Sublime! the quintessential feminine expressed: it depicts all ages of women, from young girl to mature and wise grandmother (in my imagination), all with outstanding dignity and self-possession. I see self-love and self respect, restrained but unabashed sexual power. Mesmerizing! I wish I could learn those steps in my dance class. All the dancers in the video are magnificent and perfect illustrations that beauty comes in all sizes and shapes.
Espectacular danza hermosa y perfecta bella fusion❤❤❤👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Tango hareketlerini yumuşatmış, oryantali zarifleştirmiş💐
Восхитительно. Спасибо. Прекрасная. Хореография. Рисунок. Танца вдохновляющая. Музыка. Потрясающая. Линия. Рук.
Благодарю ❤️
Очень захватывающий танец!!! Смотрится на одном дыхании! Это лучший танго ориенталь, который я видела!!!
Perfeição ❤
Все так креативно и талантливо)))
Шедевр! Смотрела, как всегда - на одном дыхании. Синхрон - это невероятная сила)
Que hermoso! Amé la coreografía y su actitud, sigan así :D saludos de México
Passionate❤love the way you dance😍🤗keep watching..
Wow! Tango and Sharqui dance fusion. Wow! ❤️
Красота, глаз не отвесть!
Ну такая замечательная хореография!
Magnifique !!!!! Bonjour de France !
Thank you! 🌸 France is my big dream!
탱고춤도 이렇게영상이많이 올라오는군요 ~
한국에서는 라인댄스가 대중적인데 ~~~
This was absolutely stunning, just ❤️ beautiful
Шикарно ❤🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟👍👍👍👍🌹🌲💐🌺
Браво девочки принцессы музыка и хореография чудесные молодцы браво
Кайф, мурашечно
You guys are good!!!
Браво!!! Супер!
Очень красиво!Завораживает!
So beautiful....😍😍😍😍
Thank you ✨
Great choreography. I wish this video had just 2 leading girls dancing. That would be absolutely beautiful.
really well done!
beautiful, you dance very well
Acho linda essa coreografia inovadora.
Hermoso !!
love it
Sublime! the quintessential feminine expressed: it depicts all ages of women, from young girl to mature and wise grandmother (in my imagination), all with outstanding dignity and self-possession. I see self-love and self respect, restrained but unabashed sexual power. Mesmerizing! I wish I could learn those steps in my dance class. All the dancers in the video are magnificent and perfect illustrations that beauty comes in all sizes and shapes.
Lindo 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Thank you!
Здравствуйте! Подскажите как музыка называется? ❤
Bravo “Greek” goddesses.
20.10.2023 0:48
Tango is the dance of two people; a couple's dance as a dance of life. It's not a solo dance.
Where did you get that BS