Rajab (the best cyber security specialist on the planet) made me watch Dubai Bling, and honestly, it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. The drama, the humor, the over-the-top luxury-absolutely hilarious and addictive!
I think if the producers focus more in showing other side of whealth . More than just drama . The programme will be so good . LO (لجين عمران ) did a very good decission
😂😂😂عنجد المال مش هو كلشي من كل عقلن بيحكو هيك عن هالمواضيع تفاهة مو معقولة
Rajab (the best cyber security specialist on the planet) made me watch Dubai Bling, and honestly, it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. The drama, the humor, the over-the-top luxury-absolutely hilarious and addictive!
I think if the producers focus more in showing other side of whealth . More than just drama . The programme will be so good . LO (لجين عمران ) did a very good decission
هدا موسم مقرف بكل معنىً كلمة صارو فايك متصنعين و كل همهم يدورون مشاكل بصراحة مشان يطلعون تراند و اكسبلور 💩🤧👌🏻
متى ينزل الجزء الثاني من مسلسل كلنا موتى؟؟
دراما بلينغ not dubai
Where is part 2 of Wednesday? You said Wednesday and it has not been released yet. Sorry, forgive me, I do not speak English very well.
ما هذا كل همهم يصيرو مثل الاجانب قرف
ايه القرف ده