Are Dominicans racist toward Haitians? One Dominican weighs in.

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2023
  • To Luis Alberto Ortiz Morónta, the answer to whether Dominicans are racist towards Haitians is very clear. However, he says, there’s a lot to be said about interacting human beings to human beings.
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Комментарии • 92

  • @KVPRD
    @KVPRD 3 месяца назад +5

    When you move to a country, you do not go, and try to change their laws, their religion, and their culture. The Haitian government would never allow something like that.

  • @fretske1575
    @fretske1575 8 месяцев назад +16

    Pero si somos racista o no que importa ? Es obligado que un grupo de gente me tenga k caer bien? porke el hatiano quiere ser querido tanto por el dominicano? Y si no me gusta un grupo de gente porke para los gusto lo colores? Why do ya want to be liked so bad, al que yo no le caiga bien no le hago coro ni caso porque el hatiano no hace lo mismo?

    • @Amariiiiie
      @Amariiiiie 5 месяцев назад +5

      It’s not about wanting to be liked- its about the treatment one receives when they are not liked. That is the problem here.

    • @umarbentley4953
      @umarbentley4953 4 месяца назад

      You got it very twisted and it’s obvious your comfortable in living a life of hate,what a pathetic and miserable way to live.

    • @TheGeorgelobo
      @TheGeorgelobo 2 месяца назад

      ​@@Amariiiiiethe same treatment Dominicans get in Haiti!!! And I may say even worse, the possibility of a Dominican to get killed in Haiti just because is dominican is 50% they have a lot of hate towards Dominicans

  • @gonzalorodriguez3507
    @gonzalorodriguez3507 2 месяца назад +2

    …perfect: you found the exact guy to respond your question the way you want😂🤣

  • @mrbigbad9144
    @mrbigbad9144 8 месяцев назад +17

    This is why i say black people need to stop investing in that community, spend our money on other islands , at least he was honest

    • @fretske1575
      @fretske1575 8 месяцев назад +13

      We dont have to like you, we aren’t obligated to like everything and everyone , why do you wanna be liked so bad? I send people to tell if they dont like me and just stay far away from them! Why black people all of a sudden wanna be dominican now so bad??

    • @mrbigbad9144
      @mrbigbad9144 7 месяцев назад

      I dont wanna be no damn dominican lol. there aint no advantage to being dominican lol. The point is, we should stop giving our money to domincans, and worry about us and yall worry about yall. Yall should have ur little island without our tourism, ur barbershops without our patronage, thats fair right.

    • @MoneyMindset-ho1ch
      @MoneyMindset-ho1ch 7 месяцев назад +4

      I am Dominican and agree that you invest your money whatever you want but that due there is mix race meaning a black mix and in the DR we don't discriminate black Dominicans or black Americans and it looks like they love Venezuelan no matter if they are black or white the issue with Haitians is not racism my friend is xenophobia as Dominicans as a society there are many thing we have to change too for example here they treat you better if you are not broke, but we are human

    • @MoneyMindset-ho1ch
      @MoneyMindset-ho1ch 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@fretske1575 I guess you think you are white 🤣🤣🤣

    • @fretske1575
      @fretske1575 7 месяцев назад

      @@MoneyMindset-ho1ch im not black nor white you mest rider

  • @JustMe-ef7xv
    @JustMe-ef7xv 6 месяцев назад +6

    I grew up white in a majority non-white working class neighborhood 1970s,80s in a big northeast city. By non-white I'm including "Hispanics" (we just used "Spanish" meaning Spanish speaking). Although many "Hispanics" are white themselves. My earliest memory was PR kids from the island riding their big wheels who would stop whenever a black person walked by on the street. They start laughing yelling the N word. They were much more racist than the average "white". But I got a long well with all "Hispanics".

    • @KVPRD
      @KVPRD 3 месяца назад

      The funny thing is, I have not heard or read stories about Blacks being lynched, or segregation in Hispanic America. North America, and Haiti had the worse colonizers. Haiti has been ruthless in their ways. You can read the story of "El Deguello de Moca."

  • @KVPRD
    @KVPRD 5 месяцев назад +9

    DR is the country that has the most mixed people in America. This does not sound accurate.

    • @elevate7985
      @elevate7985 4 месяца назад

      That’s the thing. They are still so incredibly racist and anti black.

    • @KVPRD
      @KVPRD 3 месяца назад

      Thank God for educated and smart people like you. They are using the racism card to get what they want. Historically, they want to take over DR.

    • @GanitisYanitis-Stanopoulos
      @GanitisYanitis-Stanopoulos 2 месяца назад +1


    • @ynnasiulrazalas8571
      @ynnasiulrazalas8571 Месяц назад +2

      Right 😂😂😂😂😅

    • @KVPRD
      @KVPRD Месяц назад +4

      @@GanitisYanitis-Stanopoulos Brazil is one of them. But we are very mixed. People should go visit before sounding like an ignorant.

  • @guillermone1
    @guillermone1 5 месяцев назад +11

    This Dominican dude in the video, talked but didn't really say anything of substance. It was a subjective opinion based on his own personal perception of his immediate surroundings; it does not prove anything much less claim there is some sort of generalized racism prevalent all over the DR. If what he claims is true, then why do Haitians keep flocking to the DR in ever increasing record numbers?

    • @Amariiiiie
      @Amariiiiie 5 месяцев назад +5

      Well, Haitians are fleeing out of Haiti, period. You must know that the corruption in Haiti is horrible. Don’t you? Of course, people are leaving and the DR is the closest country in proximity. Otherwise, Haitians are risking their lives to board little boats to travel to any country they can- countries that have a more stable government. Your question is strange granted the very well-known facts.

    • @guillermone1
      @guillermone1 5 месяцев назад +5

      @@Amariiiiie-STRANGE...???? What is strange about it? There has been an ongoing, non-stop massive influx of Haitians nationals into Dominican territory for as long as I could remember.
      This is not something new or recent phenomenon my friend. It's been going on forever. I would say for at least well over 200 years. The only difference now compared to before is that the pace has increased tenfold. The fact remains unchanged, the DR has been a magnet for Haitian migrants since 1822 and they don't give up trying.
      Why don't you pick up a history book and learn something new, and then we can talk, otherwise keep your mouth shut and judgment to yourself. The only strange thing about this whole mess is that you didn't know, when you should have, which proves that you are clueless.

    • @Amariiiiie
      @Amariiiiie 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@guillermone1 Your words reflect your own assumption and ignorance about me considering that I am VERY knowledgeable about the island’s history being not only Haitian AND Dominican myself, but having done my own studies. Your question remains strange in its *lack of sensitivity* to ongoing political crises in Haiti over the PAST 200 YEARS that cause Haitians to seek refuge outside their own country. You really can’t be serious. Your comment continues to completely ignore the fact that Haitians are popping up on the shores of MANY countries, not just the DR. Why don’t you speak to that or just follow your own presumptuous advice.

    • @guillermone1
      @guillermone1 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@Amariiiiie-First of all being half and half of whatever nationality does not automatically qualify you for graduation. You need to sit in class, take notes, study for the exams and pass.
      Secondly, you took my comment completely out of context, just focused on one single item and disregarded everything else. I am most certain, and it is obvious that the point I have been trying to make went over your head. The issue we are talking about here is "RACISM." If racism were as bad or prevalent as the guy in the video claims, then why do they not only keep coming past, present and future, but also why do they stay for generations and never leave? And let me tell you the answer to that question, it is because racism is not as bad or prevalent as he claims.
      However, your response to explain why Haitians come to the DR is "to seek refuge outside their own country." Yes, true that is MOSTLY true now, but it was not always the case. How about in the past? They came and have continued to arrive all throughout history because things are not as bad in the DR as this guy in the video claims.
      Yes, there is racism in the DR, but it is no different than in any other part of the world, in fact it is rather benign, compared to every place else, most places are far worse. Did you get the point, or do you need me to elaborate further?
      The root cause of the Haitian/Dominican conflicts all throughout history has been and will always be POLITICAL, not racial particularly when you have a massive influx of foreigners invading the country next door while displacing those natives who are poor and less fortunate. Now despite and regardless of race, don't expect Dominicans to be happy about it and welcome Haitians with open arms. However, all the naysayers like yourself love to pull the RACE CARD from under their sleeves, always screaming, "that's because I am black." It's a cheap excuse if you asked me.

    • @Amariiiiie
      @Amariiiiie 5 месяцев назад

      @@guillermone1 First of all, let me help you take your foot out of your mouth. Second of all, calm down. Baseless, snarky comments like yours is why I can’t stand social media and why this will be my last response to you. I made a real point and you continue to scrape for anything you can to make me look “clueless” and it’s sad.
      I watched the video. I’m very clear on what the video was about. My comment was directly addressing your question of WHY Haitians would continue to go to the DR. I answered that question and I reiterate: the DR has a much stabler government in comparison to Haiti. I suppose for your sake I should now elaborate since you believe I’m off topic: The issue of dealing with a racist society *PALES* in comparison to dealing with a corrupt government that makes it difficult for you to find work with liveable wages. Where the government is controlled by greedy people who are not even Haitian and don’t care about the Haitian people- just the money they make from Haiti’s resources. Where you can’t speak your mind or maintain political involvement for the betterment of your country for fear of you and your family being killed. Where you live in fear of your entire community being decimated overnight. Where you can’t trust the police because their hands are dipped in blood. Where gangs have taken over. Where your president will likely get assassinated if he doesn’t stick to the script. Where it’s dangerous to travel through particular zones because you might not return home. Yeah, I will take dealing with someone’s nasty perception of me because I am Haitian over not living in fear for my life and that of my family’s, or be forced to work for pennies for my next meal.
      And YES being half and half does account for something because it gives me PROXIMITY to the experience. My family had to escape from Haiti because they were being hunted down for political reasons. I grew up in not only a Haitian family but a Haitian community, and so I have heard the stories first hand and everything I listed above is from first account stories shared with me. People who lived the trauma. And since you refocused the conversation on the topic of racism among Dominicans, yes I can attest to that as well because of my proximity to the community. The colorism is just as real as the superiority complex over Haitians. My Dominican side has bred out their melanin. Looking at my cousins, you wouldn’t even think they had any black in them. Nobody brings home anyone black or a shade below tan.
      Now you have yourself a better day and try humility next time.

  • @KVPRD
    @KVPRD 5 месяцев назад +4

    Una pregunta. Como es que casi el 100% de una poblacion que es mixta. Que se mezcla con un monton de otras nacionalidades puede ser 100% racista???. El punto mas importante que todos parecen olvidar es los 22 años que nos ocuparon, nos ultrajaron y hasta nos violaron. Y no me mencionen a España porque despues de un tiempo España nos dejo tranquilos. Mientras que Haiti trato 14 veces mas de ocuparnos y todavia muchos Haitianos(no todos) tienen la esperanza de quitarnos nuestra tierra de nuevo. El Dominicano si tiene gente que son racistas, como todo pais, como muchos negros que se odian asi mismo tambien. Pero hay otra cosa que el Dominicano tambien tiene, y es trauma y temor de que se repita la misma historia. Por cierto. Hagan un video de cuantas Haitianas viene a parir a RD, gratis. Y sus hijos reciben educacion gratis con el sudor del los taxes que paga el Dominicano nativo. Si se les trata tan mal, porque no se quieren ir de RD. Le dejo esto de tarea.

    • @Isabe111
      @Isabe111 3 месяца назад +1

      Le dije la ultima parte de tu comentario a una Haitiana, de que los haitianos estan viviendo de gratis en Rep.Dom, que tienen salud y educación gratis, que exigen documentos sin ser Dominicanos, cuando en realidad son Haitianos; y la Haitiana me subio en el trono de racista xenofoba, reclama con dientes y uñas de que los haitianos se lo merecen, que la estabilidad y crecimiento economico de Rep.Dom es gracias al trabajo de los Haitianos, que ellos han trabajo toda su vida en Rep.Dom. cuando se canso me bloqueo, para no recibir mi respuesta.
      La verdad es que Rep.Dom tiene un duro trabajo con esos Haitianos, cómo vamos a sacar a esas personas de Rep.Dom? Cuando en realidad muchos de ellos nacieron en Haiti entraron con 5-7 años a Rep.Dom hoy en dia dicen que son Dominicanos sin serlo.
      Los Haitianos se llenan la boca diciendo que gracias a ellos Rep.Dom es un pais estable economicamente hablando, porque según ellos; creen que construyeron absolutamente todo en Rep.Dom. cuando le preguntos porque no han podido construir su país, que me mencionen el nombre de 5 edificios importante en Rep.Dom construidos por ingenieros Haitianos, el nombre de 5 arquitectos y 5 ingenieros Haitianos; entonces se quedan callados.

    • @KVPRD
      @KVPRD 3 месяца назад

      @@Isabe111 En nuestra constitucion. Solo puede ser Dominicano una persona que nace en RD y por lo menos uno de sus padres es Dominicano. Haiti tiene la misma regla y hasta peor. En su constitucion, nadie que sea blanco puede ser presidente. No hay personas mas racistas en America que el gobierno Haitiano. Que vayan a construir su pais. Quieren cambiar nuestra cultura. En tiktok se ven videos de ellos amenazando con ocuparnos de nuevo. Y que cuando lo hahan, violaran nuestras mujeres. No me lo contaron, lo vi con mis propios ojos. Marcharemos de nuevo en
      Abril 14 junto a La Antigua Orden Dominicana,

    • @rosariofernandez2230
      @rosariofernandez2230 Месяц назад +1

      Excelente respuesta..Mejor de ahi

    • @rosariofernandez2230
      @rosariofernandez2230 Месяц назад


  • @biftif563
    @biftif563 7 месяцев назад +5


  • @erickperez8839
    @erickperez8839 Месяц назад +1

    Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep hiscommandments: for this is the whole duty of man.For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

  • @y.m.505
    @y.m.505 4 месяца назад +5

    Enough reasons for Haitians to set aside their differences and prove to the world, especially those racists Dominicans that they can build a modern and civilized nation. Why is that so difficult Haiti? Why??

    • @SR-pb6wf
      @SR-pb6wf 4 месяца назад

      Haitians are a lost cause. They cant build their country up so they fixate and bad mouth Dominicans to make themselves feel better.

    • @idontfukncareabout
      @idontfukncareabout 4 месяца назад

      Because you don’t have leadership, Haitians leaders don’t respects the population and the population don’t respect the Haitian leadership, everybody wants to be in power, haiti only worked a bit under papa doc regime

    • @GanitisYanitis-Stanopoulos
      @GanitisYanitis-Stanopoulos 2 месяца назад

      Outside meddling haiti has tried multiple times to do such a thing

  • @Isabe111
    @Isabe111 3 месяца назад +4

    Como Dominicana considero que ya no es tiempo de discutir si somos o no somos racista. Es hora de enseñar en las escuelas la historia de REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA como se enseñaba en los 90 que se decia claro que en 1844 nos liberamos del YUGO HAITIANO, de que Francia y España llegaron a un acuerdo de dividir la isla en dos y que el territorio Dominicano no le pertenece a Haiti, si los hijos de los Haitianos no quieren escuchar eso y se sienten mal entonces que se regresen a su país con su sentimentalismo.
    Porque atento a la palabra "RACISTA- RACISMO- XENOFOBIA" nos han amarrado de pies y manos, no han tapado la boca y se nos ha olvidado como fueron esos 22 años de invasión Haitiana que registra la historia Dominicana.

  • @Canadianthinker
    @Canadianthinker Месяц назад

    Haiti, the savior of every Black nation and other countries and peoples, defeated all three major empires at that time: the French, Spanish, and British. Long live the Haitian Revolution! As the Western world calls the famous Haitian army general “the first Black,” he warned the Western world when he was captured that they could eliminate him and crush the Haitian army’s revolution. However, he told them it was too late because the movement was gaining momentum and would arise in other countries and peoples who would continue the fight. Toussaint Louverture’s most famous quote is, “By overthrowing me, you have only cut down the trunk of the tree of liberty; it will spring back because its roots are deep and numerous.” He said others would follow suit because freedom is a basic human right. Although Haiti did not fully reap the benefits of its sacrifices, its fight for freedom benefited other nations and peoples. The Haitian sacrifices were not only for themselves but for others as well. 1804 for life.

  • @ynnasiulrazalas8571
    @ynnasiulrazalas8571 Месяц назад +1

    No dijo nada 😂

  • @user-ob1zo4dw2g
    @user-ob1zo4dw2g 7 часов назад

    bueno hay gente que si lo son, por la forma de hablar y si quieres darte cuenta simpatiza por los haitianos, o mejor dicho a un comentario de bonda hacia elloa mayoria de los dominicanos comenzaran hablar en forma de odio hacia ese grup. has la prueba en un video se youtube y simpatiza por los haitinos y veras una resistencia tremenda

  • @Canadianthinker
    @Canadianthinker Месяц назад

    Dominicans can't be racist against the Haitians, prejudice of course! But racist no! Dominicans ain't no race but ethnicity. The Haitians otherwise belong to the black race, definitely a major advantage for the Haitians and a major disadvantage for the latter.

  • @Canadianthinker
    @Canadianthinker Месяц назад

    The irony of the hateful sentiments of Dominicans towards the Haitian people is rooted in painful memories they endured during the Haitian takeover of the Dominican Republic during the Haitian Revolution era. The question is: why do they hate Haitians when they imitated and copied the Haitian flag colors 🇭🇹🇩🇴, which are in fact the Haitian national identity, but not the yellow flag of their beloved Spain 🇪🇸🇩🇴, the conquistador? They deport the Haitian people but not their flag, hate the Haitian people but adore their flag colors. This is delusion and illusion at its best! It looks like their fight against their identity crisis has affected them more than it has to do with the Haitian people.

      @MrMAIRENEE 23 дня назад

      This are the colors of the French flag and WE DONT care what you all think, mind your business.

    • @Canadianthinker
      @Canadianthinker 22 дня назад

      Haiti, a former French colony, imitated French flag colors 🇫🇷🇭🇹. It’s understandable. The Dominican Republic, a former colony of both Spain and Haiti🇪🇸🇭🇹, chose their beloved Haiti’s colors for their flag instead of Spain’s yellow. 🇭🇹🇩🇴 You can’t knock their obsession with Haiti.

    • @Canadianthinker
      @Canadianthinker 22 дня назад

      Proper terms: These are not ‘this are.’ Stick to Spanish; you can see English ain't your cup of tea!

      @MrMAIRENEE 22 дня назад

      ​@@Canadianthinker France have good relationship with the DR and this are also the Union Jack colors, Great Britain was the First Nation to recognize the DR.

  • @Isabe111
    @Isabe111 3 месяца назад

    Cuánto$ le pagarón a el por e$e comentario?

  • @robluv4592
    @robluv4592 3 месяца назад

    Racista no intelligente si

  • @BronxItalian87
    @BronxItalian87 5 месяцев назад +4

    He shouldn't talk because he has hatian in him, all Dominicans have Haitian blood its one island divided by a broader the Dominican Republic of Haiti 🇩🇴🇭🇹

    • @idontfukncareabout
      @idontfukncareabout 4 месяца назад +5

      That’s the mistake Haitians make, thinking you know Dominican history, only 10% of blacks are from haitian descent, vast majority doesn’t have haitian connection, not even under ocupation Dominican spoke French or creole, we are very different and FYI Santo Domingo habitants are 200 years older than the “Haitians” in the island

    • @BronxItalian87
      @BronxItalian87 4 месяца назад

      @@idontfukncareabout it's one island divided by a broader. Dominicans are black they have African in them but you goves don't claim the African side but Indian side. Makes no sense all you guys have brillo nappy hair.

    • @spellcross07
      @spellcross07 3 месяца назад +3


    • @robluv4592
      @robluv4592 3 месяца назад +2

      Not possible .first Haitians a Taino word that West Africa. Creole speaker call themselves after beating France ...second dominicaN Haiti are nationalities USA census dominicaN not listed with black country's. Or afro Americans list .... Now dominicaN have white blood African blood Taino native Americans blood...the Haitian who are Africans are from west Africa. So if ur saying dominicaN got African so do Puerto Rican Mexican Cubans but there still not black .

    • @KVPRD
      @KVPRD 3 месяца назад +2

      One island, two countries. Haitians are allowing the United Nations, and those big rich countries to take over their resources. And where are the Haitian elite? Where is their diaspora to help them? Everybody is leaving this load to DR. Our poor people are suffering because they have to share the little bit they have with poor Haitians.