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  • @YaronReuvenRabbi
    @YaronReuvenRabbi 2 года назад +24

    1) The Chafetz Chaim Laws of Lashon Hara 4:7-8 says:
    "One is allowed to repeat the wrongdoings of one who was raised in a religious environment and has cast off the yoke of Heaven. The reasoning is simple. If we allow a Rasha to rise up unchecked in our midst and we do not take a stand against the evil, our silence is not counted as righteousness, but as foolishness for allowing a cancer to grow unhindered."
    2) Speaking Lashon Hara About a Heretic
    The prohibition against speaking Lashon Hara applies when spoken about someone who is considered “amitecha”עמיתך (of your people), namely in observance of Torah and mitzvot. However, regarding those who are recognizably “apikorsim” (heretics), it is a mitzvah (fulfillment of a positive commandment) to disparage and shame them, to their face and behind their back, for everything that one witnesses or hears about them. The Torah states (Lev. 25:17 & Lev. 19:16) “One should not wrong his fellow” and “Do not act as a talebearer among your people,” but heretics do not fit under this category for they do not act as “your people.” Therefore, we follow the practice (as taught in Avot D’Rabbi Natan, a work from the Talmudic era), “those who hate you, L-rd, I will hate, and your rebellious ones I will dispute.” An “apikorus” (heretic) is one who denies the laws and prophecies of Israel, whether the Written Law or Oral Law. Even if he says, “All the Torah is true with the exception of one Scriptural verse, kal v’chomer, g’zeira shava, or one grammatical detail,” he is included in this category. ["Kal v’chomer” and "g’zeira shava” are Talmudic terms for two of the logical principles from which we understand many laws.] even intentionally wish to destroy it.
    Source: Chafetz Chaim klal 8 seif 5
    Here are 8 videos that we publicized explaining the Heresy of Manis Friedman and the danger he poses to the Holy Nation of Israel. This includes an all-encompassing overview and quoting of his recent book that was translated to Hebrew as well as showing many clips of his heretical talks that cannot be misrepresented as the heresy speaks for itself time and time again at any lecture of his that you watch.
    1) TORAH Vs Manis Friedman PART 1 w/ SHOCKING FOOTAGEвидео.html
    2) TORAH Vs Manis Friedman PART II (MORE SHOCKING EVIDENCE)видео.html
    3) 16 times Manis Friedman DISTORTED the Torahвидео.html
    4) What Did HaRav Elchanan Wasserman ZT”L Say About Fake Rabbis?видео.html
    5) Manis Friedman EXPOSED Making fun of child molested girl while supporting at least TWO Child Molestorsвидео.html
    6) Manis Friedman: THE PHILOSOPHER DRESSED AS RABBIвидео.html
    7) לא ביקשתי לבא לעולם. הטעות הקשה של הרב מאניס פרידמןвидео.html
    8) כל הטעויות והכפירה שבספר ״לא ביקשתי לבא לעולם״видео.html

    • @danieleprince1200
      @danieleprince1200 2 года назад +8

      What wrongdoing has rabbi Friedman been judge by a Bet Dinh or by your beliefs and opinions?

    • @SuperAnvir
      @SuperAnvir 2 года назад +3

      Thank you Rabbi Rueven with respect you are one of the few who stand up for what is emet.

    • @aidele5757
      @aidele5757 2 года назад +14

      This is not lashon hara, this is motze shem ra! Rabbi manis Friedman is righteous and all his teachings are from the Torah. He may teach a different perspective but just because its not what your used to doesn't mean its wrong. There is mussar and there is chassidus and both are important! Don't bash another rabbi for being a little different

    • @alexandereisen3486
      @alexandereisen3486 Год назад

      Sorry Rabbi, you’ll be burning in hell with the rest of us

    • @michaelsmullen9891
      @michaelsmullen9891 Год назад

      @YaronReuvenRabbi None of this is good, the way to deal with this is that if you believe Rabbi Manis Friedman to be guilty of 'Heresy' you have to petition a Beit Din and he has to be called to give evidence. He cannot and should not be tried in absentia! All this is not helping anything and what you are doing is polarising people. In all this you put a stumbling block before the blind and make people do the exact opposite of what they should be doing. Ha'Shem Is The One True Judge!

  • @yosefbenavraham
    @yosefbenavraham 9 месяцев назад +2

    This is eye-opening. But once you see it, you can't unsee it! Thank you for the truth

  • @avnerstein4776
    @avnerstein4776 Год назад +8

    Rabbi Manis Friedman's point is that we don't need to be anxious about our needs. Rather, we need to ask what's needed of us -- what can we do to serve Hashem and others.

    • @YaronReuvenRabbi
      @YaronReuvenRabbi Год назад +4

      no its not, but we're used to people making up excuses for him when he himself continues to bury himself into new heretical holes. Here are 8 videos that we publicized explaining the Heresy of Manis Friedman and the danger he poses to the Holy Nation of Israel. This includes an all-encompassing overview and quoting of his recent book that was translated to Hebrew as well as showing many clips of his heretical talks that cannot be misrepresented as the heresy speaks for itself time and time again at any lecture of his that you watch.
      1) TORAH Vs Manis Friedman PART 1 w/ SHOCKING FOOTAGEвидео.html
      2) TORAH Vs Manis Friedman PART II (MORE SHOCKING EVIDENCE)видео.html
      3) 16 times Manis Friedman DISTORTED the Torahвидео.html
      4) What Did HaRav Elchanan Wasserman ZT”L Say About Fake Rabbis?видео.html
      5) Manis Friedman EXPOSED Making fun of child molested girl while supporting at least TWO Child Molestorsвидео.html
      6) Manis Friedman: THE PHILOSOPHER DRESSED AS RABBIвидео.html
      7) לא ביקשתי לבא לעולם. הטעות הקשה של הרב מאניס פרידמןвидео.html
      8) כל הטעויות והכפירה שבספר ״לא ביקשתי לבא לעולם״видео.html

    • @avnerstein4776
      @avnerstein4776 Год назад +2

      @YaronReuvenRabbi Are you then objecting to Chabad as well?
      From their site, How to Get in Touch With Your Soul:
      That’s how we connect to it...By asking less, “What do I need?” and asking more, “What am I needed for?”

    • @shhiknopfler3912
      @shhiknopfler3912 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@avnerstein4776 not necessarily.

  • @ShaareiZoharDaas
    @ShaareiZoharDaas Год назад +5

    As a child I used to think" how did the people of the haftorah - prophets even tolerate the evil they were warned of ? Now I know, the same thing so many gilgulim ( if merited) later and history repeats, be the best yid you can despite everyone and everything, my goal since 9.

  • @דורוןפרנקו-ע4ש
    @דורוןפרנקו-ע4ש 2 года назад +8

    Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi thank you so much for letting us know the truth we have to be very careful from those Rabbi's they can lead you straight to Hell if you listen to them and follow they paths they are so dangerous and people must be very careful not to donate to those false Rabbi's and never buy they books thank you so much for warning us may G_D bless you with all the blessings of the Torah.....Amen

  • @larrynathanson9892
    @larrynathanson9892 2 года назад +36

    Rabbi why not debate Rabbi Friedman and let the people decide
    for themselves. The Chabad has brought many Jews back into Judaism because they do not judge. Meanwhile the ultra orthodox from what I understand do not accept conservative or reform Jews as Jews especially American Jews. Let's see how well you do in a debate.

    • @michaelj.weinstein4016
      @michaelj.weinstein4016 2 года назад +11

      The Rabbi loves to criticize others, he's angry and loves to hate. Not a great example of what a Jew is supposed to be

    • @a.c.5509
      @a.c.5509 2 года назад +1

      The biggest tragedy is how he interprets all the Torah he has studied.

    • @aidele5757
      @aidele5757 2 года назад +1

      As far as i know, chabad is ultra orthodox
      A reform jew or conservative jew is still a jew as long as their mother is a jew but not if they converted from non jew to reform. It has to be an orthodox conversion.
      But besides all that, i always love a good debate!

    • @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה
      @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה Год назад

      @@aidele5757 right and all that stuff written about "that soul will be cut from the community" is just garbage... 😆

    • @alextrezvy6889
      @alextrezvy6889 Год назад

      "why not debate" // Also, why not debate with, for example, Zakir Nike. A follower of the so called "fake religion".

  • @dannywhite3328
    @dannywhite3328 Год назад +5

    Finally i found my lovely rabbi, Iam a Greek and i use to watch mani Friedman but i always knew it he doesn’t have the right Torah massage,

  • @aliyah4981
    @aliyah4981 2 года назад +23

    Todah Rabbi Mizrachi for always speaking the Truth and the Truth about TORAH

  • @cryptofitter7539
    @cryptofitter7539 2 года назад +11

    Jealously of others success is a failure of oneself.! Shame on your hate speech...may God help you understand that no mans interpretation is perfect, that is the beuaty of the Torah. You should apologize for your weakness of your personality.

  • @dinos4313
    @dinos4313 2 года назад +19

    Since I have been watching Rabbi Friedman vedios I thought everything I l knew and learned about judaism was wrong. But now watching your vedio I think I am back on the right path, But it's confusing. As a new practicing Jew I pray to Hashem for his guidance . Thank you

    • @etc6190
      @etc6190 Год назад +2

      I am in the same boat. I was also initially influenced by a heretic. Bh i am woke now.

    • @niro6492
      @niro6492 Год назад +1

      How is Manis a heretic I watched some videos and I didn't see what he preaches that goes against the Torah?

    • @andrewfine2576
      @andrewfine2576 Год назад +1

      The satan has full permission to deceive

  • @buchgam
    @buchgam 2 года назад +5

    I I'm very into chabad but once went to a shabbaton with rabbi Friedman and also left with a lot of un answered questions if you make a statement you gotta have the sources in the Torah and this idea of "I wasn't asked to be born" so I have no liability whatsoever is wrong

    • @charleshimes1634
      @charleshimes1634 Год назад +4

      You have correctly pointed out what is lacking in Rabbi Manis Friedman's lectures. It's his lack of the use of Jewish commentary to back up and authenticate what he says. Shlomo Ha Melek said, "There is nothing new under the sun". Rabbi Friedman has many interesting thoughts, but these thoughts are only a form of philosophy without Torah backing and I've seen some that openly dispute the truth of the Torah. Rabbi Friedman appears to believe he has discovered truths of which the Sages were unaware of. The commandment not to add or subtract, he seems to ignore. I am unworthy and too uneducated in Torah wisdom to call him a heretic, but I trust Rabbi Reuven and Rabbi Mizrachi who do appear to follow the Torah correctly. This includes their rebuke of a fellow Jew for the correct reasons (That they are dangerous and could lead others astray) and can't be considered to be labeled lashon hara.

    • @kittyraphael
      @kittyraphael Год назад

      Is Chabbad Kosher in Rabbi Mizrachi's understanding?

    • @michaelsmullen9891
      @michaelsmullen9891 Год назад

      @@charleshimes1634 The commandment not to add or subtract to the Torah is referring to either adding Mitzvot or cancelling Mitzvot.
      The Torah can be interpreted in four different general ways: Peshat, Remez, Drush, and Sod.
      1. Peshat is the simple interpretation of the Torah. When the verse says (Genesis 1:1) that “In the beginning G‑d created the Heaven and Earth,” it means exactly what it seems to mean, in a very literal sense.
      2. Remez is the different hints and allusions which are contained within the Torah. One of the methodologies the Torah employs to make these hints is gematria, the numerical value of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
      3. Drush (or Midrash) expounds upon the deeper meaning of the verse. The Hebrew word for “In the beginning” is bereshit. The midrash tells us that this word can be split into two words-b reshit. The Torah is telling us that the world was created for two (“b”) "reshit"s (“firsts”)-the Jews and the Torah.
      4. Sod (secret) is the esoteric, mystical part of Torah. The Tikkunei Zohar (a book which gives seventy different esoteric explanations for the word bereshit) explains that the word bereshit can also be split into “bara shis” (created [with] six). This is because the world was created through G‑d’s six emotional powers: kindness, severity, beauty, victory, splendor and foundation.
      Within these four methods of understanding Torah, there exist countless possible avenues of understanding!

    • @rachelgrabowiecki770
      @rachelgrabowiecki770 Год назад

      @@charleshimes1634 very well said! Kudos!

  • @gee8883
    @gee8883 2 года назад +15

    I feel that Rabbi Friedman has not reached the level of true Tzadik but he tried his best to understand the modern human condition and he is courageous to delve into problems of young generation.

    • @leowise206
      @leowise206 Год назад +3

      I feel that he though has reached unfortunately the level of a true heretic.

    • @andrewfine2576
      @andrewfine2576 Год назад +1

      A rabbi cannot apply his own feelings no matter how good his intentions. We must stand on Halacha

  • @jasonlipstein6543
    @jasonlipstein6543 2 года назад +29

    Sorry Rav Mizrachi. You have to stop speaking loshon hara without giving contextual proofs. What page of the book does he say you can bring your wife to the beach on Shabbat? Which video does he say that? What’s the exact time code in the video? You might as well be a kofer yourself then.

    • @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה
      @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה 2 года назад +2

      If you would listen as you should, you might have heard that the Rabbi clearly says "That other one of those.." maybe you should listen it again... SLOWLY..

    • @yacovable
      @yacovable 2 года назад +1

      Jason I think that in the case of bringing your wife to the beach on shabat. He is talking about another Rabbi. Not rabbi manis friedman.

    • @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה
      @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה 2 года назад

      @@yacovable of course Rav Mizrachi is talking about other RASHA, !

    • @ThatGuy-sd3zl
      @ThatGuy-sd3zl 2 года назад +1

      The faker that said to take your wife to the beach or go with a prostitute is Dror Cassouto Y”S.

    • @haemeth42
      @haemeth42 Год назад +1

      he was talking about manis, if you heard manis teaching you will understand that Rabbi Mizrachi was right he was just refuting false teaching, like the true prophets who spoke against false prophets.

  • @FightForIzzy
    @FightForIzzy 2 года назад +30

    I did not read R’ Friedman’s book, but I am CONFIDENT r’ mizrahi is either taking what he said ENTIRELY out of context (Dk what the motive would be) OR he just flat out didn’t understand what he was reading.

    • @rachelgrabowiecki770
      @rachelgrabowiecki770 Год назад +3

      confidence is nice my friend, but knowledge is better. so if what you state were true, then you are doing exactly the same thing. you did not read it but can confidently make a claim in what rabbi mizrachi states. you have some reall ruach ha cottage !

    • @eraofthej
      @eraofthej 11 месяцев назад +2

      It’s simple mizrachi has no nuance and therefoe assumes Manis

    • @rachelgrabowiecki770
      @rachelgrabowiecki770 11 месяцев назад

      @@eraofthej you will have a VIP seat next to your Manis, do not worry!

    • @judas8897
      @judas8897 9 месяцев назад +5

      Really ? You really think he doesn't understand what's going on, or taking what he said out of context. You really believe that. If you do, you're one of them like Friedman who condone what he's talking about.

    • @eraofthej
      @eraofthej 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@judas8897 what exactly is the heresy of friedman? Mizrachi like to say extreme things its his brand i dont thuink he rlly thought this one thru

  • @arthurhelmers3234
    @arthurhelmers3234 2 года назад +1

    If you fall asleep and want to wake up on time, did you ask to wake up on time? the answer in this case is yes because I set the alarm clock. So if people ask in a dream that I did not ask to wake up, people in the dream also do not remember that they set the alarm clock to wake up on time.

  • @darkomadjanovic7538
    @darkomadjanovic7538 2 года назад +52

    I am not a jew but I listen rabbi Manis every day, because he provide me great insights. Simple and clear , like all that came from G-d.
    This rabbi just puzzling..
    .. to puzzling you is the nature of my game.. stones said. I agree.
    I think that rabbi Manis is great son of jews. God bless him! ❤️

    • @ruchyreese1168
      @ruchyreese1168 2 года назад +12

      I am a jew and I love him too. Rabbi friedman should be blessed. This is lashn hara and disparaging a Talmid Chacham.

    • @esausjudeannephew6317
      @esausjudeannephew6317 2 года назад +4

      There's nothing wrong with loving Rabbi Manis.... But this gentleman is not making this stuff up. There were two sides to everything and now you're hearing the other side of Rabbi Manis

    • @darkomadjanovic7538
      @darkomadjanovic7538 2 года назад

      @@esausjudeannephew6317 , thanks , my respect to all thinking person, i like to listen them. All religion, all life philosophys. Prefer simplicity, logic and arguments. We are one, mot the same. Love.

    • @darkomadjanovic7538
      @darkomadjanovic7538 2 года назад

      @@m.silverberg hvala na preporuci, budem.

    • @aidele5757
      @aidele5757 2 года назад +3

      Its very easy to take rabbi manis' teachings out of cotext since he says things that seem contradictory and opposite of what we have been taught all our lives, but eventually brings us to a better understanding of what torah is about and is actually not contradicting at all. So really, all those lectures these rabbis are complaining about need to be watched fully

  • @curtistowler8643
    @curtistowler8643 2 года назад +4

    Thank you

  • @thehighlander_91
    @thehighlander_91 2 года назад +5

    Barukh HaShem,

  • @zarander
    @zarander 2 года назад +48

    R. Mizrachi knows how to cut thru the crap like a knife. He says what needs to be said, and those who don't understand will not understand. Those who do, know his voice is holding up the world.

    • @moshkhal2637
      @moshkhal2637 2 года назад +4

      Exactly!!! That’s why I love him!

    • @gideonlapidus8996
      @gideonlapidus8996 2 года назад +3

      Absolutely Truth

    • @moshkhal2637
      @moshkhal2637 2 года назад +1

      @Lela Bass seems like Santa already did his job ! The sample is you! He brainwashed you and many more innocent Jews. 😵‍💫

    • @matisyahup613
      @matisyahup613 2 года назад

      He knows the entire world today is corruption

    • @ThatGuy-sd3zl
      @ThatGuy-sd3zl 2 года назад

      @Lela Bass Neil Degrass is a clown. The most pathetic self proclaimed scientist. He likewise will be the most forgotten among all of them.

  • @moshelevy2716
    @moshelevy2716 9 месяцев назад +1

    רואים השנאה שיש למזרחי הזה...

    • @PascalPeters-h3w
      @PascalPeters-h3w 4 месяца назад

      May HaShem hakadosh baruch hu bless his hate against any heretic like against that santa clause

  • @roarinlion9269
    @roarinlion9269 5 месяцев назад

    In Judaism, the manner in which we discuss and debate ideas is considered almost as important as the ideas themselves. The ethics of speech and the respect owed to every person, especially a fellow Torah scholar, require that disagreements be handled with dignity and respect. Calling someone derogatory names because of a theological disagreement not only harms the personal relationship between the individuals involved but also degrades the sanctity of Torah discourse. Even if you think you can justify it you can’t have a conversation like this in public as it embarrasses all of us.

  • @eraofthej
    @eraofthej 11 месяцев назад +2

    Mizrachi has no concept of nuance and therefore interprets what Friedman says as heresy.

  • @johndoe9826
    @johndoe9826 2 года назад +6

    Look in the mirror...and STOP talking about others. Period.

    • @leowise206
      @leowise206 Год назад

      That is a real John Doe statement. Don't worry be woke.... G-d forbid.

  • @tonygalvin6471
    @tonygalvin6471 Год назад +6

    I've only started listening to Rabbi Manis Friedman, two weeks ago, ( I'm Catholic) he makes sence to me, more than anyone... And I'll continue to hear him...

    • @rachelgrabowiecki770
      @rachelgrabowiecki770 Год назад +1

      whether you follow one fake religion or another, whats the difference...

  • @dovteitz3479
    @dovteitz3479 4 месяца назад

    Rabbi mizrachi. How do you travel to the kosel and all places when you visit israel

  • @amifridman8870
    @amifridman8870 Год назад +3

    לכבוד הרב מזרחי....מפחיד איך אתה משתמש בכח הדיבור. ולחשוב שאתה עושה את רצון השם ,? פירוד ושינאה...קראתי את הספר,...פשוט עם משקפיים אחרות.

  • @paulwintermute1495
    @paulwintermute1495 2 года назад +47

    Honestly disappointed by this lecture. Sounded like a lot of trash talk with very little substance. If you don't like Rabbi Manis Friedman's arguments then fight them with better arguments of your own.

    • @doccarew9103
      @doccarew9103 2 года назад +1

      Why did you listen then?

    • @paulwintermute1495
      @paulwintermute1495 2 года назад +17

      @@doccarew9103 Because I don't chose to live in a bubble. We should consider others opinions even if they don't correspond with our own. I just wish he formulated his arguments better.

    • @annishenko
      @annishenko 2 года назад +15

      Agreed ! He loves pretending to be better than everyone, while all he does is talk against everyone publicly for likes. This is a real Rasha.

    • @rogerandsimonebraverman9788
      @rogerandsimonebraverman9788 2 года назад +11

      Rabbi u better be ready to answer to HaShem for doing g Lashon Hara . Shame on you.

    • @deborahdean8867
      @deborahdean8867 Год назад +3

      It's about Friedman claiming hasheem has no right to judge him because he didnt want to be here, and that hasheem is needy , miserable without humans. Unless that's a lie, that friedman didn't write that, it's totally correct to call it heresy, it misleads people, makes people focus on themselves as if they could intellectually argue with hasheem , instead of getting people to focus on hasheem and the Torah.

  • @inhimwillitrust9762
    @inhimwillitrust9762 2 года назад +4

    As someone who is seriously contemplating in converting to Judaism, this is very confusing. I will pay better attention to whom I listen to next time.

    • @fabu10us
      @fabu10us 2 года назад +2

      Trust your intuition. Look into Manis Friedman's eyes and look at this guy's eyes. Who is speaking truth?

    • @searching1029
      @searching1029 2 года назад +1

      Pay attention to your Bible/Torah and you should be able to have better discernment. As for teachers, they have their own judge. "Chew the hay and spit out the sticks"

    • @igclapp
      @igclapp 2 дня назад

      Which religion are you converting from?

  • @deborahdean8867
    @deborahdean8867 Год назад

    Why do so many here not see that to claim hasheem is a needy being who is unfair because 'we didn't ask to be here' is very wicked. It criticizes hasheem and makes people focus on 'me' rather than hasheem or the Torah. A message like that shows the man knows NOTHING of spiritual matters, the torah, or hasheem. Such an attitude shows he is stick in a very low spiritual level, still focused on the ego and the world. So as long as its true, and he didn't misrepresent the book, it's the right thing to do to warn against it. How could anyone not see the error in calling hasheem needy and unfair?

  • @moshkhal2637
    @moshkhal2637 2 года назад +11

    All true!❤👏👏rebuke with TRUTH.

    • @NikaSun54
      @NikaSun54 11 месяцев назад

      how do you weed out the truth from falsehood ?

  • @zigzag8345
    @zigzag8345 2 года назад +1

    ‭‭Job‬ ‭22:2‬ ‭ «“Can a man be profitable to God, Though he who is wise may be profitable to himself?»

  • @rikib.3444
    @rikib.3444 9 месяцев назад

    Hashem is only upset about himself, there is no one else, only Hashem and the expression of it-self.

  • @rivkaestherkletski4184
    @rivkaestherkletski4184 7 месяцев назад

    What is the title of this book we want to see for ourselves

  • @JeanMarcelino-qr9ju
    @JeanMarcelino-qr9ju 2 месяца назад

    Ruach Hakodesh is in action ❤❤❤❤

  • @yehoshuacirt8645
    @yehoshuacirt8645 8 месяцев назад

    I don't think the book exists. Can someone please find it? Bet you can't.

  • @nomixhaeel
    @nomixhaeel 6 месяцев назад +1

    He thinks Muslim extremists should be our example?! This Rabbi is constantly saying nonsense. Sorry.

  • @thatguy3468
    @thatguy3468 2 года назад +4

    No one breathing now or ever understands the mind of HaShem. All we can do is formulate an opinion.

    • @PascalPeters-h3w
      @PascalPeters-h3w 4 месяца назад

      no. you just wants to ignore the reality, which is talking to you that the righteous have eternal life and the sinner who doesnt repent will be punished forever in hell... If you are willing to accept the only written truth you doesnt need anything else, because you already know that fact very clear...
      Dont come up with nonsense, that no one really would understand that clear warning from HaShem... He didnt talked in chinese to you, but in a language you can fully grasp... The more you deny his words, the greater his punishment for you at the end of time... But if you repent, he is able to forgive you...

  • @eliezerspiegel7664
    @eliezerspiegel7664 2 года назад +24

    So well said and so inspirational Rabbi Mizrachi and Baezras Hashem! We need the truth and nothing less during this very challenging era and you always tell it as it is!

  • @sabaof8
    @sabaof8 2 года назад +2

    Which Manis Friedman book? I can’t find such a book by him.

  • @fabu10us
    @fabu10us 2 года назад +18

    He has so much hate in his heart and he's spreading lies, distorting things another Jew said to make everyone else hateful as well.

    • @andrewfine2576
      @andrewfine2576 2 года назад +3

      No, just the opposite. You are very much lost in this way of thinking. Everything HaShem does is for the best and for the benefit of your soul. Listen to Chazzal not this new modern thought of the one mentioned. His ideas put great doubt in the heart of the nation. This is the mindset of Amalek. His ideas are in contrast to Drvarim, Zohar, proverbs and the list goes on.

    • @ShaareiZoharDaas
      @ShaareiZoharDaas Год назад

      My friend you've been fooled.

  • @michael30817
    @michael30817 2 года назад +14


  • @MrSpencefence
    @MrSpencefence 2 месяца назад

    Maybe inaccurate what was said.
    The maaseh of ‘going to beach,’ as far as i recall, is not mugdar under the category of mitzvot sheHem yehareg veAl yaAvor.

  • @Nathan-oo3jb
    @Nathan-oo3jb 2 года назад +7

    Mizrahi needs doctor

  • @phillyto
    @phillyto Месяц назад

    Would love a debate between the both of you. Such different styles.

  • @moshkhal2637
    @moshkhal2637 2 года назад +11

    Will be cool if rabbi Mizrahi and Santa 🎅 to have a debate.

    • @yehoshuacirt8645
      @yehoshuacirt8645 8 месяцев назад +1

      Watch it. His name is Rav Mannis Freedman. Not Santa. השתגעת.

    • @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה
      @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה 6 месяцев назад

      debating means that you have some repect for the other guy, and in this case there is no bigger clown than that idiot santa claus, the gehinnom that is prepared for him is just like the one yoshke is!

    • @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה
      @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה 6 месяцев назад

      @@yehoshuacirt8645 BAHAHAHAHAHA!!

    • @PascalPeters-h3w
      @PascalPeters-h3w 4 месяца назад

      @@yehoshuacirt8645 So long he speaks lies against HaShem we will call him Santa Clause... He hates the name of HaShem (hakadosh baruch hu)... so we call him Santa Clause...

  • @zeroalcohol
    @zeroalcohol 2 года назад +10

    You’re talking bad about another Jew, you are automatically disqualified

    • @roi3618
      @roi3618 9 месяцев назад +1

      תלמד הלכות לשון הרע ותבין שפה מודבר במצווה, לא באיסור...

  • @petersanmiguel1164
    @petersanmiguel1164 2 года назад

    What do you do when you see a Rabbinic teaching disagrees with the Bible?

  • @mariebarrett7177
    @mariebarrett7177 5 месяцев назад

    I just think this rabbi is misunderstanding mr friedman, god talks too us all in diffrent ways... He speaks some harsh truths does our mr Friedman..
    With respect.💜

  • @meddem1744
    @meddem1744 Год назад

    Wow his hair went grey quickly. How old is he? A year ago he had all black hair?

  • @aaronmints9371
    @aaronmints9371 2 года назад +6

    This is ridiculous rabbi, sound like you have a chip on your shoulder

  • @dslabosky
    @dslabosky 2 года назад +2

    Anger is Avoda Zara

    • @leowise206
      @leowise206 Год назад +3

      Jealousy for the sake of G-d's Name is a Mitzvah!

    • @jazura2
      @jazura2 Год назад +2

      It depends what it is directed against. Every function of a human can be used for good or bad. Anger against injustice or cruelty is a necessary prerequisite for action.

    • @PascalPeters-h3w
      @PascalPeters-h3w 4 месяца назад

      May HaShem bring glory to that anger, which we use to put his enemies (like that Santa) to shame...

  • @aviking1947
    @aviking1947 5 месяцев назад

    There is alot like him spreading foolishness. Thank you Rabbi Reuven and Rabbi Mizrachi.

  • @barryostroff9235
    @barryostroff9235 2 года назад +2

    Nobody is perfect. I know that a person who says he’s a student of the zohar and Forst wear a beard has some explaining to do... Hatslocha

  • @thomasgonzalez9890
    @thomasgonzalez9890 2 года назад +3

    Loshon Hara, this is despicable, and "burn the book" you need help. And the "truth" don't speak like this. This is not teaching.

    • @rachelgrabowiecki770
      @rachelgrabowiecki770 Год назад

      if its not teaching then quote your source!!! Manis Friedman is a heretic and it is a law that we must speak out against Heresy!!!! Now go learn a bit more Torah before you speak!

    • @thomasgonzalez9890
      @thomasgonzalez9890 Год назад

      @rachelgrabowiecki770 "👍👌😊

  • @desta4383
    @desta4383 Год назад +3

    I know rabbi mizrachi can be confrontational and raw, but most of the things he says end up being true.

  • @menachemklein4027
    @menachemklein4027 2 года назад +4

    Yosef Mizrachi sounds like a stereotypical Misnagid

  • @aidele5757
    @aidele5757 2 года назад +2

    But i really wasn't asked to be born! Why is that kefira!??

  • @milkamilosevic9626
    @milkamilosevic9626 2 года назад +14

    This sounds to me like linch on rabbi Manis,this is horryble,horryble,shame on you!!!😔

    • @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה
      @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה 6 месяцев назад

      That is because you are stupid, and that being the case, nobody cares about you! btw kuddos on insulting a Jew!

  • @sherryn39455
    @sherryn39455 3 месяца назад

    I would think that a man of such status disagrees with another rabbi why does he not go talk to him directly and discuss the situation rather than getting on RUclips and slandering the man , what to make himself look better I don’t think God likes that

  • @SuperAnvir
    @SuperAnvir 2 года назад +34

    Rabbi Mizrachi an honest Rabbi that opens our eyes to the darkness of this world.

    • @annishenko
      @annishenko 2 года назад

      Lol Funny !

    • @SuperAnvir
      @SuperAnvir 2 года назад

      @@annishenko it's funny no problem

    • @danieleprince1200
      @danieleprince1200 2 года назад +6

      I prefer rabbis that open my eyes to the light of the world. A Jew is to be a light to the nations and Mizrachi is angry, unforgiving judgemental and not so positive. The darkness is not to be focused on but to be learned from.

    • @annishenko
      @annishenko 2 года назад

      @@danieleprince1200 very well put !

    • @SuperAnvir
      @SuperAnvir 2 года назад

      @@danieleprince1200 define light? he is a Rabbi with good solid words of wisdom to me. I have learned from him that Torah is an antibiotic for our souls etc. It's your opinion then see someone else.

  • @rikib.3444
    @rikib.3444 9 месяцев назад

    Now i understand what happened to JC, fear and pure self-hate, crucified and sold to the gentiles.

  • @swish1onu
    @swish1onu 11 месяцев назад

    After the death if Christ.. a curse was placed on the jews.. according to the New Testament... seems to me the Jews failed to recognize the messiah and have been punished ever since

  • @stinkeye460
    @stinkeye460 10 месяцев назад +1

    I totally disagree with this man.

  • @catvonderahe1836
    @catvonderahe1836 Год назад +1

    You place your self as a judge, not a teacher. And you do come across as jealous.

  • @llaka79
    @llaka79 7 месяцев назад

    My favourite Rabbis are Rabbi Mizarachi, Rabbi Reuven but I disagree on this one I have heard this for over 5 years but I disagree . Context is everything and I think we pick on words and miss the context and message . Yes it’s controversial but I don’t think it’s heretical what Rabbi Friedman says

  • @vc5159
    @vc5159 2 года назад +2

    Maybe read the book, don't lie it's not a good midah

  • @frankandstern8803
    @frankandstern8803 2 года назад +1

    Sees it every minute? Something wrong there. hmmmm. Wrong place, wrong time ?

  • @RobertDiersing-iq6ui
    @RobertDiersing-iq6ui Год назад

    Thank you RABBI MIZRAHI

  • @michaelsmullen9891
    @michaelsmullen9891 Год назад +2

    Salman Rushdie - The Satanic Verses!

  • @stop-terrorists
    @stop-terrorists Год назад +1

    This following answer finishes this this debate once and for all:
    Whatever reasons G-d has unto himself, we're not allowed to speculate. And whatever those reasons are beyond his desire to Chessed, we SHOULD NOT consider it within our human understanding. If you want context, please read Psalms 50. Please look it up for yourself. The secrets of the Master Architect the King of the Universe, belongs to himself and no one else... Unless you think you're more pious than King David, you better back up and know your place! It clearly says in plain text that anyone can read that even if G-d was hungry or thirsty, he would not tell you! What is the reason? Because what ever G-d has as a secret to himself, is part of his glory שְׁכִינָה Šḥīnā, G-d will not share his glory (needs) with another. Is a mere mortal human being going to strip G-d naked to see what's underneath. There is a reason why it's an abomination for a father to see their son naked or their son to see their father naked, and it extends beyond the physical into the metaphysical world. I'll tell you how disgusting it is for people to speculate on what G-d needs... It's like a son trying to draw a picture of their father naked or imagining what their fathers penis looks like or imagining what their father's sexual needs are. It is an immodest act of degradation for any mere mortal human being to speculate what God's needs are. Are there needs or does G-d have needs, is there skin below your father's clothing, you want to take a look... Such filth and vile of immodesty is disgusting. And there is a boiling pit of feces waiting for you if that's the direction you want to go... JCpenny is waiting for you there.

  • @evanoglesby9504
    @evanoglesby9504 Год назад

    Quite the misanthropic streak in the chosen people

  • @arikcarter9209
    @arikcarter9209 Год назад +1

    R. Manis Friedman is not a scholar....he is philosopher and free thinker.....Perhaps liberal compare with Judaic traditions and still more conservative then modernists and lefties... He's teaching is charming some parts of it are showing his love for humanity...... However it is being criticized as aim to destroy jewish life and traditions...... Anything one indyvidual is watching and listening should be processed and reflected upon. Nobody is 100% right about everything.

    • @arikcarter9209
      @arikcarter9209 Год назад

      By the way Rabbi Mizrahi is one of my favourite. Couldnt for some time stop watching he's lectures before going for sleep.

  • @tonycostanzo4276
    @tonycostanzo4276 Год назад

    Well said ,Amen ,

  • @frankandstern8803
    @frankandstern8803 2 года назад +1

    .....Once you drive her to the beach and she gets out and gets her bag and snacks, whatever, Drive away and leave her there. lol

  • @jdub2378
    @jdub2378 2 года назад +1

    What new book?

  • @dcsmith1370
    @dcsmith1370 Год назад +1

    Sorry man. To go the long way to avoid seeing women is not religion, its psychosis.

  • @chayasarahh
    @chayasarahh Год назад +1

    To speak up against ideas that are apikorsis is a mitzvah! I love rabbi mizrahi!

  • @t.mitchell6238
    @t.mitchell6238 2 года назад +9

    Thank you Rabbi Mizrachi.

  • @niro6492
    @niro6492 Год назад

    What is the book about ?

  • @MindofKasper
    @MindofKasper Год назад +1

    God bless tzadik Rabbi mizrahi🎉

  • @moshkhal2637
    @moshkhal2637 2 года назад +1

    Is worth to pay him $400 dlls just to confront him.

  • @yehoshuacirt8645
    @yehoshuacirt8645 8 месяцев назад

    WHAT are you talking about?! Im sorry rabbi. I know rabbi Friedman. You start with hearsay that the rav demanded money. You don't know that. And then you condemn his book. I haven't read the book. I don't know what bothers you in it. I don't believe that he wrote take the wife to the beach.

  • @menachemklein4027
    @menachemklein4027 2 года назад +2

    Stereotypical Misnagid!

  • @saeedyarahmadi9913
    @saeedyarahmadi9913 Год назад +1

    Why this rabbi don't has a bear?is strange.

  • @arrow770
    @arrow770 8 месяцев назад

    You just prove you haven't read the book
    That is why we say don't judge a book by its cover
    I have read this book, and you have distort it to mock this precious Rabbi.
    You have just raised your hand against the Holy Baal Shem Tov and his holy students
    Rabbi Manis is a dedicated student of Lubavitcher Rabbi. He doesn't make things up. Everything in the book are backed up by sources from holy Chasidut books and the Lubavitcher Rabbi
    Go study Chasidut before you talk against it.
    Now, for the meaning of the phrase you have distorted , it means you didn't ask to go down to this world. The only reason you came down to the world is because G-d chose you for a mission to make from this world a dwelling place for G-d
    Now tell me, where is the kefirah here.
    You should ask for forgiveness as you have mocked the rabbi

  • @TheWatersOfTheTorah
    @TheWatersOfTheTorah 2 месяца назад

    Please don’t listen to manis’ teachings, learn real Torah from true chakhamim and right sources

  • @MichaelPortman-b1s
    @MichaelPortman-b1s 3 месяца назад

    This is so pathetic. The Rabbi is an ideologue and needs to tone his message down. It's quite off putting...

  • @yael1077
    @yael1077 2 года назад +26

    Baruch Hashem for Rav Mizrachi protecting neshamot by warning us about heretical speakers.

      @HERETICS_EXPOSED 2 года назад +3

      @Dumas Davy De La Pailleterie you should look up the "holocaust research" playlist on Rabbi Yaron Reuven's channel and watch it.

    • @שלמה-נ1ח
      @שלמה-נ1ח 2 года назад

      Baruch HaShem

  • @williamallen305
    @williamallen305 2 года назад +2


  • @naomi6408
    @naomi6408 2 года назад +8

    We are a nation of saints, an Am Kedoshim!!! How can one of us stand up and pass judgment on another one of us?

    • @PascalPeters-h3w
      @PascalPeters-h3w 4 месяца назад

      did you read what you wrote? What does kedushim means? It means "seperated (from the world and sins)" and to be "holy" and blameless in any case... If a jew isnt seperated from the gojim and from sins and not holy and blameless, like Hakadosh baruch hu has commanded us to be, he ends up as a goj, like that Santa Clause...
      then he can see his "friends" in the hell, which on earth he had denied...

  • @bababoteach8659
    @bababoteach8659 2 года назад +3

    this is disgusting, as are most of the things Rabbi Mizrachi says.

  • @kutyk6011
    @kutyk6011 2 года назад +1

    Y fighting rabies????

  • @MichaelPortman-b1s
    @MichaelPortman-b1s 3 месяца назад

    Give it up's getting old...

  • @ela8083
    @ela8083 2 года назад +3

    So someone needs to do something about Mr. Santa Claus. Is anyone going to do something ?

    • @michael30817
      @michael30817 2 года назад +3


  • @rabbimosesfranciseybushitz5748
    @rabbimosesfranciseybushitz5748 2 года назад +1


  • @ramcohenmagic
    @ramcohenmagic 2 года назад +11

    I’ve never heard anywhere where they say to drive to the beach on Shabbat. I think it’s best to show proof of such things.
    This sounds a bit over exaggerating.
    I think anyone who sees this video can see that you speak in a very exaggerated fashion.
    It’s probably best to bring proof of things that you say about other people (whether its rabbi or yid pashut)
    Because then it just sounds like lashon hará.

    • @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה
      @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה 2 года назад +5

      And you have listened each and everyone of these RASHA's videos...? That sounds a lot like a huge lie to me!!
      And BTW if you pay attention, you might understand that the the Rabbi clearly says that is "another one of these Rashaim" not that garbage friedman!

    • @joelkestenbaum6465
      @joelkestenbaum6465 2 года назадвидео.html

    • @joelkestenbaum6465
      @joelkestenbaum6465 2 года назад

      He was referring to another clown. This one has a beard. But then again... so does the donkey. He wears a sombrero. He looks kosher. Has a beard longer than the exile but he's a cancer. The 11th blessing in the Amidah that Jews pray 3 times a day, hopefully with kavana is to ask HaShem to uproot these heretics from the world.

    • @joelkestenbaum6465
      @joelkestenbaum6465 2 года назад +2

      Someone like this (a person without Yiras Shamayim) you can't be in a room alone with them. They don't have fear of heaven! Those who go against ChaZaL will go to Tzoah Rotachat for eternity. Theres worse things than Gehinnom though....

    • @ramcohenmagic
      @ramcohenmagic 2 года назад +2

      First things first- Clearly I haven’t heard all the videos if im saying “I’ve never heard anywhere where they say to drive to the beach on Shabbat”
      So yes you are right, I haven’t watch all the videos…nor have I claimed I did.
      Second- I never specified on Rabbi Friedman, I said; “they”
      Third- it isn’t wrong at all to ask for proof of an accusation
      Im sure if someone said things about Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi
      You would say “where’s the proof”
      (And you would have the rights to)
      It is a very healthy and Jewish way of thinking to want to get to the truth
      Instead of just listening to people calling other people “Santa”
      But again, *clearly* you HAVE seen this video of someone poskin driving to the beach on Shabbat
      I’m more than happy that you show me this video :)
      ישר כוח

  • @vilrugan
    @vilrugan 2 года назад +1

    Can anyone confirm weather Rabbi Mannis is a freemason or not?

    @PRIMARYATIAS 9 месяцев назад

    הרב המגולח חחח

  • @jetdeleon
    @jetdeleon 2 года назад

    Is Judaism divided?

    • @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה
      @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה 2 года назад +1

      No, it is not, there have always been Rashaim... Just this time chabad supports them and have a huge audience

    • @jetdeleon
      @jetdeleon 2 года назад

      @@ברוךאברהםאורןמערה -
      I’m new to the word Rashaim…. My Google search yields conflicting definitions

    • @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה
      @ברוךאברהםאורןמערה 2 года назад

      @@jetdeleon A Rashah is a wicked individual that is against Torah, against Judaism, and against Rabbanim רשה

    • @malka2851
      @malka2851 2 года назад

      @@jetdeleon Rashaim is Hebrew for "evil doers".

    • @malka2851
      @malka2851 2 года назад +3

      Jews are sadly divided but there is only one Torah. Problem is that many Jews want to interpret the word of God to their liking as opposed to trying to do what God wants from us.

  • @lekishbear
    @lekishbear 2 года назад +1

    Welcome to the fight of chasidim and misnagdim....