Actually in Sabah, Malaysia we have a way of pickling vegetables and the method is more or less the same but using local vegetables. The method is not as complicated as making kimchi. We also have a way to pickle fish or shrimp known as "Bosou" which can last for months or a year by placing it in the refrigerator after being left at room temperature for 2 weeks or a month.
I love this way of making kimchi and this is definitely the best and tastiest kimchi ever made. The combination of cabbage with other ingredients as well as the addition of shrimp and fish will add a more umami flavor and aroma in kimchi.
이 할머니 손맛이 입맛돋구네
김장이 맛이 없을수가 없겠어요. 잘 배웠습니다.
보통일이 아님 절이고싰는게ㅜㅜ
맛있겠어요 절임배추 주문해서 먹는데 예전 엄마맛이 안나네요
멸치 진국이 김장의 신의힌수
같에요 진짜 맛있겠어요.
어머나 김장 맛있겠어요
좀 파시면 안될까요😂
ㅎㅎ 감사합니다
정성이 가득❤
Actually in Sabah, Malaysia we have a way of pickling vegetables and the method is more or less the same but using local vegetables. The method is not as complicated as making kimchi. We also have a way to pickle fish or shrimp known as "Bosou" which can last for months or a year by placing it in the refrigerator after being left at room temperature for 2 weeks or a month.
이야 저걸 다 다져서 넣다니요ㅜ 넘일이 많으시네요
생새우 저거 넣는게 맛있엉ᆢ
해보시면 그리 힘든 것이 아닌 걸 아실거예요~~
I love this way of making kimchi and this is definitely the best and tastiest kimchi ever made. The combination of cabbage with other ingredients as well as the addition of shrimp and fish will add a more umami flavor and aroma in kimchi.
You seem to like kimchi ^^. I'm proud that foreigners are so interested in Korean food. 😊
김치냉장고에 넣는것과
항아리에 담는것의 차이점이
너무 궁금해요.
옛방식대로 하는게 존경
요즈에도 항아리에 담네요. 금방 시어지지 않나요. 다 먹을때까지 항아리에 보관하는지 궁금하네요. 맛도.
님은 어떻게
절이 시나요