French Diction Tutorial of "Mandoline" by Fauré
- Опубликовано: 8 ноя 2024
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French diction tutorial of : Mandoline
Composer : Fauré
Poet : Verlaine
A quick note about the IPA subtitles. The symbol "~" is what I use for both liaison and legato linking. The standard way of writing out the IPA is somewhat unsatisfactory. For example the IPA for:
Les américains (the Americans) would normally be written:
[lez ameʀikε̃] or [le zameʀikε̃]
but I prefer [le~z~ameʀikε̃]
with the liaison consonant in between two "~"s. In this way, one is able to pronounce each word separately, yet good legato is encouraged when said together.
As every syllable begins with a consonant, the use of the symbol "~" used for linking is shown in the following way. The IPA for:
par exemple (for example) will be written as:
Of course, it is understood that there is no rest in the music between these two words.
When it comes to the French pronunciation used, I always gave deference to that which was given by the Dictionnaire Larousse (
This includes the pronounciation for such words as:
and the like.
This is so incredibly helpful! There is like no where to find IPA for free.
You are an angel! You just saved my life!
Several of your videos have helped me in my studies. Thank you! =)
Thank you so much for this! *sooo helpful*
Thank you so much 🥰
You’re welcome 😊
Merci, vous etes francais?
Non je ne pense pas malheureusement (i don't think so unfortunately)
This piece belongs to Debussy not Fauré
Keira LUV what are you talking about? This is Fauré, 5 mélodies de Venise.
VitelliaMG Sorry, did more digging into it both composers used the same poem for their own perpective pieces it happened a lot in those days
to Keira....... it has been composed by both !
Thank you so much! So helpful!!