Please do not feel sorry enjoying mass tourism. Ask for help, ask new partnerships, that lake is so gorgeous, what about nice Chinese backups? Floating platform for new bungalow facilities, roads and even concert areas, let them gifted architects work for Salzburg and find solutions, it's too beautiful to be dropped, no tourists should skip it because too crowded, think about it, fans are always here to encourage you the best we can. ❤🎉❤
Super danke, bis bald. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
A guten Appetit
Please do not feel sorry enjoying mass tourism. Ask for help, ask new partnerships, that lake is so gorgeous, what about nice Chinese backups? Floating platform for new bungalow facilities, roads and even concert areas, let them gifted architects work for Salzburg and find solutions, it's too beautiful to be dropped, no tourists should skip it because too crowded, think about it, fans are always here to encourage you the best we can. ❤🎉❤