Kwon Chaewon you are what has been missing from Kpop for me. So glad to see you again. Hopefully this is the first of many more videos to come. We missed your beautiful voice and of course your laugh. Eunchae hwaiting! AID always love and support you! ❤💎
Awww love all you girls! Hoping for a very bright future for Chaewon.🤍
채원이랑 다이아 보고싶어요...
Kwon Chaewon you are what has been missing from Kpop for me. So glad to see you again. Hopefully this is the first of many more videos to come. We missed your beautiful voice and of course your laugh. Eunchae hwaiting! AID always love and support you! ❤💎
기억할게요... 아직도 감동이 생생해요 제일 좋아하는 노랜데 딱 듣는순간 도파민 펑~
얼른 다시 만나요
밸런스 게임 재밌당 ㅋㅋ
나는 탄산파
채원이 5명은 나도 무서운뎅 😅😅😅
친구들이 많이 모이니까 여고생들처럼 북적북적 시끌벅적하네 ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ
하이텐션에 기운 받고 갑니다
채원이 앞으로도 건강하게 지내자
너무 즐거웠던 3월9일 🎉
My love❣️❣️❣️
Hiii Kwon ChaeWon!!
01:05 요나랑 티격태격 너무 웃기네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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