Where is the glitch when I run the engine for a while and travel distances, then turn off the engine and when I start it again, it delays in starting until after a while possible? Answer my friend honda cbx
Poor warm starting is one of the hardest problems to diagnose. In my experience this has usually been caused by a fueling issue. Things to check include, vacuum lock in the tank through a blocked breather, air leaks on the inlet side of the carb, blocked pilot jets especially if it is only one or two of them, changed airfilter type or the wrong size jets if the exhaust has been changed as well. I hope this helps you find the probem. Good luck.
Nice job!
Where is the glitch when I run the engine for a while and travel distances, then turn off the engine and when I start it again, it delays in starting until after a while possible? Answer my friend honda cbx
Poor warm starting is one of the hardest problems to diagnose. In my experience this has usually been caused by a fueling issue. Things to check include, vacuum lock in the tank through a blocked breather, air leaks on the inlet side of the carb, blocked pilot jets especially if it is only one or two of them, changed airfilter type or the wrong size jets if the exhaust has been changed as well. I hope this helps you find the probem. Good luck.
The fact that the exhausts are changed, as is the carburetor with holes to enter the air from without the cleaner