Qinglong repays Guan Gong, throws himself into the furnace and transforms into a Yanyue knife

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • 本劇講述了關羽因在家鄉犯案,故逃亡至涿郡,恰巧與劉備和張飛相遇,劉、關、張三人誌向相同,極為投契,便在桃園結成異姓兄弟,從此闖蕩天下。故事起自黃巾之亂,終於西晉武帝統一中國。全劇中描寫了四百多個人物,成功地塑造了許多性格鮮明而具有藝術魅力的典型形象,如諸葛亮、劉備、關羽、張飛、趙雲、黃忠、周瑜、董卓、魯肅、孫權、曹操等,都給人留下深刻的印象,且在原著的基礎上,增添了戲說既野史成分,英雄也有兒女情長,本也合情合理,因《三國演義》原著本是小說而非歷史,增添的女角戲並不影響劇情,相反還點綴了原本是“只充滿勇武、缺乏溫柔細膩”的“男人世界”,為之增色不少!
    This play tells the story of Guan Yu who fled to Zhuojun because he committed a crime in his hometown. He happened to meet Liu Bei and Zhang Fei. The story begins with the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and finally Emperor Wu of the Western Jin Dynasty unified China. More than 400 characters are described in the whole play, and many typical images with distinctive personalities and artistic charms have been successfully created, such as Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Zhou Yu, Dong Zhuo, Lu Su, Sun Quan, Cao Cao and others left a deep impression on people, and on the basis of the original work, they added jokes that are both unofficial and historical elements. Heroes also have love for their children. The female role play does not affect the plot, on the contrary, it also embellishes the "men's world" that was originally "full of bravery and lack of tenderness and delicacy", which adds a lot of color to it!

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