I’d love to see more subtle features. Things like size differences within dinosaur species, and more naturalistic combat that doesn’t feel like Pokémon battles that can only use scratch. Of course I’d hope to see sauropods being able to fight back, I’d also love if carnivores at or below certain size ranges would/wouldn’t target specific herbivores. For example It’d be cool if giga had to have 2 population minimum to target large sauropods and It’s ridiculous that currently a lone majungasaurus can take down a brachiosaurus single handly.
If they do make a 3rd jwe they have to put more animations like sauropods fighting and dinosaurs like gallomimus and paras,dinosaurs like them need fighting animations
Here’s my wants for Jurassic World Evolution 3: 1. Maturity Growth. It will be fine to have like you started with baby dinosaurs and the more you continue on the game, the bigger your baby Dinos will grow. And then eventually they will be fully grown. 2. Optional locations. You can build a park in any location like Sydney, Australia, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil and even Tokyo, Japan. 3. Customizable buildings. Make your own custom building to your own liking. 4. Realistic animations. To bring our dinosaurs to life in the most realest way possible. And 5. New Campaigns. That’s it
6. New buildings/customisations for buildings 7. sauropods and hadrosaurs fighting carnis. 8. Better aquatics and DEFINITELY flyers. Not being able to walk on the ground is crazy, and aquatic tanks are jank. 9. New dinos, maybe some hybrids too. It's expected, second title added more, third title should too! Otherwise, graphics are preem. Maybe a better ragdoll, but that's getting into specifics. . . . . . 10. Better ragdoll and fights. If a dino has a molecom more stats, it wins. I want animations for carno beating allo, giga beating rex, et fricking cetera gosh darnit
@@dvnmars obv not crying lol, I meant like a roar of frustration after losing stamina after chasing the prey. Maybe even the predator looking tired after the chase
I really do hope there’s a setting that when you click on a character (human or dino) there will be a setting where you can play as it! That would be SUPER COOL! 😎
Well I would actually love that because of the fact that a game like Jurassic World evolution has endless possibilities! They could very much improve on things that they need to and add a lot more official dinosaurs and DLC’s! They could also of course improve the animations of the dinosaurs moving. I as well would absolutely LOVE the baby dinosaur thing because I’ve also thought about that and it sounds great! I’m personally good with Jurassic World evolution 2 as of now but a third installment does sound good.
Quick little theory: Maybe the reason they released the hybrids pack was so they could get some quick money to help make JWE3 and help them have new models and animations ready to transfer into JWE3 for free
@@KaijuRails54_Official any extra money helps + having the models and new animations available to transfer over too. Would explain why it was so random and seemed lazy
@@YoungMoneyMunch1 could be new employees "training", the better devs work on jurrasic world evolution 3, we get a new dlc and the new employees get experience.
Besides all herbivore should fight back or grouping and roaring to predator, i really hope that frontier adding a proper rescue the visitor if dinosaur destroys the safari, i mean they didn't even bother to let visitors run from destroyed safari and just magically vanish then replaced by a new one
An idea I have for frontier to do is if you’ve bought either the games or the DLCs , it would be free or at a discount. I don’t want them to make us buy something we’ve already had in the older games.
If they do make jwe3 they need to add more diversity to the decorations like planet zoo,you can do anything without invisible barriers stopping you,that would be cool
Hey there beavs, i just wanna say that ever since 2016 ive been watching your videos and ive loved it so much, i just wanna say thank you for an awesome childhood!
if there is a jurassic world evolution 3, the main things that i want to see are console mods and making maps public, like a section where you can download other people's parks that they have uploaded!
If they do make a third game, they better make it to where ALL dinosaurs can fight each other. This includes like the hadrosaurs, ornithomimids, and sauropods yk..
Why are we getting just another jwe? Like is the 2nd really that obsolete? They better add in cenezoic creature then, i want my big fat ass cat and mammals
I’m not sure if they will do another one because they don’t exactly have anything to base it on until 2025 of course when the movie is scheduled, this means they might be planning for a different game that might be similar but in a different game theme.
I agree that the first games Campaign was far better than the seconds. I'm currently playing on my PC and I went through most of it in about 1.5 hours. I much preferred the backwards and forwards between the islands to complete the campaign of the first. With the second it was once you've met the goals you move on and no way to return to "finish off" what you were doing. I'm all for a third so long as they make it a hybrid of the first two and implement some new stuff as well.
Whatever they do I hope they focus on making the dinosaurs more entertaining and believable, and the admin gameplay less complex so it can be more joyful to enjoy your park. Maybe new gameplay activities besides driving and shooting, designing merch, interior design, complex photography of video missions or something. Anything but managing annoyed staff and stats all day. And the most straight forward suggestion is to make a first person/VR visit to your park.
We’ve always love the gaming beaver, but this is a bigger news than ever so we can put the gaming beaver behind and put this in front. We better have a Jurassic World evolution three
As a third JW game, it could be cool if they did something like what the Isla Nublar island looked like in the cretaceous period. You could be like the God of your own little prehistoric dino world and just watch them live and you can obviously spawn and mess around with any dinos for free, no lab research needed, and watch eggs hatch, and be able to change the environment yourself like plant trees or change the weather or even spawn natural disasters. And you could have a first person mode where you explore with a jeep and sleep in a tent trying to survive the night lol. And you could also control a dinosaur. Not sure how hard it would be to make an all in one game like this, but I swear it would be a true dino fan’s ultimate dream game. Also, they are planning a JW 4?😮 LET’S GOOO. With the same main characters too i hope. And more about the dinosaurs roaming the world and less about Biosin and locusts and stuff. I wanna see more epic scenes like they showed in the beginning and end of JW 3 as well as battle at big rock short film.
toys and climbing opportunities ect for the dinos and having to balance guest appeal and dinosaur enrichment would be nicer than what scientist can research what field, and it'd give them the opportunity to animate cute dino behaviors for us, i haven't seen anyone disliking the social interactions, and the rest of the time they tend to just wander around and roar at trees
I think they should refine it. It’s that simple. Here’s a list that they could do maybe; 1. Baby dinosaurs 2. Bigger domes as the existing ones don’t fit that big dinosaur from dominion 3. A mod or an option in game where you play as a dinosaur in an existing park or you build your park and you have the option to keep building it or play as your dinosaur (s) 4. Better enclosure details. By that I mean the a lake where dinosaurs can swim ( like Beaver said ) or even just like better hills or adding cliffs, just an overall refinement 5. Better fighting animations or animations in general If they do that I’m all in for it!
There could be so many new stuff that can happen in Jurassic World evolution 3, there could be new animations with all of the extinct species like new battle animations, or animations with the flyers and the aquatics, and the can add new islands or gimmick if you are making a park like new Terran editing tools or something like that, and finally they can add more animals from different time periods and eras like animals from the Cenozoic era, animals from the Paleozoic era, and more animals from the Mesozoic era, because we can do so many things with Cenozoic animals and dinosaurs together to be more fun then evolution 2, oh and of course baby dinosaurs we need them!! It’s just what I think I hope you can read it beaver!!🦈🐊🐅🐆🦣🦏🦤🦖🦕
I've always wanted a jurassic world dinosaur survival game! Im glad im not the only one, I would be so excited for a jurassic world dinosaur survival game. If its a jurassic world evolution 3 i wouldnt complain, if they improved on dinosaur fights, baby dinosaurs, better features, better story, better customization, semi-aquatics and differsnt ranging dinosaur sizes it would be a worthy sequel.
Ok lads i need help so a long time ago i mystve been about 8 or so TGB used to play a game and the only few things i can remember about it is you were a baby,it was 1st person,it was a horror game i believe and in your house when you were with your mom some sort of darkness shadow thing followed you. I would really love to be able to watch this series again.
I’d love for Evolution 3 to give us more customisation. Imagine if you could preview gene patterns and skin colours from the hatchery menu. I’d also love if fights were not so… scripted. If fights worked as a series of conditional actions or something.
i mean they did say theyre going to focus on management sim stuff since that worked the best for them, and with the constant references to "the first two jwe games" and such id think if its not jwe3, its jwe something else (i wouldnt be opposed to a more creative title)
If they make a Jurassic world 3, I would hope it to be another park builder but with some new flavours added: 1-Bridges both dinosaur and human 2-Dinosaur Growth 3-More patterns 4-More or better interactions (fighting and socialising) 5-WATER DEPTH 6-Human and Dinosaur socialising 7-More dinosaurs or yet ice age mammals 8-Swimming animations for dinosaurs 9- More Triassic dinosaurs along with both Jurassic and Cretaceous 10-(Optional) to have some control over the dinosaur your on I know it’s a lot but if atleest most get through I would be happy ❤to
they can add like if a dinosaur enters like a lagoon the aquatic animals should be able to eat it or atleast attack it and we can see the dino struggle
Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that we'd be getting JWE3 as a separate game? When I think back to popular management sim games, like the Sims for example, each game stood out on their own as their own entity in terms of artstyle even if the gameplay was similar. Each title was unique! So far the Jurassic World Evolution games are just using the same assets with some slight improvements when ported to the second game, so another new game doesn't feel warranted as with such a tight turnaround I highly doubt they're making everything from scratch! I understand the upgrade from JWE1 to JWE2 was because of engine issues, but I don't see any reason for JWE3 to be its own game? It feels like any "new" features for this game could easily just be updates to the second game and to me it just seems like a massive cash grab! Why should I fork out another $60 for what'll essentially be the same game with stuff I've already paid for? Do they expect us to just pay for an entirely new game every time they add a slightly new mechanic?
Tbh if they added a mode where you could play as dinosaurs in maybe a type of story like the old Alien Vs Predator game where you grew a xenomorph and escaped, that would be my dream game lol
12:17 play as rexy / giga will be cool, i imagine it will be something like jaws from ps 2 , or just imagine we explore the story of jurassic park but in rexy pov , that will be cool
the thing is, next game is coming almost 5 years after the last, that's a really good gap between sequels. If people don't wanna buy new dlcs, they do what they want, but i will buy them because it's gonna be probably more than a year until the new one comes out, and i want to see new species. These dlcs aren't expensive at all, so i don't really care. But idk maybe it's just a lifetime of government abuse and bigger coutries using my currency to wipe their asses, i'm not so attached to money because ik in a couple decades we'll be living on a wasteland killing each other for water
If it is Evolution 3, im ok with it. Lot of points in the video I agree with. If I have to little bit more, I would make the guest even more animated and have personality. Have them carry stuff like JPOG, even select them and they have little info. Follow them around if anything. The other would be more attractions, like roller coasters, hot air balloons, boat rides, petting zoos and even that kayak river thing from the first Jurassic World movie. I like to see my park to be more alive.
Personally, I would much rather prefer for this game to explore a different gamestyle, such as what you mentioned, being the dinosaur. Frontier and universal definitely have the budget and team to make this the best dinosaur survival game there is, the isle and PoT don't really have that, and again like you mentioned by making a game of this nature and of better quality they could make great money and catch the attention of the people already interested and invested in it, myself included
Would be good if buyers came in for your dinosaurs if they are good breeders and have won there fair share of battles. Also would be good if you can control the dinosaurs or people. Like make your character and have the sabotage part is you get an alert that someone has entered the park to sabotage the park and you have to get a security team and try find them. Also you can shut parts of the parks if dinosaurs get out.
Honestly i believe dino hunter deadly shores needs a successor and if universal will allow that to happen i would absolutely die a happy man. I remember finding that game on my moms Facebook when i was younger and it stayed with me until it got run into the ground. To see that game again but better would be awsome
While the idea of the game being a dino-pvp survival game sounds cool, but isnt it such a departure from the core statement that Frontier is focusing in on their management style games? Sure you can argue dino-pvp is all about management. That said I think it is too early to tell, it is nice to have that confirmation. I think maybe the scientist mechanic can be expanded maybe have JPOG guests. Terraforming or RNG Island Map generation, Ontogeny , etc. hell maybe even custom hybrids? What I am curious is what the overall Jurassic brand will look like in 2026? With the new movie series being an evolution of the World saga, and will definitely shape and impact this new game.
Yes we are eating GOOD.I want a explore mode where you can explore the island a battle royale mode and a fighting mode where you can be in a tournament but you’re a dinosaur you can have a marine tournament a pterasaur tournament and a normal battle royale
JWE3 needs an open world similar to SNES Jurassic Park and actually drive vehicles around and be on foot. And add a vs mode similar to Warpath: Jurassic Park and Peter Jackson’s King Kong where you play as a dinosaur and fight each other. And add a shark in the game and have it be a mini-game where players can control a great white shark similar to Jaws Unleashed.
The first game only had dinosaurs and then added Pteranodon in the Jurassic Park DLC. Then in JWE2 we got pterosaurs and Aquatics, if they add smilodon into this next DLC and it's the last one then if we get JWE3 it might add cenozoic creatures. Instead of slowly introducing more through DLCs for an already 2.5 year old game they might make 7 or 8 cenozoics and save them for a new game. And as you said they could add baby dinos and a whole load of new systems that would be more of a hassle to try to add to the current game than to just add them as something in a new game from launch.
I didn't play the first game, but I started JWE2 in mid-2023. I'm pleased that I got everything for half the price on Instant Gaming, spending about $55 in total so far, excluding the new DLC. The premium edition on Steam is going for $145, so I made the right choice💀, especially with a third game on the way.
I still haven't gotten Evolution 2 yet because it just feels like a standalone expansion to me. If this project is Evolution 3, then it might be the sequel I've been waiting for.
yeah, i have mixed feelings if they are going to release another JWE game. personally i think it is a bit too soon, like JWE2 is not that old and still have DLCs coming out for it. but if they plan to release this game around the same time as the new movie coming out, that would make more sense. but yeah, i think they have to vastly improve the gameplay and the mechanics of the dinosaurs before i will think a new game is warranted and worth buying.
What do you think? Is Jurassic World Evolution going to be the game they'll go with or will it be another type of game?
One day, they'll make a survival horror, and I will be VINDICATED
Nah, ain't no way they're making a 3rd one, like what new cool features are they going to add?
It better not be a business sim like the last one
hello James, how do u do today
Hopefully a diff game jwe is good but I would like a diff game tbh
I’d love to see more subtle features. Things like size differences within dinosaur species, and more naturalistic combat that doesn’t feel like Pokémon battles that can only use scratch.
Of course I’d hope to see sauropods being able to fight back, I’d also love if carnivores at or below certain size ranges would/wouldn’t target specific herbivores.
For example It’d be cool if giga had to have 2 population minimum to target large sauropods and It’s ridiculous that currently a lone majungasaurus can take down a brachiosaurus single handly.
Maybe medium carnivores or larger carnivores would have the ability to hunt in duos or trios when attempting to target a sauropod?
@@capybarareal5587Yeah so then you can have packs of Allos taking down a Diplodocus or Apatosaurus
@@AnInteraptor ye!
Only if they include sauropods fighting.
If they do make a 3rd jwe they have to put more animations like sauropods fighting and dinosaurs like gallomimus and paras,dinosaurs like them need fighting animations
@@rodrigocastro654 yea. every creature should be able to fight. hadrosaurs are no fodder
This. Absolutely this.
Here’s my wants for Jurassic World Evolution 3:
1. Maturity Growth. It will be fine to have like you started with baby dinosaurs and the more you continue on the game, the bigger your baby Dinos will grow. And then eventually they will be fully grown.
2. Optional locations. You can build a park in any location like Sydney, Australia, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil and even Tokyo, Japan.
3. Customizable buildings. Make your own custom building to your own liking.
4. Realistic animations. To bring our dinosaurs to life in the most realest way possible.
And 5. New Campaigns.
That’s it
I like that 🙏🏾
6. New buildings/customisations for buildings
7. sauropods and hadrosaurs fighting carnis.
8. Better aquatics and DEFINITELY flyers. Not being able to walk on the ground is crazy, and aquatic tanks are jank.
9. New dinos, maybe some hybrids too. It's expected, second title added more, third title should too!
Otherwise, graphics are preem. Maybe a better ragdoll, but that's getting into specifics. . . . . .
10. Better ragdoll and fights. If a dino has a molecom more stats, it wins. I want animations for carno beating allo, giga beating rex, et fricking cetera gosh darnit
Those custom buildings might need a filter to make it appropriate 😂
@@Pick-up-that-can-man no FUN
@@PychoMeowscarada not for adults tho 😈😈😈😈
5:25 i think having babies would be AMAZING- imagine they make it to where the hybrid dinos can be babies as well.. baby indominous rex..
What could be cool is implementing failed hunts. Like when a predator is unsuccessful in their hunt
that already exists in 2 tho?
@@pizzaotter6258 I meant like have an animation where the hunt fails
@@2jfancy605 what kind of animation? the Dino aint gonna shake its head or start crying
@@dvnmarsmaybe like it starts the attack but the prey manages to get away maybe with a wound or something
@@dvnmars obv not crying lol, I meant like a roar of frustration after losing stamina after chasing the prey. Maybe even the predator looking tired after the chase
dosent feel like nearly a decade ago the first film came out
JW nearly 10 years ago, that makes me feel old!
JP came out a lot longer than a decade ago
@@infinitewerewolf6727 jw came out in 2015 tho
@@smokybaconchrisps jurrasic park came out in 1993??? wdym 2015
I think it would be cool if they added a co-op mode to build a park with your friends.
I really do hope there’s a setting that when you click on a character (human or dino) there will be a setting where you can play as it! That would be SUPER COOL! 😎
Wow, they should never Listen to you
@@Etsman9000 why, you think that’s not good?
Well I would actually love that because of the fact that a game like Jurassic World evolution has endless possibilities! They could very much improve on things that they need to and add a lot more official dinosaurs and DLC’s! They could also of course improve the animations of the dinosaurs moving. I as well would absolutely LOVE the baby dinosaur thing because I’ve also thought about that and it sounds great! I’m personally good with Jurassic World evolution 2 as of now but a third installment does sound good.
Quick little theory:
Maybe the reason they released the hybrids pack was so they could get some quick money to help make JWE3 and help them have new models and animations ready to transfer into JWE3 for free
Lol they don’t need the money xd they have more then enough
@@KaijuRails54_Official any extra money helps + having the models and new animations available to transfer over too. Would explain why it was so random and seemed lazy
@@YoungMoneyMunch1 could be new employees "training", the better devs work on jurrasic world evolution 3, we get a new dlc and the new employees get experience.
Besides all herbivore should fight back or grouping and roaring to predator, i really hope that frontier adding a proper rescue the visitor if dinosaur destroys the safari, i mean they didn't even bother to let visitors run from destroyed safari and just magically vanish then replaced by a new one
It's been a years since and I'm still loving your videos ❤
Beaver’s got a clean shave lookin’ good
Didn’t even get to play the second one 😭🙏🏾😭
I didn't even get to play the first one💀
I only had the first one for a year or two when the second came out. I honestly think there possibly being a JWE3 soon already is a bit quick
@@GodzilladinoI mean,a three year gap between the games is a good timeframe
You know it's important when beaver puts indominus in the thumbnail
An idea I have for frontier to do is if you’ve bought either the games or the DLCs , it would be free or at a discount. I don’t want them to make us buy something we’ve already had in the older games.
If they do make jwe3 they need to add more diversity to the decorations like planet zoo,you can do anything without invisible barriers stopping you,that would be cool
They didn’t even fix the 2nd game yet… still has bugs a crashing issues like crazy.
I didnt even buy the first game yet 😂
I dont have issues
Lol abandon ship
Hey there beavs, i just wanna say that ever since 2016 ive been watching your videos and ive loved it so much, i just wanna say thank you for an awesome childhood!
if there is a jurassic world evolution 3, the main things that i want to see are console mods and making maps public, like a section where you can download other people's parks that they have uploaded!
I hope they add something like dinosaur training and do something like a story were you can hunt with trained dinos
JWE3 getting confirmed before beavers has even finished the aquatic park is crazy
Feel like if medium-large carnivores could hunt in duos or trios when deciding to target sauropods,It would be pretty cool
i just got 2 today since it was on sale! but im sad that i bought it instead of 3
Get mod support for consoles for two and three which means it to still be alive a bit and free Will will be having stuff with it too
Let’s go another Beaver series!… hopefully
I'm going to hell, but I ain't going alone....aaahhhh!
But for sure it may just be Jurassic World Evolution 3.
Did you know about jurassic world chaos theory?
This man is the reason I got these games
If they do make a new one I would like to see baby dinos
If they do make a third game, they better make it to where ALL dinosaurs can fight each other. This includes like the hadrosaurs, ornithomimids, and sauropods yk..
Ive been a silent watcher for 6 years now and wow your content never disappoints thank you!
When he said playing as the dinosaur is something I've always wanted to do in a Jurassic franchise game whether it evolution or not
Episode 10 Spore. We still haven't forgotten Beaver, and we never will.
Imagine they add baby dinosaur
16:08 oh hey that’s my comment 😄
Why are we getting just another jwe? Like is the 2nd really that obsolete?
They better add in cenezoic creature then, i want my big fat ass cat and mammals
Awesome video!!! Also I have a question for you Beaver, would you like a Brachiosaurus Stegosaurus Hybrid in the game? Cause I do :)
I’m not sure if they will do another one because they don’t exactly have anything to base it on until 2025 of course when the movie is scheduled, this means they might be planning for a different game that might be similar but in a different game theme.
It’d be cool if they added juvenile/baby dinosaurs. And if they made it so they laid eggs in sandbox or something.
I agree that the first games Campaign was far better than the seconds. I'm currently playing on my PC and I went through most of it in about 1.5 hours. I much preferred the backwards and forwards between the islands to complete the campaign of the first. With the second it was once you've met the goals you move on and no way to return to "finish off" what you were doing.
I'm all for a third so long as they make it a hybrid of the first two and implement some new stuff as well.
Out, do you know when the new movie is coming out?
Whatever they do I hope they focus on making the dinosaurs more entertaining and believable, and the admin gameplay less complex so it can be more joyful to enjoy your park. Maybe new gameplay activities besides driving and shooting, designing merch, interior design, complex photography of video missions or something. Anything but managing annoyed staff and stats all day.
And the most straight forward suggestion is to make a first person/VR visit to your park.
We’ve always love the gaming beaver, but this is a bigger news than ever so we can put the gaming beaver behind and put this in front. We better have a Jurassic World evolution three
I love Jurassic world. It was always been my favourite movie. It is so fun to watch Jurassic world. I just love the scenes.
Hey gaming beaver I think you should do a video on the new camp Cretaceous season coming out
As a third JW game, it could be cool if they did something like what the Isla Nublar island looked like in the cretaceous period. You could be like the God of your own little prehistoric dino world and just watch them live and you can obviously spawn and mess around with any dinos for free, no lab research needed, and watch eggs hatch, and be able to change the environment yourself like plant trees or change the weather or even spawn natural disasters. And you could have a first person mode where you explore with a jeep and sleep in a tent trying to survive the night lol. And you could also control a dinosaur. Not sure how hard it would be to make an all in one game like this, but I swear it would be a true dino fan’s ultimate dream game. Also, they are planning a JW 4?😮 LET’S GOOO. With the same main characters too i hope. And more about the dinosaurs roaming the world and less about Biosin and locusts and stuff. I wanna see more epic scenes like they showed in the beginning and end of JW 3 as well as battle at big rock short film.
toys and climbing opportunities ect for the dinos and having to balance guest appeal and dinosaur enrichment would be nicer than what scientist can research what field, and it'd give them the opportunity to animate cute dino behaviors for us, i haven't seen anyone disliking the social interactions, and the rest of the time they tend to just wander around and roar at trees
I think they should refine it. It’s that simple. Here’s a list that they could do maybe;
1. Baby dinosaurs
2. Bigger domes as the existing ones don’t fit that big dinosaur from dominion
3. A mod or an option in game where you play as a dinosaur in an existing park or you build your park and you have the option to keep building it or play as your dinosaur (s)
4. Better enclosure details. By that I mean the a lake where dinosaurs can swim ( like Beaver said ) or even just like better hills or adding cliffs, just an overall refinement
5. Better fighting animations or animations in general
If they do that I’m all in for it!
bro i love your funny sounds you make just like me love you bro
There could be so many new stuff that can happen in Jurassic World evolution 3, there could be new animations with all of the extinct species like new battle animations, or animations with the flyers and the aquatics, and the can add new islands or gimmick if you are making a park like new Terran editing tools or something like that, and finally they can add more animals from different time periods and eras like animals from the Cenozoic era, animals from the Paleozoic era, and more animals from the Mesozoic era, because we can do so many things with Cenozoic animals and dinosaurs together to be more fun then evolution 2, oh and of course baby dinosaurs we need them!! It’s just what I think I hope you can read it beaver!!🦈🐊🐅🐆🦣🦏🦤🦖🦕
I've always wanted a jurassic world dinosaur survival game! Im glad im not the only one, I would be so excited for a jurassic world dinosaur survival game. If its a jurassic world evolution 3 i wouldnt complain, if they improved on dinosaur fights, baby dinosaurs, better features, better story, better customization, semi-aquatics and differsnt ranging dinosaur sizes it would be a worthy sequel.
Ok lads i need help so a long time ago i mystve been about 8 or so TGB used to play a game and the only few things i can remember about it is you were a baby,it was 1st person,it was a horror game i believe and in your house when you were with your mom some sort of darkness shadow thing followed you. I would really love to be able to watch this series again.
I think it would be cool if they made it so that you can make your own hybrids like the Lego game.
I’d love for Evolution 3 to give us more customisation. Imagine if you could preview gene patterns and skin colours from the hatchery menu.
I’d also love if fights were not so… scripted. If fights worked as a series of conditional actions or something.
Hopefully it's kind of like a survival yet arena game
would be so cool fr
i mean they did say theyre going to focus on management sim stuff since that worked the best for them, and with the constant references to "the first two jwe games" and such id think if its not jwe3, its jwe something else (i wouldnt be opposed to a more creative title)
If they make a Jurassic world 3, I would hope it to be another park builder but with some new flavours added:
1-Bridges both dinosaur and human
2-Dinosaur Growth
3-More patterns
4-More or better interactions (fighting and socialising)
6-Human and Dinosaur socialising
7-More dinosaurs or yet ice age mammals
8-Swimming animations for dinosaurs
9- More Triassic dinosaurs along with both Jurassic and Cretaceous
10-(Optional) to have some control over the dinosaur your on
I know it’s a lot but if atleest most get through I would be happy ❤to
Add something fun like a character you can take control of a it make the park building experience that much more fun
they can add like if a dinosaur enters like a lagoon the aquatic animals should be able to eat it or atleast attack it and we can see the dino struggle
I honestly just want more options for the terrain and a novel skin pack.
Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that we'd be getting JWE3 as a separate game? When I think back to popular management sim games, like the Sims for example, each game stood out on their own as their own entity in terms of artstyle even if the gameplay was similar. Each title was unique!
So far the Jurassic World Evolution games are just using the same assets with some slight improvements when ported to the second game, so another new game doesn't feel warranted as with such a tight turnaround I highly doubt they're making everything from scratch! I understand the upgrade from JWE1 to JWE2 was because of engine issues, but I don't see any reason for JWE3 to be its own game? It feels like any "new" features for this game could easily just be updates to the second game and to me it just seems like a massive cash grab! Why should I fork out another $60 for what'll essentially be the same game with stuff I've already paid for? Do they expect us to just pay for an entirely new game every time they add a slightly new mechanic?
Tbh if they added a mode where you could play as dinosaurs in maybe a type of story like the old Alien Vs Predator game where you grew a xenomorph and escaped, that would be my dream game lol
love your videos and have you ever thought of playing planet zoo?
12:17 play as rexy / giga will be cool, i imagine it will be something like jaws from ps 2 , or just imagine we explore the story of jurassic park but in rexy pov , that will be cool
the thing is, next game is coming almost 5 years after the last, that's a really good gap between sequels. If people don't wanna buy new dlcs, they do what they want, but i will buy them because it's gonna be probably more than a year until the new one comes out, and i want to see new species. These dlcs aren't expensive at all, so i don't really care. But idk maybe it's just a lifetime of government abuse and bigger coutries using my currency to wipe their asses, i'm not so attached to money because ik in a couple decades we'll be living on a wasteland killing each other for water
Beaver, you shaved! And this is great news! More Beaver gaming!
If we do get Evolution 3, I’m hoping the game will be as customizable as Planet Zoo.
Watch the saurapods still being the lambs of the game.
If it is Evolution 3, im ok with it. Lot of points in the video I agree with. If I have to little bit more, I would make the guest even more animated and have personality. Have them carry stuff like JPOG, even select them and they have little info. Follow them around if anything. The other would be more attractions, like roller coasters, hot air balloons, boat rides, petting zoos and even that kayak river thing from the first Jurassic World movie. I like to see my park to be more alive.
More animations and interactions for all dinosaurs that's frankly all I'm asking for
I just noticed beaver got his facial hair shaved so he looks like the beaver from the past years
Personally, I would much rather prefer for this game to explore a different gamestyle, such as what you mentioned, being the dinosaur. Frontier and universal definitely have the budget and team to make this the best dinosaur survival game there is, the isle and PoT don't really have that, and again like you mentioned by making a game of this nature and of better quality they could make great money and catch the attention of the people already interested and invested in it, myself included
Bro jwe2 just came out last year and now they could making a 3rd?!?
Jwe2 came out in 2021
JWE3 only if Frontier hire Kaiodenic and RADARR. Their innovations drive the game.
Petition for beaver to make another planet zoo series but do challenges like an ape only zoo
I would say that if the combat was better and if there are mods on Xbox I would get it
Can’t they just update the second game, I don’t understand what they can do differently that could just be one big update or a overhaul update
Would be good if buyers came in for your dinosaurs if they are good breeders and have won there fair share of battles. Also would be good if you can control the dinosaurs or people. Like make your character and have the sabotage part is you get an alert that someone has entered the park to sabotage the park and you have to get a security team and try find them. Also you can shut parts of the parks if dinosaurs get out.
Honestly i believe dino hunter deadly shores needs a successor and if universal will allow that to happen i would absolutely die a happy man. I remember finding that game on my moms Facebook when i was younger and it stayed with me until it got run into the ground. To see that game again but better would be awsome
Same 😭
I hope it’s majorly different because the main selling point of evo 2 was the aquatic reptiles
While the idea of the game being a dino-pvp survival game sounds cool, but isnt it such a departure from the core statement that Frontier is focusing in on their management style games? Sure you can argue dino-pvp is all about management. That said I think it is too early to tell, it is nice to have that confirmation. I think maybe the scientist mechanic can be expanded maybe have JPOG guests. Terraforming or RNG Island Map generation, Ontogeny , etc. hell maybe even custom hybrids? What I am curious is what the overall Jurassic brand will look like in 2026? With the new movie series being an evolution of the World saga, and will definitely shape and impact this new game.
I feel a man eater esk game would be a new and exciting addition to the Jurassic world/park genre
Day 3 of asking Play the isle again and if u will play as a giga or a allo or a carno or a cerato all in multiple videos pls
Yes we are eating GOOD.I want a explore mode where you can explore the island a battle royale mode and a fighting mode where you can be in a tournament but you’re a dinosaur you can have a marine tournament a pterasaur tournament and a normal battle royale
Hey beaver love the videos, when do you think you will play Creatures of sonaria agian?
I just rewatched your first video and I got curious
I'd be down for a third game. I've really been enjoying the new creature designs in the DLCs, and I'd love to see more (like Plateosaurus 🤞).
JWE3 needs an open world similar to SNES Jurassic Park and actually drive vehicles around and be on foot. And add a vs mode similar to Warpath: Jurassic Park and Peter Jackson’s King Kong where you play as a dinosaur and fight each other. And add a shark in the game and have it be a mini-game where players can control a great white shark similar to Jaws Unleashed.
The first game only had dinosaurs and then added Pteranodon in the Jurassic Park DLC. Then in JWE2 we got pterosaurs and Aquatics, if they add smilodon into this next DLC and it's the last one then if we get JWE3 it might add cenozoic creatures. Instead of slowly introducing more through DLCs for an already 2.5 year old game they might make 7 or 8 cenozoics and save them for a new game. And as you said they could add baby dinos and a whole load of new systems that would be more of a hassle to try to add to the current game than to just add them as something in a new game from launch.
I didn't play the first game, but I started JWE2 in mid-2023. I'm pleased that I got everything for half the price on Instant Gaming, spending about $55 in total so far, excluding the new DLC. The premium edition on Steam is going for $145, so I made the right choice💀, especially with a third game on the way.
it would be epic if it is confirmed since i actully couldent play the last two
It comes out on this date 2025/2/12
Wow, haven't seen Beaver cleanshaven since, forever.
I still haven't gotten Evolution 2 yet because it just feels like a standalone expansion to me. If this project is Evolution 3, then it might be the sequel I've been waiting for.
yeah, i have mixed feelings if they are going to release another JWE game. personally i think it is a bit too soon, like JWE2 is not that old and still have DLCs coming out for it. but if they plan to release this game around the same time as the new movie coming out, that would make more sense. but yeah, i think they have to vastly improve the gameplay and the mechanics of the dinosaurs before i will think a new game is warranted and worth buying.
👇Who played both games.
Stop begging for likes
He meant type down here he didn't mean like idiot
Terrible like attempt
Hell yh
I completely agree if they’re making a third game it better be worth it. I would prefer a JW Dino sim than an another park builder.