Arizona News2.mp4

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • So it begins. Arizona's "papers please" law isn't even in force yet, and already people are being arrested for not carrying their birth certificates.

Комментарии • 25

  • @gonzalesjc
    @gonzalesjc 14 лет назад

    Wow, this left me completely speechless this morning. This is America...laws like this is not what this country is about, nor is it what this country was built on. As a US citizen I find this appalling. This country was founded on immigration. For them to base this law due to economic strain is just an excuse to racially marginalize Latinos. Every other state in the union makes it work without it having to come to this.
    An Embarrassed American Citizen
    Los Angeles, CA

  • @worldsailor128
    @worldsailor128 14 лет назад

    It is "fair" for the police to check the papers of every foreigner in USA, just like
    EVERY OTHER COUNTRY in the world does. Including Mexico.
    In the AZ law, a commercial licence is not listed as checking citizenship, AZ lic or ID does. If he wants to avoid being investigated in the future, get a AZ Lic. This automaticly shows citizenship.

  • @freakadeaky
    @freakadeaky 14 лет назад

    I hope he sues the SHIT out of those cops.

  • @iammetx
    @iammetx 14 лет назад

    @WetWalnuts Amen! Many continue to insist that this law is good because illegal is illegal, and I agree, but they fail to understand that it is also illegal to violate the rights of those who are here legally. Are our rights really worth giving up in the name of security? I would hope not because some day John Doe may not feel secure around you and you will become the next target. The constitution is something we must protect dearly.

  • @kihiu
    @kihiu 14 лет назад

    Well done Arizona, well done! It seems SB1070 is working just fine and flawless probably just as expected!

  • @hatfisc
    @hatfisc 14 лет назад

    @babygrl0811 You shouldn't be worried about an immigration bill. You should be more concerned with teenage illiteracy.

  • @Ezzequiel2517
    @Ezzequiel2517 14 лет назад

    Halt!! Papieren, bitte...

  • @worldsailor128
    @worldsailor128 14 лет назад

    All he had to do was show a AZ drivers licence, End of issue.
    He also needs to learn english, I have a hard time believing he was born in USA.
    If he does not like it, I will gladly take his job.

  • @kihiu
    @kihiu 14 лет назад

    @worldsailor128 You're very right, it's not in effect, but I guess the cops don't know it yet! Also, why did they request for a birth certificate? Why did they release him later with no charge, if indeed he had refused to comply, seems like by your logic, this guy did commit a crime and should have been charged or thrown in jail!

  • @worldsailor128
    @worldsailor128 14 лет назад

    HELLO! It is not in effect for another 90 days plus!

  • @hotochan
    @hotochan 14 лет назад

    wow last time i checked you had to have had the correct documents to get a driver's license in the first place. it's a bit ridiculous that he had a driver's license but yet they still detained him. then people wonder why we say this new law is racist.

  • @worldsailor128
    @worldsailor128 14 лет назад

    Then how about you fight to have CA require citizenship for a drivers lic.
    End of all problems for US citizens.
    Just the begining for foreign felons

  • @cncoco2012
    @cncoco2012 14 лет назад

    @Andrialonso haha plus sheriff Joe and Russle Pierce, i live in AZ and I've read the bill it says that if a cop does not enforce the new law WHEN it goes into effect they cud get sued, thats just not right and oh yeah the state exempts itself so you can't sue the state. oh and he shud sue the cops who did that to him because the law has not gone into effect yet, it goes on July 29 :(

  • @worldsailor128
    @worldsailor128 14 лет назад

    @ClimbSpec You are NOT required to carry Birth cert. ONLY a AZ drivers licence or ID. Read the law. your "papers please" lies are just fear mongering

  • @maxluxur
    @maxluxur 14 лет назад

    @edllamas My Bad

  • @eaquino1265
    @eaquino1265 14 лет назад

    @worldsailor128 he did...he showed his arizona commercial driver's license...and he does not need to learn english, he seems to be getting by in life with his english skills. he shouldn't have to learn it just to avoid getting arrested.. let's say you got arrested for the way you look or talk. do you think that's fair?

  • @Ojokernegro
    @Ojokernegro 14 лет назад

    @sjoara okay, okay fine! Americans do know what they want.

  • @Ojokernegro
    @Ojokernegro 14 лет назад

    And you are the same people that were complaining about government intervention...americans don't know what they want.

  • @imagemenow
    @imagemenow 14 лет назад

    this is messed up.

  • @kihiu
    @kihiu 14 лет назад

    @worldsailor128 Do you also tell Native Americans to learn English!? I understood every word that he said, so am guessing he can communicate in English, coz I sure don't speak or understand Spanish. His English is of course not as perfect as British English as you would like him to, but then again show me an American who can speak Royal Queen's English, very few if any! So I guess anyone who doesn't speak English to your level of understanding whether natural born or not, should be deported!