205 People right now. There's no survivors, the only problem here is that our politicians are always fighting between them. The governent has sent today, after three days , 500 soldiers... It's not enough. These politicians are supposed to be the ones to protect us, but a lot of people are still without water, food, medicines and with dead relatives in their homes, waiting for help. We all are very upset and dissapointed. Praying and claiming for help.😢
Just like USA government always name calling and fighting each political party. Bless the ❤ of all people impacted by this flood and RIP the not so lucky ones who didn't survive ❤
@MaRuClau the national government sent 500 hundred military members only because that's what the regional government requested, then they requested another 500 who were immediately deployed. Remember, the regional government is the one in charge. And they are now telling volunteers to stay home, instead of coordinating them.
@@Xiroi87 Hay que tener muy poca vergüenza o ser un sectario del PSOE o de sus partidos satélites, para echar toda la culpa al gobierno regional y tratar de hacer creer a la gente, y sobre todo en el extranjero, que el gobierno nacional ha hecho las cosas bien. Que le pregunten a los valencianos, y sobre todo a los que han sido damnificados lo que opinan de Sánchez y su gobierno socialcomunistaseparatista. El gobierno autonómico tiene mucha culpa, y por mí que vayan a prisión, pero querer exculpar a Sánchez, es de ser muy ruín.
@@KolyaBennett the regional government cut the planned Valencian Emergencies Unit for disaster relief of the previous socialist government to "reduce public expenditure and increase efficiency", your slavish adherence to that clown ideology is what got Valencia into this mess. Kindly have a faulty neuralink implanted so your brain can fester and rot for the benefit of the bank account of your private enterprise overlords, you weak rube.
My DEEPEST heart felt sorrow and feelings go out to you all at this most catastrophic time. After my first time in Valencia years ago, I fell in love with the place and now I always try to visit at least once a year. I was only last there in June a few months ago. You have a truly MAMMOTH recovery on your hands, Bless everyone of you great people in my favourite city ♥♥♥♥
I live in Torrent. I've been lucky because I have damage from a landslide in my garden and fallen trees that didn't reach my house. BUT, there's been no help at all for the housing estates outside the towns. The roads are covered in rubble and landslip. If you can get to one of the towns like monserrat, there's no electric, phone or Internet signal or water. So there's a lot supermarkets closed because the tills don't work, they can't accept card payments anywhere, the petrol stations can't function. If you find an open supermarket, the shelves are bare because the shelves can't be restocked cos there's no delivery. Any rare functional shops that have any food can't take cards and will only take cash, but all the banks are closed and there's no electricity for the atms so that's a waste of time too! I'm lucky. My son and his friends came from the city to help. And now they are going off to wherever else they can help. Where are these troops that were promised? I haven't seen any help at all.
El problema es lo que nos vamos a encontrar al quitar el barro ...que por desgracia, siguen apareciendo cuerpos sin vida . Un abrazo desde España y Gracias por preocuparse .
Spanish myself, people from near Valencia is going to help because the government is not helping!!! After 2 days, people do not have water and some people have their loved ones dead at home.
It's great to see neighbours from up the road coming to help out. In situations like this a country needs a defined coordination of resources an its best can be in coordination with leaders your locals. I hope that the UK has offered to help in this crisis.
This is so awful. My heart goes out to all in the region affected Such a lovely area to be destroyed and so much loss of lives. So sad. Love from the UK 😢❤
I am from Indonesia and I would like to express my condolences for the flood disaster in Valencia. I hope things will return to normal soon. We also experienced the same thing with the Aceh tsunami in 2004. It was heartbreaking to see so many people die
The official figure has just risen to 202 deaths 😔 and it has not yet been possible to reach hundreds of garages, cars, underground parking......it's a real disaster I want to highlight the behavior of Valencian civil society, which, except for specific and few cases of looting, is demonstrating an admirable union and shows that they are a strong society that will surely move forward
What looting? There have been no reports of looting. And you clearly aren't there to see it if it is happening, which it is not. Stop making sh*t up just for likes. JFC! Grow the ef up!
@Ominousheat It HAS HAPPENED and people have been arrested. Just because you don't know about that, it doesn't mean it's not true. Don't insult those who are better informed. This is in Spanish, reputable media though: m.ruclips.net/video/cklR5kUaStI/видео.html&pp=ygUVc2FxdWVvcyBkYW5hIHZhbGVuY2lh
Why doesn't Britain send one of our aircraft carriers to help the Spanish! I have seen a programme about the ships, and they can purify water on an industrial scale, plus they would be able to carry lots of helicopters to help civilians! I'm English by the way.😊
Spain has better infrastructure than the UK, the same or worse would've happened in the UK.. remember you literally have the mildest weather on planet earth.
The government doesn’t do crap to help people. I was affected by a flood once and government officials came for a photo op and left and I didn’t get a dime in aid. It’s a disgrace.
Soy española y jamás pensé que el gobierno de este país dejaría a sus ciudadanos solos. Sánchez ha decidido no ayudar y solamente gracias a la solidaridad de la gente de a pie se está pudiendo hacer algo. No hay agua, no hay comida, no hay medicinas. Esto parece el tercer mundo. Necesitamos ayuda, porque nuestro gobierno no nos la proporciona
@Eme043 y dale... a ver si te informas bien. Es el gobierno autonómico el que está al mando, el que ha rechazado efectivos de Navarra, el que solicitó sólo 500 efectivos militares al gobierno central, luego otros 500, el que lanzó la alarma 8 horas después de empezar todo, el que ahora dice a los voluntarios que no vayan. Que no voy yo a defender a Sánchez, pero el inepto principal es Mazón y subpanda de inútiles y son los que están al mando. Luego os hacen cuatro paellas con mascletá y les seguís votando.
True. The government in Valencia is conservative. They are far better at looking after their own pockets, than their constituents' welfare and lives. Happens all over the world.
Just fyi ... flooding in this area is as comon as flooding in northern Italian. 2:00 ... starting over every 2y . Where is all that carbon tax money to bring infrastructure up to deal with returning events like this? .... where is the money? $270 million in aid? ... thats a billion $ desaster.
Climate change isn’t a hoax. Next time climate protesters temporarily inconvenience your consumer life in order to bring attention to the issue, show them some respect and join them
The climate has been changing forever. The earth is a living and breathing organism, with it's own personality. You can complain about it till the end of days. Some things are just the way it is. It matters not if you're unable to accept it. God knows you can't do shit about it.
@ There’s a difference () gradual and man-made climate change. For example people naturally gain weight as they grow older. But you can also gain unhealthy weight by eating junk food and lifestyle choices. Man-made climate change is real and we have plenty of objective research to prove that
intanto i politici e la nato la smettano di irrorare i cieli di sostanze che fanno cambiare il clima... li chiamano inseminazione artificiale delle nuvole... geo ingegneria... hai presente a dubai? hanno fatto lo stesso il marocco e gli spagnoli hanno pagato il prezzo. poi puliamo regolarmente i letti del fiume... e vedresti che questo famigerato clima impazzito sarebbe mooooolto attenuato.
Are you talking NATURAL CLIMATE CHANGE as in the planet evolving as it has done for Millions of years or are you talking about HARP Geo engineering, Cloud seeding, Chemtrails etc etc bcoz there is NOTHING natural about all that GLOBALIST CONTROLLED & DRIVEN so called man made Climate Change! Open your eyes & you mind!
These floods are yet another reminder of the growing intensity of weather-related disasters. Addressing climate change is more urgent than ever to prevent such events from becoming more frequent.
Efectivamente, así es, tendrá que responder de sus actos y si ha habido negligencia a prisión. Pero no ha actuado mejor el gobierno socialista de la nación, que pudiendo, no está poniendo todos los medios de los que disponen para paliar la situación, mandando al ejército y a los C.F.S.E. de otras provincias. Tienen muchos medios y no los han empleado, ni para el rescate en primer momento, ni para la limpieza de la zona. Sólamente mandaron a la UME, pudiendo mandar más helicópteros, lanchas y personal especializado de Infanteria de Marina, Ingenieros y Zapadores.
Nah, just blame the prime minister Sánchez, it's always his fault, nothing to see here, don't ask questions, just keep on voting for us for the regional government, not the other party!
@Xiroi87 es muchísimo más complicado. La Generalitat, Mazón y demás tienen la principal responsabilidad a la hora de gestionar las emergencias. Las comunidades autónomas tienen competencias en la gestión de emergencias ordinarias dentro de sus territorios. Dentro de esto iría la elaboración de planes de protección civil y medidas preventivas específicas adaptadas a cada región. Las comunidades autónomas desarrollan planes específicos de emergencia (como para incendios forestales, inundaciones seísmos etc) y gestionan los servicios de protección civil y bomberos. Lo mismo para sanidad y servicios sociales. El Gobierno central se mete cuando la emergencia supera la capacidad de una comunidad autónoma, o si afecta a varias comunidades simultáneamente. En estos casos el mnisterio del Interior, a través de la dirección general de protección civil y emergencias, asume la coordinación. Luego existen planes de protección civil a nivel nacional que establecen protocolos y asignan recursos en caso de emergencias importantes. En resumen, la primera responsabilidad suele recaer en las comunidades autónomas, pero el Gobierno central aka perro sanxe puede intervenir en emergencias mayores o a nivel nacional. Los payasos de la Generalitat son responsables y Perrete sanxe también por dejar vía libre a esta gente para quitar dinero a la UVE para meterlo a la tauromaquia. Y como ha pasado durante toda la legislatura, su papel en este circo ha sido hacer su trabajo a medias y condicionado por el interés de el y sus coleguitas. Deja al lado tu sesgo político porque aquí no hay político que se salve ni respuestas sencillas. Lo que es seguro es que como suele pasar en España esté quien esté en el cargo, nadie va a asumir responsabilidades. Más alla de soe, o PP, ni vox ni sumar, NADIE se salva.
Dont know how I would feel being devastated, when your so taumatised you blame everyone for not helping, but people are comming out to help. Take heart SPAIN, lots of help will come. The world is praying for you.
Thousands of volunteers from the city are crossing the bridges to the villages of the devasted areas armed with mopes and water to help. Thousands of mostly young people because is a walk of about 3 hours going and coming back and only emergencie corps can use vehicles for the moment
Just remember these things the next time you complain about the UK weather. We don't get killer floods, big earthquakes, tornadoes, bush fires, and droughts.
They have a saying in my country, “no escupas para arriba porque te cae en la cara.” Don’t spit up in the air because it will fall right back on your face. Have compassion, one day you may be on the receiving end of it. Last I checked, the UK can have extreme weather too and has grown 7% wetter putting you all at risk of flooding in the future.
Que sentido tiene lo que dices ? Ninguno, nadie está libre de sufrir una desgracia, ni por el clima , enfermedad ,un accidente etc. También en Estados Unidos ,ocurren tornados y tormentas devastadoras frecuentemente y sigue siendo una catástrofe igualmente . El clima está cambiando en todas partes ,cada vez se vuelve más extremo. Está vez nos tocó a los Españoles, pues quiera Dios que no os pase a vosotros, ni a ningun pais más .
@@adolminomorenorodrigez2691 Instead of typing your long winded piece why not get down to Valencia and help your fellow countrymen. Everytime a disaster happens your government is about as useful as a bucket with a hole in it.
Where its the military to come for helping to search the missing people's and the death bodies????😮 When we need Help then they not come and you stay alone! Just own citizens and volunteers helping eachother! Why we need then government? Our governments just helping immediately to Ukraine!😮 not for us!
As I just wrote, ask Mazón, the regional president, the one on charge,he requested only 500 military members to the national government, then another 500. He's now telling volunteers not to come.
thats climate change. It causes more extreme weather. So dryer longer droughts, and also heavier, more torrential rains, hotter heatwaves, and bigger cold snaps and snowstorms. Some places will get more of one thing than anything else. Other places will get more of a couple of things. A few places will get more of everything. These things will only get more commonplace from now until at least the end of the century. Even if we stopped all CO2 emissions right now, we have a set amount of warming baked in because of what we've already done. We just need to decide exactly how much worse we are willing to let it get
@@WhichDoctor1Global Warming Please Behave! HARP Geo Engineering, Cloud seeding, ChemTrails etc! What do you expect from Psychopath Globalist who control the weather & disasters at will to push their Man made Global Warming Agenda - WAKE UP!
There are many insensitive comments. When they have relatives in a dire situation they will like to get help, I wish they get the same response that they are giving to these people in need.
They voted for a far right government that destroyed the services and regulations that protected the people. THEY'RE THE ONES WHO DENIED CLIMATE CHANGE WHEN WE KEPT SAYING THIS WILL HAPPEN IF NOTHING'S DONE.
Semoga Yang maha kuasa melindungi hamba-nya. Semoga keadaannya cepat pulih kembali semula 🙏 ini video kami file untuk pelajaran bagi kami yang tinggal dekat 4 gunung dan dekat 3 Danau dan dekat 2 sungai besar diDesa Desa'polosok diBali Indonesia
Irish ppl in the comments&SFrs in particular: Wouldya look at this *English* fella getting excited about Communities *being* Communities🙄😂 2:40 Oh yeh! I definitely remember *that specific* pile of cars🧐 Is he actually mental? *Who, ON EARTH, would actually "remember"* one pile of washed-up cars as differentiated from literally **ANY OTHER pile of washed-up cars,* ...in Spain.... right now!! 👀 JeezuzHChrist! 🤦♀️
Sending Love to tho,s Affected. But We Need To Seriously Stop Covering All The Natural Land in Concrete', We Build For Money 'Not Long Term Propose! The city population has also doubled in the last 50 years ,
EPA. California. Question. Can you start the car. If you take the air filter out. Of car or van. And flip it over. And start the car. ? I would appreciate. This act. Dept motor vehicle. California. Good luck
We are very sad what we see, all their lives destroyed, left in saddness and sorrows😢 But is this not a warning for us all, in all of this big disaster did/do anyone cry out to the living God, out Creator for help? If not, why not He is still a loving God, because of you did not cry out, you abandoned Him, should He help!? He will because you still live. It is time to repend and turn your face towards God before it is to late. You can be dead within an hour from now on, so choose today.
They are now talking about 1900 missing people... And the "head of the region" has taken almost 2 days to request help from the army... Why? Politicians!!!
People need to know that the myth of Sisyphus describes also climate events. This would avoid all this hardship. As a European I would not want to pay for the reconstruction. Scientists have warned about these phenomena and the risks and yet more and more people are settling in the Valencia region. And when I hear the Prime Minister say: “we will rebuild Valencia as it was before” it is utter stupidity. He is not even capable of analyzing that his policy is a cause of these misfortunes and does not understand that when nature says stop concrete and construction near rivers then we must listen to it.
What was the death toll of animals murdered for people's gruesome graveyard taste on that rainy day, pray tell? I hope no vegans suffered from the flooding. 💚
@@adolminomorenorodrigez2691 In fact before all that, why didn't you have infrastructure and warning systems to prevent this? The EU warned you via sattelite, Spain didn't do that they got a tip from the EU and still failed.
4 inches of water? There are places with reported 800L per square meter and many more with well over 400 liters. What are you talking about. I am Spanish by the way
This is a state of emergency where is spains military does it really come down to local communities some are traveling miles to help let’s not forget that there are still many many more missing under that destruction
No, government of Community of valencia is a disaster. Why the conservvative governament of Valencia, desmantle the Ume ( UNIDAD MILITAR DE EMERGENCIAS)
weather corona - 2024 sure by government - weather weapons weather control weather modification - speech in UN on 25th.09.1961 for depopulate agenda...
Bravo volunteers and emergency workers.
Good luck Valencia.
Zelinsky is not volunteer ?
Our condolences to all the victims of the flash floods in Spain.
Greetings from Ecuador 🇪🇨
I was there in 1988....Beautiful Spain...my heart goes out to all of you ....prayers from Los Angeles, CA. USA.
This isn't Andalusia.
@@Xiroi87 Isn't Valencia in Andalusia?
@@nelsonnelson999 No, Valencia is another city in the eastern of Spain, Andalucia is in the south.
@@marisolvazquez8178 oh got it! thanks for explaining! all of Spain is exquisitely beautiful...so gonna edit it above : ) thanks!
205 People right now. There's no survivors, the only problem here is that our politicians are always fighting between them. The governent has sent today, after three days , 500 soldiers... It's not enough. These politicians are supposed to be the ones to protect us, but a lot of people are still without water, food, medicines and with dead relatives in their homes, waiting for help. We all are very upset and dissapointed. Praying and claiming for help.😢
Just like USA government always name calling and fighting each political party. Bless the ❤ of all people impacted by this flood and RIP the not so lucky ones who didn't survive ❤
This is why we need to replace the state with a private enterprise. Viva capitalismo!
@MaRuClau the national government sent 500 hundred military members only because that's what the regional government requested, then they requested another 500 who were immediately deployed. Remember, the regional government is the one in charge. And they are now telling volunteers to stay home, instead of coordinating them.
@@Xiroi87 Hay que tener muy poca vergüenza o ser un sectario del PSOE o de sus partidos satélites, para echar toda la culpa al gobierno regional y tratar de hacer creer a la gente, y sobre todo en el extranjero, que el gobierno nacional ha hecho las cosas bien. Que le pregunten a los valencianos, y sobre todo a los que han sido damnificados lo que opinan de Sánchez y su gobierno socialcomunistaseparatista. El gobierno autonómico tiene mucha culpa, y por mí que vayan a prisión, pero querer exculpar a Sánchez, es de ser muy ruín.
@@KolyaBennett the regional government cut the planned Valencian Emergencies Unit for disaster relief of the previous socialist government to "reduce public expenditure and increase efficiency", your slavish adherence to that clown ideology is what got Valencia into this mess. Kindly have a faulty neuralink implanted so your brain can fester and rot for the benefit of the bank account of your private enterprise overlords, you weak rube.
Sorry to hear that terrible news. Get well soon Spain.
From Türkiye.
My DEEPEST heart felt sorrow and feelings go out to you all at this most catastrophic time. After my first time in Valencia years ago, I fell in love with the place and now I always try to visit at least once a year. I was only last there in June a few months ago. You have a truly MAMMOTH recovery on your hands, Bless everyone of you great people in my favourite city ♥♥♥♥
Sending strength to you all
Thank you
what kind of strength? like useful strength?
@@Soullscape Europe got mad as they are about to enter into stone age😂
@@putinisbiden8588 Ice age
Thank u❤
Love for Spain.
I live in Torrent. I've been lucky because I have damage from a landslide in my garden and fallen trees that didn't reach my house. BUT, there's been no help at all for the housing estates outside the towns. The roads are covered in rubble and landslip. If you can get to one of the towns like monserrat, there's no electric, phone or Internet signal or water. So there's a lot supermarkets closed because the tills don't work, they can't accept card payments anywhere, the petrol stations can't function. If you find an open supermarket, the shelves are bare because the shelves can't be restocked cos there's no delivery. Any rare functional shops that have any food can't take cards and will only take cash, but all the banks are closed and there's no electricity for the atms so that's a waste of time too! I'm lucky. My son and his friends came from the city to help. And now they are going off to wherever else they can help. Where are these troops that were promised? I haven't seen any help at all.
How to clear up that much mud! Such an awful situation.
With thousands of volunteers that are are crossing the bridges to the area this morning like an army armed with mopes.
Probably mixed with so much toxic substances aswell,….
El problema es lo que nos vamos a encontrar al quitar el barro ...que por desgracia, siguen apareciendo cuerpos sin vida . Un abrazo desde España y Gracias por preocuparse .
I feel it. If I were free, I would like to even come and help them. With sympathy from Burma.
I love how the community are working together to bring Peace of mind and comfort.
God bless Spain❤❤❤
Strong Valencia ,praying for all, from New York
Condolences for all those who are no more now....Praying for you all; may you find strength to recover from this calamity..❤❤
Spanish myself, people from near Valencia is going to help because the government is not helping!!! After 2 days, people do not have water and some people have their loved ones dead at home.
🙏 ❤
Womp womp cry over it
@@RichardTidmarsh-q7jGrow up and grow a heart Richie, or do you go by Dick? The latter is much more fitting.
@@RichardTidmarsh-q7j you should cry because you look like a nerd lol
Hvala na istini
Dios les bendiga. Oraciones por ustedes. Una madrileña desde USA.
God bless you!
It's great to see neighbours from up the road coming to help out. In situations like this a country needs a defined coordination of resources an its best can be in coordination with leaders your locals. I hope that the UK has offered to help in this crisis.
Oh, Dear Lord, help these people. 🙏 ❤
This is so awful. My heart goes out to all in the region affected
Such a lovely area to be destroyed and so much loss of lives. So sad.
Love from the UK 😢❤
rains in the mountain, floods the valley and the river swells - happens every where but even now no one is prepared!! everywhere in the world
There are tears in my eyes. Please God help them.
This country was hit so hard during the pandemic. Now this.
I was in Oropesa Del Mar on sunday, flew home to Belfast that evening. Hope everyone is ok
Si, aquí todo bien❤ Casi...
Pray for Valencia 😢
Yeah, that'll help 😢
god bless Spain 💛❤🙏
Is he not maybe disappointed, because of the endless bull-fighting there? Maybe if they stop it, things will get better?
GRACIAS !! Un abrazo desde España.
I am from Indonesia and I would like to express my condolences for the flood disaster in Valencia. I hope things will return to normal soon. We also experienced the same thing with the Aceh tsunami in 2004. It was heartbreaking to see so many people die
Prayers for all who have been affected.
The official figure has just risen to 202 deaths 😔 and it has not yet been possible to reach hundreds of garages, cars,
underground parking......it's a real disaster
I want to highlight the behavior of Valencian civil society, which, except for specific and few cases of looting, is demonstrating an admirable union and shows that they are a strong society that will surely move forward
What looting? There have been no reports of looting. And you clearly aren't there to see it if it is happening, which it is not.
Stop making sh*t up just for likes. JFC! Grow the ef up!
@@Ominousheat ruclips.net/video/wtGfXdWFlDk/видео.html
@Ominousheat It HAS HAPPENED and people have been arrested. Just because you don't know about that, it doesn't mean it's not true. Don't insult those who are better informed. This is in Spanish, reputable media though: m.ruclips.net/video/cklR5kUaStI/видео.html&pp=ygUVc2FxdWVvcyBkYW5hIHZhbGVuY2lh
May god bless those affected..
Your god did this
@JavenarchX I'd suggest global warming greed over building and dishonesty caused this.. grow up.
@@JavenarchX global warming and corporate greed did this...
Why doesn't Britain send one of our aircraft carriers to help the Spanish! I have seen a programme about the ships, and they can purify water on an industrial scale, plus they would be able to carry lots of helicopters to help civilians! I'm English by the way.😊
Last time I checked, the us has several in the med
Spain has better infrastructure than the UK, the same or worse would've happened in the UK.. remember you literally have the mildest weather on planet earth.
Thanks mate
The government doesn’t do crap to help people. I was affected by a flood once and government officials came for a photo op and left and I didn’t get a dime in aid. It’s a disgrace.
@@SamHainScott WTF r u chatting about? Clearly, you have no idea about English weather or our infrastructure. You are just trolling.
Soy española y jamás pensé que el gobierno de este país dejaría a sus ciudadanos solos. Sánchez ha decidido no ayudar y solamente gracias a la solidaridad de la gente de a pie se está pudiendo hacer algo. No hay agua, no hay comida, no hay medicinas. Esto parece el tercer mundo. Necesitamos ayuda, porque nuestro gobierno no nos la proporciona
La prioridad de este gobierno es llenarnos de inmigrantes ilegales y pagarles todo. Los nacionales no les preocupan salvo para sangrarlos a impuestos.
Hay muchas cosas como tercer mundo, algunas peor q tercer mundo, hay q reconocerlos -- despierta!
@@smoothride7841En ello estoy, pero es triste. Es necesario un cambio radical.
Nunca han estado para ayudarnos, si no para destruir España.
@Eme043 y dale... a ver si te informas bien. Es el gobierno autonómico el que está al mando, el que ha rechazado efectivos de Navarra, el que solicitó sólo 500 efectivos militares al gobierno central, luego otros 500, el que lanzó la alarma 8 horas después de empezar todo, el que ahora dice a los voluntarios que no vayan. Que no voy yo a defender a Sánchez, pero el inepto principal es Mazón y subpanda de inútiles y son los que están al mando. Luego os hacen cuatro paellas con mascletá y les seguís votando.
Our condolences and our best wishes to the Spanish people.
We had the chance and ignored the warning signs. It is time to pay for the consequences.
Un horror. Orando por los valencianos y los españoles en general. 😢❤🙏
Stay strong, this too will pass.
Люди помоги вам Господь держитесь сочуствуем дорогие вы человеки
Love From Gaza.
Politicians should be more careful how they spend public money
and the public more careful for whom they vote.
True. The government in Valencia is conservative. They are far better at looking after their own pockets, than their constituents' welfare and lives. Happens all over the world.
I don't know who else to vote!!😮😮
@@smoothride7841 You can start by not voting those who stop funding public emergency services, hospital, schools, etc.
Just fyi ... flooding in this area is as comon as flooding in northern Italian.
2:00 ... starting over every 2y .
Where is all that carbon tax money to bring infrastructure up to deal with returning events like this? .... where is the money?
$270 million in aid? ... thats a billion $ desaster.
We here in NC, USA send hugs and comfort to Spain. 🫂🫂🫂
❤ love from Dallas, Texas bless hearts of all these people impacted by this devastating event.
How are they going to get rid of all of that mud? 🙏🙏🙏for Valencia Spain
Climate change isn’t a hoax. Next time climate protesters temporarily inconvenience your consumer life in order to bring attention to the issue, show them some respect and join them
nonsense this region has been flooding for centuries. stop covering mountains and old flood plains in concrete maybe.
The climate has been changing forever. The earth is a living and breathing organism, with it's own personality. You can complain about it till the end of days. Some things are just the way it is. It matters not if you're unable to accept it. God knows you can't do shit about it.
@ There’s a difference () gradual and man-made climate change. For example people naturally gain weight as they grow older. But you can also gain unhealthy weight by eating junk food and lifestyle choices. Man-made climate change is real and we have plenty of objective research to prove that
intanto i politici e la nato la smettano di irrorare i cieli di sostanze che fanno cambiare il clima... li chiamano inseminazione artificiale delle nuvole... geo ingegneria... hai presente a dubai? hanno fatto lo stesso il marocco e gli spagnoli hanno pagato il prezzo.
poi puliamo regolarmente i letti del fiume...
e vedresti che questo famigerato clima impazzito sarebbe mooooolto attenuato.
Are you talking NATURAL CLIMATE CHANGE as in the planet evolving as it has done for Millions of years or are you talking about HARP Geo engineering, Cloud seeding, Chemtrails etc etc bcoz there is NOTHING natural about all that GLOBALIST CONTROLLED & DRIVEN so called man made Climate Change! Open your eyes & you mind!
So ,so sorry. 😢 However, consider yourselves blessed to have a rescue plan. In Kenya, my home country,...hmmm.😢
These floods are yet another reminder of the growing intensity of weather-related disasters. Addressing climate change is more urgent than ever to prevent such events from becoming more frequent.
I pray to Saint Medard and Saint Florian on all Saints Day for their intervention in easing the suffering of the people of Spain.
1:51 Valencia has a regional president (conservative party), he rules the warning system, so I suppose he will have to answer a lot of questions
Efectivamente, así es, tendrá que responder de sus actos y si ha habido negligencia a prisión. Pero no ha actuado mejor el gobierno socialista de la nación, que pudiendo, no está poniendo todos los medios de los que disponen para paliar la situación, mandando al ejército y a los C.F.S.E. de otras provincias. Tienen muchos medios y no los han empleado, ni para el rescate en primer momento, ni para la limpieza de la zona. Sólamente mandaron a la UME, pudiendo mandar más helicópteros, lanchas y personal especializado de Infanteria de Marina, Ingenieros y Zapadores.
La Generalitat y el gobierno están echando balones fuera mientras la gente sigue sufriendo sus consecuencias. Es muy triste 😔
Nah, just blame the prime minister Sánchez, it's always his fault, nothing to see here, don't ask questions, just keep on voting for us for the regional government, not the other party!
@Xiroi87 lo dices con ironía verdad?
@Xiroi87 es muchísimo más complicado. La Generalitat, Mazón y demás tienen la principal responsabilidad a la hora de gestionar las emergencias. Las comunidades autónomas tienen competencias en la gestión de emergencias ordinarias dentro de sus territorios. Dentro de esto iría la elaboración de planes de protección civil y medidas preventivas específicas adaptadas a cada región. Las comunidades autónomas desarrollan planes específicos de emergencia (como para incendios forestales, inundaciones seísmos etc) y gestionan los servicios de protección civil y bomberos. Lo mismo para sanidad y servicios sociales.
El Gobierno central se mete cuando la emergencia supera la capacidad de una comunidad autónoma, o si afecta a varias comunidades simultáneamente. En estos casos el mnisterio del Interior, a través de la dirección general de protección civil y emergencias, asume la coordinación. Luego existen planes de protección civil a nivel nacional que establecen protocolos y asignan recursos en caso de emergencias importantes.
En resumen, la primera responsabilidad suele recaer en las comunidades autónomas, pero el Gobierno central aka perro sanxe puede intervenir en emergencias mayores o a nivel nacional. Los payasos de la Generalitat son responsables y Perrete sanxe también por dejar vía libre a esta gente para quitar dinero a la UVE para meterlo a la tauromaquia. Y como ha pasado durante toda la legislatura, su papel en este circo ha sido hacer su trabajo a medias y condicionado por el interés de el y sus coleguitas. Deja al lado tu sesgo político porque aquí no hay político que se salve ni respuestas sencillas. Lo que es seguro es que como suele pasar en España esté quien esté en el cargo, nadie va a asumir responsabilidades. Más alla de soe, o PP, ni vox ni sumar, NADIE se salva.
너무 안타깝다....
Take care the people of Valencia. 🙏 I hope their government can do more
Dont know how I would feel being devastated, when your so taumatised you blame everyone for not helping, but people are comming out to help. Take heart SPAIN, lots of help will come. The world is praying for you.
Praying for them 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Don't depend on government to respond. Local NGOs play important role to provide food and water for survival. Stay safe.
Thousands of volunteers from the city are crossing the bridges to the villages of the devasted areas armed with mopes and water to help. Thousands of mostly young people because is a walk of about 3 hours going and coming back and only emergencie corps can use vehicles for the moment
Adolescent-level libertarian nonsense. Only governments have the scale of resources and trained experts for such disasters.. Charities do not.
Just remember these things the next time you complain about the UK weather. We don't get killer floods, big earthquakes, tornadoes, bush fires, and droughts.
Not yet
They have a saying in my country, “no escupas para arriba porque te cae en la cara.” Don’t spit up in the air because it will fall right back on your face. Have compassion, one day you may be on the receiving end of it. Last I checked, the UK can have extreme weather too and has grown 7% wetter putting you all at risk of flooding in the future.
Que sentido tiene lo que dices ? Ninguno, nadie está libre de sufrir una desgracia, ni por el clima , enfermedad ,un accidente etc. También en Estados Unidos ,ocurren tornados y tormentas devastadoras frecuentemente y sigue siendo una catástrofe igualmente . El clima está cambiando en todas partes ,cada vez se vuelve más extremo. Está vez nos tocó a los Españoles, pues quiera Dios que no os pase a vosotros, ni a ningun pais más .
@@adolminomorenorodrigez2691 Instead of typing your long winded piece why not get down to Valencia and help your fellow countrymen. Everytime a disaster happens your government is about as useful as a bucket with a hole in it.
Help karo Spain ko❤
Where its the military to come for helping to search the missing people's and the death bodies????😮 When we need Help then they not come and you stay alone! Just own citizens and volunteers helping eachother! Why we need then government? Our governments just helping immediately to Ukraine!😮 not for us!
As I just wrote, ask Mazón, the regional president, the one on charge,he requested only 500 military members to the national government, then another 500. He's now telling volunteers not to come.
🙏🙏🙏for Valencia 💪💪💪
Where is the army???
They are there as seen on previous BBC & others coverage.
@@davecooper3238 nope, only today a few of them have been sent. BBC lies as usual.
Our communist Government only allowed to send 500 soldiers, that's a shame!
Ask Mazón, the regional president, he requested only 500 military members to the national government, then another 500.
Very sad news... RIP 😢😢😢
All my love ❤to you ,people .
Off care about the people grow up 💀💀💀💀
Off care about the people grow up 💀💀💀💀
Good luck to the rescuers who will find more dead bodies :(
Valencia was in a drought. Weird weather.
That is precisely why drought is related to torrential rain. The more usual drought, the more likely sudden torrential rains...
thats climate change. It causes more extreme weather. So dryer longer droughts, and also heavier, more torrential rains, hotter heatwaves, and bigger cold snaps and snowstorms. Some places will get more of one thing than anything else. Other places will get more of a couple of things. A few places will get more of everything. These things will only get more commonplace from now until at least the end of the century. Even if we stopped all CO2 emissions right now, we have a set amount of warming baked in because of what we've already done. We just need to decide exactly how much worse we are willing to let it get
@@WhichDoctor1 are you sure. What are the odds they were cloud seeding here?
@@WhichDoctor1Global Warming Please Behave! HARP Geo Engineering, Cloud seeding, ChemTrails etc! What do you expect from Psychopath Globalist who control the weather & disasters at will to push their Man made Global Warming Agenda - WAKE UP!
That's Mediterranean climate for you, only is getting more extreme.
Hope they get strength to come out of this disaster
Te government in Espana is desaster , out the government in Espana. The people help the people.
Enfádate con quien está al cargo, que es Mazón. Y casi no se te entiende.
There are many insensitive comments. When they have relatives in a dire situation they will like to get help, I wish they get the same response that they are giving to these people in need.
Remove the air filters. Car air filter. Then start the car. California
Prayer for Spain the world is really upside down if is not Florida Japan Africa is somewhere in the world we need to pray
That man said "the government don't do anything" why do people become leaders if they don't want to help their own citizen's 😔
Because we no longer have democracy in Spain, there is only a dictatorship in disguise
Only for their own pockets offshore
They voted for a far right government that destroyed the services and regulations that protected the people.
Is HARRP being used on certain countries to punish them
Spain is one of the very few European countries to speak out a little about what's happening in Gaxa and Occupied West Bank, Lebanon etc.
tipo gaza..
Semoga Yang maha kuasa melindungi hamba-nya. Semoga keadaannya cepat pulih kembali semula 🙏 ini video kami file untuk pelajaran bagi kami yang tinggal dekat 4 gunung dan dekat 3 Danau dan dekat 2 sungai besar diDesa Desa'polosok diBali Indonesia
What's with the presenter sighing all the time?
Irish ppl in the comments&SFrs in particular: Wouldya look at this *English* fella getting excited about Communities *being* Communities🙄😂 2:40 Oh yeh! I definitely remember *that specific* pile of cars🧐
Is he actually mental? *Who, ON EARTH, would actually "remember"* one pile of washed-up cars as differentiated from literally **ANY OTHER pile of washed-up cars,* ...in Spain.... right now!! 👀
JeezuzHChrist! 🤦♀️
The Spanish government is refusing to send in the army to help , the rescue teams are locals who live there , its a shame
The army are there. Seen in previous BBC video.
Too late. Days later
@ How long would it have taken you to get people together & get them to the affected areas. Especially when roads were impassable.
Sounds like right-wing propaganda nonsense.
@@davecooper3238 only today were allowed to go to the area, and very few of them. We need the whole army.
Sending Love to tho,s Affected. But We Need To Seriously Stop Covering All The Natural Land in Concrete', We Build For Money 'Not Long Term Propose! The city population has also doubled in the last 50 years ,
EPA. California. Question. Can you start the car. If you take the air filter out. Of car or van. And flip it over. And start the car. ? I would appreciate. This act. Dept motor vehicle. California. Good luck
God bless Spain -
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the.............hills..
European are amazing... Praying for you España . Stay strong.
Sounds like Hurricane Helene and Milton! Happens every other day!
Yes, I'm a Floridian! 🌞
We are very sad what we see, all their lives destroyed, left in saddness and sorrows😢
But is this not a warning for us all, in all of this big disaster did/do anyone cry out to the living God, out Creator for help? If not, why not He is still a loving God, because of you did not cry out, you abandoned Him, should He help!? He will because you still live.
It is time to repend and turn your face towards God before it is to late. You can be dead within an hour from now on, so choose today.
They are now talking about 1900 missing people... And the "head of the region" has taken almost 2 days to request help from the army... Why? Politicians!!!
Not true, no official estimates yet.
People need to know that the myth of Sisyphus describes also climate events. This would avoid all this hardship.
As a European I would not want to pay for the reconstruction. Scientists have warned about these phenomena and the risks and yet more and more people are settling in the Valencia region. And when I hear the Prime Minister say: “we will rebuild Valencia as it was before” it is utter stupidity. He is not even capable of analyzing that his policy is a cause of these misfortunes and does not understand that when nature says stop concrete and construction near rivers then we must listen to it.
Spain´s prime minister...SHAME ON YOU!!
it's just a matter of time ❤
❤️🩹❤️🩹 from czech republic😢😢
George lamond. Bad on your heart. Music
What was the death toll of animals murdered for people's gruesome graveyard taste on that rainy day, pray tell?
I hope no vegans suffered from the flooding.
Wow the flood made the streets look like India...
España está dentro de la Unión Europea, no somos un pais tercermundista...
@@adolminomorenorodrigez2691 where is the government? Why are the citizens doing all the volunteering and cleaning? Where are your first responders?
@@adolminomorenorodrigez2691 In fact before all that, why didn't you have infrastructure and warning systems to prevent this? The EU warned you via sattelite, Spain didn't do that they got a tip from the EU and still failed.
@@Andy-i6f Tienes toda la razón,nuestro Gobierno nos ha dejado abandonados .Por eso la gente ayuda a la gente, porque si no estaríamos mucho peor .
In comparison, Valencia got 4-8 inches of rain this time, West North Carolina in USA got 30 inches of rain from Hurrican Helene
This is not a popularity contest.
4 inches of water? There are places with reported 800L per square meter and many more with well over 400 liters. What are you talking about. I am Spanish by the way
There was a years worth of rain in ONE day!!!
What's your point?
all eyes on spain not gaza
Its a bad year for the city and football club
This is a state of emergency where is spains military does it really come down to local communities some are traveling miles to help let’s not forget that there are still many many more missing under that destruction
I am finally believing in man made weather disasters.
No, government of Community of valencia is a disaster. Why the conservvative governament of Valencia, desmantle the Ume ( UNIDAD MILITAR DE EMERGENCIAS)
They're conservatives!
You mean UVE, not UME. UME (the national army emergency unit) was there as soon as this happened.
The government still cut services, and reduced emergency funds.
You are right. Sorry.
Sounds like NC In United States
weather corona - 2024 sure by government - weather weapons weather control weather modification - speech in UN on 25th.09.1961 for depopulate agenda...