  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 66

  • @JessicaEze-v4h
    @JessicaEze-v4h 15 дней назад

    Cette chaîne a été une bénédiction. J'ai appris à interpréter mes rêves et à appliquer les principes bibliques à ma vie. J'ai connu des percées financières, des relations améliorées et une croissance spirituelle. Tout cela n'aurait pas été possible sans l'Homme de Dieu. Que Dieu te bénisse, papa !

  • @WisdomSam-z4r
    @WisdomSam-z4r 15 дней назад

    Thank you Jesus for these prayers, i ask that you renew my mind and transform my thoughts, I am clothed in your righteousness and no shame. I declare that I will not wear the tattered clothes of rejection in my dreams, but will instead put on the garments of praise and worship. In Jesus' name.

  • @HappinessMayowa
    @HappinessMayowa 15 дней назад

    Je prie pour que tu m'aides à surmonter l'esprit de rejet et que tu me revêtes de ta faveur et de tes bénédictions, afin que je puisse marcher avec confiance au nom de Jésus. Amen

  • @JenniferRaphael-i7h
    @JenniferRaphael-i7h 16 дней назад

    Father, I ask for Your blessing and anointing on Pastor Paul S Joshua's channel. Increase its reach and impact, that many may be touched by Your word. "Lord, grant Pastor Paul S Joshua wisdom, guidance, and creativity as he shares Your message with the world in Jesus name Amen

  • @pierrehugo9213
    @pierrehugo9213 17 дней назад

    J'ordonne que tout esprit de rejet dans ma vie soit brisé

  • @JessicaEze-v4h
    @JessicaEze-v4h 15 дней назад

    Père, je prie pour que tu me donnes la confiance et l’assurance dont j’ai besoin pour combattre l’esprit de rejet qui retient ma faveur dans la vie. Aide-moi à savoir que je suis digne et que je mérite tes bénédictions, je continuerai à prier car c’est une nouvelle saison pour moi d’être favorisé.

  • @HappinessMayowa
    @HappinessMayowa 15 дней назад

    Le rejet est une expérience vraiment difficile et frustrante, mais reconnaître l'esprit de rejet au travail est la première étape pour le surmonter. Merci papa de m'aider à combattre l'esprit de rejet par la prière

  • @CHICHIEKE-w9b
    @CHICHIEKE-w9b 16 дней назад

    I declare that every lie of the enemy that says I will be evicted is null and void, and I choose to believe Your truth." "Lord, I pray that every spirit of fear and anxiety that comes with eviction dreams be cast out, and I receive Your peace in Jesus name Amen.

  • @EkeAngelaUgochi
    @EkeAngelaUgochi 16 дней назад

    Father, I come before You seeking freedom from the dream of wearing worn-out clothes. I break free from the spirit of poverty, lack, and inadequacy.
    Lord, I renounce every lie that I am unworthy, unimportant, or lacking. I declare that I am clothed in Your righteousness, dignity, and excellence.

  • @IsuAngelaJennifer
    @IsuAngelaJennifer 16 дней назад

    Father, I choose to focus on Your love and acceptance, rather than the opinions of others. "Father, I thank You that I am accepted, loved, and valued by You. May this truth transform my life in Jesus name Amen

  • @clementina-x9n
    @clementina-x9n 15 дней назад

    Je prophétise à l'esprit de rejet dans ma vie : tu es vaincu, tu es rejeté et tu es parti ! Je déclare que je suis accepté, aimé et chéri par le Père, et je ne laisserai pas tes mensonges prendre le dessus. Je marcherai dans la confiance du Saint-Esprit, sachant que je suis suffisant, que je suis digne et que je suis aimé. Au nom de Jésus. Amen !

  • @LenchenJohnson
    @LenchenJohnson 15 дней назад

    Father reveal to me the root cause of the spirit of rejection and disappointments in my life through my dreams. Help me to identify and uproot it, so that I may be free from its grip. I declare that I am not rejected, but chosen and loved by you. In Jesus' name.

  • @Amelieclaude
    @Amelieclaude 17 дней назад

    Dieu est Dieu t'a vraiment parlé papa, comme la dame l'a dit, c'est quelque chose qui pèse sur mon cœur et sur bien d'autres. Le rejet est une chose terrible, que Dieu nous délivre

  • @missmanon8032
    @missmanon8032 17 дней назад

    Je rejette l'esprit de rejet et de désapprobation dans ma vie au nom de Jésus

  • @CHICHIEKE-w9b
    @CHICHIEKE-w9b 16 дней назад

    "I declare that every eviction dream is a false alarm, and I choose to focus on Your goodness and faithfulness." "Lord, I pray that You turn every eviction dream into an opportunity for growth, promotion, and increase in Jesus name Amen

  • @eruebialer021
    @eruebialer021 17 дней назад +1

    Je reconnais la présence et la puissance de Dieu dans cet endroit, cela a été un voyage merveilleux et spectaculaire avec vous Pasteur Paul, je suis reconnaissant pour l’opportunité d’être délivré et libéré de l’esprit de rejet

  • @dakotanelson7906
    @dakotanelson7906 17 дней назад

    Father remove the old and tattered clothes off my back and redress me in your new garment of righteousness

  • @clementina-x9n
    @clementina-x9n 15 дней назад

    Depuis que j'ai rejoint cette chaîne sur les « rêves et les interprétations », j'ai acquis une compréhension plus profonde de mes rêves et de la façon d'appliquer la parole de Dieu à ma vie. J'ai connu des avancées dans mes relations et ma carrière, et je vis maintenant une vie plus significative. Papa, que le Seigneur te bénisse pour avoir jeté plus de lumière sur nos rêves et pour les avoir également interprétés.

  • @JessicaEze-v4h
    @JessicaEze-v4h 15 дней назад

    Les enseignements du pasteur Paul sur nos rêves m'ont aidé à surmonter les cauchemars et l'anxiété récurrents. Merci d'avoir brisé l'esclavage du rejet qui a œuvré contre mon avenir, je reçois ma délivrance au nom de Jésus.

  • @StephenIvy-i6h
    @StephenIvy-i6h 15 дней назад

    Seigneur, donne-moi la rapidité pour saisir les opportunités qui me passent sous le nez. Aide-moi à reconnaître et à saisir les portes d’opportunité que tu m’ouvres. Je déclare que je ne laisserai pas passer ma chance, mais que je me lancerai plutôt dans les bénédictions et les faveurs que tu as préparées pour moi. Amen !

  • @StephenIvy-i6h
    @StephenIvy-i6h 15 дней назад

    Pasteur Paul, je suis très reconnaissant pour votre ministère et l'impact qu'il a sur ma vie. Cet enseignement sur les rêves de rejet m'a donné une nouvelle perspective et m'a aidé à marcher avec liberté et confiance. Merci d'être un véritable serviteur de Dieu et d'utiliser vos dons pour bénir les autres.

  • @clementina-x9n
    @clementina-x9n 15 дней назад

    Merci, Jésus, d'avoir enlevé l'esprit de rejet de ma vie et d'avoir eu la grâce de reconnaître les murmures subtils du rejet dans ma vie. Aide-moi à identifier les domaines dans lesquels l'ennemi essaie de s'infiltrer et de voler mon identité. Je déclare que je n'ignorerai pas les stratagèmes de l'ennemi. Amen !

  • @StephenIvy-i6h
    @StephenIvy-i6h 15 дней назад

    Seigneur Jésus, aide-moi à abandonner toutes les déceptions passées et toutes les souffrances du rejet que j'ai subies. Aide-moi à me libérer de tout sentiment de rejet. Mes échecs passés ne se reproduiront plus au nom de Jésus.

  • @clementina-x9n
    @clementina-x9n 15 дней назад

    Merci Jésus pour ta grâce sur ton fils. Je reçois ces prières dans ma vie et ma famille, nous sommes libérés de l'esprit de rejet au nom de Jésus

  • @HappinessMayowa
    @HappinessMayowa 15 дней назад

    Merci pasteur pour cette puissante délivrance, chaque rejet dans ma lignée est brûlé en cendres par le feu au nom de Jésus.

    @OGECHIEKEISU 16 дней назад

    Father, give me a spirit of confidence and self-worth, rooted in Your love and acceptance. "I declare that I am enough, and I am worthy of love, respect, and acceptance." "Lord, I pray against the spirit of self-rejection, and I ask for Your spirit of self-love and self-acceptance in Jesus name Amen.

  • @eruebialer021
    @eruebialer021 17 дней назад

    Merci Jésus pour la délivrance que j’ai reçue ce soir, le jaune du rejet et de la déception est détruit dans ma vie, je décrète que c’est une nouvelle erreur de faveur et d’approbations pour moi au nom de Jésus

  • @IsuJenifer
    @IsuJenifer 16 дней назад

    "Lord, I reject the spirit of rejection. I accept Your love and acceptance, and I declare that I am worthy. "Father, I pray against the spirit of rejection, and I ask for Your spirit of adoption and belonging. "I break free from the cycle of rejection, and I embrace Your acceptance and approval in Jesus name Amen

  • @jenniferisu6834
    @jenniferisu6834 16 дней назад

    Father, expand pastor Paul's reach and influence, that many more may be blessed by his ministry. Protect him from harm, discouragement, and distraction. Lord, may Pastor Paul S Joshua remain humble, faithful, and true to Your calling. Refresh and renew him, that he may continue to serve You with joy and passion.

  • @IsuJenifer
    @IsuJenifer 16 дней назад

    I declare that I will walk in Your goodness, and my life will reflect Your excellence. I will not be held back by fear, doubt, limitation and rejection.
    Lord, I pray for a spirit of renewal, restoration, and rejuvenation. Help me to put on the new man, clothed in Your love, mercy, and grace In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen."

  • @Andre-ix2mm
    @Andre-ix2mm 17 дней назад

    Dans la vraie vie, je suis confronté au rejet et comme j'ai prié avec ferveur ce soir, je crois que Dieu changera bientôt mon histoire.

  • @Hugogaston904
    @Hugogaston904 17 дней назад

    Je décrète qu'un changement doit commencer à se produire à partir de maintenant dans ma vie

  • @LenchenJohnson
    @LenchenJohnson 15 дней назад

    Oh Lord, I seek your presence and protection against the spirit of rejection manifesting in my dreams. Lord, break every chain of rejection and disapproval holding me back. Please help me to overcome every obstacle and objection that is blocking my path. In Jesus' name. Amen!

  • @LenchenJohnson
    @LenchenJohnson 15 дней назад

    Lord, restore everything that the spirit of rejection has taken from me. Restore my confidence, my self-worth, and my sense of belonging. Help me to know that I am valued and loved by you and that I have a rightful place in your kingdom. Amen!

  • @JenniferRaphael-i7h
    @JenniferRaphael-i7h 16 дней назад

    I declare that every rejection is redeemed, every hurt is healed, and every disappointment is turned into a blessing in Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. "Father, I ask for Your spirit of confidence, self-worth, and identity in You. Help me to see myself through Your eyes and to receive Your love and acceptance.

  • @ogechinyereRaphael
    @ogechinyereRaphael 16 дней назад

    Father change my rejections to acceptance.
    Lord, I renounce every spirit of rejection, abandonment, and self-doubt. I declare that I am Your beloved child, accepted, loved, and cherished. I command the spirit of rejection to leave me now, in Jesus' name. I take authority over this area of my life and declare that I will walk in Your acceptance, affirmation, and approval

    @ISUOGECHIUGO 16 дней назад

    "I break free from the fear of eviction, and I declare that my dwelling place is secure in You." "Lord, Your word says that I am a pillar in Your house, and I will not be shaken. I declare that I am rooted and grounded in You." I rebuke the spirit of rejection in Jesus name Amen

    @ISUOGECHIUGO 16 дней назад

    I command the spirit of shame and embarrassment to leave me now, in Jesus' name. I take authority over this area of my life and declare that I will wear the garments of praise, joy, and confidence. Father, I ask for Your spirit of abundance, prosperity, and overflow. Give me a wardrobe of blessings, opportunities, and favor in Jesus name Amen

  • @jenniferisu6834
    @jenniferisu6834 16 дней назад

    Father, I thank You for Pastor Paul S Joshua and the gift of ministry You have given him. I ask that You continue to use him mightily to touch lives, bring hope, and share Your love with the world. Lord, anoint him with Your Spirit, guide him with Your wisdom, and empower him with Your strength. May his messages be infused with Your power and truth in Jesus name Amen 🙏

  • @EkeAngelaUgochi
    @EkeAngelaUgochi 16 дней назад

    I declare that I will not miss my moment, my season, or my opportunity. I will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.
    Lord, I pray for a spirit of peace, calmness, and confidence. Help me to trust in Your plan, timing, and provision in Jesus' name, I pray. Amen."

  • @jenniferisu6834
    @jenniferisu6834 16 дней назад

    Father, I come before You seeking freedom from the dream of missing an elevator. I break free from the spirit of missed opportunities, delay, and disappointment. Lord, I renounce every lie that I am stuck, left behind, or unable to catch up. I declare that I am moving forward in Your timing, pace, and purpose.

  • @jenniferisu8537
    @jenniferisu8537 16 дней назад

    "I declare that I have a right to dwell in Your presence forever, and no one can evict me." "Father, I thank You, that You are my refuge, my shelter, and my permanent dwelling place. May this truth transform my life." I will not be rejected where ever i go, I will be accepted in Jesus name Amen

  • @jenniferisu6834
    @jenniferisu6834 16 дней назад

    I command the spirit of frustration, anxiety, and stress to leave me now, in Jesus' name. I take authority over this area of my life and declare that I will ride the elevator of Your promotion, favor, and increase. Father, I ask for Your spirit of acceleration, advancement, and breakthrough. Give me the ability to catch up, overtake, and excel in every area of my life.

  • @LenchenJohnson
    @LenchenJohnson 15 дней назад

    I want to thank you, Man of God, for being a source of encouragement to me. These teachings on dreams of rejection have helped me to understand my dreams better and to apply God's word to my life. I appreciate your passion for helping others and your commitment to spreading God’s word.

    @ISUOGECHIUGO 16 дней назад

    "I renounce every lie of the enemy that I will be evicted, and I declare that I am a child of the Most High God, with a permanent inheritance. "Father, give me a spirit of peace and rest, knowing that my dwelling place is secure in You."

  • @jenniferisu8537
    @jenniferisu8537 16 дней назад

    "I declare that every dream of eviction is a lie, and I choose to focus on Your truth and promises. "Lord, I pray against every spirit of homelessness, and I ask for Your spirit of provision and supply in Jesus name Amen.

  • @ogechinyereRaphael
    @ogechinyereRaphael 16 дней назад

    Father give me the grace to overcome the spirit of rejection. Lord, I come before You seeking Your grace to overcome the spirit of rejection. I break free from the lies of the enemy that I am unworthy, unloved, and unwanted.

  • @JenniferRaphael-i7h
    @JenniferRaphael-i7h 16 дней назад

    Father, I come before You seeking to turn rejection into acceptance. I bring every experience of rejection, disappointment, and hurt to Your throne. Lord, I ask that You transform every 'no' into a 'yes', every closed door into an open one, and every disappointment into an opportunity.

    @OGECHIEKEISU 16 дней назад

    "Lord, Your word says I am chosen, adopted, and loved. I declare that I am accepted in the Beloved. "I renounce the lies of the enemy that I am rejected, unwanted, or unloved. I declare that I am Your child, and You love me."

  • @IsuAngelaJennifer
    @IsuAngelaJennifer 16 дней назад

    Lord, I pray that every spirit of displacement and dislodgement be lifted off me, and I be rooted and grounded in Your love. "I break the power of every dream that seeks to uproot me, and I declare that I am firmly planted in Your plans in Jesus name Amen

  • @StephenIvy-i6h
    @StephenIvy-i6h 15 дней назад

    Seigneur, je refuse et je rejette l'esprit de rejet dans ma vie. Je rejette tout mensonge de l'ennemi qui rend mon dur labeur inutile au nom de Jésus. Amen !

  • @OkwuchukwuSilverlyne
    @OkwuchukwuSilverlyne 14 дней назад

    Father please help me to live a life that is above rejection. I decree upon my life, I will never be rejected in life and I pray that in the name of Jesus Christ, every spirit of rejection leave my life forever in Jesus Christ Mighty name, Amen

  • @WisdomSam-z4r
    @WisdomSam-z4r 15 дней назад

    Thank you, Pastor Paul, for praying against the spirit of rejection, Your teachings on dreams of rejection have helped me to understand the enemy's tactics and to overcome them. I appreciate your dedication to helping me out of it, i am free indeed.

  • @WisdomSam-z4r
    @WisdomSam-z4r 15 дней назад

    Father, i need grace to identify the voice of the enemy and refuse their attempts to make me feel rejected and unworthy. I declare that my helpers will remember me from today. I break every chain of rejection. Amen!

  • @ChinyemGrace
    @ChinyemGrace 14 дней назад

    Lord give me the grace to overcome rejection and disappointment in Jesus name no matter the angle that is coming from, I will not suffer it again in my life, Amen 😢

  • @OkwuchukwuSilverlyne
    @OkwuchukwuSilverlyne 14 дней назад

    Father please change my rejection to acceptance in the name of Jesus. wherever I have been rejected, let your grace oh Lord locate me and reposition me to my place of acceptance in all areas of my life.

  • @Hellena-zt5cv
    @Hellena-zt5cv 17 дней назад

    Thank you Lord for destroying rejection in my life. I am not under rejection anymore in Jesus name 🙏

  • @chinyemsilverlyne9087
    @chinyemsilverlyne9087 16 дней назад

    I fight everything that makes me find difficulty in things I do and every negative reports in my life from now henceforth are changed today in the name of Jesus Christ

  • @WisdomSam-z4r
    @WisdomSam-z4r 15 дней назад

    Father, help me to stand firm against the spirit of rejection working against my life, i am free and delivered in Jesus name

  • @chinyemsilverlyne9087
    @chinyemsilverlyne9087 16 дней назад

    Father please give me the grace to overcome the spirit of rejection in any part of my life it shows up, I shall defeat it in the name of Jesus Christ

  • @ChinyemGrace
    @ChinyemGrace 14 дней назад

    Father I am your person and I belong to the group of inheritance so therefore,I'm free from rejection and the anointing of favour is in me forever in Jesus name

  • @MariahKnot-sz2fx
    @MariahKnot-sz2fx 17 дней назад

    Thank you Jesus for setting me free from rejection 😊

  • @queenmary2803
    @queenmary2803 17 дней назад

    I pray for more understanding and wisdom on you sir

  • @ZenabuBiniwah
    @ZenabuBiniwah 17 дней назад

    Je suis libre de rejet

  • @manuelcachino5613
    @manuelcachino5613 17 дней назад

    I receive this prayers for my family 🙌