FJ Cruiser Seat Mod

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 20

  • @duvessa2003
    @duvessa2003 2 месяца назад +2

    I’m a new subscriber and fairly new to owning an FJ. I’d like to see anything to do with the functioning of the FJ. For example: When you put the key in the lock and turn it twice to the right, it unlocks all the doors. If you only turn it once, it just unlocks the driver’s door.
    I also enjoy seeing anything to do with camping. Thanks so much!

  • @duvessa2003
    @duvessa2003 2 месяца назад +1

    I find my fj seat sooo comfortable without any modification. If I did need to modify it, though, this makes it very clear how to do so 😊

  • @ras4756
    @ras4756 5 месяцев назад +3

    Felt the same while sitting in mine, I’m 5’ 10” and my knees were always higher than my waist until I raised the back. I also cut the rear view mirror arm to move the mirror up a bit as it blocks a lot of the windshield.

  • @onegreenev
    @onegreenev Год назад +3

    Never knew seat lifts were a thing. Nice. Looks like a clean factor install. Had I not know there were seat lifts in the rear I would have never know or noticed by looking at it.

    • @WildRiverCamping
      @WildRiverCamping  Год назад

      I think it's only a thing for this family of Toyota trucks (4 Runner, FJ, Land Cruiser, and Lexus GX 470).

  • @JB-lc2fn
    @JB-lc2fn Год назад +3

    I’m installing mine tomorrow.Thanks.Cheers

  • @SirJeep
    @SirJeep Год назад +2

    You can get them for both front and back of your driver's and passenger seats

  • @wayawolf1967
    @wayawolf1967 Год назад +3

    $35.00 for "a stack of washers" ? I will make a set for both seats from some aluminum bar stock and grab 4 1 1/2 bolts all for about $12.00 not $70.00 (doing both front seats) I have done this to just about every vehicle I have ever owned. It does make a positive improvement over factory.

  • @UncleFjester
    @UncleFjester Год назад +1

    *4:00** Why can't I find the description down in the link?* 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @WildRiverCamping
      @WildRiverCamping  Год назад +1

      Lmao...i noticed that, and decided to keep it for comic relief. Lol.

  • @WildRiverCamping
    @WildRiverCamping  Год назад +1

    Let me know what you want to see. Thanks for watching.

    • @iznbrgwhite421
      @iznbrgwhite421 4 месяца назад +1

      I wanna see if it's possible to get the rear seats to recline back like the fronts do. I also need to look around. And see about other options that I've seen attempted, old having the rear glass roll down. Like that of 4 runners. Also other options but Ive got plenty to do already. Lol

    • @WildRiverCamping
      @WildRiverCamping  4 месяца назад

      @@iznbrgwhite421 , good ideas

  • @irodriguez8870
    @irodriguez8870 7 месяцев назад +1

    How much lift does your FJ have ?

    • @WildRiverCamping
      @WildRiverCamping  6 месяцев назад +1

      I have Bilstein 5100s on the 4th groove (1.55"?) up front, and Ironman Off-road 2" medium springs in the rear.

    • @irodriguez8870
      @irodriguez8870 6 месяцев назад

      @@WildRiverCamping how do you like this set up ? Like the 5100? Don’t know if I should buy that or 6112 don’t really off toad too much but wondering if to go all in within my means lol

  • @dslewis01
    @dslewis01 Год назад +1


  • @CaptGus
    @CaptGus 4 месяца назад +1

    Oh, you short people on your problems

    • @WildRiverCamping
      @WildRiverCamping  4 месяца назад +2

      @@CaptGus , being 6' tall, this is my first time ever being called short. Lol.

    • @CaptGus
      @CaptGus 4 месяца назад

      I’m 6’3” I have a hard time getting in, I the damn steering wheel getting the way my legs sometimes