Read Siddharameshwar, Nisargadatta, Ranjit, and Jourdain -- it is all one needs in life. And Jourdain is the brightest star in the cosmos; for even though I receive him only through the French to English translations, his is the most penetrating and clear writing!!!
Mr Jourdain,vous êtes excellent.Vous écouté est un régal, du Audiard niveau cosmique...
Merci pour cette vidéo
J'aime bien, le baril d'or de tous les Univers, sous nos fesses... C'est tout à fait ce que je crois. (sourire) 🤩
Read Siddharameshwar, Nisargadatta, Ranjit, and Jourdain -- it is all one needs in life. And Jourdain is the brightest star in the cosmos; for even though I receive him only through the French to English translations, his is the most penetrating and clear writing!!!
la Vraie conaissance est intransmissible
car renoncement et non