Hey man Thank you for this extraordinary method Have been looking for some kind of solution to save data from some equipment for weeks Keep up the good work
hey there, glad to discover your channel. I am a newbie sql learner with a simple enquiry. I noticed that analysis services, reporting services and integration services comes under the category of registered servers. How a server differs from a service? Thanks a lot.
Hey man
Thank you for this extraordinary method
Have been looking for some kind of solution to save data from some equipment for weeks
Keep up the good work
thank you for the video
You're welcome sir
Many tks to your video. It very useful for me!
Can we connect a s7400 plc to an sql server using same methof
I thinks we can sir,
First you can test by simulation after that you test with real PLCs.
I hope you can do it.
hey there, glad to discover your channel.
I am a newbie sql learner with a simple enquiry.
I noticed that analysis services, reporting services and integration services comes under the category of registered servers. How a server differs from a service?
Thanks a lot.
Can do that on S7-1500 PLC ?
Yes we can, I did it in existing video
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