BMAX Y11 Plus Review - 11th Gen N5100 Spec Bump is It Worth $319?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 91

  • @Gustavo_St
    @Gustavo_St 2 года назад +2

    I own the previous version, the BMAX Y11 (not plus) with Celeron 4120, and I'm considering this processor upgrade, which brings around 50% single core improvement. This product should be analyzed from the point of view of its price point and intended use. It is by no means a gaming device, there is no point in even trying. What it is good at is (i) being extremely portable (ii) being fan-less (iii) having a very nice Full HD IPS touch screen display (iv) being a convertible which you can use as a tablet, specially considering how small it is, and (v) doing all this for a really modest price. The camera position is bad when using as a laptop, but since it is a convertible, you can flip the device around for a call. The non laminated screen is not bad at all, and I wouldn't even notice if not mentioned here. The keyboard typing is excellent for the size. This is a device meant for light Word/Excel/Powerpoint use, web browsing and checking emails. For that tasks, it is an excellent device. The battery is small, but you can use Windows in battery saver mode (less performance, still good for the tasks I described), and have about 2x the battery life. Another great point is that you charge it with USB Type C universal chargers, so you don't have to carry any proprietary chargers around. It may even charge from a smartphone charger.

    • @felipevejarano9483
      @felipevejarano9483 Год назад +1

      All of this is meaningless when paired with an equally cheap battery that will be unusable after 1 year 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @Latchfpv
    @Latchfpv 3 года назад +5

    Thanks for getting this review out Chris. I've been waiting for it to be honest. Kept seeing some interesting deals on the Bmax Y11 but I wasn't sure how it'd stack up. Hearing that they are still using the same design as the past few years is a real bummer though. I was hoping for something a tad more up to date. I guess I'll hold off a bit longer for something perhaps a bit better in 2022. I don't even use these as main drivers or so, I'm just a bit obsessed with finding a cheap and moderately powerful laptop so I can mess about with old games and emulation...

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад +1

      Chuwi Larkbook pro or the new Chuwi Freebook I think is the way to go so far, but they aren't perfect. My pick is the Larkbook X so far, Chuwi has stepped up the build quality recently. And they still go with very good screens for the price.

  • @SaadKidwai
    @SaadKidwai 3 года назад +8

    Happy New Year Chris! I hope you and your family had an awesome New Years! Will now watch the review, which I know for sure will be awesome! 😁

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад +1

      Thanks. Happy New Years to you!

  • @jiman6545
    @jiman6545 2 года назад +1

    I bought it already thanks for the review it is not the best but itll do for now

  • @EdwinPohan
    @EdwinPohan 3 года назад +3

    This will probably take a while before budget devices truly becomes a no compromise machine. At least the budget machines keep coming so I hope there will be more to come.

    • @TheAaronJP
      @TheAaronJP 3 года назад +2

      I agree. Budget laptops are getting there slowly but just not as fast as the mobile phone industry. I've been fascinated by the performance of ryzen based laptops as a casual gamer on a laptop. Which device are you using at the moment? I'm using the Lenovo Ideapad 5. Bought it second hand for £220 with a ryzen 3 chipset.

    • @EdwinPohan
      @EdwinPohan 3 года назад +1

      @@TheAaronJP Currently using Surface Pro 3 that’s turning seven years. Would love to have this machine in Ryzen but sadly the closest to having Ryzen on Surface computer is the Surface Laptop.

    • @TheAaronJP
      @TheAaronJP 3 года назад +1

      @@EdwinPohan I was looking at the surface pro 4 recently as it was similar price to the go version. Would you recommend the surface?

    • @EdwinPohan
      @EdwinPohan 3 года назад +1

      @@TheAaronJP As long as you’re just looking for decent productivity tasks (not heavy workload), it should work nicely for several years. Though Surface Pro 4 is kinda old by now, not sure how many more years it will survive from now.

  • @asdbef3667
    @asdbef3667 3 года назад +9

    I am shocked at battery life
    I had almost same laptop with 768p display...4 years ago
    N3710 cpu..8 gb a backup of 7-9 hours..with 32 Whr battery

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад +3

      I expected about 5 hours at least like the previous version but for some reason it’s a lot less maybe due to my screen brightness. The only way to get that kinda battery life would be only watching a video, lowest brightness and in flight mode even then I doubt it.

  • @memeranglaut
    @memeranglaut 3 года назад

    Thanks for the review Chris. It is sad that not much difference between this and the Y11. I still like the form factor - but yeah the screen is dated for 2022. I do understand about the bezel tho - if you want to hold it like a PADD it will not affect the screen. But I think I can use my current Y11 for a few more years then.

  • @TheAaronJP
    @TheAaronJP 3 года назад +6

    Thanks for saving me from buying this laptop. I will go with the ipad that is similarly priced. I was hoping for a small portable laptop to read eBooks and draw but this is not it.

    • @jamesbaskerville9800
      @jamesbaskerville9800 3 года назад

      What iPad is "similarly priced"?!?!

    • @TheAaronJP
      @TheAaronJP 3 года назад

      @@jamesbaskerville9800 im in the UK. My girlfriend bought the basic ipad 2020 version for £299 on Black Friday. The bmax is not far off the ipad price as I'd have to import the bmax from China from my research. This comes with import fees and taxes. What do you think?

    • @jamesbaskerville9800
      @jamesbaskerville9800 3 года назад +1

      @@TheAaronJP If you are hit with fees then yes, it will cost a lot more. I'm sure the iPad is immensely faster but you are stuck with mobile apps and no keyboard as standard.

    • @TheAaronJP
      @TheAaronJP 3 года назад +1

      @@jamesbaskerville9800 that's exactly why I'd love a small touchscreen laptop like this. I occasionally DJ and the ios app equivalent is not very user friendly. The whole apple infrastructure is just so pricey as well.

  • @TheNewBloodDan
    @TheNewBloodDan 3 года назад +1

    I'm glad I saw this before buying it. The non laminated screen is a deal breaker... I was really looking for an upgraded version from the original y11 but that screen being non laminated I find to be a downgrade.

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад +1

      Yes sadly it has about a 0.5 mm gap and even the new Chuwi Freebook has a non laminated 0.5 mm or so gap it’s not so noticeable but being fully laminated optically bonded would be better.

    • @TheNewBloodDan
      @TheNewBloodDan 3 года назад

      @@Techtablets I find it strange the previous y11 has a laminated screen...

  • @aarongon66
    @aarongon66 3 года назад

    Happy New Year, to you and your family.... 💕🥳👍

  • @syarilaldi3422
    @syarilaldi3422 3 года назад

    Happy new year Chris

  • @h4n33n
    @h4n33n 2 года назад +3

    Ah.. I wish I waited a few more days before ordering it. Was hoping to find a video review for it first, but I just needed a tiny laptop/windows tablet and the price tag and specs were tempting.. I ordered it a little over 2 weeks ago, and it just arrived. I really like it, for now, I don't mind the camera or the near invisible letters on the keyboard (and the size is OK for my tiny hands). If you got to open its back cover, do you think it would be possible to upgrade it? Is the RAM upgradeable at all?
    And the battery.... I thought that 7000mah was pretty decent, but it gives me an estimate of 3.5 hours, on power save mode 😖

  • @apterousgargoyle
    @apterousgargoyle 3 года назад

    Hey, Chris. Happy New Year! Give us more phone reviews, please!

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад +1

      Some will be coming in a few weeks I bought the Xiaomi 12 and 12 Pro. And plan to buy the Galaxy S22

  • @Barnir6
    @Barnir6 3 года назад +2

    i'm looking into replacing my Samsung Ativ 700T, any new but not hard on wallet option? Tablet mode and pen support is something i need

  • @pxKappa
    @pxKappa 3 года назад +4

    good thing i waited for this to be available... now i'll wait for the freebook! 😅

    • @TheAaronJP
      @TheAaronJP 3 года назад +1

      Yeah same here. I was close to buying it after seeing the specs for the price. Such a shame but its a step in the right direction for budget laptops.

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад +1

      Freebook review I’m working on right now it’s much better. Better screen but also not fully laminated and much better keyboard. The RAM is in dual channel to. It feels quicker.

  • @Mervin23
    @Mervin23 3 года назад +2

    Do budget tablets and happy new year

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад +2

      I might cover the new Teclast T40 Pro if they send me it!

    • @gorebish7950
      @gorebish7950 3 года назад

      @@Techtablets what!! a new teclast tablet⁉

  • @ianpearson8976
    @ianpearson8976 2 года назад

    the big problem with all these units from china is that the basic chipset from intel basicaly a rehashed newer version of intel atom has no power to do anything.high levels of ram wont cover for this.

  • @TheBadFred
    @TheBadFred 3 года назад +1

    New Zealand is so expensive. I am just trying to get my residency.

  • @pinkipromise
    @pinkipromise 3 года назад

    do you have evoo laptop on amazon where you live? pretty cheap for the specs, just costs a little more but worth it for the graphics card

  • @alihejazi2060
    @alihejazi2060 3 года назад +1

    Thanks Chris for this review, geee this thing belongs to 2010 😂

  • @zxzxZx-ow8ul
    @zxzxZx-ow8ul 2 года назад

    hellooo wich of thes are no 1

  • @P4C800d
    @P4C800d 2 года назад

    How did I miss this review? :/
    Bought this one, not very happy. Performance is ok for this price, but keyboard and touchpad are terrible. My unit loses many keystrokes both plugged and unplugged. Audio is good, lcd bleeds backlight like it's dying but luckily during use it is hardly noticeable.

    • @blackdiamond3112
      @blackdiamond3112 2 года назад

      Does it lag?

    • @P4C800d
      @P4C800d 2 года назад

      @@blackdiamond3112 It does. As a benchmark: opening the Start menu (with the default set of icons) is never smooth, it always loses a few frames. Max performance mode helps a bit, but if there's something runnin in the background (eg: an update, as it happens often with Windows) you're out of luck.

  • @xstationbr
    @xstationbr Год назад

    Good morning. Anyone knows where can i buy Keyboard "my is with button A stucked" and dont know what SSD is compatible, my is second hand and i buy NVME M.2 256GB and wasnt working , my nvme is type "key B+E" i try with "key M NGFF" and dont works. Cause my is second hand and dont came with ssd i dont know exactly version works with it. Thanks in advance. If possible link where can i buy an KEYBOARD ar least. I am using win to go windows 11 from usb c otg hub and ssd 480gb in an usb 3.0 case. I soffring lol.

  • @jpe1701
    @jpe1701 Год назад

    Thanks Chris. Does B-max make an active stylus for this?

  • @gadgetman1588
    @gadgetman1588 2 года назад

    When can we expect a review of Chuwi Minibook X ?

  • @watchman835
    @watchman835 2 года назад

    It is a good machine for my son in high school.

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад +1

      No really these are low grade, low end PCs. GO for something a little more powerful and with a more known brand like Dell, Acer, HP, MSI, ASUS etc

    @CESAR_H_ARIAS 3 года назад +1

    Happy new year, but for 150+ you could get a Ryzen 5 5500u hp or Lenovo laptop.

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад

      Exactly that’s a better move!

  • @krislawworldwide
    @krislawworldwide 3 года назад

    Review Machenike please.

  • @RennyChuggs
    @RennyChuggs 3 года назад

    are you getting the xiaomi 12 phones in soon?

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад +1

      I hope as I bought the 12 Pro but it has not shipped yet.

    • @RennyChuggs
      @RennyChuggs 3 года назад

      @@Techtablets Thanks! I am excited for your first look & review, looking to get the 12 pro or the 11 ultra as i refuse to use samsung with exynos!

  • @idawozaza6304
    @idawozaza6304 Год назад

    What is your real opinion of the laptop in the Chinese private

  • @themadatheist1976
    @themadatheist1976 3 года назад +1

    Micro USB as a USB port!? For a host device, are they thinking to use a micro USB hub or to charge it? Weird!

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад +3

      Yes waste of time it should have had a usb A and type c. Who wants micro USB 2.0 in 2022?? 🤦‍♂️

  • @carpediem7654
    @carpediem7654 3 года назад +4

    Outdated on arrival.

  • @bryanoler7487
    @bryanoler7487 2 года назад

    Is this shop reliable

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад +1

      Banggood is been buying tech off them for years no issues.

  • @maxtorsumitomo6249
    @maxtorsumitomo6249 3 года назад +1

    good review but bad product. so i had to give the video a like!

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад

      Thanks yes sadly not a product I would go for.

  • @orhanzr2775
    @orhanzr2775 3 года назад +1

    Why do i always hear ''Sauron'' when you say ''Celeron'' and im like wtf this can't be right 😁😂

    • @GTcroove
      @GTcroove 3 года назад +2

      ikr? Well I can understand what he says so it's fine I guess lel

  • @Placebo6
    @Placebo6 2 года назад

    Perfect for excel and browsing in the car or plane...

  • @JamesSmith-rf8wo
    @JamesSmith-rf8wo 3 года назад

    What’s the point of checking NTSC color space? Modern displays and graphic chipsets don’t use it.

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад +1

      Adobe, sRGB and others were shown didn’t you see that? My Spyder X measures those and NTSC.

  • @AdamWrighter
    @AdamWrighter 3 года назад

    the fucking chin on that display, oh my god. pathetic that they didn't use a 16:10 display

  • @HallonRubus
    @HallonRubus 2 года назад

    That microphone sounded worse than my €1 bluetooth headset

  • @Ertoma
    @Ertoma 3 года назад

    Why gaming performance is worst than n4120 model?

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад +1

      I’m not sure I think the power limit is to blame here. A lot of the N4120 later ran 8W or 10W allowing for higher gpu turbos

  • @edensheiko
    @edensheiko 2 года назад +1

    Linux on that will be grate

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад

      Yes if you can get everything to work, touchscreen drivers might be an issue.

  • @TheBadFred
    @TheBadFred 3 года назад +1

    Jesus, 22000 Kiwi$ for a 10 year old car?

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад

      Oh yeah that’s a complete rip off

  • @nhansgoofyvideos7581
    @nhansgoofyvideos7581 3 года назад

    I don't know why it's 2022 and it's still Single Channel🙄

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад

      The new Chuwi Free book is dual channel at least!

  • @RinoAP
    @RinoAP 3 года назад

    Sounds like whether your house or the laptop has grounding problem affected keyboard. Most likely the laptop (esp. on USB-C) because you didn't have problem with DC charging
    Also, sounds like the most expensive thing in this laptop is the display touchscreen hahaha

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад

      Yes seems to be something with of charging affects it now now the damn touch screen has failed on me. Factory reset and it still doesn’t work.

  • @EmergencyChannel
    @EmergencyChannel 3 года назад +2

    Seems like a decent product for $319. Inflation has really killed the US Dollar.

    • @mavfan1
      @mavfan1 3 года назад

      “Killed”? 🙄

    • @EmergencyChannel
      @EmergencyChannel 3 года назад

      @@mavfan1 Lost 20% of it's value in a year, killed.

  • @giuseppecadura827
    @giuseppecadura827 2 года назад

    It's single channel laptop, I don't recommend

  • @AndreJohnCruz
    @AndreJohnCruz 2 года назад

    non laminated screen. ok skip

  • @Wfmike
    @Wfmike 3 года назад +1

    It looks like a Teclast F5 clone

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  3 года назад

      Same ODM so yes the same laptop basically

  • @bobsagget823
    @bobsagget823 3 года назад

    e waste