towards the end Lekson mentions a lecture he gave the previous night on the signal fires throughout the Chaco culture. Anyone familiar with accessing that lecture?
Luke Simons The lecture was held at the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society's monthly meeting. Unfortunately, I do not believe it was recorded.
Chaco were cannibals and slave traders. To find out who these other cultures were, please consult the local natives. You can then verify if they were Chaco, if there are butchered human remains.
Lekson rocks! And I love his book A History of the Ancient Southwest
I think the Spiro engraved shell has some shared motifs with Mimbres pots. Local design interpretations.
Wow, this was such an interesting speaker and subject! Explains so much. Great video, thank you!
Paquimé (spelled Paquimeh in Nahuatl) is a major archaeological site in northern Chihuahua.
towards the end Lekson mentions a lecture he gave the previous night on the signal fires throughout the Chaco culture. Anyone familiar with accessing that lecture?
Luke Simons The lecture was held at the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society's monthly meeting. Unfortunately, I do not believe it was recorded.
thank you!
Chaco were cannibals and slave traders. To find out who these other cultures were, please consult the local natives. You can then verify if they were Chaco, if there are butchered human remains.
His theory does not improve with age.