeveloped countries still need capitalism to build productive forces. There will be no sudden "destruction" of capitalism, but a slow transition full of innumerable contradictions, over the course of generations to come.

    • @maximarxist
      @maximarxist 3 месяца назад +6

      Perhaps you should read Lenin's Imperialism and State and Revolution

    • @lococomrade3488
      @lococomrade3488 3 месяца назад +6

      What is this liberal reformist shit?

    • @saschabenjaminmusic7472
      @saschabenjaminmusic7472 3 месяца назад

      This is just the Menshevik two-stage theory repackaged to the 21st century

    • @ChucklesMcGurk
      @ChucklesMcGurk 3 месяца назад

      Mostly correct, except to say we are already post-capitalist. There is no longer a free market because there is no free competition as all enterprises are owned by the same people. The economy exists merely for social control. The lessons from covid lockdowns showed us this.

    • @c0ntag10n
      @c0ntag10n 3 месяца назад +1

      @@maximarxist Perhaps you should address my arguments?

  • @agehek
    @agehek 3 месяца назад +2

    More like, What should the Trotskyites do about the Ukraine war?😂😂😂🤮🤮🤮

  • @numbersix8919
    @numbersix8919 2 месяца назад

    No matter what is said here, the bottom line is to remain anti-Russia and anti-China. This so-called communist channel is in line with the Washington Consensus! They might condemn US foreign policy, but will not lend support the worldwide resistance against US hegemony, if it is led by Russia, China, Iran, all "capitalist" countries. They may even be hostile to the DPRK!